About CISE

The U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) advances research, innovation and education in computer science, information science and computer engineering fields.

With an annual budget of over $1 billion, CISE supports hundreds of diverse academic and research organizations across U.S. states and territories. Our investments engage thousands of people every year, including K-12 teachers and students, undergraduates, graduate students and faculty.

What we support

To achieve its mission, CISE:

  • Invests in research and education in all areas of computer and information science and engineering.
  • Fosters broad interdisciplinary collaborations. 
  • Invests in cyberinfrastructure for all areas of science and engineering.
  • Enables accessible participation in an information-based society.
  • Develops a computing and information technology workforce with skills necessary for success in an increasingly competitive global market.


Divisions and offices

The CISE Directorate is divided into divisions and offices. Each one is responsible for specific research areas and initiatives.

Division of Computing and Communication Foundations: Supports research and education in mathematical, scientific and technological foundations of computing communication, hardware, software and emerging technologies.

Division of Computer and Network Systems: Supports research and education in computer systems and networks, hardware and software systems, future-generation computing and communication systems, cyber-physical systems, and secure and trustworthy cyberspace.

Division of Information and Intelligent Systems: Supports research and education on the interrelated roles of people, computers and information to advance knowledge of artificial intelligence, data management, assistive technologies and human-centered computing.

Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure: Supports the conceptualization, design, implementation and operation of research cyberinfrastructure to advance and transform research and education in science and engineering.

Each unit manages a portfolio of proposal competitions and grants. Some programs collaborate across units, too.


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