Division of Ocean Sciences - Spring 2000 Newsletter

CAREER Program

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers NSF's most prestigious awards for new faculty. The CAREER program recognizes and enables the early career development activities of those faculty members who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century. CAREER awardees are selected on the basis of a career development plan that integrates research and education activities.

This year's CAREER Competition (NSF 00-89) was announced in late April and has some major revisions from last year's announcement (NSF 99-110). For questions about changes to the Program, please contact Elizabeth Day at eday@nsf.gov. Below are the highlights of the major changes in the solicitation:

  • Revised deadline dates for this year's Competition (the Deadline for the Geosciences Directorate is July 27, 2000, other Directorates will have different deadlines);

  • Eligibility criteria: PI's first doctorate must be earned after October 1, 1992; the PI must be untenured at time of submission and employed in their first tenure track position after October 1, 1996;

  • The minimum award size is $250,000 in total and the duration of the award is 5 years;

  • PECASE will now be an honorary award having no monetary stipend; and

  • The option for industry matching funds supplements has been removed.

Please check the CAREER web site https://www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/career/ for more information.