1. Introduction
    1. Overview
      1. Unsolicited Proposals
      2. Solicited Proposals
      3. General
    2. The Proposal
    3. NSF FastLane Project
    4. Who May Submit Proposals

    5. Categories of Proposers
    6. When to Submit Proposals
    7. How to Submit Proposals
  2. Instructions for Proposal Preparation
    1. Conformance with Instructions for Proposal Preparation
    2. Special Instructions for Single-Copy Documents
      1. Information About Principal Investigators/Project Directors
      2. List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include
      3. Certification Page
      4. Deviation Authorization
    3. Format of the Proposal
    4. Sections of the Proposal
      1. Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation
      2. Project Summary
      3. Table of Contents
      4. Project Description

      5. Results from Prior NSF Support
      6. References Cited
      7. Biographical Sketches
      8. Budget
        1. Salaries and Wages
          1. Policies
          2. Procedures
          3. Confidential Information
        2. Fringe Benefits
        3. Equipment
        4. Travel
          1. General
          2. Domestic Travel
          3. Foreign Travel
        5. Participant Support
        6. Other Direct Costs
          1. Materials and Supplies
          2. Publication/Documentation/Dissemination
          3. Consultant Services
          4. Computer Services
          5. Subawards
        7. Total Direct Costs
        8. Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative Costs)
        9. Total Direct and Indirect Costs
        10. Residual Funds
        11. Amount of This Request
        12. Cost-Sharing
        13. Unallowable Costs
          1. Entertainment
          2. Meals and Coffee Breaks
          3. Alcoholic Beverages
      9. Current and Pending Support
      10. Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources
      11. Special Information and Supplementary Documentation
      12. Appendices
      13. Special Guidelines
        1. Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER)
        2. Group and Collaborative Proposals
        3. Equipment Proposals
        4. Proposals Involving Vertebrate Animals
        5. Proposals Involving Human Subjects
  3. NSF Proposal Processing and Review
    1. Review Criteria
    2. Revisions to Proposals Made During the Review Process
    3. Award Recommendation
    4. Copies of Reviews
  4. Withdrawals, Returns and Declinations
    1. Withdrawals
    2. Returns
    3. Declinations
    4. Reconsideration
    5. Resubmission
  5. Special Programs
    1. Research Instrumentation/Facilities
    2. Conferences, Symposia and Workshops
    3. International Cooperative Activities
    4. International Travel Grants
    5. Doctoral Dissertation Research
    6. Human Resources Development
    7. Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities
    8. Research Opportunity Awards (ROAs)
    9. Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
    10. Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI)
    11. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
    12. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program
  6. The Award and Continued Support
    1. Standard and Continuing Grants

    2. Effective/Expiration Dates and Preaward Costs
    3. Additional Support
      1. Incremental Funding
      2. Renewal Proposals

      3. Accomplishment Based Renewal (ABR)
      4. Two-Year Extensions for Special Creativity
      5. Supplemental Funding
    4. No-Cost Extensions
      1. Grantee Authorized Extension
      2. NSF-Approved Extension
  7. Grant Administration Highlights
    1. General Requirements
    2. Prior Approval Requirements
    3. Transfer of PI
    4. Equipment
    5. Excess Government Property
    6. Suspension or Termination of Grants
    7. Grant Reports
      1. Annual Progress Reports
      2. Final Reports
    8. Sharing of Findings, Data and Other Research Products
    9. Acknowledgment of Support and Disclaimer
    10. Release of Grantee Proposal Information
    11. Legal Rights to Intellectual Property


    Appendix A. Programs Providing Support for Scientific and Engineering Research and Education

    Appendix B. Checklist for Proposal Preparation

    Appendix C. Definitions of Categories of Personnel

    Appendix D. Annual NSF Grant Progress Report (NSF Form 1328)

    Appendix E. Final Project Report (NSF Form 98A)

Proposal Forms Kit

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