This document has been archived. Title : NSF 96-68 - FY 1995 Awards for Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development Type : Dir of Awards NSF Org: EHR / DUE Date : April 1, 1996 File : nsf9668 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION DIRECTORATE FOR EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION AWARDS FOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSE AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FY 1995 Overview The purpose of the National Science Foundation's Course and Curriculum Development (CCD) program is to improve the quality of undergraduate courses and curricula in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET). The program also seeks to encourage a greater number of talented faculty to devote creative energy to improving learning by undergraduates in the Nation's classrooms and laboratories. In FY 1995, the CCD program granted awards to 126 new projects from 39 states and the District of Columbia. Support totaled more than $19 million, and was based on the recommendations of notably qualified panelists. Projects receiving awards are those that address CCD objectives in the areas of: Course and Curriculum Development 98 Awards, $ 11.1 M Leadership in Laboratory Development 8 Awards, $ 2.0 M Systemic Changes in the Chemistry Curriculum 7 Awards, $2.3 M Mathematics and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum 3 Awards, $2.2 M Science and Humanities: Integrating Undergraduate Education 10 Awards, $ 1.5 M Total award amounts include funding from the Directorate for Education and Human Resources, other NSF research directorates, and other agencies. Common themes in these awards are the creation of modules and the use of new technology to develop innovative pedagogical techniques, and the design of stimulating curricula intended to attract, encourage, and retain groups currently underrepresented in SMET enrollment. Awarded projects are expected to produce course and curriculum materials that will be of broad national interest and intended for wide dissemination. While the majority of program funds support proposals for introductory- level courses, curricula and laboratories, the CCD program also supports proposals intended to benefit upper-level students. This summary highlights representative examples of the newly awarded projects, while the attached awards list includes previous CCD projects that received additional funding in FY 1995. CCD Program Priorities The current priorities of the CCD program are two-fold: 1) to promote the development of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary courses that will better prepare students for the science- and technology-based environment of the future; and 2) to encourage SMET faculty to take leadership roles in developing educational experiences that enhance the competence of prospective teachers and encourage students to pursue teaching careers. Course and Curriculum Development Projects Several CCD awards in FY 95 were made to support projects that promote the development of inter- or multidisciplinary courses. As examples of such courses, Yale University (CT) is designing graphics software and instructional materials for three fractal geometry courses, including an introductory pre- calculus course emphasizing connections to art, economics, music, and philosophy. The University of California-Los Angeles (CA) is developing an innovative laboratory format that explores the interrelationships of atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Hampshire College (MA) is conducting a conference to bring together faculty from a variety of disciplines and diverse institutions to document successful approaches in the teaching of science in which students are active participants. City University of New York (CUNY)-Manhattan (NY) is adding chemistry, computer science, and physics to its mathematics courses to emphasize the interrelationship of scientific disciplines. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) is integrating environmental issues into introductory engineering courses to provide students with exposure to environmental concerns and problem-solving methods for their respective engineering disciplines. Brown University (RI) is developing teaching and research tools on human behavior, including communication, speech and gesture, writing and language acquisition. A number of the 1995 awards propose to develop educational experiences that enhance the competence of prospective teachers in science and mathematics and encourage students to pursue careers in teaching. The University of Florida (FL) is offering a course for future elementary teachers focusing on current engineering topics, presented in a manner that can later be used in the classroom. In its Science as Constructive Inquiry project, CUNY-Brooklyn (NY) is developing a science preparation sequence for urban pre-service elementary teachers designed and piloted by faculty from biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. A project led by Dickinson College (PA) is offering three introductory physics curricula that promote scientific literacy and motivate students through the mastery of concepts, investigative skills, and modeling techniques; workshops for high school and college-level instructors, public talks, site visits and publications are included for the dissemination of project materials. The creation of instructional modules is included in a number of the current CCD projects. The College of Du Page (IL) is developing laboratory modules that reflect the latest innovations and theoretical applications from practitioners of atmospheric science and meteorology. An introductory program at Columbia University (NY) will examine quantitatively human nature from biological, social, and information processing perspectives. This modular program provides the infrastructure for a core curriculum in science that emphasizes student participation in data collection and analysis. The American Association of Geographers (DC) is infusing curricula with topics in global change that include faculty and pedagogical experts in the development of activity- based modules on global change, with particular reference to human motivation and responses. Iowa State University (IA) is collaborating with 15 community colleges, three public universities and four private colleges in using instrumentation-oriented modular instructional resources to emphasize conceptual thinking, interactive multimedia and exploratory laboratory experiments. Similarly, the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJ) is leading a consortium of 19 community colleges in developing model and training curricula for manufacturing systems. Several institutions propose the use of technology to enhance the learning experience for their undergraduate students. Four university units at the University of Georgia (GA) are collaborating on the implementation of a Geographic Information system and an interactive multimedia program to guide students in long-term ecological studies, including the testing of formal hypotheses based on collected field data. The University of Utah (UT) leads a group using computer-based laboratories to illuminate scientific principles and provide computational solutions to real-world problems in science and engineering. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA) is designing educational software for undergraduates enrolled in cellular biophysics courses. A group led by Duke University (NC) is developing a comprehensive, introductory computer science course, simulating the levels of processing in an idealized machine. Washington University (MO) is designing computer-graphics color animation to illustrate the geological processes contributing to the propagation of seismic waves, earthquakes, and plate tectonics. A consortium based at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA) is developing a novel laboratory approach to instruct engineers in introductory statistics, emphasizing problem-solving, conceptual understanding, and writing skills. South Seattle Community College (WA) is working in cooperation with Boeing Company, Eldec Corporation, Clover Park Technical College and 12 other organizations to develop a process for determining specific workplace standards for manufacturing education and training. San Jose State (CA) is creating an education and training center for mechatronic systems that involves the development of new courses and laboratories in mechatronic engineering, as well as revitalizing the extant curriculum. Sonoma State University (CA) is developing a networked simulation of the international financial system that allows groups of students to interact with each other. Because outcomes depend on their combined decisions, it simulates the dynamics of real-world economic systems. Several awarded projects are oriented towards specific populations of students. In a project that targets large, general education courses for non-science majors, Radford University (VA) is using computer-aided learning modules to teach fundamental concepts of geology. The University of North Dakota (ND) is addressing the needs and expectations of paraprofessional engineering students by offering an enhanced curriculum for adult learners based in industry. The Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (CO) is providing an integrated and coherent approach to biological literacy for students enrolled in community colleges. By incorporating the evaluations of students in this project's design, the instructional materials will also be of interest to future K- 12 teachers. Central Texas College (TX) is providing challenging, entry-level community college courses to improve the success of groups underrepresented in SMET, including African Americans, Hispanics, and women. The project also includes a workshop for science teachers from area high schools. Rutgers University (NJ) is also encouraging its large minority student population through outreach efforts in its introductory physics laboratory course. The University of Southwestern Louisiana (LA) is targeting the emerging discipline of computer information science with an ambitious project that provides detailed curriculum guidelines, laboratory materials, original teaching and learning paradigms, and methodology for dealing with complex information systems. Leadership in Laboratory Development Leadership in Laboratory Development projects are those that fundamentally reform and improve experiences in the laboratory, and that have the potential to serve as models nationally. Awardees include the University of Massachusetts- Amherst (MA), which is leading the development of a computer laboratory for the teaching of fundamental molecular genetics. MOLGENT exploits advances in technology to provide multimedia instruction more thoroughly and effectively than traditional lectures or textbooks. The University of Louisville (KY) is developing a laboratory course in microfabrication, providing an introduction of this versatile and powerful technology to a broad student audience. The University of North Carolina (NC) received an award to lead in the creation of a library of interactive, experimental workbooks in mathematics, to be provided free of charge over the Internet. Systemic Changes in the Chemistry Curriculum Systemic Changes in the Chemistry Curriculum is one of two initiatives that encourage institutions to reexamine the roles of disciplinary departments within the instructional program as a whole. Awards in FY 95 include the Modular Chemistry Consortium led by the University of California-Berkeley (CA). In collaboration with 17 other two- and four-year institutions and universities, they are developing new curricula and methods intended to enhance the learning of chemistry and retention of this knowledge for all college graduates. The program uses modules to present chemistry in the context of real-world problems; the scientific skills learned by students can be applied to inform decisions throughout their lives. In collaboration with this project, the ChemLinks Coalition centered at Beloit College (WI) is developing instructional materials and course modules using active, cooperative methods of learning chemistry, including a model for students preparing for careers in teaching. Collaborators on the project include liberal arts colleges (Beloit, Carleton, Colorado, Grinnell, Hope, Kalamazoo, Knox, Lawrence, Macalester, Rhodes, Spelman, St. Olaf, Wooster), two-year colleges involved in the Advanced Technology Environmental Education Center, as well as research universities (Chicago, Washington-St. Louis). Heading a consortium that includes 10 four-year and community colleges and the Universities of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, and Rochester, the Workshop Chemistry project based at CUNY City College (NY) will use small group, student-led workshops to complement chemistry lecture and laboratory components, with an emphasis on skills in problem-solving, communication and teamwork. In the New Traditions project, the University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI) is also leading a consortium of public and private institutions to establish new learning communities, curricula, materials, and methods for student learning of chemistry. All of the projects include specific components emphasizing pre- service teacher training and the education of technology specialists. Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum supports projects that promote comprehensive institutional changes by integrating the mathematical sciences into other disciplines, and that improve instruction in the mathematical sciences by incorporating perspectives from other disciplines. Integration of mathematics with courses in architecture, art, biology, computer science, geology, economics, engineering, literature, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, and social science is the goal of a consortium led by Dartmouth College (NH), which includes the cooperation and participation of approximately 40 diverse two- and four-year colleges and universities. Software, on-line materials, and videotapes are among the resource materials to be developed, along with a series of intensive summer workshops. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY), in collaboration with Central State University, the University of Delaware, Hudson Valley Community College, the University of Maryland, Siena College, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute is focusing on linkages between mathematics and disciplines in science and engineering. The University of Pennsylvania (PA) leads a consortium including the Community College of Philadelphia, Polytechnic University, Villanova University, the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and public schools. This project promotes faculty responsibility across disciplines for effective SMET education, and integrates research and realistic applications into the undergraduate experience. Science and Humanities: Integrating Undergraduate Education The Science and Humanities program, jointly supported by NSF and the National Endowment for the Humanities, promotes the development of courses and curricula that link meaningfully the study of science and the humanities. The 1995 award recipients include Mt. Holyoke (MA) for its Mathematics Across the Curriculum project, which introduces students to the application of mathematical ideas and reasoning to introductory humanities courses in an engaging and non- threatening context. Southwest Texas State University (TX) is providing a summer institute for college faculty, transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries and emphasizing an interdisciplinary content in its multi-faceted study of the physical, historical, environmental, and cultural aspects of the Southwest United States. FY 1995 AWARDS STATE NAME Institution Project Director Discipline Amount Months Award City Zip Code Department Award Title ALABAMA University of D L Computer Science $89, 12 945552 South Alabama Feinstein 976 2 Mobile 36688 Department of Computer & Information Sciences A Cognitive-Based Approach To Introductory Computer Science Courses ARIZONA Arizona State F Hubele Engineering $100, 24 945539 University 600 3 Tempe 85287 Industry. & Management Systems Engineering New Engineering Statistics Course With a Virtual Computer Laboratory Mesa Comm. W B Biology $83,1 42 925422 College Kincaid 77 8 Tempe 85281- Department of Life Science 6941 Computer Applications to Enhance Inquiry-Oriented Laboratory Instruction in Biology at a Two-Year College University of L J Interdisciplinar $100, 24 945571 Arizona Graumlich y 001 4 Tucson 85721 Institute for the Study of Planet Earth General Education Course Development for Earth System Science and Global Change University of D Hughes- Mathematics $46,9 24 945597 Arizona Hallett Initiative 23 0 Tucson 85721 Department of Mathematics Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum--Project Synergy: A Consortium Linking Engineering, Basic Science, and Social Science with Math ARKANSAS University of B Stewart Physics $57,9 12 945573 Arkansas 00 2 Fayetteville 72701 Department of Physics Implementing Interactive Laboratory-Based Learning Techniques in Second-Semester Introductory Physics CALIFORNIA California N S Lewis Chemistry $100, 24 935445 Inst of Tech 000 3 Pasadena 91125-0001 Department of Chemistry Development of Computer Graphic Visualization Aids for the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum Cal State U R A Interdisciplina $200, 36 945542 Los Angeles Desharnais ry 000 8 Los Angeles 90032-4221 Department of Biology Integrating the Electronic Desktop into the Natural Science Curriculum Film Arts R Carranza Engineering $50,0 24 945576 Foundation 00 1 San Francisco 94103-3809 Department of Biology Silicon Run I.2 - An Educational Film about Integrated Circuits Occidental L A Fathe Interdisciplina $105, 24 945556 College ry 292 4 Los Angeles 90041-3384 Department of Physics Unified Introductory Calculus and Physics San Francisco J R Keeffe Chemistry $42,7 30 935459 State U 58 6 San Francisco 94132-1722 Department of Chemistry Molecular Modeling for the Introductory Organic Chemistry Courses San Jose City M M Bunge Physics $157, 24 945558 College 690 5 San Jose 95128-2723 Department of Physical Science Interactive, Conceptually Based Multimedia Instruction for Introductory Mechanics San Jose E D Green Engineering $224, 24 955152 State U (LLD) 000 0 San Jose 95106-0760 Department of Electrical Engineering Development of an Interdisciplinary Curriculum in Electronic Materials and Devices: Cooking Without Recipes San Jose T Hsu Engineering $250, 12 945539 State U 000 5 San Jose 95106-0760 Department of Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum Development on Mechatronic Systems Engineering San Jose S P Perone Chemistry $135, 36 945541 State U 214 6 San Jose 95106-0760 Department of Chemistry Transforming Traditional Quantitative Analysis into a Course in Modern Analytical Science Santa Clara S L Wood Engineering $19,5 54 915610 University 75 3 Santa Clara 95053 Department of Electrical Engineering Interactive Tutorial for Engineering Mathematics with Applications in Electrical and Computer Engineering Sonoma State S Social Sciences $168, 24 945532 University Schickele 703 0 Rohnert Park 94928-3613 Department of Business and Economics Networked Financial Simulation Using Lambda MOO Technology U of Cal C B Moore Chemistry $755, 12 945592 Berkeley Initiative 000 4 Berkeley 94720 Department of Chemistry Sweeping Change in Manageable Units: A Modular Approach for Chemistry Curriculum Reform U of Cal A M Stacy Chemistry $190, 24 9455 Berkeley 000 418 Berkeley 94720 Department of Chemistry Biologically-Relevant Chemistry in the Freshman Laboratory U of Cal Davis W H Potter Physics $98,7 24 93545 96 28 Davis 95616-8671 Department of Physics Reform of the "Non-Calculus" Introductory Physics Course from a Constructivist Perspective U of Cal Los O L Interdisciplina $149, 24 945557 Angeles Chapman ry 999 0 Los Angeles 90024-1301 Department of Chemistry & Biology The UCLA Science Challenge U of Cal Los S W Strand Biology $415, 36 945544 Angeles 601 7 Los Angeles 90024-1301 Department of Life Sciences Computer-Integrated Introductory Biology Lab U of Cal Santa M L Carlos Social Sciences $200, 24 945569 Barbara 000 9 Santa Barbara 93106 Department of Anthropology A Multidimensional Computer-Assisted Course for Teaching the Fundamentals of Ethnographic Field Research Methods in a Laboratory Environment to Undergraduates in Anthropology U of Cal Santa W A Geological $85,0 24 945575 Barbara Prothero Sciences 78 8 Santa Barbara 93106 Department of Geological Sciences Multi-Media For a "Hands-On" Oceanography Course COLORADO Bio. Sci. R W Bybee Biology $650, 44 945572 Curric Study 000 5 Colorado 80903 Department of Biological Sciences Springs A New Model for Introductory Biology at Two-Year and Community Colleges National L V Engineering $117, 12 955046 Technical U Baldwin 000 2 Fort Collins 80521-2807 Office of the President 1995 National Engineering Faculty Forum: An Interactive Teleconference Series to Share Best Practices in Undergraduate Engineering Education U of Colorado A J Bedard Engineering $95,7 24 945570 Boulder 96 5 Boulder 80309-0019 Department of Engineering Administration Hands-On Engineering Homework: A New Approach to Out-of Class Learning U of Colorado R P Tagg Physics (LLD) $94,5 24 955212 Denver 47 1 Denver 80217-3364 Department of Physics Course Modules in Apparatus Design and Experimental Techniques U of Colorado K Walker Engineering $64,2 12 945542 Denver 10 2 Denver 80217-3364 College of Engineering & Applied Science Engineering, Technology and Culture: with an Emphasis on Race, Gender and the Individual CONNECTICUT Wesleyan J T Rouse Science and $95,0 36 EW- University Humanities 00 20349 Middletown 06459 Developing an Undergraduate Major in Humanistic Studies of Science Yale B B Mathematics $203, 24 945563 University Mandelbrot 562 6 New Haven 06520 Department of Mathematics Development of a Course Sequence in Fractal Geometry for Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Education and Increased Mathematics and Science Literacy DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Amer Soc for F L Huband Engineering $49,8 36 945291 Eng Ed 08 1 Washington 20036-1207 Dissemination of Results From NSF-Supported Engineering Education Projects Assoc of Amer S E Social $306, 36 945563 Geographers Hanson Sciences 144 2 Washington 20036 Department of Geography Developing Active Learning Modules on the Human Dimensions of Global Change George C Martin Computer $55,0 30 935462 Washington U Science 00 6 Washington 20037-2353 Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Integrating Social Impact and Ethics into the Computer Science Curriculum FLORIDA Eckerd College J E Science & $122, 16 EW- Reynolds Humanities 000 20313 St Petersburg 33711 Faculty and Curriculum Development in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Rollins J D Child Mathematics $25,0 12 945600 College 00 0 Winter Park 32789-4499 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science A Planning Seminar for Faculty Participating in the Rollins College Quantitative Learning and Teaching Program University of B F Engineering $120, 24 945534 Florida Carroll 000 6 Gainesville 32611 Department of Aero. Eng, Mech, & Engineering Science Aerospace Concepts for Elementary Education Majors University of H R Interdisciplin $100, 24 945541 South Florida Mushinsky ary 000 3 Tampa 33620- Department of Biology 9951 Fundamentals of Natural Science for Non-Science Students: An Integrated Approach GEORGIA Emory K S Hagen Chemistry $134, 36 945556 University 989 7 Atlanta 30322 Department of Chemistry The Inorganic Illustrator: A 3-D Graphical Supplement for Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Courses Distributed on CD-ROM Georgia Tech E W Thomas Physics $80,6 12 945547 00 0 Atlanta 30332 School of Physics Precision Teaching of an Introductory Physics Electricity & Magnetism Course for Engineers Georgia Tech C Thompson Engineering $599, 36 945388 603 3 Atlanta 30332 GTRI/EOEML Multimedia in Manufacturing Education University of J M Interdisciplina $300, 24 955228 Georgia Affolter ry (LLD) 000 3 Athens 30602 State Botanical Garden Building Environmental Literacy Through Participation in GIS and Multimedia Assisted Field Research IDAHO University of M E Gunter Interdisciplina $124, 42 925415 Idaho ry 797 8 Moscow 83843 Department of Chemistry Integrated Science for Elementary Teachers: A Course and Practicum Approach to Restructuring Undergraduate Science Preparation for Teachers ILLINOIS College of Du P L Astronomy $305, 36 955153 Page Sirvatka 000 6 Glen Ellyn 60137 Department of Natural Science Creating Effective Meteorology Laboratory Modules to Improve Curriculum and Enhance Student Transition into Upper Division Coursework DePaul G B Kharas Chemistry $70,0 36 945568 University 00 1 Chicago 60604-2218 Department of Chemistry A New Investigative Laboratory for Organic Chemistry Involving Polymer Synthesis and Characterization Illinois T R Chemistry $140, 36 945571 Wesleyan U Rettich 000 8 Bloomington 61701 Department of Chemistry Chemistry Curriculum Innovations Northern M Engineering $124, 24 945574 Illinois U Krishnamurthi 286 8 De Kalb 60115 Department of Industrial Engineering An Innovative Course on Elements of Manufacturing Systems for Non-Engineering Students Northwestern D Meyer Astronomy $87,2 24 935452 University 87 5 Evanston 60208- Department of Physics & Astronomy 0001 Active Learning Environment For Large Non-Science-Majors Astronomy Classes U of Ill Urbana- R E Stake Mathematics $6,90 6 94555 Champaign 0 77 Urbana 61801 Center for Inst. Res. & Curriculum Evaluation Teacher Preparation Archives Second Printing INDIANA Indiana U R R Hake Physics $119, 6 92539 Bloomington 692 6 65 Bloomington 47402- Department of Physics 1847 Project SOCRATES: Improving Introductory Physics Education Through Interactive Engagement Purdue D D Budny Engineering $12,0 1 95525 University 00 2 85 West Lafayette 47907 Department of Freshman Engineering Publishing Conference Proceedings on Mosaic Purdue E L Mathematics $104, 2 94507 University Dubinsky 920 4 50 West Lafayette 47907 Department of Mathematics Calculus, Concepts, Computers and Cooperative Learning: Assessment and Evaluation in Terms of Dissemination Goals Purdue D P Physics $69,6 2 94556 University Maloney 78 8 13 West Lafayette 47907 Department of Physics Physical Science: Reasoning and Conceptual Patterns Rose-Hulman M J Physics $100, 1 94554 Inst of Tech Moloney 564 2 42 Terre Haute 47803 Department of Physics & Applied Optics Physics Resources Packets as a Pathway to Tomorrow's Education IOWA Clarke College M L Chemistry $27,7 3 93545 Caffery 55 0 15 Dubuque 52001- Department of Chemistry 3117 The Integration of Molecular Modeling Across the Chemistry Curriculum as a Tool for Understanding Chemical Structure and for Developing Critical Thinking Skills Grinnell E A Mathematics $199, 2 94556 College Herman 914 4 18 Grinnell 501120805 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science A Modular Interactive Text for Linear Algebra Iowa State T J Chemistry $260, 3 94556 University Greenbowe 621 6 46 Ames 50011 Department of Chemistry Introduction of Modern Instrumentation in the First Two Years of Chemistry: The Iowa Chemistry Curriculum Network (IACCN) University of R L Mutel Astronomy $81,6 2 94556 Iowa 60 4 21 Iowa City 52242 Department of Physics and Astronomy Imaging the Universe: A New Curriculum for Undergraduate Astronomy Laboratories University of J P East Computer $69,8 1 94557 North Iowa Science 12 2 36 Cedar Falls 50613- Department of Computer Science 4800 Pattern-Based Programming Instruction KENTUCKY Appalachian A W Brown Computer $19,1 95544 College Assoc Science 66 7 56 Berea 40403 Technology in Teaching and Research: A Look at Private Education in Appalachia University of R C Science & $143,0 2 EW- Kentucky Edwards Humanities 00 4 20320 Lexington 40506- College of Arts and Sciences 0027 The Modern Studies Curriculum: Science, Culture, Society University of K M Walsh Engineering $217, 36 955186 Louisville (LLD) 273 9 Louisville 40292 Department of Electrical Engineering An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory for Microfabrication LOUISIANA University of M C Computer $161, 1 94554 SW Louisiana Mulder Science 850 2 50 Lafayette 70503- Center for Advance Computer 2701 Studies Educating the Next Generation of Information Specialists, in Collaboration with Industry MASSACHUSETTS Bentley College C R Interdisciplin $100, 3 94557 Hadlock ary 000 6 19 Waltham 02154- Department of Mathematical 4705 Sciences Modeling Applications in Environmental Management: Preparation of Text and Teaching Guide Boston E A Biology $162, 3 94552 University Godrick 000 6 88 Boston 02118- Department of Biology 2394 Career Direction through Integrated Introductory Biology- Chemistry Laboratory and Research Consort Math/its W Meyer Mathematics $157, 3 93545 Applications 956 0 09 Arlington 02174- Department of Mathematics & 4131 Computer Sci. Principles and Practice of Mathematics (Math 101-102) Education W Harvey Mathematics $273, 2 94507 Development 177 4 31 Center Newton 02160 Department of Learning, Teaching and Tech. Gateways to Advanced Mathematical Thinking: Linear Algebra and Precalculus Five Colleges S E Strom Astronomy $158, 2 94552 Inc. 260 4 93 Amherst 01002- Department of Physics & 2324 Astronomy An Interactive Introductory Astronomy Course Five Colleges D Van Astronomy $27,3 1 94555 Inc. Blerkom 37 8 29 Amherst 01002- Department of Physics & 2324 Astronomy A Hypertext-based Study Guide for Introductory Astronomy: Defusing Misconceptions Hampshire C V Interdisciplin $26,9 2 95528 College D'Avanzo ary 98 4 86 Amherst 01002 Natural Sciences Student-active Science: Models of Innovation in College Science Teaching Harvard D Hughes- Mathematics $381, 3 93529 University Hallett 112 0 05 Cambridge 02138-3826 Department of Mathematics Bridge Calculus Consortium Based At Harvard Harvard E Mazur Physics $43,5 4 925402 University 00 2 7 Cambridge 02138- Department of Physics 3826 Peer Instruction: Stimulating Renewed Interest in Physics and Other Science and Engineering Courses MIT R P Astronomy $109, 2 94553 Binzel 270 4 29 Cambridge 02139- Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary 4307 Science Planetary Exploration in the Classroom MIT T F Weiss Biology $150, 3 94553 000 6 37 Cambridge 02139- Department of Electrical 4307 Engineering Development of Educational Software for Cellular Biophysics Mount Holyoke G Science & $169, 3 EW- College Davidoff Humanities 000 4 20327 South Hadley 01075 Department of Mathematics Mathematics Across the Curriculum Mount Holyoke S R Dunn Interdiscipli $150, 24 945568 College nary 000 2 South Hadley 01075 Department of Geology The Unity of Science: A Year-Long, Exploration-Oriented Interdisciplinary Science Course U of C D Geological $70,0 24 94555 Massachusetts Condit Sciences 00 63 Amherst Amherst 01003 Department of Geology and Geography Development of a SuperCard Interface for Dynamic Digital Maps in Geology Instruction U of W J Astronomy $402, 24 94538 Massachusetts Gerace 860 81 Amherst Amherst 01003 Physics and Astronomy TTECCS: Transforming Technical Education With A Classroom Communication System U of S Das Biology (LLD) $273, 36 95515 Massachusetts Sarma 459 31 Amherst Amherst 01003 Department of Microbiology Intelligent Tutor for Concepts in Molecular Genetics MICHIGAN Calvin College E D Fife Mathematics $100, 36 955094 000 3 Grand Rapids 49546 Department of Mathematics The Mathematics Archives Outreach Program: A Program of Dissemination and Education about Mathematics on the Internet Hope College J Mathematics $54,8 30 935474 Andersen 71 1 Holland 49423 Department of Mathematics Progressive Precalculus Problem Sets for High School and College Oakland J W Chemistry $91,5 12 945574 University Russell 93 7 Rochester 48309- Department of Chemistry 4401 Building Conceptual Frameworks with Synchronized Multiple Visualizations University of E Gavosto Mathematics $100, 24 945567 Michigan (LLD) 000 2 Ann Arbor 48109- Department of Mathematics 1274 Computer Supported Cooperative Learning Environment for Multivariable Calculus University of N K Chemistry $135, 24 945569 Michigan Kerner 000 5 Ann Arbor 48109- Department of Chemistry 1274 Development of Collaborative, Computer-Networked Laboratories in General Chemistry University of D J Lewis Mathematics $29,7 24 945612 Michigan Initiative 