Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) - Committee of Visitors (COV) Reports and Responses

NSF relies on the judgment of external experts to maintain high standards of program management, to provide advice for continuous improvement of NSF performance, and to ensure openness to the research and education community served by the Foundation.

COV reviews provide NSF with external expert judgments in two areas: (1) assessments of the quality and integrity of program operations and program-level technical and managerial matters pertaining to proposal decisions; and (2) comments on how the outputs and outcomes generated by awardees have contributed to the attainment of NSF's mission and strategic outcome goals.

NSF policy requires COV reviews at regular intervals of approximately four years for programs and offices that recommend or award grants, cooperative agreements, and/or contracts and whose main focus is the conduct of NSF-supported research and education in science and engineering. NSF-wide activities and special initiatives are evaluated periodically in a broader context to determine their impact and/or progress. Those evaluations are described in the management plans for those activities and are to be scheduled separately from the COV reviews.

NSF BISO COV Report (Managed in Office of International Science and Engineering, OD/OISE)

2018 BISO COV Report

2018 Response to BISO COV Report

2018 BISO COV Diversity Memo

OISE COV Reports listing:

2018 OISE COV Report

2018 Response to OISE COV Report

2018 COV Diversity Memo

2014 OISE COV Report

2014 Response to COV Report

2014 Updated Response to COV Report

2011 OISE COV Report

2011 Response to Report

2008 OISE COV Report

2008 Response to Report

2005 OISE COV Report

2005 Response to Report

NSF Committee of Visitor (COV) Main Page

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