Division of Ocean Sciences - Fall 1999 Newsletter

Program News

Biological Oceanography / Oceanographic Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination Program (OTIC) / Chemical Oceanography / Physical Oceanography / Marine Geology and Geophysics / Ocean Drilling Program / Education

Biological Oceanography

Veronica Marjerison has just joined the Biological Oceanography Program and Ocean Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination Program as a Program Assistant. Before taking her position as a Program Assistant, Veronica previously worked in the front office of OCE as a clerk/typist. Her addition should greatly improve our performance and service to the community. Veronica can be reached at (703) 306-1587 for assistance with routine proposal and award matters.

The Biological Oceanography Program has been involved in many different programs this year including GLOBEC, ECOHAB, Biocomplexity, LExEn, LTER, JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project, and RIDGE. The regular program panel held this spring produced a variety of awards for the community with topics ranging from microbes to whales. Seventeen percent of the 117 projects we received were funded with 35 percent of those being cooperatively funded with other programs within the Foundation. Currently we are gearing up for our fall panel with over 100 projects to review, around half of which have been submitted more than once. We will also be involved in the JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project this fall with proposals being reviewed alongside the regular Biological Oceanography and Chemical Oceanography Programs panels.

The first cycle of NSF's new multidisciplinary Biocomplexity Program has been completed and decisions on awards are being made. The Biological Oceanography Program is representing OCE on this cross-disciplinary activity. Thirty-four full proposals were invited for submission with topics ranging from mycorrhizal networks to deep-sea foraminifera. Final results will be announced later this Fall. The next announcement of opportunity should be out by this winter.

The interagency GLOBEC and ECOHAB panels were held this summer and funding recommendations are currently being made. The next GLOBEC announcement of opportunity for the Northeast Pacific Program / Gulf of Alaska will be released in early January 2000, with a proposal deadline probably in April 2000. Check for details on the GLOBEC NEP web site at http://www-powelllab.biol.berkeley.edu/nep/index.html.

The 3rd NSF-wide LExEn panel was also held this summer with the Office of Polar Programs managing the program. Ocean Sciences is the lead program for 4 awards (3 projects: Aristides Yayanos at Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Andreas Teske at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Craig Cary at the University of Delaware in collaboration with Jeffrey Stein at U.C. San Diego).

We received 24 proposals for this year's LTER program on Land Ocean Margins. We are running this program with the Division of Environmental Biology and the panel will be held this fall.

Phil Taylor, prtaylor@nsf.gov

Dave Garrison, dgarriso@nsf.gov

Kendra Daly, kdaly@nsf.gov