The Academic Research Infrastructure Program provides support for both research equipment and facilities. The purpose of the program is to improve the Nation's research infrastructure through focused investment in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation and revitalization of facilities used for research and research training. For more information, see the program announcements/solicitations or contact the Office of Science and Technology Infrastructure. (See Appendix A.)

Also, NSF occasionally provides assistance for the acquisition of specialized facilities. Examples include supercomputers, oceanographic research vessels, major controlled-environment facilities and specialized biological and social science facilities.

All NSF programs will consider proposals that include funds for facility construction, renovation or improvements where required for the proposed research, in competition with other proposals received. It is, however, NSF policy that the principal responsibility for providing facilities for research and education rests with the proposing organizations. Preliminary inquiry should be made before preparing a formal proposal. (See Section VII.D for additional information on equipment.)


NSF supports conferences, symposia and workshops in special areas of science and engineering that bring experts together to discuss recent research or education findings or to expose other researchers or students to new research and education techniques. NSF encourages the convening in the U.S. of major international conferences and unions. Conferences will be supported only if equivalent results cannot be obtained at regular meetings of professional societies. Although requests for support of conferences, symposia and workshops ordinarily originate with educational institutions or scientific societies, they may also come from other groups. Shared support by several Federal agencies, States or private organizations is encouraged. Because proceedings of such conferences normally should be published in professional journals, requests for support may include publication costs. Requests should generally be made at least a year in advance of the scheduled date. Conferences or meetings, including the facilities in which they are held, funded in whole or in part with NSF funds, must be accessible to participants with disabilities.

A proposal (which complies with the page and font size instructions in Section II.C.) for support of a conference, symposium or workshop must include:

· Summary of one page or less indicating the objectives of the project. (Project Summary, NSF Form 1358, may be used to submit this information.)

· Statement of the need for such a gathering and a list of topics.

· Recent meetings on the same subject, including dates and places.

· Names of the chairperson and members of organizing committees and their organizational affiliations.

· Information on the location and probable date(s) of the meeting and the method of announcement or invitation.

· Statement of how the meeting will be organized and conducted, how the results of the meeting will be disseminated and how the meeting will contribute to the enhancement and improvement of scientific, engineering and/or educational activities.

· Estimated total budget for the conference together with an itemized statement of the amount of support requested from NSF. The budget may include participant support for transportation (when appropriate), per diem costs, stipends, publication and other conference-related costs. Participant support costs must be excluded from the indirect cost base. (See Section II.D.7.e.)

· Support requested or available from other Federal agencies and other sources.

For additional coverage on allowability of costs associated with meetings and conferences, proposers should consult GPM Section 625.


In addition to the international projects funded and managed by the disciplinary directorates, the Division of International Programs provides support for bilateral and regional cooperative science and engineering projects to foster and facilitate cooperation between U.S. investigators and their foreign colleagues in joint activities of mutual interest and benefit. Grants may be made for the U.S. portion of the costs of the initial phases of cooperative research, joint seminars and workshops, planning visits, programs to enhance the international perspectives of the next generation of U.S. scientists and engineers, and for fellowships, summer programs and research participation. Information on proposal requirements and award selection procedures is contained in the Program Announcement of the Division of International Programs. The box for "International Cooperative Activity" should be checked and the countries identified on the NSF Form 1207. (For telephone numbers and program contacts by region, see Appendix A, under listings for SBE Directorate.)


Proposals for travel support for U.S. participation in international scientific and engineering meetings held abroad are handled by the NSF organizational unit with program responsibility for the area of research interest.

Group travel awards are encouraged as the primary means of support for international travel. A university, professional society or other non-profit organization may apply for funds to enable it to coordinate and support U.S. participation in one or more international scientific meeting(s) abroad. Group travel grants may include as compensation for the grantee a flat rate of $50 per traveler for general administrative costs of preparing announcements, evaluating proposals and handling travel arrangements customarily associated with this type of project. (See GPM Section 765.) Group travel grantees are required to retain supporting documentation that funds were spent in accordance with the original intent of the proposal. Such documentation may be required in final reports and is subject to audit.


NSF awards grants in support of doctoral dissertation research in some disciplines, primarily field research in the environmental, behavioral and social sciences. Support may be sought through those disciplinary programs and, in cases involving research abroad, through the Division of International Programs. Proposals are submitted by the thesis advisor or concerned faculty member on behalf of the graduate student. Further information can be obtained from the cognizant program office.


