Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions
As part of NCSES's ongoing website redesign project, the Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions page has been reimagined. Beginning in May 2023, only survey data published from the 2020 cycle or earlier will be available on this page. Data from all subsequent cycles will be published on our new Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions page.
The Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions is a congressionally mandated survey that is the only source of comprehensive data on federal science and engineering funding to individual academic and nonprofit institutions. The target population is federal agencies that obligated money in the survey year for direct support of academic and nonprofit institutions’ research and development.
Survey Description
- Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2020
Data Tables | NSF 22-342 | September 20, 2022 - Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2019
Data Tables | NSF 21-333 | July 15, 2021 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2018(A)
Data Tables | April 28, 2020 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2017(A)
Data Tables | March 19, 2019 - Federal Support for Science and Engineering to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2015(A)
Data Tables | August 24, 2017 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2013(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 15-327 | July 9, 2015 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2012(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 15-305 | December 15, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FYs 2010 and 2011(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 15-301 | October 30, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2009(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 13-303 | December 18, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2008(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-316 | May 21, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2005(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-312 | May 8, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2007(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-301 | January 24, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2006(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-302 | January 24, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2007(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 09-315 | September 18, 2009 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2006(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 09-310 | March 27, 2009 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2005(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 07-333 | October 15, 2007 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2004(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 07-316 | March 22, 2007 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: Fiscal Year 2003(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 06-309 | June 13, 2006 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: 2002(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 05-309 | March 17, 2005 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 2001(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 03-326 | August 21, 2003 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 2000(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 02-319 | April 23, 2002 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1999(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 01-323 | April 30, 2001 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1998(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 00-315 | May 2, 2000 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1997(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 99-331 | March 23, 1999 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1996(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 98-331 | October 27, 1998 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1995(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 97-330 | March 4, 1998 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1994(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 96-317 | January 1, 1996 - Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1993(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 95-331 | January 1, 1995 - Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1992(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 94-329 | April 1, 1994 - Selected Data on Federal Support to Universities and Colleges: FY 1992(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 94-312 | January 1, 1994 - See more in Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs →
(A): Archived Publication
- FY 2022 Federal Science and Engineering Support to Selected Types of Minority-Serving Institutions
InfoBriefs | NSF 24-331 | July 22, 2024 - Federal Science and Engineering Support for Academic Institutions Increased 3% in FY 2022; Support to HBCUs Increased 19%
InfoBriefs | NSF 24-325 | June 10, 2024 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Higher Education Increased 10% in FY 2021
InfoBriefs | NSF 24-316 | January 29, 2024 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Higher Education Increased 3% in FY 2020
InfoBriefs | NSF 22-341 | September 20, 2022 - Federal Obligations for R&D to Private Nonprofit Institutions Totaled $8.3 Billion in FY 2019
InfoBriefs | NSF 22-301 | October 28, 2021 - Growth in Federal S&E Support to HBCUs Continues to Lag Behind Increases to All Institutions in FY 2019
InfoBriefs | NSF 21-332 | July 15, 2021 - Federal Obligations for S&E Support to HBCUs in FY 2018 Increase 3.8% from Previous Year(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 20-314 | May 29, 2020 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Academic Institutions Increase 2%; Support to HBCUs Declines 17%(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 19-314 | March 19, 2019 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Academic Institutions Reach $31.6 Billion in FY 2016; Support to HBCUs Declines for the Second Year in a Row(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 18-310 | July 30, 2018 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Declined 2% in FY 2015(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 17-318 | July 7, 2017 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Increase by 6% in FY 2014(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 16-312 | May 19, 2016 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Drop by 