by Christopher Pece[1]

Science and engineering (S&E) support to historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) was $320 million in FY 2018, an increase of 3.8% from FY 2017. This was the first increase HBCUs saw in 4 years, following annual declines in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Support to HBCUs for research and experimental development (R&D), the largest S&E component, was $247 million in FY 2018, an increase of 5.4% from 2017 (table 1).

TABLE 1. Federal science and engineering obligations to HBCUs, by type of activity: FYs 2013–18
(Thousands of dollars)
All federal
Facilities and
equipment for
instruction in S&E
traineeships, and
training grants
support for

HBCUs = historically black colleges and universities; S&E = science and engineering.

NOTE: Detail may not add to total due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions.

Table 1 Source Data: Excel file

2013 379,639 217,600 3,062 0 25,018 14,563 119,395
2014 408,387 241,643 10,116 0 66,131 16,247 74,250
2015 397,237 256,660 1,150 0 72,562 15,464 51,401
2016 372,978 257,894 2,210 0 56,529 5,166 51,180
2017 307,892 234,460 903 0 58,895 40 13,594
2018 319,684 247,103 1,412 0 60,786 95 10,289

More broadly, in FY 2018, federal agencies obligated $35.3 billion to higher education institutions in support of S&E, which includes R&D and other S&E activities, up 8.8% from the $32.4 billion obligated in FY 2017. In comparison, there was an increase of 2.5% from FY 2016 to FY 2017 (table 2).

TABLE 2. Federal science and engineering obligations to all higher education institutions, by type of activity: FYs 2013–18
(Millions of dollars)
Fiscal year All federal
Facilities and
equipment for
instruction in S&E
traineeships, and
training grants
support for

S&E = science and engineering.

NOTE: Detail may not add to total due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions.

Table 2 Source Data: Excel file

2013 29,407 26,156 273 4 894 132 1,948
2014 31,157 27,652 400 11 1,341 138 1,615
2015 30,561 27,105 371 4 1,347 138 1,596
2016 31,647 28,532 370 3 1,374 128 1,239
2017 32,440 29,805 432 3 1,371 96 732
2018 35,301 32,310 506 6 1,515 121 844

These and other estimates in this InfoBrief are from the FY 2018 Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions (Federal S&E Support Survey), conducted by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF).

S&E Support to Higher Education Institutions

Federal S&E support includes six categories: R&D; R&D plant; facilities and equipment for instruction in S&E; fellowships, traineeships, and training grants (FTTGs); general support for S&E; and other S&E activities (see definitions in "Data Sources and Limitations"). Twenty higher education institutions receiving the largest amounts of federal S&E support accounted for 36.2% of all S&E support obligations by the federal government (table 3). Out of the $13 billion obligated to these 20 academic institutions to support S&E, 93.3% was for R&D, 4.1% for FTTGs, 2.1% for other S&E activities, and less than 1.0% for each of the following types of activities: R&D plant, general support for S&E, and facilities for instruction in S&E. These shares differ slightly from the ones for all other academic institutions. Of the $23 billion obligated to all other academic institutions, 90.5% was for R&D, 4.4% for FTTGs, 2.6% for other S&E support activities, 2.1% for R&D plant, and less than 1% for facilities for instruction in S&E and for general support for S&E.

TABLE 3. Federal science and engineering obligations to the 20 universities and colleges receiving the largest amounts, by type of activity: FY 2018
(Millions of dollars)
Institution All federal
R&D R&D plant Facilities and
equipment for
instruction in S&E
traineeships, and
training grants
support for
Other S&E

S&E = science and engineering.

a Includes funding for Applied Physics Laboratory ($992.8 million for S&E obligations, all of which was for R&D).

NOTE: Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions, FY 2018.

Table 3 Source Data: Excel file

All institutions 35,301 32,310 506 6 1,515 121 844
Top 20 institutions 12,788 11,932 29 0 520 41 266
Johns Hopkins U.a 1,822 1,753 0 0 37 1 30
U. Michigan 755 704 0 0 31 1 20
U. Washington 755 666 3 0 59 0 28
U. California, San Diego 684 636 5 0 19 6 17
U. California, San Francisco 672 617 0 0 32 2 21
Columbia U. in the City of New York 647 602 1 0 28 3 13
Stanford U. 621 576 0 0 29 5 11
U. Pittsburgh 600 558 0 0 22 4 16
U. Pennsylvania 584 541 2 0 37 0 5
Duke U. 578 544 2 0 16 1 16
U. Colorado Boulder 564 517 3 0 31 2 10
U. California, Los Angeles 544 510 0 0 25 2 8
Washington U., Saint Louis 523 485 1 0 21 4 12
U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill 517 476 0 0 25 0 16
Georgia Institute of Technology 501 485 4 0 6 0 6
Harvard U. 500 464 2 0 26 2 6
Yale U. 498 467 1 0 21 3 6
Pennsylvania State U. 485 459 5 0 14 1 7
U. Wisconsin-Madison 482 451 1 0 22 3 4
Northwestern U., Evanston 455 422 1 0 18 1 13
All other academic institutions 22,513 20,378 477 6 995 80 578

