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News Release 15-089

First-ever octopus genome sequenced

Research will enable future studies on brain development

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Young octopus emerges from den

A young California two-spot octopus, Octopus bimaculoides, emerges from her den.

Credit: Caroline Albertin and Abigail Point

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Octopus crawling up side of tank

An octopus crawls up the side of its tank.

Credit: Courtesy of University of Chicago

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animation showing an octopus fighting a crab

A young octopus attacks a crab. The octopus was later defeated, and hid in his shell.

Credit: Z Yan Wang, Ragsdale Lab, University of Chicago.

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A juvenile California two-spot octopus (Octopus bimaculoides) descending from his perch.

Credit: Yen-Chyi Liu

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Octopus changes color

An octopus displays its color-shifting ability.

Credit: Courtesy of the University of Chicago

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