This document has been archived Title : NSF 93-65 Engineering Directorate Directory of Awards Type : Dir of Awards NSF Org: ENG Date : May 13, 1993 File : nsf9365 National Science Foundation Introduction The National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation (NSF) was created in 1950 as an independent agency of the Federal government. Its functions include the support of research and education in engineering and the sciences. NSF continues to explore the frontier primarily by sponsoring basic research, stimulating technology, and strengthening engineering and scientific education in engineering and the sciences. NSF makes awards to academic institutions, private research firms, industrial labs, and major research facilities and centers. About 55,000 experienced researchers and educators from across the country, representing a wide variety of disciplines, volunteer their time to help Foundation staff assess the merits of more than 30,000 proposals a year. Directorate for Engineering Through its Directorate for Engineering (ENG), NSF promotes the progress of engineering and technology, helping the Nation stay in the forefront of technology by giving engineering education and research broad, long-range support. Vision Statement Engineering integrates new knowledge across ever changing disciplines and applies it to the creation of new and improved products, systems, and services. Done well, the creation of shared wealth with a respect for the quality of life and the environment is the result. As we enter the 21st century, we envision an integrated engineering community, forged out of the many engineering and related science disciplines. Added attention to disciplinary interfaces, where new knowledge is increasingly created, will generate fresh ideas and directions for engineering and boost the synergy between education and research. Innovative couplings between universities, industry, and government will develop to exploit new discoveries, applying engineering solutions to the Nation's most pressing problems. The engineering process will facilitate social and economic progress. Because of improvements in the quality of education, engineers in the 21st century will have a broader command of science and technology, as well as a better understanding of the world and its peoples. Increasingly, they will reflect the rich fabric of American life, with all its diversity. They will be able to assume stronger leadership roles in government, industry, and academe. Likewise, the education of all citizens will include an early exposure to the engineering process and its impact on society, which is needed to understand and deal with our rapidly changing technological world. Mission Statement and Goals In the context of its vision, NSF fosters excellence, quality, and innovation in the development and application of engineering knowledge and human resources to enhance the Nation's economic well-being, security, and quality of life. The Directorate for Engineering is clearly in the "capacity building" business and does not support research only for the resulting new knowledge. Rather, it also seeks to increase the potential of the engineering community, to create and apply technology and to educate the next generation of engineers. In pursuit of this mission, the Directorate has established the following goals: Improve the quality of engineering education and the retention of students to yield well-educated, professionally oriented engineers who are able to assume broad leadership roles in society. Foster intellectual growth and technological advances by supporting leading-edge research in the engineering disciplines and at disciplinary interfaces where new knowledge is increasingly created. Increase the scholarly synergy between education and research and emphasize design, synthesis, and experimentation in these activities. Increase significantly the number of women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities who participate fully in engineering education, research, and practice. Foster increased cooperation among the diverse engineering constituencies, including building stronger bridges between academe and industry, and encourage cooperation with other countries to promote mutually beneficial sharing of knowledge and resources. Divisions of the Directorate for Engineering Engineering's mission is carried out through the creative interaction of the following seven divisions: Biological and Critical Systems (BCS) The division is composed of Bioengineering, Environmental and Ocean Systems, and Hazard Mitigation Research. Bioengineering applies engineering methods to problems in the life and health sciences and develops new engineering technologies through knowledge of the living system. Environmental and Ocean Systems focuses on the contaminant interactions that threaten the quality of land, water, and air and research into the use of coastal ocean space, advanced sensing and measurement techniques, structures, and vehicles. Hazard Mitigation Research targets Earthquake Hazard Mitigation and Natural and Man-Made Hazard Mitigation. In addition to research into engineering, planning, and societal aspects of earthquake hazard reduction, support is provided for engineering research to reduce the social impacts of such phenomena as strong winds, landslides, expansive soils, floods, and drought. Chemical and Thermal Systems (CTS) Chemical manufacturing and thermal processes are fundamental to technological progress in a range of areas, including energy, the environment, pharmaceuticals, new materials, and food. The division supports research that helps maintain American preeminence in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, which consistently have produced a positive balance of international trade. Examples of research include membrane and electrically assisted bioseparations, the synthesis of diamond films for use in electronic devices, and advances in catalysis. Design and Manufacturing Systems (DDM) The division supports research to develop and expand the scientific and engineering foundations of manufacturing and materials processing across a spectrum of U.S. industries. Key research areas include advanced materials-processing methods; concurrent design of materials; processing and manufacturing; and developing machines, sensors, and technologies for computer control of manufacturing processes and operations. A vital part of this effort includes developing operations research and production systems methods that underlie the range of engineering systems. Electrical and Communications Systems (ECS) The division seeks to enhance the knowledge base for electrical, electronic and photonic, electromechanical, and optical technologies and to facilitate their integration with engineering education. ECS also develops the analytical tools and techniques for computational simulation and control of complex engineering systems and aims to accelerate the emergence of potentially high-impact technologies of national importance. Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) The mission of the division is to create new paradigms and improve the quality of engineering education and research by emphasizing engineering practice through a cross-disciplinary team approach and systems integration and industrial linkages. EEC seeks to increase the number of engineering professionals by more effectively developing and retaining the Nation's human engineering resources. EEC's Engineering Education programs seek to improve the quality of engineering education and retain students to yield well-educated, professionally oriented engineers who are internationally competitive and able to assume broad leadership roles in society. These programs address curriculum development, graduate student support, and research experiences for undergraduates. The Engineering Centers programs support university-based research centers across a spectrum of technologies essential to U.S. economic competitiveness. The centers also address fundamental research issues crucial to next-generation technological advances and involve university/industry/government planning, research, and education. Industrial Innovation Interface (III) The division is responsible for a range of research and analysis programs that affect U.S. industrial productivity. These programs, which aim to improve the speed and efficiency of transferring the results of NSF research and technology to the marketplace, are the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, the Management of Technology Program, and the Special Studies and Analysis Program. Mechanical and Structural Systems (MSS) The division supports research that enhances engineering knowledge in structures, geomechanics, mechanics, materials engineering, tribology and surface engineering, and mechanical systems. A major national problem is the decaying infrastructure--buildings, bridges, and highways. MSS- supported research is helping assess the condition of such facilities and provide new construction materials and processes to enhance the infrastructure. General Information The Foundation provides awards for research in engineering and the sciences. The awardee is wholly responsible for the conduct of such re- search and preparation of the results for publication. The Foundation, therefore, does not assume responsibility for such findings or their interpretation. The Foundation welcomes proposals on behalf of all qualified engineers and scientists, and strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to compete fully in any of the research and research related programs described in this document. Because the Foundation is making a determined effort to increase the award duration, proposers are encouraged to submit research proposals having a 3-year research plan and budget. In accordance with Federal statutes and regulations and NSF policies, no person on grounds of race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the National Science Foundation. Facilitation Awards for Handicapped Scientists and Engineers (FAH) provides funding for special assistance or equipment to enable persons with disabilities (investigators and other staff, including student research assistants) to work on an NSF project. See the FAH program an- nouncement, or contact the FAH Coordinator in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources. The National Science Foundation has TDD (Telephonic Device for the Deaf) capability that enables people with a hearing impairment to communicate with the Division of Personnel and Management regarding NSF programs, employment or general information. This number is (202) 357-7492. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, Number 47.041, Engineering. Ordering Publications of the National Science Foundation To order publications: via Internet: via Bitnet: pubs@nsf by phone: (202)357-7861 by FAX: (703)644-4278 by mail: Forms and Publications Unit National Science Foundation Washington, DC 20550 To Connect to the Internet - Call the National Network Service Center, the support center for the NSF Net, at 617-873-3400 for information and procedures to connect your university to the Internet. For Additional Assistance: e-mail: (Internet) or eps@NSF (BITNET) Phone: 202-357-7439; FAX: 202-357-7663; TDD: 202-357-7492 Research Reports Research findings and results of studies supported by NSF are generally published in scientific journals or as reports prepared by the grantee institutions for NSF. A few of these technical reports, when available, are sold by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161, (703) 487-4650. For information on the price and availability of these reports, contact NTIS. Databases in Science and Technology STIS flyer 91-10 is included with this publication and can be found on the back cover. STIS is NSF's electronic dissemination system that provides easy access to NSF publications. The full text of publications can be searched online and copied from the system. Electronic publications supplement the wide distribution of printed material from NSF. There is no charge for connect time and no password is needed to access the system. The service is available 24 hours a day, except for maintenance periods, and up to 10 people can be on the system at the same time. STIS is available for use by the public as well as researchers in science and technology, sponsored research offices, multi-university information networks, library services, science policy analysts, the press, NSF staff, and other Federal agencies. STIS can be accessed by anyone with a modem and communication software program. STIS can also be accessed via Internet. Publications available via STIS include þ this publication þ the NSF Bulletin þ Guide to Programs þ grant booklet-including forms þ program announcements and press releases þ the NSF Telephone Book þ reports of the National Science Board þ descriptions of research projects funded by NSF-with abstracts þ analytical reports and news from the International Programs Division þ new materials added weekly Ordering by Electronic Mail If you are a user of electronic mail and have access to either BITNET or Internet, you may prefer to order publications electronically. BITNET users should address requests to pubs@nsf. Internet users should send requests to In your request, include the NSF publication number and title, number of copies, your name, and complete mailing address. Publications will be mailed within two days of receipt of request. Ordering by Surface Mail. You can send requests for NSF publications to: NSF/Forms and Publications Unit Washington, DC 20550 List the title, date (if known), NSF Publication number, the number of copies wanted, and your complete mailing address. For a full list of publications that you can order, request Publications of the National Science Foundation, NSF 90-119. Award Definitions and Explanation of Format Engineering Directory of Awards provides bibliographic data on the engineering awards granted each fiscal year of NSF's Directorate for Engineering (ENG). All awards are listed under their primary division and within division by program or sub-program. Within each sub-program is an alphabetical listing of awards by the Principal Investigator's last name. Split-funded awards are listed under primary programs and under those programs which contributed to that award. All data is reconciled with NSF's Division of Information Systems (DIS). Award listings include the following information: 1. Title: the title of the award. 2. Principal Investigator: the chief engineer, scientist, or administrator who is responsible for the research plan and fiscal expenditures of the award. 3. Name and Address of the Institution: any college, university, laboratory, industry, or other organization designated as the NSF awardee. 4. Award Number and Starting Date: includes the award number, and the amendment number, if applicable, and the starting date of the award. 5. Amount, Duration, and Program's Award Contribution. 6. Split-funded Award information: provides financial data on awards with merited support from more than one program. for example Transport Processing Swamboli, James; State University, Leonard, MD 20656 ECS 2945609 A01; 1/4/92, @10,000, 12 mo. Jointly funded with Solid State & Microstructures Program Notice Do not use the funding amounts in this publication for statistical purposes. Grants that are jointly funded can lead to duplicate records and inaccurate totals. Additionally, many grants are awarded for three or more years while this publication only shows funds allocated in FY 1992. TABLE OF CONTENTS BIOLOGICAL and CRITICAL SYSTEMS (BCS) Bioengineering and Aiding the Disabled Program Biochemical and Biomass Engineering Biomedical Engineering Biotechnology Research to Aid the Disabled Cross-Directorate Programs Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Program Architecture and Mechanical Systems Earthquake Systems Integration Siting and Geotechnical Systems Structural Systems Environmental and Ocean Systems Program Environmental Engineering Ocean Engineering Systems Natural and Man-Made Hazard Mitigation Program Special Programs CHEMICAL and THERMAL SYSTEMS (CTS) Chemical Reaction Processes Program Kinetics and Catalysis Process and Reaction Engineering Fluid, Particulate, and Hydraulic Systems Program Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulics Particulate and Multiphase Processes Interfacial, Transport, and Separation Processes Program Interfacial, Transport, and Thermodynamic Properties Separation and Purification Processes Special Programs Thermal Systems Program Combustion and Thermal Plasmas Thermal Transport and Processing DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS (DDM) Cross-Directorate Programs Design and Computer-Integrated Engineering Program Computer-Integrated Engineering Engineering Design Manufacturing Processes and Equipment Program Manufacturing Machines and Equipment Materials Processing and Manufacturing Operations Research and Production Systems Program Operations Research Production Systems Special Programs ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS (ECS) Communications and Computational Systems Program Computational Engineering Optical Communications Initiative Emerging Technologies Initiation Program Engineering Systems Program Power Systems Systems Theory Quantum Electronics, Waves, and Beams Program Lightwave Technology Quantum Electronics, Special Studies and Assessments, Plasmas, and Electromagnetics Solid-State and Microstructures Program Microelectromechanical Research Solid-State and Microstructure Research Special Programs ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND CENTERS DIVISION (EEC) Engineering Education Program Engineering Research Centers Human Resources Development Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Special Programs INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION AND INTERFACE (III) Management of Technology Program Cross-Directorate Programs Special Programs Small Business Innovation Research Program Small Business Innovation Program Small Business Phase I Small Business Phase II Special Studies and Assessments MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS (MSS) Applied Mathematics Cross-Directorate Programs Dynamic Systems and Control Program Dynamic Systems and Control Mechanics and Materials Program Materials Engineering Solid Mechanics Structures, Geomechanics, and Building Systems Program Geomechanical, Geotechnical, and Geo-Environmental Systems Large Structural and Building Systems Structural Systems and Construction Processes Special Programs Transportation BIOLOGICAL AND CRITICAL SYSTEMS Bioengineering and Aiding the Disabled Program Biochemical and Biomass Engineering Acid-Catalyzed Formation of Ethyl-Butyl Ethers in Near- and Supercritical Water Antal, Michael; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9111743 A001; 09/01/1991; $71,493; 12 mo. Conference on Tissue Engineering: A Perspective Bell, Eugene; Keystone Center, Dillon, CO 80435 BCS 9116310 A000; 01/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $4,909 Tailoring of Protein A Specificity by Genetic Engineering and In Vivo Selection Benedik, M.; Willson, Richard; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 BCS 9207872 A000; 09/01/1992; $92,948; 12 mo. Molecular Thermodynamics of Protein Precipitation in Aqueous Solution Blanch, Harvey; Prausnitz, John; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 8914849 A002; 09/15/1990; $63,795; 0 mo. Macromolecule Transport Mechanisms in Bacterial Biofilms Bryers, James; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 BCS 9020502 A001; 07/01/1991; $74,598; 12 mo. Cellular Mechanisms of Neurite Outgrowth and Guidance Buettner, Helen; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 BCS 9210540 A000; 08/01/1992; $99,956; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $27,660 Engineering Foundations Sixth Conference on the Recovery of Biological Products Builder, Stuart; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 BCS 9216393 A000; 06/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Reversed Micellar Fractionation of Recombinant-DNA Therapeutic Protein Intermediates Castor, Trevor; Bio-Eng Inc., Arlington, MA 02174 III 9160618 A000; 03/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. NSF Young Investigator Chalmers, Jeffrey; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 BCS 9258004 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Intracellular Ion Concentrations and Energy Metabolism in Agitation-Stressed Suspensions Cells Cherry, Robert; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 BCS 8921153 A002; 06/01/1990; $55,302; 12 mo. Response of Anchorage Dependent Cells to Cyclic and Turbulent Shear Stresses Cherry, Robert; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 BCS 9008605 A001; 05/01/1991; $64,035; 12 mo. Protein Separations with Microporous Immunoaffinity Membranes Colton, Clark; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9012574 A002; 09/01/1990; $2,459; 12 mo. Enzyme Hydrolysis Kinetics of Pretreated Lignocellulosic Substrates Converse, Alvin; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 BCS 8919335 A002; 03/15/1990; $58,427; 12 mo. Pathogenesis of Device-Related Infections Cooper, Stuart; Mosher, Deane; Proctor, Richard; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9120660 A001; 09/01/1991; $168,000; 12 mo. Summer Gordon Research Conference 1992 Cruickshank, Alexander; Kagan, Herbert; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 IBN 9202477 A000; 05/15/1992; $142,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MACROMOLECULAR BIOCHEMISTRY and BIOPHYSICS $32,000 Amplification of Integrated Cloned Genes in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Da Silva, Nancy; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9119808 A000; 03/15/1992; $240,851; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $120,425 Intracellular Signaling in Mammalian Cells Induced by Physical Forces Diamond, Scott; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 9211197 A000; 08/01/1992; $94,883; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Dordick, Jonathan; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 BCS 8958415 A005; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Bioactive Material Template Surfaces for In Vitro Synthesis of Bone Tissue Ducheyne, Paul; Pollack, Solomon; Bonnell, Dawn; Shapiro, Irving; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9202314 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY $25,000 Micromixing in Fermentation Dunlop, Eric; Mattoon, James; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9022158 A001; 05/15/1991; $120,139; 12 mo. Viscous Fingering in Chromatographic Columns Fernandez, Erik; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9210199 A000; 09/01/1992; $46,763; 36 mo. Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: Development and Implementation of a New Materials Synthesis and Processing Laboratory Flemings, Merton; Rubner, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9218128 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY and CERAMICS $175,000 Third International Conference on Cell Culture Engineering; February 2-7, 1992, Palm Coast, Florida Flickinger, Michael; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 BCS 9123680 A000; 01/01/1992; $15,000; 8 mo. Flow Cytometric Study of Ciliate Physiology Fredrickson, Arnold; Srienc, Friedrich; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9001095 A003; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 BCS 9001095 A004; 06/01/1990; $80,880; 12 mo. The Role of the Hydrophobic Effect in Protein Adsorption Gast, Alice; Robertson, Channing; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9007866 A002; 09/01/1990; $92,033; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Hammer, Daniel; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 8958632 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Analysis and Optimization of Mycelial Fermentors Hanley, Thomas; University of Louisville Research Foundation Inc., Louisville, KY 40292 BCS 9196147 A001; 05/01/1991; $57,503; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Studies of Metabolism in Mammalian Cell and Tissue Cultures Heath, Carole; Dartmouth College Thayer School of Engineering, Hanover, NH 03755 BCS 9157851 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Ultrapurification of Biomacromolecules Horvath, Csaba; Engelman, Donald; Fox, Robert; Frey, Douglas; Randolph, Theodore; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 BCS 9014119 A002; 09/01/1990; $150,000; 12 mo. Peptide-Grafted Materials for Cell-Adhesive and Growth-Promoting Substrates Hubbell, Jeffrey; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9009901 A001; 02/15/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. Engineering Analysis of Microvascular Network Remodeling in Cerebral Tissue Hudetz, Antal; Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226 BCS 9001425 A003; 07/01/1990; $67,808; 12 mo. Biomineralization Mimetics and Particle Synthesis in Microstructured Environments John, Vijay; McPherson, Gary; O'Connor, Kim; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 BCS 9202123 A000; 09/01/1992; $348,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $174,000 A Technique to Unfold and Refold Proteins Through Clathrate Hydrate Formation John, Vijay; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 BCS 9218228 A000; 06/15/1992; $49,998; 12 mo. Recurrent Neural Networks and Micro-Genetic Algorithms for Estimation and Optimization: Application to Bioprocesses Karim, M. Nazmul; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9118955 A000; 03/15/1992; $96,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING and PROCESS AND REACTION ENGINEERING $50,000 Beverage Deoxygenation Through Electrochemically Regenerated Metal Chelates Kerr, John; Aquanautics Corporation, Alameda, CA 94501 III 9161005 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,952; 6 mo. Novel Chromatographic Supports: Methods and Processes Kolesinski, Henry; Advanced Surface Technology Inc., Billerica, MA 01821 III 9160658 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design and Strategies for Optimizing Bioprocesses Kompala, Dhinakar; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8857719 A007; 06/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Synthesis and Characterization of Polysaccharide Sorbents Ladisch, Michael; Kvam, Eric; Westgate, Paul; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 9202702 A000; 08/15/1992; $176,000; 24 mo. Novel Degradable Polymers for Cellular Adhesion Langer, Robert; Ingber, Donald; Vacanti, Joseph; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9202311 A000; 09/01/1992; $268,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $68,000 NSF Young Investigator Lee, Cheng; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 BCS 9258652 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Protein Separations: A Thermodynamic Approach Lenhoff, Abraham; Sandler, Stanley; Paulaitis, Michael; Kaler, Eric; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 BCS 9210401 A000; 09/15/1992; $267,513; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $100,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Linderman, Jennifer; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 8958319 A003; 07/01/1989; $37,500; 0 mo. BCS 8958319 A004; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Lynd, Lee; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 BCS 9058392 A002; 07/01/1990; $7,750; 3 mo. BCS 9058392 A003; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award McCarthy, Kathryn; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 9057676 A002; 09/01/1990; $61,673; 12 mo. Gel Permeation Chromatography and UV/VIS Systems for Bioengineering Research Mikos, Antonios; Zygourakis, Kyriacos; Shanks, Jacqueline; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9213197 A000; 08/15/1992; $26,567; 12 mo. Biosensors for Tissue Engineering Nair, Pankajam; Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272 BCS 8913465 A005; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Reconstitution of a Blood Vessel in Culture Nerem, Robert; Alexander, R. Wayne; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9111761 A001; 09/01/1991; $178,461; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $29,487 Understanding Injury of Suspended Animal Cells in Mixed Bioreactors Due to Bubble Breakup Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9022472 A001; 07/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $3,750 BCS 9022472 A002; 07/01/1991; $93,936; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Peretti, Steven; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 BCS 9157913 A001; 09/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Hindered Transport of Macromolecules in Fibrous Gels Phillips, Ronald; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 9209322 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Directed Metabolic Flow by Cellular Reduction State Control Rao, Govind; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 BCS 8911957 A002; 10/15/1989; $49,476; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Rao, Govind; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 BCS 9157852 A001; 07/15/1991; $34,500; 12 mo. Phase Fluorometric Sensors Rao, Govind; Lakowicz, Joseph; Carter, Gary; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 BCS 9209157 A000; 09/01/1992; $176,807; 12 mo. Formation Mechanisms and Fabrication Strategies for Molecularly Aligned Two- and Three-Dimensional Protein Arrays Robertson, Channing; Gast, Alice; Kornberg, Roger; Darst, Seth; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9202220 A000; 09/01/1992; $307,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and BIOPHYSICS $153,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Russell, Alan; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 BCS 9057312 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Gel Permeation Chromatograph Russell, Alan; Beckman, Eric; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 BCS 9212115 A000; 09/01/1992; $58,436; 12 mo. Determination of Genetic and Kinetic Parameters of Primary Importance to the Productivity of Recombinant Organisms Ryu, Dewey; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 9011487 A002; 08/01/1990; $60,252; 12 mo. Manipulation of Cell Behavior in Three-Dimensional Culture Saltzman, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9123070 A000; 05/15/1992; $61,571; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY and BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $41,047 Growth and Protein Expression of Eukaryotic Cells Srienc, Friedrich; University of Minnesota-St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN 55455 BCS 9100385 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 BCS 9100385 A002; 07/01/1991; $89,883; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment-Elutriation Centrifuge Srienc, Friedrich; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9212806 A000; 09/15/1992; $25,517; 12 mo. Molecular Mechanism of Adsorption and Structural Behavior of Proteins at Interfaces Srinivasan, Damodaran; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 8913053 A002; 01/01/1990; $55,953; 12 mo. Combined Fungal Solid Substrate Fermentation and Ensiling Tengerdy, Robert; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9115515 A000; 04/01/1992; $96,443; 24 mo. Biorheology of Hybridomas and Cell Damage Tran-Son-Tay, Roger; Needham, David; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 BCS 9106452 A001; 09/01/1991; $114,274; 12 mo. US-China Engineering Conference on Bioreactions and Bioseparations - Travel Grant Request Tsao, George; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 9213842 A000; 06/01/1992; $5,000; 7 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY $2,500 Novel Membrane-Based Process for the Production of Substituted Benzyl Alcohols van Eikeren, Paul; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9122743 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,977; 24 mo. Biosynthesis and Downstream Recovery of Therapeutic Proteins from the Milk of Transgenic Animals Velander, William; Drohan, William; Johnson, John; Orthner, Carolyn; Young, Janet; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 BCS 9011098 A002; 07/15/1990; $140,000; 12 mo. Preparative Ultracentrifuge to Enhance Biochemical Engineering Research Wheatley, Margaret; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9212490 A000; 09/15/1992; $46,540; 12 mo. Bioprocess Engineering: Research Priorities and Policy Options Zaborsky, Oskar; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9017115 A004; 09/01/1990; $25,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ENERGY-BIOFUELS PROGRAM PLAN $25,000 Marine Biotechnology: Research Opportunities and Policy Issues Zaborsky, Oskar; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 IBN 9211798 A000; 05/01/1992; $90,000; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY $5,000 Biomedical Engineering BAC: Perceptual and Motor Control Mechanisms in Visual Tracking Abel, Larry; Chen, Yaobin; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 BCS 9216578 A000; 09/01/1992; $128,166; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $32,041 Neural Waveform Analysis in Extracellular Recordings Bankman, Isaac; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9222785 A000; 09/01/1992; $5,200; 6 mo. Human and Robot Models for Intelligent Prosthetic Hands Bekey, George; Iberall, Thea; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9009934 A003; 07/15/1990; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $25,000 Conference on Tissue Engineering: A Perspective Bell, Eugene; Keystone Center, Dillon, CO 80435 BCS 9116310 A000; 01/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $5,045 RUI: Ontogeny of Modulation of Dentate Granule Cell Excitability in the Freely Moving Rat Bronzino, Joseph; Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106 BCS 9010616 A002; 08/01/1990; $6,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $3,000 Microbiosensors to Evaluate Free Radical Activity in Tissue Buerk, Donald; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9196021 A002; 09/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $3,750 BCS 9196021 A003; 09/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Pathogenesis of Device-Related Infections Cooper, Stuart; Mosher, Deane; Proctor, Richard; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9120660 A001; 09/01/1991; $168,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $84,000 BAC: Sensory Feedback and Control of Legged Locomotion: Biological Simulation and Robotic Implementation Delcomyn, Fred; Ahuja, Narendra; Nelson, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9216562 A000; 09/15/1992; $157,972; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $118,479 A Speech Driven Computer Interface Based on Neural Networks deVries, Bert; NeuroDimension Inc., Gainesville, FL 32601 III 9160161 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Materials Characterization and Bone Growth Conduction of Calcium Phosphate Linings on Porous Titanium Ducheyne, Paul; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9010531 A002; 08/01/1990; $68,046; 12 mo. Bioactive Material Template Surfaces for In Vitro Synthesis of Bone Tissue Ducheyne, Paul; Pollack, Solomon; Bonnell, Dawn; Shapiro, Irving; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9202314 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG and BIOTECHNOLOGY $50,000 A Textbook on Engineering Senior Design Projects for the Handicapped Enderle, John; North Dakota State University-Main Campus, Fargo, ND 58105 BCS 8802898 A004; 06/15/1988; $25,555; 12 mo. Biomechanical Foundation of Tissue Engineering of Arteries and Veins Fung, Yuan-Cheng; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 BCS 8917576 A002; 03/01/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Computational Investigations of Pulmonary Airway Clearance Gaver, Donald; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 BCS 9209558 A000; 08/15/1992; $99,973; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $49,986 Interfacial Fluid Dynamics of the Lung Grotberg, James; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9013083 A002; 08/01/1991; $98,260; 12 mo. Effects of Mineral-Organic Bonding Forces on the Mechanical Properties of Bone Tissue Guzelsu, Nejat; Berg, R.; University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ 07103 BCS 9210253 A000; 09/01/1992; $81,242; 12 mo. Optimizing Information Transfer Characteristics of Tomographic Imaging Systems Hero, Alfred; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9024370 A001; 05/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Perspectives and Opportunities in Bioengineering. Conference to be held October 16-18, 1992 in Salt Lake City, Utah Horch, Kenneth; Andrade, Joseph; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 BCS 9221313 A000; 08/15/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Basic Studies in Vascular Mechanics Humphrey, Jay; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 BCS 9157798 A001; 07/01/1991; $55,120; 12 mo. Undergraduate Designs for Rehabilitation Engineering Hyman, William; Miller, Gerald; Texas A&M University-Main Campus, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 8805377 A004; 06/01/1988; $16,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $8,000 Adaptive Control of Drug Delivery Based on Sparse Measurements: Recursive Bayesian Estimation Forecasting and Sampling Jannett, Thomas; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294 BCS 9210341 A000; 09/01/1992; $60,000; 24 mo. Quantitative Imaging of Regional Pulmonary Blood Flow Knight, Herbert; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9154521 A000; 01/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Ku, David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 8657691 A007; 08/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. BAC: Cooperation and Coordination of Two Arms in Biological and Robotic Systems Kumar, Vijay; Yun, Xiaoping; Henis, Ealan; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9216691 A000; 09/15/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $20,000 Novel Degradable Polymers for Cellular Adhesion Langer, Robert; Ingber, Donald; Vacanti, Joseph; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9202311 A000; 09/01/1992; $268,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $100,000 Development of Bioerodible Polymer Matrices for Osteoblast Growth and Maturation Laurencin, Cato; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9011170 A003; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $7,500 BCS 9011170 A004; 07/01/1990; $75,000; 12 mo. Fracture Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Lewis, Jack; Keer, Leon; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9022052 A001; 09/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING and RESEARCH TO AID THE DISABLED $100,000 Transcatheter Microwave Technology for Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases Lin, James; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 BCS 9110184 A001; 09/15/1991; $75,447; 12 mo. Experiment Design and Analysis for Identifying Mechanical Properties of Physiological Systems at Low Frequencies Lutchen, Kenneth; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 BCS 9011168 A003; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 BCS 9011168 A004; 08/15/1990; $59,927; 12 mo. Computational Neuroscience Symposium, October 17, 1992 Madhavan, P.; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 BCS 9218886 A000; 08/01/1992; $2,620; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Three-Dimensional Mechanics and Electrical Dynamics of the Heart McCulloch, Andrew; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 BCS 9157961 A001; 09/15/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Miller, Michael; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 BCS 8552518 A007; 09/15/1986; $37,500; 0 mo. Engineering Techniques for Modeling Left Ventricular Energetics During Regional Myocardial Dysfunctions: Effects of Cardiac Assistance Moore, Thomas; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9022060 A002; 04/15/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Reconstitution of a Blood Vessel in Culture Nerem, Robert; Alexander, R. Wayne; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9111761 A001; 09/01/1991; $178,461; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $29,487 Research on Doppler Three-Dimensional Vector and Capillary Flow Measurement Newhouse, Vernon; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9201877 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,810; 12 mo. New Medically Useful, Ionically Modified Lactide/Glycolide Polymers Nichols, Larry; BIOTEK Inc., Woburn, MA 01801 III 9160209 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Nishimura, Dwight; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9058556 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Reflectance from Layered Biological Materials Ostrander, Lee; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 BCS 9008533 A002; 08/15/1990; $65,000; 12 mo. Visualization in Biomedical Computing 1992 Pizer, Stephen; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 BCS 9212648 A000; 08/15/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INSTRUMENTAT AND INSTRUMENT DEVP $5,000 Calcium Ion Resonance in Bone Cells Pollack, Solomon; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 8921492 A002; 07/01/1990; $84,635; 12 mo. BAC: Neural Optimization Algorithms in Respiratory Control Poon, Chi-Sang; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9216419 A000; 09/01/1992; $67,385; 12 mo. Covalent Immobilization of Proteins and Bioactive Peptides on Orthopedic Biomaterials Puleo, David; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 BCS 9210511 A000; 09/01/1992; $96,339; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Rabbitt, Richard; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 BCS 8957206 A004; 07/01/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Integrated Human Motion Measurement System Raftopoulos, Demetrios; Hefzy, Mohamed; Armstrong, Charles; Jackson, W.T.; University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 BCS 9111728 A000; 03/15/1992; $49,995; 12 mo. Biomagnetic Imaging of Three-Dimensional Current Distribution Ramon, Ceon; Marks, Robert; Oh, Seho; Spelman, Francis; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9209938 A000; 09/01/1992; $99,046; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Richards-Kortum, Rebecca; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9157202 A001; 07/15/1991; $37,500; 6 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow - Optical Spectroscopy in Bioengineering Richards-Kortum, Rebecca; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9253612 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Manipulation of Cell Behavior in Three-Dimensional Culture Saltzman, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9123070 A000; 05/15/1992; $61,571; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY $20,523 A System for Measuring Capillary Blood Flow and Organ Perfusion Using Doppler Ultrasound Aided by Contrast Enhancement Schrope, Beth; RESHET Inc., Philadelphia, PA 19104 III 9161006 A000; 01/15/1992; $48,886; 6 mo. Use of Non-Rayleigh Statistics for Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization Shankar, P.; Reid, James; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9207385 A000; 09/01/1992; $81,273; 12 mo. BAC: Signal Processing and Target Images for Spatial Perception in Bat Sonar Simmons, James; Dear, Steven; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 BCS 9216718 A000; 09/15/1992; $127,302; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $31,825 Finite Strain, Poroelastic Model for Large Arteries Simon, Bruce; Baldwin, A.; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9210282 A000; 08/15/1992; $66,989; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,485 Research in High-Resolution Ultrasound Mammography Steinberg, Bernard; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9209680 A000; 09/15/1992; $90,076; 12 mo. Bone Bonding to HA Coated Strain Gauges: Development of a Faster Bonding Coating Szivek, John; University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9207348 A000; 08/15/1992; $199,986; 36 mo. Workshop on Surgical Robotics Taylor, Russell; IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 BCS 9222082 A000; 09/15/1992; $6,250; 12 mo. Workshop: Critical Issues in Life Cycle Design of Biomedical Engineering Products; Stanford University, January 20-22, 1993 Waldron, Manjula; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9222243 A000; 09/15/1992; $18,800; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator - Infrared Laser Tissue Ablation Walsh, Joseph; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9257492 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. A Study of the Bone-Prosthesis Interface by Vibrational Spectroscopy Walters, Marc; New York University, New York, NY 10012 BCS 9010607 A001; 09/01/1990; $75,135; 12 mo. Multielectrode Impedance-Based Ventilation Monitoring Webster, John; Tompkins, Willis; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9012782 A002; 08/01/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Time-Frequency Analysis of Biomedical Signals Williams, William; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9110571 A001; 09/15/1991; $62,807; 12 mo. Modeling the Cardiac Sinus Node and Atrium on a Massively Parallel Computer Winslow, Raimond; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21218 BIR 9117847 A000; 07/01/1992; $107,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $50,000 NSF Young Investigator - Acoustical Techniques to Anatomical Structures and Physiological Processes Wodicka, George; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 9257488 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow Yue, David; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9253539 A000; 09/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Intravenous Coronary Angiography Utilizing K-Emission and Bremsstrahlung X-Rays Produced by Electron Bombardment Zeman, Herbert; University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163 BCS 9108883 A001; 08/15/1991; $73,000; 12 mo. Modeling of Transient Processes in Cell Adhesion Zhu, Cheng; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9210684 A000; 09/01/1992; $70,000; 24 mo. BAC: Systems Modeling of Endothelial Cell Migration and Proliferation Zygourakis, Kyriacos; McIntire, Larry; Markenscoff, Pauline; Eskin, S.; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9216454 A000; 09/15/1992; $85,000; 12 mo. Biotechnology Presidential Young Investigator Award Arnold, Frances; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 8957118 A002; 11/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. BCS 8957118 A003; 11/01/1989; $16,786; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,393 Selective Polymers for Protein Separations: Investigation of Novel Template Polymerization Techniques Arnold, Frances; Baldeschwieler, John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9108502 A001; 08/15/1991; $163,053; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $81,526 Measuring Metabolic Fluxes: Applications for Elucidating Energetics and Regulation Ataai, Mohammad; Domach, Michael; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 BCS 9207614 A000; 09/15/1992; $76,302; 12 mo. Metabolic Engineering of Aerobic Glucose Catabolism in Escherichia Coli Bailey, James; Lidstrom, Mary; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 8912824 A003; 09/01/1989; $233,090; 12 mo. Conference on Tissue Engineering: A Perspective Bell, Eugene; Keystone Center, Dillon, CO 80435 BCS 9116310 A000; 01/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG and BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $9,954 Enzyme Design and Catalytic Function for the Production of Novel Materials Blanch, Harvey; Clark, Douglas; Schultz, Peter; Bednarski, Mark; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9119237 A000; 09/15/1992; $217,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and MACROMOLECULAR BIOCHEMISTRY $50,000 Cellular Mechanisms of Neurite Outgrowth and Guidance Buettner, Helen; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 BCS 9210540 A000; 08/01/1992; $99,956; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $63,808 Engineering Foundations Sixth Conference on the Recovery of Biological Products Builder, Stuart; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 BCS 9216393 A000; 06/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $7,500 Minimizing the Genome of Escherichia Coli Cameron, Douglas; Koob, Michael; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9205918 A000; 03/15/1992; $41,930; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROKARYOTIC GENETICS $20,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Cell Interactions with Biomaterials Cima, Linda; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9157321 A000; 11/01/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Optimized Overproduction by Genetically Modified Cells Using Selective Cell Separation Technology Davis, Robert; Kompala, Dhinakar; Ramirez, W. Fred; Gold, Lawrence; Sclafani, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8912259 A006; 09/01/1989; $13,150; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $9,862 Continuous Flow Strategies for In Vitro RNA Synthesis Davis, Robert; Gold, Lawrence; Uhlenbeck, Olke; Ramirez, W. Fred; Pardi, Arthur; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9206383 A000; 03/15/1992; $49,998; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MACROMOLECULAR BIOCHEMISTRY $21,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Dhurjati, Prasad; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 BCS 8552492 A008; 07/01/1986; $47,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Intracellular Signaling in Mammalian Cells Induced by Physical Forces Diamond, Scott; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 9211197 A000; 08/01/1992; $94,883; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $47,441 Measuring Metabolic Fluxes: Applications for Elucidating Energetics and Regulations Domach, Michael; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BCS 9222557 A000; 09/15/1992; $63,688; 12 mo. Bioactive Material Template Surfaces for In Vitro Synthesis of Bone Tissue Ducheyne, Paul; Pollack, Solomon; Bonnell, Dawn; Shapiro, Irving; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9202314 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $25,000 Viscous Fingering in Chromatographic Columns Fernandez, Erik; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9210199 A000; 09/01/1992; $46,763; 36 mo. Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: Development and Implementation of a New Materials Synthesis and Processing Laboratory Flemings, Merton; Rubner, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9218128 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY and CERAMICS $175,000 Third International Conference on Cell Culture Engineering; February 2-7, 1992, Palm Coast, Florida Flickinger, Michael; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 BCS 9123680 A000; 01/01/1992; $15,000; 8 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $7,500 Regulation, Control and Design of Plant Root Systems for Production of Valuable Chemicals Flores, Hector; Curtis, Wayne; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 BCS 9110288 A001; 09/15/1991; $186,900; 12 mo. Presidental Young Investigator Award Frangos, John; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 BCS 9058011 A002; 11/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. BCS 9058011 A003; 11/01/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. Engineering of Bacterial Surfaces Georgiou, George; Iverson, Brent; Earhart, Charles; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9212305 A000; 08/01/1992; $144,020; 12 mo. Genetic Engineering for Product Using Non-Chromatographic Methods Glatz, Charles; Ford, Clark; Honzatko, Richard; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 BCS 9108583 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 BCS 9108583 A002; 09/01/1991; $181,295; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Goochee, Charles; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 8857712 A005; 01/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 BCS 8857712 A006; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Use of Insect Cell Culture for Production of Proteins and Viral Pesticides Granados, Robert; Wood, Harry; Boyce Thompson Inst. of Plant Res., Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 9208905 A000; 02/01/1992; $109,100; 12 mo. A Two Dimensional Multi-Channel Bio-Polymer Purification System Hansen, Marcia; FFFractionation Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84119-1449 III 9160420 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Kinetics of Growth and Product Formation 1n Hairy Root Cultures Hjortso, Martin; Evans, Phillip; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 BCS 9024412 A001; 08/01/1991; $118,759; 12 mo. Kinetic Studies and Modelling of Interactions of Nutrient, Hormone, Growth Rate and Form Change in Carrot Embryo Development Hu, Wei-Shou; Staba, E. John; Cooke, Todd; University of Minnesota-St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN 55455 BCS 9015817 A001; 04/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 BCS 9015817 A002; 04/15/1991; $110,515; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Hubbell, Jeffrey; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9057641 A001; 11/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Optical Techniques in Bio-Technology - Flow Cytometer and Image Processor Upgrade Hubbell, Jeffrey; Heller, Adam; Georgiou, George; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9211994 A000; 09/01/1992; $83,000; 12 mo. Large Scale Displacement High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Separation of Peptides and Proteins Jacobson, Jana; BioWest Research, Grand Junction, CO 81502 III 9106502 A000; 06/15/1992; $258,237; 24 mo. Proteases from Hyperthermophilic Archaebacteria: Physiological, Genetic, Biochemical and Engineering Studies Kelly, Robert; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9011583 A003; 09/01/1990; $143,868; 0 mo. Proteases from Hyperthermophilic Archaebacteria: Physiological, Genetic, Biochemical and Engineering Studies Kelly, Robert; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 BCS 9396025 A000; 09/01/1992; $253,400; 11 mo. Novel Synthesis of New Natural Products via Genetic Engineering Khosla, Chaitan; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9209901 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. A Fundamental Engineering Approach to Integrated Bioproduct Recovery, Separation and Monitoring for Large Scale Protein Purification Ladisch, Michael; Regnier, Fred; Tsao, George; Wang, Nien-Hwa Linda; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 8912150 A002; 12/15/1989; $297,956; 12 mo. Novel Degradable Polymers for Cellular Adhesion Langer, Robert; Ingber, Donald; Vacanti, Joseph; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9202311 A000; 09/01/1992; $268,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG and BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $168,000 Engineering Growth Factor/Receptor Processes Lauffenburger, Douglas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9111940 A001; 09/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. BCS 9111940 A002; 09/01/1991; $221,613; 12 mo. Specific Antibody Production in Plant Cell Cultures Lee, James; Reeves, Raymond; An, Gynheung; Magnuson, Nancy; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 BCS 9019522 A001; 03/01/1991; $149,532; 12 mo. Research Initiation Awards: Enhanced Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography for Bioseparations Lee, Cheng; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 CTS 9108875 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Miller, William; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9058416 A002; 11/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. BCS 9058416 A003; 11/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Murphy, Regina; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9057661 A001; 11/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Reconstitution of a Blood Vessel in Culture Nerem, Robert; Alexander, R. Wayne; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9111761 A001; 09/01/1991; $178,461; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG and BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $58,974 Efficient Monoclonal Antibody Production Palsson, Bernhard; Savageau, Michael; Midgley, A. Rees; Meyerhoff, Mark; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9009389 A001; 11/15/1990; $205,982; 12 mo. Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Anaerobic Butyric-Acid Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Bennett, George; Rudolph, Frederick; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 8912094 A005; 10/01/1989; $10,000; 8 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Anaerobic Butyric-Acid Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Welker, Neil; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 8912209 A004; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Solventogenic Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Rudolph, Frederick; Bennett, George; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9209627 A000; 09/15/1992; $130,927; 12 mo. Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Solventogenic Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Welker, Neil; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9210108 A000; 09/15/1992; $153,652; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Spectroscopic Studies of Proteins in Engineering Environments Randolph, Theodore; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 BCS 9157318 A000; 11/01/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. BCS 9157318 A001; 11/01/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. Manipulation of Cell Behavior in Three-Dimensional Culture Saltzman, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9123070 A000; 05/15/1992; $61,571; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $20,524 Use of Insect Cell Culture for Production of Proteins and Viral Pesticides Shuler, Michael; Hammer, Daniel; Granados, Robert; Wood, Harry; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 9111091 A000; 02/15/1992; $155,932; 12 mo. Continuous Production of Alkaloids from Immobilized Catharanthus Roseus Shuler, Michael; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 9117252 A000; 03/01/1992; $179,532; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Stokes, Cynthia; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 BCS 9157783 A000; 11/01/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Biorheology of Hybridomas and Cell Damage Tran-Son-Tay, Roger; Needham, David; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 BCS 9106452 A001; 09/01/1991; $114,274; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $57,137 Presidential Young Investigator Award Tranquillo, Robert; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 8957736 A002; 11/01/1989; $70,764; 12 mo. US-China Engineering Conference on Bioreactions and Bioseparations - Travel Grant Request Tsao, George; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 9213842 A000; 06/01/1992; $5,000; 7 mo. Spinning Natural and Genetically Engineered Silk: Advancing Liquid Crystalline Polymer Technology Viney, Christopher; Yager, Paul; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9202007 A000; 08/15/1992; $146,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $73,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Wittrup, K. Dane; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9057677 A001; 11/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Enhanced Bioremediation Using Genetically Engineered Microbes Wood, Thomas; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9210619 A000; 09/01/1992; $34,359; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING $15,460 Engineering Research Equipment: Capillary Electrophoresis Yang, Shang-Tian; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 BCS 9212985 A000; 09/01/1992; $20,550; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Yarmush, Martin; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 BCS 8857513 A004; 09/15/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Marine Biotechnology: Research Opportunities and Policy Issues Zaborsky, Oskar; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 IBN 9211798 A000; 05/01/1992; $90,000; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $5,000 BAC: Systems Modeling of Endothelial Cell Migration and Proliferation Zygourakis, Kyriacos; McIntire, Larry; Markenscoff, Pauline; Eskin, S.; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9216454 A000; 09/15/1992; $85,000; 12 mo. Research to Aid the Disabled Ontogeny of Modulation of Dentate Granule Cell Excitability in the Freely Moving Rat Bronzino, Joseph; Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106 BCS 9208128 A000; 09/15/1992; $60,500; 12 mo. BAC: Neural Network Control of Oscillatory Movements of Multi-Segmented Musculoskeletal Systems Chizeck, Howard; Abbas, James; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 BCS 9216697 A000; 09/01/1992; $95,129; 12 mo. Microstructural Modeling of the Bone Implant Interface Cowin, Stephen; Sadegh, Ali; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 BCS 9103236 A001; 08/01/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $8,000 BCS 9103236 A002; 08/01/1991; $70,622; 12 mo. Variable Volume Socket for Limb Prostheses Dean, Robert; Dean Technology Inc., Hanover, NH 03755 III 9161011 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,990; 6 mo. NSF Young Investigator - Computer Simulation of Human Movement Delp, Scott; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9257229 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Mechanisms of Neuronal Excitation by Magnetically Induced Currents Durand, Dominique; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 BCS 9111503 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 BCS 9111503 A002; 08/15/1991; $79,000; 12 mo. New Technologies for the Blind: Improving Accessibility to Science Gardner, John; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 HRD 9220322 A000; 09/15/1992; $102,794; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with UNDERGRAD INSTRM AND LAB IMPROVE and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $42,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Gray, Martha; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9158507 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Nondestructive Surface Detection of Cartilage Degeneration Grodzinsky, Alan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9111401 A001; 09/01/1991; $77,048; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Hannaford, Blake; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9058408 A002; 09/15/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. BCS 9058408 A003; 09/15/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Biomedical Instrumentation for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Hartenbaum, Bruce; H. Tech Laboratories Inc., Santa Monica, CA 90406 III 9105186 A000; 11/01/1991; $225,000; 24 mo. Three-Dimensional Dynamic Modeling of the Human Knee Joint Hefzy, Mohamed; University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 BCS 9209078 A000; 09/15/1992; $38,704; 12 mo. Undergraduate Designs for Rehabilitation Engineering Hyman, William; Miller, Gerald; Texas A&M University-Main Campus, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 8805377 A004; 06/01/1988; $16,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $8,000 On the Use of Simulators for Control of Orthoses Kazerooni, Homayoon; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9196183 A001; 09/01/1991; $63,387; 12 mo. Undergraduate Design Projects to Aid the Disabled Kitto, Kathleen; Harris, F.; Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225 BCS 9210889 A000; 08/15/1992; $10,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Undergrad. Engr. Design Initiative: Projects Which Aid the Disabled - Design and Modification of Assist Devices to Aid Cerebral Palsy Patients in Working Environment Lam, Paul; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 BCS 8801380 A003; 06/01/1988; $18,900; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 Fracture Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Lewis, Jack; Keer, Leon; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9022052 A001; 09/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $30,000 Predictive Anatomical Models for Streaming Potentials in Bone MacGinitie, Laura; Health Research Inc., Albany, NY 12237 BCS 9209046 A000; 08/15/1992; $135,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $67,500 Joint Implant Surfaces Naiman, Charles; Orthogen Inc., New York, NY 10003-9704 III 9160684 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Improved Signal Processing of the Visual Evoked Potential Norcia, Anthony; Smith-Kittlewell Eye Research Foundation, San Francisco, CA 94115 BCS 9110565 A000; 06/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SENSORY AND MOTOR SYSTEMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $20,000 A Silicon Based, Three Dimensional Microsystem for Stimulation of the Visual Cortex Normann, Richard; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 BCS 9110767 A001; 08/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $3,750 BCS 9110767 A002; 08/15/1991; $112,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SENSORY AND MOTOR SYSTEMS $22,000 Measuring and Modeling Control of Seated Posture Riedel, Susan; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 BCS 9211835 A000; 07/15/1992; $62,546; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $31,273 Digital Signal Processing to Compensate for Sensorineural Hearing Impairments Rutledge, Janet; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9110247 A001; 09/01/1991; $4,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,250 Functional Electrical Stimulation of the Extremities Solomonow, Moshe; Louisiana State University Medical Center-New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70112 BCS 9207007 A000; 09/01/1992; $93,358; 12 mo. Dynamic Stabilization of Stance via Foot Placement Yamaguchi, Gary; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 BCS 9110658 A001; 09/01/1991; $32,998; 0 mo. NSF Young Investigator - Multisegmental Movement, Coordination and Control Yamaguchi, Gary; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 BCS 9257395 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Human Muscle Mechanics and the Distribution-Moment Model Zahalak, George; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 BCS 8918641 A002; 04/01/1990; $54,601; 12 mo. Senior Design Projects to Aid the Handicapped Zelano, John; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 BCS 8908923 A003; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $10,000 Cross-Directorate Programs Second Forum on NSF Research in Subsurface Systems Abriola, Linda; Hayes, Kim; Demond, Avery; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9121895 A000; 03/01/1992; $26,206; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Physiological Aspects of Microbial Sulfur Transformations of Relevance to Concrete Corrosion Arnold, Robert; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8658002 A008; 08/01/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Presidential Young Investigator Award Arnold, Frances; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 8957118 A003; 11/01/1989; $16,786; 0 mo. Selective Polymers for Protein Separations: Investigation of Novel Template Polymerization Techniques Arnold, Frances; Baldeschwieler, John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9108502 A001; 08/15/1991; $163,053; 12 mo. RUI: Ontogeny of Modulation of Dentate Granule Cell Excitability in the Freely Moving Rat Bronzino, Joseph; Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106 BCS 9010616 A002; 08/01/1990; $6,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with Microbiosensors to Evaluate Free Radical Activity in Tissue Buerk, Donald; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9196021 A003; 09/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Cellular Mechanisms of Neurite Outgrowth and Guidance Buettner, Helen; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 BCS 9210540 A000; 08/01/1992; $99,956; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $63,808 Development and Evaluation PCR Technology for the Detection and Identification of HIV-I in Wastewater Chaudhry, G. Rasul; Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 BCS 9018567 A002; 02/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Hysteresis Rules and Design Parameters Assessment of RC Low-Rise Shear Walls and Buildings with Openings Cheng, Franklin; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 BCS 9001494 A001; 04/01/1990; $5,250; 0 mo. Learning from Practice: Proposal for a Joint U.S./Italy Workshop - June 1992 Comerio, Mary; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9113394 A000; 11/01/1991; $40,000; 17 mo. Chicago Flood of April 1992 Cording, Edward; Gabriel, Fernandez; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9216233 A000; 06/01/1992; $35,464; 12 mo. Microstructural Modeling of the Bone Implant Interface Cowin, Stephen; Sadegh, Ali; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 BCS 9103236 A001; 08/01/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $8,000 Amplification of Integrated Cloned Genes in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Da Silva, Nancy; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9119808 A000; 03/15/1992; $240,851; 36 mo. Surfactant-Enhanced Extraction of Residual Halogenated Organic Liquids from Sandy Aquifer Materials Dawson, Helen; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 BCS 9210174 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,870; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $17,870 Mechanisms of Neuronal Excitation by Magnetically Induced Currents Durand, Dominique; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 BCS 9111503 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Flow Cytometric Study of Ciliate Physiology Fredrickson, Arnold; Srienc, Friedrich; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9001095 A003; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Evaluation of Ductile Connections for Precast Frame Systems French, Catherine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9122922 A000; 03/01/1992; $140,000; 36 mo. Stochastic Analysis of Large-Scale Transport Processes in Aquifers Gelhar, Lynn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 8814615 A003; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Georgakakos, Konstantine; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 BCS 8657526 A008; 07/01/1987; $34,936; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,936 Genetic Engineering for Product Using Non-Chromatographic Methods Glatz, Charles; Ford, Clark; Honzatko, Richard; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 BCS 9108583 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Goochee, Charles; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 8857712 A006; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 Undergraduate Designs for Rehabilitation Engineering Hyman, William; Miller, Gerald; Texas A&M University-Main Campus, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 8805377 A004; 06/01/1988; $16,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $8,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Dynamic Modeling of Wind-Induced Lateral-Torsional Motion of Structures Kareem, Ahsan; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9096274 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Undergraduate Design Projects to Aid the Disabled Kitto, Kathleen; Harris, F.; Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225 BCS 9210889 A000; 08/15/1992; $10,000; 24 mo. Quantitative Imaging of Regional Pulmonary Blood Flow Knight, Herbert; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9154521 A000; 01/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,000 Models of Warning Systems for Natural Hazards Krzysztofowicz, Roman; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9016979 A003; 02/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Undergrad. Engr. Design Initiative: Projects Which Aid the Disabled - Design and Modification of Assist Devices to Aid Cerebral Palsy Patients in Working Environment Lam, Paul; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 BCS 8801380 A003; 06/01/1988; $18,900; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 Development of Bioerodible Polymer Matrices for Osteoblast Growth and Maturation Laurencin, Cato; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9011170 A003; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $10,000 U.S.-Costa Rica Workshop on the Effects on Soils and Structures of the 1990 and 1991 Costa Rican Earthquakes Leon, Roberto; Tubbesing, Susan; Stepp, J.; Youd, T. Leslie; Santana, G.; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9212509 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,300; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS and SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $10,150 Feasibility of Utilizing Optical Fibers for Multicontaminant Monitoring of Unsaturated Environmental Systems Leonard, Kathleen; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 BCS 9210283 A000; 09/01/1992; $17,864; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $17,864 Biodegradation of Macromolecules in Complex Wastewaters Logan, B.; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8912893 A003; 03/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Experiment Design and Analysis for Identifying Mechanical Properties of Physiological Systems at Low Frequencies Lutchen, Kenneth; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 BCS 9011168 A003; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Predictive Anatomical Models for Streaming Potentials in Bone MacGinitie, Laura; Health Research Inc., Albany, NY 12237 BCS 9209046 A000; 08/15/1992; $135,000; 36 mo. CSU/TTU Cooperative Research Program in Wind Engineering Mehta, Kishor; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 8821163 A005; 06/01/1989; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 CSU/TTU Cooperative Research Program for Wind Engineering Meroney, Robert; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 8821542 A004; 06/01/1989; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Miller, William; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9058416 A003; 11/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Biosensors for Tissue Engineering Nair, Pankajam; Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272 BCS 8913465 A005; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 An Approach to Introduce Earthquake Mitigation Through Urban Redevelopment Programs Nanita-Kennett, Milagros; ABT Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA 02101 BCS 9201116 A000; 03/15/1992; $0; 3 mo. An Approach to Introduce Earthquake Mitigation Through Urban Redevelopment Programs Nanita-Kennett, Milagros; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, FL 32307 BCS 9296139 A000; 05/07/1992; $118,873; 16 mo. The Impact of Mandatory Change of Catastrophic Earthquake Insurance in California Palm, Risa; University of Oregon-Eugene, Eugene, OR 97403 BCS 9200681 A000; 07/15/1992; $108,443; 12 mo. Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Anaerobic Butyric-Acid Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Welker, Neil; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 8912209 A004; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Long-Term Effects of Reconstruction on Vulnerability as Defined by Urban Patterning and Urban Form Preuss, Jane; Urban Regional Research, Seattle, WA 98101 BCS 9207158 A000; 09/01/1992; $79,806; 12 mo. Measuring and Modeling Control of Seated Posture Riedel, Susan; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 BCS 9211835 A000; 07/15/1992; $62,546; 24 mo. Evaluation of the Strength, Stiffness, and Ductility of Older Steel Frame Structures Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9016714 A002; 10/01/1990; $30,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $26,250 Digital Signal Processing to Compensate for Sensorineural Hearing Impairments Rutledge, Janet; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9110247 A001; 09/01/1991; $4,500; 0 mo. Surfactant Selection for Use in Enhanced Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water: Surfactant Enhanced Subsurface Flushing and Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration Sabatini, David; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 BCS 9110780 A001; 07/01/1991; $9,375; 0 mo. Regional Flood Hazard Analysis Salas, Jose; Boes, Duane; Wohl, Ellen; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9101741 A001; 06/15/1991; $121,777; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Shing, Pui-Shum; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8658100 A006; 07/15/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 Finite Strain, Poroelastic Model for Large Arteries Simon, Bruce; Baldwin, A.; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9210282 A000; 08/15/1992; $66,989; 12 mo. Robust Feedback Control of Structures for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Spencer, Billie; Sain, Michael; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9006781 A002; 11/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Co-Metabolic Inhibition Kinetics of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Degradation by Methane and Propane Oxidizers Strand, Stuart; Stensel, H. David; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 8902772 A005; 07/01/1989; $9,981; 0 mo. Learning from Earthquakes Program Tubbesing, Susan; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9215158 A000; 08/15/1992; $178,258; 12 mo. West Coast Regional Workshop on Architectural Research Needs in Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Ubbelobde, M. Susan; Seible, Frieder; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 BCS 9212797 A000; 04/01/1992; $19,996; 6 mo. Electron Beam Irradiation of Aqueous Systems at Large Scale Waite, Thomas; Kurucz, Charles; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL BCS 9108033 A001; 08/15/1991; $56,125; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $44,432 Identification and Active Control of Structures Under Earthquake Loadings Yang, Jackson; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9114047 A001; 06/01/1991; $14,400; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Senior Design Projects to Aid the Handicapped Zelano, John; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 BCS 8908923 A003; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. SPECIAL PROGRAMS $10,000 Effect of Spatial and Directional Variability of Seismic Ground Motion on the Response of Structures Zerva, Aspasia; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9114895 A000; 02/01/1992; $127,469; 24 mo. Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Program Architecture and Mechanical Systems Response and Damage of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in Loma Prieta Earthquake Abrams, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9003654 A001; 04/15/1990; $22,782; 9 mo. Analytical and Experimental Studies of the Seismic Response of Building Contents/Support Systems Agbabian, Mihran; Masri, Sami; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9117049 A000; 02/15/1992; $49,307; 12 mo. Safety and Performance Enhacement of Structures Through Structural Control Ang, A. H-S.; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9201812 A000; 07/01/1992; $66,147; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $19,037 Seismic Performance of Curtain Wall Glass Elements Behr, Richard; Belarbi, Abdeldjelil; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 BCS 9213172 A000; 09/01/1992; $84,521; 12 mo. Academic Support for 5th Annual Smart Materials and Structures Workshop to be held April 15-16, 1992 in Blacksburg, Virginia Claus, Richard; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 BCS 9204035 A000; 04/01/1992; $2,750; 24 mo. Learning from Practice: Proposal for a Joint U.S./Italy Workshop - June 1992 Comerio, Mary; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9113394 A000; 11/01/1991; $40,000; 17 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $20,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Constantinou, Michalakis; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 8857080 A005; 09/15/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Retrofit Strategies for Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Flat-Slab Buildings Durrani, Ahmad; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9221522 A000; 09/15/1992; $100,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $100,000 Fifth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Prevention for Lifeline Systems Eguchi, Ronald; EQE International Inc., San Francisco, CA 94104 BCS 9215522 A000; 08/15/1992; $32,416; 12 mo. Seismic Behavior of Steel Plate Shear Walls - Phase II Elgaaly, Mohamed; Caccese, Vincent; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 BCS 9019766 A001; 01/01/1991; $91,653; 12 mo. Press Project 1.1: Concept Development Englekirk, Robert; Nakaki, Suzanne; Englekirk and Sabol Consulting Engineers, Inc., Los Angeles, CA 90018-1398 BCS 9011671 A002; 05/01/1990; $20,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Filippou, Filip; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 8657525 A005; 08/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Evaluation of Ductile Connections for Precast Frame Systems French, Catherine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9122922 A000; 03/01/1992; $140,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $70,000 Active Control of Structures Using Neural Networks Ghaboussi, Jamshid; Wen, Y.; Paul, Stanley; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9201437 A000; 06/15/1992; $46,439; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $25,000 Seismic Strengthening of URM Buildings by Steel Bracing Goel, Subhash; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9120096 A001; 09/01/1991; $67,907; 12 mo. Planning Phase 5 of U.S.-Japan Cooperative Earthquake Research Goel, Subhash; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9201309 A000; 02/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. BCS 9201309 A001; 02/01/1992; $23,500; 0 mo. Hybrid Control of Building Seismic Response Using Architectural Cladding Goodno, Barry; Calise, Anthony; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9202039 A000; 07/01/1992; $87,651; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $37,651 The Sixth North American Masonry Conference to be held at Drexel University in June 1993 Hamid, Ahmad; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9120058 A000; 11/01/1991; $42,800; 22 mo. Mechanical Damping for Improved Earthquake Resistance of Structures Hanson, Robert; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9114755 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Structural Control for Earthquakes and Wind Storms Using Active Structural Members Hanson, Robert; Filisko, Frank; McClamroch, Nathaniel; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9201787 A000; 07/15/1992; $103,448; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $27,000 Preliminary Design Recommendations (Press Project 1.6) Hart, Gary; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9011672 A002; 05/01/1990; $59,999; 12 mo. Seismic Mitigation Strategies for Existing School Buildings Which Are Subject to Earthquake Risk Throughout the United States Hattis, David; Krimgold, Frederick; Building Technology Inc., Silver Spring, MD 20910 BCS 9117732 A000; 02/15/1992; $219,541; 24 mo. Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Tilt-Up Systems Hawkins, Neil; Wood, Sharon; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9120281 A001; 09/15/1991; $141,713; 12 mo. U.S.-Italy-Japan Workshop on Structural Control and Intelligent Systems Housner, George; Masri, Sami; California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, Richmond, CA 94804 BCS 9212519 A000; 05/15/1992; $36,855; 12 mo. Program Coordination ... Repair and Rehabilitation Research Jirsa, James; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9120201 A001; 08/15/1991; $37,700; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Kasai, Kazuhiko; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 BCS 9157942 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Improvements in Aerobic Bioreactor Cell Capacity Through Fac Facilitated Oxygen Transport Agents Kerr, John; Aquanautics Corporation, Alameda, CA 94501 III 9161004 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,993; 6 mo. Evaluation of Ductile Connections for Precast Frame Systems Kreger, Michael; Burns, Ned; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9122950 A000; 03/01/1992; $79,000; 12 mo. US-Japan Seminar on Stability of Steel Structures Under Cyclic Loading and US-Taiwan Workshop on Analysis and Design of Structures with Enhanced Damping Capacity Lee, George; Travel Award, Washington, DC 20550 BCS 9216159 A000; 05/15/1992; $3,612; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $3,612 Generalized Structural Analysis Algorithm with Learning Capacity Lee, George; Elkordy, M.; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 9222710 A000; 09/01/1992; $14,992; 12 mo. U.S.-Costa Rica Workshop on the Effects on Soils and Structures of the 1990 and 1991 Costa Rican Earthquakes Leon, Roberto; Tubbesing, Susan; Stepp, J.; Youd, T. Leslie; Santana, G.; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9212509 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,300; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS and SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $10,150 Passive Smart Cementitious Composites for Dynamic Control Structures: Internal Timed Release of Chemicals for Self-Repair of Crack Damage Li, Victor; Dry, Carolyn; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 481091220 BCS 9202097 A000; 09/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $55,639 Active Tuned Liquid Damper for Structural Control Lou, Jack; Lutes, Loren; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 9202092 A000; 09/01/1992; $88,621; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $14,541 Post-Earthquake Rebuilding - An Exercise for Planners (PREP) Mader, George; Blair, Martha; William Spangle and Associates, Portola Valley, CA 94025 BCS 9025125 A001; 07/15/1991; $80,953; 12 mo. Studies of Integration and Implementation Issues in the Active Control of Lifeline Systems Masri, Sami; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9203994 A000; 07/01/1992; $94,466; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $20,000 An Approach to Introduce Earthquake Mitigation Through Urban Redevelopment Programs Nanita-Kennett, Milagros; ABT Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA 02101 BCS 9201116 A000; 03/15/1992; $0; 3 mo. An Approach to Introduce Earthquake Mitigation Through Urban Redevelopment Programs Nanita-Kennett, Milagros; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, FL 32307 BCS 9296139 A000; 05/07/1992; $118,873; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $59,437 Lateral Confinement of Concrete Using High-Strength Fiber Reinforcement Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9108598 A001; 09/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Seismic Response of Liquid Storage Tanks Natsiavas, Sotirios; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 BCS 9121443 A000; 04/15/1992; $45,486; 12 mo. U.S. Coordinated Program for Masonry Building Research - Technology Transfer Noland, James; Atkinson-Noland and Associates Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 BCS 9109322 A003; 05/01/1991; $142,237; 12 mo. Evaluation of Seismic Retrofit Strategies for Non-Ductile Concrete Frame Structures Pessiki, Stephen; Sause, Richard; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 BCS 9120388 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. BCS 9120388 A002; 09/01/1991; $36,251; 12 mo. Precast Seismic Structural Systems (PRESS) - Task 1.4 Analytical Platform Development Powell, Graham; Filippou, Filip; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9011674 A002; 05/01/1990; $90,000; 12 mo. Long-Term Effects of Reconstruction on Vulnerability as Defined by Urban Patterning and Urban Form Preuss, Jane; Urban Regional Research, Seattle, WA 98101 BCS 9207158 A000; 09/01/1992; $79,806; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $39,903 Press Project 1.7 Coordination Priestley, M.J. Nigel; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 BCS 8920776 A002; 05/01/1990; $58,803; 12 mo. Quality Control in Seismic Design Construction Schierle, G. Goetz; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9203339 A000; 03/15/1992; $98,365; 12 mo. East-Coast Regional Workshop on Architectural Research Needs in Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Schodek, Daniel; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 BCS 9201323 A000; 11/15/1991; $19,751; 6 mo. Development of Adaptive Hybrid Control Techniques for Building Structures Shing, Pui-Shum; Frangopol, Dan; Su, Renjeng; Mikulas, Martin; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9201962 A000; 06/15/1992; $66,539; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $23,270 Engineering Research Equipment: Modal Analyzer and Real-Time Digital Control System Spencer, Billie; Sain, Michael; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9212700 A000; 07/01/1992; $26,837; 12 mo. Connection Classification and Modelling for Precast Seismic Structural Systems Stanton, John; Hawkins, Neil; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9011676 A003; 05/15/1990; $30,000; 12 mo. Equipment for Dynamic Experiments Stanton, John; Holtz, Robert; Reed, Dorothy; Haraldsdottir, Aslaug; Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9109346 A000; 11/01/1991; $85,000; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $40,000 Behavior of a 6-Story Office Building Under Moderate Seismicity Tadros, Maher; Salmon, David; Schultz, Arturo; Magana, Rafael; Abdel-Karim, Ahmad; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 BCS 9123015 A000; 03/01/1992; $135,472; 12 mo. Travel Funds for U.S. Attendees to the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering to be held in Madrid, Spain on July 19-24, 1992 Tubbesing, Susan; McGuire, Robin; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9120748 A000; 11/15/1991; $109,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $54,984 International Travel Grant to Plan Cooperative Earthquake Engineering Programs with Costa Rica (Fall 1991) Tubbesing, Susan; Veletsos, Anestis; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9123424 A000; 11/15/1991; $4,900; 6 mo. West Coast Regional Workshop on Architectural Research Needs in Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Ubbelobde, M. Susan; Seible, Frieder; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 BCS 9212797 A000; 04/01/1992; $19,996; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,998 Midwest Regional Workshop on Architectural Research Needs in Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Van Bakergem, W. Davis; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 BCS 9204896 A000; 01/01/1992; $16,352; 6 mo. A Study of Behavior and Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls with Unsymmetrical Cross-Section Wallace, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 BCS 9112962 A001; 07/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Repair and Rehabilitation Research for Seismic Resistance of Buried Water and Sewer Lifelines Wang, Leon; Ishibashi, Isao; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 BCS 9100091 A001; 03/01/1991; $44,735; 12 mo. Reliability Evaluation of Current Design Procedures for Steel Buildings Under Seismic Loads Wen, Y.; Foutch, Douglas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9106390 A001; 08/15/1991; $132,804; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $66,400 Life Safety, Economic and Liability Risks Associated with Strengthened Unreinforced Masonry Buildings Wiggins, John; Crisis Management Corporation, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 BCS 9123954 A000; 05/15/1992; $126,598; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with EARTHQUAKE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION $20,000 Hybrid Control of Seismic Response of Bridge Structures: A Coordinated Effort Between the U.S. and Japan Yang, Jann; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9120128 A000; 02/15/1992; $107,921; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $53,960 Full-Scale Active Control Research and Implementation Yang, Jann; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9122046 A000; 01/01/1992; $125,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $62,500 Active Control of Structure Instrumented with Optical Fiber Sensors Under Earthquake Loading Yang, Jackson; Sirkis, James; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9202159 A000; 07/01/1992; $58,253; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $27,836 Structural Instability Behavior and Material Failure of J-Stiffened Composite Fuselage Panels Yeh, Hsien-Yang; Chen, Victor; California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach, CA 90815 MSS 9213705 A000; 08/15/1992; $15,500; 12 mo. Seismic Rehabilitation of Unreinforced Building Structures Using Post-Tensioned Steel Braces Youssef, Nabih F.; Bertero, Vitelmo; Guh, T. Jeff; Nabih Youssef & Associates Inc., Los Angeles, CA 90017 BCS 9221527 A000; 09/01/1992; $40,230; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $40,230 Earthquake Systems Integration Binational Study of Disaster Mitigation and Environmental Protection Bates, Frederick; Pelanda, Carlo; University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc., Athens, GA 30602 BCS 9123676 A000; 06/01/1992; $32,392; 24 mo. Electromagnetic Wave Life-Detection System for Post Earthquake Rescue Operations Chen, Kun-Mu; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 BCS 9114513 A000; 01/01/1992; $289,090; 24 mo. An Intelligent Geographic Information System for Better Earthquake Risk Management Dong, Wei Min; Risk Management Software Inc., Mountain View, CA 94041 III 9161310 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,150; 6 mo. Disaster Evacuation Behavior Among Transient Populations Drabek, Thomas; University of Denver, Denver, CO 80208 BCS 9115525 A000; 01/15/1992; $118,242; 12 mo. Board on Natural Disasters Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9207384 A000; 09/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AGRICULTURE $10,000 Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Sikeston, Missouri Farley, John; Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026 BCS 9203475 A000; 05/15/1992; $59,064; 14 mo. Interorganizational Relations for Disaster Preparedness Gillespie, David; Colignon, Richard; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 BCS 8920472 A001; 04/01/1990; $7,776; 0 mo. Core Activities of the Committee on Earthquake Engineering Guarnizo, Caroline; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9208838 A000; 04/15/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Judgments of Responsibilities for Disaster Consequences Hans, Valerie; Nigg, Joanne; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 SBE 9213737 A000; 09/01/1992; $76,484; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,425 Seismic Mitigation Strategies for Existing School Buildings Which Are Subject to Earthquake Risk Throughout the United States Hattis, David; Krimgold, Frederick; Building Technology Inc., Silver Spring, MD 20910 BCS 9117732 A000; 02/15/1992; $219,541; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $109,770 Hazard Proofing the Nation - A Strategy to Reduce Natural Disasters Hays, Walter; Geological Survey, Reston, VA 22092 BCS 9215968 A000; 07/01/1992; $3,000; 12 mo. Report on the Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976 Housner, George; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9120397 A000; 01/15/1992; $66,901; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Jones, Nicholas; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 8957133 A003; 08/01/1989; $46,322; 12 mo. Economies of Expertise: Factors Promoting Comprehensive Local Hazards Management Kartez, Jack; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 BCS 9203385 A000; 09/01/1992; $168,004; 24 mo. A Database for Tsunamis Affecting Alaska and Hawaii Lander, James; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9208173 A000; 09/15/1992; $121,212; 12 mo. Post-Earthquake Rebuilding - An Exercise for Planners (PREP) Mader, George; Blair, Martha; William Spangle and Associates, Portola Valley, CA 94025 BCS 9025125 A001; 07/15/1991; $80,953; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $35,000 Comparative Study of Cooperative Hazards Policies: Lessons for the United States from Australia and New Zealand May, Peter; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9208082 A000; 09/15/1992; $154,350; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Large-Scale Technological Systems Safety, Operations and Earthquake Meshkati, Najmedin; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 8957425 A003; 08/01/1989; $55,000; 12 mo. Bay Area Response to Information About a Future Major Earthquake Mileti, Dennis; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9107266 A001; 07/15/1991; $134,578; 12 mo. Assessment of Research and Applications on Natural Hazards Mileti, Dennis; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9207146 A000; 03/01/1992; $58,812; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $29,406 National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering Moehle, Jack; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9013334 A001; 01/01/1991; $460,265; 12 mo. The Impact of Mandatory Change of Catastrophic Earthquake Insurance in California Palm, Risa; University of Oregon-Eugene, Eugene, OR 97403 BCS 9200681 A000; 07/15/1992; $108,443; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $54,221 US-USSR Seminar on Social Science Research on Mitigation for and Recovery from Disasters and Large Scale Hazards (Moscow, Russia; June 13-22, 1992) Quarantelli, Enrico; Nigg, Joanne; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 INT 9201063 A000; 06/15/1992; $18,642; 6 mo. U.S. Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects Raufaste, Noel; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 BCS 9201553 A000; 02/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $5,000 Travel Funds for U.S. Attendees to the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering to be held in Madrid, Spain on July 19-24, 1992 Tubbesing, Susan; McGuire, Robin; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9120748 A000; 11/15/1991; $109,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $54,984 Learning from Earthquakes Program Tubbesing, Susan; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9215158 A000; 08/15/1992; $178,258; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $89,129 Search and Rescue: An Integrated Multidisciplinary Study Wenger, Dennis; Aguirre, Benigno; Stubbs, Norris; Glass, Thomas; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 BCS 9014830 A002; 11/15/1990; $101,061; 12 mo. A Clearinghouse on Natural Hazards Research and Applications White, Gilbert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9012839 A003; 09/01/1990; $68,691; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI and ARMY $48,691 Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center White, Gilbert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9213479 A000; 10/01/1992; $527,184; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI and ARMY-NHRAIC $68,184 Life Safety, Economic and Liability Risks Associated with Strengthened Unreinforced Masonry Buildings Wiggins, John; Crisis Management Corporation, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 BCS 9123954 A000; 05/15/1992; $126,598; 18 mo. Identification and Active Control of Structures Under Earthquake Loadings Yang, Jackson; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9114047 A001; 06/01/1991; $14,400; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,750 Siting and Geotechnical Systems Fast System Identification Using Building Seismic Records and Site Response Study for Microzonation (US-Taiwan/IDNDR) Aki, Keiiti; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9116714 A000; 03/15/1992; $71,102; 36 mo. Continued Operation of an Earthquake Strong Motion Accelerograph Network Along the Mexican Subduction Thrust Anderson, John; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 BCS 9120027 A000; 02/15/1992; $102,342; 12 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Arulanandan, Kandiah; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 8912074 A003; 10/01/1989; $199,524; 12 mo. Workshop for Geotechnical Research Needs for the Assessment and Mitigation of Infrastucture Deterioration in Response to Earthquakes Arulanandan, Kandiah; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 9208868 A000; 03/15/1992; $35,000; 15 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Arulmoli, Kandiah; Earth Technology Corp.-Long Beach Headquarters, Long Beach, CA 90802-5785 BCS 8922874 A006; 11/15/1989; $26,708; 12 mo. BCS 8922874 A007; 11/15/1989; $26,500; 0 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Bardet, Jean-Pierre; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9120129 A000; 02/01/1992; $15,000; 18 mo. Workshop on the Selection and Management of U.S. Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Benoit, Jean; De Alba, Pedro; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 MSS 9121387 A000; 10/15/1991; $34,478; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSES $5,000 International Cooperation in Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Benoit, Jean; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 BCS 9206415 A000; 04/15/1992; $25,451; 12 mo. REG: A Computational Mechanics Laboratory Bielak, Jacobo; Ghattas, Omar; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BCS 9212819 A000; 09/15/1992; $48,000; 12 mo. A Coupled FE-BE Model for Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Borja, Ronaldo; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9114869 A000; 02/01/1992; $194,907; 24 mo. PYIA: Effects of Earthquake Fault Rupture on Geotechnical Structures Bray, Jonathan; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 9157083 A001; 08/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Cooperative Research: Three-Dimensional Effects of Tsunami Run-Up onto a Coastline Briggs, Michael; Department of Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS 39180 BCS 9205134 A000; 02/01/1992; $73,000; 12 mo. Cooperative Research: Three-Dimensional Effects of Tsunami Run-Up onto a Coastline Carrier, George; Individual Award, Washington, MA 20550 BCS 9203476 A000; 02/01/1992; $37,000; 12 mo. Proposal for a Workshop to Design a Soil-Structure Interaction Experiment Celebi, Mehmet; Geological Survey-Menlo Park, Menlo Park, CA 94025 BCS 9204283 A000; 01/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Support for Workshop on Geographic Information Systems and Their Application in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Chameau, Jean-Lou; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9213395 A000; 06/01/1992; $29,097; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH AND GEOENVIRN $1,000 Site-Response Studies for Purpose of Revising NEHRP Seismic Provisions Crouse, C.; Dames & Moore, A Professional Limited Partnership Co., Los Angeles, CA 90017 BCS 9216637 A000; 09/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION $30,000 NSF Young Investigator Deodatis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 BCS 9257900 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $17,500 Velacs - Verification of Liquefaction Analysis by Centrifuge Studies Dobry, Ricardo; Elgamal, Ahmed; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 BCS 9016880 A002; 08/01/1990; $1,575; 12 mo. Symposium on Centrifuge Modelling for Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering Applications, Troy, NY, 14 July 1992 Dobry, Ricardo; Elgamal, Ahmed; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 BCS 9216234 A000; 06/15/1992; $38,298; 12 mo. Organizational and Operating Cost for USUCGER Edil, Tuncer; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9122195 A000; 01/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSES $5,000 Earthquake Safety of Natural Gas Systems - Analysis of Data from the 17 October 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Eguchi, Ronald; EQE International Inc., San Francisco, CA 94104 BCS 9296054 A000; 12/09/1991; $25,500; 4 mo. Response of Earth Dams to Spatially Varying Earthquake-Induced Ground Motion Harichandran, Ronald; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 BCS 9121292 A000; 06/01/1992; $3,882; 24 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Ko, Hon-Yim; Sture, Stein; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9000379 A002; 12/01/1989; $47,955; 12 mo. BCS 9000379 A003; 12/01/1989; $18,518; 0 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Lacy, Sara; Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 BCS 9120187 A000; 01/15/1992; $19,980; 18 mo. U.S.-Costa Rica Workshop on the Effects on Soils and Structures of the 1990 and 1991 Costa Rican Earthquakes Leon, Roberto; Tubbesing, Susan; Stepp, J.; Youd, T. Leslie; Santana, G.; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9212509 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,300; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $5,075 Cooperative Research: Three-Dimensional Effects of Tsunami Run-Up onto a Coastline Liu, Philip; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 9115552 A000; 03/01/1992; $130,680; 12 mo. Support for National Academy of Sciences/NRC Committee on Seismology Long, Robert; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9108997 A001; 07/01/1991; $17,500; 0 mo. High Strain Dynamic Moduli and Damping Characteristics of Treated Soils Maher, Mohamad; Welsh, J.; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 BCS 9110381 A000; 02/01/1992; $114,540; 24 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Mish, Kyran; Herrmann, Leonard; Dafalias, Yannis; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 9120215 A000; 01/15/1992; $20,000; 18 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Soil-Structure Interaction Under Earthquake Loading Pak, Ronald; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8958402 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Instrumentation for Seismic Hazard Reduction; Santiago, Chile, Jan. 1992 Poran, Chaim; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 INT 9115088 A000; 01/15/1992; $37,080; 9 mo. Soil Profiling at the Geotechnical Experimentation Site of Treasure Island, CA Poran, Chaim; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 BCS 9211431 A000; 06/15/1992; $8,797; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION-TREASURE ISLAND $7,797 Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Prevost, Jean Herve; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 BCS 8922869 A002; 02/01/1990; $63,753; 12 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Prevost, Jean Herve; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 BCS 9120028 A000; 01/15/1992; $46,516; 18 mo. Tsunamis (Seismic Sea Waves): An Investigation of Overland Flow and Wave-Structure Interaction Raichlen, Fredric; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9115422 A000; 01/15/1992; $128,997; 12 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Rollins, Kyle; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 BCS 9120233 A000; 02/01/1992; $15,000; 18 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Roth, Wolfgang; Dames & Moore, A Professional Limited Partnership Co., Los Angeles, CA 90017 BCS 9120153 A000; 02/01/1992; $19,740; 18 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Schofield, Andrew; Steedman, R. Scott; Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK BCS 9000927 A002; 12/15/1989; $33,600; 12 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Scott, Ronald; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9000390 A002; 12/01/1989; $88,646; 12 mo. Committee to Oversee the Design and Performance of an Earthquake Simulator for the National Geotechnical Centrifuge in Davis, CA Scott, Ronald; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9215039 A000; 06/15/1992; $39,921; 12 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Siddharthan, Raj; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 BCS 9120062 A000; 02/01/1992; $19,779; 18 mo. Equipment for Dynamic Experiments Stanton, John; Holtz, Robert; Reed, Dorothy; Haraldsdottir, Aslaug; Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9109346 A000; 11/01/1991; $85,000; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $30,000 ESG1992 Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion Stepp, J.; Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA 94303 BCS 9208836 A000; 03/01/1992; $11,189; 12 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Sture, Stein; Ko, Hon-Yim; Pak, Ronald; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9120414 A000; 02/01/1992; $20,000; 18 mo. Cooperative Research: Three-Dimensional Effects of Tsunami Synolakis, Costas; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9201326 A000; 03/01/1992; $55,681; 12 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Thompson, Paul; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 BCS 8922867 A002; 11/15/1989; $18,918; 12 mo. BCS 8922867 A003; 11/15/1989; $10,875; 0 mo. Travel Funds for U.S. Attendees to the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering to be held in Madrid, Spain on July 19-24, 1992 Tubbesing, Susan; McGuire, Robin; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9120748 A000; 11/15/1991; $109,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $27,492 Seismic Behavior of Soil Nailed Walls in the San Francisco Bay Area During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Vucetic, Mladen; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9011819 A001; 06/01/1990; $5,766; 6 mo. Verification of Soil Liquefaction Analysis by Coordinated Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies Whitman, Robert; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9000378 A002; 12/01/1989; $46,283; 12 mo. Dynamic Shear Properties of Geosynthetics Interfaces Relevant to Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Yegian, Mishac; Evans, Mark; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 BCS 9113177 A000; 01/15/1992; $137,011; 24 mo. Cooperative Research: Three-Dimensional Effects of Tsunami Run-Up onto a Coastline Yeh, Harry; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9201325 A000; 03/01/1992; $203,076; 12 mo. Prediction of Soil Liquefaction in Centrifuge Model Tests Yogachandran, C.; Mahdyiar, M.; Mukhopadhyay, G.; Phukunhaphan, A.; Leighton and Associates Inc., Diamond Bar, CA 91765 BCS 9120359 A000; 04/01/1992; $14,800; 18 mo. Effect of Spatial and Directional Variability of Seismic Ground Motion on the Response of Structures Zerva, Aspasia; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9114895 A000; 02/01/1992; $127,469; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $63,734 Structural Systems Behavior of Clay Brick and Concrete Masonry Infill Wall Abrams, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9016509 A002; 09/01/1990; $64,000; 12 mo. Safety and Performance Enhacement of Structures Through Structural Control Ang, A. H-S.; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9201812 A000; 07/01/1992; $66,147; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $28,074 Earthquake Stability Problems in Eastern North America Beedle, Lynn; Fox, Gerard; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 BCS 9123255 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CONSTRCT PROCES $5,000 Hysteresis Rules and Design Parameters Assessment of RC Low-Rise Shear Walls and Buildings with Openings Cheng, Franklin; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 BCS 9001494 A001; 04/01/1990; $5,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,625 Multi-Objective Optimization of 3-D Flexible and Stiff Structures with Compromise and Game Algorithms Cheng, Franklin; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9214664 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,000; 24 mo. International Travel Grant to Attend U.S.-Korea Seminar on Nonlinear Models etc. and U.S.-Hong Kong Seminar on Optimum Design and Control of Tall Buildings, Sept. 14-20, 1992 Cheng, Franklin; Travel Award, Washington, DC 20550 BCS 9222874 A000; 09/01/1992; $3,410; 6 mo. AIT (U.S.)-CCNAA (Taiwan) Cooperative Research: High-Resolution 3-D Crustal Imaging for the Hualien Area of Central Eastern Taiwan Chiu, Jer-Ming; Smalley, Robert; Johnston, Arch; Pujol, Jose; Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152 INT 9121081 A000; 06/01/1992; $24,100; 24 mo. Earthquake Analysis, Design, and Safety Evaluation of Concrete Dams Chopra, Anil; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9121943 A000; 04/01/1992; $148,687; 12 mo. Influence of Nonstationary Characteristics of Earthquake Ground Motions on Inelastic Structural Response Conte, J.; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9210585 A000; 06/01/1993; $86,302; 36 mo. Retrofit Strategies for Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Flat-Slab Buildings Durrani, Ahmad; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 9221522 A000; 09/15/1992; $100,000; 24 mo. Seismic Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry Structures with Fiber Composite Fabrics Ehsani, Mohammad; Saadatmanesh, Hamid; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9201110 A000; 01/15/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. R/R: Strengthening and Repair of Nonductile Reinforced Concrete Frames Using External Steel Jackets and Plates (Collaborative Research) Engelhardt, Michael; Kreger, Michael; Jirsa, James; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BCS 9016828 A001; 08/15/1990; $59,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Fenves, Gregory; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 8896121 A006; 01/01/1988; $37,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award French, Catherine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 8451536 A009; 06/01/1985; $15,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $11,250 Active Control of Structures Using Neural Networks Ghaboussi, Jamshid; Wen, Y.; Paul, Stanley; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9201437 A000; 06/15/1992; $46,439; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $10,000 Hybrid Control of Building Seismic Response Using Architectural Cladding Goodno, Barry; Calise, Anthony; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9202039 A000; 07/01/1992; $87,651; 12 mo. Risk-Based Decisionmaking in Water Resources Management Haimes, Yacov; Stakhiv, Eugene; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 BCS 9109320 A001; 09/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Earthquake Behavior of Multiple Arch Dams Hall, John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9203927 A000; 08/15/1992; $59,756; 12 mo. Structural Control for Earthquakes and Wind Storms Using Active Structural Members Hanson, Robert; Filisko, Frank; McClamroch, Nathaniel; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9201787 A000; 07/15/1992; $103,448; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $26,000 Modified TCCMAR 5-Story RM Research Building Hegemier, Gilbert; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M.J. Nigel; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 BCS 9102430 A001; 04/01/1991; $248,960; 12 mo. U.S. Panel on Structural Control Research Housner, George; Masri, Sami; California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, Richmond, CA 94804 BCS 9001256 A003; 03/01/1990; $82,375; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Igusa, Takeru; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 8858549 A004; 09/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Effects of Lifeline Interaction on Seismic Performance of Telecommunications Networks Isenberg, Jeremy; Wong, Felix; Weidlinger Associates Inc., New York, NY 10001 BCS 9212244 A000; 09/15/1992; $119,954; 24 mo. U.S./P.R.C. Workshop on Experimental Methods in Earthquake Engineering Krawinkler, Helmut; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9210034 A000; 04/15/1992; $29,895; 6 mo. A Dynamic Monitoring System for Steel Structures Lee, George; Chang, Kuo-Chun; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 MSS 9202327 A000; 08/01/1992; $28,266; 12 mo. US-Japan Seminar on Stability of Steel Structures Under Cyclic Loading and US-Taiwan Workshop on Analysis and Design of Structures with Enhanced Damping Capacity Lee, George; Travel Award, Washington, DC 20550 BCS 9216159 A000; 05/15/1992; $3,612; 6 mo. U.S.-Costa Rica Workshop on the Effects on Soils and Structures of the 1990 and 1991 Costa Rican Earthquakes Leon, Roberto; Tubbesing, Susan; Stepp, J.; Youd, T. Leslie; Santana, G.; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9212509 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,300; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $5,075 Passive Smart Cementitious Composites for Dynamic Control Structures: Internal Timed Release of Chemicals for Self-Repair of Crack Damage Li, Victor; Dry, Carolyn; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 481091220 BCS 9202097 A000; 09/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $100,639 Active Tuned Liquid Damper for Structural Control Lou, Jack; Lutes, Loren; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 9202092 A000; 09/01/1992; $88,621; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $14,541 Studies of Integration and Implementation Issues in the Active Control of Lifeline Systems Masri, Sami; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9203994 A000; 07/01/1992; $94,466; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $57,233 Testing of I-40 Bridges Spanning the Rio Grande Matthews, Larryl; White, Kenneth; New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003 BCS 9218229 A000; 09/01/1992; $29,962; 12 mo. Fast System Identification Using Building Seismic Records and Site Response Study for Microzonation (US-Taiwan/IDNDR) Mau, S.; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 BCS 9201546 A000; 03/15/1992; $157,906; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Seismic Analysis and Design of Unanchored Liquid Storage Tanks Peek, Ralf; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 8857002 A005; 09/15/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Seismic Retrofit with Energy Dissipators Popov, Egor; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9016781 A001; 11/15/1990; $60,597; 12 mo. Evaluation of the Strength, Stiffness, and Ductility of Older Steel Frame Structures Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9016714 A002; 10/01/1990; $30,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $26,250 BCS 9016714 A003; 10/01/1990; $90,000; 12 mo. Recent Advances in Adaptive and Sensory Materials and their Applications Conference; April 27-29, 1992 in Blacksburg, Virginia Rogers, Craig; Feuerbach, Nancy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9210446 A000; 04/01/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. R/R: Strengthening and Repair of Nonductile Reinforced Concrete Frames Using External Steel Jackets and Plates (Collaborative Research) Sabol, Thomas; Englekirk and Sabol Consulting Engineers, Inc., Los Angeles, CA 900181398 BCS 9016867 A001; 10/01/1990; $5,948; 9 mo. R/R: Behavior of Clay Brick and Concrete Masonry Infill Walls Shapiro, Daniel; SOH & Associates Structural Engineers, San Francisco, CA 94133 BCS 9016875 A002; 09/01/1990; $16,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Shing, Pui-Shum; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8658100 A006; 07/15/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 BCS 8658100 A007; 07/15/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Development of Adaptive Hybrid Control Techniques for Building Structures Shing, Pui-Shum; Frangopol, Dan; Su, Renjeng; Mikulas, Martin; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9201962 A000; 06/15/1992; $66,539; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $23,269 Presidential Young Investigator Award - Analytical Modeling of Structures and Applications in Earthquake Engineering Smith, H. Allison; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9058316 A003; 08/01/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. BCS 9058316 A004; 08/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. US/PRC/Japan Trilateral Seminar/Workshop on Structural Control Soong, Tsu-Teh; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 9216282 A000; 07/01/1992; $20,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CONSTRCT PROCES $5,000 An Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Torsional-Translational Response of Reinforced Concrete Building Structrues Sozen, Mete; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9023501 A002; 01/15/1991; $115,000; 12 mo. Robust Feedback Control of Structures for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Spencer, Billie; Sain, Michael; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9006781 A002; 11/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Equipment for Dynamic Experiments Stanton, John; Holtz, Robert; Reed, Dorothy; Haraldsdottir, Aslaug; Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9109346 A000; 11/01/1991; $85,000; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $10,000 Travel Funds for U.S. Attendees to the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering to be held in Madrid, Spain on July 19-24, 1992 Tubbesing, Susan; McGuire, Robin; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, El Cerrito, CA 94704 BCS 9120748 A000; 11/15/1991; $109,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $27,492 An Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Knee Joints Subjected to Cyclic Loads Wallace, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 BCS 9123759 A000; 06/15/1992; $80,000; 24 mo. Reliability Evaluation of Current Design Procedures for Steel Buildings Under Seismic Loads Wen, Y.; Foutch, Douglas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9106390 A001; 08/15/1991; $132,804; 12 mo. Experimental Evaluation of Slab-Column Frame Buildings and the Use of Ductile Steel Wight, James; Goel, Subhash; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9016863 A002; 09/01/1990; $71,845; 12 mo. Earthquake Type Loading on R/C Beams to Column Connections with Wide Beams Wight, James; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9122704 A000; 07/15/1992; $147,172; 24 mo. Strengthening and Repair of Nonductile Reinforced Concrete Frames Using External Steel Jackets and Plates (Collaborative Research) Wyllie, Loring; H.J. Degenkolb Associates Engineers, San Francisco, CA 94104 BCS 9016873 A002; 09/01/1990; $11,740; 12 mo. Identification and Active Control of Structures Under Earthquake Loadings Yang, Jackson; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9114047 A001; 06/01/1991; $14,400; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,750 Hybrid Control of Seismic Response of Bridge Structures: A Coordinated Effort Between the U.S. and Japan Yang, Jann; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9120128 A000; 02/15/1992; $107,921; 12 mo. Full-Scale Active Control Research and Implementation Yang, Jann; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9122046 A000; 01/01/1992; $125,000; 12 mo. Active Control of Structure Instrumented with Optical Fiber Sensors Under Earthquake Loading Yang, Jackson; Sirkis, James; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9202159 A000; 07/01/1992; $58,253; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $4,418 Presidential Young Investigator Award - Stochastic Modeling of Earthquakes Yong, Yan; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 BCS 9057052 A002; 07/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Seismic Rehabilitation of Unreinforced Building Structures Using Post-Tensioned Steel Braces Youssef, Nabih F.; Bertero, Vitelmo; Guh, T. Jeff; Nabih Youssef & Associates Inc., Los Angeles, CA 90017 BCS 9221527 A000; 09/01/1992; $40,230; 12 mo. ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCEAN SYSTEMS PROGRAM Environmental Engineering Stability of HIV Viral RNA in Environmental Conditions Abbaszadegan, Morteza; Gerba, Charles; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9208837 A000; 03/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Second Forum on NSF Research in Subsurface Systems Abriola, Linda; Hayes, Kim; Demond, Avery; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9121895 A000; 03/01/1992; $26,206; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $13,103 NYI: Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment Adams, Craig; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 BCS 9257625 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Electron Beam Sterilization of Infectious Hospital Waste Adler, Richard; North Star Research Corporation, Albuquerque, NM 87108 III 9161254 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,988; 6 mo. Supercritical Extraction of Organic Contaminants from Water Slurries Akgerman, Aydin; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 BCS 9114848 A000; 03/01/1992; $69,274; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Physiological Aspects of Microbial Sulfur Transformations of Relevance to Concrete Corrosion Arnold, Robert; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8658002 A007; 08/01/1987; $62,500; 12 mo. BCS 8658002 A008; 08/01/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Use of Imaging Spectrometry for Turbidity Analysis in Nearshore/Estuarine Waters Bagheri, Sima; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 BCS 9210232 A000; 09/15/1992; $15,575; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $6,176 Solute Transport in Seasonal Snowpacks Bales, Roger; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9018245 A001; 02/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. BCS 9018245 A002; 02/15/1991; $72,034; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Uptake and Release Mechanisms for Organic Contaminants in Soils and Aqueous Systems Ball, William; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 BCS 9157902 A001; 07/15/1991; $15,229; 0 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Ball, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9296219 A000; 08/01/1992; $19,730; 4 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Uptake and Release Mechanisms for Organic Contaminants in Soils and Aqueous Systems Ball, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9296241 A000; 08/01/1992; $35,850; 16 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow: Refuse Decomposition in Sanitary Landfills Barlaz, Morton; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 BCS 9253789 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Advanced Concept for Waste Gas Pollution Control Bayless, John; John R. Bayless Co., Malibu, CA 90265 III 9122767 A000; 06/01/1992; $250,000; 18 mo. International Travel Award to Attend the Eighth International Meeting in Radiation Processing, September 13-18, 1992 in Beijing, China Berejka, Anthony; Travel Award, Washington, DC 20550 BCS 9221949 A000; 08/15/1992; $2,800; 6 mo. Fate and Treatability of Semivolatile Organic Chemicals (SVOCs) in Wastewater Treatment Processes Berthouex, Paul; Boyle, William; Armstrong, David; Park, J.K.; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 8817422 A002; 03/01/1989; $89,750; 12 mo. Discriminant Upset Prediction: An Early-Warning Indicator of Process Upsets Berthouex, Paul; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9113124 A001; 09/01/1991; $98,700; 12 mo. Use of Microbial Assays to Distinguish Between Heavy Metal and Organic Chemical Toxicity Bitton, Gabriel; Koopman, Ben; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 BCS 9117267 A000; 03/15/1992; $127,668; 12 mo. Contaminant Transport Processes Between Water and Sediment Beds in Rivers Brooks, Norman; Morgan, James; Koh, Robert; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9105965 A001; 07/15/1991; $120,622; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $50,000 NYI: Modeling Complex Environmental Systems Subject to Random Forcing Fluxes Buchberger, Steven; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 BCS 9257608 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. HIV in Wastewater: Presence and Viability Casson, Leonard; Gupta, Phalguni; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 BCS 9120340 A000; 04/15/1992; $134,267; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Scale Issues in Subsurface Contaminant Transport Celia, Michael; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 BCS 8996311 A003; 09/01/1989; $37,500; 0 mo. Development and Evaluation PCR Technology for the Detection and Identification of HIV-I in Wastewater Chaudhry, G. Rasul; Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 BCS 9018567 A001; 02/01/1991; $9,999; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 BCS 9018567 A002; 02/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Conference on Historical Records, Environmental Impact and Remediation of Contaminated Aquatic Sediments, June 14-16, 1993 Christensen, Erik; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201 BCS 9217593 A000; 08/15/1992; $10,828; 15 mo. Atmospheric-Biospheric Interactions of Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Sulfur Dioxide: Pollutant Transport and Plant Feedback Responses Claiborn, Candis; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 BCS 9212192 A000; 07/01/1992; $40,280; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Clark, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9057387 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Flocculation Kinetics Using Ferric and Dual Coagulants Cleasby, John; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 BCS 9117043 A000; 03/01/1992; $88,913; 12 mo. Investigation of Trace Metal Sequestering by Polyphosphate Bodies in Picoplankton Corpe, William; Jensen, Thomas; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 BCS 9117165 A000; 03/15/1992; $49,236; 12 mo. Removal of Organic Pollutants from Water Fixed-Bed Adsorption and Photocatalytic Regeneration of the Adsorbent Crittenden, John; Hand, David; Mullins, Michael; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 BCS 9103307 A001; 09/01/1991; $103,144; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Underlying Mechanisms Affecting Physical and Chemical Processes in Aqueous Systems Darby, Jeannie; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 BCS 9057668 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Surfactant-Enhanced Extraction of Residual Halogenated Organic Liquids from Sandy Aquifer Materials Dawson, Helen; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 BCS 9210174 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,870; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $17,870 Engineering an Innovative System for Utilizing Organic Waste Materials in the Production of Grass Sods Decker, Henry; Buckeye Bluegrass Farms Inc., Ostrander, OH 43061 III 8902053 A002; 09/01/1989; $3,959; 0 mo. Continued Core Support of the Water Science and Technology Board Dwoskin, Gary; Parker, Stephen; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9215040 A000; 06/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Research in Aquatic Surface Chemistry Related to Solute Transport in Soil and Aquifers and in Adsorption Treatment of Water and Wastewater Dzombak, David; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BCS 9157086 A001; 09/15/1991; $4,972; 0 mo. BCS 9157086 A002; 09/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Novel Approaches to Environmental Systems Gallagher, Daniel; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 BCS 8957428 A003; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Stochastic Analysis of Large-Scale Transport Processes in Aquifers Gelhar, Lynn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 8814615 A003; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Gorelick, Steven; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 8957186 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Factors Influencing the Stability of Catabolic Plasmids Grady, C.; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 BCS 9020944 A001; 03/15/1991; $119,595; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions in Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes, Photocatalytic Degradation of Hazardous Chemicals Gray, Kimberly; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9157948 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Investigating Automated Biomonitoring as a Management Tool Toward the Elimination of Pollutants That Adversely Affect Aquatic Environmental Quality Gruber, David; Biological Monitoring Inc., Blacksburg, VA 24063 III 9161351 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,266; 6 mo. Evaluation of a Vertical Fiber Membrane Aerator Gulliver, John; Semmens, Michael; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9123175 A000; 04/15/1992; $102,023; 12 mo. Chemical Oxidation Processes Involving Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Radiation Gurol, Mirat; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9020028 A001; 03/01/1991; $110,026; 12 mo. Detection of Human Pathogenic Viruses in Aquatic Environments Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction Harleman, Donald; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9201324 A000; 06/15/1992; $77,900; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Effects of Interfacial Properties on Contaminant Transport and Transformations in Aquatic Systems Hayes, Kim; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 8958407 A003; 09/01/1989; $37,500; 0 mo. BCS 8958407 A004; 09/01/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. NYI: Metal-Organic Interactions in Sorption of Metals and Organic Compounds on Mineral Surfaces Hering, Janet; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9258431 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Sources, Chemistry and Fates of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols Hildemann, Lynn; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 9157905 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Use of Halophilic Organisms to Treat Highly Saline Wastewaters Irvine, Robert; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9205594 A000; 09/01/1992; $113,651; 12 mo. An EPRI Symposium on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies Jones, Myron; Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA 94303 BCS 9222559 A000; 09/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. The Effects of Surface Concentration and Particle Interaction on the Structure and Composition of Surface Complexes Katz, Lynn; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 BCS 9210869 A000; 06/15/1992; $33,287; 12 mo. An Investigation of the Distribution and Role of Protozoa in an Organically Contaminated Subsurface Environment Kinner, Nancy; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 BCS 9012183 A002; 07/01/1990; $55,698; 12 mo. Development and Field Verification of Sorption/Oxidation Models for Soluble Manganese Removal by Oxide-Coated Filtration Systems Knocke, William; Gallagher, Daniel; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 BCS 9123770 A000; 04/15/1992; $78,196; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Effects of Airborne Particulate Matter on Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Larson, Susan; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9157283 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Feasibility of Utilizing Optical Fibers for Multicontaminant Monitoring of Unsaturated Environmental Systems Leonard, Kathleen; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 BCS 9210283 A000; 09/01/1992; $17,864; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $17,864 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Ecosystem Approach to Modeling of Biological Processes Liehr, Sarah; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 BCS 9296019 A000; 10/01/1991; $35,095; 9 mo. BCS 9296019 A001; 10/01/1991; $34,000; 12 mo. Interactions of Toxic Trace Metals with Multi-Component Biofilms: A Mechanistic Approach Lion, Leonard; Shuler, Michael; Ghiorse, William; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 9100209 A000; 01/15/1992; $174,076; 12 mo. Biodegradation of Macromolecules in Complex Wastewaters Logan, B.; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8912893 A003; 03/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. BCS 8912893 A004; 03/01/1990; $88,126; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Biosensor Electrode for Detection of HIV Mancy, Khalil; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9213783 A000; 04/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Visual Analyses of Multicomponent Immiscible Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media Massmann, Joel; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9296097 A000; 01/06/1992; $78,800; 12 mo. BCS 9296097 A001; 01/06/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Optimization of Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries Mays, Larry; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 BCS 9104406 A001; 09/01/1991; $66,851; 12 mo. Investigation of a Bioremediation Process Based on Novel Immobilized Enzymes McCray, Scott; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9160467 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,934; 6 mo. High-Energy Electrons for the Treatment of Wastewater Milde, Helmut; Ion Physics Corporation, Atkinson, NH 03811 III 9102523 A000; 11/01/1991; $229,908; 24 mo. Apparatus for Water Treatment by Application of High Potential Gradients Milde, Helmut; Ion Physics Corporation, Atkinson, NH 03811 III 9206800 A000; 09/01/1992; $250,000; 1 mo. Strong Chelators in Natural Waters Morel, Francois; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9113483 A000; 01/01/1992; $110,790; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Indoor Air Pollutant Transport, Dispersion and Interactions with Surfaces Nazaroff, William; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9057298 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Colloidal Stability in Aquatic Environments: Theory, Measurements, and Applications O'Melia, Charles; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9112766 A001; 08/01/1991; $83,050; 12 mo. NYI: Surface Chemical Factors Governing Colloidal Transport in Porous Media and Natural Systems Olson, Terese; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9257896 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Rate of Reduction of Cr (VI) by Soil Humic Substances Palmer, Carl; Fish, William; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, Beaverton, OR 97006-1999 BCS 9112148 A001; 09/01/1991; $75,425; 12 mo. In Situ Bioremediation: How Do We Know When It Works? Parker, Stephen; National Research Council, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9213271 A000; 04/01/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Characterization and Removal of Recalcitrant Organic Matter from Water Reckhow, David; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 BCS 8958392 A005; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Solute Transport in Channelized Fractured Porous Media Roberts, Paul; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 8821060 A002; 04/15/1989; $128,999; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: A LaB 6 Electron Source for an Environmental SEM for Bioengineering Research Ross, Timothy; Barton, Larry; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 BCS 9212505 A000; 07/15/1992; $10,600; 12 mo. Surfactant Selection for Use in Enhanced Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water: Surfactant Enhanced Subsurface Flushing and Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration Sabatini, David; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 BCS 9110780 A001; 07/01/1991; $9,375; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,688 Identification of N-Chloroaldimines in Chlorinated Municipal Wastewater Scully, Frank; Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 BCS 9002442 A002; 12/15/1990; $105,121; 12 mo. The Effect of Regional Hydrologic and Hydraulic Parameters on Macrodispersion in Heterogeneous Aquifers Serrano, Sergio; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 BCS 9207870 A000; 09/01/1992; $61,977; 12 mo. Co-Metabolic Inhibition Kinetics of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Degradation by Methane and Propane Oxidizers Strand, Stuart; Stensel, H. David; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 8902772 A005; 07/01/1989; $9,981; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,990 Probe Techniques for Studying Mediated Reduction Reactions of Organic Pollutants: Research Initiation Award Tratynek, Paul; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, Beaverton, OR 97006-1999 BCS 9212059 A000; 09/01/1992; $48,980; 12 mo. Effect of Ultrasonic Fields on Contaminants Adsorbed on Solids Tumeo, Mark; University of Alaska-Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 BCS 9119492 A000; 03/15/1992; $66,694; 15 mo. Public Awareness Issues That Impact Engineering Design of Environmental Systems Vernon-Gerstenfeld, Susan; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 BCS 9123401 A000; 11/01/1991; $4,000; 12 mo. Dissolution of Kinetics of NAPL Pools in Saturated Porous Media Voudrias, Evangelos; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9022205 A003; 03/15/1991; $76,770; 12 mo. Electron Beam Irradiation of Aqueous Systems at Large Scale Waite, Thomas; Kurucz, Charles; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL BCS 9108033 A001; 08/15/1991; $56,125; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $44,432 BCS 9108033 A002; 08/15/1991; $305,010; 12 mo. Symposium on Applications of Isotopes and Radiation in Conservation of the Environment, March 9-13, 1992 Waite, Thomas; Individual Award, Washington, DC 20550 BCS 9208876 A000; 02/15/1992; $1,246; 8 mo. Enhanced Bioremediation Using Genetically Engineered Microbes Wood, Thomas; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9210619 A000; 09/01/1992; $34,359; 12 mo. Low Temperature Oxidation Catalysts Wright, John; TDA Research Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 III 9160318 A000; 03/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Ocean Engineering Systems United States-Argentina Workshops on Coastal Ocean Space Utilization: Engineering Research and Environmental Implications Abel, Robert; New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium, Pomona, NJ 08240 BCS 9022636 A001; 03/01/1991; $15,500; 0 mo. Use of Imaging Spectrometry for Turbidity Analysis in Nearshore/Estuarine Waters Bagheri, Sima; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 BCS 9210232 A000; 09/15/1992; $15,575; 12 mo. Continued Studies of Marine Farm Engineering Benson, John; Neushul, Michael; Harger, Bruce; Neushul Mariculture Inc., Goleta, CA 93117 BCS 9018522 A001; 05/01/1991; $99,544; 12 mo. Applications for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - A Case Study of Issues of Complexity in Undergraduate Engineering Design Chryssostomidis, Chryssostomos; Bellingham, James; Consi, Thomas; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9101004 A001; 09/01/1991; $34,647; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Electronics to Develop Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Chryssostomidis, Chryssostomos; Bellingham, James; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9212679 A000; 09/01/1992; $29,000; 15 mo. Dynamics of a Pipe System for Hardrock Fracturing in Deep-Ocean Floor Chung, Jin; Mustoe, Graham; Huttelmaier, Hans-Peter; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 BCS 9207967 A000; 09/01/1992; $57,501; 12 mo. Active Harmonic Destalization of Coherent Vortex Flows Dhanak, Manhar; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 BCS 9211847 A000; 08/15/1992; $89,991; 36 mo. A Waterborne and Environmentally Benign Antifouling Paint Dixon, Brian; Cape Cod Research Inc., Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 III 9160964 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Annotated Maps for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Dunn, Stanley; Ganesan, Krishnamurthy; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 BCS 9017990 A001; 09/15/1991; $89,025; 12 mo. Workshop for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Technology Development Through Competitive Scenarios Dunn, Stanley; Steer, Barry; Smith, Samuel; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 BCS 9208809 A000; 02/15/1992; $24,893; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Ertekin, R. Cengiz; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 8958346 A003; 07/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Multiple Autonomous Vehicle Imaging System (MAVIS) Fox, Joel; Blidberg, D. Richard; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9142300 A001; 02/15/1991; $110,000; 12 mo. CY 1992 Cooperative Agreement Summary of Proposed 1992 Activities Giangerelli, Richard; The Minerals Management Service, Reston, VA 22091 BCS 9216160 A000; 07/01/1992; $85,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INSTRUMENTATION DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Computer Simulation and Control of Autonomous Underwater Walking Robots Kanayama, Yutaka; McGhee, Robert; Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943 BCS 9109989 A000; 02/15/1992; $99,965; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Kriebel, David; United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402 BCS 9157284 A001; 09/15/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Wave-Current Systems Liu, Philip; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 BCS 8912579 A002; 02/01/1990; $81,508; 12 mo. Development and Testing of a Wave-Driven Artificial Upwelling Device Liu, Clark; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9111878 A000; 01/15/1992; $57,083; 12 mo. Passive Optical Sensing for Automatic Stationkeeping of ROVs Negahdaripour, Shahriar; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL BCS 9296018 A001; 08/15/1991; $67,166; 12 mo. Model Based Teleoperation to Eliminate Feedback Delay Paul, Richard; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 8901352 A002; 11/15/1989; $125,758; 12 mo. Techniques for the Collection and Utilization of Fish Culture Wastes and Fish Processing Wastes from a Marine Aquaculture Operation Reid, Bart; Aquamar Production Research Corporation, Panama City, FL 32411-7099 III 9161464 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Assessment of Research and Development in Japan and Europe Shelton, R. Duane; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 ENG 9111333 A002; 08/01/1991; $448,750; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $20,000 Creep Processes of Continental Slope and Rise Sediments Silva, Armand; Sadd, Martin; Veyera, George; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 BCS 9101657 A000; 02/15/1992; $101,500; 12 mo. Multi-Sensor Core Logging System Silva, Armand; King, John; Veyera, George; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 BCS 9213114 A000; 09/01/1992; $40,597; 12 mo. Integrated Ocean Resource Applications Workshop Takahashi, Patrick; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9215048 A000; 06/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DEPT OF COMMERCE - NOAA $20,000 Travel to Attend the U.S.-Italy Workshop on Systems, Models and Feedback: With Applications to Underwater Robots Tarn, Tzyh-Jong; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 BCS 9215532 A000; 06/15/1992; $4,300; 6 mo. Workshop on Surgical Robotics Taylor, Russell; IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 BCS 9222082 A000; 09/15/1992; $6,250; 12 mo. Annotated Maps for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Thorpe, Charles; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BCS 9120655 A001; 09/15/1991; $75,064; 12 mo. Workshop on US/French Cooperative Research in Underwater Vehicles Thorpe, Charles; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BCS 9204062 A000; 01/15/1992; $42,043; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Yuh, Junku; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9157896 A001; 09/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Deep-Sea Borehole Reentry Yun, David; Lin, Shu; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9240421 A000; 10/01/1992; $123,420; 12 mo. Natural and Man-Made Hazard Mitigation Programs A Physical Basis for Real-Time Debris Flow Warning Systems Anderson, Scott; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9211927 A000; 07/15/1992; $60,579; 24 mo. Safety and Performance Enhancement of Structures Through Structural Control Ang, A. H-S.; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9201812 A000; 07/01/1992; $66,147; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $28,074 The Second International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis ISUMA '93 (to be held April 25-28, 1993 in College Park, Maryland) Ayyub, Bilal; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9116513 A000; 10/01/1992; $8,056; 12 mo. International Travel Grant: 23rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Venice, Italy, October 4-9, 1992 Basco, David; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 BCS 9222558 A000; 08/15/1992; $1,018; 12 mo. Workshop on the Selection and Management of U.S. Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Benoit, Jean; De Alba, Pedro; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 MSS 9121387 A000; 10/15/1991; $34,478; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSES and SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $17,500 Decision-Making, Modeling and Forecasting Hydrometeorologic Extremes Under Climate Change Bogardi, Istvan; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 BCS 9016556 A001; 02/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 A Study of Extreme Wind Regionalization Cheng, Edmond; Chiu, Arthur; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9122224 A000; 05/15/1992; $58,204; 12 mo. The Economics of Natural Hazards: An Assessment of Research Needs and Opportunities Cochrane, Harold; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9215282 A000; 09/15/1992; $109,662; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with FEMA $74,700 Chicago Flood of April 1992 Cording, Edward; Gabriel, Fernandez; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9216233 A000; 06/01/1992; $35,464; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,866 Estimation of Extreme Probability Distribution Tails: Application to Extreme Wind Speeds Corotis, Ross; Karr, Alan; Simiu, Emil; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9013116 A001; 02/15/1991; $44,537; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $15,000 BCS 9013116 A002; 02/15/1991; $4,987; 0 mo. Erosional Response to the Oakland Hills Fire and the Effectiveness of Mitigation Efforts Dietrich, William; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9207383 A000; 03/15/1992; $49,500; 12 mo. Assessing the 1990-91 California Drought Dracup, John; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9114753 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 The East Bay Fire in the Oakland-Berkeley Hills: A Hydrologic and Water Management Assessment Dracup, John; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9206810 A000; 07/01/1992; $49,942; 12 mo. ERCZ: Optimal Management Strategies for Coastal Aquifers Under Climate-Induced Changes Dracup, John; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9217968 A000; 09/15/1992; $76,984; 12 mo. Decision-Making, Modeling and Forecasting Hydrometeorologic Extremes Under Climate Change Duckstein, Lucien; Davis, Donald; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9016462 A001; 02/15/1991; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEPT OF ARMY-WATER RESOURCES $50,000 Workshop on Reliability Methods for Risk Mitigation in Geotechnical Engineering Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 MSS 9203139 A000; 04/15/1992; $10,000; 9 mo. Organizational and Operating Cost for USUCGER Edil, Tuncer; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9122195 A000; 01/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSES and SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $7,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award - Soil Moisture Dynamics and Droughts Entekhabi, Dara; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9296012 A001; 09/01/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award - Estimation of Exceedance Probabilities of Extreme Storms Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 8957469 A005; 08/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Testing of Large Smart Structures Using Embedded Sensors Fuhr, Peter; Huston, Dryver; Spillman, Jr., William; University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burlington, VT 05405 BCS 9024390 A001; 03/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 BCS 9024390 A002; 03/01/1991; $1,591; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Georgakakos, Konstantine; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 BCS 8657526 A008; 07/01/1987; $34,936; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,936 BCS 8657526 A009; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. The Use of Satellite Rainfall Estimates with Real-Time Flow Prediction Models for Large Catchments Georgakakos, Konstantine; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 BCS 9207965 A000; 08/15/1992; $39,716; 12 mo. Active Control of Structures Using Neural Networks Ghaboussi, Jamshid; Wen, Y.; Paul, Stanley; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9201437 A000; 06/15/1992; $46,439; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $25,000 Risk-Based Decisionmaking in Water Resources Management Haimes, Yacov; Stakhiv, Eugene; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 BCS 9109320 A001; 09/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $10,000 Structural Control for Earthquakes and Wind Storms Using Active Structural Members Hanson, Robert; Filisko, Frank; McClamroch, Nathaniel; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9201787 A000; 07/15/1992; $103,448; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $53,000 Hazard Proofing the Nation - A Strategy to Reduce Natural Disasters Hays, Walter; Geological Survey, Reston, VA 22092 BCS 9215968 A000; 07/01/1992; $3,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EARTHQUAKE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION $1,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Hobbs, Benjamin; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 BCS 8552524 A011; 08/01/1986; $40,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEPT OF ARMY-WATER RESOURCES $40,000 Measurement and Analysis of Full-Scale Wind Forces and Responses of the Houston Baytown Bridge Jones, Nicholas; Scanlan, Robert; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9114006 A000; 11/01/1991; $115,720; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Dynamic Modeling of Wind-Induced Lateral-Torsional Motion of Structures Kareem, Ahsan; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9096274 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Models of Warning Systems for Natural Hazards Krzysztofowicz, Roman; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9016979 A002; 02/15/1991; $68,358; 12 mo. BCS 9016979 A003; 02/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Workshop on Hazardous Mass-Flow Phenomena to be held at Rolla, Missouri on February 27-28, 1992 Lentz, Rodney; Westphal, Jerome; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 BCS 9121024 A000; 02/15/1992; $20,664; 12 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Bridge Motion in Turbulent Flow Lin, Y.; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 BCS 9015272 A002; 01/01/1991; $177,635; 24 mo. Active Tuned Liquid Damper for Structural Control Lou, Jack; Lutes, Loren; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 9202092 A000; 09/01/1992; $88,621; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $29,082 Assessing the Progression and Fire Behavior of the October 20, 1991, Oakland Hills Fire Martin, Robert; Williamson, Robert; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 BCS 9219120 A000; 03/15/1992; $49,163; 12 mo. Studies of Integration and Implementation Issues in the Active Control of Lifeline Systems Masri, Sami; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 BCS 9203994 A000; 07/01/1992; $94,466; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $57,233 CSU/TTU Cooperative Research Program in Wind Engineering Mehta, Kishor; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 8821163 A005; 06/01/1989; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 BCS 8821163 A006; 06/01/1989; $350,925; 12 mo. ERCZ: Mitigation of Hurricane Damage to Constructed Facilities Mehta, Kishor; Reed, Dorothy; English, Thomas; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 9218343 A000; 09/15/1992; $21,552; 12 mo. Mechanics of Mud Flow and Land Subscience Mei, Chiang; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9112748 A000; 12/01/1991; $62,064; 12 mo. CSU/TTU Cooperative Research Program for Wind Engineering Meroney, Robert; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 8821542 A004; 06/01/1989; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 BCS 8821542 A005; 06/01/1989; $350,891; 12 mo. Assessment of Research and Applications on Natural Hazards Mileti, Dennis; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9207146 A000; 03/01/1992; $58,812; 9 mo. Analytical Model of Cable-Stayed Bridge Nonlinear Dynamics for Mitigation of Extreme Load Effects Namini, Ahmad; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124 BCS 9110472 A001; 07/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,750 A New Method for Estimating the Exceedance Probability of Extreme Floods Potter, Kenneth; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 BCS 9104815 A001; 08/01/1991; $69,560; 12 mo. U.S. Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects Raufaste, Noel; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 BCS 9201553 A000; 02/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. ERCZ: Mitigation of Hurricane Damage to Constructed Facilities Reed, Dorothy; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9219921 A000; 09/15/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Post-Eruptive Rain Lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines Rodolfo, Kelvin; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 EAR 9205132 A000; 08/01/1992; $110,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY Optimal Moisture Content Considerations for Dynamic Compaction Rollins, Kyle; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 BCS 9116339 A000; 03/01/1992; $50,385; 12 mo. Second International Conference on Snow Engineering; June 21-26, 1992; Santa Barbara, California Sack, Ronald; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 MSS 9108089 A000; 01/15/1992; $21,000; 12 mo. Regional Flood Hazard Analysis Salas, Jose; Boes, Duane; Wohl, Ellen; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9101741 A001; 06/15/1991; $121,777; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $60,888 Development of Adaptive Hybrid Control Techniques for Building Structures Shing, Pui-Shum; Frangopol, Dan; Su, Renjeng; Mikulas, Martin; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9201962 A000; 06/15/1992; $66,539; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $46,539 ERCZ: The Value of Information on Future Sea-Level Rise and Climatology for Land Use Small, Mitchell; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 BCS 9218045 A000; 09/15/1992; $65,703; 12 mo. A Distributed Physically Based Modeling Approach to Flash Flood Forecasting in Semi-Arid Regions Sorooshian, Soroosh; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8920851 A002; 04/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Long-Term Stability of Natural Slopes Stark, Timothy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9196074 A001; 01/01/1991; $5,000; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 The Use of Satellite Rainfall Estimates with Real-Time Flow Prediction Models for Large Catchments Tsonis, Anastasios; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201 BCS 9207943 A000; 09/01/1992; $104,874; 12 mo. Investigation of Thunderstorm Winds with Respect to Wind Load Design Criteria and the Safety of Structures Twisdale, Lawrence; Applied Research Associates Inc.-Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27615 III 9117048 A000; 07/15/1992; $224,935; 18 mo. Investigation of Predictive Methods for Hurricane Winds in the United States Twisdale, Lawrence; Applied Research Associates Inc.-Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM 87110 III 9160135 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Response of Structural Glazing Systems to Dynamic Loads and Extreme Environments Vallabhan, C.V. Girija; Tock, Richard; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 MSS 9007911 A001; 02/01/1991; $50,128; 12 mo. A Clearinghouse on Natural Hazards Research and Applications White, Gilbert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9012839 A003; 09/01/1990; $68,691; 0 mo. Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center White, Gilbert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9213479 A000; 10/01/1992; $527,184; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-NHRAIC $68,184 SGER: Galeras Volcano 1991 Eruption Studies Williams, Stanley; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 EAR 9202195 A000; 02/01/1992; $8,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded LATIN AMERICA, SDC $3,900 Mitigation of Damage to Structures Supported on Slab-on-Ground Foundations Constructed over Expansive Soils Wray, Warren; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 9015850 A001; 01/01/1991; $80,709; 12 mo. Research Participation in 7th International Conference on Expansive Soils Wray, Warren; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 9209675 A000; 05/01/1992; $17,902; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH AND GEOENVIRN $3,500 Active and Passive Controls of Complex Structures with Uncertainties Under Wind Loads Yang, T.; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 BCS 9022714 A001; 04/01/1991; $68,000; 12 mo. Active Control of Structure Instrumented with Optical Fiber Sensors Under Earthquake Loading Yang, Jackson; Sirkis, James; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9202159 A000; 07/01/1992; $58,253; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $27,836 Improved Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Drought in Arid Regions Young, Robert; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9116599 A000; 04/15/1992; $63,384; 12 mo. Special Programs RUI: Ontogeny of Modulation of Dentate Granule Cell Excitability in the Freely Moving Rat Bronzino, Joseph; Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106 BCS 9010616 A002; 08/01/1990; $6,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,000 Microbiosensors to Evaluate Free Radical Activity in Tissue Buerk, Donald; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 BCS 9196021 A002; 09/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. The Economics of Natural Hazards: An Assessment of Research Needs and Opportunities Cochrane, Harold; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9215282 A000; 09/15/1992; $109,662; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with FEMA $74,700 Microstructural Modeling of the Bone Implant Interface Cowin, Stephen; Sadegh, Ali; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 BCS 9103236 A001; 08/01/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,000 Site-Response Studies for Purpose of Revising NEHRP Seismic Provisions Crouse, C.; Dames & Moore, A Professional Limited Partnership Co., Los Angeles, CA 90017 BCS 9216637 A000; 09/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION $30,000 Optimized Overproduction by Genetically Modified Cells Using Selective Cell Separation Technology Davis, Robert; Kompala, Dhinakar; Ramirez, W. Fred; Gold, Lawrence; Sclafani, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8912259 A006; 09/01/1989; $13,150; 0 mo. NSF Young Investigator Deodatis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 BCS 9257900 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Decision-Making, Modeling and Forecasting Hydrometeorologic Extremes Under Climate Change Duckstein, Lucien; Davis, Donald; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 9016462 A001; 02/15/1991; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEPT OF ARMY-WATER RESOURCES $50,000 Board on Natural Disasters Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9207384 A000; 09/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AGRICULTURE $10,000 Cooperative U.S.-Brazil Research Programs Gaus, Michael; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 9122203 A000; 11/15/1991; $20,000; 12 mo. Genetic Engineering for Product Using Non-Chromatographic Methods Glatz, Charles; Ford, Clark; Honzatko, Richard; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 BCS 9108583 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Goochee, Charles; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 BCS 8857712 A006; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Hobbs, Benjamin; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 BCS 8552524 A011; 08/01/1986; $40,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEPT OF ARMY-WATER RESOURCES $40,000 Undergraduate Designs for Rehabilitation Engineering Hyman, William; Miller, Gerald; Texas A&M University-Main Campus, College Station, TX 77843 BCS 8805377 A004; 06/01/1988; $16,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,000 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems for NSF/NASA/DOD Applications Workshop Jacobsen, Stephen; Wood, J.; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ECS 9106811 A000; 09/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $7,500 Development of Bioerodible Polymer Matrices for Osteoblast Growth and Maturation Laurencin, Cato; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 BCS 9011170 A003; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $10,000 National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research - Phase II Lee, George; Lee, George; Buckle, Ian; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 BCS 9025010 A000; 11/01/1991; $3,750,000; 12 mo. BCS 9025010 A001; 11/01/1991; $1,250,000; 12 mo. BCS 9025010 A002; 11/01/1991; $150,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NATL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM $150,600 A Silicon Based, Three Dimensional Microsystem for Stimulation of the Visual Cortex Normann, Richard; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 BCS 9110767 A001; 08/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with $3,750 Understanding Injury of Suspended Animal Cells in Mixed Bioreactors Due to Bubble Breakup Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9022472 A001; 07/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with $3,750 Soil Profiling at the Geotechnical Experimentation Site of Treasure Island, CA Poran, Chaim; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 BCS 9211431 A000; 06/15/1992; $8,797; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION-TREASURE ISLAND $7,797 Presidential Young Investigator Award Shing, Pui-Shum; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 8658100 A006; 07/15/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS amd $5,000 Integrated Ocean Resource Applications Workshop Takahashi, Patrick; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 BCS 9215048 A000; 06/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DEPT OF COMMERCE - NOAA $20,000 Electron Beam Irradiation of Aqueous Systems at Large Scale Waite, Thomas; Kurucz, Charles; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL BCS 9108033 A001; 08/15/1991; $56,125; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $44,432 Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center White, Gilbert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9213479 A000; 10/01/1992; $527,184; 12 mo. Jointly Funded With NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI AND ARMY-NHRAIC $68,184 A Clearinghouse on Natural Hazards Research and Applications White, Gilbert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 BCS 9012839 A003; 09/01/1990; $68,691; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI and ARMY $48,691 Bioprocess Engineering: Research Priorities and Policy Options Zaborsky, Oskar; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 BCS 9017115 A004; 09/01/1990; $25,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ENERGY-BIOFUELS PROGRAM PLAN $25,000 Marine Biotechnology: Research Opportunities and Policy Issues Zaborsky, Oskar; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 IBN 9211798 A000; 05/01/1992; $90,000; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY and BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $10,000 Senior Design Projects to Aid the Handicapped Zelano, John; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 BCS 8908923 A003; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $10,000 CHEMICAL AND THERMAL SYSTEMS Chemical Reaction Processes Program Kinetics and Catalysis Carbonyl Coupling Reactions Probe Oxide Surfaces Barteau, Mark; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9100404 A001; 04/01/1991; $95,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Mossbauer Spectrometer with Magnetic Resolution for Catalysis/Coal Mineral Research Bartholomew, Calvin; Hecker, William; Eatough, Delbert; Dubow, Joel; Harb, John; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 CTS 9212479 A000; 07/01/1992; $38,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $12,600 Active Sites for Heteroatom Removal Benziger, Jay; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8915121 A002; 01/01/1990; $72,000; 12 mo. Surface and Inorganic Chemistry of Compound Semiconductor Materials Cowley, Alan; Ekerdt, John; White, J.; Jones, Richard; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 CHE 9007166 A002; 09/01/1990; $132,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $44,000 Synthesis and Characterization of Model Oxides and Mixed Metal Oxides Datye, Abhaya; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 CTS 8912366 A002; 01/01/1990; $79,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $60,000 Engineering Research Equipment: TEM Holder for Ex-Situ Controlled Atmosphere Microscopy Datye, Abhaya; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 CTS 9212439 A000; 07/01/1992; $24,000; 18 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Solid Base Catalysts and Quantum-Size Photocatalysts Davis, Robert; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 CTS 9257306 A000; 09/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Chemical and Photochemical Factors Controlling the Photoefficiency of Photopromoted Solid-Catalyzed Oxidative Decomposition of Organic Vapors Dong, Junchang; Project Sunrise Inc. (formerly Synlize Inc.), Newton, MA 02159 III 9161466 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Microcalorimetric Studies of Supported Platinum Catalysts for Light Paraffin Conversion Reactions Dumesic, James; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9123197 A000; 02/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Chemical Sensors for CVD Processing Ellis, Arthur; Keuch, Thomas; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9202699 A000; 09/01/1992; $162,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSN and SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $108,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: The Surface Chemistry of Gas-Solid Materials Processing Engstrom, James; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9157892 A001; 07/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Determination of Acidity Functions of Liquid Acids by Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Development of Theoretically Justified Calibration of Solid Acidity Farcasiu, Dan; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 CTS 9121454 A000; 06/01/1992; $73,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIMOLECULAR PROCESSES $36,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Monte Carlo Simulation of Surface Kinetics Fichthorn, Kristen; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9058013 A002; 09/01/1990; $64,276; 12 mo. On-Site Electrochemical Peroxide Generator Fraser, Mark; PSI Technology Company, Andover, MA 01810 III 9203023 A000; 09/01/1992; $166,027; 12 mo. Improved Membranes for Electrosynthesis Genders, J. David; Electrosynthesis Company Inc., Buffalo, NY 14227 III 9161086 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Novel Anodes for Pollution Control Genders, J. David; Electrosynthesis Company Inc., Buffalo, NY 14227 III 9161087 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Tenth International Congress on Catalysis - Group Travel Gonzalez, Richard; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 CTS 9115938 A000; 02/01/1992; $29,000; 12 mo. 1992 Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis Goodman, D.; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 CTS 9210468 A000; 05/01/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. Studies of Zeolite Acidity Gorte, Raymond; White, David; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9101447 A001; 04/15/1991; $94,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Atomic Absorption Spectrometer for Catalysis Research Gorte, Raymond; Davies, Peter; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9211595 A000; 07/01/1992; $13,691; 12 mo. The Study of Platinum Particle Genesis and Stabilization in L-Zeolite Haller, Gary; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 CTS 9214151 A000; 09/01/1992; $137,156; 12 mo. Fundamental Studies of Adsorption and Catalysis on Metal Surfaces by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Hamers, Robert; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DMR 9017288 A001; 05/01/1991; $88,400; 12 mo. Assignment of Zeolitic Framework Vibrations Using High Pressure Methods Hammack, William; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9208885 A000; 07/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Immobilization of Homogeneous Catalysts: Supported Aqueous Phases, Ion Exchange Resins, and Membranes Hanson, Brian; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 CTS 9101846 A001; 06/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 CTS 9101846 A002; 06/01/1991; $76,000; 12 mo. The Molecular Kinetics of the Organometallic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of II-VI Materials Hicks, Robert; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9121811 A000; 09/15/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $35,000 Spectroscopic Studies of Partial Oxidation Catalysts During Their Genesis and Use Hill, Charles; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 8912635 A002; 01/01/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Behavior of Alumina-Supported Platinum/Tin Reforming Catalysts and Related Model Systems Hoflund, Gar; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 CTS 9122575 A000; 05/01/1992; $84,004; 12 mo. Surface Analytical Equipment for Investigation of Surface Reaction of Organometallic Compounds Jensen, Klavs; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9212984 A000; 06/15/1992; $44,937; 12 mo. Model Supported Metal Catalysts Klein, Michael; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9012910 A001; 11/01/1990; $95,000; 12 mo. Sulfate-Promoted Titania and Zirconia Aerogels as Solid Superacids Ko, Edmond; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9200665 A000; 08/01/1992; $76,000; 12 mo. Determination of Metal-Oxygen Bond Strength in Oxide Catalysts Kung, Harold; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9015221 A001; 02/01/1991; $64,000; 12 mo. CTS 9015221 A002; 02/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Presidential Young Investigator: Surface Organometallic Chemistry in Catalysis and Microelectronics Lamb, H. Henry; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 8958350 A003; 07/01/1989; $67,500; 12 mo. Particulate Heterojunction Photocatalysts: Correlation of Charge Carrier Separation Distances and Dynamics with Catalytic Activity Levy, Boris; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 CTS 9208926 A000; 09/01/1992; $134,424; 12 mo. Student Foreign Conference Travel: The 6th International Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas in Western Australia December 8-10, 1992 List, E. John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9222402 A000; 12/01/1992; $4,980; 1 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $522 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Partial Oxidations in Zeolites and Filamentous Materials for Composites Lund, Carl; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 8857100 A004; 06/15/1988; $40,000; 12 mo. CTS 8857100 A005; 06/15/1988; $44,392; 0 mo. Kinetics and Mechanism of Selective Oxidation of Cyclic and Linear Alkenes on Metal Surfaces Madix, Robert; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 9005135 A002; 07/01/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Structure Sensitivity of the Hydrogenolysis of Simple Hydrocarbons on Platinum Single Crystals Masel, Richard; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 8922282 A003; 03/01/1990; $94,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Ceramic and Catalyst Materials - Synthesis Chemistry and Adsorption Properties McCormick, Alon; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9058387 A002; 07/15/1990; $72,500; 12 mo. In Situ Structural and Chemical Characterization for Sol-Gel Synthesis of Binary Glasses Mullins, Michael; Cornilsen, Bahne; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 CTS 9106865 A001; 08/15/1991; $45,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $45,000 Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Studies on Model Molybdenum Sulfide Catalysts Ng, K.Y. Simon; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 CTS 9207840 A000; 09/01/1992; $78,247; 12 mo. Dynamic Structure of Graphite-Supported Iron-Iridium and Iron-Palladium Catalyst Particles Phillips, Jonathan; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 8915194 A002; 06/01/1990; $77,000; 12 mo. High Temperature Calorimeter for the Study of Active Site Distribution on Carbon Catalyst Supports Phillips, Jonathan; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9213036 A000; 08/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Metal Deposition from Supercritical Electrolytes Prentice, Geoffrey; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9113462 A000; 12/01/1991; $124,961; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $37,488 Formation of Silicon Nitride Ring, Morey; O'Neal, H.; San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego, CA 92182-1900 CHE 9202437 A000; 09/01/1992; $156,000; 18 mo. Engineering Equipment and Research Grant: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer Upgrade Root, Thatcher; Cooper, Stuart; Hill, Charles; Dumesic, James; Bray, Kevin; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9212866 A000; 09/01/1992; $24,300; 12 mo. Mixed Conducting Membranes for Nox Decomposition in Automobile Exhausts Sammells, Anthony; Eltron Research Inc., Aurora, IL 60504 III 9200988 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,994; 24 mo. The Design of Supported Metal Composite Oxides by Selective Metal-Support Exchange Schwarz, James; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300 CTS 8900514 A002; 09/01/1989; $8,000; 6 mo. Electrochemical Processing and Synthesis of Light Emitting Porous Silicon Structures Searson, Peter; Sieradzki, Karl; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 DMR 9202645 A000; 09/01/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $50,000 Experimental Studies of Surface Diffusion on Semiconductor Materials Seebauer, Edmund; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9121917 A000; 09/15/1992; $140,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $37,500 Electrochemical Processes Studied Ex-Situ with Ultrahigh Vacuum Surface Analysis Stuve, Eric; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9103543 A001; 09/01/1991; $78,000; 12 mo. Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Vanadium-Phosphorus-Silicon Oxides Sundaresan, Sankaran; Benziger, Jay; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9100130 A000; 01/01/1992; $105,000; 36 mo. CTS 9100130 A001; 01/01/1992; $10,000; 0 mo. Anomalous Electrodeposition of Alloys Talbot, Jan; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 CTS 9208596 A000; 09/01/1992; $124,761; 24 mo. Fundamental Investigation of Molybdenum Nitride and Carbide Catalysts: Minority Research Initiation Award Thompson, Levi; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 8918107 A003; 01/15/1990; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $60,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Rational Design and Synthesis of Advanced Catalytic and Electronic Materials Thompson, Levi; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9158527 A001; 07/01/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. The Effect of Surface Functional Groups on the Dispersion, Chemical Properties, and Catalytic Behavior of Carbon-Supported Pd and Pt-Sn Catalysts Prepared from Metal Cluster Vannice, M. Albert; Phillips, Jonathan; Geoffroy, Gregory; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9011275 A001; 02/01/1991; $107,000; 12 mo. CTS 9011275 A002; 02/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Small Silver Particles: Characterization by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Conduction-Electron Spin Resonance, and Catalytic Behavior in Partial Oxidation Reactions Vannice, M. Albert; Benesi, Alan; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9019612 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator: Growth of II-VI Compound Semiconductors Using Metalakyl Precursors Vohs, John; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 8957056 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. The Role of the Oxide Support in Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalyst Wachs, Israel; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 CTS 9006258 A001; 11/15/1990; $87,380; 12 mo. Sacrificial Anode Process for Organic Electrosynthesis Weinberg, Norman; Genders, J. David; Electrosynthesis Company Inc., Buffalo, NY 14227 CTS 9208555 A000; 09/01/1992; $110,000; 12 mo. Direct Methane Activation to Methanol Across Mixed Conducting Membranes White, James; Eltron Research Inc., Aurora, IL 60504 III 9161277 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,996; 6 mo. Electron Transfer Mechanisms in Concentrated Organic Redox Solutions White, Henry; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9208760 A000; 09/01/1992; $84,000; 12 mo. Novel Low Temperature Approaches to Epitaxial Silicon Overgrowth on Silicides Yalisove, Steven; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DMR 9202176 A000; 09/01/1992; $135,000; 12 mo. Mechanism of Carbon Oxidation Reactions Yang, Ralph; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9120452 A000; 02/01/1992; $160,729; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $53,576 NSF Young Investigator: Structural Tailoring of Nanoscale Materials for Catalysis and Ceramics Ying, Jackie; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9257223 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Process and Reaction Engineering Accelerated Convergence and Structure Determination of the Backpropagation Neural Network Achenie, Luke E.; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 CTS 9211691 A000; 08/01/1992; $89,961; 12 mo. Dynamics of Catalytic Reactions and Reactors Aris, Rutherford; Schmidt, Lanny; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9000117 A002; 05/01/1990; $85,510; 12 mo. Collision Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Dominated Processes in Etching Plasmas Becker, Kurt; CUNY City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9017211 A001; 06/01/1991; $4,688; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $3,907 CTS 9017211 A002; 06/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECTROSCOPY and QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $30,000 NSF Young Investigator Beckman, Eric; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 CTS 9258580 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. The Evaluation of the NCSA Video Macintosh Concept for Interpretation of Chemical Process Information Bishop, Kenneth; University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS 66044 CTS 9213691 A000; 08/01/1992; $19,710; 7 mo. Cross Sections of Technologically Important Gases (Physics) Bonham, Russell; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 PHY 8913096 A002; 12/15/1989; $100,000; 12 mo. Modeling and Characterization of Chain Polymerization Reactions for Multifunctional Monomers Bowman, Christopher; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9209899 A000; 06/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Commercial Production of 3'-Azido-2',3'-Dideoxyuridine Bruckmann, Edith; ChemLudens, Menlo Park, CA 94025 III 9102062 A000; 05/01/1992; $253,356; 21 mo. Programmed Rate Chemical Vapor Deposition Cale, Timothy; Raupp, Gregory; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 CTS 8920426 A002; 03/01/1990; $84,253; 12 mo. Analysis of a Novel Three-Phase Catalytic Reactor Cerro, Ramon; Abraham, Martin; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104 CTS 9022241 A001; 03/01/1991; $65,979; 12 mo. CTS 9022241 A002; 03/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Complex Patterns in Disturbed Chemical Systems Chang, Hseuh-Chia; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 CTS 9112977 A000; 11/01/1991; $78,256; 12 mo. CTS 9112977 A001; 11/01/1991; $2,640; 0 mo. Olefin Polymerization from the Gas Phase Conner, William; Laurence, Robert; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 8921381 A002; 03/15/1990; $100,968; 12 mo. Control of Nonstationary Systems Using Information Preserving Neural Networks Cooper, Douglas; Palmieri, Francesco; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 CTS 9008596 A001; 10/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 CTS 9008596 A002; 10/15/1990; $63,876; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $31,938 National Science Foundation Alan T. Waterman Award Davis, Mark; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9021017 A002; 08/01/1990; $166,000; 12 mo. New Tools for the Computer-Aided Design of Nonideal Distillation Systems Doherty, Michael; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 9113717 A000; 11/01/1991; $244,855; 36 mo. Supercritical Spray Application of Paints and Coatings Donohue, Marc; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9216923 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,001; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $26,667 The Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes with Waste Minimization Douglas, James; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 9113049 A000; 12/15/1991; $85,374; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Doyle, F.; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9257059 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. A Novel Approach to the Optimal Design of Hybrid Waste-Recovery Processes El-Halwagi, Mahmoud; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 CTS 9211039 A000; 06/01/1992; $89,739; 36 mo. Studies on the Chemistry and Growth of Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond and Related Films Feigerle, Charles; Ramsey, John; Clausing, Robert; University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37996-0140 CTS 9202575 A000; 09/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $75,000 Chemical Reaction Network Theory: The Dynamics of Reactors with Complex Chemistry Feinberg, Martin; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 CTS 9008495 A001; 10/15/1990; $74,451; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Fox, Rodney; Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 CTS 9158124 A001; 08/01/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. CTS 9158124 A002; 08/01/1991; $4,875; 0 mo. CTS 9158124 A003; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Hot Hole Oxidations at Semiconductor Metal Electrodes Frese, Karl; Interfacial Sciences Inc., Santa Clara, CA 95051 CTS 9014394 A001; 12/15/1990; $98,349; 12 mo. Zeolite Membranes Gavalas, George; Davis, Mark; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9114829 A000; 02/15/1992; $107,236; 12 mo. Chemistry of Diamond Nucleation and Growth: Kinetic Measurement, Modeling, and Film Characterization via REMP/MS and Solid State NMR Gleason, Karen; Sawin, Herbert; Howard, Jack; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9006705 A002; 08/15/1990; $77,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $77,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Graves, David; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 8957179 A005; 07/01/1989; $100,000; 12 mo. Single Catalyst Pellet Performance in Exothermic Multiphase Reaction Systems Harold, Michael; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 8920650 A002; 04/01/1990; $68,408; 12 mo. A Synergistic Approach to the Development of Improved and Alternative Methods for the Synthesis and Processing of Sulfolanes High, Karen; Czekaj, Corinna; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 CTS 9216834 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Engineering Design and Scale-Up of Combustion Synthesis Reactors Hlavacek, Vladimir; Puszynski, Jan; Majorowski, Slawomir; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 8915787 A002; 04/01/1990; $71,780; 12 mo. Dynamic Behavior of Chemical Reactors Hudson, John; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 CTS 9015853 A001; 04/01/1991; $77,669; 12 mo. Experimental and Modelling Studies of Laser-Direct Write Processes Jensen, Klavs; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9001872 A002; 08/01/1990; $116,421; 12 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Jensen, Klavs; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9023162 A001; 07/01/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Surface Analytical Equipment for Investigation of Surface Reaction of Organometallic Compounds Jensen, Klavs; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9212984 A000; 06/15/1992; $44,937; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with KINETICS AND CATALYSIS $22,468 Thin Film Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Johnson, Brad; Analytic Power Corp, Boston, MA 02117-1189 III 9160890 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,817; 6 mo. Recurrent Neural Networks and Micro-Genetic Algorithms for Estimation and Optimization: Application to Bioprocesses Karim, M. Nazmul; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9118955 A000; 03/15/1992; $96,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $30,000 Computer Simulation of Reactors for Chemical Vapor Deposition Karki, Kailash; Innovative Research Inc., Minneapolis, MN 55414 III 9161060 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Nonlinear Dynamics of Reaction and Transport Processes Kevrekidis, Yannis; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8957213 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. System for Mass-Production of High Purity Silicon Nitride Powder Kimura, Shoichi; Levenspiel, Octave; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 CTS 8921322 A002; 05/15/1990; $88,279; 12 mo. Geometric Methods for Nonlinear Multivariable Process Control Kravaris, Costas; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 8912836 A002; 11/01/1989; $80,508; 12 mo. Modeling of Remote Plasma Assisted Materials Processing: Electron Transport and Selective Chemistry Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9109326 A002; 09/01/1991; $72,532; 12 mo. Intelligent, Robust Self-Tuning Control of Interactive Systems Lee, Jay; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 CTS 9209808 A000; 10/01/1992; $89,917; 12 mo. Oil-Water Interfacial Synthesis as a Benign and Safer Alternative to Conventional Liquid-Phase Syntheses Lim, Phooi; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9217443 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Issues in Local Chemical Process Optimization Lucia, Angelo; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 CTS 8922316 A002; 06/01/1990; $42,452; 12 mo. Chaotic Process Simulation Lucia, Angelo; McLaughlin, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 CTS 9007854 A001; 10/15/1990; $68,769; 12 mo. Compatibilization of Polymer Blends Macosko, Chris; Bates, Frank S.; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9203108 A000; 09/15/1992; $160,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $80,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Manousiouthakis, Vasilios; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 8857867 A004; 10/01/1988; $50,033; 12 mo. Ion Induced Microprocessing Melngailis, John; Sawin, Herbert; Thompson, Carl; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9202633 A000; 10/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. Polymer Science and Engineering: The Shifting Research Frontier Metzger, Norman; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DMR 9122680 A000; 04/15/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROJECTS $8,000 Robust Controller Design for Systems with Constraints Morari, Manfred; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9022766 A001; 03/15/1991; $112,056; 12 mo. Intelligent Monitoring and Control of Chemical Processes Using Wavelet and FJ Transforms Motard, Rodolphe; Joseph, Babu; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 CTS 9108649 A001; 09/01/1991; $4,245; 0 mo. CTS 9108649 A002; 09/01/1991; $92,069; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Mullins, Charles; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 CTS 9157084 A001; 07/01/1991; $47,500; 12 mo. Paired Electrochemical Synthesis of Organic Compounds Murphy, Oliver; Lynntech Inc., Bryan, TX 77803 III 9161209 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Packard, Andrew; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9057420 A003; 10/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. RUI: Investigation of a Reaction Scheme Using Ti203 and Ti02 in a Two-Step High Temperature Solar Process That Produces Zn from ZnO Palumbo, Robert; Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN 46383 CTS 9023301 A001; 03/01/1991; $30,335; 12 mo. Emulsion and Dispersion Polymerization Poehlein, Gary; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 CTS 9023240 A002; 05/01/1991; $61,914; 12 mo. Design of Chemical Processing Structures and Operating Procedures for Safety and Reliability Powers, Gary; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9114050 A000; 12/15/1991; $86,083; 12 mo. Fundamental Studies of Polymerization Processes Ray, W. Harmon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9117313 A000; 11/15/1991; $117,800; 12 mo. Pollution Prevention Through Precision Process Modelling, Design and Operation Ray, W. Harmon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9216726 A000; 09/01/1992; $300,000; 36 mo. Model-Predictive Control of a Large-Scale System: A Case Study Ricker, Neil; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9214983 A000; 09/01/1992; $63,682; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Rumschitzki, David; CUNY City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 8658147 A006; 10/01/1987; $2,119; 0 mo. Oxidation in Supercritical Water: Reaction Pathways and Kinetics (REU Supplement) Savage, Phillip; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9015738 A001; 12/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 CTS 9015738 A002; 12/15/1990; $66,766; 12 mo. Kinetics, Structure, and Properties of Crosslinked Polymer Films Formed by Cationic Photopolymerization Scranton, Alec; Berglund, Kris; Carter, Thomas; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9216939 A000; 09/01/1992; $98,383; 12 mo. Design and Operation of High Performance Chemical Processes Seider, Warren; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9114080 A001; 08/15/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Experiments on the Internal Structure of Latexes Using Small Angle Neutron Scattering Sperling, Leslie; Klein, Andrew; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 CTS 8820705 A003; 03/15/1989; $4,869; 0 mo. Transport Modelling of Packed-Tube Reactors Stewart, Warren; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9120325 A000; 04/01/1992; $83,910; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $30,000 Synthesis and Analysis of Gas/Polymer Solutions for Ultra-Microcellular Plastics Production Suh, Nam; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9114738 A000; 03/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Zeolitic Solid Acid Catalysts for the Alkylation of Isoparaffins with Olefins Sundaresan, Sankaran; Wei, James; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9216699 A000; 09/01/1992; $219,060; 12 mo. Optimizing Control of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns Tavlarides, Lawrence; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300 CTS 9017138 A001; 02/15/1991; $39,859; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Thompson, Brian; University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS 66044 CTS 9157796 A001; 07/15/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Photophysical Emission Studies of Block Copolymers and Their Mixtures with Homopolymers Torkelson, John; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 8657809 A005; 09/01/1987; $74,206; 12 mo. Process Fault Diagnosis and Control Using Neural Networks Venkatasubramanian, Venkat; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9013349 A002; 09/01/1990; $79,759; 12 mo. Physics of Solid State Polymerization Warner, Steven; Polk, Malcolm; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 CTS 9104585 A000; 03/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $25,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Westmoreland, Phillip; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 9057406 A003; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Electrochemical Utilization of Hydrogen Sulfide Winnick, Jack; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 CTS 8915538 A002; 02/15/1990; $64,475; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Robust Process Control Zafiriou, Evanghelos; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 CTS 9057292 A002; 10/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Solid-State Rechargeable Batteries Using Plasma Polymerization Zurawsky, Walter; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 CTS 9207525 A000; 09/15/1992; $112,345; 12 mo. Fluid, Particulate, and Hydraulic Systems Program Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulics Mathematical Sciences: Nonlinear Coupling of Solitary Internal Waves with Small-Scale Disturbances Akylas, Triantaphyllos; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMS 9202064 A000; 09/01/1992; $66,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY $6,600 Boundary Layers over Moving Walls Alving, Amy; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9110447 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. An International Workshop on Recent Developments and Future Directions in Processing of Ceramics held During the Summer of 1992 in Las Vegas, Nevada Ariman, Teoman; Ariman, Teoman; Fine Particle Society Engineering Society, Tulsa, OK 74104 CTS 9216190 A000; 08/15/1992; $17,750; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $2,500 Experimental and Computational Studies of Complex Viscoelastic Flows Armstrong, Robert; Brown, Robert; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9202130 A000; 09/01/1992; $79,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Aubry, Nadine; CUNY City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 8957462 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. A Novel Instrument to Study the Effects of Turbulence Structure on the Cavitation of Turbomachinery Bachalo, William; Aerometrics Inc., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 III 9115759 A000; 08/15/1992; $233,132; 24 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Presidential Young Investigator Award Bayly, Bruce; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DMS 9057124 A001; 08/01/1990; $27,719; 12 mo. Order and Disorder in Dynamical Systems: Sand Flow and Superfluid Helium Mixtures Behringer, Robert; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 DMR 9017236 A001; 02/15/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $18,000 Modelling and Simulation of Viscoelastic Flow Instabilities Beris, Antony; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9114508 A000; 03/01/1992; $90,989; 12 mo. Oscillating Flow in Stirling Microrefrigerators: Empirical Verification of Analytical Results Bowman, Lyn; Sunpower Inc., Athens, OH 45701 III 9160269 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,959; 6 mo. Research Initiation Award: A Study of Roughness-Induced Bypass Transition Breuer, Kenneth; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9210436 A000; 07/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Contaminant Transport Processes Between Water and Sediment Beds in Rivers Brooks, Norman; Morgan, James; Koh, Robert; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BCS 9105965 A001; 07/15/1991; $120,622; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Mechanical Spectrometer Burghardt, Wesley; Torkelson, John; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9212271 A000; 08/01/1992; $101,310; 12 mo. Molecular Orientation in Complex Flows of Liquid Crystalline Polymers Burghardt, Wesley; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9213421 A000; 09/01/1992; $124,209; 24 mo. Time-Dependent Motion of Multimode Fluids Caswell, Bruce; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 CTS 8921668 A002; 07/01/1990; $111,623; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Chen, KangPing; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 CTS 9157063 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Rheometrics Dynamic Analyzer for the Characterization of Polymeric Fluids and Networks Cohen, Claude; Hieber, Cornelius; Koch, Donald; Wang, Kuo; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9212549 A000; 07/01/1992; $82,000; 12 mo. Gas Dynamic Involving Negative and Mixed Nonlinearity Cramer, Mark; Watson, Layne; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 CTS 8913198 A002; 01/15/1990; $89,211; 12 mo. CTS 8913198 A003; 01/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Hydrodynamic Interaction and Coalescence of Two Fluid Drops Davis, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 8914236 A002; 12/01/1989; $77,017; 12 mo. CTS 8914236 A003; 12/01/1989; $6,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,875 NSF Young Investigator Diplas, Panayiotis; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 CTS 9257335 A000; 08/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Drela, Mark; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 8657990 A006; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Travel Grants: U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, to be held in Haifa, Israel, August 22-28, 1992 Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9206382 A000; 03/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $6,666 The Interaction Between Turbulence and Dispersed Particles in Fully Developed Channel Flow Eaton, John; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 9005998 A003; 06/01/1990; $95,960; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aerothermodynamics Eberhardt, David; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 8657152 A006; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Small Grant for Exploratory Research: Audio-Post-Processing for Shear Layer Calculation Eberhardt, David; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9215487 A000; 06/01/1992; $18,086; 3 mo. Flow and Sediment Transport in Ice-Covered Alluvial Channels (Jointly Submitted with Hungary's Research Center for Water Resources) Ettema, Robert; Holly, Forrest; Patel, Virendra; Kennedy, John; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 CTS 9002697 A003; 06/01/1990; $106,617; 12 mo. Fluidization 1992: The Seventh Engineering Foundation Conference Fan, Liang-Shih; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 CTS 9122369 A000; 04/01/1992; $25,500; 4 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Turbulent Thermal Convection in Rotating and Stratefied Fluids Fernando, Harindra; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 CTS 8657378 A009; 07/01/1987; $52,584; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop to be held March 1992 in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Dynamics of Multicomponent Polymer Liquids Fuller, Gerald; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DMR 9120360 A000; 04/01/1992; $91,100; 12 mo. DMR 9120360 A001; 04/01/1992; $18,000; 0 mo. Computational Investigations of Pulmonary Airway Clearance Gaver, Donald; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 BCS 9209558 A000; 08/15/1992; $99,973; 36 mo. Dynamics of Jet Mixing Layer George, William; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9102863 A000; 01/01/1992; $99,459; 12 mo. IUTAM Symposium Entitled: Eddy Structure Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows (Poitiers, France) October 12-14, 1992 Glauser, Mark; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 CTS 9213607 A000; 05/01/1992; $7,450; 12 mo. Film Flow Instabilities and Spatiotemporal Dynamics Gollub, Jerry; Haverford College, Haverford, PA 19041 CTS 9115005 A000; 02/15/1992; $109,453; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,200 Industry-University Cooperative Research: Flow of Polymers in Complex Geometries Graessley, William; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9114536 A000; 02/01/1992; $102,342; 12 mo. Minority Research Initiation Awards: Non-Invasive Kinetic Studies of Film Decontamination from the Inner Surfaces of Tubes Grant, Christine; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9115327 A000; 01/15/1992; $120,953; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $90,715 Mathematical Sciences: Flow and Separation in a Centrifugal Spectrometer Greenspan, Harvey; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9207284 A000; 08/15/1992; $117,870; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $40,000 Interfacial Fluid Dynamics of the Lung Grotberg, James; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9013083 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,000 CTS 9013083 A002; 08/01/1991; $98,260; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $15,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Hall, Kenneth; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 CTS 9157908 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Wall Turbulence Hanratty, Thomas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9200936 A000; 09/15/1992; $95,581; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $19,116 Use of Direct Numerical Simulation and Lagrangian Methods in Turbulent Transport Hanratty, Thomas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9209877 A000; 09/01/1992; $87,000; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Separation of Binary Mixture Hussain, Fazle; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 CTS 9122746 A000; 12/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Compressible Vortex Dynamics and Turbulence: Reconnection, Core Dynamics, and Fine-Scale Organization Hussain, Fazle; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 CTS 9214818 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,750; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Jacobs, Jeffrey; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 CTS 9057039 A002; 07/01/1990; $30,000; 12 mo. International Travel Grant: To Attend the 2nd International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, May 31-June 2, 1993, Florence, Italy Johnston, James; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 9223705 A000; 04/01/1993; $6,852; 6 mo. Fluid Dynamics of Two Miscible Liquids with Slow Diffusion and Gradient Stresses Joseph, Daniel; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9020666 A001; 04/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 CTS 9020666 A002; 04/01/1991; $87,571; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $15,000 Studies of Two-Phase Flows of Solids and Liquids Joseph, Daniel; Lundgren, Thomas; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9213979 A000; 09/15/1992; $261,400; 12 mo. Numerical Computation of Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow over Rough Walls Karniadakis, George; Orszag, Steven; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8914422 A003; 01/01/1990; $117,512; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING $15,000 The Effect of Nonplanar Oscillations upon the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard Convection and Other Fluid Instabilities Kelly, Robert; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9123553 A000; 07/15/1992; $179,368; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING $89,684 Role of Extensional Stresses on the Interfacial Stability of Multiphase Flow Processes Khomami, Bamin; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 CTS 8914354 A004; 01/01/1990; $87,672; 12 mo. CTS 8914354 A005; 01/01/1990; $4,245; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,183 An Experimental Study of Non-Linear Water Waves Khosropour, Roset; Union College, Schenectady, NY 12308 CTS 9210150 A000; 09/01/1992; $18,000; 3 mo. Space-Time Evolution of Near-Wall Velocity Gradients That Generate Organized Streamwise Vorticity Klewicki, Joseph; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9120076 A000; 03/15/1992; $105,855; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,608 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Flow of Materials with Microstructure Koch, Donald; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 8857565 A004; 07/01/1988; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 CTS 8857565 A005; 07/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mechanics of Thin Film Processing-Spin Coating Lawrence, Christopher; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 8857040 A005; 08/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Concentrated Polymer Solutions in Strong Flows Neal, L. Gary; Pearson, Dale; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 DMR 9114280 A000; 01/15/1992; $129,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Lele, Sanjiva; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 9158142 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Evolution and Viscous Decay of Dipolar Vortex Couples in Two Dimensional Fluid Mechanics Lichter, Seth; Bernoff, Andrew; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9206828 A000; 08/15/1992; $82,823; 12 mo. International Travel Grant: International Collaborative Program on Atomization Lin, Sung; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 CTS 9215446 A000; 10/01/1992; $7,800; 12 mo. Student Foreign Conference Travel: The 6th International Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas in Western Australia December 8-10, 1992 List, E. John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9222402 A000; 12/01/1992; $4,980; 1 mo. Jointly Funded with KINETICS AND CATALYSIS and PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $685 Research Initiation Award: Velocity Measurements in a Simulated Microbust Longmire, Ellen; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9209948 A000; 07/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Active Excitement of Three-Dimensional Layers Loth, Eric; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9010594 A001; 07/01/1990; $8,000; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,000 Presidential Faculty Fellow Lowe, Mary; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 CTS 9253633 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: A One-Component Laser Doppler Velocimeter System for Turbulent Particulate Flows in Hydraulics Lyn, Dennis; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9212048 A000; 10/01/1992; $50,558; 12 mo. The Pressure Profile in Cone-and-Plate Flows of Liquid Crystal Polymers Magda, Jules; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9022734 A001; 03/15/1991; $20,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $20,000 Research Initiation Award: Investigation of Viscoelastic Flow Instabilities by Digital Particle Image Velocimetry McKinley, Gareth; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 CTS 9209779 A000; 07/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Nonlinear Water Wave Dynamics and Dispersion in Periodic Flows or Porous Media Mei, Chiang; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9115689 A000; 03/15/1992; $57,334; 12 mo. CTS 9115689 A001; 03/15/1992; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: New Directions in Computational Fluid Dynamics Meiburg, Eckart; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 CTS 9196004 A003; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Subgrid Scale Modeling in Turbulent Flows: An Empirical Study Meneveau, Charles; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9113048 A001; 09/01/1991; $98,799; 12 mo. Research Engineering Equipment: Dual Camera System for the Measurement of Unsteady Flow Phenomena Miles, Richard; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9212715 A000; 07/01/1992; $63,417; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mixing Processes in Surface-Water Flows Monismith, Stephen; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 8958314 A005; 08/15/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: High-Performance Graphics Workstation Mountziaris, Triantafillos; Kofke, David; Tsamopoulos, John; Nitsche, Johannes; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9212682 A000; 07/01/1992; $54,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $16,200 Materials Synthesis and Processing: A Novel Technique of Net-Form Materials Synthesis Orme, Melissa; Muntz, E.; Langdon, Terence; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 DDM 9204201 A000; 10/01/1992; $313,399; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY $25,001 Small Grants for Exploratory Research: The Use of Wavelets in Computational Fluid Dynamics Paolucci, Samuel; Sen, Mihir; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 CTS 9201152 A000; 04/15/1992; $49,298; 12 mo. Compressible Shear-Layer Mixing Experiments Papamoschou, Dimitri; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 CTS 9114220 A001; 10/01/1991; $23,235; 0 mo. CTS 9114220 A002; 10/01/1991; $49,160; 12 mo. Fluvial Morphology Resulting from Nonlinear Interactions of Water and Sediment Parker, Gary; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9207882 A000; 08/15/1992; $93,098; 12 mo. Energetics of Jet and Plume Turbulence in Stratified Fluids Roberts, Philip; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 CTS 8915537 A004; 12/15/1989; $75,296; 12 mo. Enhancement and Destabilization of Flow Structure by Forced Excitation of Globally Unstable Flow Systems Rockwell, Donald; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 CTS 8922095 A002; 07/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. CTS 8922095 A003; 07/01/1990; $95,930; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Creation and Dynamics of Multiple Orientational Defects in Liquid-Crystal Polymers and Their Influence on Flow Behavior Ryskin, Gregory; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9119858 A000; 03/15/1992; $99,865; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $30,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Problems in Modern Materials Processing Shaqfeh, Eric Stefan; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 9057284 A003; 07/01/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. CTS 9057284 A004; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Management, Analysis and Representation of Large Scientific Databases Sirovich, Lawrence; Bisshopp, Frederic; Vitter, Jeffrey; Everson, Richard; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 IRI 9116451 A000; 03/01/1992; $151,435; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DATABASES, SOFTWARE DEV AND COMP $55,717 Controlled Microdrop Melt Deposition Processes: Prospects and Scaling Laws Sonin, Ain; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9122123 A000; 09/01/1992; $45,000; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Skin-Friction Drag in the Turbulent Boundary Layer Sreenivasan, K.; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 CTS 9215203 A000; 06/15/1992; $49,846; 9 mo. Planar-Flow Melt-Spinning of Molten Meltals: Fluid Mechanics, Heat-Transfer and Solidification Steen, Paul; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9024461 A001; 08/15/1991; $92,594; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $35,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Stone, Howard; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 CTS 8957043 A004; 07/01/1989; $33,179; 12 mo. The Influence of Local and Global Instability on the Development of Countercurrent Mixing Layers Strykowski, Paul; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9116532 A000; 03/15/1992; $155,036; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,025 Studies of Breaking Wave Dynamics Svendsen, Ib; Kirby, James; Huq, Pablo; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 OCE 9203277 A000; 07/01/1992; $114,980; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Tezduyar, Tayfun; University of Minnesota-St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN 55455 CTS 8796352 A007; 09/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Wave Propagation, Flow and Phase Changes in Liquid-Vapor Systems Thompson, Philip; Hirsa, Amir; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 CTS 9119468 A000; 09/01/1992; $107,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $35,670 Numerical Studies of Multi-Fluid Systems Tryggvason, Gretar; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9013214 A001; 05/01/1991; $74,544; 12 mo. Inertial Effects in High-Velocity Boundary and Interior Layers in Liquid Metal MHD Flows Walker, John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9120448 A000; 05/01/1992; $68,644; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: An Investigation of Small Scales of Turbulence in a Boundary Layer at High Reynolds Numbers Wallace, James; Balint, Jean-Louis; Ong, Lawrence; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 CTS 9217505 A000; 06/15/1992; $35,228; 2 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Wark, Candace; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 CTS 9058081 A002; 06/15/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Experimental Investigation of Wakes and Shear Flows Williams, Katherine; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9057469 A002; 07/15/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Rheology and Optical Properties of Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers Winter, H. Henning; Stein, Richard; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 DMR 9101323 A001; 08/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Particulate and Multiphase Processes Engineering Research Equipment: Flume for Multiphase Flow Ackermann, Norbert; Shen, Hung Tao; Shen, Hayley; Yapa, Poojitha; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 CTS 9212119 A000; 07/01/1992; $73,063; 12 mo. Transport Processes in Two-Phase Macroscopically Homogeneous Systems Acrivos, Andreas; Mauri, Roberto; CUNY City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9012937 A001; 12/01/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Aidun, Cyrus; Institute of Paper Science and Technology, Atlanta, GA 30318 CTS 9258667 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Synthesis of Nanometer Diameter Particles and Measurement of Particle-Particle and Particle Substrate Interactions Andres, R.; Reifenberger, R.; Talbot, Julian; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9117691 A000; 05/15/1992; $338,010; 36 mo. An International Workshop on Recent Developments and Future Directions in Processing of Ceramics held During the Summer of 1992 in Las Vegas, Nevada Ariman, Teoman; Ariman, Teoman; Fine Particle Society Engineering Society, Tulsa, OK 74104 CTS 9216190 A000; 08/15/1992; $17,750; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO and FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Investigation of Particle-Turbulence Interactions near Boundaries by Direct Numerical Simulation Banerjee, Sanjoy; Hetsroni, Gad; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9123297 A000; 03/15/1992; $82,400; 12 mo. Order and Disorder in Dynamical Systems: Sand Flow and Superfluid Helium Mixtures Behringer, Robert; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 DMR 9017236 A001; 02/15/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $27,000 Nanocrystalline Materials Prepared by Spark Erosion Berkowitz, Ami; Meyers, Marc; Maple, M. Brian; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 ECS 9119005 A001; 10/01/1991; $151,607; 12 mo. Dynamics of Microstructured Fluids Brady, John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9020646 A001; 03/01/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. High Volume Production of Ultrafine Particles Brock, James; Becker, Michael; Keto, John; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9119043 A000; 05/15/1992; $338,000; 36 mo. Determine the Controlling Resistances in Filter Cakes Chase, George; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 CTS 9213646 A000; 06/01/1992; $16,947; 7 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Clark, Nigel; West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 CTS 8957146 A003; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Synthesis and Physical Properties of Nano-Clusters Crowe, Clayton; Hamilton, C. Howard; Hirth, John; Hoagland, Richard; Chung, Jacob; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 CTS 8912430 A004; 06/15/1990; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY $75,000 Microparticle Chemical Reactions and Chemical Spectroscopy Davis, E.; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9120334 A000; 04/15/1992; $75,040; 12 mo. Supercritical Spray Application of Paints and Coatings Donohue, Marc; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9216923 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,001; 12 mo. Correlation Transfer: A New Technique for Characterizing Dense Liquid/Particle Suspensions Dougherty, R.; Ackerson, Bruce; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 CTS 9117288 A000; 04/15/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Travel Grants: U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, to be held in Haifa, Israel, August 22-28, 1992 Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9206382 A000; 03/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $3,333 Equipment Related to the Study of Interaction Between Homogeneous Turbulence and Solid Particles Elghobashi, S.; LaRue, John; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 CTS 9208350 A000; 07/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Fluidization 1992: The Seventh Engineering Foundation Conference Fan, Liang-Shih; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 CTS 9122369 A000; 04/01/1992; $25,500; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Accomplishment-Based Project Renewal - Study of Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidization Fan, Liang-Shih; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 CTS 9200793 A000; 06/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Particle Sizing Using Particle Image Velocimetry Farrell, Patrick; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9106568 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop to be held March 1992 in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Lagrangian Description of Bedload Transport by Salutating Particles: Theory and Experiments Garcia, Marcelo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9210211 A000; 06/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Hydrodynamics of Fluidization Gidaspow, Dimitri; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 CTS 9015987 A001; 02/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Plasma Synthesis of Ceramics: Studies in Particle Nucleation and Growth Girshick, Steven; McMurry, Peter; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9006237 A002; 07/01/1990; $45,548; 0 mo. CTS 9006237 A003; 07/01/1990; $69,571; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $23,190 Request for Fiber Optic Probes and Digital Signal Analyzer/Processor to Upgrade Existing LDV System Hamed, Awatef; Tabakoff, Widen; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9213014 A000; 07/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Use of Direct Numerical Simulation and Lagrangian Methods in Turbulent Transport Hanratty, Thomas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9209877 A000; 09/01/1992; $87,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $27,000 Controlled Production of Ultrafine Particles Using Microemulsion and Ceramic Synthesis Technologies Hatton, T. Alan; Cima, Michael; Bawendi, Moungi; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9118907 A001; 09/01/1991; $199,670; 12 mo. Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation Using a Plasma Expansion Process Heberlein, Joachim; McMurry, Peter; Girshick, Steven; Martins, Jose' L.; University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, Minneapolis, MN 55455 ECS 9118100 A001; 10/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $15,000 Homogeneous Nucleation Investigation Heist, Richard; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 CTS 8919847 A002; 01/15/1990; $70,200; 12 mo. Full-Field Three-Dimensional Particle Velocimetry and Sizing in an ARC-Spray Coating System Hofeldt, David; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9210664 A000; 06/01/1992; $99,304; 36 mo. The Mechanics of Fluidized Suspensions Jackson, Roy; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9207469 A000; 09/01/1992; $85,000; 12 mo. Studies of Two-Phase Flows of Solids and Liquids Joseph, Daniel; Lundgren, Thomas; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9213979 A000; 09/15/1992; $261,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $79,900 The Nucleation of Supersaturated Vapors Katz, Joseph; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9202057 A000; 07/15/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $35,000 NSF DOE Workshop on Flow of Particulates and Fluids to be held September 17-18, 1992 Kilmer, Katherine; Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230 CTS 9221047 A000; 09/15/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. Transport Processes in Spray Drying King, C. Judson; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 8822989 A002; 05/01/1989; $67,929; 12 mo. Expert System Analysis for Monitoring and Diagnosis of Gas-Solid Transport Systems Klinzing, George; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 CTS 8914026 A003; 07/01/1990; $75,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Kodas, Toivo; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 CTS 9058538 A003; 07/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Particles in rf Plasma Processing Discharges: Generation, Transport and Plasma Dynamics Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9113215 A002; 08/15/1991; $73,105; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $24,368 Ultrasonic Measurements in Concentrated Suspensions Kytomaa, Harri; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9107449 A001; 09/01/1991; $12,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,000 CTS 9107449 A002; 09/01/1991; $53,540; 12 mo. Student Foreign Conference Travel: The 6th International Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas in Western Australia December 8-10, 1992 List, E. John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9222402 A000; 12/01/1992; $4,980; 1 mo. Jointly Funded with KINETICS AND CATALYSIS $163 Attendance of U.S. Scholars at International Freight Pipeline Symposium, July of 1992 Liu, Henry; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 CTS 9206753 A000; 02/15/1992; $12,500; 6 mo. Measurements of Thermophoretic Forces on Single Particles Loyalka, Sudarshan; Tompson, Robert; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 CTS 9122108 A000; 05/01/1992; $71,570; 12 mo. Chemical Reactions at Solid/Solution Interfaces and in Aerosols Matijevic, Egon; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 CHE 9108420 A001; 08/01/1991; $27,600; 0 mo. Synthesis of Composite Particles by Liquid Aerosol Thermolysis Messing, Gary; Santoro, Robert; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9202418 A000; 09/01/1992; $98,690; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $49,345 Engineering Foundation Conference on Dispersion and Aggregation: Fundamentals and Applications, March 15-20, 1992, Palm Coast, FL Moudgil, Brij; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 CTS 9200614 A000; 02/01/1992; $8,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $4,000 Ultrapurification of Superconducting Powders Moudgil, Brij; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 CTS 9222854 A000; 10/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Training Toward a Career in Colloid and Interface Science Ofoli, Robert; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9213655 A000; 08/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies by Ion-Exchange Displacement Chromatography Pinto, Neville; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9207631 A000; 09/01/1992; $140,231; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $138,305 Gas Phase Manufacture of Particulates in Aerosol Reactors Pratsinis, Sotiris; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 8908197 A001; 10/01/1989; $5,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Aerosol Processes Pratsinis, Sotiris; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 8957042 A003; 07/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Hindered Diffusion of Colloidal Particles Very Near to a Wall Prieve, Dennis; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9003874 A003; 09/01/1990; $90,000; 12 mo. Effect of Brownian Motion on the Interaction of Polymer-Coated Microspheres Prieve, Dennis; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9204061 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Microscopic and Macroscopic Modelling of Multi-Phase Flows Prosperetti, Andrea; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 8918144 A002; 01/01/1990; $77,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Particle Size Distribution Modelling and Control Rawlings, James; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 CTS 8957123 A003; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Physical and Chemical Behavior of Small Particles Ray, Asit; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 CTS 8912282 A004; 08/15/1989; $75,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-RES ON SNGL PART DYNAMICS $75,000 Foam Rheology Reinelt, Douglas; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 CTS 9113907 A000; 12/01/1991; $93,406; 36 mo. Inorganic Suspensions Using Well-Defined Copolymeric Stabilizers Riffle, Judy; Davis, Richey; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DMR 9005148 A002; 08/01/1990; $45,000; 12 mo. Structure and Rheology of Concentrated Dispersions: Statistical Mechanical Theory and Light Scattering Measurements Russel, William; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9021349 A001; 07/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Transport Processes in Dense Multiphase Systems Sangani, Ashok; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300 CTS 9118675 A000; 06/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Synthesis of Ultrafine Particles of Nanosize Reinforced Composites Sastry, Shankar; Kelton, Kenneth; Axelbaum, Richard; Buhro, William; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 9119006 A001; 10/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $15,000 A Study on the Dynamics of Fibrous Aerosols in Filtration Shaw, David; Patel, Sushil; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9015565 A001; 02/01/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Nanophase Composite Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration Shaw, David; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9204084 A000; 09/01/1992; $270,000; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Sinclair, Jennifer; Carnegie-Mellon Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9157185 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Stability of Colloidal Dispersions in Non-Aqueous Media Somasundaran, Ponisseril; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 CTS 9011991 A001; 02/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $20,000 Unsteady Motion in Pipe Flow of Gas-Solid Suspensions and Modeling Soo, Shao; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9014914 A003; 09/01/1990; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,750 CTS 9014914 A004; 09/01/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Light Scattering Studies of Fractal Soot Aggregates in Flames Sorensen, Christopher; Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 CTS 9024668 A001; 07/15/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NIST $25,000 RUI: Twin-Fluid Atomization of Slurry Jet Tsai, Shirley; California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach, CA 90815 CTS 9120807 A000; 04/15/1909; $180,000; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Large Particle Fluidization Turton, Richard; West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 CTS 8657548 A007; 07/01/1987; $18,955; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Wagner, Norman; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9158164 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Production of Submicron Spherical Ceramic Particles Withers, James; Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706 III 9161394 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Workshop on Particulate Two-Phase Flow Visualization Yang, Wen-Jei; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9022019 A002; 12/01/1990; $6,771; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Colloidal Interfacial Phenomena Zukoski, Charles; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 8657749 A005; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Investigations of Shear Thickening in Dense Suspensions Zukoski, Charles; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9200121 A000; 07/15/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Interfacial, Transport, and Separation Processes Program Interfacial, Transport, and Thermodynamic Properties Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary Nonelectrolyte Solutions Acree, William; University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203 CTS 8922485 A002; 04/01/1990; $58,550; 12 mo. Transport Processes in Two-Phase Macroscopically Homogeneous Systems Acrivos, Andreas; Mauri, Roberto; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9012937 A001; 12/01/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $12,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Characterization of Multicomponent Mixtures Allen, David; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 8657280 A007; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Membrane Science Anderson, Kimberly; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 CTS 9157856 A001; 07/01/1991; $56,200; 12 mo. An International Workshop on Recent Developments and Future Directions in Processing of Ceramics held During the Summer of 1992 in Las Vegas, Nevada Ariman, Teoman; Ariman, Teoman; Fine Particle Society Engineering Society, Tulsa, OK 74104 CTS 9216190 A000; 08/15/1992; $17,750; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Collision Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Dominated Processes in Etching Plasmas Becker, Kurt; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9017211 A001; 06/01/1991; $4,688; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,907 CTS 9017211 A002; 06/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECTROSCOPY and QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $30,000 Highly CO2-Soluble Surfactants for Supercritical Fluid Reaction, Separation and Impregnation Process Beckman, Eric; Enick, Robert; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 CTS 9123665 A000; 09/01/1992; $78,584; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mechanistic Studies of Colloidal Interactions Bike, Stacy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9058078 A002; 08/15/1990; $72,500; 3 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Statistical Thermodynamics of Complex and Supermolecular Fluids Blankschtein, Daniel; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 8957143 A003; 07/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. REU Supplement: Characterization of Polymer Interphases Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Boerio, F. James; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 8823071 A003; 12/01/1989; $72,463; 12 mo. CTS 8823071 A004; 12/01/1989; $9,860; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,395 Cryogenic Stage and Controlled Environment Vitrification System Bose, Arijit; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 CTS 9212817 A000; 09/01/1992; $33,600; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Brennecke, Joan; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 CTS 9157087 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. The Removal of Flux Residues from Printed Wiring Assemblies Carbonell, Ruben; Grant, Christine; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9216850 A000; 09/01/1992; $77,456; 12 mo. Molecular Separations Using Mobile Phases in Their Near-Critical Retrograde Regions Chimowitz, Eldred; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 CTS 8908828 A002; 10/15/1989; $83,837; 12 mo. Industry/University Collaboration: Molecular Theory of Transport Properties and Non-Newtonian Rheology Cummings, Peter; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 CTS 9101326 A001; 08/01/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. Effect of Low Temperature Processing on Polysilicon Thin Film Transistors Characteristics Czubatyj, Wolodymyr; Energy Conversion Devices Inc., Troy, MI 48084 III 9022287 A000; 07/01/1992; $250,000; 24 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Polymer Solution Thermodynamics Danner, Ronald; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9015427 A001; 06/15/1991; $87,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with WESTERN EUROPE, OTHER $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research: Microspherical Polymer Matrix Formation by Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions (RESS) and Mathematical Modelling of RESS Debenedetti, Pablo; Prud'Homme, Robert; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9000614 A002; 09/01/1990; $88,000; 12 mo. Industry/Academic Cooperative Research: A Fundamental Study of Non-Fickian Transport in Polymers Durning, Christopher; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 CTS 8919665 A001; 10/01/1990; $59,663; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $29,831 12th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Therodynamics, to be held August 16-21, 1992, in Snowbird, Utah Eatough, Delbert; Woolley, Earl; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 CTS 9205882 A000; 02/01/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STATISTICAL AND SIMULATIONS $2,000 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facilities Upgrade Edwards, Carl; Watson, Albert; Flumerfelt, Raymond; Barrufet, Maria; Poston, Steven; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 CTS 9213348 A000; 09/01/1992; $65,000; 12 mo. Gelation Crystallization of Polymers from Supercritical Solution as a Route Toward Useful Materials Ehrlich, Paul; Stein, Richard; Winter, H. Henning; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 9202541 A000; 09/01/1992; $147,722; 12 mo. Research Initiation Awards: Screening vs. Hydrogen Bonding in Chain Molecules Elliott, Richard; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 CTS 9110285 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 CTS 9110285 A002; 08/01/1991; $30,116; 12 mo. Simulation of Errors in Various Thermophysical Experiments from Which Virial Coefficients Are Extracted Eubank, Philip; Gammon, Bruce; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9021129 A001; 06/15/1991; $78,429; 12 mo. An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop to be held March 1992 in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Transport of Water by Surfactant Spreading in Unsaturated Porous Media Fort, Tomlinson; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 CTS 9213478 A000; 09/15/1992; $54,849; 12 mo. Research Initiation Awards: Characterization of Interdiffusion Between Layers of Langmuir-Blodgett Multilayers Foster, Mark; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 CTS 9110110 A001; 07/01/1991; $28,963; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Freeman, Benny; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9257911 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. In Situ Examination of Adsorption by Reflectance Spectroscopy Freiser, Henry; Sperline, Roger; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 CTS 9207861 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Acquisition of an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Research Instrument Gardner, Steven; Pittman, Charles; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 CTS 9212295 A000; 09/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $9,000 Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: An Innovative Undergraduate Materials Curriculum Gaskell, David; Peppas, Nikolaos; Caruthers, James; Bowman, Keith; Trumble, Kevin; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DMR 9218126 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY and POLYMERS $175,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Modification of Protein Structure near Charged Surfaces Gleason, Karen; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9057119 A002; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. A Hydrodynamically Controlled Interface for Phase Transfer Catalysis and Related Processes Goddard, Joe; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 CTS 9296008 A001; 08/31/1991; $74,170; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $15,000 Reaction Kinetics of Intermetallic Hydrides Goudy, Andrew; West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA 19383 CHE 9020765 A001; 06/15/1991; $36,000; 12 mo. Industry-University Cooperative Research: Flow of Polymers in Complex Geometries Graessley, William; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9114536 A000; 02/01/1992; $102,342; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $15,000 Investigations of Polymer Conformation and Colliod Stability Grant, Stanley; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 CTS 9208428 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,917; 12 mo. Behavior of Fluids in Microporous Materials Gubbins, Keith; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9122460 A000; 04/01/1992; $90,275; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Sorptometer Gubbins, Keith; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9213046 A000; 09/01/1992; $43,850; 12 mo. Wall Turbulence Hanratty, Thomas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9200936 A000; 09/15/1992; $95,581; 12 mo. Use of Direct Numerical Simulation and Lagrangian Methods in Turbulent Transport Hanratty, Thomas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9209877 A000; 09/01/1992; $87,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $27,000 Study of Relation Between Rheology, and Bulk and Interfacial Microstructure of Liquid Crystal Polymers Hill, David; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 CTS 9208478 A000; 09/01/1992; $99,987; 36 mo. Adhesion, Deformation, and Fusion of Monolayers, Bilayers, and Membranes Israelachvili, Jacob; Zasadzinski, Joseph; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9015537 A001; 04/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $30,000 Fluid Dynamics of Two Miscible Liquids with Slow Diffusion and Gradient Stresses Joseph, Daniel; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9020666 A002; 04/01/1991; $87,571; 12 mo. Causes and Consequences of Spontaneous Vesicle Formation Kaler, Eric; Zasadzinski, Joseph; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9102719 A001; 08/01/1991; $85,889; 12 mo. The Nucleation of Supersaturated Vapors Katz, Joseph; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9202057 A000; 07/15/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Relate NMR Relaxation Times of Pure Components and Mixtures with Viscosities and Diffusion Through Application of Corresponding States Kobayashi, Riki; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 CTS 9004067 A001; 01/01/1991; $72,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Liquid-Crystalline Mixtures - Theory and Experiment Kofke, David; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9057161 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope for In-Situ Manufacturing Processes, Materials Engineering and Tribological Studies Komanduri, Ranga; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 DDM 9112223 A000; 04/15/1992; $150,705; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $50,705 Supercritical Fluid Purification of Alane:Trimethylamine Kosar, Walter; Advanced Technology Materials Inc., Danbury, CT 06810-4131 III 9160536 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Droplet Segregation in Miscibility-Gap Alloy Solidification Owing to Thin Film Effects Krantz, William; Thiessen, David; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9103058 A001; 08/15/1991; $51,341; 12 mo. Electric Field Effects on Polymer Alloys Krause, Sonja; Wnek, Gary; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DMR 9202988 A000; 08/15/1992; $160,000; 12 mo. Workshop on USA/German Collaboration in Research and Education: Chemical Engineering to be held on April 3, 1992 Kummler, Ralph; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 CTS 9204150 A000; 02/15/1992; $19,390; 12 mo. A Fiber Optic Fluoresence Detector for the Lithium Ion Langmuir, Margaret; Covalent Associates Inc., Woburn, MA 01801 III 9022320 A001; 08/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Oil-Water Interfacial Synthesis as a Benign and Safer Alternative to Conventional Liquid-Phase Syntheses Lim, Phooi; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9217443 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROCESS AND REACTION ENGINEERING $15,000 Experimental Study of Liquid-Liquid-Vapor Phase Equilibria Behavior in Gas Solvent + Polar Solute Mixtures Luks, Kraemer; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104 CTS 8914725 A003; 03/01/1990; $52,447; 12 mo. Statistical Mechanics of Associating Solutions Mansoori, G. Ali; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 CTS 9108595 A000; 11/01/1991; $62,942; 12 mo. X-Ray Structural Study of the Effect of Substrate Preparation on Liquid Crystal Alignment Martinez-Miranda, Luz; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 9201986 A000; 08/15/1992; $180,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY $90,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Measurement of Multiphase Transport Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging McCarthy, Michael; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 CTS 9057660 A001; 10/01/1990; $70,805; 12 mo. CTS 9057660 A002; 10/01/1990; $66,695; 12 mo. Travel to the IVth International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Kyoto, Japan, May 17-22, 1992 McCoy, Benjamin; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 CTS 9203228 A000; 05/01/1992; $3,342; 12 mo. A Model International Engineering Exchange Program: MSU/RWTH-Aachen, and Kaiserslautern McGrath, John; Dhanak, Amritlal; Foss, John; Lloyd, John; Somerton, Craig; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9016477 A001; 07/15/1991; $59,784; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with US/USSR ACTIVITIES $15,000 International Group Travel Grant: German Summer Program for Undergraduate Students in Separations, Interfacial, and Transport Phenomena (June-August 1993) McGrath, John; Anderson, Donald; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9224387 A000; 10/01/1992; $29,777; 12 mo. Experimental Study of High Pressure Copolymer Solution Behavior McHugh, Mark; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9122003 A000; 02/01/1992; $82,675; 12 mo. CTS 9122003 A001; 02/01/1992; $6,083; 0 mo. Modeling Adsorption Equilibria in Porous and Heterogeneous Solids Monson, Peter; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 9115297 A000; 01/15/1992; $78,276; 12 mo. Engineering Foundation Conference on Dispersion and Aggregation: Fundamentals and Applications, March 15-20, 1992, Palm Coast, FL Moudgil, Brij; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 CTS 9200614 A000; 02/01/1992; $8,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: High-Performance Graphics Workstation Mountziaris, Triantafillos; Kofke, David; Tsamopoulos, John; Nitsche, Johannes; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9212682 A000; 07/01/1992; $54,000; 12 mo. Cluster Formation in Metastable Solutions Myerson, Allan; Arnold, Stephen; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 CTS 9020233 A001; 04/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $20,000 Research Initiation Awards: Configurational Transport Processes in Reactions with Enzymes Bound to Fabricated Tailored Supports Nitsche, Johannes; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9111034 A001; 07/01/1991; $26,691; 12 mo. Polymerized Bicontinuous Cubic Lipid Assemblies O'Brien, David; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 CTS 9202035 A000; 09/15/1992; $117,722; 12 mo. Travel to Sixth International Conference on Fluid Properties & Phase Equilibria for Chemical Process Design, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy on July 19-24, 1992 O'Connell, John; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 CTS 9201434 A000; 04/01/1992; $17,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Advanced Techniques for Physical Property Prediction in Complex Systems Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 8958640 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. 1992 Gordon Conference on Science of Adhesion, August 10-14 at New Hampton, New Hampshire Penn, Lynn; Cruickshank, Alexander; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 CTS 9206384 A000; 05/01/1992; $3,000; 12 mo. Research Equipment Grants: An Advanced Thermal Analysis System for Macromolecular Coal Studies Peppas, Nikolaos; Caruthers, James; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9112209 A001; 08/01/1991; $7,825; 0 mo. Polymer Dissolution Peppas, Nikolaos; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9212482 A000; 09/15/1992; $56,000; 12 mo. Solid Phase Membrane Mimetics Pidgeon, Charles; Marcus, Craig; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 8908450 A002; 10/15/1989; $63,027; 12 mo. Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies by Ion-Exchange Displacement Chromatography Pinto, Neville; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9207631 A000; 09/01/1992; $140,231; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $139,895 Metal Deposition from Supercritical Electrolytes Prentice, Geoffrey; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9113462 A000; 12/01/1991; $124,961; 24 mo. Structural Analyses of Complex Fluids: Inverse Scattering and Size and Charge Dispersity Rajagopalan, Raj; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 CTS 9100139 A001; 08/01/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. A Quantitative Study of Drop Coalescence in Stirred Dispersion Ramkrishna, Doraiswami; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9020320 A001; 06/01/1991; $76,000; 12 mo. Fabrication and Evaluation of Organized Molecular Assemblies of Electroactive Polymers Rubner, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9023867 A001; 07/01/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. Modification of the Surface Properties of Polymers Ruckenstein, Eli; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9203384 A000; 07/15/1992; $92,696; 12 mo. Creation and Dynamics of Multiple Orientational Defects in Liquid-Crystal Polymers and Their Influence on Flow Behavior Ryskin, Gregory; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9119858 A000; 03/15/1992; $99,865; 12 mo. Electrolytic Steelmaking: Environmentally Sound Metal Production Sadoway, Donald; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9216958 A000; 11/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Dynamic Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Transport Catalytic Materials Sahimi, Muhammad; Shing, Katherine; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 CTS 9122529 A000; 04/15/1992; $43,200; 12 mo. REU: Thermodynamics of Dilute Aqueous Solutions Sandler, Stanley; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9123434 A000; 05/01/1992; $87,000; 12 mo. CTS 9123434 A001; 05/01/1992; $6,000; 0 mo. Computer-Aided Analysis of the Flow, Transport and Stability in Systems with Fixed, Free and/or Moving Interfaces Sani, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9120673 A000; 02/01/1992; $83,747; 12 mo. The Effect of Polymer Architecture and Segment-Surface Interactions on the Dynamic Properties of Polymer Layers Absorbed from Aqueous Solution Santore, Maria; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 CTS 9209290 A000; 07/01/1992; $99,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $99,000 Electrodeposition of Composition Modulated NiFe Alloys: Relationship Between Structure and Processing in a Transient Flow Schwartz, Daniel; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9210637 A000; 08/01/1992; $69,997; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Surface Chemistry in Semiconductor Thin Film Deposition Seebauer, Edmund; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 8857037 A004; 06/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. US-USSR Cooperative Research: Critical Phenomena in Multicomponent and Disperse Systems Sengers, Jan; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 CTS 9022662 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with STATE $8,000 CTS 9022662 A002; 07/01/1991; $35,000; 12 mo. Rapid Precipitation of Homogeneous Polymer Blends Shine, Annette; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 DDM 9102435 A001; 08/01/1991; $85,767; 12 mo. Accelerated Coalescence in Phase Separation of Partially Miscible Solvents Shinnar, Reuel; Mauri, Roberto; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9216133 A000; 09/15/1992; $93,951; 12 mo. Theory of Molecular Diffusion on Surfaces and in Microporous Materials Silverberg, Marvin; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, Beaverton, OR 97006-1999 CTS 9211333 A000; 07/01/1992; $99,126; 36 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Water Analogs to Carbon Buckyballs: Structure H Hydrate and Beyond Sloan, E. Dendy; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 CTS 9206172 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,549; 12 mo. Stability of Colloidal Dispersions in Non-Aqueous Media Somasundaran, Ponisseril; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 CTS 9011991 A001; 02/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer to Probe Microstructures at Interfaces Somasundaran, Ponisseril; Gryte, Carl; Turro, Nicholas; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 CTS 9111909 A001; 09/01/1991; $883; 0 mo. Partial Core Support for the Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology Spindel, William; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9014558 A001; 10/01/1990; $30,000; 12 mo. Oscillating Bubble Tensiometry: A New Method for Measuring the Kinetics of Surfactant Adsorptive-Desorptive Exchange Stebe, Kathleen; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 CTS 9210652 A000; 07/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Transport Modelling of Packed-Tube Reactors Stewart, Warren; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9120325 A000; 04/01/1992; $83,910; 12 mo. SEM/TEM Study of Zeolite Crystallization Thompson, Robert; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 CTS 9103357 A001; 09/01/1991; $74,994; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $34,994 Wave Propagation, Flow and Phase Changes in Liquid-Vapor Systems Thompson, Philip; Hirsa, Amir; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 CTS 9119468 A000; 09/01/1992; $107,000; 12 mo. Tailored Interfaces with Amphiphilic Polymers Tirrell, Matthew; Mays, J.W.; Russel, William; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9107025 A001; 09/01/1991; $112,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $112,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Solid-Liquid Interfacial Phenomena Vanderlick, T. Kyle; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 8957051 A004; 07/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation Awards: In-Situ Measurement of Interfacial Mass Changes with Chemically Milled At-Cut Quartz Crystals Ward, Michael; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9111000 A001; 09/01/1991; $30,000; 12 mo. Thin Liquid Films - Structure and Stability Wasan, Darsh; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 CTS 9106589 A001; 07/15/1991; $79,000; 12 mo. Flow of Simple, Oligomeric and Polymeric Fluids in Well-Defined Straight Micropores: A Combined Molecular Simulation and Experimental Approach Westerman-Clark, Gerald; Bitsanis, I.; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 CTS 9015882 A001; 06/01/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: A Modified STM/AFM for Complex Fluid Investigations Zasadzinski, Joseph; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9212790 A000; 09/01/1992; $35,565; 12 mo. Separation and Purification Processes Polymer-in-Pore Composite Membranes Anderson, John; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9122573 A000; 03/15/1992; $84,995; 12 mo. Nonspecific and Specific Adhesion of Bacterial Cells to Membranes Anderson, Kimberly; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 CTS 9216258 A000; 06/15/1992; $42,505; 12 mo. Small Grant for Exploratory Research: A Novel Application of Total Internal Reflection Microscopy: Electrokinetic Lift Bike, Stacy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9216077 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Molecular Thermodynamics of Protein Precipitation in Aqueous Solution Blanch, Harvey; Prausnitz, John; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 8914849 A002; 09/15/1990; $63,795; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG $63,795 NSF Young Investigator Chakaraborty, Arup; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9257639 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Molecular Separations Using Mobile Phases in Their Near-Critical Retrograde Regions Chimowitz, Eldred; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 CTS 8908828 A002; 10/15/1989; $83,837; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $41,919 Solution Properties and Membrane Formation of New Block Copolymers Cohen, Claude; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 8907153 A002; 09/01/1989; $31,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $31,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Downstream Bioprocessing and Production Scale Displacement Chromatography Cramer, Steven; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 CTS 8957746 A003; 10/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Membranes with Chained Carriers Cussler, Edward; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9123837 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,802; 12 mo. Fundamentals of Fouling and Flux Decline in Crossflow Membrane Filtration Davis, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9107703 A001; 09/15/1991; $14,292; 0 mo. CTS 9107703 A002; 09/15/1991; $5,850; 0 mo. New Tools for the Computer-Aided Design of Nonideal Distillation Systems Doherty, Michael; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 CTS 9113717 A000; 11/01/1991; $244,855; 36 mo. Industry/Academic Cooperative Research: A Fundamental Study of Non-Fickian Transport in Polymers Durning, Christopher; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 CTS 8919665 A001; 10/01/1990; $59,663; 12 mo. A Novel Approach to the Optimal Design of Hybrid Waste-Recovery Processes El-Halwagi, Mahmoud; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 CTS 9211039 A000; 06/01/1992; $89,739; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Optimal Synthesis and Control of Chemical Processes Floudas, Christodoulos; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8857013 A004; 07/01/1988; $67,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Acquisition of an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Research Instrument Gardner, Steven; Pittman, Charles; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 CTS 9212295 A000; 09/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Zeolite Membranes Gavalas, George; Davis, Mark; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9114829 A000; 02/15/1992; $107,236; 12 mo. Continuous SPLITT Fractionation Giddings, J. Calvin; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9204086 A000; 07/15/1992; $124,462; 12 mo. A Hydrodynamically Controlled Interface for Phase Transfer Catalysis and Related Processes Goddard, Joe; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 CTS 9296008 A001; 08/31/1991; $74,170; 12 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Flow and Separation in a Centrifugal Spectrometer Greenspan, Harvey; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9207284 A000; 08/15/1992; $117,870; 12 mo. Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction: Theory and Experiment Hall, Carol; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9208590 A000; 09/15/1992; $99,491; 12 mo. Distillation Dynamics: Propagation and Fate of Disturbances in Multicomponent Fractionation Columns Helfferich, Friedrich; Hwang, Ying-Long; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9020749 A001; 03/01/1991; $64,077; 12 mo. Solution Properties and Membrane Formation of New Block Copolymers Hogen-Esch, Thieo; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 CTS 8919745 A002; 09/01/1989; $31,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $31,500 Adhesion, Deformation, and Fusion of Monolayers, Bilayers, and Membranes Israelachvili, Jacob; Zasadzinski, Joseph; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9015537 A001; 04/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Biomineralization Mimetics and Particle Synthesis in Microstructured Environments John, Vijay; McPherson, Gary; O'Connor, Kim; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 BCS 9202123 A000; 09/01/1992; $348,000; 36 mo. Selective Precipitation of Protiens with Ligand-Modified Phospholipids Kilpatrick, Peter; Carbonell, Ruben; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9200823 A000; 08/01/1992; $118,996; 12 mo. Formation of Chemically Modified Ceramic Membranes and Their Transport Characterization Koros, William; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 CTS 9022622 A001; 05/01/1991; $74,584; 12 mo. Molybdate Clustering in Crystallization Solutions Larson, Maurice; Schrader, Glenn; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 CTS 8912370 A002; 02/01/1990; $63,326; 12 mo. Research Initiation Awards: Enhanced Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography for Bioseparations Lee, Cheng; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 CTS 9108875 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY $5,000 Relation of Protein Electrostatic Properties to Separations Behavior Lenhoff, Abraham; Kaler, Eric; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9111604 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Protein Separations: A Thermodynamic Approach Lenhoff, Abraham; Sandler, Stanley; Paulaitis, Michael; Kaler, Eric; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 BCS 9210401 A000; 09/15/1992; $267,513; 12 mo. Developing Adsorptive Protein Separations Lightfoot, E.; Root, Thatcher; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9204436 A000; 09/15/1992; $130,000; 12 mo. Counter-Diffusion CVD for Preparation of Dense Inorganic Membrane Composites Lin, Y.; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9208518 A000; 07/01/1992; $99,556; 36 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Adsorption Porosimeter for Ceramic Membrane Studies Lin, Y.; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9212272 A000; 08/15/1992; $33,550; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers Lipscomb, G. Glenn; Fried, Joel; Mark, James; Gehrke, Stevin; Pollack, Steven; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9212964 A000; 09/01/1992; $133,630; 12 mo. Vesicular Biomimetic Membranes for Metal Recovery Monbouquette, Harold; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9212270 A000; 08/15/1992; $94,069; 12 mo. Ultrapurification of Superconducting Powders Moudgil, Brij; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 CTS 9222854 A000; 10/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $50,000 Protein Purification Using an Affinity Membrane Muchmore, David; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9100200 A000; 11/01/1991; $249,680; 24 mo. Cluster Formation in Metastable Solutions Myerson, Allan; Arnold, Stephen; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 CTS 9020233 A001; 04/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Antisedimentation Dialysis: Fundamentals and Applications in Membrane Characterization, Fractionation of Macrosolutes, and Simulation of Microgravity Nitsche, Ludwig; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 CTS 9210277 A000; 06/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. NSF Young Investigator Nitsche, Johannes; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9257391 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Industry University Cooperative Research Center for for Separations Using Thin Films Noble, Richard; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 EEC 9103095 A001; 03/15/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $15,000 Materials Synthesis and Processing: A Novel Technique of Net-Form Materials Synthesis Orme, Melissa; Muntz, E.; Langdon, Terence; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 DDM 9204201 A000; 10/01/1992; $313,399; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS and METALLURGY $240,030 Solid Phase Membrane Mimetics (II) Pidgeon, Charles; Marcus, Craig; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9214794 A000; 10/01/1992; $74,964; 12 mo. Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies by Ion-Exchange Displacement Chromatography Pinto, Neville; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9207631 A000; 09/01/1992; $140,231; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO and PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $139,895 NSF Young Investigator Ploehn, Harry; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 CTS 9258137 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Characterization of Mixing Phenomena Impacting the Formation of Protein Precipitates for Bioprocessing Applications Przybycien, Todd; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 CTS 9211666 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Use of Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration for Removal/Recovery of Dissolved Organics and Metals from Water Roberts, Bruce; Surfactant Associates Inc., Norman, OK 73071 III 9160806 A000; 02/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Investigation of Aqueous Biphasic Polyethylene Glycol Systems for the Selective Liquid/Liquid Extraction of Dissolved Metal Ions Rogers, Robin; Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL 60115 CTS 9207264 A000; 09/15/1992; $88,811; 12 mo. The Effect of Polymer Architecture and Segment-Surface Interactions on the Dynamic Properties of Polymer Layers Absorbed from Aqueous Solution Santore, Maria; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 CTS 9209290 A000; 07/01/1992; $99,000; 36 mo. Use of Ligand-Modified Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration in the Selective Removal of Toxic Metal Ions from Polluted Water Scamehorn, John; Taylor, Richard; Christian, Sherril; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 CTS 9123388 A000; 07/01/1992; $324,988; 36 mo. Electrochemical Formation of Thin Ceramic Mixed Conduction Membranes for Oxygen Separation Schwartz, Michael; Eltron Research Inc., Aurora, IL 60504 III 9161276 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Research Initiation Award: Polymers for Selective Binding of Metal Ions Scranton, Alec; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9110163 A001; 06/15/1991; $14,700; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $11,025 Assessment of Research and Development in Japan and Europe Shelton, R. Duane; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 ENG 9111333 A002; 08/01/1991; $448,750; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with OCEAN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS $70,000 Support for the 1992 Gordon Research Conference on Separation and Purification to be held on August 10-14, 1992 Sherman, John; Helfferich, Friedrich; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 CTS 9216256 A000; 08/01/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Optimizing Control of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns Tavlarides, Lawrence; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300 CTS 9017138 A001; 02/15/1991; $39,859; 12 mo. SEM/TEM Study of Zeolite Crystallization Thompson, Robert; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 CTS 9103357 A001; 09/01/1991; $74,994; 12 mo. Membrane-Based Process for the Synthesis of Chiral Pyrethroids van Eikeren, Paul; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9109179 A000; 06/01/1992; $134,816; 12 mo. Membrane-Based Two-Phase Flow System for Enantiomer Separation van Eikeren, Paul; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9160783 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,896; 6 mo. Small Grant for Exploratory Research: Molecular Engineering at Ultrathin Organic Films for Membrane Separations Vanderlick, T. Kyle; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9215577 A000; 07/01/1992; $49,499; 12 mo. Flow of Simple, Oligomeric and Polymeric Fluids in Well-Defined Straight Micropores: A Combined Molecular Simulation and Experimental Approach Westerman-Clark, Gerald; Bitsanis, I.; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 CTS 9015882 A001; 06/01/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $30,000 Research Initiation Award: Protein Separation Utilizing Utilizing Temperature-Sensitive Microemulsions Wiencek, John; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 CTS 9110757 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Simultaneous Separation and Polymerization of Hazardous Organics via Enzyme Catalysts Wiencek, John; Yarmush, Martin; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 CTS 9213496 A000; 06/15/1992; $34,826; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Protein Separations by Adsorption and Molecular Recognition Willson, Richard; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 CTS 9058271 A002; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. New Sorbents for Gas Separations and Purifications Yang, Ralph; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9212279 A000; 09/15/1992; $74,463; 12 mo. Special Programs Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology Core Support Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CHE 9115617 A003; 08/01/1991; $93,820; 12 mo. Investigation of the Laminar Flamelet Model of Turbulent Diffusion Flames Kosaly, George; Riley, James; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9021928 A002; 03/01/1991; $103,324; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-INVES OF LAMINAR FLA $43,324 An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop to be held March 1992 in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 A Model International Engineering Exchange Program: MSU/RWTH-Aachen, and Kaiserslautern McGrath, John; Dhanak, Amritlal; Foss, John; Lloyd, John; Somerton, Craig; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9016477 A001; 07/15/1991; $59,784; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with US/USSR ACTIVITIES $15,000 Physical and Chemical Behavior of Small Particles Ray, Asit; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 CTS 8912282 A004; 08/15/1989; $75,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-RES ON SNGL PART DYNAMICS $75,000 Light Scattering Studies of Fractal Soot Aggregates in Flames Sorensen, Christopher; Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 CTS 9024668 A001; 07/15/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NIST $25,000 Partial Core Support for the Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology Spindel, William; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9014558 A001; 10/01/1990; $30,000; 12 mo. Thermal Systems Program Combustion and Thermal Plasmas Engineering Research Equipment: Mossbauer Spectrometer with Magnetic Resolution for Catalysis/Coal Mineral Research Bartholomew, Calvin; Hecker, William; Eatough, Delbert; Dubow, Joel; Harb, John; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 CTS 9212479 A000; 07/01/1992; $38,000; 12 mo. Collision Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Dominated Processes in Etching Plasmas Becker, Kurt; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9017211 A001; 06/01/1991; $4,688; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $3,907 CTS 9017211 A002; 06/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECTROSCOPY and QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $30,000 Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International) on Combustion Calcote, Hartwell; Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 CTS 9121338 A000; 11/01/1991; $10,000; 24 mo. Combustion Synthesis of Silicon Carbide for Advanced Ceramics Calcote, Hartwell; AeroChem Research Laboratories Inc., Princeton, NJ 08542 III 9160896 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. The Effect of Pressure on Low and Intermediate Temperature Hydrocarbon Oxidation Cernansky, Nicholas; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 8914756 A001; 02/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Engineering Research Equipment: Multidimensional Gas Chromatography System Cernansky, Nicholas; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9212892 A000; 07/01/1992; $13,728; 12 mo. Thermal Front Propagation of Fast Igniting Catalytic Converters Chang, Hseuh-Chia; Wolf, Eduardo; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 CTS 9200210 A000; 06/15/1992; $210,000; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Experimental Study on Laminar and Turbulent Flame Thickness Cho, Peck; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 CTS 9009518 A001; 06/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Use of Low Cost Proprientary Catalyst to Reduce NOx in the Presence of Ammonia Colannino, Joseph; Carnot Technical Services Inc., Tustin, CA 92680-7388 III 9104439 A000; 09/15/1991; $249,695; 24 mo. Fundamental Deposition Processes in Optical Fiber Manufacturing Daily, John; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9005765 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Drallmeier, James; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 CTS 9157094 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Flame-Vortex Interaction Studies to Reduce Pollutants from Engines Driscoll, James; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9123834 A000; 07/01/1992; $74,021; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Combustion in Boundary Layers and Particle-Laden Flows Dunn-Rankin, Derek; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 CTS 8957208 A004; 07/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Aerodynamics and Kinetics Effects on the Dynamics of Steady/Unsteady Laminar, Stretched Flames Egolfopoulos, Fokion; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 CTS 9211844 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Turbulence/Premixed-Flame Interactions in Isotropic Turbulence Faeth, Gerard; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9019813 A001; 02/01/1991; $59,445; 12 mo. An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop to be held March 1992 in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Wide-Temperature Range Chemical Kinetics Studies for Understanding the Role of Chromium in Waste Incineration Fontijn, Arthur; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 CTS 9000309 A002; 05/01/1990; $73,220; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for Combustion and Gasification Research Frederick, W. J.; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 CTS 9213028 A000; 07/01/1992; $47,433; 12 mo. Dynamics of Excimer Laser Ablation in Plasma Environments Gilgenbach, Ronald; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9108971 A001; 08/01/1991; $43,305; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $43,305 Plasma Synthesis of Ceramics: Studies in Particle Nucleation and Growth Girshick, Steven; McMurry, Peter; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9006237 A003; 07/01/1990; $69,571; 12 mo. Diamond Film Deposition in a Radio-Frequency Thermal Plasma Girshick, Steven; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9115464 A000; 12/15/1991; $247,071; 36 mo. Direct Numerical Simulations and Large Eddy Simulations of Unpremixed Turbulent Flames Givi, Peyman; McMurtry, Patrick; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9012832 A001; 12/15/1990; $7,566; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Simulation of Complex Reacting Flows Givi, Peyman; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9057460 A002; 09/01/1990; $37,150; 6 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow Givi, Peyman; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9253488 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Gomez, Alessandro; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 CTS 9257951 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Combustion Synthesis of Diamond Goodwin, David; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 9057921 A003; 07/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Gore, Jayavant; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9157920 A001; 09/01/1991; $54,900; 12 mo. Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation Using a Plasma Expansion Process Heberlein, Joachim; McMurry, Peter; Girshick, Steven; Martins, Jose' L.; University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, Minneapolis, MN 55455 ECS 9118100 A001; 10/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $15,000 Research Initiation Award: Combustion in an Asymmetric Configuration Hertzberg, Jean; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9109778 A001; 06/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Incineration of Fixed Nitrogen Compounds Hesketh, Robert; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104 CTS 9211905 A000; 07/01/1992; $96,632; 36 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Wave Motion in (Primarily) Reactive Fluids Induced by Rapid Energy Deposition Kapila, Ashwani; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DMS 9122547 A000; 06/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Diamond Film Generation from a Combustion Jet Keil, David; AeroChem Research Laboratories Inc., Princeton, NJ 08542 III 9161303 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Particulates and Soot in Flames Kennedy, Ian; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 CTS 8857477 A005; 07/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Investigation of the Laminar Flamelet Model of Turbulent Diffusion Flames Kosaly, George; Riley, James; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9021928 A002; 03/01/1991; $103,324; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-INVES OF LAMINAR FLA $43,324 Engineering Research Equipment: FTIR Spectrometer for Incineration Byproducts Kramlich, John; Malte, Phillip; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 CTS 9213121 A000; 07/01/1992; $35,931; 12 mo. Particles in rf Plasma Processing Discharges: Generation, Transport and Plasma Dynamics Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9113215 A001; 08/15/1991; $4,450; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,337 CTS 9113215 A002; 08/15/1991; $73,105; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $48,736 Combustion of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Hazardous Waste Incineration Law, Chung; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8915397 A002; 02/01/1990; $75,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Laser Diagnostics Imaging System for Turbulent Combustion Research Law, Chung; Kreutz, Thomas; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9212518 A000; 07/01/1992; $59,867; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Hazardous Waste Thermal Remediation Lighty, JoAnn; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9057963 A003; 09/01/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. CTS 9057963 A004; 09/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Combustion Synthesis: Filtration Combustion Matkowsky, Bernard; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9008624 A002; 09/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FSU SUPPLEMENTS $8,000 Engineering Research Equipment: Gas Chromatograph with Data System McKinnon, J.; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 CTS 9212904 A000; 07/15/1992; $21,803; 12 mo. Mechanisms of Fullerene Synthesis in Flames McKinnon, J.; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 CTS 9215795 A000; 09/01/1992; $66,306; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator McKinnon, J.; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 CTS 9258149 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator McMurtry, Patrick; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9258445 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Excimer Laser System for Pump-Probe Experiments Miller, J. Houston; Vertes, Akos; George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 CTS 9212389 A000; 08/01/1992; $65,312; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: High Speed Data Acquisition/Analysis System Miller, David; Owens, Kevin; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9212909 A000; 07/01/1992; $18,950; 12 mo. Small Grant for Exploratory Research: Development of a New Diagnostic for Hydroperoxy Radical Measurement Miller, David; Owens, Kevin; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9213932 A000; 04/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. The Synergistic Effects of Ceramic Materials Synthesis Using Vapor-Enhanced Reactive Sintering Moore, John; Readey, Dennis; Wirth, David; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 CTS 9202948 A000; 09/15/1992; $249,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS and MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $99,500 Engineering Research Equipment: Intensified CCD Camera for Supersonic Combustion Studies Mungal, Mark; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CTS 9212687 A000; 08/01/1992; $29,788; 12 mo. The Thermal Characteristics of Combustion Waves in Self-Sustaining Reactions Munir, Zuhair; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 CTS 9011242 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. The Centrifugal Synthesis and Processing of Functionally Gradient Materials Munir, Zuhair; McCoy, Benjamin; Risbud, Subhash; Holt, J. Birch; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 DMR 9201685 A000; 09/01/1992; $230,000; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $120,000 1992 Gordon Research Conference on High Temperature Chemistry, Kingston, R.I., July 20-24, 1992 Myers, Clifford; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 DMR 9123146 A000; 06/01/1992; $6,500; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Catalytic Combustion Pfefferle, Lisa; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 CTS 8657648 A006; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Combustion and Laser Diagnostic Research Pitz, Robert; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 CTS 8657130 A007; 07/15/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Organization of the Laser Application to Chemical Analysis Topical Meeting Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 CTS 9207957 A000; 05/01/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mechanisms of Flammability Limits in Premixed Gases Ronney, Paul; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8657228 A005; 06/01/1987; $62,500; 12 mo. Synthesis of Ultrafine Particles of Nanosize Reinforced Composites Sastry, Shankar; Kelton, Kenneth; Axelbaum, Richard; Buhro, Willliam; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 9119006 A001; 10/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $15,000 Joint U.S.-Russia Conference on Catalytic Combustion Schmidt, Lanny; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9213663 A000; 06/15/1992; $6,000; 9 mo. The Detailed Chemical Mechanisms for Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 Flame Generated Deposition on Heated Metal Surfaces: Implications for High Temperature Corrosion and Its Control Schofield, Keith; Steinberg, Martin; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9020355 A001; 08/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Chemical Kinetics of Combustion of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Senkan, Selim; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9196101 A002; 01/01/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Measurements and Modeling of the Behavior of Charring Polymers in Fires Serio, Michael; Advanced Fuel Research Inc., East Hartford, CT 06138-0379 III 9101585 A000; 07/01/1992; $248,879; 24 mo. Hydrodynamic Aspects of Flame Propagation Sivashinsky, Gregory; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9213414 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,424; 12 mo. Study of Transient Phenomena in a Small-Scale Hazardous Waste Incinerator Smith, Owen; Karagozian, Ann; Osher, Stanley; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9021021 A001; 07/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 CTS 9021021 A002; 07/15/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS and APPLIED MATHEMATICS $45,000 Fundamental Studies of Controlled Microstructure Development by the Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Process Stangle, Gregory; McCauley, James; Spriggs, Richard; Alfred University NY State College of Ceramics, Alfred, NY 14802 CTS 9114253 A000; 02/15/1992; $84,343; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING and CERAMICS $48,196 Mixture Fraction Measurement by Rayleigh Scattering Talbot, Lawrence; Dibble, Robert; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9107719 A001; 08/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Dynamic Synthesis and Processing of High Temperature Materials Thadhani, Naresh; Persson, Per-Anders; New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM 87801 DMR 9116570 A000; 04/01/1992; $250,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $45,000 Spatially Resolved Diagnostics Using Tunable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Varghese, Philip; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 CTS 9215080 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Mechanistic Studies of Combustion Synthesis Varma, Arvind; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 CTS 9214009 A000; 09/15/1992; $75,147; 12 mo. Non-Intrusive Laser Diagnostics Applied to Strained Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flames Wehrmeyer, Joseph; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 CTS 9210988 A000; 09/01/1992; $99,779; 36 mo. Asymptotic Analysis of Flame Structure with Real Chemistry Williams, Forman; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 CTS 8918527 A001; 11/01/1989; $37,482; 0 mo. Asymptotic Analyses of Flames with Real Chemistry Williams, Forman; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 CTS 9214888 A000; 11/01/1992; $257,806; 36 mo. Combustion Synthesis of Fullerenes Wright, John; TDA Research Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 III 9160461 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Mechanism of Carbon Oxidation Reactions Yang, Ralph; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 CTS 9120452 A000; 02/01/1992; $160,729; 36 mo. Thermal Transport and Processing Metal Matrix Composite Heat Sink with Improved Transmission Arya, Prakash; Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706 III 9161374 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Engine Heat Transfer and Combustion Studies Assanis, Dennis; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 8858310 A004; 07/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Bioheat Transfer Baish, James; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837 CTS 9057412 A002; 07/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Ball, Kenneth; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 CTS 9258006 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Three-Phase Cooling of High Flux Electronics Bar-Cohen, Avram; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9217732 A000; 08/01/1992; $13,000; 7 mo. REU Supplement: Mesoscale Heat Exchangers Bau, Haim; Zemel, Jay; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9012904 A003; 09/15/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $40,000 U.S.-F.S.U. Workshop on Inverse Problems in Heat Transfer; June, 1992; East Lansing, Michigan Beck, James; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 INT 9113514 A000; 05/01/1992; $18,000; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: New Solidification Techniques in Manufacturing of Materials Beckermann, Christoph; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 CTS 8957149 A004; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Enhanced Surfaces for Cooling High-Flux Microelectronic Components Bhavnani, Sushil; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 CTS 9209581 A000; 09/01/1992; $94,250; 36 mo. Silica Fouling Fundamentals and Control by Magnetic and Ozonation Methods Chan, Shih; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201 CTS 9117230 A000; 04/01/1992; $280,589; 36 mo. RUI: A Study of Number of Ribbed Walls and Channel Aspect Ration on Heat and Friction Characteristics in Cooling Channel Flows Applied to Turbine Blades, Heat Exchangers, Nuclear .. Chandra, Pankaj; McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA 70609 CTS 9116489 A000; 04/15/1992; $49,815; 24 mo. Solidification of Binary Mixtures in a Porous Media in the Presence of Double Diffusive Convection Chellaiah, S.; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 CTS 9246311 A000; 03/15/1992; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $11,250 Development of an Efficient and Intense Cooling Technique Using Electrostatically Charged Sprays Choi, Kyung-Jin; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9296268 A000; 08/01/1992; $132,300; 24 mo. Fundamental Deposition Processes in Optical Fiber Manufacturing Daily, John; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9005765 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Thermal Stresses During Freezing of Biomaterials Datta, Ashim; Mukherjee, Yu; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9122548 A000; 09/15/1992; $43,585; 12 mo. Engineering Foundation Conferences on Pool and External Flow Boiling, March 23-27, 1992, in Santa Barbara, California Dhir, Vijay; Bergles, Arthur; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 CTS 9115472 A000; 05/01/1992; $12,500; 12 mo. RUI: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Viscous Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in Helicoidal Heat Exchangers (REU Supplement) Ebadian, M.; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 CTS 9017732 A002; 02/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $11,250 An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop to be held March 1992 in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $5,000 Solidification Processing of Binary-Alloy Metal Matrix Composites: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis Garimella, Suresh; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201 CTS 9210612 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,987; 36 mo. Enhancement Mechanism in the Nucleate Boiling and Convective Vaporization of Liquids on Microconfigured Surfaces Gebhart, Benjamin; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9119829 A000; 07/01/1992; $276,983; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Georgiadis, John; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 CTS 9157910 A001; 07/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Transient Radiation Properties of Strongly Radiating Turbulent Flames Gore, Jayavant; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 CTS 9296149 A000; 06/01/1992; $29,700; 4 mo. Heat Transfer in Excimer Laser Materials Processing and Micromachining Grigoropoulos, Costas; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9210333 A000; 09/15/1992; $232,398; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $69,719 International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Processing, March 22-26, 1992 Guceri, Selcuk; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 DDM 9114322 A000; 02/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $5,000 Research Initiation Award: Visualization of Surface Temperature Distributions in Incipient Boiling Using Liquid Crystal Thermography Hollingsworth, Donald; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 CTS 9110771 A001; 06/01/1991; $4,938; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Convective Transport Complex Flows Hunt, Melany; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CTS 8958347 A005; 09/01/1989; $45,420; 12 mo. CTS 8958347 A006; 09/01/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: High Temperature Vacuum Furnace Janowski, Gregg; Thompson, Raymond; Patterson, Burton; Andrews, J.; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294 CTS 9212495 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Measurement of Radiation Intensity Distributions in a Participating Medium Jones, Peter; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 CTS 9209926 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,845; 36 mo. Desorption of Soil Contaminants During Steam Cleaning Kaviany, Massoud; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9115746 A001; 09/15/1991; $3,657; 0 mo. CTS 9115746 A002; 09/15/1991; $86,798; 12 mo. The Effect of Nonplanar Oscillations upon the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard Convection and Other Fluid Instabilities Kelly, Robert; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9123553 A000; 07/15/1992; $179,368; 24 mo. Low-Prandtl Number Buoyancy and Surface Tension Induced Convection With/Without Solidification and Mushy Zone Koster, Jean; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9114775 A000; 03/15/1992; $203,028; 36 mo. A Self-Stabilizing Crystal Pulling Process Kou, Sindo; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9202637 A000; 09/15/1992; $188,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $28,000 Microscale Thermal Radiation Properties of Metal Films Kumar, Sunil; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 CTS 9210727 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Thermal Aspects of Grinding Lavine, Adrienne; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 8857677 A006; 08/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Exploratory Studies in Heat and Mass Transfer Lienhard, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 8858288 A005; 06/15/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. An Experimental Investigation of New Parameters for Predicting Turbulent Heat Transfer Maciejewski, Paul; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 CTS 9210215 A000; 09/01/1992; $99,909; 36 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Atomic Force Microscope Majumdar, Arunava; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9212344 A000; 09/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Heat Generation and Transport in Submicron Semiconductor Devices Majumdar, Arunava; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9215818 A000; 10/15/1992; $285,372; 36 mo. NSF Young Investigator Majumdar, Arunava; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 CTS 9257536 A000; 10/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Heat Transfer Enhancement by Vortex Generators in Compact Channels Manglik, Raj; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 9209339 A000; 09/01/1992; $99,967; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards Miaoulis, Ioannis; Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 CTS 9157278 A001; 10/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Laser Processing of Ceramics, Composites and Metals Modest, Michael; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 CTS 9213100 A000; 08/15/1992; $62,135; 12 mo. A Study of a Solar-Thermochemical Energy Transport System for the Pacific Northwest Murray, Jean; Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207 CTS 9010338 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,430; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,823 Experimental Investigation at Paul Scherrer Institute of a Solar-Receiver/Reactor System for High-Temperature Material Processes Murray, Jean; Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207 CTS 9216179 A000; 09/15/1992; $12,500; 6 mo. Control of Turbulent Boundary Layer Heat Transfer Using the Lorentz Force Nosenchuck, Daniel; Brown, Garry; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 9223119 A000; 09/01/1992; $49,983; 5 mo. REU Supplement: Small Grants for Exploratory Research: EHD Heat Transfer Augmentation of Environmentally Safe Refrigerants Ohadi, Michael; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 CTS 9117068 A002; 06/15/1991; $5,075; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Experimental Investigations of Convective Heat Transfer in Complex Internal Flows Ortega, Alfonso; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 CTS 9057465 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Thermal Properties of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Diode Lasers and Arrays Osinski, Marek; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 CTS 9108297 A000; 03/15/1992; $59,489; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $29,744 CTS 9108297 A001; 03/15/1992; $30,272; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with POLAND $30,272 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Fundamental Mechanisms of Heat and Mass Transport with Phase Interfaces Peterson, Per; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9057258 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: A Fundamental Investigation of the Freezing Process in Food Materials Scott, Elaine; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 CTS 9296269 A000; 09/01/1992; $34,800; 14 mo. Computational Methods in Radiative Heat Transfer Siewert, Charles; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 ECS 9100116 A000; 04/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Fundamental Studies of Controlled Microstructure Development by the Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Process Stangle, Gregory; McCauley, James; Spriggs, Richard; Alfred University-NY State College of Ceramics, Alfred, NY 14802 CTS 9114253 A000; 02/15/1992; $84,343; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $12,049 Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer Properties of Electrorheological Fluids Stevens, James; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 CTS 9212099 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. High Efficiency Waste Heat/Solar Power System Utilizing Regenerative Zeolite Cycle Tchernev, Dimiter; Zeopower Company, Natick, MA 01760 III 9160143 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Energy Deposition and Transport in Laser-Material Interactions Tien, Chang-Lin; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9215617 A000; 09/15/1992; $178,570; 36 mo. Heat Transfer During Thermal Acoustic Oscillations in Cryogenic Systems Timmerhaus, Klaus; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9115040 A000; 05/01/1992; $59,862; 12 mo. Investigation of the Heat Exchange in a Regenerative Heat Exchanger for an Orifice Pulse-Tube Refrigerator Timmerhaus, Klaus; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9116645 A000; 04/01/1992; $51,129; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: A Request for Thermal Radiation Measurement Equipment Torrance, Kenneth; Greenberg, Donald; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9213183 A000; 09/01/1992; $165,484; 12 mo. Evaporation and Stress in a Small Constrained System Wayner, Peter; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 CTS 9123006 A000; 08/01/1992; $306,572; 36 mo. Heat Transfer in Turbulent Boundary Layers with Local Periodic Unsteadiness Wroblewski, Donald; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 CTS 9211282 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,990; 36 mo. Inverse and Design Thermomechanical Problems in Solidification Processing Zabaras, Nicholas; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9115438 A000; 05/15/1992; $159,304; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $39,826 The Effect of Pulsating Flow on the Cooling and Drying Effectiveness of Impinging Jets: REU Supplement Zumbrunnen, David; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 CTS 8918154 A002; 04/15/1990; $3,800; 0 mo. DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Cross-Directorate Programs Manufacturing Strategies for Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Production/Inventory Systems Altiok, Tayfur; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 DDM 9014868 A001; 06/01/1991; $12,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,500 Research Initiation: Unconstrained Optimization in Discrete Event Simulation Andradottir, Sigrun; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9210679 A000; 08/15/1992; $45,330; 12 mo. An Integrated System for Spline-Based Cam Design and Manufacturing Ault, Holly; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 DDM 9109378 A001; 07/15/1991; $4,063; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,063 Research Initiation Award: Design and Manufacture of Cams Using Rational Curves Ault, Holly; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 DDM 9211020 A000; 07/15/1992; $33,970; 12 mo. Rescheduling Disrupted Production Systems Bean, James; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9018515 A001; 04/15/1991; $12,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with OPERATIONS RESEARCH and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,687 Research Planning Grant: Inference Techniques for Estimating the Variance of Means of Simulation Output Data Bengu, Golgen; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 DDM 9214481 A000; 08/15/1992; $18,000; 18 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: A Graphical Characterization of Diverse Iterative Design Optimization Processes Burns, Scott; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957410 A005; 09/01/1989; $16,800; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,800 Computer-Assisted Formulation of Computer Architecture Designs Carothers, Jo Dale; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9111479 A000; 11/15/1991; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $18,000 Workshop on Apparel Manufacturing Improvement; March 24, 1992; Miami, FL Chen, Chin-Sheng; Swift, Fred; Racine, Raymond; Nunez, German; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 DDM 9206375 A000; 03/15/1992; $13,000; 12 mo. Research Planning Grant: Conformability of Fiber Preform Architectures Chen, Julie; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 DDM 9209982 A000; 09/01/1992; $18,000; 18 mo. Advances in Design of Automated Wire and Die Bonding Machinery in Microelectronic Manufacturing Cohen, Ira; Ayyaswamy, Portonovo; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9000573 A003; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 A Framework for an Integrated Decision Support System for Manufacturing Process Improvement Cook, Deborah; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 DDM 9111291 A000; 11/15/1991; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $18,000 Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Synthesis of Design for (X) Methodologies Davis, Robert; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 DDM 9116112 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,000 Optimum Configurations of Three-Dimensional Mechanical Components with Behavior and Geometry Constraints Diaz, Alejandro; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 DDM 9201882 A000; 04/01/1992; $97,350; 24 mo. Statistical Issues in Geometric Tolerance Verification Using Coordinate Measuring Machines Dowling, Mary; Griffin, Paul; Zhou, Chen; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9203054 A000; 06/15/1992; $147,318; 24 mo. Career Advancement Award: An Investigation into Methods to Support Cooperative Design Gaucas, Dale Ellen; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9209250 A000; 08/15/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Dynamic Abstraction Mechanisms for Simulation Environments Haddock, Jorge; Spooner, David; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 121803590 DDM 9200517 A000; 08/01/1992; $32,199; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Capacitated Network Design; Solution Approaches Based on Integer and Linear Programming Hall, Leslie; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 DDM 9210979 A000; 08/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Closed-Loop Control of Sheet Forming Processes Hardt, David; Boyce, Mary; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9202362 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,001; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $66,667 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Optimization and Design Sensitivity Analysis Hou, Gene; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 DDM 8657917 A007; 07/15/1987; $5,000; 0 mo. VPW: Management of Manufacturing Knowledge for a Concurrent Engineering Paradigm (Engineering) Irizarry-Gaskins, Vilma; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 HRD 9250109 A000; 08/15/1992; $45,986; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $15,000 Research Initiation Award: A Decision Analysis Approach to Some Important Topics in Quality Assurance Irony, Telba; George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 DDM 9209344 A000; 08/01/1992; $30,585; 12 mo. Numerically Controlled Machining of Sculptured Surfaces Jerard, Robert; Drysdale, Robert; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 DDM 9015851 A001; 07/15/1991; $9,425; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,712 Laser Beam - Splitting and Materials Processing Kannatey-Asibu, Elijah; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9114148 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Thermal Aspects of Grinding Lavine, Adrienne; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 8857677 A005; 08/01/1988; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Research Initiation: Novel Processing of Tape-Cast Ceramic Layers Lewis, Jennifer; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9211554 A000; 06/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Practical Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems Luh, Peter; Pattipati, Krishna; Hoitomt, Debra; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 DDM 9119074 A000; 05/15/1992; $89,997; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Characterization of Process Parameters for High-Speed Heat-Set Web Offset Lithography Modi, Vijay; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9113801 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Continuous Curing of Filament Wound Structrues Using Infrared Heating Moon, Tess; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9109592 A000; 12/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $60,000 A Product Modeler for Assembly Nnaji, Bartholomew; Popplestone, Robin; Liu, Yanxi; Kang, Tzong-Shyan; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 DDM 9203986 A000; 06/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. RUI: Advanced Manufacturing Research for Semiconductor Devices, Materials and Processes O'Clock, George; Mankato State University, Mankato, MN 56001 DDM 9111686 A000; 06/01/1992; $53,843; 24 mo. Engineering Faculty Intership: System Information Integration Occena, Luis; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 DDM 9214719 A000; 07/01/1992; $7,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Computer Interated Statistical Process Control System for Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Circuit Board Production Okogbaa, O. Geoffrey; Borkes, Tom; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 DDM 9113846 A002; 07/15/1991; $10,281; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $7,640 Generalized Layout Problems in Structural Optimization Papalambros, Panos; Kikuchi, Noboru; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 8917430 A003; 04/01/1990; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Continuous Czochralski Growth of Silicon Single Crystals Prasad, Vishwanath; Koziol, Jurek; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9114593 A001; 09/01/1991; $9,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,250 The Effect of Porosity on Localization in Forging Processes Ramesh, Kaliat; Ponte-Castaneda, Pedro; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 DDM 9012230 A002; 09/01/1990; $17,375; 3 mo. Research Initiation: Developing Heuristics for Rank Reduction Algorithms for Large-Scale Markov Chains Rieders, Maria; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9211043 A000; 08/15/1992; $33,768; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $16,884 Fundamental Study on Ductile Fracture in Metal Forming Samanta, Shyam; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 DDM 9096203 A003; 04/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Automated Experimentation and Analysis for Robust Product Design Sanchez, Susan; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9110573 A000; 01/01/1992; $59,996; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $59,996 Research Planning Grant: Process Planning Using an Integrated Neural Network and Expert System Approach Smith, Alice; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 DDM 9209424 A000; 09/01/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $9,000 Enhancing the Development of Product Requirements Stauffer, Larry; Morris, Linda; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843 DDM 9114752 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design Optimization and Decision Analysis Thurston, Deborah; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957420 A003; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Research Planning Grant: Toward Simultaneous Engineering in the Toy Industry Trappey, Amy J.C.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9209153 A000; 08/15/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $9,000 Research Initiaiton: Scheduling Complex Dynamic Job Shops Uzsoy, Reha; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9107591 A001; 08/01/1991; $3,096; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,096 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computer Vision Inspection of Polygonal Profiles Ventura, Jose; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9057066 A002; 08/15/1990; $6,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,250 Engineering Faculty Internship: Intelligent Machine Tool Monitoring: A Neural Network Approach Wang, Hsu-Pin; Chen, F. Frank; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9113770 A001; 08/01/1991; $3,762; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,762 Optimization and Feedback Control in Sheet Metal Forming - The Intelligent Stamping Die Weinmann, Klaus; Kashani, Reza; Majlessi, Seyed; Klamecki, Barney; Ramalingam, Subbiah; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 DDM 9022550 A002; 08/15/1991; $19,232; 0 mo. Heuristics for Stochastic Scheduling and the Control of Queueing Networks Weiss, Gideon; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 8914863 A003; 03/01/1990; $105,894; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,800 Research Initiation: Fractal-Based Tolerance Technology for Engineering Design and Manufacturing Wood, Kristin; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9111372 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Single-Server Multiple-Queue Systems Wortman, Martin; Disney, Ralph; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 DDM 8913658 A003; 03/15/1990; $4,110; 0 mo. Research Initiation: Global Optimization Algorithms for Engineering Design Zabinsky, Zelda; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 9211001 A000; 07/15/1992; $30,309; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $15,000 Design and Computer-Integrated Engineering Program Computer Integrated Engineering Engineering Faculty Internship: Concurrent Engineering in the Wire and Cable Industry Albin, Susan; Dover, Thomas; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 DDM 9113827 A001; 07/15/1991; $1,430; 0 mo. An Integrated System for Spline-Based Cam Design and Manufacturing Ault, Holly; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 DDM 9109378 A001; 07/15/1991; $4,063; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,063 Mathematical Sciences: On-Site Research to Advance Industrial Quality and Productivity Bailar, Barbara; American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA 22314-3402 DMS 9223559 A000; 10/01/1992; $85,000; 12 mo. Concurrent Engineering Protocols and Project Management Bailey, James; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 DDM 9215514 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,900; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Interactive Computer Graphics Barfield, Woodrow; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 8857851 A007; 10/01/1988; $72,800; 12 mo. Geometry Processing and Nonuniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) Barnhill, Robert; Farin, Gerald; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 DDM 9123527 A000; 09/01/1992; $120,000; 36 mo. STRATMAN: A Generic Architecture for Intelligent Networked Colocation in Concurrent Engineering Bowen, J.A.; Bahler, Dennis; Franzon, Paul; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9215755 A000; 10/01/1992; $599,986; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $599,986 Presidential Young Investigator Award: A Graphical Characterization of Diverse Iterative Design Optimization Processes Burns, Scott; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957410 A005; 09/01/1989; $16,800; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,800 DDM 8957410 A006; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Point-and-Direct Strategic Control in Manufacturing Cannon, David; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9209583 A000; 08/15/1992; $39,800; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $10,000 Optimum Configurations of Three-Dimensional Mechanical Components with Behavior and Geometry Constraints Diaz, Alejandro; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 DDM 9201882 A000; 04/01/1992; $97,350; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $48,675 Statistical Issues in Geometric Tolerance Verification Using Coordinate Measuring Machines Dowling, Mary; Griffin, Paul; Zhou, Chen; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9203054 A000; 06/15/1992; $147,318; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $73,659 Semantic Based Models and Translation of Engineering Designs Eastman, Charles; Bond, Alan; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 8915665 A002; 04/15/1990; $85,876; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Design of Integrated Stockless and Distribution System for the Healthcare Industry Egbelu, Pius; Harmonosky, Catherine; Medeiros, Deborah; Sommer, H. Joseph; O'Brien, William; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9114149 A000; 11/15/1991; $173,389; 12 mo. Variable-Complexity Design Strategies for Integrated Multidisciplinary Optimization Haftka, Raphael; Grossman, Bernard; Mason, William; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9008451 A001; 04/01/1991; $49,903; 12 mo. VPW: Management of Manufacturing Knowledge for a Concurrent Engineering Paradigm (Engineering) Irizarry-Gaskins, Vilma; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 HRD 9250109 A000; 08/15/1992; $45,986; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $7,500 Numerically Controlled Machining of Sculptured Surfaces Jerard, Robert; Drysdale, Robert; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 DDM 9015851 A001; 07/15/1991; $9,425; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,712 DDM 9015851 A002; 07/15/1991; $46,502; 12 mo. Joint US/German Conference on New Directions for Operations Research in Manufacturing; June 25-26, 1992; Hagen, Germany Jones, Albert; Gulledge, Thomas; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 DDM 9217855 A000; 08/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. Advanced Computational Techniques for Boundary Element Analysis Kane, James; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 DDM 9019852 A001; 07/15/1992; $56,390; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEW TECHNOLOGIES $25,000 Advanced Computational Techniques in Boundary Element Analysis Keyes, David; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 DDM 9020733 A001; 07/15/1991; $48,260; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEW TECHNOLOGIES $25,000 Research Initiation: Form Feature Recognition Using Convex Decomposition Kim, Yong Se; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9210214 A000; 09/01/1992; $29,229; 12 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Combinatorics, Complexity and Convexity Klee, Victor; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DMS 9013303 A001; 03/15/1991; $47,822; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with THEORY OF COMPUTING and GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS $11,000 Concurrent Prediction of Technology and Human Skills Requirements for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Koubek, Richard; Salvendy, Gavriel; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9215703 A000; 09/15/1992; $94,359; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Development of Design Methodologies and Performance Standards for Application of Fuzzy Linguistic Control in Manufacturing Langari, Reza; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 DDM 9211540 A000; 08/15/1992; $34,446; 12 mo. Studying Sweeps and Swept Volumes Via Differential Equation Approach Leu, Ming; Blackmore, Denis; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 DDM 9114385 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: A Two-Level Hierarchical Control Model for the Dynamic Operation of Manufacturing Cell Systems Lin, Li; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 DDM 9209452 A000; 09/01/1992; $33,012; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Assemblies Liou, Frank; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 DDM 9210839 A000; 09/01/1992; $28,902; 12 mo. Modeling and Analysis of Global Vision for Operating Multiple Free-Ranging AGVs on the Factory Floor Luo, Ren; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9202792 A000; 10/01/1992; $13,509; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $573 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Knowledge Representation for Structural Design Maher, Mary Lou; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 8657298 A006; 07/01/1987; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: A Qualitative Model for Geometry and Structure, and Its Applications to an Integrated Design, Manufacturing Planning and Inspection Environment Marefat, Michael; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9210018 A000; 09/01/1992; $38,900; 12 mo. European, CIM Research Site Visitations to Access Potential for ESPRIT/NSF Research Collaboration Moodie, Colin; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9123984 A001; 01/01/1992; $4,470; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING DESIGN $1,500 Generation and Evaluation of Machining Alternatives Nau, Dana; Zhang, Guangming; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 DDM 9201779 A000; 09/15/1992; $150,000; 36 mo. Models for the Design of Engineering Tasks Integration Nof, Shimon; Fortes, Jose; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9216655 A000; 09/15/1992; $38,300; 12 mo. Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Constraint Nets for Life Cycle Engineering O'Grady, Peter; Bahler, Dennis; Bowen, J.A.; Young, Robert; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 8914200 A003; 10/01/1989; $100,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $100,000 Engineering Faculty Intership: System Information Integration Occena, Luis; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 DDM 9214719 A000; 07/01/1992; $7,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $7,000 NSF Young Investigator: Computer-Aided Automation of Design and Manufacturing Processes Oliver, James; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9258114 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Generalized Layout Problems in Structural Optimization Papalambros, Panos; Kikuchi, Noboru; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 8917430 A003; 04/01/1990; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Towards a New Generation of Robust CAD/CAM Systems Patrikalakis, Nicholas; Wolter, Franz; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9215411 A000; 09/15/1992; $65,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: High-Dimensional Paradigm in Geometric Design Pegna, Joseph; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9057059 A002; 08/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Designing with Tolerances Pollock, Stephen; Lee, Woo-Jong; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 8903029 A004; 12/15/1989; $137,376; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Production Optimization of Commercial Aircraft Fuselage Frames and Doors Rajagopalan, Ramesh; Grady, Arthur; Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 DDM 9213701 A000; 07/01/1992; $6,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $6,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Interactive Spatial Mechanism Synthesis Reinholtz, Charles; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 8657828 A006; 08/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Solid Modeling and Its Applications Requicha, Aristides A.; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 DDM 8715404 A004; 02/15/1988; $142,031; 12 mo. STRATMAN: Automatic Design and Assembly of Fixtures Using Modular Components Requicha, Aristides A.; Bekey, George; Goldberg, Kenneth; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 DDM 9215362 A000; 09/15/1992; $344,424; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $344,424 Mathematical Sciences: Statistical Strategies for Complex Computer Models Sacks, Jerome; National Institute of Statistical Sciences, Research Triangle Pk, NC 27709-4162 DMS 9121554 A001; 09/01/1991; $110,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEW TECHNOLOGIES $25,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Reverse Engineering Representations of Shape Schunck, Brian; Wu, Charles; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9213693 A000; 07/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $12,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Loop Detection in Surface Patch Intersections Sederberg, Thomas; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 DDM 8657057 A005; 08/01/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Design and Operation of High Performance Chemical Processes Seider, Warren; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9114080 A001; 08/15/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROCESS AND REACTION ENGINEERING $20,000 Development of Techniques for Mapping Design Features to Manufacturing Features via Meta Knowledge Base Shah, Jami; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 DDM 9114696 A001; 10/01/1991; $10,203; 0 mo. Research Planning Grant: Process Planning Using an Integrated Neural Network and Expert System Approach Smith, Alice; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 DDM 9209424 A000; 09/01/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $9,000 Strategies for Using Advanced Computer Architectures in Designing Complex Chemical Processes Stadtherr, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9024946 A001; 07/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Comprehensive Control for Turning Centers Stern, Elliot; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 DDM 9101586 A001; 06/15/1991; $38,654; 12 mo. Control of the Errors of Idealization in Design Computations Szabo, Barna; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 DDM 8917736 A002; 06/01/1990; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS and COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING $45,000 Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Distributed Flow Control of Intelligent Pallets Tanchoco, J.M.A.; Cipra, Raymond; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9121430 A000; 12/15/1991; $47,971; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $15,000 Research Planning Grant: Toward Simultaneous Engineering in the Toy Industry Trappey, Amy J.C.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9209153 A000; 08/15/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $9,000 Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) for the Gas-Assisted Injection Molding Process Turng, Lih-Sheng; Advanced CAE Technology Inc., Ithaca, NY 14850 III 9161150 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,010; 6 mo. Collaborative Project: Research on Parallel Raycasting Engines and CAD/CAE/CAM Applications Voelcker, Herbert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MIP 9007501 A002; 09/01/1990; $231,234; 12 mo. Research and Education in Mechanical Tolerancing and Dimensional Metrology Voelcker, Herbert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DDM 9115435 A001; 09/01/1991; $130,168; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS PROGRAM $30,000 Research in Solid Modeling: Boundary-to-CSG Conversion Voelcker, Herbert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DDM 9215463 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,981; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS PROGRAM $30,000 Tolerance Synthesis for Design and Manufacturing Wang, Hsu-Pin; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9200900 A000; 09/01/1992; $43,568; 12 mo. Improved High Resolution Displays Combining Very Large Scale Integration and Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Technologies Wu, Bao-Gang; Polytronix Inc., Richardson, TX 75081 III 9161282 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,921; 6 mo. Development of a Modeling Studio for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Analysis Wysk, Richard; Disney, Ralph; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 DDM 9215655 A000; 09/01/1992; $45,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Inverse and Design Problems in Manufacturing Zabaras, Nicholas; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DDM 9157189 A001; 08/01/1991; $54,050; 12 mo. Research Initiation: A Test Bed of Integrated Process Planning Systems Zhang, Hong; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 DDM 9211657 A000; 08/01/1992; $33,134; 12 mo. Engineering Design Convergent Iteration in Engineering Design Antonsson, Erik; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 DDM 9201424 A000; 06/15/1992; $84,701; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Design and Manufacture of Cams Using Rational Curves Ault, Holly; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 DDM 9211020 A000; 07/15/1992; $33,970; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $16,970 Design Principles and Methodology for Excavations in Geologic Media Bieniawski, Z.; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9113241 A001; 10/01/1991; $20,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: A Graph-Based Representation and Language of Features for Design Innovation Cagan, Jonathan; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9108832 A001; 09/01/1991; $29,021; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Topological Generation of Quality Designs Cagan, Jonathan; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9258090 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Computer-Assisted Formulation of Computer Architecture Designs Carothers, Jo Dale; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9111479 A000; 11/15/1991; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $18,000 Methods for Designing Manufacturing Systems Chryssolouris, George; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9215430 A000; 10/01/1992; $69,955; 12 mo. Workshop on Teaching Design Skills; Atlanta, Georgia; March 16-17, 1992 Colton, Jonathan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9213092 A000; 03/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Direct Engineering in the Automotive Industry Crawford, Richard; Sferro, Peter; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9213684 A000; 06/15/1992; $19,973; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $19,973 Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Synthesis of Design For (X) Methodologies Davis, Robert; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 DDM 9116112 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,000 Research Initiation: Hybrid Optimizers for Topological and Multidisciplinary Decision Making in Engineering Design Dhingra, Anoop; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201 DDM 9111369 A001; 09/01/1991; $30,555; 12 mo. Research in Engineering Design: Computer-Based Models and Representations Dixon, John; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 DDM 8907267 A002; 02/01/1990; $95,000; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Behavior-Based Control for Autonomous Tending of Manufacturing Workcells Donath, Max; Ramalingam, Subbiah; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9113802 A000; 02/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $100,000 Computer-Aided Instrument Design System Donskoy, Boris; Digital Video Processing Inc., Rockville, MD 20850 III 9160924 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Research Initiation: Towards Natural Quartics in Solid Modelling Dutta, Debasish; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9010411 A001; 07/15/1990; $10,615; 0 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: System Design Evaluation: Combining the Design Dependent Parameter Approach and Taguchi's Parameter Design Approach Fabrycky, Wolter; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9113081 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Research in Design Automation Fitzhorn, Patrick; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 DDM 8857696 A005; 10/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Methodologies for Optimal Design and Retrofit of Processes Floudas, Christodoulos; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 DDM 9015573 A001; 04/01/1991; $78,236; 12 mo. Automatic Plant Layout Design with Unequal Department Size, Fixed Shape, and Location Dependent Construction Cost Foote, Bobbie; Pulat, Pakize; Cheung, John; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 DDM 9102993 A001; 07/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: An Environment for Automated Design Standards Usage Garrett, James; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9096296 A003; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Career Advancement Award: An Investigation into Methods to Support Cooperative Design Gaucas, Dale Ellen; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9209250 A000; 08/15/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,000 A Combined Geometric Reasoning/Numerical Optimization Methodology for Three Dimensional Shape Synthesis Ghattas, Omar; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 9296224 A000; 10/01/1991; $60,204; 17 mo. Blossoming and Successive Linear Combination Algorithms: An Algorithmic Approach to Computer Aided Geometric Designs Goldman, Ronald; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 CCR 9113239 A000; 09/01/1992; $146,446; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Optimization and Design Sensitivity Analysis Hou, Gene; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 DDM 8657917 A007; 07/15/1987; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Develop a Theoretical Model of Information Requirements in Concurrent Manufacturing Systems Hsu, Cheng; Rattner, Laurie; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 121803590 DDM 9015277 A001; 07/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design for Injection Molding Ishii, Kosuke; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9157212 A001; 10/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 DDM 9157212 A002; 10/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computer-Aided Design Interpolation Systems Jakiela, Mark; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9058415 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Qualitative Motion Synthesis and Simulation Using Kinematic Building Blocks - A Computational Approach Kota, Sridhar; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9103008 A001; 06/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $20,000 The Fuzzy Point Syntheses of Mechanisms Kramer, Steven; University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 DDM 9202140 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Management of the Design Process in a Concurrent Engineering Environment Kusiak, Andrew; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9215259 A000; 10/01/1992; $145,589; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Knowledge Engineering/Design Theory and Methodology Lehto, Mark; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 8957823 A004; 08/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation: A Priori Geometric Design of an Interference Free Spatial Mechanism Ling, Zhi-Kui; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 DDM 9210883 A000; 08/01/1992; $20,347; 12 mo. Introduction of Simulation Learning and Optimization to Support Engineering Design Lu, Stephen C-Y.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9114475 A000; 04/15/1991; $73,488; 12 mo. Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER): Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Lund, Robert; Dixon, J.; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 DDM 9206405 A000; 09/15/1992; $20,000; 6 mo. Research Equipment Grant: Rapid Prototyping Directly from a Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline Based Solid Modeling System Luo, Ren; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9213083 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Interactive Design of Single and Multi-Degree of Freedom Spatial Mechanisms McCarthy, J. Michael; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 DDM 9102567 A001; 07/01/1991; $73,639; 12 mo. Design of Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Systems Using Fuzzy Compromise Decision Support Problems Mistree, Farrokh; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 DDM 9203120 A000; 07/15/1992; $0; 2 mo. Designing at the Functional Level of Abstraction Mistree, Farrokh; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 DDM 9216037 A000; 09/15/1992; $0; 0 mo. Designing at the Functional Level of Abstraction Mistree, Farrokh; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9396052 A000; 12/01/1992; $102,903; 23 mo. Design of Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Systems Using Fuzzy Compromise Decision Support Problems Mistree, Farrokh; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9396053 A000; 09/01/1992; $86,910; 9 mo. European, CIM Research Site Visitations to Access Potential for ESPRIT/NSF Research Collaboration Moodie, Colin; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9123984 A001; 01/01/1992; $4,470; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $2,970 Engineering Faculty Internship: Design-Oriented Model for Joints in Automotive Structures Nikolaidis, Efstratios; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9213644 A000; 08/01/1992; $21,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $21,000 A Product Modeler for Assembly Nnaji, Bartholomew; Popplestone, Robin; Liu, Yanxi; Kang, Tzong-Shyan; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 DDM 9203986 A000; 06/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $50,000 Research Initiation: Sculptured Surface Model Synthesis Oliver, James; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9111122 A001; 08/15/1991; $30,000; 12 mo. General Approach for Robust Optimal Design Parkinson, Alan; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 DDM 9114262 A000; 11/15/1991; $40,000; 18 mo. Research Initiation: Concurrent Design Using Parametric Model Deformations Rao, J.R. Jagannatha; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 DDM 9210582 A000; 08/01/1992; $29,545; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Advanced Signa Processing for Detection of Knock Signals in Internal Combustion Engines Rizzoni, Giorgio; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9157211 A001; 10/01/1991; $66,325; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: The Utility of Brainstorming as a Methodology for Generating Concepts in Mechanical Design Robie, Bruce; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 DDM 9121559 A000; 07/01/1992; $19,434; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Development of Packaging Design Support Environment Rozenblit, Jerzy; Cangellaris, Andreas; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9212345 A000; 09/01/1992; $35,961; 12 mo. A Knowledge-Based Approach to Design Representation and Analysis Sheppard, Sheri; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DDM 9102050 A001; 07/01/1991; $41,120; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Distributed and Integrated Environment for Computer-Aided Engineering; Cooperative Engineering Design Sriram, Duvvuru; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8957464 A003; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Enhancing the Development of Product Requirements Stauffer, Larry; Morris, Linda; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843 DDM 9114752 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 DDM 9114752 A002; 09/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Development of Methods and Tools for Planning and Managing the Design of Systems Steward, Donald; California State University-Sacramento, Sacramento, CA 95819 DDM 9121522 A000; 03/15/1992; $27,013; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design Optimization and Decision Analysis Thurston, Deborah; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957420 A003; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 DDM 8957420 A004; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Comprehensive Supervision System for Machining Centers Tlusty, Jiri; Principe, Jose; Dankel, Douglas; Smith, Kevin Scott; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 8914084 A002; 08/01/1990; $251,008; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Geometric Modeling and Tolerances Turner, Joshua; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9057598 A002; 07/15/1990; $60,000; 12 mo. Workshop: Critical Issues in Life Cycle Design of Biomedical Engineering Products; Stanford University, January 20-22, 1993 Waldron, Manjula; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9222243 A000; 09/15/1992; $18,800; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $2,000 Automated Geometric Reasoning of Metal Forming Processes Weber, G. Gustavo; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9115467 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,006; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $40,000 Research Initiation: Fractal-Based Tolerance Technology for Engineering Design and Manufacturing Wood, Kristin; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9111372 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $10,000 Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: A Unified Representation to Support Evaluation of Designs for Manufacturibility Wozny, Michael; Turner, Joshua; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 8914172 A003; 10/01/1989; $5,007; 0 mo. Research Initiation: Global Optimization Algorithms for Engineering Design Zabinsky, Zelda; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 9211001 A000; 07/15/1992; $30,309; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $15,000 Manufacturing Processes and Equipment Program Manufacturing Machines and Equipment Production of Ultrafine Wire by Augmented Hydrostatic Extrusion Avitzur, Betzalel; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 DDM 9014816 A002; 09/01/1990; $102,019; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $51,009 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Joining of Plastics and Composites Benatar, Avraham; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9058154 A003; 07/15/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Design and Control of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Vehicles for Industrial Applications Borenstein, Johann; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9114394 A001; 09/15/1991; $75,783; 12 mo. Integrated Manufacturing System for Diffractive Optics Bowen, John; Rochester Photonics Corp., Fairport, NY 14450 III 9161206 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,984; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design and Analysis of Tandem Configurations for Automated Guided Vehicle Systems Bozer, Yavuz; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 8858562 A004; 09/15/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. A High Precision, Six Degree-of-Freedom, Single-Sided, Noncontact, Optical Sensor Suitable for Assembly Automation Busch-Vishniac, Ilene; Buckman, A. Bruce; Wang, Wanjun; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9100580 A001; 09/01/1991; $74,999; 12 mo. Control of the Laser Machining Process Chryssolouris, George; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9014619 A001; 01/01/1991; $69,874; 12 mo. Advances in Design of Automated Wire and Die Bonding Machinery in Microelectronic Manufacturing Cohen, Ira; Ayyaswamy, Portonovo; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9000573 A003; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Mechatronic Design and Construction of a Materials Handling Test Apparatus Craig, Kevin; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9213542 A000; 06/15/1992; $24,208; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $24,208 Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Research in Ultra Precision Machining DeBra, Daniel; Binford, Thomas; Hesselink, Lambertus; Parkinson, Bradford; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DDM 8914232 A003; 08/01/1990; $225,000; 12 mo. Laboratory for Applied Manufacturing Controls DeVries, Marvin; Duffie, Neil; Lorenz, Robert; Sanders, Jerry; Spiewak, Slawomir; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9202885 A000; 07/01/1992; $155,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $77,600 Process Model-Based Intelligent Control of Diamond Turning Dow, Thomas; Ro, Paul; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9202318 A000; 06/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. High-Performance Linear Induction Motor-Based Material Mover Duffie, Neil; Lorenz, Robert; Sanders, Jerry; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 8912361 A004; 10/01/1989; $138,100; 12 mo. DDM 8912361 A005; 10/01/1989; $25,000; 0 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Ultrasonic Scanning System Edie, Danny; Bagchi, Amit; Fain, Charles; Kennedy, John; Ogale, Amod; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 DDM 9213132 A000; 07/01/1992; $66,000; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Helical Drill Point Grinder Ehmann, Kornel; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9201144 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,280; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Machine Tool Accuracy and Precision Ferreira, Placid; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9157191 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: In-Situ Sensor for Aluminum Aging Process Control Groza, Joanna; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 DDM 9213685 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $25,000 International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Processing, March 22-26, 1992 Guceri, Selcuk; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 DDM 9114322 A000; 02/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING $10,000 Closed-Loop Control of Sheet Forming Processes Hardt, David; Boyce, Mary; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9202362 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,001; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $66,667 Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Nanotechnology for Advanced Mass Storage Hocken, Robert; Greene, Richard; Nicollian, Edward; Shelnutt, James; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 8913964 A005; 10/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Cooperative Agreement: Research in Precision Engineering Hocken, Robert; Raja, Jayaraman; Shelnutt, James; Trumper, David; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9114710 A001; 10/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 DDM 9114710 A002; 10/01/1991; $200,149; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $50,000 National Science Foundation - Division of Design and Manufacturing Systems Grantees Conference; Charlotte, North Carolina; January 6-8, 1993 Hocken, Robert; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9212644 A000; 06/01/1992; $97,53; 12 mo. Jointly Funded SPECIAL PROGRAMS $72,532 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Grinding Howes, Trevor; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 EEC 9000925 A003; 01/15/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $30,000 Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope for In-Situ Manufacturing Processes, Materials Engineering and Tribological Studies Komanduri, Ranga; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 DDM 9112223 A000; 04/15/1992; $150,705; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $50,705 A New Architecture of Computer Numerical Control Servo-Controllers Koren, Yoram; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9114131 A000; 04/15/1992; $74,460; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Two-Axis Rotary Table Koren, Yoram; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9212224 A000; 06/01/1992; $11,300; 36 mo. Industry Internship: Gaging Philosophy and Strategy for the Twenty-First Century Kurfess, Thomas; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9015643 A002; 07/01/1990; $1,130; 0 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Ultra-High Precision Engineering Systems; Control, Metrology, Data Reduction and Quality Assurance Kurfess, Thomas; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9257514 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. High Temperature Ceramic Dies for Superplastic Forming Laurich-McIntyre, Suzanne; Pyro Media Inc., Seattle, WA 98108 III 9160182 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: High Performance Precision Motion Control Lee, Kok-Meng; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 8958383 A003; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Dynamics of Electro-Mechanical Devices Lieu, Dennis; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 DDM 8958406 A004; 06/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Economic Replacement of Evolving Manufacturing Technology Lohmann, Jack; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9296162 A000; 11/01/1991; $32,835; 9 mo. Microdynamics and Nanodynamics: Materials, Structures and Devices MacDonald, Noel; Thomas, Robert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8915277 A003; 08/15/1989; $104,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC and MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $82,100 Temperature Modulation Instrument for Glass Manufacturing Markham, James; Advanced Fuel Research Inc., East Hartford, CT 06138-0379 III 9160583 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,516; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: An Intelligent Planning Environment for Dimensional Inspection Menq, Chia-Hsiang; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 8957722 A004; 11/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Historical Review of Research on Machining and Grinding in the United States Merchant, M. Eugene; Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Inc., Cincinnati, OH 45216 DDM 9196034 A001; 09/01/1990; $6,520; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $6,520 A Non-Invasive Sensor Technique for Process Control in Plasma Processing Reactors Meyyappan, M.; Scientific Research Associates Inc., Glastonbury, CT 06033 III 9161456 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,897; 6 mo. European, CIM Research Site Visitations to Access Potential for ESPRIT/NSF Research Collaboration Moodie, Colin; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9123984 A000; 01/01/1992; $46,538; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $31,538 DDM 9123984 A001; 01/01/1992; $4,470; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $2,970 High Speed Vision System for Precision Inspection Mostafavi, M. Taghi; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9215732 A000; 10/01/1992; $76,309; 12 mo. Bulk Silicon Technologies for Microelectromechanical Systems Najafi, Khalil; Wise, Kensall; Crary, Selden; Orr, Bradford; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8915215 A003; 09/01/1989; $48,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $48,400 Research Initiation: Intelligent Machining Monitoring and Diagnostic System for Quality Assurance Based on Multiple Sensor Integration Okafor, Anthony; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 DDM 9111712 A001; 06/01/1991; $26,466; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Material Handling Research Parker, Sandra; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 EEC 9111573 A002; 06/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Robotic Assembly Peshkin, Michael; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 8857854 A004; 09/01/1988; $11,688; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,999 DDM 8857854 A005; 09/01/1988; $43,349; 12 mo. Self-Assembling Microstructures with Application to Precision Resonant-Structure Micromotors Pisano, Albert; Howe, Roger; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8915128 A003; 09/01/1989; $86,300; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $36,300 Research Areas in Manufacturing Unit Processes Pollack, Kerstin; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9022041 A001; 02/01/1991; $239,171; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and SOLID MECHANICS $169,586 DDM 9022041 A002; 02/01/1991; $148,931; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $148,931 Near Field Scanning Infrared Microscope Raja, Jayaraman; Patten, John; Hocken, Robert; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9019776 A001; 02/15/1991; $103,400; 12 mo. Modeling, Monitoring and Control of Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) Process Rajurkar, Kamlakar; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 DDM 9102937 A001; 09/01/1991; $54,742; 12 mo. DDM 9102937 A002; 09/01/1991; $3,000; 0 mo. Modeling and Control of Electro Discharge Machining for Machining of Advanced Materials and Complex Shapes Rajurkar, Kamlakar; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 DDM 9215298 A000; 09/15/1992; $68,347; 24 mo. Study and Conceptual Development of Advanced Tooling for High-Productivity Automated Machine Tools Rivin, Evgeny; Karlic, P.; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 DDM 9005654 A002; 06/01/1990; $108,760; 12 mo. DDM 9005654 A003; 06/01/1990; $3,578; 0 mo. Research Initiation: Force and Deformation Analysis for Automated Fixture Design Sakurai, Hiroshi; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 DDM 9209371 A000; 07/15/1992; $69,960; 24 mo. Low-Temperature Rise Water Hydrostatic Bearing for Precision Machine Tools Slocum, Alexander; Lienhard, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9201906 A000; 10/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Robotics and Walking Machines Song, Shin-Min; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 DDM 8657920 A006; 08/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Develop a Comprehensive Control System for Turning Centers Stern, Elliot; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 DDM 9214675 A000; 07/15/1992; $6,843; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $6,843 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Research in Rapid Assembly and Part Design Sturges, Robert; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9058558 A002; 07/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Cost Effective Screening Techniques for Automated Inspection Systems Tang, Kwei; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 DDM 8857557 A004; 09/01/1988; $33,103; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Intelligent Gear Inspection System Tansel, Ibrahim; Arch, Allan; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 DDM 9213770 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $25,000 Cooperative Agreement: Machine Tool Research Tlusty, Jiri; Smith, Kevin Scott; Principe, Jose; Yeralan, Sencer; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9114588 A001; 09/01/1991; $195,332; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $50,000 Analysis and Design of a Viscously Damped Magnetic Suspension System Trumper, David; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9114737 A001; 09/01/1991; $82,166; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Magnetic Suspension Control of Precision Motion Trumper, David; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9158054 A001; 08/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Laser Phase Array Generation of Ultrasound for On-Line Weld Quality Control Umeagukwu, Charles; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9001733 A002; 09/01/1990; $19,000; 0 mo. DDM 9001733 A003; 09/01/1990; $79,188; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Intelligent Machine Tool Monitoring: A Neural Network Approach Wang, Hsu-Pin; Chen, F. Frank; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9113770 A001; 08/01/1991; $3,762; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,762 Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER): A Novel Milling Machine Structure Ward, Allen; Stein, Jeffrey; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9121962 A000; 11/15/1991; $9,000; 4 mo. Automated, Rapid Fabrication of Complex Optical Components Wilson, Scott; Sandia Systems, Albuquerque, NM 87111 III 9160320 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,932; 6 mo. STRATMAN: Development of a Science Base for Drills and Drill Grinding Processes Wu, S.; Schunck, Brian; Woo, Tony; Ni, Jun; Sha, Jilun; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9215470 A000; 09/01/1992; $599,296; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $599,296 Presidential Young Investigator Award: The Dynamics and Control of High-Speed Direct-Drive Manipulators Youcef-Toumi, Kamal; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8657835 A005; 09/01/1987; $62,500; 12 mo. Neural Network Error Compensation of Machine Tools and Coordinate Measuring Machines Ziegert, John; Smith, Kevin Scott; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9017293 A001; 02/15/1991; $76,570; 12 mo. Materials Processing and Manufacturing Transport Phenomena and Microstructure Development in Thermoplastic Composites Processing Advani, Suresh; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 DDM 9203968 A000; 09/01/1992; $48,349; 12 mo. Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Computer-Integrated Analysis of Deformation Processing Anand, Lallit; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8914161 A002; 09/01/1990; $330,354; 12 mo. Experimental and Computational Studies of Complex Viscoelastic Flows Armstrong, Robert; Brown, Robert; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9202130 A000; 09/01/1992; $79,500; 12 mo. Production of Ultrafine Wire by Augmented Hydrostatic Extrusion Avitzur, Betzalel; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 DDM 9014816 A002; 09/01/1990; $102,019; 12 mo. Modeling and Characterization of Materials for Dynamic Metal Working Processes Batra, Romesh; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9121279 A001; 08/15/1991; $55,000; 12 mo. Control of Fracture Damage in Precision Machining of Ceramics Bifano, Thomas; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 DDM 9202377 A000; 08/15/1992; $74,293; 12 mo. Development of Process Control for Microwave Joining of Ceramics Black, W. Murray; Beale, Guy; George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030 DDM 9115417 A000; 04/15/1992; $58,731; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Deformation Processing of Materials Boyce, Mary; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9157899 A001; 08/15/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. High Concentration Ozone Production for Semiconductor Manufacturing Boyers, David; Adelphi Technology Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94306 III 9161024 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Numerical Simulation of Solidification and Shrinkage Prediction of Cast Irons Bradley, Fred; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9102682 A001; 07/01/1991; $76,960; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Structure Development in Polymer Processing Cakmak, Mukerrem; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 DDM 8858303 A007; 10/01/1988; $37,500; 0 mo. DDM 8858303 A008; 10/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Materials Synthesis and Processing: Computer Aided Microelectronics Manufacturing Technology for Excimer Laser Based Lithography Cavallaro, Joseph; Tittel, Frank; Wilson, William; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 DDM 9202639 A000; 10/01/1992; $107,472; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $33,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Precision Finishing of Ceramics Chandrasekar, Srinivasan; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9057916 A002; 10/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Materials Processing and Engineering for Superplastic Ceramics Chen, I-Wei; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9024975 A001; 08/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Research Planning Grant: Conformability of Fiber Preform Architectures Chen, Julie; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 DDM 9209982 A000; 09/01/1992; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,000 Simultaneous Seamtracking and Weld Penetration Control Chin, Bryan; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 DDM 9201642 A000; 06/15/1992; $84,420; 12 mo. Electron Beam Curing of Polymer Resists Collins, George; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 DDM 9108531 A000; 01/01/1992; $90,646; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Intelligent Design and Manufacturing Systems Colton, Jonathan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 8957848 A004; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Workshop on Teaching Design Skills; Atlanta, Georgia; March 16-17, 1992 Colton, Jonathan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9213092 A000; 03/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING DESIGN $2,500 Two-Component Lubricant/Coolant Fluids for High-Speed Machining Colvin, David; Triangle Research and Development Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 III 9104909 A000; 06/01/1992; $235,229; 24 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Material Processing and Intelligent Manufacturing Coulter, John; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 DDM 9258026 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Constitutive Modelling of Mechanical Response of Materials in Semiconductor Devices with Emphasis on Interface Behavior Desai, Chandrakant; Kundu, Tribikram; Prince, John; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9102177 A001; 08/15/1991; $92,753; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $46,376 Laboratory for Applied Manufacturing Controls DeVries, Marvin; Duffie, Neil; Lorenz, Robert; Sanders, Jerry; Spiewak, Slawomir; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9202885 A000; 07/01/1992; $155,200; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Scan Welding; Process Modeling and Adaptive Control Doumanidis, Charalabos; Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 DDM 9209141 A000; 09/01/1992; $95,589; 36 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Integrated Constitutive Models, Modeling and Optimization for Isothermal Rolling of Superalloys Dwivedi, Suren; Dax, F. Robert; West Virginia University Research Corp., Morgantown, WV 26506 DDM 9113952 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Travel Grants: U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, to be held in Haifa, Israel, August 22-28, 1992 Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9206382 A000; 03/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $6,666 Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Helical Drill Point Grinder Ehmann, Kornel; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9201144 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,280; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $29,280 Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: Development and Implementation of a New Materials Synthesis and Processing Laboratory Flemings, Merton; Rubner, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9218128 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY and CERAMICS $175,000 Biological Synthesis and Materials Properties of Bacterial Polyesters Fuller, R. Clinton; Goodwin, Steven; Lenz, Robert; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MCB 9202419 A000; 09/01/1992; $285,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $220,000 Dynamics of Excimer Laser Ablation in Plasma Environments Gilgenbach, Ronald; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9108971 A001; 08/01/1991; $43,305; 12 mo. Heat Transfer in Excimer Laser Materials Processing and Micromachining Grigoropoulos, Costas; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 CTS 9210333 A000; 09/15/1992; $232,398; 36 mo. International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Processing, March 22-26, 1992 Guceri, Selcuk; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 DDM 9114322 A000; 02/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. 10,000 Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP and THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING $10,000 Forming Complex-Shaped Advanced Composite Parts Gutowski, Timothy; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9114788 A001; 10/01/1991; $15,557; 0 mo. Advanced Manufacturing Concepts for Shaping Superplastic Sheet Materials Hamilton, C. Howard; Bayoumi, Abdel; Zbib, Hussein; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 DDM 9114852 A000; 08/15/1992; $99,925; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING and SOLID MECHANICS $34,000 Closed-Loop Control of Sheet Forming Processes Hardt, David; Boyce, Mary; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9202362 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,001; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $66,667 STRATMAN: The Role of Grinding Protocol on Cam Service Life Hendricks, Robert; Dowling, Norman; Eiss, Norman; Landgraf, Ronald; Lavine, Adrienne; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9215629 A000; 10/01/1992; $599,980; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $599,980 Electromagnetic Shaping and Containment of Liquid Metals Hoburg, James; Cramb, Alan; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9120669 A000; 08/01/1992; $112,025; 12 mo. Shape Rolling and Lateral Spread Johnson, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9016496 A001; 04/15/1991; $61,282; 12 mo. DDM 9016496 A002; 04/15/1991; $5,600; 0 mo. Cavity Filling Simulation with Experimental Verification Johnson, David; Raad, Peter; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 DDM 9114846 A000; 12/01/1991; $55,229; 12 mo. Nickel Base Complex Nanophase Materials Johnson, D. Lynn; Weertman, Julia; Mason, Thomas; Weertman, Johannes; Dravid, Vinayak; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DMR 9202574 A000; 09/15/1992; $442,900; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $100,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Quantitative Measurement of Point Defects Introduced by Phosphorus Implantation into Silicon Jones, Kevin; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9057617 A002; 07/01/1990; $81,500; 12 mo. Intelligent Processing of Materials Joseph, Babu; Kardos, John; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 DDM 9123861 A000; 07/01/1992; $61,104; 12 mo. Laser Beam - Splitting and Materials Processing Kannatey-Asibu, Elijah; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9114148 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 DDM 9114148 A002; 09/01/1991; $83,253; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Multi-Layer Composite Coatings for High Speed Machining Kasichainula, Jagannadham; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9209209 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Predicting Engineering Properties in Injection Molded Parts by Neural Network Computation Kim, Byung; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 DDM 9115419 A001; 09/01/1991; $63,996; 12 mo. Process Sequence Design in Metal Forming Kobayashi, Shiro; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 DDM 9101199 A001; 07/15/1991; $30,366; 0 mo. DDM 9101199 A002; 07/15/1991; $90,111; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope for In-Situ Manufacturing Processes, Materials Engineering and Tribological Studies Komanduri, Ranga; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 DDM 9112223 A000; 04/15/1992; $150,705; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP and INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $50,705 Diamond Coatings on Cutting Tools Komanduri, Ranga; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 DDM 9204345 A000; 06/15/1992; $104,386; 12 mo. A Self-Stabilizing Crystal Pulling Process Kou, Sindo; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9202637 A000; 09/15/1992; $188,400; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Metal Matrix Composites by Spray Atomization and Deposition Lavernia, Enrique; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 DDM 8957449 A003; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Thermal Aspects of Grinding Lavine, Adrienne; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 8857677 A005; 08/01/1988; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Thermal Aspects of Grinding Lavine, Adrienne; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 8857677 A006; 08/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING $12,500 Solid Phase Forming of Polymer Materials Lee, Daeyong; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 8922289 A002; 07/15/1990; $62,056; 12 mo. Mold Filling and Curing in Resin Transfer Molding and Structural Reaction Injection Molding - Micro and Macro Analyses Lee, Ly James; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9112990 A001; 09/15/1991; $99,526; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Novel Processing of Tape-Cast Ceramic Layers Lewis, Jennifer; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9211554 A000; 06/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $50,000 Research Initiation: Closed-Loop Shape Control During Hot Isostatic Pressing Process Li, Weiping; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 DDM 9210970 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Assistance for International Experts to Participate in and Partial Support for Planning of MI'92, the Manufacturing International Conference in 1992 Ling, Frederick; Institute for Productivity Research, New York, NY 10018 DDM 9103885 A001; 07/01/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY $11,000 Modeling and Analysis of Global Vision for Operating Multiple Free-Ranging AGVs on the Factory Floor Luo, Ren; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9202792 A000; 10/01/1992; $13,509; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $988 Microdynamics and Nanodynamics: Materials, Structures and Devices MacDonald, Noel; Thomas, Robert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8915277 A003; 08/15/1989; $104,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $82,100 Autonomous System for Cylindrical Plunge Grinding Malkin, Stephen; Danai, Kourosh; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 DDM 9114484 A001; 09/01/1991; $95,292; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mechanics of Processing and Failure of Composite Material Mataga, Peter; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9057626 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Materials Synthesis and Processing: Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Titanium Nitride Synthesis by Laser Assisted Processes Mazumder, Jyotimoy; Kar, A.; Kasichainula, Jagannadham; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9202315 A000; 10/01/1992; $179,987; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $89,993 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Ceramic Research McLaren, Malcolm; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 EEC 9047182 A005; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Characterization of Process Parameters for High-Speed Heat-Set Web Offset Lithography Modi, Vijay; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9113801 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 An Innovative Use of Pulsed Power Technology for Separation of Minerals from Ores Moeny, William; Tetra Corporation, Albuquerque, NM 87109 III 9024821 A000; 08/01/1992; $249,916; 24 mo. Continuous Curing of Filament Wound Structrues Using Infrared Heating Moon, Tess; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9109592 A000; 12/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $60,000 NSF Young Investigator: Modeling and Control of Manufacturing Processes Moon, Tess; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9258413 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. The Synergistic Effects of Ceramic Materials Synthesis Using Vapor-Enhanced Reactive Sintering Moore, John; Readey, Dennis; Wirth, David; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 CTS 9202948 A000; 09/15/1992; $249,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $99,500 Research Initiation: Plasma-Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition of High Temperature Superconducting Thin Films; Novel Optical Plume Diagnostics Mukherjee, Pritish; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 DDM 9210326 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Bulk Silicon Technologies for Microelectromechanical Systems Najafi, Khalil; Wise, Kensall; Crary, Selden; Orr, Bradford; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8915215 A003; 09/01/1989; $48,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $48,400 Development of Computational and Experimental Capability for the Simulation of High Speed Machining Needleman, Alan; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 DDM 9016568 A003; 10/15/1990; $365,390; 12 mo. RUI: Advanced Manufacturing Research for Semiconductor Devices, Materials and Processes O'Clock, George; Mankato State University, Mankato, MN 56001 DDM 9111686 A000; 06/01/1992; $53,843; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $26,922 Materials Synthesis and Processing: A Novel Technique of Net-Form Materials Synthesis Orme, Melissa; Muntz, E.; Langdon, Terence; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 DDM 9204201 A000; 10/01/1992; $313,399; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS and METALLURGY $236,123 Research Initiation: Investigation of the Thermomechanical Behavior of Compression Molded Fiber Reinforced Composite Parts Osswald, Tim; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9009158 A002; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Polymer Processing, Modelling and Simulation Osswald, Tim; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9158145 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Low Cost Precision Investment Casting Process with 97-100% Recovery of Good Products Owusu, Yaw; Herman, Marvin; Vonnegut, George; Jackson, James; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, FL 32307 DDM 9213703 A000; 08/01/1992; $9,995; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,995 A New Concept for Refining Molten Metals and Recovering Metals from Slags Pal, Uday; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9113480 A000; 11/01/1991; $88,829; 12 mo. Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Manufacturing Underground Space Peterson, Carl; Nelson, Priscilla; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8914219 A002; 08/01/1990; $272,318; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH AND GEOENVIRN $136,159 Self-Assembling Microstructures with Application to Precision Resonant-Structure Micromotors Pisano, Albert; Howe, Roger; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8915128 A003; 09/01/1989; $86,300; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $36,300 Continuous Czochralski Growth of Silicon Single Crystals Prasad, Vishwanath; Koziol, Jurek; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9114593 A001; 09/01/1991; $9,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,250 DDM 9114593 A002; 09/01/1991; $97,338; 12 mo. Conference: Organization of the 1992 Surface Roughness and Scattering Topical Meeting to be held in Tucson, Arizona on June 1-3, 1992 Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9216232 A000; 06/15/1992; $4,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SURFACE ENGINEERING AND TRIBOLOGY $3,000 Modeling, Monitoring and Control of Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) Process Rajurkar, Kamlakar; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 DDM 9102937 A001; 09/01/1991; $54,742; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $27,371 The Effect of Porosity on Localization in Forging Processes Ramesh, Kaliat; Ponte-Castaneda, Pedro; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 DDM 9012230 A002; 09/01/1990; $17,375; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,687 Improved Method for Manufacture of Mechanically Alloyed Composite Nb3Sn Conductors Randall, Robert; Supercon Inc., Shrewsbury, MA 01545 III 9160912 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,977; 6 mo. In-Situ Electrochemical Processing of Light-Weight Alloys Reddy, Ramana; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 DDM 9022127 A000; 12/01/1991; $66,621; 12 mo. Research Equipment Grant: Centrifugal Particle Sizer Riman, Richard; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 DDM 9112147 A001; 08/15/1991; $1,558; 0 mo. STRATMAN: Micro-Constructive Manufacturing Sachs, Emanuel; Cima, Michael; Cornie, James; Gossard, David; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9215728 A000; 10/01/1992; $600,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $600,000 Development of a Manufacturing Process to Fabricate Flexible High Critical Temperature Superconductor Wire Samanta, Shyam; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 DDM 9016787 A001; 03/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,000 DDM 9016787 A002; 03/01/1991; $63,545; 12 mo. Fundamental Study on Ductile Fracture in Metal Forming Samanta, Shyam; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 DDM 9096203 A003; 04/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 DDM 9096203 A004; 04/01/1990; $14,745; 6 mo. Research Equipment Grant: Novel Plasma Assisted Vapor Deposition Sampath, W.; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 DDM 9212950 A000; 09/01/1992; $51,100; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment Grant: Insitu Intelligent Materials Processing Sarin, Vinod; Gevelber, Mike; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 DDM 9212792 A000; 09/01/1992; $47,066; 12 mo. Advanced Polymeric Materials: Process Induced Internal Stresses in Laminated Polymer Composites Seferis, James; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 9101648 A001; 08/15/1991; $52,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $26,000 Rapid Precipitation of Homogeneous Polymer Blends Shine, Annette; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 DDM 9102435 A001; 08/01/1991; $85,767; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO $15,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Study of Turbulent Double-Diffusive Transport and Macrosegregation During Continuous Ingot Casting Shyy, Wei; Backman, Daniel; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9213568 A000; 08/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $15,000 Planar-Flow Melt-Spinning of Molten Meltals: Fluid Mechanics, Heat-Transfer and Solidification Steen, Paul; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9024461 A001; 08/15/1991; $92,594; 12 mo. Synthesis and Analysis of Gas/Polymer Solutions for Ultra-Microcellular Plastics Production Suh, Nam; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9114738 A000; 03/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Cooperative Agreement: Research in Processing Technology Suh, Nam; Sharon, Andre; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9115271 A001; 09/01/1991; $250,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $50,000 Process Modeling of a Novel Plasma Enhanced Vapor Deposition Concept Using Statistical Design of Experiments Sunthankar, Mandar; IonEdge Corporation, Fort Collins, CO 80526 III 9160419 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,948; 6 mo. Electrodeposited Ceramic Superlattices Switzer, Jay; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 DMR 9202872 A000; 09/01/1992; $153,424; 14 mo. Dynamic Synthesis and Processing of High Temperature Materials Thadhani, Naresh; Persson, Per-Anders; New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM 87801 DMR 9116570 A000; 04/01/1992; $250,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $100,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mathematical Modeling of Continuous Casting Processing Thomas, Brian; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957195 A003; 09/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Research on a Manufacturing Process for Making Long, Continuous, High Temperature Superconducting Wires and Tapes Tomsic, Michael; Plastronic Inc., Troy, OH 45373 III 9160113 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,770; 6 mo. Process Development and Manufacturing of TiN/TiO2/TiN Thin-Film Microcapacitors for High-Density Integrated Circuits Truman, J. Kelly; CVC Products Inc., Rochester, NY 14603 III 9160410 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Materials Synthesis and Processing: Modeling and Control of Macro-Phenomena and Micro-Structure in Steel Rolling Tseng, Ampere; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9201831 A000; 10/01/1992; $49,354; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $24,677 Engineering Faculty Internship: Thermal Modeling of Open Die Forgings Using Microcomputer Programs Van Tyne, Chester; Focht, Robert; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 DDM 9213630 A000; 07/15/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $10,000 Laser-Driven Directional Solidification in High Tc Superconducting Polycrystalline Fibers Varshney, Usha; American Research Corporation of Virginia, Radford, VA 24143-3406 III 9101565 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Advanced Polymeric Materials: Characterization of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Advanced Composite Pultrusions Vaughan, James; Roux, Jeffrey; Mantena, P. Raju; University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 DDM 9101643 A001; 08/15/1991; $44,904; 12 mo. Picoliter Solder Droplet Dispensing for Electronics Manufacturing Wallace, David; MicroFab Technologies Inc., Plano, TX 75074 III 9203071 A000; 10/01/1992; $126,791; 24 mo. Modeling of the Hot Isostatic Pressing Process Weber, G. Gustavo; Piehler, Henry; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9115585 A001; 09/01/1991; $75,245; 12 mo. Optimization and Feedback Control in Sheet Metal Forming - the Intelligent Stamping Die Weinmann, Klaus; Kashani, Reza; Majlessi, Seyed; Klamecki, Barney; Ramalingam, Subbiah; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 DDM 9022550 A001; 08/15/1991; $198,078; 12 mo. DDM 9022550 A002; 08/15/1991; $19,232; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,616 Workshop on Axiomatic Design and Manufacturing; Boston, Massachusetts Williams, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9203487 A000; 03/01/1992; $11,500; 6 mo. AIT (U.S.)-CCNAA (Taiwan) Joint Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing Processes in Atlanta, Georgia Winer, Ward; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 INT 9119969 A000; 06/15/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. A Unique and New Plasma Assisted Deposition Technique Utilizing In-Situ Renucleation Withers, James; Materials and Electrochemical Research Corporation, Tucson, AZ 85706 III 9161393 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Formal Tolerance and Set-Based Methods in Engineering Design and Manufacturing Wood, Kristin; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9258401 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Processing of High-Temperature Structural Composites Yang, Jenn-Ming; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 9057030 A003; 07/15/1990; $35,000; 0 mo. DDM 9057030 A004; 07/15/1990; $65,000; 12 mo. AIT (U.S.)-CCNAA (Taiwan) Joint Seminar: Automation and Productivity for Small to Medium Scale Manufacturing Industry in Taipai, Taiwan Yang, Jackson; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 INT 9210651 A000; 08/01/1992; $22,500; 12 mo. Inverse and Design Thermomechanical Problems in Solidification Processing Zabaras, Nicholas; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 9115438 A000; 05/15/1992; $159,304; 12 mo. New Laser Induced Deposition for Microelectronics Application Zhou, Simon; Florod Corporation, Gardena, CA 90247-5212 III 9160721 A000; 01/01/1992; $48,894; 6 mo. Study on Materials for the 21st Century Zwilsky, Klaus; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9017571 A001; 03/01/1991; $29,903; 11 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and MATERIALS ENGINEERING $29,903 Operations Research and Production Systems Program Operations Research Research Initiation: Unconstrained Optimization in Discrete Event Simulation Andradottir, Sigrun; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9210679 A000; 08/15/1992; $45,330; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $22,665 Integer and Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedral Methods and Algorithms Balas, Egon; Cornuejols, Gerard; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9201340 A000; 07/01/1992; $120,004; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with APPLIED MATHEMATICS and NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $50,001 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Large-Scale Problems in Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Barnhart, Cynthia; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9058074 A003; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 0 mo. DDM 9058074 A004; 09/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Multiproduct Inventory Models with Demand Substitution Bassok, Yehuda; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9210754 A000; 08/15/1992; $39,970; 12 mo. Rescheduling Disrupted Production Systems Bean, James; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9018515 A001; 04/15/1991; $12,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,687 DDM 9018515 A002; 04/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Serial and Parallel Computational Methods for Large Scale Problems Bertsekas, Dimitri; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8903385 A002; 03/01/1990; $56,008; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING and THEORY OF COMPUTING $35,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Analysis of Stochastic in Dynamic Models in Combinatorial Optimization in Queueing Networks Bertsimas, Dimitris; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9158118 A001; 09/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Combinatorial Issues in Large-Scale Network Design Bienstock, Daniel; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9057665 A002; 07/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Computational and Applied Aspects of Multiperiod Stochastic Programming Birge, John; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9215921 A000; 08/01/1992; $194,959; 36 mo. Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Programs Boyd, E. Andrew; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 DDM 9101578 A001; 07/15/1991; $67,087; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY-CUTTING PLANES MIXED INTE $33,430 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Quantitative Models for Optimal Provision of Goods and Services Brandeau, Margaret; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DDM 8858355 A006; 09/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Application of Artificial Neural and Adaptive Systems to Manufacturing Problems Burke, Laura; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 DDM 9257337 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. RUI: Queueing Theory and Some of Its Applications in Computer Science and Engineering Cooper, Robert; Niu, Shun-Chen; Solomon, Martin; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 DDM 9001751 A001; 03/01/1991; $73,797; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $55,348 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Matroid and Polyhedral Theory in Combinatorial Optimization Coullard, Collette; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9196083 A002; 08/15/1990; $85,000; 12 mo. Decomposition and Parallel Processing Techniques for Large-Scale Electric Power System Planning Under Uncertainty Dantzig, George; Glynn, Peter; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 8906260 A002; 03/01/1990; $49,507; 12 mo. Issues in Knowledge Based Assistance for IDEF3 Descriptions de Witte, Paula; Knowledge Based Systems Inc., College Station, TX 77845-5424 III 9123380 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,778; 18 mo. Computational Methods in the Analysis of Enumeration and Counting Problems with Applications to Manufacturing Fishman, George; Kulkarni, V.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 DDM 8913344 A002; 04/01/1990; $54,273; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER): Prototype Development for Russian-American Standards Program in Manufacturing Freeman, H. Jo Anne; California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 DDM 9222865 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $50,000 Strategic Resource Planning Gaimon, Cheryl; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9015362 A001; 07/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Coordinating the Production of Components and Assemblies When Demands and Yields are Random Gallego, Guillermo; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9109636 A002; 08/01/1991; $19,841; 12 mo. Large-Scale Constrained Optimization Gill, Philip; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 DDM 9204547 A000; 07/01/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $16,923 Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Algorithms Glynn, Peter; Iglehart, Donald; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DDM 9101580 A001; 07/01/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROBABILITY $10,000 Study of Lagrangean Decompositions Guignard-Spielberg, Monique; University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Finance and Com. Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9014901 A001; 06/15/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Capacitated Network Design; Solution Approaches Based on Integer and Linear Programming Hall, Leslie; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 DDM 9210979 A000; 08/01/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,000 Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Academic Information and Partnering Program; Washington, D.C.; September, 1992 Huray, Paul; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 DDM 9221871 A000; 09/15/1992; $34,188; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $34,188 Research Initiation Award: A Decision Analysis Approach to Some Important Topics in Quality Assurance Irony, Telba; George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 DDM 9209344 A000; 08/01/1992; $30,585; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,292 Joint US/German Conference on New Directions for Operations Research in Manufacturing; June 25-26, 1992; Hagen, Germany Jones, Albert; Gulledge, Thomas; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 DDM 9217855 A000; 08/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $10,000 Algorithmic Aspects of Matrix Scaling and Related Problems Kalantari, Bahman; Khachiyan, Leonid; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 CCR 9208371 A000; 08/15/1992; $95,444; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THEORY OF COMPUTING $20,000 Network Location Problems: Aggregation and Approximation Lowe, Timothy; Francis, Richard; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9023392 A001; 06/01/1991; $48,443; 12 mo. Interior Point Methods in Optimization Mehrotra, Sanjay; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CCR 9019469 A001; 06/15/1991; $54,957; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with APPLIED MATHEMATICS $15,000 Computational Methods in Markov Chains Meyer, Carl; Stewart, William; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 8906248 A003; 03/01/1990; $69,870; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES $25,000 Research Initiation: Sensitivity Analysis Approach in the Absence of an Optimal Basis and Its Application to the Framework of Interior Point Methods Monteiro, Renato D.C.; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9109404 A001; 07/01/1991; $30,655; 12 mo. Large-Scale Constrained Optimization Murray, Walter; Saunders, Michael; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DDM 9204208 A000; 07/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $38,077 Research in Mixed-Integer Programming Nemhauser, George; Johnson, Ellis; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9115768 A000; 04/15/1992; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-RES IN MIXED INTGER and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $100,000 Fitting Low Order Phase-Type Distributions O'Cinneide, Colm; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9203134 A000; 05/01/1992; $41,910; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Parallel Algorithms for Integer and Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs Arising in the Management and Design of Chemical Processes Pekny, Joseph; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9058073 A003; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Dynamic Planning Models for Common Carrier Operations Powell, Warren; Lustig, Irvin; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 DDM 9102134 A001; 07/01/1991; $59,520; 12 mo. DDM 9102134 A002; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Investigation in an Alternative Approach to Geometric Programming Rajgopal, Jayant; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 DDM 9209935 A000; 08/15/1992; $29,843; 12 mo. Theoretical and Computational Investigations in Integer Programming Rao, Mendu; Conforti, Michele; New York University, New York, NY 10012 DDM 9001705 A001; 05/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with APPLIED MATHEMATICS $15,000 Research Initiation: Developing Heuristics for Rank Reduction Algorithms for Large-Scale Markov Chains Rieders, Maria; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9211043 A000; 08/15/1992; $33,768; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $16,884 Analysis and Optimization of Product Form Stochastic Networks Ross, Keith; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9000481 A003; 08/01/1990; $66,995; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $33,000 Mathematical Programming Under Uncertainty: Risk and Recourse Revisited Sen, Suvrajeet; Higle, Julia; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9114352 A001; 09/01/1991; $80,463; 12 mo. Stochastic Convexity in Queueing Networks and Its Applications Shanthikumar, J. George; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 DDM 9113008 A000; 11/15/1991; $56,946; 12 mo. A Reformulation-Linearization Technique with Application to Production, Location, Distribution, and Design Problems Sherali, Hanif; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9121419 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,201; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Stability, Moments and Regenerative Simulation of Queueing Networks Sigman, Karl; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 8957825 A003; 07/01/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Infinite Horizon Optimization Smith, Robert; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9214894 A000; 09/15/1992; $49,455; 12 mo. Parallel and Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming Sofer, Ariela; Nash, Stephen; George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030 DDM 9104670 A001; 06/01/1991; $59,971; 12 mo. U.S.-France (INRIA) Cooperative Research: Parallel Numerical Methods for Transient Solutions of Markov Chains Stewart, William; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 INT 9205155 A000; 06/15/1992; $42,250; 36 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Combinatorial and Algebraic Geometry Sturmfels, Bernd; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DMS 9201453 A000; 07/15/1992; $64,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS and NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $20,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Efficient Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization Tardos, Eva; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DDM 9157199 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Computational and Mathematical Investigations in Optimization Trotter, Leslie; Bland, Robert; Tardos, Eva; Todd, Michael; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DMS 8920550 A002; 08/01/1990; $239,999; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ONR $74,999 Dynamic, Concave-Cost, and Lattice Programming with Application to Inventory Control and Scheduling Veinott, Arthur; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 DDM 9215337 A000; 09/01/1992; $65,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mathematically Intractable Dynamic Scheduling Wein, Lawrence; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9057297 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Optimal Capacity Expansion Under Uncertainty Weisinger, James; Applied Decision Analysis Inc., Menlo Park, CA 94025 III 9160155 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,631; 6 mo. Single-Server Multiple-Queue Systems Wortman, Martin; Disney, Ralph; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 DDM 8913658 A002; 03/15/1990; $75,000; 12 mo. DDM 8913658 A003; 03/15/1990; $4,110; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,110 Interior-Point Algorithms - Complexity Issues and Practical Concerns Ye, Yinyu; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9207347 A000; 09/01/1992; $148,571; 36 mo. Production Systems Manufacturing Strategies for Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Production/Inventory Systems Altiok, Tayfur; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 DDM 9014868 A001; 06/01/1991; $12,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $12,500 DDM 9014868 A002; 06/01/1991; $40,000; 12 mo. DDM 9014868 A003; 06/01/1991; $1,312; 0 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: A Competitive Assessment of the United States Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Altiok, Tayfur; Elsayed, E.; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 DDM 9123539 A000; 04/01/1992; $43,626; 18 mo. Research Initiation Award: Parallel Approach to Simultaneous Optimization of Cell Layout and Intercell Material Flow Paths Banerjee, Prashant; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 DDM 9209849 A000; 08/15/1992; $31,380; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Transition from Batch Mode to Real Time Planning in Make-to-Order Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Banerjee, Prashant; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 DDM 9214014 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $25,000 A Real-Time Knowledge-Based Simulation System for Diagnosing Machine Tool Failure Banks, Jerry; Manivannan, Sundaravaradan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9114621 A001; 09/01/1991; $50,889; 12 mo. Combinational Mechanics and Stable Loading Bartholdi, John; Ratliff, H. Donald; Vande Vate, John; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9101581 A001; 10/01/1991; $53,177; 12 mo. Dispatching and Conflict-Free Routing of Free-Ranging Automated Guided Vehicles Batta, Rajan; Karwan, Mark; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 DDM 9201405 A000; 07/15/1992; $52,403; 12 mo. Research Planning Grant: Inference Techniques for Estimating the Variance of Means of Simulation Output Data Bengu, Golgen; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 DDM 9214481 A000; 08/15/1992; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,000 Research Initiation: Point-and-Direct Strategic Control in Manufacturing Cannon, David; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9209583 A000; 08/15/1992; $39,800; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Resource Allocation in Queueing and Inventory Systems Chao, Xiuli; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 DDM 9209526 A000; 09/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Workshop on Apparel Manufacturing Improvement; March 24, 1992; Miami, FL Chen, Chin-Sheng; Swift, Fred; Racine, Raymond; Nunez, German; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 DDM 9206375 A000; 03/15/1992; $13,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $6,500 RUI: Capability Analysis for Production Processes Chou, Youn-Min; University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78285 DDM 9017123 A001; 06/01/1991; $50,004; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $25,002 A Framework for an Integrated Decision Support System for Manufacturing Process Improvement Cook, Deborah; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 DDM 9111291 A000; 11/15/1991; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $18,000 Research Initiation: Kanban Controlled Serial Transfer Lines with Machine Failures and Limited Repair Das, Tapas; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 DDM 9396005 A000; 09/01/1992; $30,000; 16 mo. A Conceptual Design Environment for Manufacturing Engineering de Witte, Paula; Knowledge Based Systems Inc., College Station, TX 778455424 III 9160529 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,829; 6 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Design of Integrated Stockless and Distribution System for the Healthcare Industry Egbelu, Pius; Harmonosky, Catherine; Medeiros, Deborah; Sommer, H. Joseph; O'Brien, William; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9114149 A000; 11/15/1991; $173,389; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $50,000 Product Line and Production Planning in an Environment of High Product Variety Fisher, Marshall; Jain, Anjani; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 SES 9109798 A001; 09/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Theoretical and Empirical Study of World Class Manufacturing Flynn, Barbara; Flynn, E.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 SES 9122499 A000; 06/15/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Automatic Plant Layout Design with Unequal Department Size, Fixed Shape, and Location Dependent Construction Cost Foote, Bobbie; Pulat, Pakize; Cheung, John; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 DDM 9102993 A001; 07/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING DESIGN $32,500 SGER: Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness Through More Effective Integration of Management Functions; United States and Japanese Needs and Experience Gold, Bela; Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA 91711 DDM 9206404 A000; 09/01/1992; $9,500; 15 mo. Supervisory Control in Automated Manufacturing Processes: The Design of Human-Computer Interaction for "Lights-Out Factories" Govindaraj, Thiruvenkatasa; McGinnis, Leon; Mitchell, Christine; Platzman, Loren; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9102370 A001; 06/01/1991; $61,193; 12 mo. Materials Handling Research Colloquium II; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; June 1992 Graves, Robert; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9121434 A000; 12/01/1991; $12,500; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Dynamic Abstraction Mechanisms for Simulation Environments Haddock, Jorge; Spooner, David; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9200517 A000; 08/01/1992; $32,199; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $16,100 Hierarchical Planning in a Pull Production Environment Hopp, Wallace; Spearman, Mark; Zazanis, Michael; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 SES 9119621 A000; 06/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Develop a Theoretical Model of Information Requirements in Concurrent Manufacturing Systems Hsu, Cheng; Rattner, Laurie; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9015277 A001; 07/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING DESIGN $25,000 Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Intelligent Dynamic Control of Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Systems Interrante, Leslie; Messimer, Sherri; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 DDM 9113983 A001; 09/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 DDM 9113983 A002; 09/15/1991; $1,243; 0 mo. DDM 9113983 A003; 09/15/1991; $22,857; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $22,857 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design and Development of a Manufacturing Enterprise Architecture Jayaraman, Sundaresan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 8957861 A004; 10/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Models and Methodology for Design and Development of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Control Software Joshi, Sanjay; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9158042 A001; 08/15/1991; $77,445; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $7,445 Concurrent Prediction of Technology and Human Skills Requirements for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Koubek, Richard; Salvendy, Gavriel; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9215703 A000; 09/15/1992; $94,359; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $40,000 Modeling, Design, and Analysis of Control Algorithms for Scheduling Manufacturing Systems Kumar, P.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9025007 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Statistical Inference on Part Geometry Kurfess, Thomas; Banks, David; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9201898 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,003; 12 mo. Decision Support System for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Lee, Chung-Yee; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9201627 A000; 07/01/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Economies of Production Through Duplicating Bottleneck Machines and Subcontracting Bottleneck Parts in Cellular Manufacturing Logendran, Rasaratnam; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 DDM 9108507 A001; 07/15/1991; $24,004; 12 mo. Practical Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems Luh, Peter; Pattipati, Krishna; Hoitomt, Debra; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 DDM 9119074 A000; 05/15/1992; $89,997; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $29,997 Development of a Complex Manufacturing Floor Material Handling System Using Guide-Path Independent Autonomous Vehicles Luo, Ren; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9102048 A001; 08/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $10,000 Modeling and Analysis of Global Vision for Operating Multiple Free-Ranging AGVs on the Factory Floor Luo, Ren; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9202792 A000; 10/01/1992; $13,509; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $988 Asymptotically Reliable Serial Production Lines: A System-Theoretic Approach Meerkov, Semyon; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9105086 A001; 09/01/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Productivity and Quality Improvement Through Ergonomics Initiatives Merritt, Thomas; Peguese, Joseph; Loebler, Erwin; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-2856 DDM 9213645 A000; 06/15/1992; $8,540; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $8,540 Research Initiation: Economic Determination of Specification Levels and Delivery Priorities for Semiconductor Products Min, Kyung Jo; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9110945 A001; 08/01/1991; $5,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,937 DDM 9110945 A002; 08/01/1991; $28,330; 12 mo. European, CIM Research Site Visitations to Access Potential for ESPRIT/NSF Research Collaboration Moodie, Colin; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9123984 A000; 01/01/1992; $46,538; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $16,538 Properties of Streams of Data Packets Neuts, Marcel; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 8915235 A002; 04/15/1990; $110,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROBABILITY and NETWORKING AND COMMUN RES PROGRM $64,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Internship in Collaborative Integration of Distributed Manufacturing Engineering Nof, Shimon; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9214143 A000; 08/01/1992; $24,960; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $24,960 Engineering Faculty Internship: Computer Interated Statistical Process Control System for Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Circuit Board Production Okogbaa, O. Geoffrey; Borkes, Tom; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 DDM 9113846 A001; 07/15/1991; $1,003; 0 mo. DDM 9113846 A002; 07/15/1991; $10,281; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $7,640 Intelligent Material Handling Systems: An Enabling Environment for Design and Control of Intelligent Material Handling Systems Palekar, Udatta; Ferreira, Placid; Kapoor, Shiv; Tsao, Tsu-Chin; Hutchinson, Seth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9114001 A001; 09/15/1991; $151,871; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES and ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $100,000 Structural Properties and Algorithms for Flow Line Scheduling Pinedo, Michael; Fraiman, Nelson; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9101179 A001; 07/15/1991; $50,082; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Instruments for Measuring Exposure to Repetitive Manual Work Radwin, Robert; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9158136 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. DDM 9158136 A002; 09/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Multivariate Cost of Poor Quality Loss Functions for Manufacturing Operations Evaluation and Analysis Raiman, Laura; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9209824 A000; 09/15/1992; $29,276; 12 mo. A Fiber-Optic-Based Protocol for Manufacturing System Networking Ray, Asok; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9015173 A001; 07/01/1991; $37,997; 12 mo. Analysis and Optimization of Product Form Stochastic Networks Ross, Keith; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9000481 A003; 08/01/1990; $66,995; 12 mo. Scheduling Semiconductor Manufacturing Lines Roundy, Robin; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 DDM 9201704 A000; 08/15/1992; $48,367; 12 mo. Automated Experimentation and Analysis for Robust Product Design Sanchez, Susan; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9110573 A000; 01/01/1992; $59,996; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $59,996 Group Travel Grant to 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; to be held May 11-15, in Nice, France Sanderson, Arthur; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9203431 A000; 03/15/1992; $31,490; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $4,000 Theoretical and Empirical Study of World Class Manufacturing Schroeder, Roger; Sakakibara, Sadao; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 SES 9122482 A000; 06/15/1992; $30,072; 12 mo. Real-Time Distributed Production Control Methods Based on Continuous Flow Models Sharifnia, Ali; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 DDM 9215683 A000; 09/01/1992; $56,377; 12 mo. Assessment of Research and Development in Japan and Europe Shelton, R. Duane; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 ENG 9111333 A002; 08/01/1991; $448,750; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with OCEAN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS and SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $70,000 Research Initiation: Capacity Expansion and Replacement in an Uncertain Dynamic Technological Environment Singh, Medini; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9210723 A000; 08/15/1992; $59,862; 24 mo. An Integrated Design-Aid Tool for Flexible Assembly Systems Stecke, Kathryn; Lee, Heungsoon; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9201954 A000; 09/15/1992; $65,115; 12 mo. Studies on Learning to Extend and Improve Scheduling Algorithms for Batch Chemicals Production Stephanopoulos, George; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9012826 A001; 07/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Use of Continuous Flow Models to Enable Rapid Analysis and Optimization of Discrete Production Lines Suri, Rajan; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9201813 A000; 07/01/1992; $43,600; 12 mo. RUI: Spatial Models for Improving Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Processes Taam, Winson; Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 DDM 9214944 A000; 09/15/1992; $29,510; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Distributed Flow Control of Intelligent Pallets Tanchoco, J.M.A.; Cipra, Raymond; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9121430 A000; 12/15/1991; $47,971; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG and ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $30,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Concurrent Design and Evaluation of a Family of Material Handling Containers Taylor, Gaylon Don; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 DDM 9213766 A000; 07/01/1992; $22,606; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $22,606 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Manufacturing Life-Cycle Analysis; The Integrated Design of Manufacturing Systems Tirupati, Devanath; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 8957189 A004; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Development of New Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement Tsui, Kwok-Leung; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9257918 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Initiaiton: Scheduling Complex Dynamic Job Shops Uzsoy, Reha; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9107591 A001; 08/01/1991; $3,096; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,096 Engineering Faculty Internship: Developing Knowledge-Based Systems Vassiliadis, Constantinos; Allen, Don; Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 DDM 9213711 A000; 06/15/1992; $18,292; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $18,292 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computer Vision Inspection of Polygonal Profiles Ventura, Jose; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9057066 A002; 08/15/1990; $6,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,250 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computer Vision Inspection of Polygonal Profiles Ventura, Jose; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9057066 A003; 08/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Heuristics for Stochastic Scheduling and the Control of Queueing Networks Weiss, Gideon; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 8914863 A003; 03/01/1990; $105,894; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,100 Design and Operation of Assembly Systems Wilhelm, Wilbert; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 DDM 9114396 A001; 09/15/1991; $66,753; 0 mo. DDM 9114396 A002; 09/15/1991; $85,000; 12 mo. A 3-D/4-D Computerized Model for Human-Machine Integration in Apparel Manufacturing Engineering Willett, Shirley; Stylometrics Inc., Quincy, MA 02170 III 9161096 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Research Initiation: A Cognitive Engineering Based Approach to the Interface Design of Decision Support Systems for Machine Fault Diagnosis Ye, Nong; Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 DDM 9210523 A000; 09/15/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Supervisory Control of a Biped Robot Zheng, Yuan; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 8996238 A003; 07/16/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Special Programs A System for Micro-Mechanical Spring Design Antonsson, Erik; Tai, Yu-Chong; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ECS 9023646 A001; 08/15/1991; $75,260; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $37,630 Engineering Faculty Internship: Transition from Batch Mode to Real Time Planning in Make-to-Order Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Banerjee, Prashant; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 DDM 9214014 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. STRATMAN: A Generic Architecture for Intelligent Networked Colocation in Concurrent Engineering Bowen, J.A.; Bahler, Dennis; Franzon, Paul; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9215755 A000; 10/01/1992; $599,986; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $599,986 Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Programs Boyd, E. Andrew; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 DDM 9101578 A001; 07/15/1991; $67,087; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY-CUTTING PLANES MIXED INTE $33,430 Computational Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electromechanical Dynamics in Microscales Cho, Dongil; Karniadakis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9023760 A001; 07/15/1991; $153,271; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $76,637 RUI: Capability Analysis for Production Processes Chou, Youn-Min; University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78285 DDM 9017123 A001; 06/01/1991; $50,004; 12 mo. RUI: Queueing Theory and Some of Its Applications in Computer Science and Engineering Cooper, Robert; Niu, Shun-Chen; Solomon, Martin; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 DDM 9001751 A001; 03/01/1991; $73,797; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Mechatronic Design and Construction of a Materials Handling Test Apparatus Craig, Kevin; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DDM 9213542 A000; 06/15/1992; $24,208; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Direct Engineering in the Automotive Industry Crawford, Richard; Sferro, Peter; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9213684 A000; 06/15/1992; $19,973; 12 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER): Prototype Development for Russian-American Standards Program in Manufacturing Freeman, H. Jo Anne; California Polytechnic State University Foundation, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 DDM 9222865 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. STRATMAN: The Role of Grinding Protocol on Cam Service Life Hendricks, Robert; Dowling, Norman; Eiss, Norman; Landgraf, Ronald; Lavine, Adrienne; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9215629 A000; 10/01/1992; $599,980; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $599,980 Cooperative Agreement: Research in Precision Engineering Hocken, Robert; Raja, Jayaraman; Shelnutt, James; Trumper, David; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9114710 A002; 10/01/1991; $200,149; 12 mo. National Science Foundation - Division of Design and Manufacturing Systems Grantees Conference; Charlotte, North Carolina; January 6-8, 1993 Hocken, Robert; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9212644 A000; 06/01/1992; $97,532; 12 mo. Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Academic Information and Partnering Program; Washington, D.C.; September, 1992 Huray, Paul; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 DDM 9221871 A000; 09/15/1992; $34,188; 12 mo. Microstructural Modeling and Probabilistic Prediction of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Response Johnson, George; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Ferrari, Mauro; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9023714 A001; 08/01/1991; $187,606; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $93,802 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Models and Methodology for Design and Development of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Control Software Joshi, Sanjay; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9158042 A001; 08/15/1991; $77,445; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $14,945 Theoretical Modeling of Micro-Electromechanical Systems Ko, Wen; Hoffman, Richard; Mehregany, Mehran; Mullen, Robert; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 ECS 9023711 A001; 06/15/1991; $104,320; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $45,000 Quality Through Engineering Design, a U.S.-India-Japan Conference, Bangalore, India, February 1992, Group Travel Award - Supplement Kuo, Way; Bowman, K.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 INT 9017040 A002; 05/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NATL INST OF STANDARD AND TECH $10,000 Assistance for International Experts to Participate in and Partial Support for Planning of MI'92, the Manufacturing International Conference in 1992 Ling, Frederick; Institute for Productivity Research, New York, NY 10018 DDM 9103885 A001; 07/01/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY $11,000 Modeling and Analysis of Global Vision for Operating Multiple Free-Ranging AGVs on the Factory Floor Luo, Ren; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 9202792 A000; 10/01/1992; $13,509; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTER INTEGRATED ENGINEERNG $988 Historical Review of Research on Machining and Grinding in the United States Merchant, M. Eugene; Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Inc., Cincinnati, OH 45216 DDM 9196034 A001; 09/01/1990; $6,520; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Productivity and Quality Improvement Through Ergonomics Initiatives Merritt, Thomas; Peguese, Joseph; Loebler, Erwin; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-2856 DDM 9213645 A000; 06/15/1992; $8,540; 12 mo. European, CIM Research Site Visitations to Access Potential for ESPRIT/NSF Research Collaboration Moodie, Colin; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9123984 A000; 01/01/1992; $46,538; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $31,538 Research in Mixed-Integer Programming Nemhauser, George; Johnson, Ellis; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 9115768 A000; 04/15/1992; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-RES IN MIXED INTGER $100,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Design-Oriented Model for Joints in Automotive Structures Nikolaidis, Efstratios; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9213644 A000; 08/01/1992; $21,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Internship in Collaborative Integration of Distributed Manufacturing Engineering Nof, Shimon; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9214143 A000; 08/01/1992; $24,960; 12 mo. Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Constraint Nets for Life Cycle Engineering O'Grady, Peter; Bahler, Dennis; Bowen, J.A.; Young, Robert; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DDM 8914200 A003; 10/01/1989; $100,000; 0 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Computer Interated Statistical Process Control System for Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Circuit Board Production Okogbaa, O. Geoffrey; Borkes, Tom; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 DDM 9113846 A002; 07/15/1991; $10,281; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $7,640 Research Areas in Manufacturing Unit Processes Pollack, Kerstin; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9022041 A001; 02/01/1991; $239,171; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $169,586 DDM 9022041 A002; 02/01/1991; $148,931; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $148,931 Engineering Faculty Internship: Production Optimization of Commercial Aircraft Fuselage Frames and Doors Rajagopalan, Ramesh; Grady, Arthur; Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 DDM 9213701 A000; 07/01/1992; $6,000; 12 mo. Web Handling Research Center Reid, Karl; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 EEC 9023068 A002; 09/01/1990; $72,610; 12 mo. STRATMAN: Automatic Design and Assembly of Fixtures Using Modular Components Requicha, Aristides A.; Bekey, George; Goldberg, Kenneth; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 DDM 9215362 A000; 09/15/1992; $344,424; 36 mo. Research Initiation: Developing Heuristics for Rank Reduction Algorithms for Large-Scale Markov Chains Rieders, Maria; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 9211043 A000; 08/15/1992; $33,768; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $16,884 STRATMAN: Micro-Constructive Manufacturing Sachs, Emanuel; Cima, Michael; Cornie, James; Gossard, David; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9215728 A000; 10/01/1992; $600,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $600,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Reverse Engineering Representations of Shape Schunck, Brian; Wu, Charles; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9213693 A000; 07/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Study of Turbulent Double-Diffusive Transport and Macrosegregation During Continuous Ingot Casting Shyy, Wei; Backman, Daniel; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9213568 A000; 08/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Research Planning Grant: Process Planning Using an Integrated Neural Network and Expert System Approach Smith, Alice; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 DDM 9209424 A000; 09/01/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Develop a Comprehensive Control System for Turning Centers Stern, Elliot; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 DDM 9214675 A000; 07/15/1992; $6,843; 12 mo. Cooperative Agreement: Research in Processing Technology Suh, Nam; Sharon, Andre; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 9115271 A001; 09/01/1991; $250,000; 12 mo. Cooperative Research in Integrated Circuit Technology Sumney, Larry; Semiconductor Research Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ECS 9105584 A003; 08/15/1991; $300,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY $150,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Intelligent Gear Inspection System Tansel, Ibrahim; Arch, Allan; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 DDM 9213770 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $25,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Concurrent Design and Evaluation of a Family of Material Handling Containers Taylor, Gaylon Don; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 DDM 9213766 A000; 07/01/1992; $22,606; 16 mo. Cooperative Agreement: Machine Tool Research Tlusty, Jiri; Smith, Kevin Scott; Principe, Jose; Yeralan, Sencer; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 DDM 9114588 A001; 09/01/1991; $195,332; 12 mo. NSF/DARPA Agreement for Use of DARPA VLSI Implementation Toole, John; Department of Defense-Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA 22209 MIP 9015601 A002; 10/01/1990; $903,635; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS PROGRAM and CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING P $87,005 Research Planning Grant: Toward Simultaneous Engineering in the Toy Industry Trappey, Amy J.C.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9209153 A000; 08/15/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,000 Engineering Faculty Internship: Thermal Modeling of Open Die Forgings Using Microcomputer Programs Van Tyne, Chester; Focht, Robert; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 DDM 9213630 A000; 07/15/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Developing Knowledge-Based Systems Vassiliadis, Constantinos; Allen, Don; Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 DDM 9213711 A000; 06/15/1992; $18,292; 12 mo. STRATMAN: Development of a Science Base for Drills and Drill Grinding Processes Wu, S.; Schunck, Brian; Woo, Tony; Ni, Jun; Sha, Jilun; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9215470 A000; 09/01/1992; $599,296; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE $599,296 Research Initiation: Global Optimization Algorithms for Engineering Design Zabinsky, Zelda; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 9211001 A000; 07/15/1992; $30,309; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,000 Study on Materials for the 21st Century Zwilsky, Klaus; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9017571 A001; 03/01/1991; $29,903; 11 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $29,903 ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Communications and Computational Systems Program Computational Engineering A System for Micro-Mechanical Spring Design Antonsson, Erik; Tai, Yu-Chong; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ECS 9023646 A001; 08/15/1991; $75,260; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $18,815 Presidential Young Investigator Award Arabyan, Ara; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 9057062 A002; 08/01/1990; $54,147; 12 mo. Workshop on Riser Mechanics Bernitsas, Michael; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9221744 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,456; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $25,000 Serial and Parallel Computational Methods for Large Scale Problems Bertsekas, Dimitri; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8903385 A002; 03/01/1990; $56,008; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THEORY OF COMPUTING $15,000 Numerical Instrumentation for Shape and Shape Change Analysis via Three-Dimensional Microscopy Bovik, Alan; Diller, Kenneth; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 BIR 9106624 A001; 09/15/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INSTRUMENTAT AND INSTRUMENT DEVP and ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $130,000 Parallel Supercomputing at Caltech: Instrumentation Proposal Bower, James; Messina, Paul; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BIR 9020463 A001; 07/01/1991; $320,000; 12 mo. A Unified Approach Toward Optimal Computational Fluid Dynamics: Novel Multi-Processor Architectures and Smart Algorithms for Parallel Computation Browne, James; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ASC 9111540 A001; 10/01/1991; $30,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Castillo, Steven; New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003 ECS 9158504 A001; 10/01/1991; $35,000; 12 mo. Computational Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electro-Mechanical Dynamics in Microscales Cho, Dongil; Karniadakis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9023760 A001; 07/15/1991; $153,271; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $38,320 Numerical Methods and Programming Environments for Complex Fluid Flows Chorin, Alexandre; Berger, Stanley; Colella, Phillip; Hilfinger, Paul; Marcus, Philip; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 DMS 8919074 A002; 07/01/1990; $855,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DARPA $650,000 Mathematical Sciences: Analytical and Numerical Studies of Partial Differential Equations of Semiconductor Devices Cole, Julian; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 DMS 9015878 A001; 03/15/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $25,000 A National Center for Computational Electronics Dutton, Robert; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 9200560 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Farhat, Charbel; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 8957322 A003; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEW TECHNOLOGIES $31,250 High-Performance Computational Methods for Coupled Field Problems Felippa, Carlos; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ASC 9217394 A000; 09/25/1992; $900,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $100,000 NSF Young Investigator Fish, Jacob; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 ECS 9257203 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences Gedney, Stephen; Fairweather, Graeme; Finkel, Raphael; Tsang, Tate; McDonough, James; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 DMS 9206014 A000; 06/15/1992; $93,975; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEW TECHNOLOGIES $23,400 International Symposium on Boundary Element Methods; Boulder Geers, Thomas; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9221080 A000; 08/01/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. The Foundations of Genetic Algorithms Goldberg, David; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9022007 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Modified Eigenvalue Problems, with Applicatin to Structural Dynamic Re-Analysis on Parallel Computers Golub, Gene; Law, Kincho; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 9003107 A001; 09/01/1990; $18,151; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $18,151 REU: Parallelization of Monte Carlo Algorithms in Semi-Conductor Device Physics Goodnick, Stephen; Lenders, Patrick; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 ECS 8821107 A005; 08/15/1989; $4,050; 0 mo. RIA: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Adaptive Finite Element Analysis Haghighi, Kamyar; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9211156 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 24 mo. REU: National Center for Computational Electronics Hess, Karl; Ravaioli, Umberto; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 8809023 A006; 11/01/1988; $4,688; 0 mo. A National Center for Computational Electronics Hess, Karl; Ravaioli, Umberto; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9122768 A000; 08/15/1992; $147,894; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES and COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $75,000 International Workshop on Computational Electronics May 28-29,1992 at the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Hess, Karl; Ravaioli, Umberto; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9207868 A000; 05/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. DEDS: A New Paradigm for Performance Analysis, Computation and Optimization Ho, Yu-Chi; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 EEC 9212122 A000; 09/15/1992; $365,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and SYSTEMS THEORY $352,500 2-D Implementation of Monte Carlo Program for High-Field, Ultrafast Studies of Semiconductors Hsiang, Thomas; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 ECS 9203490 A000; 04/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Microstructural Modeling and Probabilistic Prediction of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Response Johnson, George; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Ferrari, Mauro; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9023714 A001; 08/01/1991; $187,606; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $46,901 SGER: Dynamic Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Hetergeneous Computer Environments Johnson, Mary; Palekar, Udatta; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9214844 A000; 08/15/1992; $48,328; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ADVANC SCIENT COMPUTING CENTRS $20,000 Superquest 1991-1994 Kalos, Malvin; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ASC 9102830 A001; 07/15/1991; $1,164,805; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DATABASES, SOFTWARE DEV AND COMP $40,586 Numerical Computation of Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow Over Rough Walls Karniadakis, George; Orszag, Steven; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 CTS 8914422 A003; 01/01/1990; $117,512; 12 mo. Simulations of Systems with Spatio-Temporal Structure: A Model Reduction Approach for Complex Geometrics Kevrekidis, Yannis; Karniadakis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9023362 A001; 07/01/1991; $92,441; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Keyes, David; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 ECS 8957475 A004; 08/15/1989; $25,000; 0 mo. ECS 8957475 A005; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Theoretical Modeling of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Ko, Wen; Hoffman, Richard; Mehregany, Mehran; Mullen, Robert; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 ECS 9023711 A001; 06/15/1991; $104,320; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $22,500 RIA: Advanced Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Devices Korman, Can; George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 ECS 9209341 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $50,000 Numerical Methods for Particle Transport Problems Larsen, Edward; Martin, William; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9107725 A000; 05/01/1992; $104,749; 12 mo. Large-Scale Computing in Control Laub, Alan; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9120643 A000; 08/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $15,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Levin, Peter; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 ECS 9158009 A002; 10/01/1991; $7,200; 0 mo. ECS 9158009 A003; 10/01/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Space-Time Analysis and Visualization of Dynamical Systems Using Massively Parallel Computers Long, Lyle; Thomopoulos, Stelios; Higgins, William; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 ECS 9120278 A000; 08/01/1992; $85,000; 24 mo. RIA: An Adaptive Spectral Element Method for the Solution of Transient Partial Differential Equations in Complex Geometries Mavriplis, Catherine; George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 ECS 9209347 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Computational Abstractions for Dynamic Nonlinear Analysis of Structures Miller, Gregory; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 9203140 A000; 05/15/1992; $38,268; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards Parsons, Ian; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9157304 A001; 10/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Symbolic-Numeric Methods and Data Visualization Strategies for Scientific Concurrent Computation Peskin, Richard; Walther, Sandra; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 ECS 9110424 A001; 09/01/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $4,000 ECS 9110424 A002; 09/01/1991; $167,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION and COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $50,000 NSF Young Investigator Award Peterson, Andrew; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9257927 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Continuation of Research on an Optimization-Based Methodology for Computer-Aided Design Polak, Elijah; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8916168 A002; 06/01/1990; $55,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $15,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Powell, Kenneth; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8857500 A004; 09/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. SGER: Finite Difference Time Domain Techniques Applied to Periodic Problems in Electromagnetics Pozar, David; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 9122924 A000; 01/01/1992; $23,479; 12 mo. Multi-Dimensional Computation of Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Microstructures of High Performance Heterojunction Devices Ravaioli, Umberto; Leburton, Jean-Pierre; Kerkhoven, Thomas; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9120641 A000; 03/15/1992; $147,172; 12 mo. Region Segmentation by Time Series Analysis Rogowska, Jadwiga; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02101 ECS 9214839 A000; 09/01/1992; $26,000; 24 mo. MRI: Finite Element Analysis of High Speed InP/no.53 GaO.47 as P-I-N Photodetector Structures Russell, Jimmie; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 ECS 9111257 A000; 05/15/1992; $150,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $112,500 A Distributed Computational System for Large Scale Environmental Modeling Russell, Armistead; McRae, Gregory; Bruegge, Bernd; Steenkiste, Peter; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ASC 9217365 A000; 10/01/1992; $500,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION $100,000 Computational Methods in Radiative Heat Transfer Siewert, Charles; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 ECS 9100116 A000; 04/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING $25,000 Image Reconstruction from Cone-Beam Projections Smith, Bruce; Murio, Diego; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 ECS 9112810 A000; 08/15/1992; $143,151; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with POWER SYSTEMS $70,000 Digital Image Processing Techniques for Flow Field Analysis and Interpretation Strickland, Robin; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 9009458 A001; 03/15/1991; $98,036; 12 mo. Control of the Errors of Idealization in Design Computations Szabo, Barna; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 DDM 8917736 A002; 06/01/1990; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $35,000 Reconstruction Techniques for Limited-Data Tomography of Turbulent Fields Watt, David; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 ECS 8910350 A003; 09/01/1989; $51,228; 12 mo. Electromechanical Finite Element Models for Ultrasound Transducer Analysis and Design Wojcik, Gregory; Weidlinger Associates, Los Altos, CA 94022 III 9161050 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,886; 6 mo. A Computer-Based Testbed for Novel Integrated Antenna Design Wu, Doris; Boulder Microwave Technologies Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 III 9161175 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Engineering Research Center for the Carnegie Mellon Data Storage Systems Center Kryder, Mark; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8907068 A005; 04/15/1990; $2,470,565; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $45,000 Symbolic-Numeric Methods and Data Visualization Strategies for Scientific Concurrent Computation Peskin, Richard; Walther, Sandra; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 ECS 9110424 A002; 09/01/1991; $167,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NUMERIC AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION and COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $50,000 Optical Communications Initiative Fundamental Limits to the Performance of InP-Based Monolithic Integrated Receivers Forrest, Stephen; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 ECS 9014701 A001; 04/01/1991; $1,994; 15 mo. Fundamental Limits to the Performance of InP-Based Monolithic Integrated Receivers Forrest, Stephen; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9296223 A000; 07/01/1992; $157,184; 8 mo. Photobleachable Host-Guest Thin Films for Optical Waveguides Halpern, Bret; Jet Process Corporation, New Haven, CT 06511 III 9160294 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Picosecond Optical Signal Sampling Device Haus, Hermann; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9012787 A001; 12/01/1990; $78,200; 12 mo. Optical Microstructures and Their Application to Spontaneous Emission Inhibition and Semiconductor Micro-Lasers (Research Initiation Award) Ho, Seng; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9210434 A000; 10/01/1992; $55,332; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Kahn, Joseph M.; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9157089 A001; 08/01/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. ECS 9157089 A002; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Integration of Substrate-Mode Diffractive Optical Interconnects with Board Level Electronic Processing Systems Kostuk, Raymond; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 9109954 A000; 01/15/1992; $75,739; 12 mo. PYI: Optical Network Based on Pulse-Modulated Subcarrier Multiplexed Transmission Lau, Kam Yin; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9196076 A001; 10/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Cross Linking the Electron and Photon Wave Devices Liu, Pao-Lo; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 ECS 9200561 A000; 09/15/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. ER:TI:LiNbO3 Guided Wave Integrated Optic Amplifier McCaughan, Leon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9204852 A000; 09/15/1992; $105,000; 12 mo. Architectures for Multichannel Optical Fiber Communication Using Arrays of Surface Normal Devices McInerney, John; Cheng, Julian; Malloy, Kevin; Naqvi, S. Sohail; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 ECS 9015735 A002; 08/01/1990; $211,419; 12 mo. Solitons in Communication and Switching Systems Menyuk, Curtis; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 ECS 9113382 A001; 09/01/1991; $99,326; 12 mo. Characterization of Optical Waveguides Produced in Silica Glass by Electron Beam Irradiation (Research Initiation Grant) Patterson, David; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 ECS 9211018 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Novel Optical Interconnection Networks Using Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits Sawchuk, Alexander; Forrest, Stephen; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 ECS 9015797 A002; 10/01/1990; $203,119; 12 mo. Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers Sunak, Harish; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 ECS 9111419 A001; 08/15/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-ERBIUM DOPED AMPLIFIERS $10,000 Transparent Electrodes Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Modules for Optical Communications and Signal Processing Applications Van Hove, Jim; APA Optics Inc., Blaine, MN 55434 III 9160508 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,945; 6 mo. Lossless Acoustooptic Permutation and Interconnection Network Wagner, Kelvin; Mickelson, Alan; Weverka, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9015752 A003; 09/01/1990; $11,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,500 ECS 9015752 A004; 09/01/1990; $199,525; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Optical Fiber-Communications Systems for High Speed Photonic Networks Willner, Alan; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 ECS 9258150 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Rare Earth-Doped Waveguide Lasers Winick, Kim; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9201079 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Study of Optical Carrier and Subcarrier Noise Properties for Fiber-Optic Links - (Research Equipment Grant) Yu, Kit-Lai; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 ECS 9212289 A000; 09/01/1992; $58,346; 12 mo. Emerging Technologies Initiation Program Low-Cost Technologies for Microelectromechanical Systems Allen, Mark; Rohatgi, Ajeet; Jokerst, Nan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9117074 A001; 08/15/1991; $192,722; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $32,722 Synthesis of Nanometer Diameter Particles and Measurement of Particle-Particle and Particle Substrate Interactions Andres, R.; Reifenberger, R.; Talbot, Julian; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9117691 A000; 05/15/1992; $338,010; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $130,000 Nanocrystalline Materials Prepared by Spark Erosion Berkowitz, Ami; Meyers, Marc; Maple, M. Brian; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 ECS 9119005 A001; 10/01/1991; $151,607; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $20,000 High Volume Production of Ultrafine Particles Brock, James; Becker, Michael; Keto, John; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9119043 A000; 05/15/1992; $338,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $129,990 Development of a Synergistic Millimeter-Wave/Optical Pollution Monitoring Facility for Research and Training. Fung, Adrian; Klemer, David; Bredow, Jonathan; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 ECS 9214363 A000; 08/15/1992; $407,760; 60 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $407,760 Acquisition of Test Equipment to Characterize Structural Composites GangaRao, Hota; Halabe, Udaya; West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown, WV 26506 ECS 9214557 A000; 08/15/1992; $150,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $150,000 Research on Micromechanics and Micromagnetics Based on X-Ray Lithography and Electrodeposition of Metal Structures Guckel, Henry; Chapman, Thomas; Lovell, Edward; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9116566 A001; 09/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $40,000 Controlled Production of Ultrafine Particles Using Microemulsion and Ceramic Synthesis Technologies Hatton, T. Alan; Cima, Michael; Bawendi, Moungi; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9118907 A001; 09/01/1991; $199,670; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $20,000 Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation Using a Plasma Expansion Process Heberlein, Joachim; McMurry, Peter; Girshick, Steven; Martins, Jose' L.; University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, Minneapolis, MN 55455 ECS 9118100 A001; 10/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $30,000 Construction and Evaluation of Self-Luminescent Biosensors Holmes, David; Wnek, Gary; Korenowski, Gerald; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 ECS 9048623 A002; 08/15/1990; $55,078; 0 mo. Membrane Fusion and Chemotropic Approaches to Peripheral Nerve Regeneration (REU Supplement) Hubbell, Jeffrey; Bittner, George; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 8915178 A003; 09/01/1989; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $11,250 Development of an Advanced Neutron Stress Instrument. Krawitz, Aaron; Berliner, Ronald; Winholtz, Robert; Popovici, Mihai; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 ECS 9214316 A000; 09/01/1992; $285,110; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $285,110 Development of State-of-the-Art Geo-Environmental Engineering Research Facilities Levine, Audrey; Khera, Raj; Hsieh, Hsin-Neng; Meegoda, Namunu; Raghu, D.; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 ECS 9214571 A000; 09/01/1992; $307,131; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $307,131 Microdynamics and Nanodynamics: Materials, Structures and Devices MacDonald, Noel; Thomas, Robert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8915277 A003; 08/15/1989; $104,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC and MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $82,100 Bulk Silicon Technologies for Microelectromechanical Systems Najafi, Khalil; Wise, Kensall; Crary, Selden; Orr, Bradford; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8915215 A003; 09/01/1989; $48,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $48,400 Acquisition of an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) Capable of Analyzing Solid and Liquid Samples. Neal, Clive; Irvine, Robert; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 ECS 9214596 A000; 09/01/1992; $250,000; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $250,000 Reconstitution of a Blood Vessel in Culture Nerem, Robert; Alexander, R. Wayne; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9111761 A001; 09/01/1991; $178,461; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMASS ENG and BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING $58,974 Renovation and Enhancement of the Microelectronics Facility Nurmikko, Arto; Beresford, Roderic; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 9214623 A000; 09/01/1992; $320,872; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $320,872 Self-Assembling Microstructures with Application to Precision Resonant-Structure Micromotors Pisano, Albert; Howe, Roger; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8915128 A003; 09/01/1989; $86,300; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $36,300 Acquisition of Environmental Scanning Microscope Ploehn, Harry; Cornwell, Leonard; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 ECS 9214314 A000; 08/15/1992; $150,007; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $150,007 Acquisition of a High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope Rabenberg, Llewellyn; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9214209 A000; 08/15/1992; $299,920; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ACADEMIC RESEARCH FACILITIES $299,920 Synthesis of Ultrafine Particles of Nanosize Reinforced Composites Sastry, Shankar; Kelton, Kenneth; Axelbaum, Richard; Buhro, Willliam; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 9119006 A001; 10/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS and PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $30,000 Renovation of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Environmental Engineering Laboratories Saunders, Fred; Kiang, Chia; Bayer, Charlene; Ray, J.; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 STI 9214457 A000; 09/15/1992; $746,861; 36 mo. Engineering Systems Program Power Systems PYI: Nonlinear Control and Order Reduction Abed, Eyad; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 ECS 8657561 A006; 07/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Standing Phase Angle Reduction in Power Systems Adibi, Mahmood; Industrial Research and Development Corporation, Bethesda, MD 20827 III 9160779 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,940; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards Ahmed-Zaid, Said; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 ECS 9058174 A002; 09/01/1990; $45,048; 12 mo. Inclusion of Transmission Reliability Costs in Real Time Pricing Decisions Alvarado, Fernando; DeMarco, Christopher; Ray, Dennis; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 8907391 A002; 11/15/1989; $80,200; 12 mo. Investigation of Computational and Analytical Aspects of Interior Point Methods in Power System State Estimation Alvarado, Fernando; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9215271 A000; 09/01/1992; $66,330; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: A Power Electronics and Electric Power Quality Research Workstation Balda, Juan C.; Simon, Ang; Olejniczak, Kraig; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 ECS 9213022 A000; 09/15/1992; $76,185; 12 mo. Synthesis of Robust Controllers with Structured Real Uncertain Parameters Barmish, B. Ross; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9111570 A001; 09/01/1991; $88,868; 0 mo. Theory and Applications of Parallel Sparse Vector Methods (Minority Research Initiation) Betancourt, Ramon; San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego, CA 92182-1900 ECS 8915357 A002; 01/01/1990; $15,000; 6 mo. On-Line Security Analysis of Power Systems Bose, Anjan; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 ECS 9014765 A002; 08/15/1990; $82,123; 12 mo. A Low GPS Time Sensor for Use in Power System Control (SBIR Phase I) Brown, Alison; NAVSYS Corporation, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 III 9160302 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: A Theory-Based Controlling UEP Method for Power System Transient Stability Analysis Chiang, Hsiao-Dong; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8957878 A006; 08/01/1989; $37,500; 0 mo. ECS 8957878 A007; 08/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Cho, Bo; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 ECS 8957482 A003; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Incipient Fault Detection in Rotating Machines Using a Neural Network Chow, Mo-yuen; White, Mark; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 ECS 8922727 A004; 07/01/1990; $50,000; 12 mo. Robust Frequency Domain Design of Flexible AC Transmission System Devices for Power System Damping Control Chow, Joe; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 ECS 9215076 A000; 09/01/1992; $52,555; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Equipment for the Measurement of Fast Voltage Transients Chowdhuri, Pritindra; Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505 ECS 9111505 A000; 01/01/1992; $26,343; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Christie, Richard D.; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9058060 A002; 09/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Electric Power Network Error Detection Using L1 Optimization Clements, Kevin; Davis, Paul; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 ECS 8814046 A003; 09/01/1988; $47,872; 0 mo. Power System State Estimation, External Network Models and Interior Point Optimization Methods Clements, Kevin; Davis, Paul; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 ECS 9209294 A000; 09/01/1992; $84,646; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Crow, Mariesa; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 ECS 9257208 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. NSF Sponsored Student Travel Program Daneshdoost, Morteza; Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 62901 ECS 9200804 A000; 04/15/1992; $48,958; 36 mo. Decomposition and Parallel Processing Techniques for Large-Scale Electric Power System Planning Under Uncertainty Dantzig, George; Glynn, Peter; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 8906260 A002; 03/01/1990; $49,507; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with OPERATIONS RESEARCH $24,754 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Nonlinear Security and Control Techniques for Power Systems DeMarco, Christopher; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 8857019 A004; 08/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Dobson, Ian; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9157192 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Optimum Design of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Machines Famouri, Parviz; West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown, WV 26506 ECS 9209089 A000; 09/15/1992; $75,001; 36 mo. Neural Network-Based Approaches to Nonlinear Short Term Load Forcasting for Electric Utilities Fine, Terrence; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9017493 A001; 06/15/1991; $82,014; 12 mo. Optional Forward Contracts: Security Applications and Theoretical Extensions Gedra, Thomas; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 ECS 9211182 A000; 09/15/1992; $91,200; 36 mo. Application of Nonlinear Model-Based Predictive Control to Fossil Power Plants Gibbs, Bruce; Coleman Research Corporation, Orlando, FL 32819-8343 III 9121520 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,988; 18 mo. An Integrated Undergraduate Program on Semiconductor Devices for Power Flow Control Gray, Jeffrey; Heydt, Gerald; Neudeck, Gerold; Ong, Chee-Mun; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 9212409 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Block Travel for: 12th World Congress - International Federation of Automatic Control to be held in Sydney, Australia July 19-23, l993 Haddad, A.; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9215458 A000; 01/15/1993; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $5,000 Applications of Walsh Transforms for Electric Power Quality Analysis Heydt, Gerald; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9112787 A001; 08/15/1991; $62,429; 12 mo. Short Term Economic Energy Management in a Deregulated Environment - An Engineering-Based Approach Ilic, Marija; Tabors, Richard; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9120837 A000; 09/01/1992; $65,000; 12 mo. REU: Synthesis, Analysis, and Design of Resonant DC/DC Converters Kazimierczuk, Marian; Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 ECS 8922695 A002; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. On-Line Tracking of Synchronous Machine Parameters and Turns Ratio of Windings from Operating Data Keyhani, Ali; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 ECS 9204567 A000; 09/01/1992; $37,265; 12 mo. Intelligent Control Concepts for Automatic Generation Control of Electric Power Systems King, Roger; Luck, Rogelio; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 ECS 9216549 A000; 09/15/1992; $133,838; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY and DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $108,838 Decision Fusion and Extrapolation for Security Supervisor Control Systems Kwatny, Harry; Fischl, Robert; Kam, Moshe; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 9216588 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY and DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $195,000 Research and Curriculum Development for Power Plant Intelligent Distributed Control Lee, Kwang; Edwards, Robert; Mayer, Jeffrey; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 EEC 9212132 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 PYIA: Analysis and Prevention of Voltage Collapse of Power System Liu, Chen-Ching; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 8657671 A005; 07/01/1987; $62,500; 12 mo. Transformer Magnetization Under the Influence of Geomagnetically Induced Currents Liu, Yilu; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 ECS 9113014 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Conference: Student Travel for the 1992 PES Summer Meeting to be held in Seattle, WA on July 12-16, 1992 Liu, Chen-Ching; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9211804 A000; 05/15/1992; $14,740; 6 mo. Coordinating Controllers for Multi-Objective Autmomatic Generation Control Lo, Edward; EPIC Engineering Inc., Los Altos, CA 94022 III 9161208 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Distribution of Power Generation System Production Costs Mazumdar, M.; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 ECS 9106396 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 9106396 A002; 08/15/1991; $79,086; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Mili, Lamine; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 ECS 9257204 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. PYIA: An Expert System Assisted Power Flow Evaluation Momoh, James; Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 ECS 8657559 A007; 07/01/1987; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $11,250 Integrated Studies of Problems in Managing Research and Human Responses to Global Climate Change Morgan, M. Granger; Fischhoff, Baruch; Lave, Lester; McRae, Gregory; Rubin, Edward; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 SES 9022738 A001; 04/01/1991; $175,000; 12 mo. A High Performance Reluctance Machine and Its Optimal-Current Angle Decoupled Control Nasar, Syed; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 ECS 9208385 A000; 09/15/1992; $54,813; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Micro-Gravity Computational Fluid Dynamics and Knowledge-Based Systems Nassersharif, Bahram; University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154 ECS 9296042 A000; 11/19/1991; $32,000; 3 mo. ECS 9296042 A001; 11/19/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Supplement for Undergraduate Research Support Ngo, Khai D.; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 ECS 8957926 A005; 08/01/1989; $5,000; 0 mo. Supplement for Undergraduate Research Support Ngo, Khai D.; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 ECS 8957926 A004; 08/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Multiobjective Optimum Design of Semiconductor Power Converters Ojo, Joseph; Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505 ECS 9112426 A000; 08/15/1992; $60,000; 24 mo. Block Travel Grant for the Fifth International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems (ICHPS-V), to be held in Atlanta, GA., September 23-25, 1992 Olejniczak, Kraig; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 ECS 9215738 A000; 08/01/1992; $8,000; 12 mo. Integrated Framework for Power System Security Assessment Using Energy Methods Overbye, T.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9209570 A000; 09/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Stability of Large Scale Systems with High Order Model Reduction Pai, M.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9119428 A000; 09/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Identification of Static and Dynamic Distribution System Aggregate Load Using Probabilistic Neural Networks Patton, James; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 ECS 9210878 A000; 09/15/1992; $93,623; 36 mo. Advancing Power System Identification Methods and Robust Control Strategies for Power System Damping Pierre, Donald; Nehrir, M. Hashem; Smith, J.; Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 ECS 9204582 A000; 09/15/1992; $52,727; 12 mo. Decentralized Control for Structrural Uncertainties: Power Systems Applications Sethares, William; Lasseter, Robert; Alvarado, Fernando; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9216520 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY and DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL 180,000 Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Shaw, John; Alphatech Inc., Burlington, MA 01803-4562 III 9160169 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Combinatorial Optimization for Transaction Evaluation Sheble, Gerald; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 ECS 9019076 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Development of a Fully Constrained Dynamic Economic Dispatch Methodology for Real-Time Application Shoults, Raymond; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 ECS 9214593 A000; 09/01/1992; $52,810; 12 mo. Decentralized Control and Computations of Complex Systems Siljak, Dragoslav; Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053 ECS 9114872 A000; 08/15/1992; $49,978; 12 mo. Developing a Realistic and Viable Methodology for Reliability Evaluation of Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems Singh, Chanan; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 ECS 9113735 A001; 08/15/1991; $101,375; 12 mo. Image Reconstruction from Cone-Beam Projections Smith, Bruce; Murio, Diego; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 ECS 9112810 A000; 08/15/1992; $143,151; 24 mo. Effect of Global Warming Feedback on Energy Production Strategies Sreenath, N.; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 ECS 9209746 A000; 09/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Taylor, David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9158037 A001; 08/01/1991; $36,809; 12 mo. ECS 9158037 A002; 08/01/1991; $25,691; 0 mo. Electric Power System Infrastructure Thomas, Robert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9221857 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Nonlinear Actuator Design Using Nonlinear System Theory Torrey, David; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 ECS 9209123 A000; 09/15/1992; $89,983; 36 mo. Development of a Comprehensive Robust Control Theory and Design Methodology for Power Conversion Systems Tymerski, Richard; Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207 ECS 9212199 A000; 09/15/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Block Travel Grant for the Seventh National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) to be held in Calcutta, India, December 19-22, l992 Venkata, Subrahman; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9217863 A000; 10/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. A Novel Approach to Robust Control Design and Analysis for Power Systems Vittal, Vijay; Khammash, Mustafa; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 ECS 9213699 A000; 09/01/1992; $66,554; 12 mo. High Voltage Conduction and Breakdown Phenomena in Dielectrics Zahn, Markus; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 8913605 A004; 12/15/1989; $76,000; 12 mo. Systems Theory PYI: Adaptive Control Theory and Applications Annaswamy, Anuradha; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9296070 A000; 12/18/1991; $10,800; 14 mo. ECS 9296070 A001; 12/18/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. ROW: Robust Adaptive Control Annaswamy, Anuradha; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9296073 A001; 12/18/1991; $27,770; 12 mo. Intelligent Feedback Systems Athans, Michael; Tsitsiklis, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9216531 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $100,000 Synthesis of Robust Controllers with Structured Real Uncertain Parameters Barmish, B.Ross; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9111570 A001; 09/01/1991; $88,868; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with POWER SYSTEMS $71,940 Synthesis of Robust Controllers Under Perturbations of Mixed Type Bhattacharyya, S.; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 ECS 9106312 A000; 12/15/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. International Workshop on Robust Control, April 12-17, 1992 Ascona, Switzerland Bhattacharyya, S.; Keel, Leehyun; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 ECS 9209486 A000; 03/15/1992; $8,000; 6 mo. Synthesis of Robust Controllers Under Perturbations of Mixed Type Dahleh, Mohammed; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9111058 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 PYI: Research in System Identification and Robust Control Dahleh, Munther; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9157306 A001; 08/15/1991; $62,300; 12 mo. Robust Design Issues in Communications, Signal Processing and Control Dasgupta, Soura; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 ECS 9211593 A000; 09/15/1992; $61,800; 12 mo. Robustness Quantification and Performance Improvement in Adaptive Control Systems Datta, Aniruddha; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 ECS 9210726 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,999; 36 mo. Design and Control of a Walking Robot Dayawansa, Wijesuriya; Tits, Andre; Azarm, Shapour; Farvardin, Nariman; Tsai, Lung-Wen; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 9212126 A000; 09/15/1992; $365,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 PYIA: Synthesis of Robust Control System Doyle, John; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ECS 8657814 A004; 08/15/1987; $62,500; 12 mo. Workshop in Nonlinear Control Theory, May 27-31, 1992, Washington University, St. Louis, MO Elliott, David; Byrnes, Christopher; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 9204612 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Neural Network Fuzzy Adaptive Control Esogbue, Augustine; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9216004 A000; 09/15/1992; $133,838; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $33,838 Mathematical Sciences: Research on Optimal Stochastic Control and Nonlinear Estimation Fleming, Wendell; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 DMS 9000038 A002; 07/01/1990; $63,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Robust Design of Multivariable Feedback Systems Freudenberg, James; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8857510 A005; 09/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. New Methods in Modeling and Control of Dynamical Systems Georgiou, Tryphon; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9016050 A001; 07/15/1991; $51,467; 12 mo. New Methods in Modeling and Control of Dynamical Systems Georgiou, Tryphon; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9016050 A002; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Nonlinear Control Systems Grizzle, Jessy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8896136 A005; 09/01/1987; $30,000; 0 mo. NSF Young Investigator Gundes, A. Nazli; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 ECS 9257932 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Block Travel for: 12th World Congress - International Federation of Automatic Control to be held in Sydney, Australia July 19-23, l993. Haddad, A.; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9215458 A000; 01/15/1993; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POWER SYSTEMS and DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $10,000 Nonlinear Feedback-Control Systems Hammer, Jacob; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 ECS 8913424 A002; 04/01/1990; $8,950; 0 mo. PYI: Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems Hauser, John; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 ECS 9157835 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. PYIA: Robust Controller Design for Systems with Nonsmooth Nonlinearities Heck, Bonnie S.; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9058140 A002; 08/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. DEDS: A New Paradigm for Performance Analysis, Computation and Optimization Ho, Yu-Chi; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 EEC 9212122 A000; 09/15/1992; $365,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION $290,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Compliant and Dual Arm Control Hollot, Christopher; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 8858366 A003; 12/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Adaptive Control: Design Trade-Offs, Robustness, Performance Ioannou, Petros; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 ECS 9119722 A000; 09/15/1992; $100,000; 24 mo. Disturbance Attenuation in Nonlinear Control Systems Isidori, Alberto; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 9208306 A000; 09/01/1992; $112,552; 24 mo. Asymptotically Stable Multiple Input-Multiple Output Direct Model Reference Adaptive Controllers for Processes Not Necessarily Satisfying a Positive Real Constraint Kaufman, Howard; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 ECS 9111565 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Nonlinear Output Feedback Control Khalil, Hassan; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 ECS 9121501 A000; 09/01/1992; $120,000; 24 mo. Intelligent Control Concepts for Automatic Generation Control of Electric Power Systems King, Roger; Luck, Rogelio; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 ECS 9216549 A000; 09/15/1992; $133,838; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $33,838 Adaptive and Robust Nonlinear Control Kokotovic, Petar; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9203491 A000; 09/01/1992; $287,508; 36 mo. System Identification for Robust Control Design Kosut, Robert; Integrated Systems Inc., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1215 III 9161408 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,994; 6 mo. Intelligent Control of Cutting Force in Three-Dimensional End Milling Operations Using Neural Networks Krishnamurthy, K; Lu, Wen; McMillin, Bruce; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9216479 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Modeling, Design, and Analysis of Control Algorithms for Scheduling Manufacturing Systems Kumar, P.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9025007 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $20,000 Research on Stochastic Systems and Filtering Theory and Applications Kushner, Harold; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 8913351 A002; 02/15/1990; $60,397; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with APPLIED MATHEMATICS $25,000 ECS 8913351 A003; 02/15/1990; $16,197; 0 mo. Decision Fusion and Extrapolation for Security Supervisor Control Systems Kwatny, Harry; Fischl, Robert; Kam, Moshe; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 9216588 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $100,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Modeling, Analysis and Control of Discrete Event Systems Lafortune, Stephane; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9057967 A002; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Large-Scale Computing in Control Laub, Alan; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9120643 A000; 08/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING and COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $35,000 Intelligent Control of Systems with Set-Partitioned Dynamics Laub, Alan; Seborg, Dale; Kokotovic, Petar; Paden, Brad; Dahleh, Mohammed; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 MSS 9216690 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. System Identification Methods for Optical Sensing of Wind Profiles Leland, Robert; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-2856 ECS 9211596 A000; 09/15/1992; $89,085; 36 mo. Frequency Domain Control Design for Flexible Systems Lenz, Kathryn; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9116214 A000; 08/15/1992; $80,000; 24 mo. Development of Diagnostic Testing Strategies Lin, Feng; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9213922 A000; 09/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Workshop on Fuzzy-Neuro Systems Malkani, Mohan; Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37203 ECS 9221943 A000; 08/01/1992; $20,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with KNOWLEDGE MODELS AND COGNIT SYST $5,000 Computer-Aided Design of and Robust Theory for Multi-Rate Sampled-Data Control Systems Meyer, David; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ECS 9100900 A000; 01/01/1991; $0; 13 mo. Computer-Aided Design of and Robust Theory for Multi-Rate Sampled-Data Control Systems Meyer, David; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9296128 A000; 02/01/1992; $20,590; 10 mo. Qualitative Analysis of Complex Dynamical Systems Michel, Anthony; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 ECS 9107728 A001; 08/15/1991; $37,200; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computational Geometry/Optimization Mitchell, Joseph; Research Foundation of State of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY 12201 ECS 9296056 A000; 11/01/1991; $35,400; 1 mo. ECS 9296056 A001; 11/01/1991; $56,224; 12 mo. Design of a Nonlinear Class of Adaptive Stabilizing Controllers Mohler, Ronald; Chen, Larry; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 ECS 8913773 A004; 03/01/1990; $12,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,375 ECS 8913773 A005; 03/01/1990; $29,447; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Complexity Uncertainty, Information, and Organization in Control System Design for Modern Engineering Systems Nett, Carl; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9058397 A004; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 9058397 A005; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Workshop on Variable Structure Control and Sliding Mode held in Cleveland, Ohio, October, l992. Ozguner, Umit; Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH 44142 ECS 9221944 A000; 09/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. Stochastic Adaptive Control of Distributed Parameter Systems with Boundary Control Pasik-Duncan, Bozenna; University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS 66044 ECS 9113029 A001; 08/01/1991; $5,249; 0 mo. Intelligent Control of Dynamic Systems Perkins, William; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9216487 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Continuation of Research on an Optimization-Based Methodology for Computer-Aided Design Polak, Elijah; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8916168 A002; 06/01/1990; $55,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING and COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $35,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Robustness and Feedback Systems Poolla, Kameshwar; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9296058 A001; 08/04/1991; $42,000; 12 mo. RUI: The Partition of Unstable Polytopes of Polynomials and Its Applications Pujara, L.; Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 ECS 9112039 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Analysis and Control of Discrete Event Systems Ramadge, Peter; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9022634 A001; 07/15/1991; $54,998; 12 mo. Intelligent Control of Mechanical Structures for Damage Mitigation and Failure Prognosis Ray, Asok; Koss, Donald; Carpino, Marc; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 ECS 9216386 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Adaptive Systems for Identification, Signal Processing and Control: Solvability, Performance, Robustness and Applications Ren, Wei; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9211025 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Group Travel Grant to 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; to be held May 11-15, in Nice, France Sanderson, Arthur; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9203431 A000; 03/15/1992; $31,490; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $8,000 Feedback Control of the Nuclear Magnetization State (SGER Award) Schiano, Jeffrey; Magin, Richard; University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Champaign, IL 61820 ECS 9121187 A001; 09/01/1991; $7,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,250 Decentralized Control for Structrural Uncertainties: Power Systems Applications Sethares, William; Lasseter, Robert; Alvarado, Fernando; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9216520 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $100,000 NSF Young Investigator Shamma, Jeff; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9258005 A000; 09/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Robust Control for Nonlinear Systems Shamma, Jeff; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9296074 A000; 01/01/1992; $59,900; 25 mo. Constrained H-Infinity Optimiztion: An Approach for the Robust Control of Systems with Time-Domain Constraints Sideris, Athanasios; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 ECS 9214993 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Workshop on the Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems, April/May 1992, University of California, Santa Barbara Smith, Roy; Dahleh, Mohammed; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9203908 A000; 04/15/1992; $34,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $17,000 RIA: Alternate Representations of Stochastic Processes and Perturbation Analysis of Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems Strickland, Stephen; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ECS 9209902 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,984; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Adaptive Control System Redesign for Improving Transient Performance Sun, Jing; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9110984 A001; 08/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Mathematical Sciences: Differential Geometric and Real Analytic Methods in Nonlinear Control Theory Sussmann, Hector; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 DMS 9202554 A000; 07/01/1992; $50,003; 12 mo. Robust Control of Systems Under Mixed Time/Frequency-Domain Performance Specifications and Applications Sznaier, Mario; University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 ECS 9211169 A000; 08/15/1992; $98,716; 36 mo. Mathematical Sciences: Structured and Nonlinear Interpolation Methods for Robust System Synthesis Tannenbaum, Allen; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9122106 A000; 09/01/1992; $46,000; 24 mo. Sensor-Based Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Terry, Fred; Elta, Michael; Khargonekar, Pramod; Grizzle, Jessy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 EEC 9212316 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Workshop: Hierarchical Control for Real Time Control and Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems to be held in Meredith, New Hamphire, October 16-18, 1992 Vakili, Pirooz; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 ECS 9221942 A000; 09/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Discrete Event Systems: Application, Experiment and Theory Varaiya, Pravin; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9111907 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. H-Infinity Design in Interconnected and Slowly Time-Varying Systems Wang, Le Yi; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9209001 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Control of Nonlinear Distributed Systems with Free Bounaries Wang, Paul; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 ECS 9213301 A000; 09/15/1992; $99,972; 24 mo. Statistical Signal Processing and Estimation for Spatial and Multidimensional Data: Multiresolution Methods, Efficient Algorithms and Geometric Reconstruction Willsky, Alan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MIP 9015281 A001; 03/15/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Monotone Control of Discrete-Event Systems Yao, David; Glasserman, Paul; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 MSS 9216490 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Robust Stability and Stabilization of Systems with Real Parameter Uncertainty Zhou, Kemin; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 ECS 9210388 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Quantum Electronics, Waves, and Beams Program Lightwave Technology INGAAS/GAAS Pseudomorphic Hemts for High Speed Circuit Applications Allstot, David; Arthur, John; Goodnick, Stephen; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 ECS 8821639 A002; 06/01/1989; $118,179; 12 mo. A Study of Rare-Earth Doped Semiconductors and Novel Laser Structures Bhattacharya, Pallab; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9014069 A001; 04/01/1991; $95,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: A New Partial Integration Method for Analysis of Mode Locked Semi-Conductor Lasers Bowers, John; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 8857742 A003; 09/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Quantum Wire Nanostructures in Multiple Quantum Well Optical Waveguides: Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Interactions Boyd, Joseph; Jackson, Howard; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 ECS 9113244 A001; 08/15/1991; $130,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-III-V SEMICONDUCTOR $65,000 SGER: High Space-Time Bandwidth Volume Holographic Systems Brady, David Jones; Papen, George C.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9216273 A000; 10/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $25,000 Ge(x)Si(1-x)/Si Opoelectronic Devices and Integrated Circuits Campbell, Joe; Kwong, Dim-Lee; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9101187 A000; 01/15/1992; $92,167; 12 mo. Materials Synthesis and Processing: Computer Aided Microelectronics Manufacturing Technology for Excimer Laser Based Lithography Cavallaro, Joseph; Tittel, Frank; Wilson, William; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 DDM 9202639 A000; 10/01/1992; $107,472; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Two-Dimensional Vertical Cavity Laser Arrays and Aluminum-Free Lasers Chang-Hasnain, Constance; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 9257209 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation for Surface Material Synthesis Cheung, Nathan; Gustafson, Ture; Lieberman, Michael; Birdsall, Charles; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9202993 A000; 08/15/1992; $167,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES and ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $117,000 Infrared Optical Engineering Research Equipment Chin, K. Ken; Hensel, J.; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 ECS 9213108 A000; 10/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Photo Refractive Non-Linear Optics Cronin-Golomb, Mark; Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 ECS 8658025 A006; 07/01/1987; $62,500; 12 mo. Fabrication and Properties of Gallium Arsenide (Group IV) Alloy Semiconductors Crook, Gentry; Matyi, Richard; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DMR 9202641 A000; 09/15/1992; $240,000; 12 mo. Materials Development and Processing for Fabrication of a Microdynamical Optical Switch Denton, Denice; McCaughan, Leon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9215070 A000; 08/01/1992; $295,610; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $147,805 PYI: Electrodynamics in Optical Semiconductor Microcavities Deppe, Dennis; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9157190 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Experimental Studies of Photorefractive Polymers Ducharme, Stephen; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 ECS 9209941 A000; 10/01/1992; $11,450; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $10,000 Catadioptric Lens for Excimer Laser Lithography Elliot, David; Excimer Laser Systems Inc., West Newton, MA 02165 III 9161062 A000; 01/15/1992; $48,255; 6 mo. Intrinsically Absorbing Polymers for Anti-Reflective Coating Applications Flaim, Tony; Brewer Science Incorporated, Rolla, MO 65401 III 9204220 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,345; 24 mo. Quantum Tunnel Optical Detectors, Modulators, and Sources New Devices for Ultra-High Speed OEIC's Fonstad, Clifton; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9008485 A002; 09/01/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Nonlinear Optics Involving Carrier Transport in Semiconductors Garmire, Elsa; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 ECS 9006551 A002; 09/01/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Semiconductor Physics and Photonics Gibbs, Hyatt; Koch, Stephan; Khitrova, Galina; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 9113219 A000; 02/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow Guido, Louis; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 ECS 9253760 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Nonlinear Photonic Microstructures Gustafson, Ture; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8903591 A002; 08/15/1989; $42,000; 12 mo. Issues in the Utilization of Optics for Computation Gustafson, Ture; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8904191 A002; 08/15/1989; $80,793; 12 mo. Waveguide-Mode-Enhanced Molecular Fluorescence and Other Aspects of the Dipole-Surface Problem Hall, Dennis; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 ECS 9107850 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,998; 12 mo. Circularly-Symmetric Grating, Surface-Emitting Semiconductor Laser Hall, Dennis; Wicks, Gary; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 ECS 9112973 A001; 09/15/1991; $99,913; 12 mo. Polarization Aberrations in Imaging Systems Hansen, Eric; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 ECS 8918141 A001; 01/01/1991; $69,414; 12 mo. Optical Microstructures and Their Application to Spontaneous Emission Inhibition and Semiconductor Micro-Lasers (Research Initiation Award) Ho, Seng; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9210434 A000; 10/01/1992; $55,332; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS INITIAT $55,332 Engineering Research Equipment: Equipment Dedicated to Research in the Engineering of Hybrid Optoelectronic Devices and Components Johnson, Kristina; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9213038 A000; 09/15/1992; $56,000; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards: Carrier Transport Optical Nonlinearities and Integrated Optoelectronics Jokerst, Nan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9058144 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Electric Field Response of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystals Kelly, Jack; Kent State University Foundation, Kent, OH 44242 ECS 9020420 A000; 02/15/1992; $107,825; 12 mo. Femtosecond Pulse Studies on Poled Nonlinear Polymeric Films Knoesen, Andre; Dienes, Andrew; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 ECS 9122168 A000; 09/15/1992; $102,121; 12 mo. Novel Quantum Dot/Host Materials for Photonic and Optoelectronic Devices Kolenbrander, Kirk; Jensen, Klavs; Kimerling, Lionel; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9202672 A000; 08/15/1992; $180,000; 12 mo. Polymeric Ultrathin Film Multilayered Modulators Kowel, Stephen; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 ECS 9196012 A002; 09/15/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DARPA $50,000 Workshop: Progress in Nonlinear-Optics: Organic and Polymeric Materials to be held on July 16-17, 1992 in San Diego Kuzyk, Mark; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9204031 A000; 04/15/1992; $2,975; 8 mo. Nonlinear-Optical Studies of Fractal Metal Clusters Kuzyk, Mark; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9207227 A000; 09/01/1992; $61,785; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POLYMERS $25,000 Technology and Curriculum Development for Packaging Optoelectronic Parallel Computing Systems Based on Free-Space Optical Interconnects Lee, Sing; Ozguz, V.; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 EEC 9212156 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Novel External Laser Cavities for Diode Laser Arrays Leger, James; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9109029 A000; 02/01/1992; $98,979; 12 mo. Multiplexed Holographic Fabry-Perot Resonators for Optical Communications and Processing Applications Lin, Freddie; Physical Optics Corporation, Torrance, CA 90501 III 9100147 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,472; 0 mo. Characteristics of Optical Guided-Mode Resonance Filters Magnusson, Robert; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 ECS 9120856 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Electro-Optic Anisotropic Waveguides with Optical Nonlinearities Maldonado, Theresa; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 ECS 9158022 A001; 08/15/1991; $62,495; 12 mo. Novel Techniques for Polishing Diamond Films Malshe, Ajay; Materials Modification Inc., Fairfax, VA 22031 III 9160777 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,786; 6 mo. Linear and Nonlinear Guided Wave Optical Devices Based on a Rigorous Theory for Intersecting Waveguides McCaughan, Leon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 8802714 A003; 09/15/1988; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,000 New Materials for Optical Wave Guides Meador, Jim; Brewer Science Incorporated, Rolla, MO 65401 III 9160537 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Proposal for a Symposium on Optoelectronic Packaging Science (August 19-21, 1992) Mickelson, Alan; Lee, Yung-Cheng; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9218758 A000; 08/15/1992; $3,000; 12 mo. High Speed Heterostructure Devices Based on InP Substrates for Optoelectronic Receiver Applications Miller, David; Das, Mukunda; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 ECS 9202642 A000; 08/15/1992; $167,928; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES and ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $88,797 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Signal Processing Using Integrated Optics Molter, Lynne; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 19081 ECS 8958667 A004; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Noilica Based Optical Fibers Morse, Theodore; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 8916997 A003; 05/01/1990; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,000 ECS 8916997 A004; 05/01/1990; $98,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $49,000 MS&P: Optical Fiber Sensors for In-Situ Temperature and Strain Measurements in Composite Morse, Theodore; Kim, Kyung-Suk; Sheldon, B.; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 9202961 A000; 09/15/1992; $153,100; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $59,000 All-Optic Bimodal Fiber-Optic Logic Gates for Optical Computing Applications Moslehi, Behzad; Optivision Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303 III 9160947 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. The Centrifugal Synthesis and Processing of Functionally Gradient Materials Munir, Zuhair; McCoy, Benjamin; Risbud, Subhash; Holt, J. Birch; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 DMR 9201685 A000; 09/01/1992; $230,000; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $90,000 Two-Dimensional Guided Wave Spatial Light Controller Based on SIMOX Processing and Germanium-Silicon Alloys Namavar, Fereydoon; Spire Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730 III 9200540 A000; 10/15/1992; $105,934; 24 mo. Workshop on Reconfigurable Free-Space Optical Interconnects; Boulder, Colorado Neff, John; Stirk, Charles; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9206788 A000; 04/15/1992; $11,500; 7 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS and AIR FORCE - FREE SPACE OPTICAL $9,000 Conference: Travel Support for New MRS Symposium on Photo-Induced Space-Charge Effects in Semiconductors to be held in San Francisco, CA, April 27 - May 1, 1992 Nolte, David; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9200143 A000; 05/15/1992; $3,612; 12 mo. Surface-Emitting Laser Arrays for High-Speed Optical Addressing Olbright, Greg; Photonics Research Inc., Boulder, CO 80301-2454 III 9160548 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,994; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards: Nonlinear Effects in Optical Glass Fibers Osterberg, Ulf; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 ECS 9058527 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Interface Engineering by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Chemical Beam Epitaxy Otsuka, Nobuo; Gunshor, Robert; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DMR 9202957 A000; 08/15/1992; $210,000; 12 mo. Femtosecond Optics of Quantum Confined Materials and Devices Peyghambarian, Nasser; Koch, Stephan; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 8909913 A002; 06/01/1989; $98,000; 12 mo. Conference: Organization of the 1992 Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting held in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 13-15, 1992. Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9206896 A000; 06/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $2,500 Organization of 1992 Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamental, and Applications Topical Meeting (Maui, Hawaii August 17-21, 1992) Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9218185 A000; 07/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $2,500 Investigation of Liquid Crystal Polarization Controller for Coherent Fiber-Optic Communication Systems Rumbaugh, Scott; Apeldyn Corporation, Portland, OR 97204 III 9208665 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,960; 24 mo. III-V Heterostructures on Silicon Substrates Prepared by OMCVD for Electronic and Photonic Applications Salerno, Jack; Kopin Corporation, Taunton, MA 02780 III 9110426 A000; 08/01/1992; $249,730; 24 mo. Novel Optically Nonlinear and Luminescent Conjugated Polymers Shinar, Joseph; Barton, Thomas; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DMR 9202981 A000; 09/01/1992; $104,700; 12 mo. II-VI Compound Semiconductor-Based Visible Light Devices Skromme, Brian; Smith, David; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 ECS 9202664 A000; 09/15/1992; $190,091; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award-1987: Advanced Molecular Beam Epitaxy Techniques Smith, John; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8657678 A003; 08/01/1987; $44,445; 12 mo. Organic Thin Films for High Speed Waveguides and Etalons Stegeman, George; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 8911960 A002; 05/01/1990; $150,000; 12 mo. Waveguide Grating Structures in Silicon for High Speed Optical Modulators at Wavelength 1.3m Strzelecki, Eva; Physical Optics Corporation, Torrance, CA 90501 III 9161430 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,987; 6 mo. Photonic Integrated Circuits and Devices Tang, C.; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9016617 A001; 04/01/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. (A1,Ga)Sb Alloys and GaSb/A1Sb Multiple Quantum Wells for Infrared Optoelectronic Device Applications Teich, Malvin; Wang, Wen; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 ECS 9113563 A001; 08/15/1991; $85,000; 12 mo. Nonlinear Optics in Single Crystal Waveguides of Organic Second and Third Order Optical Materials Thakur, Mrinal; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 ECS 9217630 A000; 09/15/1992; $58,467; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator: Novel Optoelectronic Devices Based on III-IV Semiconductor Heterostructures Towe, Elias; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ECS 9257641 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Emerging Optoelectronic Technologies, Indo-U.S. Conference, December 1991, Bangalore, India Tripathi, Vijai; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 INT 9020210 A000; 12/15/1991; $10,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $2,500 Novel Optically Nonlinear and Luminescent Conjugated Polymers Vardeny, Zeev Valy; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 DMR 9222047 A000; 09/01/1992; $45,300; 12 mo. Thin Flim Squids of High TC Materials Vittoria, Carmine; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9011618 A001; 03/01/1991; $114,425; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $38,000 NSF Young Investigator: Integrating Photodetectors with Optoelectronic Devices Fabricated by Liquid Crystal Modulators into VLSI Circuits Wagner, Kelvin; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9258088 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Conference: Organization of the Eighth Optical Fiber Sensors Conference to be held in Monterey, California on January 29 - 31, 1992. Wangemann, Robert; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE), New York, NY 10017 ECS 9114497 A000; 02/15/1992; $4,000; 12 mo. Visible Wavelength Optoelectronic Logic Devices Wilmsen, Carl; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 ECS 9216170 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $25,000 Chemical Sensors for Advanced Process Analysis Yee, Sinclair; Carey, W.; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 9212314 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 SGER: Experimental Study of Four-Wave Mixing InGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells with Application to Optical Switching Devices and Solition Generation Zhao, Yang; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9107774 A001; 08/15/1991; $13,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,937 Quantum Electronics, Special Studies and Assessments, Plasmas and Electromagnetics Engineering Research Center for Telecommunications Acampora, Anthony; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 EEC 8811111 A013; 02/15/1988; $11,865; 0 mo. Beta-barium Borate as a Pockels Cell for Excimer Lasers Adhav, Ratan; Quantum Technology Inc., Lake Mary, FL 32746-6212 III 9160509 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Tetravalent Chromium (Cr 4+) as Laser-Active Ion for Tunable Solid-State Lasers Alfano, Robert; Research Foundation of the City University of New York, New York, NY 10036 ECS 9015486 A001; 04/15/1991; $46,508; 12 mo. Ultrafast Dark Spatial Solitary Wave Propagation Phenomena: Physics and Device Applications Andersen, David; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 ECS 9105660 A000; 01/01/1992; $58,661; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Photodynamics of Condensed Phase Rare Gas Halides: Condensed Phase Exciplex Lasers Apkarian, V. Ara; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 ECS 8914321 A002; 04/01/1990; $65,579; 12 mo. Collision Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Dominated Processes in Etching Plasmas Becker, Kurt; CUNY City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9017211 A002; 06/01/1991; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECTROSCOPY $15,000 REG: Electron Beam Lithography System Beresford, Roderic; Kim, Kyung-Suk; Nurmikko, Arto; Xiao, Gang; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 9213136 A000; 08/15/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Supplement: Waves and Chaos in the Electrodynamics of Plasmas Bers, Abraham; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 8822475 A003; 08/01/1989; $5,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Sources and Applications for Short Wavelength Electromagnetic Radiation Booske, John; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9057675 A003; 10/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Broschat, Shira Lynn; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9058186 A002; 08/01/1990; $37,141; 0 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow: Numerical Studies in Wave Propagation and Scattering Broschat, Shira Lynn; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9253547 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. RIA: Short-Pulse, Ultra-Wideband Scattering Range Carin, Lawrence; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ECS 9211353 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Dynamics of Short Pulse Laser Systems Casperson, Lee; Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207 ECS 9014481 A001; 05/01/1991; $86,527; 12 mo. Basic Physics and Measurments of Pure Electron Plasmas in Crossed-Field Amplifiers and Micro-Field Emitter Arrays Chan, Chung; Browning, Jim; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9120085 A000; 09/01/1991; $101,644; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY $75,000 PYI: Monte-Carlo Simulations of Rough Surface Scattering Using Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods Chan, Chi; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9158040 A001; 08/01/1991; $59,194; 12 mo. REG: Industrial Applications of Plasma Science Chen, Francis; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 ECS 9212432 A000; 08/15/1992; $32,170; 12 mo. Continuously Tunable Light-to-Heavy Hole Semiconductor Laser for the Millimeter and Submillimeter Range (REU Supplement) Coleman, Paul; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 8822123 A002; 08/15/1989; $38,000; 12 mo. ECS 8822123 A003; 08/15/1989; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Millimeter/Microwave Integrated Circuits Compton, Richard; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8957839 A003; 09/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Investigation of Metal-Semiconductor and Heterojunction Devices at Tarahertz Frequencies Crowe, T.; Mattauch, Robert; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ECS 9113123 A001; 09/01/1991; $124,965; 12 mo. Coherent Sources in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Eden, J. Gary; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9022187 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 9022187 A002; 07/01/1991; $85,844; 12 mo. Analysis of Superconducting Microwave Transmission Lines (REU SUPPLEMENT) El-Ghazaly, Samir; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 ECS 9108933 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Career Advancement Award (ROW): Determination of Optimum Wavelength for High Resolution Soft-X-Ray Microscopy Using a Laser Produced Plasma Source Eligon, Ann Marie; University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 ECS 9201733 A000; 08/01/1992; $35,942; 12 mo. PYI: Chiral Materials and Their Applications to Microwave and Integrated Optical Devices and Components Engheta, Nader; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 8957434 A003; 08/15/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Toward the Application of Real-Time Gas Electron Diffraction as a Detector for Open Tubular Capillary Gas Chromatography Ewbank, John; Paul, David; Schafer, Lothar; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 ECS 9002677 A001; 01/01/1991; $72,369; 12 mo. Laser Radar Performance and Improved Beam Alignment Frehlich, Rod; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9021303 A002; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 ECS 9021303 A003; 09/01/1991; $79,786; 12 mo. Conference: Participation Support for the First International Meeting for Wave Propagation in Random Media (Scintillation) to be held in Seattle, WA, on 8/3-7/92 Frehlich, Rod; Tatarskii, V.; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9215911 A000; 06/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with US/USSR ACTIVITIES and PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY $12,000 Semiconductor Quantum Electron Wave Devices Gaylord, Thomas K.; Brennan, Kevin; Glytsis, Elias; Harris, Michael H.; Martin, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9111866 A002; 09/01/1991; $105,000; 12 mo. Analysis of Conductorless Antennas Glisson, Allen; Kishk, Ahmed; Kajfez, Darko; University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 ECS 9015328 A001; 02/15/1991; $72,806; 12 mo. Blue Phosphors for Thin Film Electroluminescent Displays Greenwald, Anton; Spire Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730 III 9100144 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,988; 24 mo. Dynamics of Dense X-Pinch and Z-Pinch Plasmas Produced by Pulsed Power Generators Hammer, David; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9113695 A001; 09/01/1991; $98,920; 12 mo. ECS 9113695 A002; 09/01/1991; $22,346; 0 mo. Phase Stabilized Laser Diode Hercher, Michael; OPTRA Inc., Beverly, MA 01915 III 9160643 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,919; 6 mo. Helicon Wave Studies Hershkowitz, Noah; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9120326 A000; 05/15/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. PYIA: Noise, Instabilities and Coherent Dynamics of Semiconductor Laser Diodes Hillman, Lloyd; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 ECS 8996269 A004; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Photonic Research for Opto-Electronics and Optical Communication Curriculum Development Ho, Ping-Pei; Dorsinville, Roger; Ahmed, Samir; Shum, Kai; Alfano, Robert; CUNY City College, New York, NY 10031 EEC 9212310 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Range Resolved Laser Doppler Velocimetry Using a cw Laser Source and Pseudo Random Code Modulation for Range Resolution Holmes, J. Fred; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, Beaverton, OR 97006-1999 ECS 9115203 A000; 08/15/1992; $63,662; 12 mo. High Definition Deformable Membrane Projection Display System Hubbard, James; Optron Systems Inc., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9113702 A000; 05/15/1992; $249,980; 24 mo. Wave Interactions with Random Inhomogeneous Media Ishimaru, Akira; Chan, Chi; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9107846 A000; 01/01/1992; $71,859; 12 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow: X-Ray Optics Jacobsen, Chris; SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-0001 ECS 9253618 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Generation and Detection of Ultrasonic Lamb Waves Joshi, Shrinivas; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 ECS 9014532 A001; 03/01/1991; $61,933; 12 mo. SGER: Advanced Solid-State Laser with <20 Femtosecond Pulse Duration (REU SUPPLEMENT) Kapteyn, Henry; Murnane, Margaret; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9204033 A000; 05/15/1992; $49,372; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $24,636 ECS 9204033 A001; 05/15/1992; $2,500; 0 mo. NYI: Studies of Ultrafast Processes Using High-Intensity and Short-Wavelength Light Kapteyn, Henry; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9257212 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. PYIA: Computer Modeling of Microstrip Interconnects in mm-Waves Katehi, Linda; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8657951 A007; 06/15/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Q-Switched Operation of Microchip Laser Composite Cavities Keszenheimer, James; MICRACOR Inc., Concord, MA 01742 III 9160139 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. REG: Conversion of Highly Stabilized CW Ring Dye Laser to Titanium Sapphire Khitrova, Galina; Gibbs, Hyatt; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 9212832 A000; 09/01/1992; $36,100; 12 mo. Transient and Stationary Multiwave Mixings in Highly Nonlinear Thin Materials Khoo, Iam-Choon; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 ECS 8920830 A002; 07/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 ECS 8920830 A003; 07/01/1990; $57,000; 12 mo. REU: Acousto-Optics Korpel, Adrianus; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 ECS 9015609 A002; 04/01/1991; $64,874; 12 mo. PYI: Millimeter Wave and Microwave Remote Sensing Kuga, Yasuo; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9296066 A000; 01/01/1992; $89,452; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,000 ECS 9296066 A001; 01/01/1992; $13,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,499 ECS 9296066 A002; 01/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Photon Duplication Kumar, Prem; Yuen, Horace; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9106599 A000; 01/01/1992; $88,041; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,468 Modeling of Remote Plasma Assisted Materials Processing: Electron Transport and Selective Chemistry Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9109326 A001; 09/01/1991; $4,450; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,337 ECS 9109326 A002; 09/01/1991; $72,532; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROCESS AND REACTION ENGINEERING $47,500 Particles in rf Plasma Processing Discharges: Generation, Transport and Plasma Dynamics Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9113215 A002; 08/15/1991; $73,105; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC $24,368 Ultrafast Optical Switching in High Temperature Superconducting Films Kwok, Hoi-Sing; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 ECS 9017053 A001; 03/15/1991; $80,182; 12 mo. New Methods for Imaging into and Through Inhomogeneous Media Leith, Emmett; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9000571 A004; 06/01/1990; $40,924; 0 mo. ECS 9000571 A005; 06/01/1990; $77,977; 12 mo. Calculations of Photonic Band Structure Leung, Kok; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ECS 9113953 A000; 04/15/1992; $56,935; 12 mo. Research in Intrinsic Stochasticity Lichtenberg, Allan; Lieberman, Michael; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8910762 A002; 01/01/1990; $85,380; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with THEORETICAL PHYSICS $15,000 Dynamic of R.F. Discharges for Materials Etching (REU SUPPLEMENT) Lieberman, Michael; Lichtenberg, Allan; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8910827 A002; 01/15/1990; $87,000; 12 mo. ECS 8910827 A003; 01/15/1990; $7,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $2,812 Nonlinear Wave Plasma Experiments Lonngren, Karl; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 ECS 9006921 A002; 01/01/1991; $77,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Ultrashort Laser Pulse Amplification (REU SUPPLEMENT) MacFarlane, Duncan; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 ECS 9006472 A002; 08/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 RUI: Space Charge Effects in Laser Photoelectron Devices Massey, Gail; San Diego State University Foundation, San Diego, CA 92182-1900 ECS 9120316 A000; 08/15/1992; $49,823; 12 mo. Plasma and Microwave Physics of ECR Sources Mauel, Michael; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 ECS 8912756 A002; 04/01/1990; $50,515; 12 mo. Fine Scale Remote Sensing of Clouds Using Millimeter Wave Radars McIntosh, Robert; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ATM 8921145 A002; 03/15/1990; $149,200; 12 mo. High Flux VUV and Atomic Oxygen Source Used as a Photoresist Asher Meyer, Jack; Quantum Research Corporation, Fort Collins, CO 80525-3134 III 9160366 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,924; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Ultrashort Laser-Matter Interactions Milchberg, Howard; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 ECS 8858062 A010; 08/15/1988; $18,773; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 8858062 A011; 08/15/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. REG: Soft X-Ray Spectrometer Milchberg, Howard; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 ECS 9212444 A000; 08/15/1992; $27,112; 12 mo. Silicon Flat Panel Displays Namavar, Fereydoon; Spire Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730 III 9161265 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,993; 6 mo. Ultrafast High Intensity Optical Effects in New II-VI Compound Semiconductor Microstructures Nurmikko, Arto; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 8916026 A002; 04/01/1990; $99,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $35,000 Thermal Properties of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Diode Lasers and Arrays Osinski, Marek; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 CTS 9108297 A000; 03/15/1992; $59,489; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Negative Ion and Modulated Discharge Processing Studies (REU SUPPLEMENT) Overzet, Lawrence; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 ECS 9009662 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 NYI: Pulsed Discharge Processing Overzet, Lawrence; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 ECS 9257383 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Travel Support: 20th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics: September 21-25, 1992, Support for Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows Paisley, Dennis; Montonye, James; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA 98227 ECS 9216058 A000; 08/01/1992; $5,000; 4 mo. REG: Nd: YAG Laser Pender, John; University of Alaska-Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0900 ECS 9212299 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. SGER: Finite Difference Time Domain Techniques Applied to Periodic Problems in Electromagnetics Pozar, David; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 9122924 A000; 01/01/1992; $23,479; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING $11,739 Conference: Organization of the 1992 Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting held in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 13-15, 1992 Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9206896 A000; 06/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Conference: Organization of the 1992 Soft-X-Ray Projection Lithography Topical Meeting to be held in Monterey, CA, on April 6-8, 1992. Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9215288 A000; 05/01/1992; $4,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $2,000 Conference: Organization of the 1992 Surface Roughness and Scattering Topical Meeting to be held in Tucson, Arizona on June 1-3, 1992. Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9216232 A000; 06/15/1992; $4,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and SURFACE ENGINEERING AND TRIBOLOGY $3,000 Conference: Organization of the International Ultrafast Phenomena Conference to be held in Antibes, France Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9216362 A000; 06/01/1992; $9,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECTROSCOPY and PHYSICS-OTHER $6,000 Organization of 1992 Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamental, and Applications Topical Meeting (Maui, Hawaii August 17-21, 1992) Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9218185 A000; 07/15/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Millimeter-Wave Integrated Antennas and Receivers Rebeiz, Gabriel; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9158499 A001; 07/15/1991; $59,026; 12 mo. Laser Pulse-Probe Techniques for Investigating Physical Processes of Ions in Solids Reeves, Roger; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 DMR 9103648 A002; 09/01/1991; $40,000; 12 mo. Ultrashort Pulse Propagation and Amplification in New Cr-Doped LiSAF and LiCAF Solid State Laser Materials Richardson, Martin; Chai, Bruce; Bass, Michael; Silfvast, William; University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 ECS 9113726 A001; 08/15/1991; $114,022; 12 mo. Study of the Dynamics of Highly Ionized Capillary Discharge Plasmas for XUN Lasers Rocca, Jorge; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 ECS 9013372 A001; 02/15/1991; $9,950; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,462 ECS 9013372 A002; 02/15/1991; $68,446; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Picosecond Electronic Circuits Rodwell, Mark; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 8958327 A003; 08/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Controlling Chaos in Semiconductor and Diode-Pumped Solid State Lasers Roy, Rajarshi; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9114232 A000; 06/01/1992; $66,112; 12 mo. MRI: Finite Element Analysis of High Speed InP/no.53 GaO.47 as P-I-N Photodetector Structures Russell, Jimmie; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 ECS 9111257 A000; 05/15/1992; $150,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $131,250 Research on Novel Short-Wavelength, Short Pulse Laser Systems Sauerbrey, Roland; Young, James; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 ECS 9114744 A000; 02/01/1992; $93,000; 12 mo. Analysis and Design of Interconnects for Microelectronics Applications (Minority Research Initiation) Schutt-Aine, Jose; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 8913116 A003; 12/15/1989; $79,712; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $59,784 Control of Plasma Instabilities Sen, Amiya; Navratil, Gerald; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 ECS 9004238 A002; 09/01/1990; $88,000; 12 mo. Conference: Future Directions in Plasma Engineering to be held in New York, N.Y., Summer 1992 Sen, Amiya; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 ECS 9217626 A000; 06/01/1992; $7,302; 6 mo. SGER: Laser Beam-Pulse Characterization Using Phase-Space Concepts Siegman, Anthony; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 9209081 A000; 05/01/1992; $23,068; 12 mo. Fifth International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference, Vienna, Austria, (July 13-17, 1992) Travel Support for Former Soviet Union Scientists Spindt, Charles; Gray, Henry; SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025 ECS 9221611 A000; 08/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $5,000 SGER: Chaos in Electromagnetic Systems Sridhar, Srinivas; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9114815 A001; 08/15/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,000 The Dynamics of Quantum Well Semiconductor Lasers Su, Chin; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 ECS 9112848 A000; 12/15/1991; $28,493; 12 mo. Table Top Soft X-Ray Laser Suckewer, Szymon; Skinner, Charles; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9115426 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Correlation Between the Surface Properties and the Breakdown Phenomena of Alumina Ceramics Sudarshan, Tangali; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 DMR 9113500 A000; 02/15/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. A Study of Superposed Volume Gratings for Optics Applications Tamir, Theodor; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ECS 9024504 A002; 07/15/1991; $86,705; 12 mo. Femtosecond Optical Parametric Oscillators and UV Sources and Ultrafast Processes in Semiconductors Tang, C.; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9108570 A000; 03/15/1992; $78,928; 12 mo. ECS 9108570 A001; 03/15/1992; $20,000; 0 mo. Emerging Optoelectronic Technologies, Indo-U.S. Conference, December 1991, Bangalore, India Tripathi, Vijai; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 INT 9020210 A000; 12/15/1991; $10,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $2,500 Solution of Inverse Problems in Electromagnetic and Optical Propagation Using Artificial Neural Networks Tsang, Leung; Ishimaru, Akira; Hwang, Jenq-Neng; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9014243 A002; 03/01/1991; $76,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $25,000 Dispersion of Optical Nonlinearities in Solids Van Stryland, Eric; Hagan, David; Sheik-Bahae, Mansoor; Soileau, Marion; University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 ECS 9120590 A000; 04/15/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. ECS 9120590 A001; 04/15/1992; $35,685; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FSU SUPPLEMENTS $8,000 Thin Flim Squids of High TC Materials Vittoria, Carmine; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9011618 A001; 03/01/1991; $114,425; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY and SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $76,000 SGER: Optical Parametric Processes in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Filled Capillary Tube Waveguides Walba, David; Arnett, Kenneth; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9214865 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 6 mo. Conference: Organization of the Eighth Optical Fiber Sensors Conference to be held in Monterey, California on January 29-31, 1992 Wangemann, Robert; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE), New York, NY 10017 ECS 9114497 A000; 02/15/1992; $4,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $2,000 PYI: Superconducting Devices for Submillimeter Electronics Wengler, Michael; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 ECS 8857868 A006; 10/01/1988; $46,150; 12 mo. Antenna-Coupled Pyroelectric Detectors for Far-Infrared Radiation Detection (REU SUPPLEMENT) Wentworth, S.; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 ECS 9108882 A001; 08/15/1991; $4,472; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,354 RIA: Effective Media Characterization and Optimization of Optically Active Composite Materials: Applications from Microwave to Optical Frequencies Whites, Keith; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 ECS 9210551 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. RIA: Near Field Photodetection Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy Williams, Clayton; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ECS 9212407 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Nonlinear Dynamics of Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays Winful, Herbert; DeFreez, Richard; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8906214 A002; 03/15/1990; $123,614; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-NONLINEAR DYNAMICS $75,000 New Q-Switched Devices for Infrared Solid State Lasers Young, Eddie; NEOS Incorporated, Melbourne, FL 32934 III 9161348 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,995; 6 mo. High Voltage Conduction and Breakdown Phenomena in Dielectrics Zahn, Markus; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 8913605 A003; 12/15/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 8913605 A004; 12/15/1989; $76,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POWER SYSTEMS $25,300 Solid-State and Microstructures Program Microelectromechanical Research Low-Cost Technologies for Microelectromechanical Systems Allen, Mark; Rohatgi, Ajeet; Jokerst, Nan; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9117074 A001; 08/15/1991; $192,722; 12 mo. Resonant Beam Silicon Accelerometers Allen, Henry; Silicon Microstructures Inc., Fremont, CA 94539 III 9161136 A000; 01/15/1992; $47,117; 6 mo. A System for Micro-Mechanical Spring Design Antonsson, Erik; Tai, Yu-Chong; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ECS 9023646 A001; 08/15/1991; $75,260; 12 mo. REU Supplement: Mesoscale Heat Exchangers Bau, Haim; Zemel, Jay; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 9012904 A003; 09/15/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Computational Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electro-Mechanical Dynamics in Microscales Cho, Dongil; Karniadakis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9023760 A001; 07/15/1991; $153,271; 12 mo. Experimental Studies of Photorefractive Polymers Ducharme, Stephen; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 ECS 9209941 A000; 10/01/1992; $11,450; 36 mo. Research on Micromechanics and Micromagnetics Based on X-Ray Lithography and Electrodeposition of Metal Structures Guckel, Henry; Chapman, Thomas; Lovell, Edward; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9116566 A001; 09/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. High Order Crystal Plane Selectivity in Silicon Anisotropic Wet Etching Hesketh, Peter; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 ECS 9121862 A000; 07/15/1992; $68,916; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Indeck, Ronald; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 8957148 A003; 08/15/1989; $37,500; 12 mo. ECS 8957148 A004; 08/15/1989; $4,995; 0 mo. ECS 8957148 A005; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 0 mo. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems for NSF/NASA/DOD Applications Workshop Jacobsen, Stephen; Wood, J.; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ECS 9106811 A000; 09/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $5,000 SGER: Modeling of Surfaces of Micro Electro Mechanical Devices with Fractals Jara-Almonte, James; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 ECS 9215632 A000; 06/01/1992; $11,993; 3 mo. SGER: Modeling of Surfaces of Micro Electro Mechanical Devices with Fractals Jara-Almonte, James; Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272 ECS 9396031 A000; 08/27/1992; $37,200; 16 mo. Microstructural Modeling and Probabilistic Prediction of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Response Johnson, George; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Ferrari, Mauro; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9023714 A001; 08/01/1991; $187,606; 12 mo. IC-Processed Diaphragm Transducers Kim, Eun; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 ECS 9111229 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Theoretical Modeling of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Ko, Wen; Hoffman, Richard; Mehregany, Mehran; Mullen, Robert; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 ECS 9023711 A001; 06/15/1991; $104,320; 12 mo. Proposal for Basic Research on Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems Lang, Jeffrey; Mehregany, Mehran; Senturia, Stephen; Ko, Wen; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9109343 A001; 09/15/1991; $286,796; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $20,000 The Intergration of Sensors into the Electrical Engineering Curriculum Lec, Ryszard; Vetelino, John; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 EEC 9212125 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION $290,000 Microdynamics and Nanodynamics: Materials, Structures and Devices MacDonald, Noel; Thomas, Robert; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8915277 A003; 08/15/1989; $104,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $12,100 1992 Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Workshop - Participant Support - Hilton Head, South Carolina, June 1992 Muller, Richard; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9208793 A000; 05/01/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Najafi, Khalil; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9257400 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Self-Assembling Microstructures with Application to Precision Resonant-Structure Micromotors Pisano, Albert; Howe, Roger; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8915128 A003; 09/01/1989; $86,300; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $36,300 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Integrated Sensors Research (REU Supplement Included) Polla, Dennis; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 8814651 A004; 07/01/1987; $67,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 Microfabrication of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope Quate, Calvin; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 8917552 A002; 06/01/1990; $129,820; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INSTRUMENTAT AND INSTRUMENT DEVP $64,910 PYI: Physics and Technology of Microdynamics Reed, Michael; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ECS 8958382 A006; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. 1992 MEMS Workshop Travel Assistance Reed, Michael; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ECS 9200969 A000; 01/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. 1993 MEMS Workshop Travel Assistance, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 7-10, 1993 Reed, Michael; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ECS 9217635 A000; 07/15/1992; $14,786; 12 mo. Educational and Research Infrastructure Development in Microelectromechanical Systems Robbins, William; Erdman, Arthur; Polla, Dennis; Francis, Lorraine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 9212159 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 PYI: Process Technologies for Micromachined Devices Schmidt, Martin; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9157308 A001; 07/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Microfabricated Surface Plasmon Sensor Smith, Rosemary; Spencer, Richard; Knoesen, Andre; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 ECS 9012590 A002; 08/01/1990; $166,644; 12 mo. A Caltech Micromachining Laboratory Tai, Yu-Chong; Pine, Jerome; Bower, James; Rutledge, David; Culick, F.; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 BIR 9011172 A001; 12/15/1990; $121,736; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COGNITIVE NEUROBIOLOGY $25,434 PYI: An Integrated Tunneling Accelerometer Tai, Yu-Chong; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ECS 9157844 A001; 08/01/1991; $99,000; 12 mo. Study of a Surface Acoustic Wave Microsensor for Gas Detection Vetelino, John; Dwyer, Daniel; Grunze, Michael; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 ECS 9019551 A001; 03/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 9019551 A002; 03/15/1991; $109,999; 12 mo. Development of MEMS Technologies Warrington, Robert; Louisiana Tech. University, Ruston, LA 71272 ECS 9214082 A000; 04/15/1992; $2,110; 6 mo. Solid-State and Microstructure Research The Quantum Modulated Transistor: Fabrication and Characterization Adesida, Ilesanmi; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9010035 A001; 07/01/1990; $4,125; 0 mo. Materials and Processes for Nanoelectronics Adesida, Ilesanmi; Hsieh, Kuang-Chien; Cheng, Keh-Yung; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9202294 A000; 08/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $67,000 Cryogenic Processing of Schottky Contacts to III-V Semiconductors Anderson, Wayne; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 ECS 9122251 A000; 09/01/1992; $66,000; 12 mo. Electrodynamics of Proximity Coupled Superconductor/Normal Metal Bilayers and Multilayers Anlage, Steven; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 DMR 9123198 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Reflection High Energy Electron Spectroscopy During Epitaxial Growth Atwater, Harry; Ahn, Channing; Grunthaner, Frank; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 DMR 9202587 A000; 08/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: Emerging Electronic and Photonic Materials Synthesis and Processing Technology Auner, Gregory; Zhao, Yang; Mitin, Vladimir; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 DMR 9218096 A000; 10/01/1992; $300,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS and SOLID STATE PHYSICS $150,000 Microlithographic Manipulation of Macromolecules Austin, Robert; Cox, Edward; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 MCB 9202170 A000; 09/01/1992; $190,000; 12 mo. Engineering Foundation's Conference on Atomic and Nanoscale Modification of Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, Ventura, CA., Aug. 16-21, 1992 Avouris, Phaedon; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 ECS 9214928 A000; 08/01/1992; $5,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: High Speed Optoelectronic Devices and VLSI Structures by Laser Enhanced Epitaxy Banerjee, Sanjay Kumar; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 8858352 A004; 08/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Upgrade an Existing 4-Target Sputtering System Barnard, John; Watson, Mark; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-2856 ECS 9212957 A000; 09/01/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. RF Superconductivity and Devices Beasley, Malcolm; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 9214592 A000; 09/15/1992; $42,905; 12 mo. Atomic Layer Epitaxy of S-Doped FETs Bedair, S.; Hauser, John; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raeigh, NC 27695-8208 ECS 8822892 A002; 07/01/1989; $98,195; 12 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow Bernstein, Gary; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 ECS 9253580 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards Bidstrup, Sue Ann; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9058560 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. PYI: Modeling of Three Terminal High-Speed Semiconductor Devices Brennan, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 8857382 A005; 08/15/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Investigation of Semiconductor Inner Lead Bonds Busch-Vishniac, Ilene; Masada, Glenn; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9105325 A001; 09/01/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Synthesis, Processing, and Physical Properties of Low-Dimensional Structures Cammarata, Robert; Chien, Chia-Ling; Searson, Peter; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 ECS 9202222 A000; 09/01/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award for MOCVD System Campbell, Stephen; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 8957918 A003; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Low-Frequency Noise Measurements as a Characterization and Testing Tool in Solid-State Devices Celik-Butler, Zeynep; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 ECS 9116209 A000; 09/01/1992; $94,060; 12 mo. X-Ray Lithography Process Studies Cerrina, F.; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 8921165 A002; 06/01/1990; $118,000; 12 mo. Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation for Surface Material Synthesis Cheung, Nathan; Gustafson, Ture; Lieberman, Michael; Birdsall, Charles; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9202993 A000; 08/15/1992; $167,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $67,000 Nanofabrication and Nanoscale Devices Chou, Stephen; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9116778 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Wavelength Tunable Sub-Picosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser System Chou, Stephen; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 9212960 A000; 09/01/1992; $79,333; 12 mo. RIA: Circuit-Level Hot-Electron Reliability Chung, James; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9209338 A000; 08/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Investigation of Metal-Semiconductor and Heterojunction Devices at Tarahertz Frequencies Crowe, T.; Mattauch, Robert; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ECS 9113123 A001; 09/01/1991; $124,965; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $62,482 2-D Quantum Device Simulation Using Non-equilibrium Green Functions Datta, Supriyo; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9201446 A000; 09/01/1992; $65,000; 12 mo. PYI: Heterostructure Device Research del Alamo, Jesus; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9157305 A001; 08/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Superconducting Magnet for Electron Waveguide Device Research del Alamo, Jesus; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9212302 A000; 07/15/1992; $16,205; 12 mo. Materials Development and Processing for Fabrication of a Microdynamical Optical Switch Denton, Denice; McCaughan, Leon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9215070 A000; 08/01/1992; $295,610; 36 mo. Normal-Incidence Multiple Quantum-Well Infared Detectors Eastman, Lester; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9217579 A000; 09/01/1992; $31,500; 12 mo. Chemical Sensors for CVD Processing Ellis, Arthur; Keuch, Thomas; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 CTS 9202699 A000; 09/01/1992; $162,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSN $54,000 An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Synthesis, Measurement and Optimization of Polyimide Properties for Multi-Chip Module Substrates Farris, Richard; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 9202696 A000; 08/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. PYI: Ultrafast Optics and Electronics with Semiconductors Fauchet, Philippe; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 ECS 9196000 A003; 09/01/1990; $35,879; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Microfabrication of Electron Optical Components Feinerman, Alan; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 ECS 9009842 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: Development and Implementation of a New Materials Synthesis and Processing Laboratory Flemings, Merton; Rubner, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9218128 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY and CERAMICS $175,000 Semiconductor Quantum Electron Wave Devices Gaylord, Thomas K.; Brennan, Kevin; Glytsis, Elias; Harris, Michael H.; Martin, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9111866 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 ECS 9111866 A002; 09/01/1991; $105,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $52,500 Low Energy Electron Enhanced Etching of Semiconductors for Damage-Free Fabrication of Nanometer-Scale Quantum Devices Gillis, Harry; Martin, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DMR 9202879 A000; 09/15/1992; $90,000; 13 mo. Novel Titanium Source Reagents for Indium Phosphide Doping Gordon, Douglas; Advanced Technology Materials Inc., Danbury, CT 06810-4131 III 9161230 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow Guido, Louis; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 ECS 9253760 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $50,000 NSF Young Investigator Halas, Naomi J.; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 ECS 9258118 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Conventional and Coherent Quantum 1/f Effects in Solid State Electronic Devices and Microstructures Handel, Peter; University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63121 ECS 9207844 A000; 08/01/1992; $62,000; 12 mo. Conference: 5TH Van det Zeil Symposium on Quantum 1/f Noise and Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electronic Devices to be held at the University of Missouri on May 22-23, 1992. Handel, Peter; University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63121 ECS 9211786 A000; 05/01/1992; $10,500; 6 mo. A National Center for Computational Electronics Hess, Karl; Ravaioli, Umberto; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9122768 A000; 08/15/1992; $147,894; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $25,000 Nanometer Tunneling and Coherent Wave Quantum Devices Higgins, Richard; Martin, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 8922512 A002; 07/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 PYI: Application of Microelectronic Techniques to Biomedical Ultrasound and Acoustic Charge Transport Devices Hunt, William; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 8957044 A004; 08/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. ROW: Complementary Pseudomorphic Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Ikossi-Anastasiou, Kiki; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 ECS 9210676 A000; 09/15/1992; $18,000; 18 mo. Novel Photoactive Process for Microlithographic Applications Johnson, Donald; Microlithography Consulting Co. Inc., Brookline Village, MA 02147 III 9160982 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,552; 6 mo. The Bipolar Fluxonic Transistor: Exploratory Development of a Novel Superconducting Device Kadin, Alan; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 ECS 9122679 A000; 08/15/1992; $41,600; 12 mo. Photon-Assisted Vortex Depairing in Thin Superconducting Films Kadin, Alan; Donaldson, William; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 DMR 9122727 A000; 07/01/1992; $72,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $40,000 Single Electron Transistors Kastner, M.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9203427 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. RIA: Advanced Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Devices Korman, Can; George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 ECS 9209341 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Engineering Research Center for the Carnegie Mellon Data Storage Systems Center Kryder, Mark; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8907068 A005; 04/15/1990; $2,470,565; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $45,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Kuhn, Kelin; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9158036 A001; 08/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Novel Toroidal Electron Cyclotron Resonance Reactor for Semiconductor Materials Processing Lane, Barton; Plasma Dynamics, Belmont, MA 02178 III 9160132 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Tensile Strain and Quantum Size Effects in III-V Semiconductor Material Systems Lau, Kei; Anderson, Neal; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 8911995 A003; 08/15/1989; $4,180; 0 mo. Particle Transport and Nonlinear Dynamics in Quasi-One-Dimensional Structures Leburton, Jean-Pierre; Adesida, Ilesanmi; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9108300 A001; 09/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. RIA: Very High Dielectric Constant Ferroelectrics for ULSI DRAM Cells Lee, Jack Chung-Y; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9211351 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Novel Materials from Conjugated Polymers Lewis, Nathan; Grubbs, Robert; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CHE 9202583 A000; 09/01/1992; $174,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY $77,000 High Speed and High Contrast Spatial Light Modulator Using Uniaxial Strain Lu, Yicheng; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 ECS 9216669 A000; 09/01/1992; $37,000; 12 mo. Minority Carrier Transport in Heavily Doped GaAs Lundstrom, Mark; Melloch, Michael; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 8901638 A003; 06/01/1989; $6,214; 0 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Electronics and Software for Nanoelectromechanical STM MacDonald, Noel; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 9212900 A000; 08/15/1992; $86,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Modulation Doped Structure Research Maracas, George; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 ECS 8552904 A006; 08/01/1986; $24,500; 12 mo. X-Ray Structural Study of the Effect of Substrate Preparation on Liquid Crystal Alignment Martinez-Miranda, Luz; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 9201986 A000; 08/15/1992; $180,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC, TRANS, AND THERMODYN PRO and SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY $90,000 Research on Optimization of a Whiskerless Mixer/Varactor Schottky Barrier Diode Structure for Application at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths Mattauch, Robert; Poli, Louis; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ECS 9016063 A002; 07/01/1990; $8,301; 0 mo. Silicon Germanium Carbon Alloy Crystal Growth Mayer, James; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 DMR 9222781 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. PYI: Advanced Transport in Semiconductor Structures Maziar, Christine; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9057633 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,492; 12 mo. Ultra Fast Digital Circuits Using 3-Terminal NDR Devices Mazumder, Pinaki; Haddad, George; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9122166 A000; 09/01/1992; $45,736; 12 mo. Focused Ion Beam Implantation of GaAs Integrated Circuits Melngailis, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 8921728 A002; 04/15/1990; $82,000; 12 mo. High Speed Heterostructure Devices Based on InP Substrates for Optoelectronic Receiver Applications Miller, David; Das, Mukunda; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 ECS 9202642 A000; 08/15/1992; $167,928; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $67,000 Study of MBE Grown Heterojunctions Based on InAs Substrates Milnes, Arthur; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ECS 8915034 A002; 07/01/1990; $120,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: mm-Wave Devices and Integration Techniques Mishra, Umesh; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9144723 A001; 02/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Study of Defects and Process Induced Damage in Si1-xGex Materials Misra, Durgamadhab; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 ECS 9207665 A000; 09/01/1992; $126,000; 24 mo. Noise in a Two Dimensional Electron Gas Mitin, Vladimir; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9110705 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Magnetic Microstructure and Information Storage Muller, Marcel; Indeck, Ronald; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 ECS 9100157 A001; 07/01/1991; $77,000; 12 mo. ECS 9100157 A002; 07/01/1991; $18,225; 0 mo. GaAs Buffer Layers by Ion Implantation and Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Namavar, Fereydoon; Spire Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730 III 9160122 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,960; 6 mo. Uniaxial Stress Dependent Studies Related to III-V Semiconductor Devices Nathan, Marshall; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 8803928 A003; 11/01/1988; $5,000; 0 mo. Laser Processing of Wide-Gap II-VI Compounds for Improved Conductivity Control Neumark, Gertrude; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 ECS 8921159 A002; 05/01/1990; $35,473; 12 mo. Hetero Epitaxial Growth of Layered Metal Chalcogenides Ohuchi, Fumio; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9209652 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Coherent Terahertz Spectroscopy: Application to Quasiparticle Dynamics in Cuprate Superconductors Orenstein, Joseph; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 DMR 9204394 A000; 08/15/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Non-Conventional, High-Resolution Pattern Generation Pease, R. Fabian; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 8920652 A002; 06/15/1990; $140,519; 12 mo. New Device Concepts and Intraband Processes Perera, A.G. Unil; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 ECS 9006078 A001; 01/01/1991; $0; 9 mo. ECS 9006078 A002; 01/01/1991; $4,795; 8 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,500 New Device Concepts and Intraband Processes Perera, A.G. Unil; Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303 ECS 9296238 A000; 09/15/1992; $156,000; 10 mo. Electron Delocalization in GaAs/A1As Quantum Wells-Strained Layer Superlattices Petrou, Athos; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 ECS 9114416 A001; 09/01/1991; $39,304; 12 mo. A Collimated X-Ray Lithography Source Using a Kumakhov Lens Piestrup, Melvin; Adelphi Technology Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94306 III 9160568 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,993; 6 mo. Conference: Organization of the 1992 Soft-X-Ray Projection Lithography Topical Meeting to be held in Monterey, CA, on April 6-8, 1992 Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9215288 A000; 05/01/1992; $4,000; 12 mo. High-Energy Implantations in Inp and GaAs Rao, Mulpuri; Ioannou, Dimitris; George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030 ECS 9022438 A001; 03/15/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. A Fundamental Study of Trapping and Detrapping of Holes and Electrons in Oxide Defects at Room and Reduced Temperatures Reisman, Arnold; Williams, C; Temple, Dorota; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 DMR 9200862 A000; 08/15/1992; $110,000; 12 mo. Laser Programmed Conducting Polymers Sauerbrey, Roland; Callahan, Daniel; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 ECS 9118475 A000; 09/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-LASER PROG COND POLYMERS $25,000 Extra Large Field Size Sub-Quarter Micron Lithography Savant, Gajendra; Physical Optics Corporation, Torrance, CA 90501 III 9160329 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,997; 6 mo. Thin Film Ferroelectrics Schleich, Donald; Nourbakhsh, Said; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 DMR 9202207 A000; 09/01/1992; $120,800; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE AND MICROSTRUCTURE RES $20,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Physics and Engineering of Superconductor and Semiconducting Devices Schlesinger, Tuviah; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ECS 8958405 A004; 09/01/1989; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,750 ECS 8958405 A005; 09/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Electrochemical Processing and Synthesis of Light Emitting Porous Silicon Structures Searson, Peter; Sieradzki, Karl; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 DMR 9202645 A000; 09/01/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with KINETICS AND CATALYSIS $50,000 Fabrication and Electronic Properties of GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures with Atomically Precise Lateral Features Shayegan, Mansour; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9112740 A001; 09/01/1991; $66,466; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Microfabricated Drug Delivery Systems Sheppard, Norman; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 ECS 9058419 A003; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. X-Ray Nanolithography Smith, Henry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9016437 A001; 01/01/1991; $140,000; 12 mo. Conference: Support of the 36th International Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams to be held in Orlando, FL on May 26-29, 1992 Smith, Henry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9204871 A000; 05/15/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. NSF Young Investigator Spector, Joseph S.; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 ECS 9258426 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Fifth International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference, Vienna, Austria, (July 13-17, 1992) Travel Support for Former Soviet Union Scientists Spindt, Charles; Gray, Henry; SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025 ECS 9221611 A000; 08/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. X-Ray Mask Fabrication Using Diamond Membranes and Metallic Diamondlike Nanocomposite Absorbers Srivatsa, Arun; Moltech Corporation, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400 III 9160999 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,960; 6 mo. PYI: Growth and Applications of Thin Epitaxial Semiconductor Layer for VLSI Sturm, James; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 8657227 A005; 06/01/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Auger Analysis and Photoluminescence Equipment for Growth and Optical Properties of Atomic-Layer Scale SiGe Structures by Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Sturm, James; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9111934 A000; 11/15/1991; $75,760; 12 mo. Quantum Structures for Light-Emitting Silicon-Germanium Optoelectronic Devices Sturm, James; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9203109 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $45,000 Cooperative Research in Integrated Circuit Technology Sumney, Larry; Semiconductor Research Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ECS 9105584 A002; 08/15/1991; $200,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ONR $200,000 ECS 9105584 A003; 08/15/1991; $300,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY $100,000 ECS 9105584 A004; 08/15/1991; $200,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-SEMICOND RES PROGRAM and AIR FORCE $200,000 ECS 9105584 A005; 08/15/1991; $200,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $200,000 ECS 9105584 A006; 08/15/1991; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with COMMERCE-NIST $50,000 ECS 9105584 A007; 08/15/1991; $150,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY $100,000 Charaterization of Low Frequency Noise in High Tc Superconducting Devices Surya, Charles; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9102396 A000; 06/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Tabatabaie, Ned; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9058153 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Simulation of High Speed Pseudomorphic Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Tang, Ting-wei; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 9003518 A001; 01/15/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Gordon Research Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of Microstructure Fabrication, July 27-31, 1992, Meriden, NH Tennant, Donald; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 ECS 9209718 A000; 06/01/1992; $4,300; 1 mo. Sensor-Based Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Terry, Fred; Elta, Michael; Khargonekar, Pramod; Grizzle, Jessy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 EEC 9212316 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Development of an Artificial Electrochemical Synapse Triffet, Terry; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 ECS 9209707 A000; 08/15/1992; $49,339; 12 mo. Thin Flim Squids of High TC Materials Vittoria, Carmine; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9011618 A001; 03/01/1991; $114,425; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $38,000 Non-Spiking Ohmic Contact Metallization for p-InP Wang, Long-Ching; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 ECS 9202875 A000; 09/01/1992; $95,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ELECTRONIC MATERIALS $47,500 Molybdenum Coating Process Using Liquid Metallo-Organic Precursors Weeks, Joseph; Technical Research Associates Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84108 III 9160495 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Optical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of III-V Quantum Wells Weitekamp, Daniel; Grunthaner, Frank; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 CHE 9202524 A000; 08/15/1992; $162,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY $54,000 Physical Electronics of Multi-Dielectric Microstructures White, Marvin; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 ECS 9023607 A001; 04/15/1991; $95,129; 12 mo. Nondestructive Characterization and Optimization of Strained Tunneling Structures Wie, Chu; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 ECS 8913229 A002; 02/15/1990; $31,112; 12 mo. Functional Quantum Waveguide and Single Electron Structures Wybourne, Martin; University of Oregon-Eugene, Eugene, OR 97403 ECS 9216768 A000; 09/01/1992; $36,000; 12 mo. International Conference on Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Carbide: October 1991 Yang, Cary; Rahman, M. Mahmudur; Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053 ECS 9123298 A000; 10/01/1991; $7,500; 12 mo. Hot Electron Mixers Using the 2DEG Medium in a Magnetic Field Yngvesson, Karl; Lau, Kei; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 9208752 A000; 09/01/1992; $49,687; 12 mo. Ion Mixing as a Processing Technique for Monolithic and Array Integration of Photonic Devices Yu, Kit-Lai; Lau, Silvanus; Asbeck, P.; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 ECS 9111837 A001; 09/01/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Generation and Detection of Intense Terahertz Microwave Radiation Pulses from Semiconductor Photovoltaic Devices Zhang, Xi-Cheng; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 ECS 9211566 A000; 08/15/1992; $99,984; 36 mo. A Novel Optoelectronic Thyristor for Picosecond High Power Switching Applications (REU Supplement) Zhao, Jian; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 ECS 9009370 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 An InP/InGaAsp Based Thyristor for Optical Amplification and Power Switching Applications Zhao, Jian; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 ECS 9114689 A001; 08/15/1991; $39,983; 12 mo. Special Programs Neural Networks for Adaptive Control Barto, Andrew; Hollot, Christopher; Ydstie, B. Erik; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 8912623 A003; 12/01/1989; $213,285; 12 mo. Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Based on Dynamic Programming Barto, Andrew; Ydstie, B. Erik; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 ECS 9214866 A000; 09/15/1992; $51,155; 12 mo. Quantum Wire Nanostructures in Multiple Quantum Well Optical Waveguides: Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Interactions Boyd, Joseph; Jackson, Howard; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 ECS 9113244 A001; 08/15/1991; $130,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-III-V SEMICONDUCTOR $65,000 SGER: High Space-Time Bandwidth Volume Holographic Systems Brady, David Jones; Papen, George C.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9216273 A000; 10/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $25,000 Neural Structures for Network Problems via Geometric Rule Adaptation Burke, Laura; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 ECS 9110846 A001; 07/15/1991; $43,119; 12 mo. Basic Physics and Measurments of Pure Electron Plasmas in Crossed-Field Amplifiers and Micro-Field Emitter Arrays Chan, Chung; Browning, Jim; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9120085 A000; 09/01/1991; $101,644; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY $75,000 Infrared Optical Engineering Research Equipment Chin, K. Ken; Hensel, J; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 ECS 9213108 A000; 10/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Incipient Fault Detection in Rotating Machines Using a Neural Network Chow, Mo-yuen; White, Mark; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 ECS 8922727 A003; 07/01/1990; $9,910; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,432 ECS 8922727 A004; 07/01/1990; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POWER SYSTEMS $35,905 Administrative and Logistical Support for a Series of Expert Workshops on Emerging Engineering Technologies Coleman, Faye; Westover Consultants Inc., Washington, DC 20001 ECS 8720164 A012; 09/01/1987; $53,883; 0 mo. An Evolutionary Credit Apportionment Algorithm for Neuromolecular Computer Design Conrad, Michael; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9109860 A001; 09/01/1991; $104,213; 12 mo. Control of Nonstationary Systems Using Information Preserving Neural Networks Cooper, Douglas; Palmieri, Francesco; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 CTS 9008596 A002; 10/15/1990; $63,876; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $31,938 National Nanofabrication Facility at Cornell University Craighead, Harold G.; MacDonald, Noel; Buhrman, Robert; Galvin, Gregory; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 ECS 8619049 A006; 10/01/1987; $2,000,000; 12 mo. ECS 8619049 A007; 10/01/1987; $9,000; 0 mo. Experimental Studies of Photorefractive Polymers Ducharme, Stephen; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 ECS 9209941 A000; 10/01/1992; $11,450; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $10,000 Adaptive Critic Networks for Real-Time Fault Diagnosis in Electric Power Production Fernandez, Benito; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 9113623 A001; 08/15/1991; $66,097; 12 mo. 2nd BCN Workshop on the Computational Hierarchies of the Brain Finn, Edward; Prueitt, Paul; Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057 ECS 9121018 A000; 05/01/1992; $7,021; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Hassoun, Mohamad; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9057896 A003; 06/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems for NSF/NASA/DOD Applications Workshop Jacobsen, Stephen; Wood, J.; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ECS 9106811 A000; 09/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $5,000 Kam, Moshe; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 9057587 A002; 10/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. SGER: Advanced Solid-State Laser with <20 Femtosecond Pulse Duration (REU SUPPLEMENT) Kapteyn, Henry; Murnane, Margaret; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 ECS 9204033 A000; 05/15/1992; $49,372; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $24,636 Recurrent Neural Networks and Micro-Genetic Algorithms for Estimation and Optimization: Application to Bioprocesses Karim, M. Nazmul; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 9118955 A000; 03/15/1992; $96,968; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING and PROCESS AND REACTION ENGINEERING $50,000 Polymeric Ultrathin Film Multilayered Modulators Kowel, Stephen; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 ECS 9196012 A002; 09/15/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DARPA $50,000 Stability Analysis for Neural Control Kraft, L. Gordon; Miller, W. Thomas; Glanz, Filson; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 IRI 9112531 A000; 02/15/1992; $159,594; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $79,797 Presidential Young Investigator Award Kuh, Anthony; University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822 ECS 8857711 A004; 09/15/1988; $39,142; 12 mo. Qualitative Analysis of Complex Dynamical Systems Michel, Anthony; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 ECS 9107728 A001; 08/15/1991; $37,200; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $6,000 Adaptive Identification and Control of Dynamical Systems Using Neural Networks Narendra, Kumpati; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 ECS 9203928 A000; 06/01/1992; $125,456; 12 mo. Workshop on Reconfigurable Free-Space Optical Interconnects; Boulder, Colorado Neff, John; Stirk, Charles; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9206788 A000; 04/15/1992; $11,500; 7 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS and AIR FORCE - FREE SPACE OPTICAL $9,000 Neural Network Dynamic Pattern Recognition Using Optimal Control Olurotimi, Oluseyi; George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030 ECS 9209456 A000; 08/01/1992; $89,991; 36 mo. A New Connectionist Model for Time-Varying Signal Classification Principe, Jose; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 ECS 9208789 A000; 09/01/1992; $73,525; 12 mo. Low-Storage Second-Order Learning Algorithms for Neural Network Modeling Schneider, Michael; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 ECS 9111548 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,804; 12 mo. RIA: Genetic Algorithms in Connectionist Networks for Reinforcement Learning Control Smith, Robert; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-2856 ECS 9212066 A000; 08/15/1992; $35,123; 12 mo. Workshop on the Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems, April/May 1992, University of California, Santa Barbara Smith, SRoy; Dahleh, Mohammed; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9203908 A000; 04/15/1992; $34,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $17,000 Cooperative Research in Integrated Circuit Technology Sumney, Larry; Semiconductor Research Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ECS 9105584 A003; 08/15/1991; $300,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY $100,000 ECS 9105584 A004; 08/15/1991; $200,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-SEMICOND RES PROGRAM and AIR FORCE $200,000 ECS 9105584 A005; 08/15/1991; $200,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $200,000 ECS 9105584 A006; 08/15/1991; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with COMMERCE-NIST $50,000 ECS 9105584 A007; 08/15/1991; $150,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY $100,000 Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers Sunak, Harish; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 ECS 9111419 A001; 08/15/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-ERBIUM DOPED AMPLIFIERS $10,000 Laser Programmed Conducting Polymers Sauerbrey, Roland; Callahan, Daniel; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 ECS 9118475 A000; 09/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-LASER PROG COND POLYMERS $25,000 NSF/DARPA Agreement for Use of DARPA VLSI Implementation Toole, John; Department of Defense Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA 22209 MIP 9015601 A002; 10/01/1990; $903,635; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS PROGRAM and CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING $87,005 Interior-Point Methods in Artificial Neural Networks Trafalis, Theodore; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 ECS 9212003 A000; 08/01/1992; $29,451; 12 mo. Solution of Inverse Problems in Electromagnetic and Optical Propagation Using Artificial Neural Networks Tsang, Leung; Ishimaru, Akira; Hwang, Jenq-Neng; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9014243 A002; 03/01/1991; $76,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $25,000 Neural Networks for Nonlinear Servomechanism Tseng, H. Chris; Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053 ECS 9110886 A001; 09/01/1991; $30,501; 12 mo. Process Fault Diagnosis and Control Using Neural Networks Venkatasubramanian, Venkat; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 ECS 9013349 A002; 09/01/1990; $79,759; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PROCESS AND REACTION ENGINEERING $39,879 Neural Networks for Adpative Nonliner Control Widrow, Bernard; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 IRI 9113491 A000; 02/01/1992; $116,641; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NEUROENGINEERING $58,320 Visible Wavelength Optoelectronic Logic Devices Wilmsen, Carl; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 ECS 9216170 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $25,000 Nonlinear Dynamics of Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays Winful, Herbert; DeFreez, Richard; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 8906214 A002; 03/15/1990; $123,614; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-NONLINEAR DYNAMICS $75,000 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Sets with Applications to Control Yager, Ronald; Iona College, New Rochelle, NY 10801 ECS 9019854 A001; 02/01/1991; $62,367; 12 mo. ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND CENTERS DIVISION Engineering Education Program Design and Control of a Walking Robot Dayawansa, Wijesuriya; Tits, Andre; Azarm, Shapour; Farvardin, Nariman; Tsai, Lung-Wen; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 9212126 A000; 09/15/1992; $365,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $55,000 Board of Engineering Education Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 EEC 9109302 A002; 06/15/1991; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NASA-BD ON ENG EDUC OF NATL RE $50,000 EEC 9109302 A003; 06/15/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $40,000 Graduate Engineering Education for Women, Minorities and/or Persons with Disabilities Emery, Ashley; Berg, Cheryl; Glass, Marvin; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 9116866 A002; 09/15/1991; $108,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $34,956 A Restructured Engineering Science Core with a Design Component Erdman, Carl; Glover, Charles; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 DUE 8854512 A004; 07/15/1988; $147,500; 12 mo. An Enhanced Educational Experience for Engineering Students Fromm, Eli; Quinn, Robert; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DUE 8854555 A005; 09/01/1988; $149,150; 12 mo. Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Fromm, Eli; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 EEC 9109794 A000; 03/15/1992; $3,000,000; 60 mo. An Integrated Undergraduate Program on Semiconductor Devices for Power Flow Control Gray, Jeffrey; Heydt, Gerald; Neudeck, Gerold; Ong, Chee-Mun; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 9212409 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $15,000 Graduate Engineering Education at Michigan State University Grulke, Eric; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 EEC 9018669 A002; 09/15/1990; $108,000; 0 mo. DEDS: A New Paradigm for Performance Analysis, Computation and Optimization Ho, Yu-Chi; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 EEC 9212122 A000; 09/15/1992; $365,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $62,500 Photonic Research for Opto-Electronics and Optical Communication Curriculum Development Ho, Ping-Pei; Dorsinville, Roger; Ahmed, Samir; Shum, Kai; Alfano, Robert; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 EEC 9212310 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $190,000 National Engineering Education Coalition Ingraffea, Anthony; Aceto, Jeanne; Agogino, Alice; Eide, Arvid; Henderson, Thomas; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 EEC 9053807 A003; 09/01/1990; $3,069,509; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTRODUCT CURRICULUM PROJECTS $1,023,170 Workshop to Assess Matters of Common Concern in Engineering Education in the USSR and USA Leake, Woodrow; American Society For Engineering Education, Washington, DC 20036 EEC 9115556 A002; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FSU SUPPLEMENTS $8,000 The Integration of Sensors into the Electrical Engineering Curriculum Lec, Ryszard; Vetelino, John; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 EEC 9212125 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $100,000 Research and Curriculum Development for Power Plant Intelligent Distributed Control Lee, Kwang; Edwards, Robert; Mayer, Jeffrey; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 EEC 9212132 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $46,500 Technology and Curriculum Development for Packaging Optoelectronic Parallel Computing Systems Based on Free-Space Optical Interconnects Lee, Sing; Ozguz, V.; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 EEC 9212156 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $31,000 Southeastern University and College Coalition for Engineering Education (SUCCEED) Littlejohn, Michael; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 9109853 A000; 03/15/1992; $3,000,000; 60 mo. Educational and Research Infrastructure Development in Microelectromechanical Systems Robbins, William; Erdman, Arthur; Polla, Dennis; Francis, Lorraine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 9212159 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $77,000 Sensor-Based Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Terry, Fred; Elta, Michael; Khargonekar, Pramod; Grizzle, Jessy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 EEC 9212316 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $75,000 A Proposal for the Renewal of Engineering Education and Its Infrastructure Walker, M. Lucius; Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 EEC 9053812 A003; 09/01/1990; $998,831; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTRODUCT CURRICULUM PROJECTS $998,831 Chemical Sensors for Advanced Process Analysis Yee, Sinclair; Carey, W.; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 9212314 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $95,000 Engineering Research Centers Engineering Research Center for Telecommunications Acampora, Anthony; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 EEC 8811111 A011; 02/15/1988; $3,310,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $10,000 EEC 8811111 A012; 02/15/1988; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 EEC 8811111 A013; 02/15/1988; $11,865; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA, AND ELECTRO $11,865 EEC 8811111 A014; 02/15/1988; $10,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing Altan, Taylan; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 EEC 8943165 A007; 05/01/1989; $530,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8943165 A008; 05/01/1989; $1,800,000; 9 mo. Workshop on Riser Mechanics Bernitsas, Michael; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 ECS 9221744 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,456; 6 mo. Engineering Research Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics Bishop, Stephen; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 EEC 8943166 A005; 05/01/1989; $1,100,000; 0 mo. EEC 8943166 A006; 05/01/1989; $988,216; 3 mo. EEC 8943166 A007; 05/01/1989; $952,733; 9 mo. Expanding an Existing Precollege Science and Technology Career Program Bortz, Alfred; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ESI 9155116 A000; 06/01/1992; $148,014; 17 mo. Workshop on Connections for Building Structures in the 21st Century Bower, John; Michalerya, William; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9203177 A000; 01/01/1992; $9,500; 6 mo. Engineering Research Center for Optoelectronic Computing Systems Cathey, Wade; Johnson, Kristina; Jordan, Harry; Pankove, Jacques; Scharf, Louis; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 EEC 9015128 A004; 04/15/1990; $2,600,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 9015128 A005; 04/15/1990; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE $50,000 Engineering Research Center for Interfacial Engineering Evans, D. Fennell; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 8721551 A011; 10/01/1988; $1,350,000; 9 mo. EEC 8721551 A012; 10/01/1988; $45,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 EEC 8721551 A013; 10/01/1988; $16,240; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TEACHER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM $5,000 EEC 8721551 A014; 10/01/1988; $378,472; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems Fisher, John; Pense, Alan; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 EEC 8943455 A005; 05/01/1989; $683,099; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8943455 A006; 05/01/1989; $2,128,180; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $53,180 Engineering Research Center for the Carnegie Mellon Data Storage Systems Center Kryder, Mark; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8907068 A005; 04/15/1990; $2,470,565; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Engineering Research Center for Systems Research Marcus, Steven; Baras, John; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 8803012 A011; 02/01/1988; $750,000; 3 mo. EEC 8803012 A012; 02/01/1988; $68,617; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM $24,308 EEC 8803012 A013; 02/01/1988; $2,360,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and TEACHER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM $100,000 Engineering Research Center for Advanced Electronic Materials Processing Masnari, Nino; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 8721505 A005; 09/15/1988; $1,500,000; 9 mo. EEC 8721505 A006; 09/15/1988; $174,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8721505 A007; 09/15/1988; $2,800,000; 12 mo. Workshop on Reconfigurable Free-Space Optical Interconnects; Boulder, Colorado Neff, John; Stirk, Charles; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9206788 A000; 04/15/1992; $11,500; 7 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE - FREE SPACE OPTICAL $6,500 Engineering Research Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies Pilkington, Theo; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 EEC 8622201 A010; 09/15/1987; $2,340,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Engineering Research Center for Engineering Design Prinz, Friedrich; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8943164 A004; 05/01/1989; $711,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8943164 A005; 05/01/1989; $2,228,500; 9 mo. Engineering Research Center for Interfacial Microbial Process Engineering Sears, John; Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 EEC 8907039 A004; 04/15/1990; $764,841; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Engineering Research Center for Interfacial Microbial Process Engineering Sears, John; Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 EEC 8907039 A004; 04/15/1990; $764,841; 6 mo. Engineering Research Center for Offshore Technology Seymour, Richard; Lou, Jack; Stokoe, Kenneth; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 EEC 8721512 A009; 10/01/1988; $1,070,000; 9 mo. EEC 8721512 A010; 10/01/1988; $95,724; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM $20,362 EEC 8721512 A011; 10/01/1988; $378,472; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Plasma-Aided Manufacturing Shohet, J.; Box, George; Cooper, Stuart; Hershkowitz, Noah; Kulcinski, Gerald; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 EEC 8721545 A007; 10/01/1988; $1,350,000; 9 mo. EEC 8721545 A008; 10/01/1988; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 EEC 8721545 A009; 10/01/1988; $2,820,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Advanced Combusion Smoot, L. Douglas; Brigham Young University, Provot, UT 84602 EEC 8901595 A003; 05/01/1989; $725,925; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8901595 A004; 05/01/1989; $1,611,575; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,500 Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Solberg, James; Anderson, David; Barash, Moshe; Kashyap, Rangasami; Mitchell, Owen; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 8803017 A012; 02/01/1988; $3,070,000; 12 mo. EEC 8803017 A013; 02/01/1988; $303,420; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and DARPA-SSTO $273,420 EEC 8803017 A014; 02/01/1988; $175,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $175,000 Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation Thompson, Joe; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 EEC 8907070 A006; 04/15/1990; $2,195,433; 12 mo. $5,297 EEC 8907070 A007; 04/15/1990; $112,291; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-GRID GENERATION RES and ARMY-ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENT $112,291 EEC 8907070 A008; 08/05/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NASA and WATERWAY EXPERIMENT STATION $70,000 Engineering Research Center for Biotechnology Process Wang, Daniel; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 EEC 8803014 A010; 05/01/1988; $2,500,000; 12 mo. EEC 8803014 A011; 05/01/1988; $45,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8803014 A012; 05/01/1988; $75,000; 12 mo. Human Resources Development Cone Penetration Testing in Cemented Sands Acar, Yalcin; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9020368 A002; 03/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Undergraduate Research at the Fluid Dynamics Research Center Acharya, Mukund; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 EEC 9200215 A000; 04/15/1992; $43,350; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: An Object-Oriented Model for Engineering Applications Using a Geographic Database Adams, Teresa; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9010587 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Automating Mechanical Engineering Design Education Creativity Award Advani, Suresh; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 EEC 9017555 A003; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Award for Creativity in Engineering Ahmadi, Goodarz; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 EEC 9017559 A002; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing Altan, Taylan; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 EEC 8943165 A007; 05/01/1989; $530,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $25,000 Manufacturing Strategies for Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Production/Inventory Systems Altiok, Tayfur; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 DDM 9014868 A001; 06/01/1991; $12,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,125 Ultrafast Dark Spatial Solitary Wave Propagation Phenomena: Physics and Device Applications Andersen, David; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 ECS 9105660 A000; 01/01/1992; $58,661; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $1,250 Project WENDI: Graduate Engineering Education Anderson, Kimberly; Hamrin, Charles; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 EEC 9018702 A001; 09/01/1990; $40,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award-Physiological Aspects of Microbial Sulfur Transformations of Relevance to Concrete Corrosion Arnold, Robert; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8658002 A008; 08/01/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 An Integrated System for Spline-Based Cam Design and Manufacturing Ault, Holly; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 DDM 9109378 A001; 07/15/1991; $4,063; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,016 Minority Research: Intervention Strategies to Prevent Cumulative Trauma Disorders Badiru, Adedeji; McCauley-Bell, Pamela; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 EEC 9201328 A000; 06/15/1992; $24,860; 24 mo. A Decomposition Strategy for Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Systems Balling, Richard; Wilson, Arnold; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 MSS 8914238 A002; 11/15/1989; $4,992; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,248 Grants for Research and Education in Science and Engineering Barlow, Jewel; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 9209069 A000; 02/15/1992; $30,000; 12 mo. Award for Creativity in Engineering for Melinda Salisbury Barnes, Randal; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 9019887 A002; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Mathematical Sciences: REU: In Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization Barnes, Earl; Al-Khayyal, Faiz; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 DMS 9200615 A000; 06/01/1992; $39,825; 12 mo. Environmental Water Chemistry Instrumentation for Undergraduate Teaching and Research Bassett, R.; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 EEC 8952168 A001; 03/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Rescheduling Disrupted Production Systems Bean, James; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9018515 A001; 04/15/1991; $12,500; 0 mo. U.S.-F.S.U. Workshop on Inverse Problems in Heat Transfer; June, 1992; East Lansing, Michigan Beck, James; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 INT 9113514 A000; 05/01/1992; $18,000; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with THERMAL TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING $6,000 Collision Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Dominated Processes in Etching Plasmas Becker, Kurt; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 CTS 9017211 A001; 06/01/1991; $4,688; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERFAC TRANS AND THERMODYN PRO $391 ANEX/RIED: Analysis, Experiment and Engineering Drawings in a Portable Structural Model Laboratory Behr, Richard; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 DUE 9150460 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigators Award Benson, Craig; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9157116 A002; 07/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Award for Creativity in Engineering Bergman, Theodore; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 EEC 9017560 A002; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Undergraduate Research Experiences in Agricultural and Food Engineering Bern, Carl; Gilley, James; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 EEC 9200161 A000; 05/15/1992; $89,856; 24 mo. REU Site: Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Engineering Materials Bifano, Thomas; Kerr, Thomas; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 EEC 9200491 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Graduate Engineering Education Program for Women and Minorities at Drexel University Bilgutay, Nihat; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 EEC 9116782 A001; 09/15/1991; $67,500; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics Bishop, Stephen; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 EEC 8943166 A006; 05/01/1989; $988,216; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $21,189 Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Research 2000 Blackmond, Donna; Holder, Gerald; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 EEC 9200114 A000; 05/15/1992; $40,669; 12 mo. REU Supplement: Characterization of Polymer Interphases Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Boerio, F. James; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 CTS 8823071 A004; 12/01/1989; $9,860; 0 mo. Decision-Making, Modeling and Forecasting Hydrometeorologic Extremes Under Climate Change Bogardi, Istvan; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 BCS 9016556 A001; 02/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Expanding an Existing Precollege Science and Technology Career Program Bortz, Alfred; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ESI 9155116 A000; 06/01/1992; $148,014; 17 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: A Graphical Characterization of Diverse Iterative Design Optimization Processes Burns, Scott; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957410 A005; 09/01/1989; $16,800; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,400 An Undergraduate Research Experience in Microelectronics and Photonics Burns, Stanley; Dalal, Vikram; Tuttle, Gary; Weber, Robert; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 EEC 9200382 A000; 05/15/1992; $49,368; 12 mo. Excellence Through Research Busch-Vishniac, Ilene; Nichols, Steven; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 EEC 9200319 A000; 04/15/1992; $48,060; 12 mo. Research Experiences for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates (REMEU) Buzyna, George; Buzyna, George; Krothapalli, Anjaneyul; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, FL 32307 EEC 9200154 A000; 04/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Structure of the Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present Cakmak, Ahmet; Mark, Robert; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 MSS 9001601 A002; 06/01/1990; $4,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,125 Computer-Assisted Formulation of Computer Architecture Designs Carothers, Jo Dale; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9111479 A000; 11/15/1991; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,500 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Cassara, Frank; Shaw, Leonard; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 EEC 9200139 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,687; 12 mo. The Effect of Pressure on Low and Intermediate Temperature Hydrocarbon Oxidation Cernansky, Nicholas; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 CTS 8914756 A001; 02/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Elastic Plastic Fracture in Solids Chao, Yuh; Sutton, Michael; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 MSS 9003973 A003; 07/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Solidification of Binary Mixtures in a Porous Media in the Presence of Double Diffusive Convection Chellaiah, S; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 CTS 9246311 A000; 03/15/1992; $15,000; 0 mo. RIA: A New Approach to Minimum-Time Control of Multiple Interconnected Mechanical Systems (REU Supplement) Chen, Yaobin; Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 MSS 9109947 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,400; 0 mo. Flexural Cracking in Landfill Caps Cheng, S. Jonathan; Larralde-Muro, Jesus; Martin, Joseph; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9115197 A001; 10/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,250 Research Initiation Award: Experimental Study on Laminar and Turbulent Flame Thickness Cho, Peck; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 CTS 9009518 A001; 06/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Incipient Fault Detection in Rotating Machines Using a Neural Network Chow, Mo-yuen; White, Mark; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 ECS 8922727 A003; 07/01/1990; $9,910; 0 mo. Experimental and Numerical Study of Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution Christianson, Leslie; Riskowski, Gerald; Wu, Gwojenn; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9002513 A002; 11/15/1990; $8,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,063 Charles Minor Engineering Fellowship Program: Graduate Engineering Education Clough, G. Wayne; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 EEC 9018436 A002; 09/01/1990; $135,000; 12 mo. Advances in Design of Automated Wire and Die Bonding Machinery in Microelectronic Manufacturing Cohen, Ira; Ayyaswamy, Portonovo; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9000573 A003; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Continuously Tunable Light-to-Heavy Hole Semiconductor Laser for the Millimeter and Submillimeter Range (REU Supplement) Coleman, Paul; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 8822123 A003; 08/15/1989; $4,000; 0 mo. A Framework for an Integrated Decision Support System for Manufacturing Process Improvement Cook, Deborah; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 DDM 9111291 A000; 11/15/1991; $18,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,500 Control of Nonstationary Systems Using Information Preserving Neural Networks Cooper, Douglas; Palmieri, Francesco; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 CTS 9008596 A001; 10/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Structural System Reliability and Optimization - Incorporating Nonlinear Mechanics in Mathematical Programming Approaches Corotis, Ross; Ramirez, Martin; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9016018 A002; 02/15/1991; $4,672; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,168 Award for Creativity in Engineering Costello, Daniel; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 EEC 9017558 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Research Experience for Undergraduates in Science of Microfabrication Craighead, Harold G.; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 EEC 9200192 A000; 06/01/1992; $47,400; 12 mo. Gas Dynamic Involving Negative and Mixed Nonlinearity Cramer, Mark; Watson, Layne; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 CTS 8913198 A003; 01/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Continuation of REU Site in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Maine Dagher, Habib; Humphrey, Dana; Elgaaly, Mohamed; Caccese, Vincent; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 EEC 9200172 A000; 06/01/1992; $53,213; 12 mo. Synthesis of Robust Controllers Under Perturbations of Mixed Type Dahleh, Mohammed; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ECS 9111058 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Fundamental Deposition Processes in Optical Fiber Manufacturing Daily, John; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9005765 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with COMBUSTION AND THERMAL PLASMAS $1,250 Determination of Hot Electron Versus Phonon-Assisted Tunneling Effects in Double Barrier Resonant Tunneling Structures Daniels-Race, Theda; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 EEC 9154084 A000; 02/01/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Mechanism of Wear of Semiconductors and Ceramics Danyluk, Steven; Lawn, Brian; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 8714491 A006; 01/01/1988; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Hydrodynamic Interaction and Coalescence of Two Fluid Drops Davis, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 8914236 A003; 12/01/1989; $6,500; 0 mo. Small Grants for Exploratory Research: Synthesis of Design for (X) Methodologies Davis, Robert; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 DDM 9116112 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,000 Surfactant-Enhanced Extraction of Residual Halogenated Organic Liquids from Sandy Aquifer Materials Dawson, Helen; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 BCS 9210174 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,870; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,468 An Investigation into Methods for Expediting the Transfer of CAD and KBES Technologies for Improved Construction Estimating De La Garza, Jesus; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 8908570 A001; 08/01/1989; $5,000; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 The Mechanics and Physics of Fracture in Ice Dempsey, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9007929 A002; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Dhurjati, Prasad; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 BCS 8552492 A008; 07/01/1986; $47,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with BIOTECHNOLOGY $2,500 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site at Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Syracuse University Dosanjh, Darshan; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300 EEC 9200508 A000; 05/15/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Infrastructure Innovations and Civil Engineering Research in Academia and Industry for Undergraduates Dowding, Charles; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 EEC 9200236 A000; 05/01/1992; $38,300; 12 mo. Constructing Engineers: A Participant-Observation Study of Undergraduate Engineering Education Downey, Gary; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 SBE 9213511 A000; 09/01/1992; $96,275; 36 mo. Assessing the 1990-91 California Drought Dracup, John; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 BCS 9114753 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Integrated Constitutive Models, Modeling and Optimization for Isothermal Rolling of Superalloys Dwivedi, Suren; Dax, F. Robert; West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown, WV 26506 DDM 9113952 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. RUI: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Viscous Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in Helicoidal Heat Exchangers (REU Supplement) Ebadian, M.; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 CTS 9017732 A002; 02/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Coherent Sources in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Eden, J. Gary; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9022187 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Analysis of Superconducting Microwave Transmission Lines (REU SUPPLEMENT) El-Ghazaly, Samir; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 ECS 9108933 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Awards: Screening Vs. Hydrogen Bonding in Chain Molecules Elliott, Richard; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 CTS 9110285 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. RIA: Neural Network Analysis of Granular Fabric Ellis, Glenn; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9110287 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Graduate Engineering Education for Women, Minorities and/or Persons with Disabilities Emery, Ashley; Berg, Cheryl; Glass, Marvin; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 9116866 A001; 09/15/1991; $108,000; 12 mo. Kinemataic and Dynamic Accuracy Performance Synthesis for Planar and Spatial Mechanisms Erdman, Arthur; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9012456 A001; 08/01/1990; $65,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Graduate Engineering Education for Women, Minorities and/or Persons with Disabilities Erdman, Carl; Watson, Karan; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 EEC 9017249 A001; 09/01/1990; $101,248; 12 mo. Increase the Role of Women in Materials Engineering with a Special Emphasis on the Area of Titanium Casting Technology: Graduate Engineering Education Eylon, Daniel; University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469 EEC 9019097 A002; 09/01/1990; $40,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NSF PLANNING AND EVALUATION $40,500 A Program to Increase the Role of Women in Materials Engineering with a Special Emphasis on the Area of Titanium Casting Technology Eylon, Daniel; University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469 EEC 9019097 A003; 09/01/1990; $40,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $40,500 Small Grants for Exploratory Research: System Design Evaluation: Combining the Design Dependent Parameter Approach and Taguchi's Parameter Design Approach Fabrycky, Wolter; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 DDM 9113081 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING DESIGN $2,500 NSF Graduate Fellowships in Support of a Program to Prepare Minority Graduate Students for a Career in Engineering Education Feisel, Lyle; SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901 EEC 9116743 A001; 09/15/1991; $67,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Turbulent Thermal Convection in Rotating and Stratefied Fluids Fernando, Harindra; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 CTS 8657378 A009; 07/01/1987; $52,584; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $1,250 Graduate Engineer Education for Women, Minorities, and/or Persons with Disabilities Ferry, David; Montgomery, Douglas; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 EEC 9116833 A001; 09/15/1991; $81,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Advanced Technology for Large Structural Systems Fisher, John; Pense, Alan; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 EEC 8943455 A005; 05/01/1989; $683,099; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $33,100 EEC 8943455 A006; 05/01/1989; $2,128,180; 12 mo. Engineering Research Experience for Women and Minority Undergraduates Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 EEC 9100966 A001; 06/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Research Experience for Undergraduates Site Francis, Lorraine; McCormick, Alon; Birmingham, Don; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 9200158 A000; 04/15/1992; $49,755; 12 mo. Flow Cytometric Study of Ciliate Physiology Fredrickson, Arnold; Srienc, Friedrich; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9001095 A003; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Laser Radar Performance and Improved Beam Alignment Frehlich, Rod; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9021303 A002; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award French, Catherine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 8451536 A009; 06/01/1985; $15,000; 9 mo. Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Cohesionless Soil Uniformity and Fabric Using Image Analysis (REU Supplement) Frost, J. David; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9011232 A001; 09/01/1990; $788; 8 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $788 Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Cohesionless Soil Uniformity and Fabric Using Image Analysis (REU Supplement) Frost, J. David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9296259 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,200; 5 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH AND GEOENVIRN $1,250 Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research Fruehan, Richard; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8421112 A008; 05/01/1985; $45,000; 12 mo. Testing of Large Smart Structures Using Embedded Sensors Fuhr, Peter; Huston, Dryver; Spillman, Jr., William; University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burlington, VT 05405 BCS 9024390 A001; 03/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Development of an Experimental Approach to the Health Monitoring of Structural Systems Garcia, Ephrahim; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 EEC 9209070 A000; 02/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Center for Laser Studies Undergraduate Research Associate Program Garmire, Elsa; Mendez, Antonio; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 EEC 9200047 A000; 05/01/1992; $45,965; 12 mo. Semiconductor Quantum Electron Wave Devices Gaylord, Thomas K.; Brennan, Kevin; Glytsis, Elias; Harris, Michael H.; Martin, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9111866 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Georgakakos, Konstantine; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 BCS 8657526 A008; 07/01/1987; $34,936; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,484 Film Flow Instabilities and Spatiotemporal Dynamics Gollub, Jerry; Haverford College, Haverford, PA 19041 CTS 9115005 A000; 02/15/1992; $109,453; 12 mo. Processing of Superconducting Ceramics Creativity Award Kander, Ronald; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 EEC 9019956 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Minority Research Initiation Awards: Non-Invasive Kinetic Studies of Film Decontamination from the Inner Surfaces of Tubes Grant, Christine; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 CTS 9115327 A000; 01/15/1992; $120,953; 36 mo. REU Site in Civil Engineering at the University of Notre Dame Gray, William; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 EEC 9200414 A000; 05/01/1992; $44,195; 12 mo. An Integrated Undergraduate Program on Semiconductor Devices for Power Flow Control Gray, Jeffrey; Heydt, Gerald; Neudeck, Gerold; Ong, Chee-Mun; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 9212409 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Interfacial Fluid Dynamics of the Lung Grotberg, James; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9013083 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: In-Situ Sensor for Aluminum Aging Process Control Groza, Joanna; University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8671 DDM 9213685 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Graduate Engineering Education at Michigan State University Grulke, Eric; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 EEC 9018669 A001; 09/15/1990; $108,000; 12 mo. Graduate Engineering Education Gulari, Erdogan; Brake, Mary; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 EEC 9018746 A001; 09/01/1990; $135,000; 12 mo. Engineering Creativity Award for Mathew Wilson Haegel, Nancy; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 EEC 9021051 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Laser Development and Applications Hagan, David; Guenther, Karl; Richardson, Martin; University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 EEC 9200390 A000; 05/15/1992; $50,571; 12 mo. GIS Based Hydrologic Modeling of Watershed Processes Creativity Award Hannoura, Alim; University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 EEC 9019954 A002; 08/15/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Judgements of Responsibilities for Disaster Consequences Hans, Valerie; Nigg, Joanne; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 SBE 9213737 A000; 09/01/1992; $76,484; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EARTHQUAKE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION $35,000 Immobilization of Homogeneous Catalysts: Supported Aqueous Phases, Ion Exchange Resins, and Membranes Hanson, Brian; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 CTS 9101846 A001; 06/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with KINETICS AND CATALYSIS $1,250 Mechanical Damping for Improved Earthquake Resistance of Structures Hanson, Robert; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9114755 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Graduate Engineering Education Harris, Gary; Thigpen, Lewis; Davis, Johnetta; Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 EEC 9116823 A001; 09/15/1991; $94,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NSF PLANNING AND EVALUATION $36,290 System Identification and Adaptive Control Using Neural Networks - Creativity Award Harris, Thomas; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 EEC 9396008 A000; 09/01/1992; $1,500; 4 mo. Evaluation of Condition of Structures from Transient Response Hearn, George; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9102379 A001; 05/01/1991; $2,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $625 Research Creativity Award for Women and Minorities Helmicki, Arthur; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 EEC 9196111 A002; 02/26/1991; $35,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Combustion in an Asymmetric Configuration Hertzberg, Jean; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 CTS 9109778 A001; 06/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Resonating Anisotropic Solids: Novel Elastic Constant Measurements (REU Supplement) Heyliger, Paul; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 9010099 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Nanometer Tunneling and Coherent Wave Quantum Devices Higgins, Richard; Martin, Kevin; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 8922512 A002; 07/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. DEDS: A New Paradigm for Performance Analysis, Computation and Optimization Ho, Yu-Chi; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 EEC 9212122 A000; 09/15/1992; $365,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and SYSTEMS THEORY $352,500 Photonic Research for Opto-Electronics and Optical Communication Curriculum Development Ho, Ping-Pei; Dorsinville, Roger; Ahmed, Samir; Shum, Kai; Alfano, Robert; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 EEC 9212310 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Nanotechnology for Advanced Mass Storage Hocken, Robert; Greene, Richard; Nicollian, Edward; Shelnutt, James; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 8913964 A005; 10/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Cooperative Agreement: Research in Precision Engineering Hocken, Robert; Raja, Jayaraman; Shelnutt, James; Trumper, David; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 DDM 9114710 A001; 10/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Experience for Undergraduates: Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering Horenstein, Mark; Kerr, Thomas; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 EEC 9200389 A000; 06/01/1992; $49,980; 12 mo. Kinetic Studies and Modelling of Interactions of Nutrient, Hormone, Growth Rate and Form Change in Carrot Embryo Development Hu, Wei-Shou; Staba, E.John; Cooke, Todd; University of Minnesota-St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN 55455 BCS 9015817 A001; 04/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Engineering Systems Hu, Jian-Qiang; Kerr, Thomas; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 EEC 9200419 A000; 06/01/1992; $52,570; 12 mo. Seismic Cone Tests in a Particulate Assembly Huang, An-Bin; Lee, Jong; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9021973 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Membrane Fusion and Chemotropic Approaches to Peripheral Nerve Regeneration (REU Supplement) Hubbell, Jeffrey; Bittner, George; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 ECS 8915178 A003; 09/01/1989; $15,000; 0 mo. Preserving Historic Buildings of Major Importance Hynes, Mary; Department of Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS 39180 MSS 9214843 A000; 04/15/1992; $48,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $7,000 Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Intelligent Dynamic Control of Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Systems Interrante, Leslie; Messimer, Sherri; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 DDM 9113983 A001; 09/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Development of Hybrid Discrete Element/Finite Element Model for Large Deformation Geotechnical Engineering Problems Ishibashi, Isao; Nguyen, Duc; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 MSS 8920878 A001; 08/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design for Injection Molding Ishii, Kosuke; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 DDM 9157212 A001; 10/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Planning Grant for Discrete Field Dynamic Stability Analysis of Three-Dimensional X-Braced and Warren Truss Lattices Issa, R. Raymond; University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406 EEC 9154415 A000; 03/15/1992; $0; 3 mo. Planning Grant for Discrete Field Dynamic Stability Analysis of Three-Dimensional X-Braced and Warren Truss Lattices Issa, R. Raymond; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 EEC 9296150 A000; 06/01/1992; $12,000; 14 mo. Numerically Controlled Machining of Sculptured Surfaces Jerard, Robert; Drysdale, Robert; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 DDM 9015851 A001; 07/15/1991; $9,425; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,178 Presidential Young Investigator Award Jones, James; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 8957191 A003; 10/01/1989; $11,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,622 Research Experience for Undergraduates in Microelectronics Jones, W.; Gielisse, P.; Wu, Kuang-Hsi; Chellaiah, S.; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 EEC 9200385 A000; 05/15/1992; $56,000; 12 mo. Fluid Dynamics of Two Miscible Liquids with Slow Diffusion and Gradient Stresses Joseph, Daniel; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9020666 A001; 04/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Laser Beam - Splitting and Materials Processing Kannatey-Asibu, Elijah; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9114148 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Center for UMass-Industry Research on Polymers - Joint Research Project with Liberal Arts College Faculty Kantor, Simon; Tirrell, David; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 EEC 8615271 A014; 08/15/1986; $31,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $21,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Dynamic Modeling of Wind-Induced Lateral-Torsional Motion of Structures Kareem, Ahsan; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9096274 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Asymptotically Stable Multiple Input-Multiple Output Direct Model Reference Adaptive Controllers for Processes Not Necessarily Satisfying a Positive Real Constraint Kaufman, Howard; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 121803590 ECS 9111565 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Graduate Engineering Education for Women, Minorities, and/or Persons with Disabilities Keer, Leon; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 EEC 9019244 A001; 09/01/1990; $94,500; 12 mo. EEC 9019244 A002; 09/01/1990; $94,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $94,500 Role of Extensional Stresses on the Interfacial Stability of Multiphase Flow Processes Khomami, Bamin; Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 CTS 8914354 A005; 01/01/1990; $4,245; 0 mo. Transient and Stationary Multiwave Mixings in Highly Nonlinear Thin Materials Khoo, Iam-Choon; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 ECS 8920830 A002; 07/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. RIA: Structural Relaxations in Glass-Forming Oxide Melts Kieffer, John; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 9008918 A001; 07/01/1990; $8,001; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,000 Engineering REU Site Proposal: Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering Kittelson, David; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 9200418 A000; 05/15/1992; $50,351; 12 mo. Space-Time Evolution of Near-Wall Velocity Gradients That Generate Organized Streamwise Vorticity Klewicki, Joseph; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9120076 A000; 03/15/1992; $105,855; 12 mo. Quantitative Imaging of Regional Pulmonary Blood Flow Knight, Herbert; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9154521 A000; 01/15/1992; $12,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Flow of Materials with Microstructure Koch, Donald; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 CTS 8857565 A004; 07/01/1988; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $2,500 Application of Cryogenic Principles to Emergency Metal Cutting - Creativity Award Kokini, Klod; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 9019955 A002; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Komvopoulos, Kyriakos; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 8996309 A005; 08/25/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Conceptual Models for Explaining Process Behavior from Process Trends - Creativity Award Kramer, Mark; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 EEC 9021047 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for the Carnegie Mellon Data Storage Systems Center Kryder, Mark; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8907068 A005; 04/15/1990; $2,470,565; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $40,000 Models of Warning Systems for Natural Hazards Krzysztofowicz, Roman; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 BCS 9016979 A003; 02/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Presidential Young Investigators Award: Millimeter Wave and Microwave Remote Sensing ECS 9296066 A000; 01/01/1992; $89,452; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $2,000 Kuga, Yasuo; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ECS 9296066 A001; 01/01/1992; $13,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $1,084 Engineering Values as a Barrier to the Effective Use of Skilled Workers Kuhn, Sarah; Richardson, Charles; Wheeler, Brian; University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Foundation, Lowell, MA 01854 SBE 9112265 A001; 09/01/1991; $6,300; 12 mo. Lab Research Experience for Undergraduates in Developing Materials and Structural Components Used in Small-Scale Models Kukreti, Anant; Wallace, Benjamin; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 EEC 9200396 A000; 06/01/1992; $49,395; 12 mo. Photon Duplication Kumar, Prem; Yuen, Horace; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9106599 A000; 01/01/1992; $88,041; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA, AND ELECTRO $1,157 Research Initiation Award: Geomechanical Investigation of Time Dependence of In-Situ Stresses in Soils Kumbhojkar, Arvind; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL MSS 9009156 A002; 08/15/1990; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,000 Determination of Metal-Oxygen Bond Strength in Oxide Catalysts Kung, Harold; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 CTS 9015221 A002; 02/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Modeling of Remote Plasma Assisted Materials Processing: Electron Transport and Selective Chemistry Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 9109326 A001; 09/01/1991; $4,450; 0 mo. Particles in rf Plasma Processing Discharges: Generation, Transport and Plasma Dynamics Kushner, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9113215 A001; 08/15/1991; $4,450; 0 mo. Ultrasonic Measurements in Concentrated Suspensions Kytomaa, Harri; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 CTS 9107449 A001; 09/01/1991; $12,000; 0 mo. Creativity Award for Graduate Study in Engineering LaFleur, Ronald; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 EEC 9017553 A002; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Undergraduate Engineering Design Initiative: Projects Which Aid the Disabled - Design and Modification of Assist Devices to Aid Cerebral Palsy Patients in Working Environment Lam, Paul; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 BCS 8801380 A003; 06/01/1988; $18,900; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,750 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Thermal Aspects of Grinding Lavine, Adrienne; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 DDM 8857677 A005; 08/01/1988; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Research Initiation Award: One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Stress-State Analyses of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Unsaturated Soils Lawton, Evert; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 MSS 9196241 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Workshop to Assess Matters of Common Concern in Engineering Education in the USSR and USA Leake, Woodrow; American Society For Engineering Education, Washington, DC 20036 EEC 9115556 A001; 07/01/1991; $7,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with US/USSR ACTIVITIES $7,000 Research Initiation Award: Coupled Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Superconducting Composites Lee, Jong; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9009490 A001; 05/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Research and Curriculum Development for Power Plant Intelligent Distributed Control Lee, Kwang; Edwards, Robert; Mayer, Jeffrey; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 EEC 9212132 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Technology and Curriculum Development for Packaging Optoelectronic Parallel Computing Systems Based on Free-Space Optical Interconnects Lee, Sing; Ozguz, V.; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 EEC 9212156 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Relation of Protein Electrostatic Properties to Separations Behavior Lenhoff, Abraham; Kaler, Eric; University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 CTS 9111604 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Feasibility of Utilizing Optical Fibers for Multicontaminant Monitoring of Unsaturated Environmental Systems Leonard, Kathleen; University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899 BCS 9210283 A000; 09/01/1992; $17,864; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,466 Fracture Testing Technology for Advanced Ceramic and Cementitious Matrix Based Composites Li, Victor; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9019156 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Dynamic of R.F. Discharges for Materials Etching (REU SUPPLEMENT) Lieberman, Michael; Lichtenberg, Allan; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 8910827 A003; 01/15/1990; $7,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $938 Award for Creativity in Engineering for Lisa Harvey Lin, James; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 EEC 9021054 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Support Services for GRT Program (Contracted DGC 9216105) Linsky, Norman; National Biosystems, Inc., Rockville, MD 20852 EEC 9224446 A000; 09/17/1992; $7,925; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with GRADUATE TRAINEESHIPS PROGRAM $7,925 Transformer Magnetization Under the Influence of Geomagnetically Induced Currents Liu, Yilu; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 ECS 9113014 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Active Excitement of Three-Dimensional Layers Loth, Eric; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9010594 A001; 07/01/1990; $8,000; 4 mo. Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Particulate Systems Engineering, Summer 1992 Loyalka, Sudarshan; Chan, Paul; Warder, Richard; Tompson, Robert; Ghosh, Tushar; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 EEC 9200416 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Introducing Ethics Cases in Engineering Coursework Luegenbiehl, Heinz; Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN 47803 SBE 9112430 A000; 06/01/1992; $30,154; 12 mo. Experiment Design and Analysis for Identifying Mechanical Properties of Physiological Systems at Low Frequencies Lutchen, Kenneth; Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 BCS 9011168 A003; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Research Initiation: Ultrashort Laser Pulse Amplification (REU SUPPLEMENT) MacFarlane, Duncan; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 ECS 9006472 A002; 08/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $1,250 Environmental Issues in the Science Classroom Management of Hazardous Substances Magee, Richard; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 9247006 A000; 06/01/1992; $104,165; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TEACHER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM $52,082 Research Initiation Award: Dynamic Behavior and Response of Truss Structures After the Onset of Progressive Collapse Malla, Ramesh; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 MSS 9110900 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Engineering Research Center for Systems Research Marcus, Steven; Baras, John; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 8803012 A012; 02/01/1988; $68,617; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS and YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM $39,308 EEC 8803012 A013; 02/01/1988; $2,360,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TEACHER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM $50,000 Engineering Research Center for Advanced Electronic Materials Processing Masnari, Nino; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 8721505 A006; 09/15/1988; $174,400; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $25,000 Interinstitutional Fellowship Program: Graduate Engineering Education Masnari, Nino; Martin, Harold; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27696-8208 EEC 9116679 A001; 09/15/1991; $108,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NSF PLANNING AND EVALUATION $108,000 GT-SUPREEM: The Georgia Tech Summer Undergraduate Program of Research in Electrical Engineering for Minorities May, Gary; Sayle, William; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 EEC 9200220 A000; 05/15/1992; $51,500; 12 mo. Distribution of Power Generation System Production Costs Mazumdar, M.; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 ECS 9106396 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Linear and Nonlinear Guided Wave Optical Devices Based on a Rigorous Theory for Intersecting Waveguides McCaughan, Leon; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 8802714 A003; 09/15/1988; $4,000; 0 mo. CSU/TTU Cooperative Research Program in Wind Engineering Mehta, Kishor; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 8821163 A005; 06/01/1989; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,750 Creativity Award in Engineering Mei, Chiang; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 EEC 9021049 A003; 09/01/1990; $30,000; 12 mo. CSU/TTU Cooperative Research Program for Wind Engineering Meroney, Robert; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 BCS 8821542 A004; 06/01/1989; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,750 Experimental Investigation of the Solid/Liquid Interface of Thin Films During Thermal Processing - Creativity Award Miaoulis, Ioannis; Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 EEC 9017557 A002; 08/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Ultrashort Laser-Matter Interactions Milchberg, Howard; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 ECS 8858062 A010; 08/15/1988; $18,773; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA, AND ELECTRO $2,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Miller, William; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 9058416 A003; 11/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Research Initiation: Economic Determination of Specification Levels and Delivery Priorities for Semiconductor Products Min, Kyung Jo; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 DDM 9110945 A001; 08/01/1991; $5,250; 0 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Integrated Modelling and Control for Intelligent Material Handling Mitchell, Owen; Harbison-Briggs, Karan; Lewis, Frank; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 MSS 9114009 A001; 09/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Noise in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Mitin, Vladimir; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9110705 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Characterization of Process Parameters for High-Speed Heat-Set Web Offset Lithography Modi, Vijay; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9113801 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Research Experiences for Electrical Engineering Undergraduates Moeller, Arthur; Niederjohn, Russell; Heinen, James; Richie, James; Hock, Jeffrey; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 EEC 9200057 A000; 05/01/1992; $68,470; 24 mo. Design of a Nonlinear Class of Adaptive Stabilizing Controllers Mohler, Ronald; Chen, Larry; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 ECS 8913773 A004; 03/01/1990; $12,500; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: An Expert System Assisted Power Flow Evaluation Momoh, James; Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 ECS 8657559 A007; 07/01/1987; $15,000; 0 mo. Continuous Curing of Filament Wound Structrues Using Infrared Heating Moon, Tess; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 DDM 9109592 A000; 12/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,000 Research Experience for Undergraduates Moore, Daniel; Bostian, Charles; Claus, Richard; Connors, Richard; Davis, Nathaniel; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 EEC 9200476 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. A Unified Education Curriculum for Freshman Engineers: Emphasizing Creativity and Conceptualization in Professional Engineer Preparation Morgan, James; Prairie View A&M Research Foundation, Prairie View, TX 77446 MSS 9120678 A000; 05/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. NSF-GEE Project: Increasing the Number of Minorities Earning Doctoral Degrees in Engineering Morris, David; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 EEC 9018183 A002; 09/01/1990; $94,500; 12 mo. Graduate Engineering Education for Women, Minorities, and/or Persons with Disabilities Morrison, H. Frank; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 EEC 9018414 A003; 09/01/1990; $81,000; 12 mo. Noilica Based Optical Fibers Morse, Theodore; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 ECS 8916997 A003; 05/01/1990; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY $1,000 Research Experiences for Undergraduate Site Murhammer, David; Rodgers, Victor G.; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 EEC 9200510 A000; 06/01/1992; $76,000; 24 mo. A Study of a Solar-Thermochemical Energy Transport System for the Pacific Northwest Murray, Jean; Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207 CTS 9010338 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,430; 9 mo. Biosensors for Tissue Engineering Nair, Pankajam; Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272 BCS 8913465 A005; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Analytical Model of Cable-Stayed Bridge Nonlinear Dynamics for Mitigation of Extreme Load Effects Namini, Ahmad; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124 BCS 9110472 A001; 07/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Lateral Confinement of Concrete Using High-Strength Fiber Reinforcement Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9108598 A002; 09/15/1991; $9,822; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,228 Electrical Engineering Design Projects to Support Research Conducted at the National Solar Observatory Nemir, David; University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968 EEC 9200391 A000; 06/01/1992; $105,246; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Complexity Uncertainty, Information, and Organization in Control System Design for Modern Engineering Systems Nett, Carl; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9058397 A004; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Graduate Engineering Education for the Development of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Niederjohn, Russell; Heinen, James; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 EEC 9018457 A002; 09/01/1990; $40,500; 12 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 GER 9253848 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 GER 9253859 A000; 06/01/1992; $100,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 GER 9253864 A000; 06/01/1992; $115,000; 60 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $107,158 Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 GER 9253879 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 GER 9253883 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 GER 9253914 A000; 06/01/1992; $115,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 GER 9253929 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520 GER 9253954 A000; 06/01/1992; $100,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 GER 9255681 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 GER 9255682 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 GER 9255691 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. Graduate Research Fellowship Program None, None; University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 GER 9255694 A000; 06/01/1992; $215,000; 60 mo. NSF Self-Sufficient Partnership for Research with University of Arizona Center for Microcontamination Control O'Hanlon, John; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 EEC 9022924 A002; 09/01/1990; $43,000; 0 mo. Modelling of Penetration Resistance and Static Capacity of Piles Driven by Vibration (REU Supplement) O'Neill, Michael; Vipulanandan, Cumaraswamy; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 MSS 8920412 A002; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Engineering Faculty Intership: System Information Integration Occena, Luis; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 DDM 9214719 A000; 07/01/1992; $7,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,000 Research Initiation: Investigation of the Thermomechanical Behavior of Compression Molded Fiber Reinforced Composite Parts Osswald, Tim; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 DDM 9009158 A002; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation: Negative Ion and Modulated Discharge Processing Studies (REU Supplement) Overzet, Lawrence; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 ECS 9009662 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with QUANT ELECTRON, PLASMA AND ELECTRO $1,250 Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Low Cost Precision Investment Casting Process with 97-100% Recovery of Good Products Owusu, Yaw; Herman, Marvin; Vonnegut, George; Jackson, James; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, FL 32307 DDM 9213703 A000; 08/01/1992; $9,995; 12 mo. Friction of Granular Soil Along an Interface Paikowsky, Samuel; University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Foundation, Lowell, MA 01854 MSS 9020526 A001; 07/01/1991; $9,500; 0 mo. Generalized Layout Problems in Structural Optimization Papalambros, Panos; Kikuchi, Noboru; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 8917430 A003; 04/01/1990; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Anaerobic Butyric-Acid Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Bennett, George; Rudolph, Frederick; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 BCS 8912094 A005; 10/01/1989; $10,000; 8 mo. Genetic Analysis and Metabolic Engineering of Anaerobic Butyric-Acid Clostridia Papoutsakis, Eleftherios; Welker, Neil; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 BCS 8912209 A004; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Mechanical Engineering Pauley, Laura; Jacobs, Harold; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 EEC 9200175 A000; 04/15/1992; $55,875; 12 mo. Award for Creativity in Engineering for Kimberlee Wallace Payne, Gregory; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 EEC 9021048 A002; 08/15/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. A Conference for Exploration of a National Engineering Information Service Penniman, W.; Liston, David; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 EEC 9206728 A000; 05/01/1992; $21,800; 12 mo. An REU Site in Chemical Engineering Peppas, Nikolaos; Caruthers, James; Wiest, John; Delgass, W. Nicholas; Lackritz, Hilary; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 9200070 A000; 07/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. New Device Concepts and Intraband Processes Perera, A.G. Unil; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 ECS 9006078 A002; 01/01/1991; $4,795; 8 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Robotic Assembly Peshkin, Michael; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DDM 8857854 A004; 09/01/1988; $11,688; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $2,499 Research Initiation: Three-Dimensional Fracture Analysis of Rubber Composite Structures Pidaparti, Ramana; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 MSS 9109683 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Engineering Research Center for Emerging Cardiovascular Technologies Pilkington, Theo; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 EEC 8622201 A010; 09/15/1987; $2,340,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $25,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Integrated Sensors Research (REU Supplement Included) Polla, Dennis; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ECS 8814651 A004; 07/01/1987; $67,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $1,250 Depth Reconstruction of Nominally-Smooth Surfaces from Shadowed Images - Creativity Award Poor, Harold; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 EEC 9019951 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Continuous Czochralski Growth of Silicon Single Crystals Prasad, Vishwanath; Koziol, Jurek; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 DDM 9114593 A001; 09/01/1991; $9,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,313 Engineering Research Center for Engineering Design Prinz, Friedrich; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8943164 A004; 05/01/1989; $711,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $35,000 RUI: The Partition of Unstable Polytopes of Polynomials and Its Applications Pujara, L.; Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 ECS 9112039 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Support for Under-Represented Groups in Engineering (SURGE): Graduate Engineering Education Ransom, Preston; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 EEC 9116901 A001; 09/15/1991; $80,210; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NSF PLANNING AND EVALUATION $80,210 EEC 9116901 A002; 09/15/1991; $80,210; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $80,210 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Engineering Design Database Research Rasdorf, William; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 MSS 8451465 A009; 09/15/1985; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,125 Graduate Engineering Education Fellowship for Women and Minorities Reischman, Michael; Davis, Daniel; Luck, Sharon; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 EEC 9116806 A001; 09/15/1991; $81,000; 12 mo. Center for Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits (CADIC) Ringo, John; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 EEC 8912616 A008; 06/01/1989; $145,000; 0 mo. Educational and Research Infrastructure Development in Microelectromechanical Systems Robbins, William; Erdman, Arthur; Polla, Dennis; Francis, Lorraine; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 EEC 9212159 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Study of the Dynamics of Highly Ionized Capillary Discharge Plasmas for XUV Lasers Rocca, Jorge; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 ECS 9013372 A001; 02/15/1991; $9,950; 0 mo. Enhancement and Destabilization of Flow Structure by Forced Excitation of Globally Unstable Flow Systems Rockwell, Donald; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 CTS 8922095 A002; 07/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Evaluation of the Strength, Stiffness, and Ductility of Older Steel Frame Structures Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9016714 A002; 10/01/1990; $30,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $3,750 Presidential Young Investigators Award Rogers, Craig; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9157080 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Civil Engineering Ross, Timothy; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 EEC 9200117 A000; 05/01/1992; $39,923; 12 mo. MRI: Finite Element Analysis of High Speed InP/no.53 GaO.47 as P-I-N Photodetector Structures Russell, Jimmie; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 ECS 9111257 A000; 05/15/1992; $150,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING $18,750 Development of a Manufacturing Process to Fabricate Flexible High Critical Temperature Superconductor Wire Samanta, Shyam; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 DDM 9016787 A001; 03/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Fundamental Study on Ductile Fracture in Metal Forming Samanta, Shyam; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 DDM 9096203 A003; 04/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Research Experience for Undergraduates in Combustion and Propulsion Samuelsen, G. Scott; Dunn-Rankin, Derek; LaRue, John; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 EEC 9200218 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Automated Experimentation and Analysis for Robust Product Design Sanchez, Susan; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9110573 A000; 01/01/1992; $59,996; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,000 Oxidation in Supercritical Water: Reaction Pathways and Kinetics (REU Supplement) Savage, Phillip; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 9015738 A001; 12/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Feedback Control of the Nuclear Magnetization State (SGER Award) Schiano, Jeffrey; Magin, Richard; University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Champaign, IL 61820 ECS 9121187 A001; 09/01/1991; $7,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Physics and Engineering of Superconductor and Semiconducting Devices Schlesinger, Tuviah; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ECS 8958405 A004; 09/01/1989; $5,000; 0 mo. Analysis and Design of Interconnects for Microelectronics Applications (Minority Research Initiation) Schutt-Aine, Jose; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 ECS 8913116 A003; 12/15/1989; $79,712; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Polymers for Selective Binding of Metal Ions Scranton, Alec; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 CTS 9110163 A001; 06/15/1991; $14,700; 0 mo. Heat and Mass Transfer in a Paper Sheet During Drying Creativity Award Seyed-Yagoobi, Jamal; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 EEC 9017556 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Offshore Technology Seymour, Richard; Lou, Jack; Stokoe, Kenneth; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 EEC 8721512 A010; 10/01/1988; $95,724; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS and YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM $55,362 An Evaluation of the Leachability of Heavy Metals from Fly Ash Liner Materials Shackelford, Charles; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 8908201 A002; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Undergraduate Summer Research in Bioengineering Shalaby, Shalaby; Powers, Dennis; Black, Jonathan; Latour, Robert; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 EEC 9200196 A000; 06/15/1992; $20,040; 12 mo. Creativity in Engineering Award/Lisa R. DuBois Sharp, Gunter; Al-Khayyal, Faiz; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 EEC 9019953 A002; 09/01/1990; $35,000; 12 mo. A Study of Biaxial Strains at Notch Roots at High Temperature Sharpe, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9016817 A001; 04/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 NSF/Industry Multi-University Material Handling Research Center Shell, Richard; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 EEC 9113399 A001; 07/01/1991; $53,975; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Plasma-Aided Manufacturing Shohet, J.; Box, George; Cooper, Stuart; Hershkowitz, Noah; Kulcinski, Gerald; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 EEC 8721545 A008; 10/01/1988; $35,000; 12 mo. Study of Transient Phenomena in a Small-Scale Hazardous Waste Incinerator Smith, Owen; Karagozian, Ann; Osher, Stanley; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 CTS 9021021 A001; 07/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Engineering Research Center for Advanced Combustion Smoot, L. Douglas; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 EEC 8901595 A003; 05/01/1989; $725,925; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $20,000 EEC 8901595 A004; 05/01/1989; $1,611,575; 9 mo. Unsteady Motion in Pipe Flow of Gas-Solid Suspensions and Modeling Soo, Shao; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 CTS 9014914 A003; 09/01/1990; $9,000; 0 mo. A Distributed Physically-Based Modeling Approach to Flash Flood Forecasting in Semi-Arid Regions Sorooshian, Soroosh; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 BCS 8920851 A002; 04/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Robust Feedback Control of Structures for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Spencer, Billie; Sain, Michael; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 BCS 9006781 A002; 11/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 SGER: Chaos in Electromagnetic Systems Sridhar, Srinivas; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ECS 9114815 A001; 08/15/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Growth and Protein Expression of Eukaryotic Cells Srienc, Friedrich; University of Minnesota-St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN 55455 BCS 9100385 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Long-Term Stability of Natural Slopes Stark, Timothy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9196074 A001; 01/01/1991; $5,000; 3 mo. Enhancing the Development of Product Requirements Stauffer, Larry; Morris, Linda; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843 DDM 9114752 A001; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Recruitment and Retention of Students and Faculty With Disabilities Stern, Virginia; American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC 20005 EEC 9101122 A001; 01/15/1991; $158,570; 12 mo. RIA: The Role of Lubricant Viscosity in the Frictional Behavior of the Magnetic Slider/Disk Streator, Jeffrey; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9110469 A001; 07/15/1991; $4,606; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,151 The Influence of Local and Global Instability on the Development of Countercurrent Mixing Layers Strykowski, Paul; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 CTS 9116532 A000; 03/15/1992; $155,036; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Adaptive Control System Redesign for Improving Transient Performance Sun, Jing; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9110984 A001; 08/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Professional Values and Ethical Issues in the Graduate Education of Scientists and Engineers Swazey, Judith; Acadia Institute, Bar Harbor, ME 04609 SBE 8913159 A003; 04/01/1990; $31,312; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ETHICS AND VALUES STUDIES and SOCIOLOGY $10,000 REU Site for Microelectronic Materials and Processing Takoudis, Christos; Neudeck, Gerold; Kvam, Eric; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 9200056 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Environmental Science and Engineering Tansel, Berrin; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 EEC 9200166 A000; 05/15/1992; $55,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Development of Intelligent Gear Inspection System Tansel, Ibrahim; Arch, Allan; Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 DDM 9213770 A000; 07/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Investigation and Applications of Oscillatory Flow in Rigid Tubes Taylor, Bruce; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 EEC 9154390 A000; 02/15/1992; $11,547; 12 mo. Sensor-Based Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Terry, Fred; Elta, Michael; Khargonekar, Pramod; Grizzle, Jessy; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 EEC 9212316 A000; 09/01/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 Fundamental Investigation of Molybdenum Nitride and Carbide Catalysts: Minority Research Initiation Award Thompson, Levi; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 CTS 8918107 A003; 01/15/1990; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with KINETICS AND CATALYSIS $2,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Design Optimization and Decision Analysis Thurston, Deborah; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 8957420 A003; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 A Program for Underrepresented Scholars in Engineering Torng, H.; Toueg, Sam; Phoenix, S.; Ruoff, Arthur; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 EEC 9116878 A002; 09/15/1991; $40,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NSF PLANNING AND EVALUATION $40,500 Preliminary Research on the Safety of Steel Connections Using System Reliability Techniques Trautner, Janice; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 MSS 9109024 A000; 12/15/1991; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,500 Research Initiaiton: Scheduling Complex Dynamic Job Shops Uzsoy, Reha; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DDM 9107591 A001; 08/01/1991; $3,096; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $774 Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Sensor Technologies Van Der Spiegel, Jan; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 EEC 9200138 A000; 05/01/1992; $93,021; 24 mo. Laser-Driven Directional Solidification in High Tc Superconducting Polycrystalline Fibers Varshney, Usha; American Research Corporation of Virginia, Radford, VA 24143-3406 III 9101565 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Graduate Engineering Education for Women Ventrice, Marie; Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505 EEC 9018927 A001; 09/01/1990; $40,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computer Vision Inspection of Polygonal Profiles Ventura, Jose; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 DDM 9057066 A002; 08/15/1990; $6,250; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,563 Study of a Surface Acoustic Wave Microsensor for Gas Detection Vetelino, John; Dwyer, Daniel; Grunze, Michael; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 ECS 9019551 A001; 03/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Undergraduate Research Participation in Electrical Engineering Vetelino, John; University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-0114 EEC 9200039 A000; 05/01/1992; $54,780; 12 mo. Minority Engineering Doctorate Initiative Viessman, Warren; Earle, Jon; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 EEC 9116648 A002; 09/15/1991; $41,500; 12 mo. Analytical Study and Experimental Verification of a Coupled Theory of Mixtures and Micropolar Continua for Geomechanical Application Voyiadjis, George; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9018249 A003; 02/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Lossless Acoustooptic Permutation and Interconnection Network Wagner, Kelvin; Mickelson, Alan; Weverka, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 ECS 9015752 A003; 09/01/1990; $11,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS INITIAT $1,250 Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Porous Media Transport and Bio-Kinetics in Environmental Engineering Walker, Larry; Steenhuis, T.; Cornell University - State, Ithaca, NY 14853 EEC 9200350 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. A Study of Behavior and Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls with Unsymmetrical Cross-Section Wallace, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 BCS 9112962 A001; 07/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $2,500 Rapid In-Site Remediation of Hazardous Waste Sites Using Surfactant Biotechnology - Creativity Award Walters, James; The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-2856 EEC 9106202 A001; 03/01/1991; $30,000; 12 mo. Engineering Research Center for Biotechnology Process Wang, Daniel; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 EEC 8803014 A011; 05/01/1988; $45,000; 12 mo. Engineering Faculty Internship: Intelligent Machine Tool Monitoring: A Neural Network Approach Wang, Hsu-Pin; Chen, F. Frank; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 DDM 9113770 A001; 08/01/1991; $3,762; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $941 Graduate Engineering Education at the City College for Women, Minorities, and/or Persons with Disabilities: Project FORCE Watkins, Charles; CUNY-City College, New York, NY 10031 EEC 9019450 A002; 09/01/1990; $54,000; 12 mo. Heuristics for Stochastic Scheduling and the Control of Queueing Networks Weiss, Gideon; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 DDM 8914863 A003; 03/01/1990; $105,894; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS $2,700 Antenna-Coupled Pyroelectric Detectors for Far-Infrared Radiation Detection (REU SUPPLEMENT) Wentworth, S.; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 ECS 9108882 A001; 08/15/1991; $4,472; 0 mo. Graduate Engineering for Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities at Georgia Tech Wepfer, William; Heck, Bonnie S.; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 EEC 9018632 A001; 09/15/1990; $108,000; 12 mo. A Workshop: Assessment and Evaluation of the Program for GEE for Women, Minorities, and/or Persons with Disabilities, April 1992 Wepfer, William; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 EEC 9204048 A000; 04/15/1992; $60,562; 12 mo. Proposal to Design a Program in Engineering Ethics for Doctoral Engineering Students Whitbeck, Caroline; Marks, David; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 SBE 9124001 A000; 04/15/1992; $51,970; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Protein Separation Utilizing Utilizing Temperature-Sensitive Mecroemulsions Wiencek, John; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 CTS 9110757 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Effects of Rapid, High-Dose, Elevated Temperature in Ion Implantation on the Tribology and Microstructure of Ferrous Materials Williamson, Don; Wilbur, Paul; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 MSS 9116935 A001; 07/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Graduate Engineering Education for Women, Minorities, and/or Persons with Disabilities Wolde-Tinsae, Amde; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 9018367 A002; 09/01/1990; $94,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NSF PLANNING AND EVALUATION $94,500 Identification and Active Control of Structures Under Earthquake Loadings Yang, Jackson; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9114047 A001; 06/01/1991; $14,400; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Chemical Sensors for Advanced Process Analysis Yee, Sinclair; Carey, W.; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 9212314 A000; 09/15/1992; $390,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELP $290,000 High Voltage Conduction and Breakdown Phenomena in Dielectrics Zahn, Markus; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 8913605 A003; 12/15/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. A Novel Optoelectronic Thyristor for Picosecond High Power Switching Applications (REU Supplement) Zhao, Jian; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 ECS 9009370 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. SGER: Experimental Study of Four-Wave Mixing InGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells with Application to Optical Switching Devices and Solition Generation Zhao, Yang; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 ECS 9107774 A001; 08/15/1991; $13,250; 0 mo. Flow Channeling in Soft Clays Znidarcic, Dobroslav; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9102223 A001; 07/15/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,000 Behavior of Axially Loaded Pultruded Fiber Reinforced Composite Columns Zureick, Abdul-Hamid; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 8909140 A002; 06/01/1989; $6,602; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,650 Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Communications and Signal Processing Abbott, George; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 8212696 A012; 07/01/1982; $20,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $20,000 EEC 8212696 A013; 07/01/1982; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-MPMC CONSORTIUM $50,000 EEC 8212696 A014; 07/01/1982; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-CCSP $50,000 EEC 8212696 A015; 07/01/1982; $58,000; 12 mo. State/University Cooperative Research Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval Adrion, W. Richards; Lehnert, Wendy; Croft, W.; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 EEC 9209623 A000; 07/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS $50,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Conference for Exploiting Innovation: Marketing to the World Allentuch, Arnold; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 9208357 A000; 06/01/1992; $79,568; 9 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Biological Surface Science Baier, Robert; SUNY at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14228 EEC 8817192 A004; 08/15/1988; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8817192 A005; 08/15/1988; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERNAT BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY $100,000 State/Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Nonwovens Batra, Subhash; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 9108854 A002; 09/01/1991; $250,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Innovation Management Studies Bean, Alden; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 EEC 8507642 A008; 06/01/1985; $78,000; 24 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Manufacturing and Automation Bekey, George; Melkanoff, Michel; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 EEC 8717322 A010; 09/01/1987; $135,000; 0 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Cell Regulation Boyan, Barbara; University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78284 EEC 8515657 A009; 09/01/1985; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $90,000 State/Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for The Enhancement of the Biology/Biomaterials Interface Boyan, Barbara; University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78284 EEC 9209612 A000; 07/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. EEC 9209612 A001; 07/01/1992; $100,000; 48 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-IUCRC $100,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Bullard, Clark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 EEC 9004008 A005; 04/01/1990; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EPA $40,000 EEC 9004008 A006; 04/01/1990; $95,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and ARMY-ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP FEE $45,000 EEC 9004008 A007; 04/01/1990; $95,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with EPA $40,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Computer-Aided Design Chang, David; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 EEC 8722832 A007; 03/01/1988; $125,000; 12 mo. EEC 8722832 A008; 03/01/1988; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $50,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Parallel and Distributive Intelligence Systems Chang, Shi-Kuo; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 EEC 8810225 A004; 08/01/1988; $45,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Self-Sufficient Partnership for Research Cheng, Herbert; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 EEC 9214605 A000; 08/01/1992; $55,000; 24 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Integrated Pest Management Coble, Harold; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 9116415 A001; 08/01/1991; $97,333; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Software Engineering DeMillo, Richard; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 EEC 8913133 A007; 06/15/1989; $35,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $35,000 EEC 8913133 A008; 06/15/1989; $20,000; 0 mo. Young Scholars Program - Research in Hazardous Toxic Substance Management Deutschman, Harold; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 ESI 9054982 A001; 03/01/1991; $31,478; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Microwave Engineering DiGiacomo, Joseph; Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085 EEC 9201568 A000; 02/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. The Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Dielectric Studies Dougherty, Joseph; Cross, Leslie; Newnham, Robert; Schulze, Walter; Bhalla, Amar; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 EEC 9048282 A002; 09/01/1990; $40,000; 12 mo. Young Scholars Project Duggan, Claire; Leventman, Paula; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 ESI 9055045 A001; 03/01/1991; $58,010; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Polymer Interfaces El-Aasser, Mohamed; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 EEC 9117064 A001; 07/15/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for High-Speed Image/Signal Processing (CHIP) Ferrari, Leonard; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 EEC 9116728 A003; 08/01/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research Fruehan, Richard; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 8421112 A008; 05/01/1985; $45,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Chemical Process and Modeling and Control Georgakis, Christos; Luyben, William; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 EEC 8511162 A008; 07/15/1985; $38,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 State/University Cooperative Research Center for Electronic Imaging: Imaging in the Information Age George, Nicholas; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 EEC 9209615 A000; 09/01/1992; $150,000; 48 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Wireless Information Networks Goodman, David; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 EEC 9111456 A001; 05/01/1991; $55,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics Hartkopf, Volker; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 EEC 9200309 A000; 04/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS $37,500 EEC 9200309 A001; 04/01/1992; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Simulation and Design Optimization of Mechanical Systems Haug, Edward; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 EEC 8715397 A016; 09/01/1987; $269,036; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NASA-FTS $230,000 EEC 8715397 A017; 09/01/1987; $65,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-SIM AND DESIGN OPTIMIZ $40,000 EEC 8715397 A018; 09/01/1987; $130,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NASA and ARMY $130,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Tie Project with the University of California at Berkeley for a Substructure Method for Dynamic Simulation of Micromechanical Systems with Geometric Nonlinearities Haug, Edward; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 EEC 9220301 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,000; 24 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Pilot Projects in Simulation-Based Concurrent Engineering of Military Vehicles and Space Flight Systems Haug, Edward; Choi, Kyung; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 EEC 9222784 A000; 09/15/1992; $2,244,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with DEFENSE and DARPA-SOLDIER IN THE LOOP VEH $1,888,000 State/Industry University Cooperative Research Center for Low-Cost, High-Speed Polymer Composites Processing Hawley, Martin; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 EEC 9108846 A001; 09/01/1991; $250,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Applied Polymer Research Hiltner, Anne; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 EEC 8116103 A011; 06/15/1981; $35,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Grinding Howes, Trevor; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 EEC 9000925 A003; 01/15/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $30,000 State/Industry UniversityCooperative Research Center for Molecular and Microstructure of Composites Ishida, Hatsuo; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 EEC 9108700 A001; 09/01/1991; $250,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Coatings Research Jones, Frank; Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 EEC 9006914 A003; 04/15/1990; $100,000; 12 mo. Center for UMass-Industry Research on Polymers - Joint Research Project with Liberal Arts College Faculty Kantor, Simon; Tirrell, David; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 EEC 8615271 A013; 08/15/1986; $146,000; 12 mo. EEC 8615271 A014; 08/15/1986; $31,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $31,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for UMass-Industry Research on Polymers (CUMIRP) - Sabbatical of Mount Holyoke College Faculty Kantor, Simon; Lenz, Robert; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 EEC 9218410 A000; 07/15/1992; $64,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $28,800 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Fundamental Investigations in Microtribology Keer, Leon; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 EEC 9216257 A000; 06/01/1992; $50,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with SURFACE ENGINEERING AND TRIBOLOGY $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Fundamental Investigations in Microtribology Komvopoulos, Kyriakos; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 EEC 9215239 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 24 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Process Analytical Chemistry Kowalski, Bruce; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 8415075 A012; 09/01/1984; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EPA $35,000 EEC 8415075 A013; 09/01/1984; $63,512; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and AIR FORCE-TRACE METAL ANALYSIS $28,512 EEC 8415075 A014; 09/01/1984; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EPA $35,000 EEC 8415075 A015; 09/01/1984; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EPA $40,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Krauss, George; Matlock, David; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 EEC 9147146 A001; 06/15/1991; $47,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and ARMY $47,000 EEC 9147146 A002; 06/15/1991; $56,000; 12 mo. EEC 9147146 A003; 06/15/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $80,000 State Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for the Integrated Electronics Engineering Center Performing Research in Electronics Packaging Kroger, Harry; Research Foundation of State of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY 12201 EEC 9108850 A001; 09/01/1991; $150,000; 0 mo. EEC 9108850 A002; 09/01/1991; $250,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Ultra-High Speed Integrated Circuits and Systems (ICAS) Ku, Walter; Milstein, Laurence; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 EEC 8916669 A005; 09/15/1989; $230,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY-UCSD ULTRA HIGH SPEED ICA $65,000 EEC 8916669 A006; 09/15/1989; $100,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NASA/GODDARD - CIRCUIT TECH and NAVY $100,000 EEC 8916669 A007; 09/15/1989; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY $50,000 State/Industry University Cooperative Research Center for Capsule Pipeline Research Liu, Henry; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 EEC 9108841 A001; 09/01/1991; $200,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Thin Film and Interface Research (CTFIR) Loferski, Joseph; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 EEC 8813548 A005; 02/01/1989; $50,000; 0 mo. EEC 8813548 A006; 02/01/1989; $5,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Hazardous and Toxic Substances Magee, Richard; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 8416180 A015; 09/01/1984; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8416180 A016; 09/01/1984; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY and ARMY-PBMA CO-OP CENTER MEMBER $60,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Collaborative Research on the Development and Demonstration of Hazardous Substance Management Technologies Magee, Richard; Watts, Daniel; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 9215864 A000; 10/01/1992; $125,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENERGY $125,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center: Support for an Evaluator Magee, Richard; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 9220302 A000; 07/15/1992; $24,000; 36 mo. Creation of an Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers' Center Director's Handbook Magee, Richard; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 9222356 A000; 09/01/1992; $68,000; 18 mo. Environmental Issues in the Science Classroom Management of Hazardous Substances Magee, Richard; The Foundation at NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102 EEC 9247006 A000; 06/01/1992; $104,165; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TEACHER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $98,956 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Nanostructural Materials Research Marshall, James; University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203 EEC 9005869 A002; 04/01/1990; $50,000; 0 mo. NSF Industry/Multi-University Materials Handling Research Center Mazouz, A. Kader; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 EEC 9114084 A001; 06/01/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Information Management Research McCracken, W. Michael; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 EEC 8904815 A006; 07/01/1989; $150,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $150,000 EEC 8904815 A007; 07/01/1989; $105,000; 12 mo. International University-Industry Cooperative Research Program Between the Center for Ceramic Research at Rutgers University and Several Swedish Institutions McLaren, Malcolm; Niesz, Dale; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 INT 8811014 A005; 07/01/1988; $8,000; 0 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Ceramic Research McLaren, Malcolm; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 EEC 9047182 A004; 09/01/1990; $40,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 9047182 A005; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $10,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Integrated Sensors Muller, Richard; White, Richard; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 EEC 8614900 A008; 09/01/1986; $8,000; 0 mo. EEC 8614900 A009; 09/01/1986; $37,293; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION and MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $10,500 1992 Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Workshop--Participant Support - Hilton Head, South Carolina, June 1992 Muller, Richard; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9208793 A000; 05/01/1992; $18,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Measurement and Control Muly, Emil; University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37996-0140 EEC 8611139 A009; 07/15/1986; $48,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for for Separations Using Thin Films Noble, Richard; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 EEC 9103095 A001; 03/15/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and SEPAR AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES $15,000 EEC 9103095 A002; 03/15/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with EPA $37,500 NSF Self-Sufficient Partnership for Research with University of Arizona Center for Microcontamination Control O'Hanlon, John; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 EEC 9022924 A002; 09/01/1990; $43,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Material Handling Research Parker, Sandra; University of Arkansas-Main Campus, Fayetteville, AR 72701 EEC 9111573 A001; 06/15/1991; $40,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $40,000 EEC 9111573 A002; 06/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and MANUFACTURING MACHINES AND EQUIP $5,000 EEC 9111573 A003; 06/15/1991; $90,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $40,000 State Industry/University Cooperative Research Center CALCE Center for Electronic Packaging Pecht, Michael; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 EEC 9108844 A001; 09/01/1991; $111,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY-IUCRC FOR ELEC PACKAGING and NAVY $51,000 EEC 9108844 A002; 09/01/1991; $725,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $50,000 EEC 9108844 A003; 09/01/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER $50,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Material Handling Pence, Ira; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 EEC 9048797 A004; 09/01/1990; $150,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and ARMY-MAT HANDLING RES CTR $45,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Energetic Materials Persson, Per-Anders; Williams, Pharis; New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM 87801 EEC 8614899 A016; 09/01/1986; $140,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-ENERGETIC MATERIALS and AIR FORCE-ENERGETIC MATERIALS $60,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Energetic Materials Persson, Per-Anders; Oxley, Jimmie; New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM 87801 EEC 9222357 A000; 09/01/1992; $334,700; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY and ARMY-HAN-BASED LIQUID PROPELLA $246,700 EEC 9222357 A001; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $25,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Self-Sufficient Partnership for Research at the Optical Circuitry Cooperative Peyghambarian, Nasser; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 EEC 9208001 A000; 09/15/1992; $105,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and AIR FORCE-OPTOELECTRONIC TECH $55,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Glass Research Pye, L. David; Alfred University, Alfred, NY 14802 EEC 8610534 A009; 06/01/1986; $71,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Science and Math Enhancement (SAME) Pye, L. David; Baldwin, Ann McCoppin; Alfred University, Alfred, NY 14802 ESI 9055053 A001; 02/15/1991; $37,573; 12 mo. An International Collaboration Between the Glass Industries of Germany and the U.S. Pye, L. David; Alfred University, Alfred, NY 14802 EEC 9221606 A000; 09/15/1992; $55,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERNATIONAL INFO AND ANALYSIS $27,500 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Web Handling Reid, Karl; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 EEC 9023068 A002; 09/01/1990; $72,610; 12 mo. Center for Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits (CADIC) Ringo, John; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 EEC 8912616 A008; 06/01/1989; $145,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 State/University Cooperative Research Center for Rock Mechanics Roegiers, Jean-Claude; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 EEC 9209619 A000; 07/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Plastics Recycling Institute (PRI) Saba, Raymond; McLaren, Malcolm; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 EEC 9147081 A002; 06/15/1991; $55,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Evaluation Activities for University of Iowa Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Scholz, Paul; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 EEC 9221607 A000; 09/01/1992; $8,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for a Cooperative Partnership Initiative Between CAPPS and the Institut Pertanian Bogor Schwartz, Steven; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 276958208 EEC 8716900 A008; 08/01/1987; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with INTERNAT BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY $100,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Evaluator at CPAC and CADAR (Center for Analog/Digital Applications Research) Scott, Craig; Individual Award, Washington, DC 20550 EEC 9146934 A001; 05/15/1991; $28,000; 24 mo. NSF/Industry Multi-University Material Handling Research Center Shell, Richard; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 EEC 9113399 A001; 07/01/1991; $53,975; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,975 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Electromagnetics Research Silevitch, Michael; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 EEC 8513971 A016; 09/01/1985; $106,005; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-TC SUPERCONDUCTS and DEFENSE-INTELLIGENT RISK ASSES $106,005 EEC 8513971 A017; 09/01/1985; $223,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-ELECTROMAGNETICS and AIR FORCE-RADAR CROSS SECTION $110,000 EEC 8513971 A018; 09/01/1985; $190,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-ELECTROMAGNETICS and NAVY-ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH $80,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for the Enhancement of Science and Mathematics Education (CESAME) Silevitch, Michael; Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 EEC 9203420 A000; 03/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and TEACHER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM $75,000 EEC 9203420 A001; 03/15/1992; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-CESAME PROGRAM $15,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Micro-Engineered Ceramics Smith, Douglas; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 EEC 8803152 A008; 03/01/1988; $155,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 8803152 A009; 03/01/1988; $10,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 An Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Electron Devices and Systems Sobal, Harold; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 EEC 9244990 A000; 02/01/1992; $16,000; 24 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Design and Test of Mixed-Signal Systems Soma, Mani; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 EEC 9214870 A000; 06/01/1992; $25,266; 6 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Self-Sustaining Partnership for Research Swartzel, Kenneth; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 EEC 9218812 A000; 09/15/1992; $48,000; 12 mo. EEC 9218812 A001; 09/15/1992; $20,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION $20,000 Industry/University Center for Nondestructive Evaluation Thompson, Donald; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 EEC 8515656 A010; 09/01/1985; $116,774; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING EDUCATION $116,774 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Self Sufficient Partnership for Research in the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation Thompson, Donald; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 EEC 9120016 A001; 08/01/1991; $20,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NAVY $20,000 EEC 9120016 A002; 08/01/1991; $35,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Magnetic Properties of Cretaceous/Tertiary Glass, Tektites and Nuclear Waste Glass Thorpe, Arthur; Howard University, Washington, DC 20059 EEC 9222622 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 24 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Ocean Technology Center Planning Meeting Tyce, Robert; University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI 02882 EEC 9222523 A000; 09/01/1992; $9,892; 4 mo. State/IURCRC for Technology Transfer from a Federal Laboratory Walter, Mary; University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78284 EEC 9223689 A001; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-IUCRC $100,000 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center Video Production, Cataloging and Evaluation: IUCRC Showcase White, Richard; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 EEC 9222490 A000; 09/01/1992; $101,365; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research on Mechanical and Optical Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs and OCMMs) Wu, S.; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 EEC 9015282 A002; 05/15/1990; $50,000; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Software Engineering Yau, Stephen; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 EEC 9146148 A002; 07/01/1991; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $30,000 EEC 9146148 A003; 07/01/1991; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 EEC 9146148 A004; 07/01/1991; $13,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY $13,000 Planning Conference - Research Partnership; Tucson, Arizona, October-November 1991 Zuckerman, Howard; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 EEC 9200590 A000; 10/15/1991; $9,840; 12 mo. Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Health Management Zuckerman, Howard; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 EEC 9215267 A000; 07/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Board of Engineering Education Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 EEC 9109302 A002; 06/15/1991; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with NASA-BD ON ENG EDUC OF NATL RE $50,000 INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION AND INTERFACE Management of Technology Program Cross-Directorate Programs ROW: Robust Adaptive Control Annaswamy, Anuradha; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 EID 9296073 A000; 12/18/1991; $18,200; 9 mo. Special Programs Contractor Services for National SBIR Conferences Speser, David; Foresight Science and Technology Inc., Port Townsend, WA 98368 III 9117261 A006; 06/15/1991; $58,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-NATL SBIR CONFERENCE and DARPA-CAAS $30,000 Small Business Innovation Research Program Small Business Innovation Program NSF/STW Workshop in The Hague, Netherlands Olseth, Dale; Bio-Metric Systems Inc., Eden Prairie, MN 55344 III 9211816 A000; 04/01/1992; $3,758; 6 mo. Support Services for Research Information Processing and Dissemination Schwartz, Marlene; Capital Systems Group Inc., Rockville, MD 20850 SBE 9208877 A000; 01/15/1992; $351,853; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COOPERATIVE SCIENCE, OTHER $110,751 Contractor Services for National SBIR Conferences Speser, David; Foresight Science and Technology Inc., Port Townsend, WA 98368 III 9117261 A003; 06/15/1991; $11,221; 0 mo. III 9117261 A006; 06/15/1991; $58,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARMY-NATL SBIR CONFERENCE and DARPA-CAAS $30,000 III 9117261 A007; 06/15/1991; $73,816; 0 mo. STW Workshop in The Hague Thalberg, Beverly; Scientific Computing Associates Inc., New Haven, CT 06510 III 9211815 A000; 03/15/1992; $4,345; 1 mo. Small Business Phase I Beta-Barium Borate as a Pockels Cell for Excimer Lasers Adhav, Ratan; Quantum Technology Inc., Lake Mary, FL 32746-6212 III 9160509 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Standing Phase Angle Reduction in Power Systems Adibi, Mahmood; Industrial Research and Development Corp., Bethesda, MD 20827 III 9160779 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,940; 6 Electron Beam Sterilization of Infectious Hospital Waste Adler, Richard; North Star Research Corp., Albuquerque, NM 87108 III 9161254 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,988; 6 mo. Resonant Beam Silicon Accelerometers Allen, Henry; Silicon Microstructures Inc., Fremont, CA 94539 III 9161136 A000; 01/15/1992; $47,117; 6 mo. Smart Fluids Almeida, Oscar; Cape Cod Research Inc., Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 III 9160170 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Synthesis of New Photoreagents for Photochemical Immobilization Amos, Richard; Bio-Metric Systems Inc., Eden Prairie, MN 55344 III 9160346 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Frequency Hopping Code Division Multiple Access for Mobile Cellular Communications Apelewicz, Tuvia; SCS Telecom Inc., Port Washington, NY 11050 III 9161059 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,664; 6 mo. Metal Matrix Composite Heat Sink with Improved Thermal Transmission Arya, Prakash; Materials and Electrochemical Research Corp., Tucson, AZ 85706 III 9161374 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Flexible Flatjack for Quantitative Evaluation of Masonry Atkinson, Richard; Atkinson-Noland and Associates Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 III 9161482 A000; 01/01/1992; $47,331; 6 mo. Real-Time Autostereoscopic 3D Holographic Display Aye, Tin; Physical Optics Corp., Torrance, CA 90501 III 9160466 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Holographic Coatings for Telescopes Aye, Tin; Physical Optics Corp., Torrance, CA 90501 III 9160680 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,988; 6 mo. An Interactive Multimedia Exploration of the Concepts and Applications of Mathematics Beauchamp, Donovan; Avalon Integrated Services Corp., Washington, DC 20005 III 9161125 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,367; 6 mo. Improvement of Strength and Reliability of Structural Ceramics Through Ion Implantations Bhattacharya, Rabi; Universal Energy Systems Inc., Dayton, OH 45432-1894 III 9160355 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,946; 6 mo. Parallel Database Search Technology Using Linda(R) Bjornson, Robert; Scientific Computing Associates Inc., New Haven, CT 06510 III 9160088 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,349; 6 mo. Process-Trellis Architecture for Parallel Real-Time Monitors and Data Fusion Applications Bjornson, Robert; Scientific Computing Associates Inc., New Haven, CT 06510 III 9160258 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,349; 6 mo. A Novel Mass Spectrometer for Direct Mixture Analysis Bomse, David; Southwest Sciences Inc., Santa Fe, NM 87501 III 9160864 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Integrated Manufacturing System for Diffractive Optics Bowen, John; Rochester Photonics Corp., Fairport, NY 14450 III 9161206 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,984; 6 mo. A Novel Gallium Arsenide Extraction/Recovery Bioprocess Bowers-Irons, Gail; Technical Research Associates Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84108 III 9160943 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Oscillating Flow in Stirling Microrefrigerators: Empirical Verification of Analytical Results Bowman, Lyn; Sunpower Inc., Athens, OH 45701 III 9160269 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,959; 6 mo. High Concentration Ozone Production for Semiconductor Manufacturing Boyers, David; Adelphi Technology Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94306 III 9161024 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Low GPS Time Sensor for Use in Power System Control (SBIR Phase I) Brown, Alison; NAVSYS Corp., Colorado Springs, CO 80921 III 9160302 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Dynamics of Fluid Mixing in Time-Dependent Viscous Wakes, Jets, and Shear Layers Browning, William; Applied Mathematics Inc., Gales Ferry, CT 06335 III 9160104 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Reactive Coating of Carbides by Simultaneous Ion Bombardment and Material Deposition Bunker, Stephen; Implant Sciences Corp., Wakefield, MA 01880 III 9160136 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,949; 6 mo. Combustion Synthesis of Silicon Carbide for Advanced Ceramics Calcote, Hartwell; AeroChem Research Laboratories Inc., Princeton, NJ 08542 III 9160896 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Decisions Involving Science, Technology and Society Campbell, Vincent; Decision Systems, Inc., Reston, VA 22090 III 9160333 A000; 05/15/1992; $49,442; 6 mo. Active 3D Packaging Architecture Carson, John; Irvine Sensors Corp., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 III 9161045 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,942; 6 mo. Reversed Micellar Fractionation of Recombinant-DNA Therapeutic Protein Intermediates Castor, Trevor; Bio-Eng Inc., Arlington, MA 02174 III 9160618 A000; 03/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Feasability of High Mass Resolution Matrix-Assisted Desorption Mass Spectrometry Chakel, John; Charles Evans & Associates, Redwood City, CA 94063 III 9160545 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,563; 6 mo. Cost-Effective Bulk Sterilization of Medical Products with New Linear Induction Accelerators Chen, Xing; Science Research Laboratory Inc., Somerville, MA 02143 III 9160133 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,949; 6 mo. Efficient Computer Simulation Program for a General Class of Mechanical Systems Chen, Jigien; K & D Research, Silver Spring, MD 20904 III 9160264 A000; 08/01/1992; $48,932; 6 mo. Radiation Resistant Scintillating Plastic Fibers Choi, Won; Nanoptics Inc., Gainesville, FL 32609 III 9160631 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Astronomy Detector Array Applications Chow, Peter; Superior Vacuum Technology, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 III 9160207 A000; 03/15/1992; $49,704; 6 mo. Conducting Polymer Composites for Use as Infrared Polarizers Colaneri, Nicholas; UNIAX Corp., Santa Barbara, CA 93111 III 9160525 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,518; 6 mo. A Low-Leakage Gallium Phosphide Particle Detector Collins, Sandra; AstroPower Inc., Newark, DE 19716-2000 III 9160281 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Broad-Band, Wide Dynamic Range Fiber-Optic Accelerometer System for Ground Motion Surveys Davis, Charles; Optical Technologies Inc., Herndon, VA 22070-5225 III 9160191 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,956; 6 mo. New Polymers for Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction Systems Davis, Edward; SymBiotech Inc., Wallingford, CT 06492 III 9160233 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,611; 6 mo. A Conceptual Design Environment for Manufacturing Engineering de Witte, Paula; Knowledge Based Systems Inc., College Station, TX 77845-5424 III 9160529 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,829; 6 mo. Variable Volume Socket for Limb Prostheses Dean, Robert; Dean Technology Inc., Hanover, NH 03755 III 9161011 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,990; 6 mo. An Adhesion-Deficient Methylosinus Trichosporium OB3b for In Situ Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene-Contaminated Aquifers DeFlaun, Mary; Envirogen Inc., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 III 9160198 A000; 04/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Speech Driven Computer Interface Based on Neural Networks deVries, Bert; NeuroDimension Inc., Gainesville, FL 32601 III 9160161 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Combined Cost-Analysis for Planning in Manufacturing Diehl, Gregory; Network Dynamics Inc., Burlington, MA 01803 III 9160421 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Waterborne and Environmentally Benign Antifouling Paint Dixon, Brian; Cape Cod Research Inc., Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 III 9160964 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A High-Speed Radar Processor for Improved Studies of the Earth's Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere Djuth, Frank; Geospace Research Inc., El Segundo, CA 90245 III 9161361 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,950; 6 mo. An Intelligent Geographic Information System for Better Earthquake Risk Management Dong, Wei Min; Risk Management Software Inc., Mountain View, CA 94041 III 9161310 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,150; 6 mo. Chemical and Photochemical Factors Controlling the Photoefficiency of Photopromoted Solid-Catalyzed Oxidative Decomposition of Organic Vapors Dong, Junchang; Project Sunrise Inc. (formerly Synlize Inc.), Newton, MA 02159 III 9161466 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Computer-Aided Instrument Design System Donskoy, Boris; Digital Video Processing Inc., Rockville, MD 20850 III 9160924 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Evaluation of the Use of the Wavelet Transform for Analysis of Mechanical Transients Dowling, Martin; Liberty Technologies, Conshohocken, PA 19428 III 9160156 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Object-Oriented Database for Genetic Information Dragomirecky, Martin; Equinoxe Engineering, Falls Church, VA 22043 III 9160738 A000; 04/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Fiber-Reinforced Diamond Ceramic Composites Drory, Michael; Crystallume, Menlo Park, CA 94025 III 9161033 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,800; 6 mo. Bubble Nuclei Measurement via an Inverse Acoustic Scattering Technique Duraiswami, Ramani; Dynaflow Inc., Fulton, MD 20759 III 9160484 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A New Method for Adaptive Grid Generation Dvinsky, Arkady; Daat Research, Lyme, NH 03768 III 9160249 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,970; 6 mo. Courseware for Fluid Dynamics Dvinsky, Arkady; Daat Research, Lyme, NH 03768 III 9161216 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,950; 6 mo. Demonstration of a Method of Creating a Very High Resolution Autostereoscopic Flat Panel Display Eichenlaub, Jesse; Dimension Technologies Inc., Rochester, NY 14612 III 9161185 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,988; 6 mo. An Autostereoscopic Display for Telerobotic Applications Eichenlaub, Jesse; Dimension Technologies Inc., Rochester, NY 14612 III 9161250 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,983; 6 mo. Catadioptric Lens for Excimer Laser Lithography Elliot, David; Excimer Laser Systems Inc., West Newton, MA 02165 III 9161062 A000; 01/15/1992; $48,255; 6 mo. On-Chip Transform IR Spectroscopy by Superconducting Detector Arrays with a Graded Interference Filter Fenner, David; Advanced Fuel Research Inc., East Hartford, CT 06138-0379 III 9160506 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,876; 6 mo. Qualitative Ecological Modeling System Ferson, Scott; Applied Biomathematics Inc., Setauket, NY 11733 III 9160527 A000; 05/15/1992; $49,975; 6 mo. Isotope Ratio and Trace Elemental Imaging of Minerals by Secondary Ion Mass Spectometry Fleming, Ronald; Charles Evans AND Associates, Redwood City, CA 94063 III 9160939 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,987; 6 mo. Laser Absorptometer for Detection of Trace Species Flusberg, Allen; Science Research Laboratory Inc., Somerville, MA 02143 III 9160992 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,718; 6 mo. Implementation of a Technique to Amplify Complex Signals Through Non-Linear Amplifiers Fredericks, Ward; Mixtec Signal Technology (MST. Inc.), Westlake Village, CA 91362 III 9161100 A000; 01/01/1992; $48,955; 6 mo. Evaluation of a Portable Microcomputer-Based Laboratory in Sixth-Grade Science Classes Frey, Donald; Architectural Energy Corp., Boulder, CO 80301 III 9160547 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,999; 6 mo. A CAD Expert System for Structural Design of Repairs Fujimoto, William; Advanced Structural Technology Inc., University City, MO 63130 III 9160886 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,980; 6 mo. Feasibility of Aiding Decisions Through Automated Data Retrieval from the Perspective of Practicing Physicians Geiwitz, James; Anacapa Sciences Inc., Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0519 III 9160456 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Improved Membranes for Electrosynthesis Genders, J. David; Electrosynthesis Company Inc., Buffalo, NY 14227 III 9161086 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Novel Anodes for Pollution Control Genders, J. David; Electrosynthesis Company Inc., Buffalo, NY 14227 III 9161087 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Automatic Astronomical Spectrograph Genet, David; AutoScope Corp., Mesa, AZ 85214-2560 III 9160165 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Advanced Seismic Damping Devices for Flexible Frame Buildings Gibson, Warren; CSA Engineering Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303-3843 III 9161018 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Heterotrophic Microalgae as an Inexpensive Feed for Rotifers Gladue, Raymond; Martek Corp., Columbia, MD 21045 III 9161003 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,534; 6 mo. Novel Organoselenium Source Reagents for Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Zinc Selenide Gordon, Douglas; Advanced Technology Materials Inc., Danbury, CT 06810-4131 III 9160557 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Novel Titanium Source Reagents for Indium Phosphide Doping Gordon, Douglas; Advanced Technology Materials Inc., Danbury, CT 06810-4131 III 9161230 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Biotechnology Teaching and Learning Resource Materials Graf, Karen; Edvotek Inc., Bethesda, MD 20817 III 9160747 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,533; 6 mo. High Temperature Superconducting Coatings on Non-Planar Surface Greenwald, Anton; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9160123 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,865; 6 mo. Investigating Automated Biomonitoring as a Management Tool Toward the Elimination of Pollutants that Adversely Affect Aquatic Environmental Quality Gruber, David; Biological Monitoring Inc., Blacksburg, VA 24063 III 9161351 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,266; 6 mo. Nondestructive Evaluation by Quantitative Dielectric Imaging Guo, Wendy; Potomac Research Inc., Potomac, MD 20854 III 9160677 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,991; 6 mo. Anomalous Metallic-Like Optical Phenomena in Multilayer Thin Film Assemblies Gustafson, Paul; Fusion Systems Corp., Rockville, MD 20855 III 9160327 A000; 01/01/1992; $46,972; 6 mo. Photobleachable Host-Guest Thin Films for Optical Waveguides Halpern, Bret; Jet Process Corp., New Haven, CT 06511 III 9160294 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Two-Dimensional, Multi-Channel Bio-Polymer Purification System Hansen, Marcia; FFFractionation Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84119-1449 III 9160420 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Fast 3D Imaging Haynes, Leonard; Intelligent Automation Inc., Rockville, MD 20850 III 9160606 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,916; 6 mo. Phase Stabilized Laser Diode Hercher, Michael; OPTRA Inc., Beverly, MA 01915 III 9160643 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,919; 6 mo. