Outputs of S&E Research: Publications

The products of academic research include trained personnel and advances in knowledge. Trained personnel are discussed earlier in this chapter and also in Chapter 2. This section presents an indicator of knowledge generated by scientific research: peer-reviewed scientific articles authored worldwide. It also includes data on citations to previously published scientific articles. Chapter 8 (Invention, Knowledge Transfer, and Innovation) provides data on patents, another knowledge-related indicator of scientific output. The content of this section presents the distribution of publications along different dimensions (geography, field, etc.); collaboration across nations, regions, and U.S. sectors; and citation-based measures.

While academic researchers contribute the bulk of all scientific and technical articles published in the United States, the focus in this section is considerably broader. It includes U.S. articles in all sectors and also total U.S. articles in the context of article outputs of the world’s nations. The output volume of research, article counts, is one basic indicator of the degree to which different performers contribute to the world’s production of research-based S&E knowledge. The outputs of different U.S. sectors—universities and colleges, industry, government, and nonprofit institutions—indicate these organizations’ relative prominence in the United States overall and in particular S&E fields. The same indicator, aggregated by country, provides approximate information about the global S&E enterprise and the emergence of centers of S&E activity.

Scientific collaboration in all fields increasingly crosses organizational and national boundaries. Articles with multiple authors in different venues or countries provide an indicator of the degree of collaboration across sectors and nations. Scientific collaboration has risen over the past decade. Cross-sectoral collaboration is viewed as a vehicle for moving research results toward practical application. International collaboration, often compelled by reasons of cost or the issue’s scope, provides intellectual cross-fertilization and ready access to work done elsewhere.

Data on citations indicate the perceived usefulness of research results to further advance the state of knowledge. This section will examine both domestic and international citation patterns.

This chapter uses a large database about publications (bibliometric data) whose primary purpose is to provide a searchable database of journals, books, and conference proceedings to the research community. Similar to the old library card catalog, the database provides structured information about written publications such as title, publication and journal information, and author information. The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) uses the database to examine national and global scientific activity (see sidebar Bibliometric Data and Terminology). Publications enter the database as the structured information become available.

Using the bibliometric data, Science and Engineering Indicators produces indicators such as the count of coauthorships in U.S. publications, which is a measure of the collaborations between U.S. researchers and those in other countries. Within the United States, the indicators provide insight on the output of and collaboration between different institutional sectors, including universities, nonprofit research institutes, and government laboratories.

The bibliometric database is tied to the increasingly dynamic world of publications. Historically, the print and online publications were only available to subscribers or for a fee. Increasingly, however, these publications are published or made available online for free, either immediately or after an embargo period (see sidebar Open Access).

Open Access

Bibliometric Data and Terminology

The first bibliometrics section, S&E Publication Output, examines the quantity of S&E publications, by national origin and, for the United States, the sectoral origin. The second section, Coauthorship and Collaboration in S&E Literature, investigates the national, international, and U.S. sectoral partnerships producing these publications. The focus is on the country of the institutions, not individual authors. The third section, Trends in Citation of S&E Publications, looks at various patterns of research use across regions, countries, and sectors. All three sections focus on the largest producers of S&E publications and on developed and developing countries, as classified by the International Monetary Fund.

Bibliometric indicators draw on Elsevier’s Scopus metadata database of 19,000 journals, 2,700 conference proceedings, and a smaller number of books. For inclusion, journals must have English-language abstracts and titles—this introduces a bias in the data because English is assumed as the global language of science (see sidebar Bibliometric Data Filters and [Amano, González-Varo, and Sutherland 2016]). In addition, as mentioned earlier, the bibliometric data are administrative data originating from a searchable database of journals, books, and conference proceedings. Administrative data are collected by organizations and government departments for the purpose of registration, transactions, and record keeping. Administrative data are used for social sciences research; the data, however, are not collected using survey or census instruments. As such, the data lack standard statistical database elements, including population-to-sample weighting factors and standard errors.

