Division of Ocean Sciences - Spring 2000 Newsletter

Related Items & Announcements

New GEO Web Site | Free Posters | GEO Diversity Program to be Developed | 50 Years of Ocean Discovery | All Four Disciplinary Workshop Reports Now Available


The Directorate for Geosciences has a new web site located at: http://www.geo.nsf.gov

Also, the Division of Ocean Sciences has a new site: http://www.geo.nsf.gov/oce

Some url addresses have changed, so please update your bookmarks!

Free Posters

Image of OCE posterAs a way of celebrating 50 years of ocean discovery at NSF, we have produced a poster of oceanographers at work with an accompanying educational piece. If you or an educator you know would like a poster please contact Elana Khanna at (703) 306-1580 or ekhanna@nsf.gov.

GEO Diversity Program to be Developed

The Directorate for Geosciences is undertaking an initiative to broaden participation in the geosciences by traditionally underrepresented groups including women, minorities and persons with disabilities. Plans for this diversity program will be developed over the summer and fall with a program announcement expected around the first of the year. Further information will be provided on the GEO web site (www.geo.nsf.gov) at a later date.

50 Years of Ocean Discovery

50 Years of Ocean Discovery, National Science Foundation 1950-2000 is now available in hard copy form. This book covers the 1998 Symposium on Fifty Years of Ocean Discovery that highlighted the achievements of ocean sciences and the individuals who made the advances over the past 50 years. If you would like a copy please contact Shannon Hughes at the Division of Ocean Sciences at (703) 306-1580 or shughes@nsf.gov. We have a limited supply, but additional books may be purchased through the National Research Council.

All Four Disciplinary Workshop Reports Now Available

All four disciplinary workshop reports are now available in hard copy form. The four reports are as follows: FUMAGES (Future of Marine Geology and Geophysics), FOCUS (Future of Chemical Oceanography), APROPOS (Advancements in Physical Oceanography), and OUEVRE (Future of Biological Oceanography). If you would like a hard copy of any or all of these please call the Division of Ocean Sciences at (703) 306-1580 and ask for Shannon Hughes.