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Annual Financial Statements and Notes

Balance Sheets
Statements of Net Cost
Statements of Changes in Net Position
Statements of Budgetary Resources
Statements of Financing
Notes to the Financial Statements

National Science Foundation Statements of Net Cost For the Years Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 (Amounts in Thousands)   Program Costs
           2000   1999
  Research Programs: (Note 11)           
      Program Cost   $ 113,304 $ 120,025
      Salary & Expense and Inspector General Cost    28,652   51,385
     Total Intragovernmental Cost     141,956   171,410
     With the Public       
       Program Cost    2,708,885   2,576,286
       Salary & Expense and Inspector General Cost    113,426   72,722
     Total Public Cost     2,822,311   2,649,008
  Total Research Program Cost      2,964,267   2,820,418
     Less:Earned Revenues    76,372   68,734
  Net Research Program Cost      2,887,895   2,751,684
  Education Programs: (Note 11)           
      Program Cost    2,262   7,340
      Salary & Expense and Inspector General Cost    572   3,142
     Total Intragovernmental Cost     2,834   10,482
     With the Public       
       Program Cost    594,255   591,984
       Salary & Expense and Inspector General Cost    19,370   16,730
     Total Public Cost     613,625   608,714
  Total Education Program Cost      616,459   619,196
     Less:Earned Revenues    7,844   4,459
  Net Education Program Cost      608,615   614,737
Costs not assigned to Programs $ - $ -
Less: Earned Revenues not assigned to programs      $ - $ -
Net Cost of Operations      $3,496,510   $3,366,421