46 5 Ann Arbor 48109- Department of Mathematics 1274 Mathematical Sciences and their Applications Throughout the Curriculum MINNESOTA College of St M Chemistry $60,0 36 945539 Catherine Blackburn 12 4 St. Paul 55105- Department of Chemistry 1750 Improving Student Instrumentation Skills with Pre- and Post- lab Computer Simulations MISSOURI U of Missouri S K Social $19,4 42 925429 Saint Louis Feigenbaum Sciences 66 9 St. Louis 63121- Department of Economics 4401 Introductory Microeconomics: The Way We Live Washington M E Geological $138, 36 945541 University Wysession Sciences 133 7 St. Louis 63130 Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences Educational Earthquake Visualization MONTANA Montana State J R Amend Chemistry $49,2 12 945582 University Initiative 48 6 Bozeman 59717 Department of Chemistry Planning Grant for Development of Systemic Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum Montana State R J Ross Computer $93,3 12 945558 University Science 44 8 Bozeman 59717 Department of Computer Science An Interactive Laboratory Infrastructure for Computer Science NEBRASKA U of Nebraska J P Biology (LLD) $48,2 36 955079 Lincoln Markwell 08 1 Lincoln 68588- Department of Biochemistry 0430 Laboratory Exercises in Plant Biochemistry NEW HAMPSHIRE Dartmouth R D Science & $207, 1 EW- College Masters Humanities 200 6 20310 Hanover 03755 Department of Government Human Nature: Integrating Nature and Nurture Dartmouth J L Snell Mathematics $109, 30 935459 College 945 2 Hanover 03755 Department of Mathematics Change: Current Studies of Current Chance Issues, Phase II Dartmouth D W Mathematics $1,300 2 95524 College Wallace Initiative ,000 4 62 Hanover 03755 Department of Mathematics Mathematics Across the Curriculum NEW JERSEY NJIT F A Dolan Engineering $169, 12 945576 585 4 Newark 07102- Department of Rehabilitation 1824 Engineering Curriculum Development - Manufacturing Systems R Stockton W J Social $100, 24 945533 College of NJ Cromartie Sciences 000 1 Pomona 08240 Department of Natural Sciences Integrating Geographic Information Systems Into Undergraduate Environmental Science Curriculum Rutgers U New V Physics $447, 36 945528 Brunswick Santarelli 189 2 New Brunswick 08903 Department of Physics Innovative Introductory Physics Laboratory Course NEW MEXICO New Mexico R C Mathematics $21,5 30 93543 State U Laubenbachetr 70 30 Las Cruces 88003- Department of Mathematical 3699 Sciences Teaching With Original Sources in Mathematics New Mexico B J Astronomy $165, 42 92539 State U McNamara 127 79 Las Cruces 88003-3699 Department of Astronomy Astronomy and Writing: An Innovative Approach to Science Instruction NEW YORK Columbia E Galanter Social $150, 12 94553 University Sciences 000 79 New York 10027 Department of Psychology The Quantitative and Experimental Study of Human Nature Columbia J D Hays Interdiscipli $150, 24 94556 University nary 000 88 New York 10027 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory A New Approach to Earth and Environmental Science Undergraduate Instruction Cornell P A Biology $100, 36 94553 University Karplus 000 24 Ithaca 14853-2801 Depart of Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology Computer Graphics in Introductory Biochemistry Cornell J Meinwald Chemistry $75,0 24 93544 University 00 52 Ithaca 14853-2801 Department of Chemistry The Language of Chemistry: Introductory Chemistry Based on the Study of Problems at the Interface Between Chemistry and Biology CUNY Borough P R Interdiscipli $294, 36 94555 Manhattan Wilkinson nary 797 59 Community College New York 10007-1079 Department of Mathematics Portfolios to Integrate Mathematics, Science and Computer Science CUNY Borough J Lang Science & $120,0 24 EW- Manhattan Community Humanities 00 20307 College New York 10007 Social Science Department BMCC Project in Science, Technology and Society CUNY Brooklyn M I Sobel Interdiscipli $226, 36 94554 College nary 589 30 New York 11210 Department of Physics Taking Ownership: Science as Constructive Inquiry (SCI) - An Interdisciplinary, Urban, Multicultural Curriculum Development Program CUNY City D K Gosser Chemistry $425, 12 94559 College Initiative 000 20 New York 10031 Department of Chemistry A Workshop Chemistry Curriculum CUNY Queens J Waxman Computer $85,8 12 94556 College Science 35 35 Flushing 11367-1575 Department of Computer Science A Second Course in Computing for Non-Majors Rensselaer W. E. Mathematics $1,210, 2 95524 Polytechnic Inst Boyce Initiative 000 4 65 Troy 12108- Department of Mathematical 3522 Sciences Mathematics and Its Applications in Engineering and Science: Building the Links SUNY Buffalo D S Hodge Geological $75,00 24 945530 Sciences 0 0 Buffalo 14260 Department of Geology New Geology Laboratories: Interactive Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Multimedia Modules of Geologic Phenomena, Part II SUNY Dutchess J Tavel Interdiscipl $25,14 36 925418 Comm. Coll. inary 5 4 Poughkeepsie 12601 Math, Physical & Computer Sciences Basics for Technicians: An Integrated Course of Study Encompassing Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics SUNY Oswego P A Mathematics $184,3 24 945563 Shuart 93 8 Oswego 13126 Office of Learning Support Services State University of New York (SUNY) Pre-Precalculus Program: Empowering Underprepared Two- and Four-Year College Mathematics Students SUNY Stony R K Interdiscipli $15,02 6 915041 Brook Larson nary 5 7 Stony Brook 11794- Department of Linguistics 0001 Linguistic Semantics as Science NORTH CAROLINA Duke University A W Computer $100,0 12 945550 Biermann Science 00 7 Durham 27703- Department of Computer Science 2570 "This-Is-How-A-Computer-Works": A Software System for Lecture Demonstrations, Laboratory Exercises, and Home Study North Carolina D F Ollis Engineering $200,0 24 955092 State U (LLD) 00 7 Raleigh 27650- Department of Chemical 5067 Engineering Freshman Laboratory for Product and Process Engineering Sigma XI Science R D Interdiscipl $153, 30 93545 Research Soc Bereman inary 411 99 Research Triangle 27709 Sigma Xi Park Visualization Technologies in Environmental Curricula (VTEC) UNC Chapel Hill J E White Mathematics $249,9 24 955127 (LLD) 98 3 Chapel Hill 27514 Department of Education Library for Interactive Studies in Mathematics NORTH DAKOTA University of T C Owens Engineering $319,9 36 945546 North Dakota 40 6 Grand Forks 58202 School of Engineering and Mines Enhanced Curriculum for Undergraduate Engineering Adult Learners in Industry OHIO Ohio State G Rizzoni Interdiscipli $10,00 24 935440 University nary 0 3 Columbus 