This document has been archived and replaced by NSF-95-138

National Science Foundation

Guide to Programs

Fiscal Year 1995


Criteria for the Selection of Research and Education Projects

Research and Education in Strategic Areas
NSF Activities in Strategic Areas of Research and Education
High Performance Computing and Communications Program
U.S. Global Change Research Program
Environmental Research Strategic Area
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Area
Civil Infrastructure Systems Area
Biotechnology Area
Advanced Materials and Processing Program
Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education
Biological Sciences
Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
Integrative Biology and Neuroscience
Environmental Biology
Biological Instrumentation and Resources
Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Computer and Computation Research
Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems
Microelectronic Information Processing Systems
Advanced Scientific Computing
Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure
Cross-Disciplinary Activities
Education and Human Resources
Office of Systemic Reform
Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education
Undergraduate Education
Graduate Education and Research Development
Human Resource Development
Research, Evaluation, and Dissemination
Bioengineering and Environmental Systems
Civil and Mechanical Systems
Chemical and Transport Systems
Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation
Electrical and Communications Systems
Engineering Education and Centers
Atmospheric Sciences
Earth Sciences
Ocean Sciences
Polar Programs
United States Antarctic Research
Arctic Research
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Astronomical Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Materials Research
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research
Science Resources Studies
International Science and Engineering Activities

Other Research Activities
Academic Research Infrastructure
Research Opportunity Awards
Underrepresented Populations Activities
Undergraduate Activities
Other Activities
NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships List
Miscellaneous Information
How to Obtain Publications
Program Changes
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)
NSF Outreach Service
Other Information