The Committee on Science and Engineering Indicators (SEI) oversees the preparation, review and distribution of the statutory biennial report, Science and Engineering Indicators (Indicators). The committee offers guidance on content, organization, and presentation of data in the Indicators report, the Digest of Key Science and Engineering Indicators, companion documents to Indicators, and other related products. The committee ensures this suite of products addresses important and timely national policy issues across the federal government and in the U.S. science and engineering community.
Chair: | Dr. Geraldine Richmond |
Members: |
Dr. Arthur Bienenstock |
Executive Secretaries: | Dr. Nirmala Kannankutty Dr. Beethika Khan |
NSBO Liaison: | Dr. Matthew Wilson Dr. Reba Bandyopadhyay |
The Science and Engineering Indicators Committee oversees the preparation, review and distribution of the biennial report, Science and Engineering Indicators (Indicators), authorized by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1863 (j)(1)):
The Board shall render to the President and the Congress no later than January 15 of each even numbered year, a report on indicators of the state of science and engineering in the United States.
The Committee offers guidance on content, organization, and presentation of data in the Indicators biennial report, the Digest of Key Science and Engineering Indicators, and other related products; ensures that the Indicators report addresses national issues that concern stakeholders in the Federal Government and the U.S. science and engineering community; and keeps the Board informed on trends and other data with significant policy implications identified during the production of Indicators. Drawing on data prepared for the biennial Indicators report, the Committee recommends priority science and engineering policy issues for Board attention and oversees the development and publication of "companion piece" policy statements by the Board under the authority of the NSF Act (42 U.S.C. 1863 (j)(2)):
The Board shall render to the President and the Congress reports on specific, individual policy matters related to science and engineering and education in science and engineering, as the Board, the President, or the Congress determines the need for such reports.
The Committee undertakes efforts to expand awareness and distribution of Indicators data for support of science and engineering policy decisions at all levels of government and to inform the Federal government and the public of important data and trends reflecting the condition of U.S. science and engineering.