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December 7, 2010

This webcast spotlights programs that engage a diversity of students in computer science.

As part of Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) 2010, NSF's Lisa-Joy Zgorski speaks with CSEdWeek representative Cameron Wilson of the Association for Computing Machinery and spotlights two exciting NSF-funded programs that engage a diversity of students not usually exposed to computer science: GLITCH at Georgia Tech, represented by Amy Bruckman, associate professor at the College of Computing, PhD candidate Betsy DiSalvo and GLITCH Alumnus James Bowland-Gleason; and E-Textiles at MIT represented by Leah Buechley, assistant professor at the MIT Media Lab, and student Emily Lovell.

Credit: Georgia Tech/MIT/National Science Foundation

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Related story: NSF Celebrates Computer Science Education Week 2010