Committee on Strategy (CS)

Committee Members

Chair: Roger Beachy
Vice Chair: Marvi Ann Matos Rodriguez

Melvyn Huff
Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Alondra Nelson
Sarah O’Donnell
Ryan Panchadsaram
Merlin Theodore
Wanda Ward
Heather Wilson

Executive Secretary:
NSBO Staff: Elise Lipkowitz
Michelle McCrackin



The Committee on Strategy is established to:

  1. Provide a forum for developing the Board’s strategic discussions of NSF’s budget, programs, organization structure and agency vision;
  2. Make recommendations to the Board on annual Budget Requests and quadrennial Strategic Plans; and
  3. Provide strategic guidance to the Board on NSF’s programs.

In fulfilling this charge, the Committee will help address the Board’s responsibilities to:

  • Consult with the Director on the “formulation of programs” 1
  • Consult with the Director on NSF’s organizational structure;2
  • Approve NSF’s quadrennial Strategic Plan; and
  • Approve NSF’s annual Budget Request submission to OMB.

The Committee is expected to:

  • Engage in generative discussions about the future of research and education in science and engineering;
  • Collaborate with NSF to ensure development of forward looking strategy and priorities;
  • Engage with NSF staff at all stages of budget request formulation to ensure that investments, including the MREFC account, align with and support NSF’s strategic priorities;
  • Work with NSF staff on Strategic Plan development and implementation, including maintaining awareness of strategic reviews and their outcomes;
  • Ensure that NSF’s strategy and investment priorities incorporate input from the scientific community, Congress, and the Administration;
  • Recommend budgets and strategic plans to the Board for approval;
  • Provide guidance on NSF’s programs, including education and Foundation-wide programs, through portfolio reviews, decadal surveys and other mechanisms;
  • Recommend to the Board NSF policies within the Committee’s purview (e.g., budget request formulation, strategic plan development); and
  • Consult with the Director, as requested, on NSF’s organizational structure.

1 42 USC 16 §1864 (d)

2 42 USC 16 §1866



*Members of the National Science Board whose terms have recently expired, temporarily serving as consultants to the Board.