Antarctic Research Vessel- Modifications 2001-2002 Section 11, Refuges

Link to 2001-2002 Mods

Link to 2001-2002 Plans

Section XI of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 2001-2002 notes changes to existing refuges and survival caches in the McMurdo area as well as deactivated camps and stations elsewhere on the continent.

The following changes to these facilities occurred during the 2001-2002 season:

Tamseis Camp



81° 39.14'S, 122° 35.27'E

Camp winterized for the season. One 8’ x 12’ Weatherhaven remains standing. Food, fuel, and survival cache were staged on site for use during the 2002-2003 field season.

Onset D Camp



80° 45.65'S, 125° 47.60'W

Camp winterized for the season. No structures remain standing. Food, fuel, survival cache, and heavy equipment were staged on site for use during the 2002-2003 field season.

Siple Dome Camp



81° 39'S, 149° 04'E

Camp winterized for the season. One Jamesway and two Generator shacks remain standing. Food, fuel, survival cache, and heavy equipment were staged on site for use during the 2002-2003 field season.

Byrd Surface Camp



80° 01'S, 119° 32'E

Camp winterized for the season. One Jamesway remains standing. Food, fuel, survival equipment, and traverse structures and vehicles are on site. All permanent structures removed from the camp.        

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