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International Polar Year posters available from the National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation has created several posters commemorating the International Polar Year and highlighting the research that NSF is supporting during this government-wide program. These are available below in various formats for downloading and printing.

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Iceberg in the Ross Sea

In 1958, as part of its program of educational outreach, the National Academies of Science's IGY committee commissioned the design of six posters, each devoted to an area of geophysics—Earth, The Oceans, The Poles, Weather and Climate, Sun and Earth, and Space. In support of International Polar Year, the National Science Foundation has contributed to that collection with a poster that represents both the past in bringing together all six IGY posters and the future with elements that are unique to IPY.

  • Poster, 16 inches x 24 inches
    • PDF format (3,329 Kbytes)
    • JPG format (2,932 Kbytes)
  • Poster, 7 inches x 10.5 inches
    • PDF format (719 Kbytes)
    • JPG format (622 Kbytes)


Life in the Cold and Dark

Life in the Cold and Dark poster, front

The "Life in the Cold and Dark" poster explores the limits of life in polar regions and, on the reverse, shows the life cycle and remarkable physical attributes of the Emperor Penguin.

  • Poster, 36 inches x 24 inches
    • PDF format (3,933 Kbytes)


Life in the Cold and Dark poster, back

Arctic Observing Networks

IPY Arctic Observing Networks, front

The Arctic Observing Networks poster highlights efforts to build a network to better understand the climate of the Arctic and the effects of changing climate on Arctic peoples.

  • Poster, 36 inches x 24 inches
    • PDF format (1,481 Kbytes)
IPY Arctic Observing Networks poster, back

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station

IPY South Pole Station poster, front

A detailed cross-section of the new Amudsen-Scott South Pole Station explains the function of almost every room and facet of the remarkable structure, the third U.S. station at the Pole since 1957. The reverse shows some of the architectural and logistical challenges of building Earth's most remote scientific station.

  • Poster, 36 inches x 24 inches
    • PDF format (2,644 Kbytes)


IPY South Pole Station poster, back


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