43210- Department of Mechanical 1016 Engineering Design of Electro-Mechanical (Mechatronic) Systems - An Integrated Inter-Departmental Curriculum OKLAHOMA Oklahoma State B D Evans Mathematics $204,3 40 945530 University 86 5 Stillwater 74078 Department of Mathematics Mathematics Without Calculus University of S R Ryan Physics $34,21 24 945574 Oklahoma 5 0 Norman 73069- Department of Physics and 8813 Astronomy Production of Short, Animated Audio/Visual Instructional Aids for Physics Which Illustrate the Application of Physics to Technology OREGON Oregon State D Interdiscipli $100,0 24 945566 University Lawrence nary 00 5 Corvallis 97331- Department of Geosciences 5503 Multimedia Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Geosciences for Undergraduate Education Portland State W G Interdiscipli $121,5 24 945572 University Becker nary 11 6 Portland 97207- Department of Science Education 0751 Pacific Northwest Environmental Studies Program: A Collaborative Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development Project Portland State M J Science & $176,0 24 EW- University Flower Humanities 00 20331 Portland 97207 Interdisciplinary Science Studies A General University Science-Humanities Curriculum University of M M Biology $51,29 15 945560 Portland Wilson 3 1 Portland 97203- Department of Biology 5743 Coupling Mathematics and Life Science Courses PENNSYLVANIA Bucknell J J Mead Computer $58,28 19 945548 University Science 3 9 Lewisburg 17837 Department of Computer Science An Assertion-Based Programming Methodology for Introductory Programming Courses Carnegie Mellon C I Engineering $188,8 24 945539 University Davidson 60 9 Pittsburgh 15213- Department of Civil & 3815 Environmental Engineering Enhancing the Environmental Content of Undergraduate Engineering Curricula Dickinson P W Laws Physics $1,775, 36 945556 College 000 1 Carlisle 17013 Department of Physics & Astronomy Activity Based Physics: Curricula, Computer Tools, and Apparatus for Introductory Physics Courses Dickinson K L Laws Physics $52,24 24 945565 College 8 6 Carlisle 17013 Department of Physics and Astronomy Project-Centered Physics Curriculum Drexel S J Computer $19,42 12 945530 University Hartley Science 8 7 Philadelphia 19104 Department of Mathematics & Computer Science A Hypermedia Lab Manual for Operating Systems Drexel W E Magee Biology $48,79 6 925399 University 4 4 Philadelphia 19104 Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology An Enhanced Bioscience Education Program for the Introductory Years of the Biology Major and for Interested Preteachers Franklin & P A Chemistry $25,59 12 945569 Marshall College Leber 6 3 Lancaster 3003 Theme-Based Bidisciplinary Chemistry Laboratory Modules Gettysburg L A Astronomy $177,1 30 935451 College Marschall 20 4 Gettysburg 17325 Department of Physics Project CLEA: Contemporary Laboratory Experiences in Astronomy Haverford L M Mathematics $25,00 18 945597 College Butler 0 2 Haverford 19041 Department of Mathematics Mathematics Concentrations in Economics and Chemistry Lehigh K J Chemistry $50,00 12 945582 University Schray Initiative 0 2 Bethlehem 18015- Department of Chemistry 3005 Chem PRIME: A Curriculum of Chemical Principles through Integrated Multiple Exemplars PA State U R Roy Engineering $45,00 24 935444 University Park 0 0 University Park 16802- Intercollege Materials Research 1503 Lab Development of Materials Synthesis Courses and Their Innovative National Dissemination University of D M De Mathematics $1,197 24 955246 Pennsylvania Turck Initiative ,387 4 Philadelphia 19104 Department of Mathematics Middle Atlantic Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications Across the Curriculum University of C J Engineering $100,0 12 945533 Pennsylvania McMahon 00 3 Philadelphia 19104 Department of Materials Science Development of a CD-ROM Based Multimedia Teaching Package for Introductory Materials Science and Engineering RHODE ISLAND Brown E Social $123,6 12 945558 University Bakewell Sciences 80 7 Providence 02912 Department of Anthropology Project on the Language-Art Interface: Vision and Voice - Rethinking Human Communication SOUTH CAROLINA Clemson M M Chemistry $159,9 36 945552 University Cooper 48 6 Clemson 29634- Department of Chemistry 5702 Cooperative Organic Laboratories U of SC J D Mathematics $29,96 24 945529 Columbia Spurrier 0 2 Columbia 29208 Department of Statistics A Capstone Course in Statistics TENNESSEE Amer Math Assoc M E Mays Mathematics $34,32 36 925585 Two Year Colleges 0 0 Memphis 38134 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform at Two-Year Colleges: Moving Beyond Myths to Standards TEXAS Amarillo K C Mathematics $75,39 24 945560 College Wetzel 4 6 Amarillo 79178- Department of Mathematics 0001 Mathematical Interactive Network Design (MIND): A Computer Lab for Developmental Mathematics Baylor B A Interdiscipli $101,6 24 945544 University Pierce nary 20 0 Waco 76798- Department of Biology 7088 Development of an Integrated, Multidisciplinary Science Literacy Course for Comprehensives Universities Central Texas P J Ray Interdiscipli $132,9 24 945559 College nary 05 9 Killeen 76540- Department of Science 9990 Discovery - Based CAI Fundamentals of Science Course focused on Relationship Thinking, History of Science, and Math Applications Southwest Texas M Busby Science & $153,6 12 EW- State U Humanities 98 20339 San Marcos 78666 Integrating Curricula through Southwestern Studies: A Faculty Institute Southwestern D A Computer $23,69 18 945566 University Naumann Science 8 0 Georgetown 78626 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Program Derivation for a Data Structures Course Texas Tech D J Computer $56,99 12 945561 University Bagert Science 9 4 Lubbock 79409- Department of Computer Science 4609 Using Iconic Environments to Teach Procedural and Object- Oriented Programming Concepts University of J Social $73,72 24 935442 Texas Austin Kappelman Sciences 0 7 Austin 78712- Department of Anthropology 9998 A Laboratory Curriculum for Physical Anthropology on CD ROM University of P S Engineering $10,00 42 925400 Texas Austin Schmidt 0 5 Austin 78712- Department of Mechanical 9998 Engineering Video Resources for Instruction in Introductory Engineering Thermodynamics UTAH University of J L Computer $87,12 12 945547 Utah Zachary Science 5 8 Salt Lake City 84112- Department of Computer Science 1201 Computer-based Laboratories for Introductory Computing Courses for Science and Engineering Majors VIRGINIA Radford P A Geological $247,1 36 945554 University Sandberg Sciences 10 