Criteria for the Selection of
Research and
Education Projects
To provide for the fair and equitable selection
of the most meritorious research and education
projects for support, the National Science
Foundation has established criteria for their
review and evaluation. These criteria are meant
to be applied to all proposals in a balanced and
judicious manner, according to the objectives
and content of each proposal. Four criteria for
the selection of projects by the National
Science Foundation are listed below, together
with the elements that constitute each criterion.
- Competent performance of the research--This
criterion relates to the capability of the
investigator(s), the technical soundness of the
proposed approach, and the adequacy of the
institutional resources available.
- Intrinsic merit of the research--This criterion is
used to assess the likelihood that the research
will lead to new discoveries or fundamental
advances within its field of science or
engineering or have substantial impact on
progress in that field or in other scientific and
engineering fields.
- Utility or relevance of the research--This
criterion is used to assess the likelihood that
the research can contribute to the achievement
of a goal that is extrinsic or in addition to that
of the research field itself and thereby serve as
the basis for new or improved technology or
assist in the solution of societal problems.
- Effect of the research on the infrastructure of
science and engineering--This criterion relates to
the potential of the proposed research to
contribute to better understanding or
improvement of the quality, distribution, or
effectiveness of the Nation's scientific and
engineering research, education, and workforce
Criteria (1), (2), and (3) constitute an integral
set that is applied in a balanced way to all
proposals according to the objectives and
content of each proposal. Criterion (1),
competent performance, is essential to the
evaluation of the quality of every proposal. The
relative weight given criteria (2) and (3)
depends on the nature of the proposed
research. Criterion (2), intrinsic merit, is
emphasized in evaluating basic research
proposals, while Criterion (3), utility or
relevance, is stressed in evaluating applied
research proposals. Criterion (3) also relates to
major goal-oriented activities that the
Foundation carries out, such as those directed
at improving the knowledge base underlying
science and technology policy, furthering
international cooperation in science and
engineering, and addressing areas of national
Criterion (4), effect on the infrastructure of
science and engineering, permits the evaluation
of proposals in terms of their potential for
improving the scientific and engineering
enterprise and its educational activities in ways
other than those encompassed by the first three
criteria. Included under this criterion are
questions relating to scientific and engineering
personnel, including participation of women
and minorities; the distribution of resources
with respect to institutions and geographical
area; stimulation of quality activities in
important but underdeveloped fields; and the
use of interdisciplinary approaches to research
in appropriate areas. Any specific criteria that
apply to individual programs, while falling
within general criteria presented in this section,
are contained in relevant program
announcements or solicitations.