NSF and the Partnership on AI Announce Joint Funding Opportunity

November 15, 2018

NSF’s Directorates for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) together with the Partnership on AI (PAI) are jointly supporting EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGERs) to understand the social challenges arising from AI technology and enable scientific contributions to overcome them. EAGER proposals pursuant to NSF 19-018 are welcome through January 28, 2019, but earlier submissions are encouraged.  Note that prior to submitting a proposal, a one-page prospectus must be received no later than January 9, 2019.

With increases in the scale and diversity of deployments of AI systems comes the need to better understand AI in the open world, including unforeseen circumstances and social impacts, and to craft approaches to AI that consider these from the start. Vital directions include developing principles for safe, robust, and trustworthy AI (including shared responsibilities between humans and AI systems); addressing issues of bias, fairness, and transparency of algorithmic intelligence; developing deeper understanding of human-AI interaction and user education; and developing insights about the influences of AI on people and society.

NSF and PAI will jointly support high-risk, high-reward research at the intersection of the social and technical dimensions of AI. Priority will be given to collaborative projects that integrate computer/computational science with the social, behavioral, and economic sciences.

See NSF 19-018 for additional information about this funding opportunity.


Program contacts:

Todd Leen, CISE Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, email: tleen@nsf.gov.

Fred Kronz, SBE Division of Social and Economic Sciences, email: fkronz@nsf.gov.


Learn more about AI research at NSF.

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