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News Release 12-004

Scientists Look to Microbes to Unlock Earth's Deep Secrets

To find answers, oceanographers install observatories beneath remote seafloor

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drillship JOIDES Resolution in port in Barbados just before the start of the expedition.

Drillship JOIDES Resolution in port in Barbados just before the start of the expedition.

Credit: IODP/USIO, Jennifer Magnusson

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a CORK recovery tool rising up out of the ocean through the ship's moonpool.

A CORK recovery tool rises up out of the ocean through the ship's moonpool.


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JOIDES Resolution crew members prepping a CORK for installation beneath the seafloor.

JOIDES Resolution crew members prep a CORK for installation beneath the seafloor.


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engineer Dan Slobodzian grinding rough edges on a CORK observatory before its installation.

Engineer Dan Slobodzian grinds rough edges on a CORK observatory before its installation.


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microbiologist Joe Russell examining samples in the lab onboard the JOIDES Resolution.

Microbiologist Joe Russell examines samples in the lab onboard the JOIDES Resolution.


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