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Notice of solicitation for members of the Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP) to the Ocean Policy Committee

July 12, 2022

Notice of solicitation for members of the Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP) to the Ocean Policy Committee.
The U.S. Federal Government is soliciting nominations for members of the Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP) who represent the views of (1) ocean users, State, Tribal, territorial or local governments, academia, and such other views as the Co-Chairs of the Ocean Policy Committee consider appropriate; and (2) members eminent in the fields of marine science, marine technology, and marine policy, or related fields. ORAP membership will reflect gender and racial diversity and a balance of academic, scientific, industry, and geographical interests.
The Ocean Policy Committee (OPC) is a Cabinet-level interagency body mandated by Congress to coordinate ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes science and technology and management policy across Federal agencies. Co-Chaired by the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Council on Environmental Quality, the OPC provides strategic direction and operational oversight for its two subject-matter subcommittees: Ocean Science and Technology (OST) (which is Co-Chaired by NSF) and Ocean Resource Management (ORM). It also provides direction and oversight to the National Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization (NOMEC) Council and the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) which NSF participates in. For more information about the OPC, please see:
The Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP), an advisory committee under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), and the only FACA body chartered to advise all of the Federal “ocean agencies,” will advise the OPC on:
  • Policies and procedures to implement the National Oceanographic Partnership Program;
  • Matters relating to national oceanographic science, engineering, facilities, or resource requirements; 
  • Improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the ocean sciences and related fields;
  • National ocean research priorities; and 
  • Any additional responsibilities that the OPC considers appropriate.
Nominations: Interested persons may nominate themselves or third parties.
Applications: An application is required to be considered for Board membership, regardless of whether a person is nominated by a third party or self-nominated.  The application package must include: (1) The nominee's full name, title, institutional or professional affiliation, and contact information; (2) Identification of the nominee's area(s) of perspective—academia, commercial service provider, or end-user; (3) A short description of his/her qualifications relative to the kinds of advice being solicited in this Notice; (4) A current resume (maximum length four [4] pages).
Applications should be submitted electronically to Cynthia Decker, Designated Federal Officer for the ORAP, and Andrew Peck, staff for the ORAP by August 15, 2022. For additional details, please refer to this Federal Register Notice: 
Terry Quinn
Division Director, OCE

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