Public Meeting Schedule

November 8 - 9, 2017
National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Room E-2030

Public visitors must arrange for a visitor's badge in advance by emailing with your name and organizational affiliation. NSF has tightened its security procedures. Visitors must bring a photo. i.d. and allow an extra 15 minutes to gain entry to the building.

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National Science Board Meeting (#453)
National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Plenary Open

Room E-2030

8:30 — 9:00 AM

Strategy Committee Open

Room E-2030

9:00 — 10:30 AM

Awards & Facilities Committee Open

Room E-2030

10:45 — 11:45 AM

Oversight Committee Open

Room E-2030

1:00 — 2:00 PM

Strategy Committee Closed

Room E-2030

2:00 — 2:45 PM

Awards & Facilities Committee Closed

Room E-2030

3:00 — 4:30 PM

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Science & Engineering Policy Committee Open

Room E-2030

8:00 — 9:00 AM

External Engagement Committee Open

Room E-2030

9:00 — 10:00 AM

Plenary Closed

Room E-2030

10:15 — 10:30 AM

Executive Plenary Closed

Room E-2030

10:30 — 11:30 AM

Plenary Open

Room E-2030

11:30 AM — 12:00 PM

Plenary Open

Room E-2030

1:00 — 2:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned