Division of Ocean Sciences - Fall 2002 Newsletter
NSF 04-003
(Replaces NSF 03-014)

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Other Noteworthy News...

Pew Oceans Commission Report

In June 2003, the Pew Oceans Commission released their report “America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change.” Copies of the report may be requested through their website at www.pewoceans.org.

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy

The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, chaired by Admiral James D. Watkins, currently expects to issue its final report this November. A detailed table of contents for the report, as well as other documents of interest, are available on the Commission’s home page at www.oceancommission.gov.

Earth Observation Summit

On July 31, 2003, the United States hosted an Earth Observation Summit. In addition to several U.S. Department and Agency heads, participants included ministers, heads of international organizations, heads of development banks and other funding agencies, and leading scientists. The purpose of the summit was to promote the development of a comprehensive and sustained Earth observation system or systems among governments and the international community to understand and address global environmental and economic challenges. Further information is available on the web site at www.earthobservationsummit.gov.

Staff Changes

Biological Oceanography

Joe PawlikJoe Pawlik recently joined the Biological Oceanography Program as an Associate Program Director. Joe replaces Phil Yund who has finished his term and returned to the University of Maine. Joe is on leave from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where he is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and a researcher at the Center for Marine Science. Joe’s research speciality is marine chemical ecology, particularly the chemical defenses of tropical sponges, cnidarians and tunicates. More can be found at: http://people.uncw.edu/pawlikj/ .

Chemical Oceanography

After four productive years, Simone Metz will be completing her assignment as Associate Program Director with the Chemical Oceanography program in October. We are grateful for her efforts and wish her well.

Marine Geology and GeophysicsAmos Winter

The Marine Geology and Geophysics Program recently welcomed Amos Winter as Associate Program Director. Amos is on assignment from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez where he is a professor in the Department of Marine Sciences. Amos specializes in marine micropaleontology and his recent research focuses on intraannual to centennial climate change in the Caribbean basin. Amos replaces Dick Poore who returned to the U.S. Geological Survey after more than two years with NSF.

Ocean Drilling Program

Brad Clement completed his rotation with ODP in July and has returned as a Professor to Florida International University. Carolyn Ruppel, an Associate Professor of Geophysics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, will replace Brad as Associate Program Dirctor.

Paul DauphinPaul Dauphin will be retiring from NSF in October 2003, after 12 years with the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). We are grateful for the significant contributions he has made to ODP and to the preparations for the new Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). Prior to his time with NSF, Paul conducted research on continental margins at Oregon State University. His delightful sense of humor will certainly be missed. While we lament his departure, we are pleased to announce that Rodey Batiza, currently a Program Director of the Marine Geology and Geophysics Program, will replace Paul as Program Director as the new program begins.

Ship Facilities and Support

Lieutenant Commander Carl Groenveld is on a part-time detail to the Ship Acquisitions and Upgrades and Shipboard Scientific Support Programs from NOAA, where he is presently assigned as Research Platform Resources Manager. Carl is providing assistance in ship inspections, development of a shipboard wench training program, and scheduling of research vessels. Carl replaces Lieutenant Commander Fred Rossmann who returned full-time to NOAA.