This page lists the U.S. National Science Foundation's current environmental reviews of its potential investments.
For proposed actions, NSF complies with environmental and historic preservation laws such as the "National Environmental Policy Act" (NEPA), the "National Historic Preservation Act," and the "Endangered Species Act," among others. NSF considers and, as appropriate, addresses potential environmental impacts such as effects on biological, historic and cultural resources, including tribal resources.

On this page
NSF NEPA information
In compliance with the amended NEPA and the recently revised Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA implementing regulations, NSF is updating the NSF NEPA implementing regulations located at 45 CFR Part 640. When finalized, the revised regulations will be posted on this webpage.
NSF has a process for internally evaluating environmental impacts associated with its proposed actions, this process is generally described in the Proposals and Awards Policies and Procedures Guide (Chapter II.D.2.i(iv) and Chapter XI.K).
In alignment with the CEQ NEPA implementing regulations, NSF will make available upon request determinations of proposed actions that were categorically excluded from further environmental review, notwithstanding extraordinary circumstances.
Additional changes to this website may be forthcoming as NSF conforms with the new CEQ NEPA implementing regulations.
Visit for help with accessibility on any documents posted on this page.
Current environmental reviews
Thirty Meter Telescope
NSF is considering a potential future investment in the construction and operations of an Extremely Large Telescope in the Northern Hemisphere: the Thirty Meter Telescope.
New England Shelf hydrogeology study, NW Atlantic, 2025
Draft environmental assessment (posted March 12, 2025)
Public comments will be accepted for 30 days via email to
Marine geophysical surveys, northeast Pacific Ocean, 2025
Draft environmental assessment (posted March 12, 2025)
Public comments will be accepted for 30 days via email to
Other environmental reviews
Astronomical Sciences facilities
Arecibo Observatory 305-M Telescope collapse – environmental cleanup and historic preservation
On December 1, 2020, the instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico fell, resulting in damage to the dish and surrounding facilities. The National Science Foundation (NSF), University of Central Florida, Arecibo Observatory, and a team of contractors immediately began emergency cleanup activities following the collapse to protect life and property and to enable safe operations at the facility. The work being done at Arecibo Observatory was limited to emergency clean-up activities and ongoing research conducted at existing facilities. Future development at the Observatory will be considered at a later date.
Arecibo Observatory proposed changes to operations (2017/2023 amendment)
NSF prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of proposed changes to operations at Arecibo Observatory, in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.
Environmental review documents
National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
- Programmatic agreement (2023)
- Former programmatic agreement (2017, replaced by 2023 agreement): English with attachments | Spanish | Attachments in Spanish
Sacramento Peak Observatory proposed changes to operations (2019)
NSF prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of proposed changes to operations at Sacramento Peak Observatory, in Sunspot, New Mexico.
Green Bank Observatory proposed changes to operations (2019)
NSF prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of proposed changes to operations at Green Bank Observatory, in Green Bank, West Virginia.
Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
National Center for Atmospheric Research TAP reconstruction (2019)
Xcel Energy prepared plans to reconstruct power transmission lines in property owned by NSF and managed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Environmental review documents
National Center for Atmospheric Research - Wyoming Supercomputing Center (2010)
NSF prepared an environmental assessment for the construction of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)-Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC) in Cheyenne.
Environmental review documents
Engineering research infrastructure
National Full-scale Testing Infrastructure for Community Hardening in Extreme Wind, Surge and Wave Events (NICHE, 2022)
NSF prepared an Environmental Assessment to evaluate the potential environmental effects of its proposed funding of the construction and operation of a physical design testbed on the Florida International University campus in Miami, Florida.
Environmental review documents
Ocean Sciences
Ocean Observatories Initiative Coastal Pioneer Mid-Atlantic Bight Array (2024)
Marine geophysical survey, Puerto Rico (2023)
Marine geophysical survey, Blake Plateau (2023)
Marine geophysical survey, North Carolina (2023)
Marine geophysical survey, Northeast Pacific Ocean (2022)
Marine geophysical survey, Arctic Ocean (2021)
Marine geophysical survey, Queen Charlotte Fault (2021)
Marine geophysical survey, Aleutian Arc (2020)
Marine geophysical survey along Cascadia Subduction Zone (2020)
Marine geophysical survey in the Gulf of Alaska (2019)
Marine geophysical surveys in the North Pacific Ocean (2018/19)
Marine geophysical survey off Oregon/Washington (Sept. 2017)
Marine geophysical survey off New Jersey (Summer 2015)
USGS seismic surveys in the Atlantic (August 2014-April 2015)
Marine geophysical survey off Cape Hatteras (Sept.- Oct. 2014)
Marine geophysical survey off New Jersey (June-July 2014)
Marine geophysical survey in the northeastern Pacific Ocean (June-July 2012)
Marine geophysical survey in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean (May 2012)
Marine geophysical survey in the Central Pacific Ocean-Line Islands (May 2012)
Marine geophysical survey on the Shatsky Rise in the N.W. Pacific Ocean (March-April 2012)
Marine geophysical survey in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (Feb.-Mar. 2012)
Programmatic environmental impact statement for marine seismic research (2011)
Marine geophysical survey in the Central Pacific Ocean (Nov.-Dec. 2011)
Marine geophysical survey by the R/V Thompson in the W. Tropical Pacific Ocean (Nov.-Dec. 2011)
NSF-USGS marine geophysical survey in the Gulf of Alaska (June 2011)
NSF-USGS marine geophysical survey in the Bering Sea (Aug. 2011)
Marine geophysical survey in the Gulf of Alaska (July-Aug 2011)
Marine geophysical survey in the Arctic Ocean (Sept.-Oct. 2011)
Marine geophysical survey in the Eastern Tropical Pacific off Costa Rica (April-May 2011)
Ocean Observatories Initiative (site specific, 2011)
Ocean Observatories Initiative (programmatic, 2009)
Marine geophysical survey by the R/V Melville in the Pacific Ocean off Central/South America (Oct.–Nov. 2010)
Marine geophysical survey by the R/V Marcus G. Langseth on the Shatsky Rise in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (June-July 2010)
Marine seismic survey in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (August 2009)
Marine seismic survey in the southwest Pacific Ocean (Jan.–Feb. 2009)
Marine seismic survey in Southeast Asia (March-July 2009)
U.S. Implementing Organization's participation in the International Ocean Discovery Program (2008)
Marine seismic survey in Santa Barbara Channel (November 2008)
Marine survey in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (October 2008)
Planned seismic survey in the Gulf of Alaska (September 2008)
Planned low energy marine seismic survey in NE Pacific Ocean (2008)
- Environmental Assessment of a Marine Geophysical Survey by R/V Marcus Langseth off Central America (January-March 2008)
- Environmental Assessment of Planned Low Energy Marine Seismic Survey in Northeast Indian Ocean (May-August 2007)
- Environmental Assessment of Two Marine Geophysical Surveys of R/V Marcus Langseth Off Eastern Tropical Pacific (April 2007)
- Environmental Assessment of a Low Energy Marine Seismic Survey in the South Pacific (December 2006-January 2007)
- Environmental Assessment of a Planned Low Energy Marine Seismic Survey: Finding of No Significant Impact (November 2005)
- Environmental Assessment of a Planned Low Energy Marine Seismic Survey by Scripps Institution of Oceanography on the Louisville Ridge in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (June 2005)