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International Polar Year Awards, 2006-2007

This page provides a list of the awards made by the NSF in support of IPY as part International Polar Year competition in 2006 ( and through ongoing NSF programs.

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A list of awards made as part of the 2007 IPY solicitation is available at http://www.nsf. gov/od/opp/ipy/ipy_awards_07.jsp.

AWARDS MADE IN 2006 and 2007

Award Number Title NSF Organization (and Program or Programs) Principal Investigator
0233246 Antarctic Mapping, Geodesy, Geospatial Data, Satellite Image Mapping, and Antarctic Resource Center Management OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology, Antarctic Earth Sciences, Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) Mullins, Jerry (United States Geological Survey) VA
Physics and Mechanics of the Breakup of Warm Antarctic Sea Ice: In-Situ Experiments and Modeling OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences) Dempsey, John (Clarkson University) NY
0425387 Support for Participation of Graduate Students in the Annual Arctic Workshop OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Pfeffer, W. Tad (University of Colorado, Boulder) CO
Aviation Management Services OPP/Division of Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics (Operations Support Program) and OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research Support & Logistics) Lewis, Robert (Department of Interior) DC
0440679 Science Management Office for the U.S. Component of the International Trans Antarctic Expedition (U.S. ITASE SMO) — A Collaborative Program of Research from Taylor Dome to South Pole OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Mayewski, Paul (University of Maine) ME
0440775 The Amundsen Continental Shelf and the Antarctic Ice Sheet OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences) Jacobs, Stanley (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University) NY
0537532 Collaborative Research: Norwegian-U.S. IPY Scientific Traverse—Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Liston, Glen (Colorado State University) CO
0538103 Collaborative Research: Norwegian-U.S. IPY Scientific Traverse—Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Scambos, Ted (University of Colorado, Boulder) CO
0538185 Collaborative Research: Norwegian-U.S. IPY Scientific Traverse—Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Neumann, Thomas (University of Vermont & State Agricultural College) VT
0538416 Collaborative Research: Norwegian-U.S. IPY Scientific Traverse—Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) McConnell, Joseph (University of Nevada Desert Research Institute) NV
0538422 Collaborative Research: Norwegian-U.S. IPY Scientific Traverse—Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Hamilton, Gordon (University of Maine) ME
0538495 Collaborative Research: Norwegian-U.S. IPY Scientific Traverse—Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Albert, Mary (Dartmouth College) NH
0538516 Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic-SIMBA Drift Station OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences) Ackley, Stephen (Clarkson University) NY
0610122 Penguin Science EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education (Informal Science Education) Ainley, David (H.T. Harvey & Associates) CA
0619457 Development of a Polar Multidisciplinary Airborne Imaging System for the International Polar Year 2007-2009 OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Major Research Instrumentation) Bell, Robin (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University) NY
0631309 PostDoctoral Research Fellowship OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Polar Post Doctoral Program) Ballantyne, Ashley NC
0631419 New Religious Movements in the Russian North: Competing Uses of Religiosity After Socialism (NEWREL) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Social Sciences) Gray, Patty (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0631713 IPY (Collaborative Research): The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic: Quantifying and Understanding Bering Strait Oceanic Fluxes OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Weingartner, Thomas J. (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0631951 IPY: Towards an Arctic Observing Network — An array of Ice-Tethered Profilers to Sample the Upper Water Properties During the International Polar Year OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Toole, John M. (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) MA
0631973 IPY (Collaborative Proposal): Constraining the Mass-Balance Deficit of the Amundsen Coast's Glaciers OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Joughin, Ian R. (University of Washington) WA
0631994 IPY (Collaborative Proposal): Constraining the Mass-Balance Deficit of the Amundsen Coast's Glaciers OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Gogineni, S. Prasad (University of Kansas) KS
0632031 IPY (Collaborative Proposal): Constraining the Mass-Balance Deficit of the Amundsen Coast's Glaciers OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Das, Sarah B. (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) MA
0632041 IPY: Toward developing an Arctic Observing Network: An array of surface buoys to sample turbulent ocean heat and salt fluxes during the IPY OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Stanton, Timothy (Naval Postgraduate School) CA
0632064 IPY (Collaborative Research): Live from the Poles; A Multimedia Educational Experience EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education, OPP/Division of Arctic (Arctic Research and Education), OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination & Information) Fontaine, Paul (Museum of Science) MA