The output volume of peer-reviewed S&E publications provides insight into the development of scientific and technological capabilities around the globe. These capabilities have risen in China and the developing world, which generally increased their share of total global output from 25% to just under 40% in a decade, even while total global output itself grew (Table 5-22). One-third of the world’s gain from 2006 to 2016 reflected growth in the number of articles from China. However, U.S. publications received more citations than China’s publications, as shown in the following section.

S&E articles in all fields, by country or economy: 2006 and 2016

This chapter presents analysis of about 2.3 million peer-reviewed S&E publications from the Scopus database as of July 2017 (Table 5-22). The publication output discussion by geography, field, or institutional level uses fractional counting, which credits coauthored publications according to the collaborating institutions or countries, based on the proportion of their participating authors. As part of our data analysis, we employ filters on the raw Scopus S&E publication data to remove publications with questionable quality (see sidebar Bibliometric Data Filters).

Bibliometric Data Filters

Publication Output, by Country

In 2016, developed economies produced nearly 1.4 million S&E publications, whereas developing economies produced just over 900,000 S&E publications. However, over the last decade, publications from developing economies grew faster than those from developed economies (8.9% versus 1.7%). U.S. S&E publication production grew from just over 383,000 in 2006 to almost 410,000 in 2016, growing merely 0.7% (Appendix Table 5-27). As U.S. publication volume leveled off and developing economies’ publication volume grew more rapidly, the U.S. global share fell from 24.4% in 2006 to 17.8% in 2016 (Figure 5-22).

The top five countries producing S&E publications in 2016 are China (18.6% of global output volume), the United States (17.8%), India (4.8%), Germany (4.5%), and the United Kingdom (4.3%). When treated as one entity, the European Union (EU) accounts for 26.7% of the world’s S&E publications in 2016 (Table 5-22; Figure 5-22). Although Japan has been a major producer for several decades, Japan’s output has trended downward since 2013. In 2016, Japan was the sixth largest global producer of S&E publications. Together, the United States, China, and the EU accounted for almost two-thirds of the world’s S&E publications in 2016.

S&E articles, by global share of selected region, country, or economy: 2006–16

EU = European Union.


Publication counts are from a selection of journals, books, and conference proceedings in S&E from Scopus. Publications are classified by their year of publication and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. Articles are credited on a fractional-count basis (i.e., for articles from multiple regions, countries, or economies, each region, country, or economy receives fractional credit on the basis of the proportion of its participating authors). Some publications have incomplete address information for coauthored publications in the Scopus database and cannot be fully assigned to a region, country, or economy. These unassigned counts, 0.1% of the world total in 2016, are used to calculate this figure but are not shown. See Appendix Table 5-27.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

China has continued its steady growth since the mid-2000s and is now the largest global producer (with an 18.6% global share). India’s publication volume has grown rapidly, from 2.5% of global output in 2006 to 4.8% in 2016. Overall, 50 countries—a quarter of those that produced S&E publications in 2016—account for 96.9% of global output.

Between 2006 and 2016, total world S&E publication output grew at an average annual compound rate of 3.9%; the total for developing countries grew more than twice as fast (about 8.6%). China’s 8.4% growth rate led the developing countries, resulting in China’s collective global share climbing from 12.1% in 2006 to 18.6% in 2016. The strong growth in the developing world points to rapidly increasing science and technology capabilities.

Among other large emerging economies, the 2006–16 average publication growth rate in India was 11.1%; Brazil averaged 6.6%, but this was from a much lower base of total publications. India’s and Brazil’s 2016 global shares increased to 4.8% and 2.3%, respectively, with India becoming the third largest producer of S&E publications (Table 5-22). The change in the absolute number of publications seen during the last 10 years provides context to the growth rate. The absolute increase in the number of publications between 2006 and 2016 is much larger for China (236,406) and India (71,729) than for Brazil (25,447). Rapid growth of S&E publications in Brazil, India, and China coincided with increased R&D expenditures and growth in S&E degrees awarded at the bachelor’s- and doctoral-degree levels (see Chapter 2 section International S&E Higher Education). Smaller developing countries with more than 5,000 publications in 2016 and over 15% growth rate from 2006 to 2016 included Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Colombia.

