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Supplementary Schedule of Deferred Maintenance
NSF performs periodic inspections of capitalized PP&E to determine if any maintenance needed to keep an asset in an acceptable condition or restore an asset to a specific level of performance has been deferred. NSF considers deferred maintenance to be any maintenance that is not performed on schedule, unless it is determined from the condition of the asset that scheduled maintenance does not have to be performed. Also, deferred maintenance includes any other type of maintenance that, if not performed, would render the PP&E non-operational. Circumstances such as non-availability of parts or funding are considered reasons for deferring maintenance.

NSF has considered whether any scheduled maintenance necessary to keep fixed assets of the agency in an acceptable condition was deferred at the end of FY 1999. NSF has determined that scheduled maintenance on one item of heavy mobile equipment was not completed in FY 1999 and was deferred or delayed for a future period. The equipment is considered to be in fair condition and NSF has estimated it requires $70,000 in maintenance.

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