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Award Abstract # 2124923
A framework to predict hydrologic processes at continental scales

Division Of Earth Sciences
Initial Amendment Date: June 4, 2021
Latest Amendment Date: June 4, 2021
Award Number: 2124923
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Program Manager: Hendratta Ali
 Division Of Earth Sciences
 Directorate for Geosciences
Start Date: September 1, 2021
End Date: August 31, 2025 (Estimated)
Total Intended Award Amount: $294,998.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: $294,998.00
Funds Obligated to Date: FY 2021 = $294,998.00
History of Investigator:
  • Hilary McMillan (Principal Investigator)
Recipient Sponsored Research Office: San Diego State University Foundation
CA  US  92182-1901
Sponsor Congressional District: 51
Primary Place of Performance: San Diego State University Foundation
5250 Campanile Drive
San Diego
CA  US  92182-2190
Primary Place of Performance
Congressional District:
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): H59JKGFZKHL7
NSF Program(s): Hydrologic Sciences,
Special Initiatives
Primary Program Source: 01002122DB NSF RESEARCH & RELATED ACTIVIT
Program Reference Code(s): 102Z
Program Element Code(s): 157900, 164200
Award Agency Code: 4900
Fund Agency Code: 4900
Assistance Listing Number(s): 47.050


Streamflow predictions are essential for forecasting floods and managing water resources under intensifying pressures on water use. To make reliable streamflow predictions for all rivers, including those with no flow gauges, we need computer models that accurately simulate watershed processes and how they vary across the U.S. landscape. For example, how do surface flows, recharge, groundwater storage and flow patterns change from watershed to watershed? The latest hydrologic models are flexible enough to simulate spatially variable processes, but we currently lack the knowledge of how those processes vary by watershed. This project will fill this knowledge gap by developing a new framework to predict how watershed processes vary across the U.S.. The approach is novel in leveraging small-scale field hydrology knowledge within a continental-scale, machine learning application. The research will discover new relationships between landscape features, streamflow dynamics and watershed processes. Project scientists will work with NOAA?s National Water Center to apply the results in the design of the Next-Generation National Water Model that provides streamflow predictions for every river in the U.S.. The project will provide research experiences for under-represented minority students, and will develop online learning materials.

The goals of the project are to (1) Identify a suite of landscape metrics that quantify landscape characteristics most likely to activate specific runoff generation processes. (2) Identify dominant hydrologic processes across a large database of gauged U.S. watersheds, by relating streamflow dynamics to the upstream processes that drive them. (3) Develop a data-driven model that predicts dominant hydrologic processes based on landscape metrics. (4) Evaluate the data-driven model by testing it for a range of locations and case studies. The framework developed in this project will improve on previous methods of identifying and predicting landscape and hydrologic metrics, by redesigning the metrics to target specific hydrologic processes. Further, the project will apply new machine learning developments to identify and interpret predictive relationships between landscapes and processes. Deliverables will include GIS (geographic information system) maps of hydrologic processes across the contiguous U.S., and open-source code to estimate hydrologic processes from landscape characteristics. Overall, the project aspires to transform how continental-scale hydrology models represent water fluxes in diverse climates and landscapes.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.


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Bolotin, Lauren A and McMillan, Hilary K "A hydrologic signature approach to analysing wildfire impacts on overland flow" Hydrological processes , v.38 , 2024 Citation Details
Botterill, Tom E. and McMillan, Hilary K. "Using Machine Learning to Identify Hydrologic Signatures With an EncoderDecoder Framework" Water Resources Research , v.59 , 2023 Citation Details
Coxon, Gemma and McMillan, Hilary and Bloomfield, John_P and Bolotin, Lauren and Dean, Joshua_F and Kelleher, Christa and Slater, Louise and Zheng, Yanchen "Wastewater discharges and urban land cover dominate urban hydrology signals across England and Wales" Environmental Research Letters , v.19 , 2024 Citation Details
McMillan, Hilary "A taxonomy of hydrological processes and watershed function" Hydrological Processes , v.36 , 2022 Citation Details
McMillan, Hilary and Araki, Ryoko and Gnann, Sebastian and Woods, Ross and Wagener, Thorsten "How do hydrologists perceive watersheds? A survey and analysis of perceptual model figures for experimental watersheds" Hydrological Processes , v.37 , 2023 Citation Details
McMillan, Hilary and Coxon, Gemma and Araki, Ryoko and Salwey, Saskia and Kelleher, Christa and Zheng, Yanchen and Knoben, Wouter and Gnann, Sebastian and Seibert, Jan and Bolotin, Lauren "When good signatures go bad: Applying hydrologic signatures in large sample studies" Hydrological processes , v.37 , 2023 Citation Details
McMillan, Hilary K. and Gnann, Sebastian J. and Araki, Ryoko "Large Scale Evaluation of Relationships Between Hydrologic Signatures and Processes" Water Resources Research , v.58 , 2022 Citation Details

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