The output of the EU, the world’s largest producer, grew 2.5% from 2006 to 2016, faster than the average for developed countries (1.7%). Among EU member countries, growth rates were lower for the three largest producers—France (1.1%), Germany (2.0%), and the United Kingdom (1.0%)—and were generally much higher in smaller member countries. Several former Eastern Bloc countries, including the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia, had publication growth rates above 6.0% for 2006–16. Like that of the United States, the EU’s global share fell, from 30.7% in 2006 to 26.7% in 2016.

In Japan, absolute numbers of S&E publication output declined at a 1.3% average rate over 2006–16, decreasing Japan’s global share from 7.0% to 4.2% during this period. Publication output from other developed economies outside of the EU and the United States grew, particularly in Australia, Norway, South Korea, and Singapore.

The distribution of S&E publication output by field indicates the priorities of scientific research in different locations. The S&E publication portfolios of five major producers—the United States, the EU, China, Japan, and India—have distinct differences by field (Table 5-23; Appendix Table 5-28 through Appendix Table 5-40). Nearly half of U.S. publications are focused on biological sciences, medical sciences, or other life sciences, compared with 38.6% for the world at large in 2016. The United States also produces a higher proportion of S&E publications than the rest of the world in psychology and social sciences. In this context, it is useful to acknowledge that publications in the Scopus database must have an abstract in the English language to be included in the publication counts (Archambault et al. 2009), meaning that publication counts in the social sciences, where publications are more likely in the national language, may be underestimated where English is not the country’s national language.

S&E research portfolios of selected region, country, or economy, by field: 2016

Like the United States, the EU is more focused on biological sciences, medical sciences, and other life sciences; these three fields together account for 40.7% of the EU’s publications, compared with the 38.6% of world publications. Relative to the United States, the EU has higher shares of publications in physics, chemistry, and engineering. Relative to the world total, China’s S&E publications are more heavily focused on engineering, chemistry, physics, and geosciences. Engineering publications made up 28.9%, and chemistry publications made up another 12.3%, of China’s publication output in 2016.

Engineering publications as a share of total publication output volume for India in 2016 (24.2%) are also above the world proportion (18.4%). India’s portfolio has the highest concentration in computer sciences of the regions, countries, and economies discussed here, with a 14.1% share, and is above world average concentration in chemistry.

Recent bibliometric research has focused on merging administrative data sets to explore publication data by gender, potentially revealing differences between countries and research fields (see sidebar S&E Publication Patterns, by Gender).

Publication Output, by U.S. Sector

This report divides the U.S. institutional landscape into six sectors, each of which produced S&E publications: the federal government, industry, academia, federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), private nonprofit organizations, and state and local governments.

In the United States, the academic sector is the largest producer of S&E publications, accounting for three-fourths of U.S. S&E publication output. This sector was largely responsible for the growth of U.S. S&E publication output between 2006 and 2016. The number of academic S&E publications increased from 271,502 to 307,413 between these years, rising from 70.9% to 75.2% as a share of all U.S. publications (Figure 5-23). Public universities accounted for 44.2% of all U.S. publications, and private universities accounted for 25.3% (Appendix Table 5-41).

U.S. academic and nonacademic S&E articles: 2003–16


Articles refer to publications from a selection of journals, books, and conference proceedings in S&E from Scopus. Articles are classified by their year of publication and are assigned to fields of science by matching the journal in Scopus to the National Science Foundation's subfields (Appendix Table 5-25). Articles are credited on a fractional-count basis (i.e., for articles from multiple regions, countries, and economies, each region, country, or economy receives fractional credit on the basis of the proportion of its participating authors). See Appendix Table 5-41.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

S&E publications in U.S. non-academic institutions fell from 87,513 in 2006 to 76,012 in 2016. Trends in non-academic sectors include the following (Appendix Table 5-41):

  • Industry publications reached a high of 33,498 in 2005 and then declined to 24,565, or 6.0% of the U.S. total, in 2016.
  • Federal government publications grew in the early 2000s, peaking at 22,580 in 2012 and declining to 19,556 in 2016, accounting for 4.8% of the U.S. total in 2016.
  • Publications from FFRDCs grew to a peak of 10,927 in 2012 and have declined to 9,107 in 2016.
  • Publications with institutional addresses in the private nonprofit sector decreased slightly (from 21,555 in 2006 to 21,248 in 2016), accounting for 5.2% of U.S. publications in 2016.

As noted previously, life sciences (biological sciences, medical sciences, and other life sciences) dominate the research portfolios of U.S. sectors, accounting for nearly half or more of all publications produced in the federal government, academic, private nonprofit, and state and local government sectors (Appendix Table 5-41). The dominance of life sciences is especially pronounced in the nonprofit sector, with 86.9% of publications in these fields: 63.1% in medical sciences, 19.8% in biological sciences, and 4.1% in other life sciences. With a much larger number of total publications, academia has 49.2% of its S&E literature in life sciences. The exception to the life sciences focus is the research portfolio of industry (28.2% engineering) and FFRDCs (29.6% physics); most of the FFRDCs are controlled by DOE or DOD. The largest science fields in the FFRDC portfolio are physics (within physical sciences) (29.6%), chemistry (14.1%), and engineering (24.6%).

Share of U.S. S&E articles, by sector and field: 2016

Coauthorship and Collaboration in S&E Literature

Coauthorship on S&E research publications is based on multiple institutional addresses associated with the same publication. Such interconnections among researchers in different institutional settings may indicate researchers’ growing capacity to address complex problems by drawing on diverse skills and perspectives. Collaborative S&E research facilitates knowledge transfer and sharing among individuals, institutions, and nations. Between 2006 and 2016, international collaboration increased; domestic-only collaboration held steady as a share of the total, and single-institution authorship declined (Figure 5-24).

Share of world articles in all fields with authors from multiple institutions, domestic-only institutions, and international coauthorship: 2006 and 2016


Article counts refer to publications from a selection of journals, books, and conference proceedings in S&E from Scopus. Articles are classified by their year of publication and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. Articles are credited on a whole-count basis (i.e., each collaborating region, country, or economy is credited with one count). Articles with multiple institutions are counts of articles with two or more institutional addresses. Articles with multiple domestic institutions only are counts of articles with more than one institutional address within a single region, country, or economy. Articles with international institutions are counts of articles with institutional addresses from more than one country or economy. See Appendix Table 5-42.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

Collaboration among U.S. Sectors

U.S. coauthorship data at the sector level—academic, nonprofit, industry, FFRDCs, and federal and state government—indicate collaboration among U.S. sectors and between U.S. sectors and foreign institutions. Over the period 2006–16, the share of publications produced in collaboration with other U.S. sectors or with foreign institutions increased in all sectors (Table 5-25). The proportion of academic publications coauthored with other U.S. sectors and foreign institutions increased from 41.4% in 2006 to 51.0% in 2016. The share of academic publications coauthored with foreign institutions increased from 24.9% to 37.2% over this period. FFRDCs, where the research conducted focuses primarily on the physical sciences, have the highest percentage of international coauthorship of U.S. sectors, at 45.6% in 2016.