0632085 IPY: Teachers' Domain — Polar Sciences EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education and OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research and Education) Sicker, Theodore (WGBH Educational Foundation) MA
0632130 Collaborative Research on the State of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover: An Integrated Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONET) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Perovich, Donald K. (U.S. Army, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory) NH
0632131 IPY (Collaborative Research): A Prototype Network for Measuring Arctic Winter Precipitation and Snow Cover (Snow-Net) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Sturm, Matthew (U.S. Army, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory) NH
0632133 IPY (Collaborative Research): A Prototype Network for Measuring Arctic Winter Precipitation and Snow Cover (Snow-Net) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Liston, Glen (Colorado State University) CO
0632139 IPY: Collaborative Research on Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories and in a Pan-Arctic Network OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Shaver, Gaius R. (Marine Biological Laboratory) MA
0632144 IPY (Collaborative Research): Study of Arctic Ecosystem Changes in the IPY Using the International Tundra Experiment OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Klein, Julia (Colorado State University) CO
0632154 IPY (Collaborative Research): The Pacific Gateway to the Arctic: Quantifying and Understanding Bering Strait Oceanic Fluxes OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Woodgate, Rebecca (University of Washington) WA
0632160 IPY (Collaborative Research): A Prototype Network for Measuring Arctic Winter Precipitation and Snow Cover (Snow-Net) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Kane, Douglas L. (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632161 Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation — A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientist and Educators OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Johnson, Jesse V. (University of Montana) MT
0632168 Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation — A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientist and Educators OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Hulbe, Christina (Portland State University) OR
0632175 IPY: Engaging Antarctica EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education (Informal Science Education) and OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination & Information) Farrell, J Michael (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) NE
0632177 IPY (Collaborative Research): Cloud Properties Across the Arctic Basin from Surface and Satellite Measurements — An Existing Arctic Observing Network OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Walden, Von P. (University of Idaho) ID
0632184 IPY (Collaborative Research): Study of Arctic Ecosystem Changes in the IPY Using the International Tundra Experiment OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Welker, Jeffrey (University of ALaska, Anchorage) AK
0632187 IPY (Collaborative Research): Cloud Properties Across the Arctic Basin from Surface and Satellite Measurements — An Existing Arctic Observing Network OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Shupe, Matthew (University of Colorado, Boulder) CO
0632194 IPY: Pole to Pole EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education (Collaborative Research and Informal Science Education) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences), OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination & Information) Rankin, Moira (Soundprint Media Center, Inc.) MD
0632195 IPY: Investigation of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance From Satellite Gravity Measurements OPP/Dvision of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Chen Jianli (University of Texas at Austin) TX
0632201 IPY: Observing the Dynamics of the Deepest Waters in the Arctic Ocean OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research Support and Logistics) Timmermans, Mary-Louise (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) MA
0632208 Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation — A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientist and Educators OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Barrett, Martin L. (East Tennessee State University) TN
0632219 IPY: Live from the Poles — A Multimedia Educational Experience EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education (Informal Science Education) and OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research and Education) Linder, Christopher (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) MA
0632231 IPY: An Innovative Observational Network for Critical Arctic Gateways — Understanding Exchanges through the Davis and Fram Straits OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Lee, Craig (University of Washington) WA
0632233 IPY: Chemolithoautotrophy in the Arctic Ocean — Environmental Genomics and Functional Analyses OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Kirchman, David (University of Delaware) DE
0632250 IPY: A Metagenomic Investigation of Adaptation to Prolonged Cold and Dark Conditions of the Lake Vostok Microbial Community OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) Cary, Stephen (University of Delaware) DE
0632262 POLAR-PALOOZA EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education (Informal Science Education) and OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences) Haines-Stiles, Geoffrey (Geoff Haines-Stiles Productions) NJ
0632263 IPY (Collaborative Research): Study of Arctic Ecosystem Changes in the IPY Using the International Tundra Experiment OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Hollister, Robert (Grand Valley State University) MI
