Dr. Z. Charles Ying

Program Director
Electronic Materials
Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers
Division of Materials Research
Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
National Science Foundation

  • Ph.D., Cornell University, physics (1990)
  • Research Associate, the University of Pennsylvania, physics and chemistry (1990-1993)
  • Eugene P. Wigner Fellow and research scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1993-1996)
  • Assistant Professor (1996-2000) and Associate Professor (2000-2002), Department of Physics, New Mexico State University
  • Scientist, Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (2002-2006)
  • Program Director, Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation (2006-present)
  • Research interests: electronic materials, photonic materials, fullerene, nanotubes; surface science, scanning probe microscopy, materials research instrumentation, near-field optics, nonlinear optics study of surfaces/interfaces, ultrafast phenomena; laser ablation, thin-film deposition;
  • More than sixty publications, co-editor of a book, one U.S. patent
  • Teaching: ten physics and engineering courses, including a new general-education course for undergraduate students and a new graduate course