Shares of U.S. sector publications coauthored with other U.S. sectors and foreign institutions: 2006 and 2016

International Collaboration

The percentage of worldwide publications produced with international collaboration—that is, by authors with institutional addresses from at least two countries—rose from 16.7% to 21.7% between 2006 and 2016 (Figure 5-24). This increase in part reflects increasing global capabilities in R&D and an expanding pool of trained researchers, as well as improvements in communications technology. These collaborations may also reflect the strengthening of a network of international scholars who increasingly collaborate with each other (Wagner, Park, and Leydesdorff 2015). Finally, the research challenges of climate change, food, water, and energy security are fundamentally global, rather than national, in scope, thereby calling for international research collaboration (Royal Society 2011). Although these factors affect the overall trend, the patterns of international scientific collaboration also reflect wider relationships among countries, including linguistic and historical factors, as well as geographic, economic, and cultural relations (Glänzel and Schubert 2005; Narin, Stevens, and Whitlow 1991).

Percentages of international collaboration, by field

The increase in international coauthorship occurs in every broad field of science. Astronomy is the most international field, with more than half of its publications internationally coauthored (54.0%) in 2016 (Figure 5-25). Geosciences, mathematics, biological sciences, and physics also have percentages of international collaboration above the average of 24.2% across all fields. Factors influencing variations among fields include the existence of formal international collaborative programs and the use of costly research equipment (e.g., atomic colliders, telescopes), which result in cost sharing and collaboration among countries. However, even fields with relatively low percentages of international collaboration have experienced increases in collaboration between 2006 and 2016. For example, over the time period, social sciences grew from 11.4% to 15.4%, and engineering grew from 13.7% to 17.7%.

Share of world S&E articles with international collaboration, by S&E field: 2006 and 2016


Articles refer to publications from a selection of journals, books, and conference proceedings in S&E from Scopus. Articles are classified by their year of publication and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. Articles with international collaboration are counts of articles with institutional addresses from more than one country or economy. Articles are credited on a whole-count basis (i.e., each collaborating region, country, or economy is credited with one count).


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

International collaboration, by region, country, or economy

Countries vary widely in the proportion of their internationally coauthored S&E publications. Scale effects play a role in this. Countries with large populations or communities of researchers may have high rates of domestic coauthorship because of the large pool of potential domestic coauthors in their field. Researchers in smaller countries have a lower chance of finding a potential partner within national borders, so collaborators are more likely beyond their national borders. The EU program Horizon 2020 (like its predecessor, the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development) actively promotes and funds international collaboration within the EU.

The aforementioned publication output data in Figure 5-22 show the 28 nations of the EU as one region. By individual country, Figure 5-26 shows the percentages of international collaboration for the largest producers of S&E publications in 2016. The nations within this group that had the highest percentages of international collaboration in 2016 were three EU nations, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, which are also the three largest European producers of S&E publications. International collaboration increased for these European countries between 2006 and 2016.

Share of S&E articles internationally coauthored, by selected region, country, or economy: 2006 and 2016


Articles refer to publications from a selection of journals, books, and conference proceedings in S&E from Scopus. Articles are classified by their year of publication and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. Articles are credited on a whole-count basis (i.e., each collaborating country or economy is credited with one count). Articles with international institutions are counts of articles with institutional addresses from more than one country or economy. See Appendix Table 5-42.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

China increased its collaboration percentage across the same period but was slightly below the world average for 2016 (21.7%). The share of Indian publications that are coauthored with another country declined from 18.5% in 2006 to 17.4% in 2016.

Collaboration partnerships

This section describes global partnership patterns, with special focus on patterns of U.S. involvement in international collaboration.

U.S. institutional authors collaborate most frequently with authors from China, currently the largest producer of S&E publications. China accounted for 22.9% of U.S. internationally coauthored publications in 2016 (Table 5-26). Other substantial partners for the United States include the United Kingdom (13.4%), Germany (11.2%), and Canada (10.2%).