2 Radford 24142 Department of Arts & Sciences Computer-Aided Learning Modules for General-Education Geology Courses University of W A Wulf Computer $64,54 12 915611 Virginia Science 8 2 Charlottesville 22906- Department of Computer Science 9003 Development of a set of "Closed Laboratories" for an Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum VA Polytechnic P N Mathematics $57,86 12 945557 Inst & State U Palettas 6 8 Blacksburg 24061 Department of Statistics Revitalizing Introductory Statistics for Engineering by Capitalizing on Interdisciplinary Cooperation and State-of-the-Art Technology VA Polytechnic C A Computer $19,7 12 945540 Inst & State U Shaffer Science 68 3 Blacksburg 24061 Department of Computer Science The GeoSim Interface Library for Introductory Programming Courses VA Polytechnic B M Chemistry $80,00 24 945538 Inst & State U Tissue 0 2 Blacksburg 24061 Department of Chemistry Development and Evaluation of Internet-Based Hypermedia Chemistry Tutorials WASHINGTON N Seattle E Engineering $75,00 24 945556 Community College Hamilton 0 6 Seattle 98103-3514 Department of Engineering Course and Curriculum Development: Integrating Pre-Engineering Curriculum Seattle Community J A Engineering $429,6 12 945373 College S Riehl 80 9 Seattle 98106-1401 Dean of Technical Education Washington State Manufacturing Technology Standards, Competencies and Curriculum Development University of D C Science & $143,5 12 EW- Puget Sound Magnus Humanities 00 20332 Tacoma 98416 Department of Philosophy Scientific, Ethical and Social Challenges of Contemporary Genetic Technology University of B Mathematics $30,00 12 930065 Washington Grunbaum 0 7 Seattle 98195 Department of Mathematics Mathematical Sciences: Geometry of Configurations, Polygons and Polyhedra University of L C Physics $754,8 36 935450 Washington McDermott 30 1 Seattle 98195 Dept. of Physics A New Model for Physics Education in Physics Departments: Improving the Teaching of Physics from Elementary through Graduate School University of R O Watts Chemistry $49,92 12 945583 Washington Initiative 9 0 Seattle 98195 Department of Chemistry Curriculum for Chemistry in a Large Urban University WEST VIRGINIA Marshall D K Computer $59,12 18 945531 University Walker Science 1 4 Huntington 25701- Department. of Computer Science 1522 & Software Devel. Development of Lecture Room Demonstration Experiments to Improve the Computer Literacy Course WISCONSIN Beloit College J R Biology $161,7 30 935481 Jungck 19 3 Beloit 53511 Department of Biology The BioQUEST Curriculum and Learning Tools Development Project Beloit College B Spencer Chemistry $705,0 12 945591 Initiative 00 8 Beloit 53511 Department of Chemistry ChemLinks Coalition: Making Chemical Connections Lawrence E Hoft- Science & $160,0 44 EW- University March Humanities 00 20321 Appleton 54912 Anthropology and French The Gender Studies Core-Course Sequence: Examining and Integrating Disciplinary Perspectives U of Wisconsin A B Ellis Chemistry $50,00 42 925410 Madison 0 7 Madison 53706- Department of Chemistry 1490 Development of a Materials-Oriented General Chemistry Course U of Wisconsin J E Biology $19,67 42 915608 Madison Handelsman 0 7 Madison 53706- Plant Pathology 1490 Biological Literacy Through Classroom Community U of Wisconsin J W Moore Chemistry $949,9 12 945592 Madison Initiative 68 8 Madison 53706- Department of Chemistry 1490 Establishing New Traditions: Revitalizing the Curriculum U of Wisconsin P H Biology $31,23 12 945561 Madison Williams 6 6 Madison 53706- Department of Plant Pathology 1490 Conferences on Communicating and Assessing Innovative Strategies for Life Sciences Teaching to Undergraduates U of Wisconsin M S Biology $108,4 36 945542 River Falls Bergland 64 5 River Falls 54022- Department of Biology 5013 Interactive Multimedia Simulations of Experimental Biotechnology Laboratories for Introductory Biology Students The Foundation provides awards for research in the sciences and engineering. The awardee is wholly responsible for the conduct of such research and preparation of the results for publication. The Foundation, therefore, does not assume responsibility for the research findings or their interpretation. The Foundation welcomes proposals from all qualified scientists and engineers, and strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to compete fully in any of the research and related programs described here. In accordance with federal statutes, regulations, and NSF policies, no person on grounds of race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the National Science Foundation. Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) provide funding for special assistance or equipment to enable persons with disabilities (investigators and other staff, including student research assistants) to work on an NSF project. See the program announcement or contact the program coordinator at (703) 306- 1636. Privacy Act and Public Burden. Information requested on NSF application materials is solicited under the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. It will be used in connection with the selection of qualified proposals and may be used and disclosed to qualified reviewers and staff assistants as part of the review process; to applicant institutions/grantees; to provide and obtain data regarding the application review process, award decisions, or the administration of awards; to government contractors, experts, volunteers, and researchers as necessary to complete assigned work; and to other government agencies in order to coordinate programs. See Systems of Records, NSF-50, Principal Investigators/Proposal File and Associated Records, and NSF- 51, 60 Federal Register 4449 (January 23, 1995). Reviewer/Proposal File and Associated Records, 59 Federal Register 8031 (February 17, 1994). Submission of information is voluntary. Failure to provide full and complete information, however, may reduce the possibility of your receiving an award. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Herman G. Fleming, Reports and Clearance Officer, Contracts, Policy, and Oversight, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230. The National Science Foundation has TDD (Telephonic Device for the Deaf) capability, which enables individuals with hearing impairment to communicate with the Foundation about NSF programs, employment, or general information. To access NSF TDD dial (703) 306-0090; for FIRS, 1-800-877- 8339. Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance: CFDA 47.076 NSF 96-68 (Replaces NSF 95-90)