The Foundation supports a range of cross-directorate activities to increase participation by women, minorities, persons with disabilities and by faculty from minority institutions and predominantly undergraduate institutions. Programs which have a strong focus on underrepresented communities are:

· Minority Graduate Fellowships

· Research in Undergraduate Institutions

· Visiting Professorships for Women

· Research Planning Grants and Career Advancement Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers

· Research Planning Grants and Career Advancement Awards for Minority Scientists and Engineers

· Opportunities for Women and Persons with Disabilities

· Research Improvement in Minority Institutions

· Minority Research Centers of Excellence

· Research Assistantships for Minority High School Students

· Alliances for Minority Participation

· Research Careers for Minority Scholars

· Research Opportunity Awards

· Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities

· Women in Engineering Graduate Fellowships

· Women in Computer and Information Science Graduate Fellowships

· Faculty Early Career Development

· Career Access

- Summer Science Camps

- Comprehensive Partnerships for Minority Student Achievement

In some cases, additional information may be required as part of a proposal. Program announcements/solicitations describing these activities are available from the Forms and Publications Unit or general information may be obtained from the NSF Information Center at (703) 306-1234.


Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities encourage participation in NSF Programs by scientists and engineers (investigators or other staff, postdoctoral associates, student research assistants and awardees and honorable mention recipients for Graduate and Minority Graduate Fellowships) with disabilities. This effort provides funds for equipment or assistance specifically required for performance of research on an NSF-supported project. Requests for support may be included in new proposals submitted to any NSF program or in requests for supplements to existing grants, and the box for "Facilitation for Scientists/Engineers with Disabilities" should be checked on the NSF Form 1207.


A faculty member at an organization with limited research opportunities may arrange to work with a PI at another organization who holds or is applying for an NSF research grant. If supplemental funds are required to cover additional costs, the PI should make preliminary contact with the cognizant Program Officer. The formal ROA request letter, endorsed by the organization and addressed to the program office, should be received at least three months before funds will be needed. It must include: a description of the arrangements and the work to be performed by the ROA visitor; a statement of the contribution of this work to the NSF project and to the visitor's future research and home organizations; a budget (NSF Form 1030) with appropriate explanatory information; a biographical sketch of the visitor and any additional information as specified by the Program Officer. The box for "Research Opportunity Award" should be checked on the NSF Form 1207. See the Research in Undergraduate Institutions program announcement/solicitation for further details.


REUs provide opportunities for talented undergraduate students to participate in active research in mathematics, science and engineering. Awards are of two types:

Sites--grants to initiate and support undergraduate research participation sites. These projects could be carried out during the summer months, the academic year or both. NSF expects that an appropriate number of students will be involved, and proposals involving fewer than four to six students are discouraged.

Supplements--to ongoing NSF research grants provide research training experiences for one or two additional undergraduates. Funds will normally be available for up to two students, but exceptions will be considered for training additional minority and women students and students with disabilities.

See the program announcement/solicitation for more information.


NSF supports National Supercomputer Centers as user facilities. Researchers who need supercomputer time should submit their requests directly to the individual supercomputer centers. Requests are reviewed by a local allocation committee for each center. The allocation committees usually meet on a quarterly basis. NSF Supercomputer Access brochure provides guidance for submitting requests for supercomputer time.


The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program is a highly competitive three-phase process which provides eligible small businesses with opportunities to propose innovative ideas that meet specific Research and Development (R&D) needs of the Federal Government. Phase I is a six-month effort to determine the scientific, technical and commercial merit and feasibility of the proposed concept or idea, and establishes the eligibility for Phase II. Phase II is a two-year effort that further develops the proposed concept and dem-onstrates the potential for commercialization. Phase III is the commercialization phase and is funded by non-SBIR sources, normally from the private sector. For more detailed information regarding the SBIR Program, proposers should consult the NSF SBIR solicitation.


The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program is a pilot program encouraging technology transfer through jointly conducted research between small business concerns and non-profit research organizations. The program follows the same three-phase process as the SBIR Program. Proposals must be submitted by the small business and the proposed effort must be responsive to the program focus described in the annual STTR Program solicitation. Phase I is a 12-month project which determines the scientific, technical and commercial merit and feasibility of the proposed concept or idea and establishes the eligibility for Phase II. Phase II is a 24-month effort that further develops the proposed concept and demonstrates the potential for commercialization. Phase III is to pursue commercialization from the Government funded research with non-STTR funds, primarily from the private sector. For more detailed information regarding the STTR Program, proposers should consult the NSF STTR solicitation.