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News Release 11-219

President Obama Honors Nation's Top Scientists and Innovators

Federally-funded researchers across many disciplines figure prominently among medal laureates and mark several "firsts"

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Panorama photo of the President and the National Medal awardees

President Barack Obama presented the 2010 National Medals of Science at the White House on October 21, 2011.

Credit: Sandy Schaeffer for NSF

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Jacqueline Barton, a recipient of the 2010 National Medal of Science.

Jacqueline K. Barton, named one of seven recipients of the 2010 National Medal of Science, was an NSF Presidental Young Investigator in 1984 and an Alan T. Waterman awardee in 1985. Barton, the Arthur and Marian Hanisch Memorial Professor of Chemistry and chair of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Techology, is the 40th woman to be awarded the National Medal of Science and the first half of a couple in which both husband and wife have received this highest honor bestowed by the United States government on scientists.

Credit: Lance Hayashida, Caltech

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the National Medal of Science.

National Medal of Science

Credit: NSF

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2010 National Medal of Science Laureate Richard Tapia.

2010 National Medal of Science Laureate Richard Alfred Tapia is the second U.S.-born Latino to receive the Medal and a former member of the National Science Board.

Credit: Tommy LaVergne, Rice University

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Ralph Brinster, the first known veterinarian to win a National Medal of Science.

Ralph L. Brinster of the University of Pennsylvania is a 2010 National Medal of Science laureate. He is the first known veterinarian to win this award.

Credit: University of Pennsylvania

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2010 National Medal of Science Laureate Rudolf Jaenisch, MD.

2010 National Medal of Science Laureate Rudolf Jaenisch, MD, is a professor of Biology at the Massachuesetts Institute of Technology and a founding member of the Whitehead Institute.

Credit: Sam Ogden/Whitehead Institute

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