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Science and Engineering Doctorates

What influences the path to the doctorate?

Sources of financial support

By field of study

In 2015, fellowships or grants were the most common primary source of support for doctoral students in life sciences. Research assistantships were the leading source of support in physical and earth sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, and engineering. Teaching assistantships were the most common source for doctoral students in humanities and arts. In other non-science and engineering (non-S&E) fields and in psychology and social sciences, similar proportions of doctorate recipients reported fellowships or grants, teaching assistantships, and their own resources as their primary source of financial support. Doctoral students in education fields were the most likely to rely on their own resources, with nearly half reporting this as their primary source of support (figure D).

Primary source of financial support for U.S. doctorate recipients, by broad field of study: 2015

Chart of Primary source of financial support for U.S. doctorate recipients, by broad field of study: 2015
Primary source Life sciences Physical sciences and earth sciences Mathematics and computer sciences Psychology and social sciences Engineering Education Humanities and arts Other non-S&E fields
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Teaching assistantship 1,333 11.8 1,238 23.4 1,203 35.9 2,232 28.7 819 9.3 535 12.0 2,016 41.0 643 24.8
Research assistantship 3,766 33.5 2,653 50.0 1,278 38.1 1,358 17.4 5,173 58.7 713 16.0 99 2.0 499 19.2
Fellowship or grant 4,541 40.3 1,191 22.5 563 16.8 2,045 26.3 2,001 22.7 579 13.0 1,693 34.4 621 23.9
Own resources 1,093 9.7 125 2.4 174 5.2 1,921 24.7 333 3.8 2,084 46.8 1,009 20.5 666 25.7
Other sources 522 4.6 94 1.8 134 4.0 227 2.9 481 5.5 539 12.1 103 2.1 164 6.3
Table of Primary source of financial support for U.S. doctorate recipients, by broad field of study: 2015