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Office of Audit and Oversight Records Schedule NC1-307-82-1

Office of Audit and Oversight Records Schedule NC1-307-82-1
  1. Oversight Review.

Post hoc sampling of proposal actions and post award administration to evaluate documentation and adherence to stated procedures. Also reports to the Director, NSF, discussing problem areas.

  1. Oversight Review Sheets.

DISPOSITION: Retain in the agency for 10 years, then destroy.

  1. Reports on the Director.

DISPOSITION: Retain in the agency for 10 years, then destroy.

  1. External Peer Oversight Reports.

Triennial reviews of each NSF research program by outside experts knowledgeable in the area of the program in order to provide NSF management with an advisory appraisal of the technical stewardship by the NSF.

  1. External peer reports prepared by the outside experts. Arranged by year and thereunder by program.
DISPOSITION: Permanent. Transfer to FRC when 10 years old. Offer to NARs in 5 year blocks when the latest records are 15 years old.
  1. Summary reports on the peer reviews prepared by the Office of Audit and Oversight (OAO). These are prepared occasionally by OAO for the Information of the Director.

DISPOSITION: Destroy when 10 years old.

  1. Conflict of Interest Files.

Review of possible conflicts of interest or appearances for new NSF employees and recently terminated NSF employees with special emphasis on short-term employees (rotators and IGPAs).

DISPOSITION: Retain in the agency for 5 years. Transfer to FRC and destroy 10 years later.

  1. Review of Telephone Billings.

Reports and memoranda to assistant directors and heads of offices concerning the commercial telephone charges for NSF, both foreign and domestic calls.

DISPOSITION: Retain in the agency for 5 years, then destroy