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Table 4. Top 20 doctorate-granting institutions ranked by number of doctorate recipients, by broad field of study: 2016

Rank Field and institution Doctorate recipients
Life sciencesa 12,568
From top 20 institutions 3,510
1 U. Wisconsin-Madison 246
2 U. Florida 241
3 Johns Hopkins U. 227
4 Harvard U. 218
5 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 198
5 U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill 198
7 U. California, Davis 194
8 Ohio State U., Columbus 192
9 Walden U. 188
10 U. Washington, Seattle 181
11 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 176
12 U. California, Los Angeles 153
13 U. Georgia 147
14 U. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 143
15 U. Pennsylvania 141
16 U. California, Berkeley 139
17 Texas A&M U., College Station and Health Science Center 136
18 Purdue U., West Lafayette 131
18 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 131
20 Duke U. 130
Physical sciences and earth sciences 6,252
From top 20 institutions 1,908
1 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 131
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 127
3 U. Texas, Austin 114
4 U. California, Berkeley 111
5 Stanford U. 102
6 Harvard U. 101
7 U. California, San Diego 99
8 U. Wisconsin-Madison 96
9 U. Washington, Seattle 94
10 Purdue U., West Lafayette 93
10 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 93
12 Pennsylvania State U., University Park and Hershey Medical Center 92
13 U. Florida 91
14 Texas A&M U., College Station and Health Science Center 89
15 Princeton U. 84
16 U. Colorado Boulder 81
17 U. Arizona 80
18 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 79
19 U. Maryland, College Park 77
20 California Institute of Technology 74
Mathematics and computer sciences 3,957
From top 21 institutions 1,250
1 Carnegie Mellon U. 81
2 North Carolina State U. 77
3 Purdue U., West Lafayette 69
3 U. California, Berkeley 69
3 U. Wisconsin-Madison 69
6 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 66
7 Georgia Institute of Technology 65
7 Stanford U. 65
9 U. Maryland, College Park 64
10 U. Texas, Austin 61
11 U. California, Irvine 59
12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 57
13 U. California, Los Angeles 54
14 Pennsylvania State U., University Park and Hershey Medical Center 53
15 Columbia U. in the City of New York 50
15 Ohio State U., Columbus 50
17 Cornell U. 49
17 SUNY, Stony Brook U. 49
17 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 49
20 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 47
20 U. Washington, Seattle 47
Psychology and social sciences 9,078
From top 23 institutions 2,602
1 Walden U. 229
2 CUNY, Graduate Center 152
3 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 141
4 U. California, Berkeley 139
5 Harvard U. 133
6 U. Texas, Austin 131
7 U. California, Los Angeles 127
8 U. Wisconsin-Madison 115
9 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 114
10 George Mason U. 108
11 New York U. 103
12 Stanford U. 102
13 Indiana U., Bloomington 101
14 U. Maryland, College Park 99
15 U. Chicago 98
16 U. Florida 96
17 Pennsylvania State U., University Park and Hershey Medical Center 95
18 Ohio State U., Columbus 93
19 U. California, San Diego 90
20 Michigan State U. 84
20 Northwestern U. 84
20 U. Georgia 84
20 U. Washington, Seattle 84
Engineering 9,469
From top 20 institutions 3,655
1 Georgia Institute of Technology 324
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 279
3 Purdue U., West Lafayette 270
4 Stanford U. 255
5 U. Texas, Austin 227
6 Texas A&M U., College Station and Health Science Center 203
7 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 201
8 U. California, Berkeley 175
9 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U. 171
10 Pennsylvania State U., University Park and Hershey Medical Center 166
11 North Carolina State U. 163
12 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 161
13 Carnegie Mellon U. 142
14 U. Florida 138
15 Ohio State U., Columbus 137
16 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 136
17 U. Maryland, College Park 131
18 U. Southern California 129
19 U. California, Los Angeles 125
20 U. Wisconsin-Madison 122
Education 5,153
From top 22 institutions 1,479
1 Columbia U., Teachers C. 119
2 U. Georgia 101
3 Walden U. 95
4 Michigan State U. 84
5 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 80
6 Texas Tech U. 77
7 Pennsylvania State U., University Park and Hershey Medical Center 74
8 Texas A&M U., College Station and Health Science Center 72
9 U. Wisconsin-Madison 67
10 Auburn U., Auburn 62
11 Florida State U. 60
12 George Washington U. 58
13 U. Florida 57
14 U. South Florida, Tampa 56
15 U. Arizona 54
15 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 54
17 Temple U. 53
18 U. Washington, Seattle 52
19 Georgia State U. 51
19 Ohio State U., Columbus 51
19 Purdue U., West Lafayette 51
19 U. North Texas, Denton 51
Humanities and arts 5,484
From top 20 institutions 1,823
1 New York U. 140
2 CUNY, Graduate Center 115
3 Columbia U. in the City of New York 113
4 Harvard U. 111
5 U. Texas, Austin 110
6 U. Chicago 108
6 Yale U. 108
8 U. California, Berkeley 102
9 U. California, Los Angeles 97
10 Indiana U., Bloomington 87
11 Ohio State U., Columbus 85
12 Princeton U. 81
13 U. Wisconsin-Madison 80
14 U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill 76
15 Arizona State U. 75
15 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 75
17 U. Pennsylvania 67
18 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 65
19 U. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 64
19 U. Virginia, Charlottesville 64
Otherb 2,943
From top 22 institutions 904
1 Walden U. 100
2 U. Texas, Austin 67
3 U. Minnesota, Twin Cities 62
4 U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 45
5 Texas A&M U., College Station and Health Science Center 42
6 Texas Tech U. 39
6 U. Missouri, Columbia 39
8 U. Southern California 38
9 Indiana U., Bloomington 36
9 Ohio State U., Columbus 36
9 Pennsylvania State U., University Park and Hershey Medical Center 36
9 Purdue U., West Lafayette 36
13 Regent U. 35
13 U. Michigan, Ann Arbor 35
15 U. California, Berkeley 34
16 Arizona State U. 32
16 Florida State U. 32
16 Harvard U. 32
16 Michigan State U. 32
16 Oklahoma State U., Stillwater 32
16 U. Florida 32
16 U. Pennsylvania 32