NSF invests $162 million in research centers to accelerate materials science from lab to factory

A man in a lab working on something behind a protective glass shield.

A researcher at NSF's Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at UC San Diego.

June 26, 2023

NSF backs nine Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers to create novel materials that can solve big challenges and enable the industries of tomorrow.

A $162 million investment from the U.S. National Science Foundation will drive the creation of advanced materials capable of remarkable things — from being tough enough to withstand the heat of a fusion reactor to processing information at the quantum level. Nine Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) will each receive $18 million over six years. The centers aim to transform fundamental scientific breakthroughs into tangible benefits for multiple sectors of the U.S. economy and innovations that can be produced on tomorrow's factory floors. 

"NSF's Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers will help us seize new opportunities in semiconductors, biotech, quantum information and more, addressing the needs of our society and advancing critical emerging technologies," said NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan. "They will do so by expanding and enriching the ecosystem of innovation across our country." 

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