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News Release 12-048

New Research Lowers Past Estimates of Sea-Level Rise

Projections for the future still loom large

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Photo of beach deposits in the Bahamas.

New explanation for why beach deposits in the Bahamas are 70 feet above sea level.

Credit: Paul Hearty

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Map of the Western Hemisphere showing th location of the Bahamas.

Will the fate of the Bahamas in a time of sea-level rise mirror that of other coastal locales?

Credit: Government of the Bahamas

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Satellite image showing the islands of the Bahamas.

The islands of the Bahamas and their fossil cliffs contain clues to sea-level rise.

Credit: NASA

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Aerial photo of Eleuthera in the Bahamas.

Eleuthera in the Bahamas: echoes of ancient climate change reverberate there.

Credit: NASA

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Aerial photo showing the low-lying shorelines of the Bahamas.

Will low-lying shorelines around the world--such as the Bahamas--someday be underwater?

Credit: Government of the Bahamas

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