0632264 IPY: Collaborative Research on Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories and in a Pan-Arctic Network OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Bret-Harte, Marion S. (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632267 Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation — A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientist and Educators OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Robertson, William H. (University of Texas at El Paso) TX
0632277 IPY (Collaborative Research): Study of Arctic Ecosystem Changes in the IPY Using the International Tundra Experiment OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Oberbauer, Steven (Florida International University) FL
0632296 IPY (Collaborative Research): A Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (CADIS) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Barry, Roger G. (University of Colorado, Boulder) CO
0632312 Fostering Collaborative, Interdisciplinary Relationships Among the "New Generation" of Polar Researchers Participating in the IPY OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12) Drobot, Sheldon (University of Colorado at Boulder) CO
0632313 IPY (Collaborative Research): A Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (CADIS) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Moore, James A. (University Corporation For Atmospheric Research) CO
0632324 Fostering Collaborative, Interdisciplinary Relationships Among the "New Generation" of Polar Researchers Participating in the IPY OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12) Weiler, C. Susan (Whitman College) WA
0632325 Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation — A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientist and Educators with Demonstration Experiments in the Amundsen Sea Embayment OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Seals, Cheryl D. (Auburn University) AL
0632332 IPY: A Community Genomics Investigation of Fungal Adaptation to Cold OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences and Arctic Research Support & Logistics) Taylor, Donald (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632345 IPY: Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Gearheard, Shari (University of Colorado at Boulder) CO
0632346 Collaborative Research: IPY, The Next Generation — A Community Ice Sheet Model for Scientist and Educators with Demonstration Experiments in Amundsen Sea Embayment Region OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Tulaczyk, Slawek M. (University of California, Santa Cruz) CA
0632354 IPY: The International Polar Year Data and Information Services OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Information and Advisory Services—Arctic Related) and OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination & Information) Parsons, Mark (University of Colorado, Boulder) CO
0632359 IPY: A Metagenomic Investigation of Adaptation to Prolonged Cold and Dark Conditions of the Lake Vostok Microbial Community OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology and Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) Lanoil, Brian (University of California, Riverside) CA
0632360 IPY-ROAM: International Polar Year Research and Educational Opportunities in Antarctica for Minorities OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (CCLI-Phase 1 — Exploratory, and Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12) and OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination & Information) Tweedie, Craig (University of Texas at El Paso) TX
0632387 IPY: Pan-Arctic Studies of the Coupled Tropospheric, Stratospheric and Mesospheric Circulation OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Collins, Richard L. (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632397 IPY: Adapting SENCER to the Arctic — Improving Polar Science Education as a Legacy EHR/Division of Undergraduate Education Duffy, Lawrence (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632398 IPY Collaborative Research on the State of the ARctic Sea Ice Cover — An Integrated Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONET) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Eicken, Hajo (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632400 IPY: Development of a Network of Permafrost Observatories in North America and Russia — The U.S. Contribution to the International Polar Year OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic System Science Program) Romanovsky, Vladimir E. (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) AK
0632401 IPY: PolarTREC — Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating EHR/Division of Elementary, Secondary, & Informal Education (Teacher Professional Continuum), OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research and Education) OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination & Information) Warnick, Wendy (Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S.) AK
0633343 Collaborative Research: A Modular Approach to Building an Arctic Observing System for the IPY and Beyond in the Switchyard Region of the Arctic Ocean OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Kwok, Ronald (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) MD
0633878 Collaborative Research: A Modular Approach to Building an Arctic Observing System for the IPY and Beyond in the Switchyard Region of the Arctic Ocean OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Schlosser, Peter (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University) NY
0633885 Collaborative Research: A Modular Approach to Building an Arctic Observing System for the IPY and Beyond in the Switchyard Region of the Arctic Ocean OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Steele, Michael (University of Washington)  
0634079 International Polar Year Collaborative Project: Bering Sea Sub-Network:   International Community-Based Observation Alliance for Arctic Observing Network (BSSN) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Gofman, Victoria (Aleut International Association) AK
