Staff Directory

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Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences  (SBE/BCS)

Phone: (703) 292-8740 | Fax: (703) 292-9068 | Room: W 13100 | Website

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Staff Directory List
Division Director
Joan A. Sereno
(703) 292-8847 W 13138
Deputy Division Director
Antoinette WinklerPrins
(703) 292-7266 W 13136
Program Director
Rachel Marie Theodore
(703) 292-4770 W 13163
Program Director
Jeremy Koster
(703) 292-8740 OFFSITE

Administrative Unit

Archaeology and Archaeometry

Phone: (703) 292 8759

Biological Anthropology

Phone: (703) 292 8758

Cognitive Neuroscience

Phone: (703) 292-8732

Cultural Anthropology

Phone: (703) 292 8758

Developmental Sciences

Phone: (703) 292 8732

Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences (HEGS)

Phone: (703) 292 8754

Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS)

Dynamic Language Infrastructure - Documenting Endangered Languages


Phone: (703) 292-8731

Perception, Action and Cognition

Phone: (703) 292-8732

Science of LearningĀ and Augmented Intelligence

Social Psychology

Phone: (703)292-8728