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Science and Engineering Doctorates

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Field of study

Women's share of doctorates awarded has grown over the past 2 decades in all broad fields of study. In 2015, women earned the majority of doctorates awarded in every broad field of study except physical and earth sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, and engineering.

Although women earned only about one-third of the 2015 doctorates awarded in physical and earth sciences and less than one-fourth of the doctorates in engineering, their relative shares of doctorates awarded in those fields has been growing rapidly. From 2005 to 2015, the proportion of doctorates in physical and earth sciences awarded to women increased by 6 percentage points, and the share of women in engineering grew by 5 percentage points. The proportion of female doctorate recipients in mathematics and computer sciences has grown more modestly, by 1 percentage point from 2005 to 2015 (figure E).

Doctorates awarded to women, by broad field of study: 1995–2015

Chart of Doctorates awarded to women, by broad field of study: 1995–2015
Year All fields Life sciences Physical sciences and earth sciences Mathematics and computer sciences Psychology and social sciences Engineering Education Humanities and arts Other non-S&E fields
1995 39.5 42.2 22.6 20.7 51.1 11.7 61.6 46.5 39.3
1996 40.1 43.5 21.9 18.3 51.7 12.4 61.9 48.4 40.6
1997 40.9 44.9 22.8 20.6 52.9 12.4 63.3 46.7 39.9
1998 42.0 45.5 24.5 21.8 54.5 13.1 63.0 47.7 43.0
1999 42.7 44.6 23.7 22.5 54.7 14.9 64.2 47.4 42.3
2000 43.9 47.0 25.2 21.0 54.7 15.8 64.9 49.0 43.5
2001 44.0 47.1 25.5 23.4 54.7 16.9 64.6 48.8 44.8
2002 45.4 47.5 27.4 25.1 55.4 17.6 66.2 49.4 46.8
2003 45.4 48.3 27.8 23.7 55.7 17.3 66.1 49.5 46.3
2004 45.5 49.5 27.4 24.9 55.4 17.7 65.9 50.9 47.3
2005 45.2 50.9 27.9 23.5 55.8 18.4 66.8 49.8 49.6
2006 45.1 51.6 29.1 25.3 57.5 20.2 65.2 49.7 48.6
2007 45.5 51.4 30.4 24.1 58.6 20.7 67.4 48.8 51.5
2008 46.1 52.9 29.1 26.1 58.5 21.5 67.1 51.3 49.8
2009 46.8 54.5 31.4 26.3 58.5 21.4 66.9 51.0 49.4
2010 46.8 54.9 32.3 25.3 57.4 23.0 68.6 50.9 51.4
2011 46.4 54.5 31.1 24.9 59.5 22.2 69.3 50.8 52.2
2012 46.2 55.4 31.9 24.5 58.4 22.3 68.7 50.7 50.2
2013 46.2 55.0 33.4 23.7 59.2 22.8 68.2 50.5 51.1
2014 46.1 55.7 32.7 24.3 59.8 22.8 69.3 50.0 51.3
2015 46.2 55.4 33.6 24.7 58.6 23.2 68.5 50.6 51.7
Table of Doctorates awarded to women, by broad field of study: 1995–2015