III. Stations 2000-2001 MODS
2000-2001 PLANS

Section III of the Modifications of Activities Planned for 2000-2001 lists the names, locations, and actual opening dates of the Party's bases and subsidiary stations established in the Antarctic Treaty Area, and whether they are for summer and/or winter operations.

Year Round Stations
   McMurdo Station
  • Location: Hut Point Peninsula on Ross Island in McMurdo Sound
  •  77o 55'S Latitude
  • 166o 39'E Longitude
  • 21 August 2000
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
  • Location: 90o 00'S Latitude
  • 23 October 2000
Palmer Station
  • Location: Anvers Island near Bonaparte Point
  • 64o 46'S Latitude
  • 64o 05'W Longitude
  • 1 October 2000

Austral Summer Camps
Siple Dome Camp
  • Location: 81° 39'S Latitude
  • 149° 04'W Longitude
  • 01 November 2000
    Close: 27 January 2001   
Byrd Camp
  • Location: 80° 05'S Latitude
  • 119° 32'W Longitude
  • Open: 3 November 2000
  • Close: 11 January 2001
Ice Stream C Camp
  • Location: 82° 22' S Latitude
  • 136° 24' W Longitude
  • Open:  9 November 2000
  • Close: 3 February 2001
Darwin Glacier Camp
  • Location: 79° 45 'S Latitude
  • 156° 30' E  Longitude
  • Open: 13 November 2000
  • Close: 30 December 2001
East Camp (Co-located with Russian Vostok Camp)
  • Location: 78° 28' S Latitude
  • 106° 48' E Longitude
  • Open: 2 December 2000
  • Close: 25 January 2001
Lake Hoare
  • Location:76° 38'S Latitude
  • 162° 57'E Longitude
  • Open: 11 October 2000
  • Close: 10 February 2001
Lake Bonney Camp
  • Location: 77° 42'S Latitude
  • 162° 'E Longitude
  • Open: 12 October 2000
  • Close: 30 January 2001
Lake Fryxell
  • Location: 777° 36'S Latitude
  • 163° 07'E Longitude
  • Open: 22 October 2000
  • Close: 24 January 2001
Pieter J. Lenie Field Station ("Copacabana"), King George Island
  • Location: 62° 10'S Latitude
  • 58° 28'W Longitude
  • Open: 21 October 2000
  • Close: 01 March 2001
Cape Shirreff Field Station, Livingston Island
  • Location: 62° 28'S Latitude
  • 60° 47'W Longitude
  • Open: 16 November 2000
  • Close: 28 February 2001

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