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In addition, several other organizations conducted or supported tourism activities in the Antarctic during the 2000-2001 season. Although some of these organizations are not U.S. based, some American citizens were involved in their planned activities and for this reason are reported here.

  1. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises of Hamburg, Germany, operated two vessels in the Antarctic Peninsula.  The HANSEATIC conducted 8 cruises, while the the BREMEN conducted 1 cruise.
  2. Marine Expeditions of Toronto, Canada, conducted approximately 17 cruises to the Antarctic Peninsula using the Mariya Yermolova and the Lyubov Orlova.


Adventure Network International (ANI), a Canadian company with an office in Beaconsfield, England, conducted several 11-17-day excursions to the interior of the Antarctic continent. Travel from Punta Arenas, Chile, to Adventure Network's Patriot Hills base camp (80°20'S, 81°20'W) was via a South African chartered C-130 cargo/passenger aircraft. These various inland excursions occurred during November 2000 - mid-January 2001 using two chartered Twin Otters and their own Cessna C-A185F aircraft. 


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