China, South Korea, and Canada are notable among these countries for having unusually high percentages of U.S. participation in their own internationally coauthored publications (46.1%, 47.6%, and 43.5%, respectively). For the other 12 countries in Table 5-26, the shares range from 25.3% to 36.1%.

International coauthorship of S&E articles with the United States, by selected country or economy: 2016

A measure of the relative strength of collaborative ties between two countries can be obtained by dividing a country’s share of collaboration with a specific country by its overall share of international collaborations. This index is 1.00 (unity) when coauthorship between two countries is exactly proportional to their overall shares of international collaborations (Table 5-27). Index values above 1.0 indicate stronger ties, while scores below 1.0 indicate weaker collaborative ties (see sidebar Bibliometric Data and Terminology).

Geographical regional collaboration, as measured by this index of international collaboration, shows trends that reflect geographic proximity and other historical factors (Table 5-27; Appendix Table 5-43 and Appendix Table 5-44). In North America, the Canada-U.S. index shows a percentage of collaboration that is 13% (1.13) greater than would be expected by size of overall international collaboration alone and that has not changed much between 2006 and 2016.

Index of international collaboration on S&E articles, by selected country or economy pair: 2006 and 2016

Proximity alone does not explain these relationships. Language may be a factor. The U.S.-Mexico index is relatively stable and is just what would be expected by overall shares of international coauthorship alone—near unity. Mexico has very strong collaboration with the Spanish-speaking South American nations of Argentina and Chile (4.64 and 4.09, respectively, for 2016). In turn, Argentina is likely to collaborate with regional neighbors Brazil and Chile. Collaboration between the United Kingdom and Ireland is more than twice what would be expected: 2.16 in 2016.

In addition to the above-average relationships that reflect geographic proximity, Appendix Table 5-43 shows other strong collaboration relationships that reflect historical, linguistic, and educational ties between nations. For example, Spain had a collaboration index measure in 2016 that was two to three times higher than expected with Mexico, Argentina, and Chile. Despite the substantial geographic distances, the United Kingdom has a higher-than-expected collaboration index with Australia and New Zealand. Malaysia has higher-than-expected collaboration ties with the Middle East nations Iran and Saudi Arabia in 2016.

Strong collaboration relationships also evolve over time among countries with strong educational ties, such as the United States and China, where the collaboration index has increased from 0.88 to 1.19 from 2006 to 2016. China is the largest foreign country of origin for international recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates. China accounted for more than one-quarter of all international S&E doctorate recipients from 1995 to 2015 (see Chapter 2 section International S&E Doctorate Recipients).

S&E Publication Patterns, by Gender

International Citation Patterns

Between 2004 and 2014, the share of citations to U.S. publications that come from abroad increased from 47.0% to 55.7% (Figure 5-27). The relative shares of foreign citations increased in most countries of the world over that same period (Appendix Table 5-47). By contrast, China’s international share of citations decreased, from 42.2% in 2004 to 37.7% in 2014. However, the international share of a publication’s use in citations tends to decrease as a country’s domestic publication volume grows. Thus, changes in international citations for China were to be expected; China dramatically increased its output in recent years, so the associated decrease in its international share of citations supports the overall trend. The inverse relationship also holds because the U.S. share of total world output has decreased and the international share of U.S. citations has grown. Similarly, between 2004 and 2014, almost three-quarters (21) of the 28 countries in the EU increased their international share of citations (Appendix Table 5-47), and the EU as a unit increased its external share of citations from 43.7% to 48.1%, all while Europe’s share of global output has gradually decreased. One country that does not follow this pattern is India, whose output volume and international share of citations have been increasing (Figure 5-22 and Figure 5-27); additionally, India’s international share of citations fluctuates year over year. Further investigation may determine whether these observations result from changes in the database coverage over time or whether underlying changes in India’s research ecosystem explain these phenomena.

Share of citations to selected region, country, or economy that are received from authors abroad: 1996–2014

EU = European Union.


