Division of Ocean Sciences - Spring 2000 Newsletter

OCE Profile -
Aliceann Phelps

by Shannon Hughs

Photograph of Aliceann PhelpsIn its 50 years of evolution, NSF has gained a reputation for excellence in carrying out its mission. In large part, NSF's successes can be attributed to its outstanding staff. Aliceann Phelps duly represents the outstanding service NSF staff continues to provide.

NSF first hired Aliceann in 1980, amidst government-wide staffing crises such as hiring freezes. The Division of International Programs (INT) seized Aliceann, anxious to hire a qualified secretary before such restrictions were imposed. Her duties in this position included typing speeches and reports for the Director and the White House Science Office.

After a Division reorganization two years later, Aliceann moved to the Western Europe Program, quickly learning the intricacies of NSF proposal and award processing as a Program Assistant. INT benefited greatly from her tireless efforts, and promoted her to Section Secretary in 1984. Her mastery of NSF policies and practices was evident in her training of many INT Program Assistants and careful review of their proposal jackets.

In 1985, Aliceann continued her upward climb on the administrative ladder by accepting the position of Division Secretary of INT. During this time, she attended the College of Notre Dame of Maryland for a business administration degree. By 1986, Aliceann was back working in the proposal and awards operations as INT's Center Manager. Two years later, she tackled the additional duties of Program Specialist, being only the second NSF staff member to bear this title. Akin to a `Junior' Program Manager, Aliceann focused her attention on preparing program reports, selecting proposal reviewers, managing panels, and composing guidelines for the U.S./India Exchange Program, which enabled linkages between collaborating American and Indian scientists. Aliceann traveled to New Delhi, India, to meet with her Indian counterparts. While in India, she spoke about NSF at a seminar being held at the Indian Institute of Technology.

After 12 years, INT reluctantly bid Aliceann farewell when she joined the ranks of the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) in 1992. Dr. M. Grant Gross, former Division Director, hired Aliceann as the OCE Administrative Officer.

Today, Aliceann continues to serve as the Division's `holy grail' of NSF policy and regulation information, and a queue often forms outside her office door. In addition to directly supervising support staff, Aliceann administers all of the Division's personnel actions, and oversees its daily operations.

Aliceann also monitors spending for staff travel, training, supplies, and software. Since OCE is one of the largest Divisions at NSF, Aliceann has the daunting responsibility of certifying funds for (and ensuring reimbursement of) not only staff travel, but also travel for hundreds of panelists, experts, and visiting scientists each year. She remains the OCE travel expert, and is consulted frequently for logistical guidance.

Aliceann continues to enjoy strong familial ties in Baltimore, her birthplace, where her home rests aside her parents and siblings. Her daughter, Sunny, nears completion of a BS degree from the University of Maryland. Aliceann's talent for organizing functions keeps her active in several community clubs, and she enjoys golf.

Aliceann has been OCE's Administrative Officer and Management and Program Analyst for eight years. She has served under two Division Directors, and continues to assist and guide more than 40 Division staff members, as well as the ocean science research community.