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Review the How to Enter page on this website and the entry form on the online platform for more details about the submission requirements and process. The online platform is where students will register and submit their entry and is accessible at

A complete entry consists of two components: a written entry and either a short comic or video, as described below. A successful entry will be original, creative and visually appealing. No gratuitous violence or other inappropriate content will be permitted, including swearing/cursing, sexual comments or innuendoes, or racially or culturally insensitive words.

Entries are due no later than Jan. 10, 2018, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Written Entry

General information

  • Superhero name: Give your superhero a unique name.
  • Superhero tagline: What is your superhero's slogan or tagline? (50 character limit)
  • Summary: A short description of your superhero's story and science-enabled mission. (250 character limit)

Science and Story

Each section has a 1,600-character limit including spaces (about 250 words).

Section 1: Who is your superhero and what is their story?

  • Clearly and concisely describe the main attributes of your superhero.
  • Provide any necessary background information about them, including abilities, backstory, accessories, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Tell a story: What challenge or obstacle does the superhero face and how do they address it or overcome it?
  • What is the superhero's mission? What motivates them? Are they on a quest for justice? Are they on a mission to make the world a better, safer or cleaner place?

Section 2: How does your superhero use science and technology in their mission or quest?

  • Is it something they wear or use to travel, a gadget, a physiological adaptation or something else? Focus on attributes gained by the science and technology research.
  • How does it help the superhero? Give a background of the research behind your chosen technology.
  • How does current research support your superhero?
  • What further reasonable advances are needed to make your superhero's science a reality? The technology doesn't have to be currently possible, but there must be research to support that it may be in the future.


  • Include at least two references to current science and technology research, in the form of popular news articles or scholarly journals (not Wikipedia).
  • See Resources for inspiration.

Comic Entry

Your comic should have the following elements:

  • Clearly introduce the superhero, the science and technology used and tell a story. Emphasize how the science and technology is useful in overcoming the story's conflict.
  • Give insights not provided in the written entry to create a novel presentation.
  • Have enough detail that it could stand alone and tell the superhero's story and how they use science and technology.
  • Tell a story the viewer can understand.

Technical Elements

  • Can be composed either by hand or using a digital comic generator or drawing program.
  • Must be saved as a high-resolution JPEG file (see Dilatant as an example).
  • Must be visually striking, edited to a high standard and should deliver clear and understandable messages using nontechnical language.
  • Must be 1-3 pages (8.5x11) in length.
  • Do not include any copyrighted imagery or content. See Resources for non-copyrighted images.

Video Entry

Your video entry should have the following elements:

  • Clearly introduce the superhero, the science and technology used and tell a story; and
  • Emphasize how the science and technology is useful in overcoming the story's conflict.
  • Give insights not provided in the written entry to create a novel presentation.
  • Have enough detail that it could stand alone and tell the superhero's story and how they use science and technology.
  • Tell a story the viewer can understand.

Technical elements:

  • Your video should be a 90-second single file, in high resolution (i.e. 1280 x 720) if possible.
  • Does not have to include credits but if it does, these will be included in the 90-second time limit.
  • Be visually striking, edited to a high standard, and should deliver clear and understandable messages using nontechnical language.
  • Do not include any copyrighted imagery or content. See Resources for non-copyrighted images.
  • Your video entry can be acted out, animated, a photo montage, stop-motion or any other form. Be creative!
  • Upload your video on the entry form.

Required Forms / Other Information

Permission form

  • Every student must fill out this form, have it signed by their parent or guardian, and upload it with the other entry information.
  • This form grants permission to both participate in the Gen Nano competition and to travel to Washington, D.C. (with a chaperone) if selected as a winner.

NSF Form 1515

  • Required forms are available on the online platform after you register.
  • One Form 1515 per team must be filled out and uploaded with the other entry information.
  • Check the box "NSF and External Use" to allow NSF to post your comic on the Gen Nano website and social media.

Upload a thumbnail image

  • The thumbnail is a single JPEG image that represents your entry.
  • This image is 450 x 450 pixels in size.

Generation Nano Competition
National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, VA 22314

Follow the competition #GenNano

Who: 6-12 grade -- individuals or teams of 2-3

What: A short comic OR video to tell a story and describe how your hero uses science on their mission or quest

When: Enter between Sept. 18, 2017-Jan. 10, 2018, 11:59 p.m. EST

Where: Learn more and enter at

Why: To promote an early interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Questions? Contact the Generation Nano Team at

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