Six federal agencies accounted for 97.6% of all S&E support to higher education institutions in FY 2018: the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which includes the National Institutes of Health ($20.7 billion), NSF ($5.6 billion), the Department of Defense (DOD) ($4.6 billion), the Department of Energy (DOE) ($1.4 billion), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ($1.1 billion), and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) ($1.0 billion) (figure 1). Because obligations for R&D are the single largest share of total S&E support, these six agencies also accounted for 97.6% of all federal R&D obligations to the academic sector (details available in table 8 in the full set of data tables).

FIGURE 1. Federal obligations for science and engineering to universities and colleges, by agency: FY 2018

FIGURE 1. Federal obligations for science and engineering to universities and colleges, by agency: FY 2018

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions, FY 2018.

Figure 1 Source Data: Excel file

S&E Support to Minority-Serving Institutions

Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Fifty-seven of the 105 HBCUs[2] received federal obligations for S&E activities in FY 2018, totaling $320 million (table 4). FY 2018 marked the first increase in federal S&E obligations to HBCUs since FY 2014, when obligations rose 7.6% to $408 million (table 1). In FY 2018, total R&D support to all HBCUs was $247 million, a 5.4% increase from the $234 million obligated in FY 2017.

The 20 HBCUs receiving the largest share of federal S&E support accounted for 74.9% of all S&E support obligations to HBCUs (table 4). These top 20 HBCUs also received 78.1% ($193 million) of all federal obligations for R&D to HBCUs, 64.0% ($39 million) of these obligations for FTTGs, and 100% of these obligations for both R&D plant and general support for S&E.

TABLE 4. Federal science and engineering obligations to the 20 HBCUs receiving the largest amounts, by type of activity: FY 2018
(Thousands of dollars)
Institution All federal
R&D R&D plant Facilities and
equipment for
instruction in S&E
and training
support for
Other S&E

* = amount > $0 but < $50.

HBCUs = historically black colleges and universities; S&E = science and engineering.

NOTE: Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions FY 2018.

Table 4 Source Data: Excel file

All HBCUs 319,684 247,103 1,412 0 60,786 95 10,289
Top 20 HBCUs 239,488 192,937 1,412 0 38,881 95 6,163
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State U. 24,231 20,872 0 0 3,170 0 189
Morehouse School of Medicine 19,587 18,408 0 0 327 0 852
Howard U. 18,839 13,772 299 0 4,549 0 219
Tuskegee U. 18,039 13,709 0 0 3,173 10 1,147
Meharry Medical C. 16,991 14,097 0 0 2,261 0 633
North Carolina Central U. 14,750 12,311 466 0 1,973 0 0
Tennessee State U. 12,393 8,915 0 0 3,243 0 235
Florida A&M U. 11,270 8,394 0 0 1,238 0 1,639
Xavier U., Louisiana 11,213 8,994 0 0 1,839 0 380
Delaware State U. 9,519 8,570 0 0 768 10 171
Jackson State U. 9,286 7,122 0 0 1,713 0 450
Prairie View A&M U. 9,197 7,861 0 0 1,087 0 249
Morgan State U. 9,062 6,845 0 0 2,217 0 *
Hampton U. 9,006 6,377 0 0 2,628 0 0
Alabama A&M U. 8,931 5,351 629 0 2,951 0 0
U. of the Virgin Islands 8,590 7,417 0 0 1,173 0 0
Norfolk State U. 8,584 7,543 18 0 1,023 0 0
Virginia State U. 7,543 6,541 0 0 927 75 0
Texas Southern U. 6,616 5,014 0 0 1,601 0 0
Clark Atlanta U. 5,844 4,824 0 0 1,020 0 0
All other HBCUs 80,196 54,166 0 0 21,905 0 4,126

In FY 2018, five federal agencies—NSF, HHS, USDA, DOD, and DOE—accounted for 97.3% of all federal obligations for S&E support to HBCUs (table 5). NSF provided the most S&E support, accounting for $102 million, or 32.1% of all federal S&E obligations to HBCUs. HHS obligated $97 million in S&E support, or 30.3% of the total, and USDA followed with $79 million, or 24.8% of all federal S&E support to HBCUs. Obligations by DOD and by DOE accounted for 6.6% and 3.6%, respectively. In terms of R&D obligations to HBCUs, HHS leads all agencies with 34.0% of total R&D obligations to HBCUs ($84 million), followed by USDA ($68 million, or 27.5%), NSF ($62 million, or 25.2%), DOD ($19 million, or 7.7%), and DOE ($11 million, or 4.6%) (details available in table 25 in the full set of data tables).

