I. Ships and Aircraft 2000-2001 MODS
2000-2001 PLANS

Section I of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 2000-2001 lists any changes to ship and aircraft usage planned for this time period.


A second cargo vessel, the ARCHANGLEGRACHT, was chartered to deliver needed material to McMurdo Station February 16- 18, 2001.


A Basler Turbo-67 (DC-3 airframe), charted from Leading Edge Aviation in Missoula, Montana, aircraft performed intra-continental flights in November and December 2000.

Two Twin Otter aircraft from Ken Borek Air Ltd. were deployed to the continent in late April to effect a medical evacuation from South Pole Station. One person left the station for medical reasons.

A New Zealand Air Force LC-130 aircraft made a non-scheduled flight to McMurdo Station in late April to effect a medical evacuation after station closing. Eleven persons left the station at this time for medical/personal reasons. 

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