Employee Conflict of Interest Training
Throughout the year, staff from the Office of the General Counsel brief NSF employees on conflict-of-interest rules. NSF staff (including IPAs and Visiting Scientists) who file financial disclosure forms are all required to attend this session once a year. All are welcome!
The Ethics Counselor relies primarily on case studies and NSF Manual 15 to introduce participants to the criminal conflicts laws; the basic standards of conduct regulations; specific rules applicable to NSF staff; and the rules covering proposal handling, recusals, acceptance of travel expenses, outside employment and activities, job hunting and acceptance of gifts.
All Program Officers and officials at or above a comparable level are *required* to participate in at least one briefing each calendar year.
The briefings are free, open to all staff and no registration is required (unless otherwise indicated).
A schedule of COI briefings for calendar year 2022-2023 follows:
Date | Briefing | Time | Location |
Occurs every month on the 3rd Thursday of the month. |
Exit Briefing for Employees Leaving NSF |
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Please email fruben@nsf.gov to register, receive a Zoom invitation, or for additional details and questions. |
If you will be attending a session and have a special need, please visit the following website for further instructions: https://www.nsf.gov/about/visit/visitors/.
Registration is required in order to attend the Merit Review Basics I course. Please contact the NSF Academy for further information, x4564.
For a current list of Conflicts Officials please visit the following website: Ethics - List of Conflicts Officials at https://collaboration.inside.nsf.gov/od/ogc/ethics/SitePages/List%20of%20Conflicts%20Officials.aspx.
Disclaimer: The materials on this web site do not constitute legal advice. You should consult with an OGC attorney before acting on or convey to someone outside NSF any interpretation of these materials.