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New EAR Linkedin Page

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October 3, 2016

[EAR LinkedIn]

EAR’s New LinkedIn Page

EAR Linkedin Page


EAR is excited to announce the newly launched NSF Division of Earth Sciences LinkedIn Group. We hope this professional social media platform will foster networking, collaboration, and, most importantly, camaraderie among the 20,774 undergraduate students (including REU), graduate students, and post-docs who have been supported through EAR grants or fellowships). EAR will also use this virtual space to communicate program, division, and agency updates especially relevant to its members.

The success of the EAR LinkedIn Group, and ultimately its members, depends on you! We currently don’t have reliable, up-do-date contact information for EAR-supported students and postdocs. As such, we ask you to please forward this LinkedIn group information to as many current and former students and post-docs supported by EAR grant as you can, and encourage them to join the EAR LinkedIn Group. We especially encourage everyone to reach out to those who have graduated and moved on from their institution, in academia or not, as they will no doubt be sources of great advices and/or benefit from the group.

What: NSF Division of Earth Sciences LinkedIn Group, launched in May, 2016. This is an unlisted LinkedIn group, memberships need to be approved by one of the Group moderators, and content is for members only.

Who: Any student (undergraduate, graduate, REU) or post-doc who has received support from EAR. EAR PIs.

Why: Network, collaborate, build camaraderie, participate in career development discussions, receive EAR updates

How:To join, you must first have a LinkedIn account. Once signed into LinkedIn, go to EAR LinkedIn page (you may need a new browser tab), and request to join the Group. One of the Group moderators will process the requests once every few days.

Questions? Please send them to:

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