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DU(E-NEWS) Content Submission Guidelines

We welcome your contributions!

All interested in recent happenings in the DUE community are welcome to visit DU(E-NEWS), which contains primarily three categories of posts: “What’s New in DUE,” Highlights, and Findings.

If you are interested in sharing your work via this webpage, please send the following information or any questions with the phrase “DU(E-NEWS) Content Submission” contained in the subject line. Scientific staff members within DUE will review submissions and follow up to finalize the post content.

  • Captivating/interesting title
  • Content written in active voice
  • In under 1,600 words, succinctly to convey the importance of your project/research and the implications or future directions
  • Ties to NSF wide initiatives such as the 10 Big Ideas (if applicable)
  • Ties to other relevant stakeholders such as other researchers in this area, teacher educators, teacher candidates and teachers, industry members, and policymakers.
  • Include any links to any longer articles you authored, relevant research of others, and/or resources to allow interested readers to delve deeper
  • Reference the AP style guide for any writing/style questions

Also include:

  • Author(s) Headshot(s)
  • Author(s) Title(s)/Organization(s)
  • A photograph representing your program, conference, students at work, your program's lab, or even the campus you are working on.  We prefer candid photographs, rather than headshots (the photo should be at least 300 dpi)

These guidelines are based on content in grant DUE-1548986.

Division of Undergraduate Education (EHR/DUE)

Phone: (703) 292-8670 | Fax: (703) 292-9015 | Room: W 11100