TABLE 5. Federal science and engineering obligations to the 20 HBCUs receiving the largest amounts, by agency: FY 2018
(Thousands of dollars)
Institution All agencies DOD DOE ED HHS NASA NSF USDA Other

DOD = Department of Defense; DOE = Department of Energy; ED = Department of Education; HBCUs = historically black colleges and universities; HHS = Department of Health and Human Services; NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NSF = National Science Foundation; USDA = Department of Agriculture.

aIncludes data for the following agencies: the Departments of Commerce, Homeland Security, the Interior, and Transportation and the Social Security Administration.

NOTE: Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions, FY 2018.

Table 5 Source Data: Excel file

All HBCUs 319,684 21,104 11,383 6,264 96,938 1,912 102,499 79,128 456
Top 20 HBCUs 239,488 16,289 11,383 2,399 87,905 1,877 76,234 43,006 395
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State U. 24,231 2,168 2,960 0 1,817 0 9,273 8,012 0
Morehouse School of Medicine 19,587 852 0 0 18,735 0 0 0 0
Howard U. 18,839 964 0 0 7,682 56 10,012 0 125
Tuskegee U. 18,039 2,343 0 0 3,219 0 7,125 5,352 0
Meharry Medical C. 16,991 0 0 250 16,741 0 0 0 0
North Carolina Central U. 14,750 0 0 266 8,012 0 6,472 0 0
Tennessee State U. 12,393 228 0 235 1,468 0 3,115 7,077 270
Florida A&M U. 11,270 270 3,476 867 2,622 0 3,794 242 0
Xavier U., Louisiana 11,213 1,494 0 0 7,362 0 2,357 0 0
Delaware State U. 9,519 1,591 0 82 3,569 0 1,562 2,715 0
Jackson State U. 9,286 1,592 0 450 2,330 0 4,914 0 0
Prairie View A&M U. 9,197 0 0 249 112 211 1,800 6,825 0
Morgan State U. 9,062 150 0 0 5,240 689 2,983 0 0
Hampton U. 9,006 2,625 601 0 1,625 921 3,234 0 0
Alabama A&M U. 8,931 676 0 0 0 0 2,702 5,553 0
U. of the Virgin Islands 8,590 15 0 0 554 0 6,304 1,717 0
Norfolk State U. 8,584 721 4,345 0 0 0 3,518 0 0
Virginia State U. 7,543 0 0 0 0 0 2,029 5,514 0
Texas Southern U. 6,616 0 0 0 3,223 0 3,392 0 0
Clark Atlanta U. 5,844 600 0 0 3,595 0 1,649 0 0
All other HBCUs 80,196 4,815 0 3,865 9,033 35 26,265 36,122 62

High-Hispanic-Enrollment Institutions

Among other minority-serving institutions, high-Hispanic-enrollment institutions (HHEs)[3] received $4.4 billion in federal obligations for S&E support in FY 2018 (table 6). Federal support to HHEs for R&D amounted to $4.0 billion, or 90.0% of total federal S&E support to HHEs. By comparison, R&D accounted for 77.3% of the S&E total obligations to HBCUs and for 91.5% of federal S&E support to all higher education institutions. The majority (59.9%) of the FY 2018 S&E support to HHEs came from HHS, with nearly $2.7 billion in obligations. NSF was the second-leading federal agency to obligate funding to support S&E at HHEs, with nearly $830 million (18.7%) (details available in table 26 in the full set of data tables).

TABLE 6. Federal obligations for science and engineering to high-Hispanic-enrollment institutions, ranked by total amount received, by type of activity: FY 2018 
(Thousands of dollars)
Institution All federal
R&D R&D plant Facilities and
equipment for
instruction in
and training
support for
Other S&E

HHEs = high-Hispanic-enrollment institutions; S&E = science and engineering.

a Excludes obligations for the university's foundation or auxiliary organization or some campuses or branches because those are not HHE institutions.

NOTES: Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Institution order is based on total actual dollars received before amounts are rounded. Only those agencies that had obligations in the variables represented by this table appear in the table. This list of HHE institutions includes those institutions of higher education whose full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment of undergraduate students is at least 25% Hispanic, according to fall 2018 enrollment data self-reported by the institutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). NCES determined FTE enrollment by calculating that approximately three part-time students are equivalent to one full-time student.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions FY 2018.

Table 6 Source Data: Excel file

All HHEs 4,442,397 3,998,042 94,759 0 209,415 22,981 117,201
Top 20 HHEs 3,881,599 3,550,757 87,948 0 132,924 19,748 90,223
U. California, San Diegoa 683,250 635,718 4,559 0 19,445 6,305 17,223
U. California, Los Angeles 544,389 509,919 9 0 24,556 1,736 8,170
U. Texas, Austin 360,615 284,126 62,266 0 10,132 0 4,090
U. California, Davis 353,263 331,185 560 0 10,139 1,639 9,741
U. Colorado Bouldera 246,152 224,313 0 0 11,485 501 9,853
U. Arizona 238,551 214,445 2,880 0 12,218 600 8,409
U. California, Irvine 228,918 221,670 400 0 5,691 0 1,157
U. Miamia 166,547 160,221 0 0 3,074 0 3,252
U. Illinois, Chicago 161,943 145,678 1,013 0 5,399 0 9,853
U. Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 151,198 141,562 0 0 2,580 1,197 5,860
U. New Mexico 114,559 102,284 2,085 0 6,228 0 3,961
U. California, Santa Barbara 108,407 105,293 1,842 0 1,273 0 0
U. Texas Health Science Center, Houstona 91,463 88,944 0 0 2,498 0 21
U. Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio 87,621 77,225 0 0 3,843 0 6,553
U. California, Riverside 78,246 74,820 599 0 2,568 0 260
U. Central Florida 71,791 71,145 0 0 362 0 284
U. California, Santa Cruz 59,752 51,180 2,809 0 2,712 3,044 6
Florida International U. 59,558 48,432 1,042 0 4,619 4,292 1,174
New Mexico State U., Las Cruces 40,430 36,245 83 0 3,307 435 360
U. Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus 34,949 26,354 7,800 0 795 0 0
All other HHE institutions 560,799 447,285 6,812 0 76,491 3,233 26,978

R&D Support to Nonprofit Institutions

NCSES collects statistics on federal obligations to independent nonprofit institutions for two of the six S&E support categories, namely, R&D and R&D plant. During FY 2018, federal agencies obligated $7.3 billion in R&D and R&D plant to 922 nonprofit institutions (table 7). The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute received the most in federal funds for R&D and R&D plant ($492 million).

TABLE 7. Federal research and development and R&D plant obligations to the 10 independent nonprofit institutions receiving the largest amounts, by agency: FY 2018
(Thousands of dollars)
Institution All federal

DOD = Department of Defense; DOE = Department of Energy; HHS = Department of Health and Human Services; NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NSF = National Science Foundation.

a Includes data for the following agencies: the Departments of Commerce, Education, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Justice, Labor, and Transportation; the Agency for International Development; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Appalachian Regional Commission; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund; and the Social Security Administration.

NOTE: Detail may not add to total due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions, FY 2018.

Table 7 Source Data: Excel file

All institutions 7,274,293 4,924,365 930,295 330,568 258,876 112,753 717,436
Top 10 nonprofit institutions 2,904,440 1,793,841 493,085 100,861 3,481 15,250 497,923
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute 491,715 0 0 0 0 0 491,715
Massachusetts General Hospital 465,109 451,964 12,552 364 230 0 0
Brigham and Women's Hospital 370,959 368,718 1,358 406 477 0 0
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 305,891 304,817 927 147 0 0 0
Battelle Memorial Institute, all locations 298,469 25,057 177,978 80,958 169 14,034 274
Mayo Clinic 272,133 261,156 10,441 536 0 0 0
Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine 223,301 17,995 205,306 0 0 0 0
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 169,423 167,882 63 264 0 1,215 0
Children's Hospital Boston 155,956 155,801 0 155 0 0 0
SRI International 151,485 40,452 84,461 18,032 2,606 0 5,935
All other nonprofit institutions 4,369,852 3,130,525 437,210 229,707 255,395 97,503 219,513

Data Sources and Limitations

Data in this InfoBrief were not adjusted for inflation. Data were obtained from the 20 agencies (12 federal departments and 8 independent agencies) that made S&E obligations to academic and nonprofit institutions in FY 2018, as reported to the Federal S&E Support Survey. The survey collects federal S&E support data by funding agency, institution, type of activity, type of institution, and geographic location.

The six funding categories of federal S&E support are defined as follows:

The full set of data tables on the FY 2018 Federal S&E Support Survey are available at Data for the survey are available in NCSES's interactive data tool ( For more information, please contact the author.


[1] Christopher Pece, Research and Development Statistics Program, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite W14200, Alexandria, VA 22314 (; 703-292-7788).

[2] The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, defines an HBCU as "any historically black college or university that was established prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the education of black Americans, and that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association determined by the Secretary (of Education) to be a reliable authority as to the quality of training offered or is, according to such an agency or association, making reasonable progress toward accreditation."

[3] HHEs are those institutions whose full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment of undergraduate students is at least 25% Hispanic, according to fall 2018 enrollment data self-reported by the institutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). NCES determined FTE enrollment by calculating that approximately three part-time students are equivalent to one full-time student.