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News Release 13-094

Expedition to the Gulf of Alaska: Scientists Study Coastal Mountains and Glaciers

Researchers follow path of sediments from mountains and glaciers to the deep sea

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Alaska's Malaspina Glacier

Alaska's Malaspina Glacier, visible in the foreground, spreads over the land as it 'flows.'

Credit: John Jaeger

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The scientific drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution

The scientific drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution is on an expedition in the Gulf of Alaska.

Credit: IODP

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Map of the Gulf of Alaska, where IODP Expedition 341 is taking place.

Map of the Gulf of Alaska, where IODP Expedition 341 is taking place.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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Mpa showing sites marked in red show where scientists plan to retrieve sediment core samples.

Sites marked in red show where scientists plan to retrieve sediment core samples.

Credit: IODP

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Malaspina Glacier as seen from space

Malaspina Glacier (from space) is a piedmont glacier: it's along the foot of a mountain range.

Credit: NASA

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Location of current drilling sites on IODP Expedition 341, and previous drilling sites (inset).

Location of current drilling sites on IODP Expedition 341, and previous drilling sites (inset).

Credit: IODP

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