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Welcome From the Chair

21 August 2003

Dear COV Members,

I wanted to thank you for agreeing to serve on the Geoscience Directorate’s Committee of Visitors at NSF, September 10-12, 2003. Understanding the pressures under which we all operate, I appreciate your willingness to devote valuable time to this extremely important process. As leaders in the arena of science education, you will be representing the interests of your colleagues across the country as we evaluate the efficacy of the Directorate’s efforts to promote quality education in the geosciences and to increase diversity in the geosciences workforce. I feel certain that the experience will be informative and one that will give you insight into the way NSF /GEO is striving to extend its commitment beyond the familiar tradition of supporting graduate student training, to embracing geoscience education reform at all levels. Your input and advice will be essential in determining future direction, as well as in refining existing programs.

Again thank you for your participation. I look forward to seeing you in Arlington.

Cheryl L. Peach

Best Regards,
Cheryl L. Peach

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