Articles refer to publications from a selection of journals, books, and conference proceedings in S&E from Scopus. Articles are classified by their year of publication and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. Citations are presented for the year in which the cited article was published, showing the counts of subsequent citations from peer-reviewed literature. At least 2 years of data after publication are needed for a meaningful measure. See Appendix Table 5-47.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

The patterns of international citations between country pairs shows the impact of one country’s S&E publications on another country’s S&E researchers. The relative citation index normalizes cross-national citation data for variations in relative size of publication output, much like the collaboration index (see sidebar Bibliometric Data and Terminology). The expected value is 1.00, but unlike the collaboration index, citation index scores are not symmetric. For example, if country A cites publications by country B 15% more often than expected, that does not mean that country B also cites publications by country A 15% more than expected. Table 5-28 shows the relative citation index for 2014 for major publishing locations in four regions: North America, South America, the EU, and Asia. These data show the following:

  • From among the major producers of S&E publications, U.S. publications cite publications from Canada (1.15) and the United Kingdom (1.13) more than expected, based on size.
  • U.S.-based authors cite Chinese (0.31), Indian (0.20), and other Asian S&E publications less than expected.
  • Publications by Mexican researchers are heavily cited in publications from Argentina and Chile. Likewise, Mexican researchers cite publications by South American authors more than they cite publications from other areas of the world.
  • Inter-European influence is strong, with France, Germany, and United Kingdom country pairs exhibiting index values greater than 1.0 (with the exception of the United Kingdom citing France, which occurs at the expected rate).

Similar to the coauthorship patterns, these data indicate the strong influence that geographic, cultural, and linguistic ties have on citation patterns.

Relative citation index, by selected region, country, or economy pair: 2014

The ARC scores are calculated to allow for citation lags of varying lengths and to normalize for field of research (see sidebar Bibliometric Data and Terminology). Appendix Table 5-50 provides the ARC scores for 1996–2014 for countries and regions with enough publications to compute robust scores. Through 2014, the U.S. ARC score held steady around 1.40, or 40% more citations than would be expected, based on the number of peer-reviewed publications and representation by field. China’s ARC score rapidly increased across 2004–14, from 0.62 to 0.96, improving from 38% fewer citations than would be expected, based on size, to just reaching the expected level of citations.

When viewed as a group, the countries of the EU increased from slightly more citations than would be expected based on size (1.06) in 2004, to nearly 10% more (1.16) in 2014, based on ARC scores (Figure 5-28). Appendix Table 5-50 provides country-level measures for the EU that show that Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom had the highest ARC scores in 2014 (all at or above 1.50). In East and Southeast Asia, Singapore had the highest ARC score, reaching 1.83 in 2014.

At the field level, the average impact of U.S. publications is also higher than would be expected. U.S. citation impacts for computer sciences publications are especially high, at 69% higher than the world average value. Although the 2014 U.S. citation impacts remain above the world average for all fields combined—and individually for each of the 13 broad fields of science—average U.S. impact has been decreasing between 2004 and 2014 in engineering, mathematics, chemistry, social sciences, and psychology, while U.S. physics ARC remained unchanged during that period (Figure 5-29).

Average relative citations, by region, country, or economy: 1996–2014

EU = European Union.


Articles are classified by the publication year and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. The average of relative citations is presented for the year of publication showing the counts of subsequent citations from peer-reviewed literature. At least 2 years of data after publication are needed for a meaningful measure. See Appendix Table 5-50.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018

Average relative citations for the United States, by S&E field: 2004 and 2014


Articles are classified by the publication year and are assigned to a region, country, or economy on the basis of the institutional address(es) listed in the article. The average of relative citations is presented for the year of publication showing the counts of subsequent citations from peer-reviewed literature. At least 2 years of data after publication are needed for a meaningful measure. See Appendix Table 5-49.


National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics; SRI International; Science-Metrix; Elsevier, Scopus abstract and citation database, accessed July 2017.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2018