6% in FY 2013(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 15-325 | June 30, 2015 - Federal FY 2012 S&E Obligations to Academic and Nonprofit Institutions: Focus on Minority-Serving Institutions(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 15-309 | December 15, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Drop by 11% in FY 2011(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 14-309 | March 25, 2014 - ARRA Provided $5.9 Billion in Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges in FY 2009(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 12-320 | June 15, 2012 - Federal Obligations for Science and Engineering to Universities and Colleges Show Little Growth(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 12-306 | February 2, 2012 - Federal S&E Obligations to Three Types of Minority-Serving Institutions Decline in FY 2007(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 09-319 | September 8, 2009 - Federal R&D Obligations to Universities and Colleges Totaled $25 Billion in FY 2007(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 09-313 | March 27, 2009 (Revised: September 4, 2009) - Federal S&E Obligations to Academic Institutions Reach New Highs in FY 2006 but Fail to Keep Up with Inflation(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 08-316 | October 7, 2008 - FY 2005 Federal S&E Obligations Reach Over 2,400 Academic and Nonprofit Institutions; Data Presented on Minority-Serving Institutions(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 07-326 | November 14, 2007 - Federal Academic Science and Engineering Obligations Rose by 2.5% in FY 2004(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 07-300 | November 1, 2006 - Federal S&E Obligations to Academic and Nonprofit Institutions Reached Record Highs in FY 2003(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 05-321 | September 2, 2005 - Federal S&E Obligations to Academic and NPOs Reach Record Highs in FY 2002(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 04-324 | June 9, 2004 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased 13 Percent in FY 2001: Record Highs Reported in Five of Six Funding Categories(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 03-317 | April 14, 2003 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased 10 Percent in FY 2000(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 02-310 | February 28, 2002 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased More Than 12 Percent Between FY 1998 and FY 1999(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 01-321 | March 22, 2001 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Up More Than 6 Percent in FY 1998(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 00-312 | March 1, 2000 - Federal Academic Obligations for S&E Activities Increased More than 4 Percent in FY 1997(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 99-326 | February 12, 1999 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Decreased Slightly in FY 1996(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 98-308 | April 27, 1998 - Federal Agencies' Academic S&E Obligations Continued to Climb in FY 1995(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 97-307 | May 30, 1997 - Academic S&E Support from Federal Agencies Rose by 8 Percent in FY 1994(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 96-305 | June 18, 1996 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Showed Slight Decrease in FY 1993(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 95-314 | December 4, 1995 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased by 8 Percent in FY 1992(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 94-308 | June 1, 1994 - The Extent of Federal S&E Funding to Minority-Serving Institutions(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 04-325 | June 9, 2004 - See more in Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs →
- Federal Obligations for R&D and R&D Plant to Nonprofit Organizations, by Selected Agencies: FY 2020
Other | NSF 23-330 | April 17, 2023 - Per-Student Federal Obligations for R&D and Fellowship, Training, and Traineeship Grants at HBCUs and Other Minority-Serving Institutions
Other | NSF 23-325 | February 8, 2023 - See more in Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs →
- Definitions of Research and Development: An Annotated Compilation of Official Sources
Reference | NCSES 22-209 | May 19, 2022 - See more in Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs →
- Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons
Special Reports | NSB 2021-4 | October 28, 2021 - Science and Technology: Public Perceptions, Awareness, and Information Sources
Special Reports | NSB 2022-7 | May 4, 2022 - The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers
Special Reports | NSB 2021-2 | August 31, 2021 - Changes in Federal Support for Academic S&E and R&D Activities Since the 1970s(A)
Special Reports | NSF 04-304 | February 5, 2004 - See more in Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs →
(A): Archived Publication
- Academic Institution Profiles
- This interactive website provides access to selected data on the number of earned doctorates, number of graduate students and postdoctorates in science and engineering, total federal obligations, and total R&D expenditures by individual U.S. academic institutions. Academic Institution Profiles also includes rankings of institutions by four selected variables. Data come from four NCSES surveys: the Higher Education R&D Survey; the Survey of Earned Doctorates; the Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges and Nonprofit Institutions; and the Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering. Data cover the most recent 10 years and are available for download.
- Definitions of Research and Development
- This special publication provides definitions of research and development (R&D) from several official U.S. and international organizations. The document is designed as a reference for researchers and other users of data on R&D expenditures. In addition to definitions from National Science Foundation (NSF) surveys on R&D expenditures, the document includes definitions from regulatory, Federal procurement, and accounting sources. International sources include manuals from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the System of National Accounts.
- Science and Engineering Indicators
- This biennial report to Congress provides a broad base of quantitative information about U.S. science, engineering, and technology.
Christopher Pece
Survey Manager
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
(703) 292-7788
Last Updated: June 2024