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News Release 14-130

$18-million NSF investment aims to take flat materials to new heights

2-D alternatives to graphene may enable exciting advances in electronics, photonics, sensors and other applications

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Illustration of a heterogeneous structure made with 2-D materials

The EFRI 2-DARE project led by Alexander Balandin at the University of California, Riverside, will focus on a new class of ultra-thin film materials, termed van der Waals materials, and the synthesis of new structures with them.

Credit: Mahesh Neupane, Roger Lake, and Alexander Balandin

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Fluorescence image of atomic layers of tungstenite

Some two-dimensional semiconducting atomic layers possess novel properties often unavailable in their bulk counterparts. Researchers on an EFRI 2-DARE team led by Humberto Terrones of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will incorporate such 2-D materials onto devices for novel photonic applications.

Credit: Ana Laura Elias, Nestor Perea-Lopez, Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University

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