0636506 Collaborative Proposal: 2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Mayewski, Paul (University of Maine) ME
0636515 Collaborative Proposal:  2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic-Global Scale Context OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Dunbar, Nelia (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) NM
0636537 Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics — Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Dupont, Todd (University of Illinois, Chicago) IL
0636724 Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics — Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Blankenship, Donald (University of Texas at Austin) TX
0636740 Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the West Antarcitc Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Kreutz, Karl (University of Maine) ME
0636767 Collaborative Research: Microparticle/tephra analysis of the WAIS Divide ice core OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Dunbar, Nelia (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) NM
0636867 Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Thwaites Glacier Dynamics — Diagnostic and Prognostic Sensitivity Studies of a West Antarctic Outlet System OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Glaciology) Parizek, Byron (The College of New Jersey) NJ
0638408 IPY Collaborative Research: Is the Arctic Human Environment Moving to a New State? OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Observing Network Implementation) Kruse, John (University of Alaska Anchorage Campus) AK
0638413 IPY Collaborative Research: Is the Arctic Human Environment Moving to a New State? OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Social Sciences) Hamilton, Lawrence (University of New Hampshire) NH
0638867 Polar Marine Science — 2007 OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) and OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Natural Sciences, Arctic System Science Program) Arrigo, Kevin (Stanford University) CA
0639006 Collaborative Research: The 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES X) OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Earth Sciences) Luyendyk, Bruce (University of California, Santa Barbara) CA
0639409 Collaborative Research: The 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES X) OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Earth Sciences) Dunbar, Robert (Stanford University) CA
0647022 Polar Research Board Support OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research and Policy Support) and OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination and Information) Elfring, Chris (National Academy of Sciences) DC
0652688 POLENET Workshops: GPS & Seismology Planning for IPY OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Earth Sciences) Wilson, Terry (Ohio State University) OH
0652864 POLENET Workshops: GPS & Seismology Planning for IPY OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Earth Sciences) Wiens, Douglas (Washington University) MO
0703682 Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic — SIMBA Drift Station OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences) Ackley, Stephen (University of Texas at San Antonio) TX
0703933 Diversity, Distribution, and Relative Abundance of Marine Mammals, Penguins, and Seabirds from South America to McMurdo Sound during the 2006 Transit of the Icebreaker Oden OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) Stewart, Brent (Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute) CA
0705363 SGER:   Polar Education and Outreach Leveraging Windows to the Universe for the International Polar Year GEO/Division of Atmospheric Sciences Johnson, Roberta M. University Corporation for Atmospheric   Research CO
0705654 Collaborative Research: Moved by the State (MOVE) OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Social Sciences) Heleniak, Timothy (University of Maryland) MD
0708292 SGER: Primary and Secondary Production Measurements Along the Western Antarctic Coastline on the Oden "Ship of Opportunity Cruise" OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) Gallager, Scott (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) MA
0711471 SGER:  Challenging Forecasts for a Challenging Environment:   Weather Prediction for Antarctica GEO/Division of Atmospheric Sciences Spangler, Timothy C. University Corporation for Atmospheric   Research CO
0711965 International Directory of Arctic Social Scientists OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Social Sciences) Wheelersburg, Robert (Elizabethtown College) PA
0718422 Arctic Science Summit Week 2007 OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research Support & Logistics Program) Virginia, Ross (Dartmouth College) NH
0723343 An IPY Symposium: New York and Polar Research — A Partnership Spanning the Centuries OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Research and Education) Pfirman, Stephanie (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University) NY
0724229 Workshop for Comprehensive Release of SLICA Results OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Arctic Social Sciences) Kruse, John (University of Alaska, Anchorage AK
0725471 Workshop: Travel Support for the 6th International Penguin Conference OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems) Boersma, P. Dee (University of Washington) WA
0731478 "Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to IPY Science" Symposium OPP/Division of Antarctic Sciences (Antarctic Coordination and Information Program) and OPP/Division of Arctic Sciences (Information & Advisory Services; Arctic Related) Lang, Michael (Smithsonian Institution) VA

Last updated: 27 September 2007

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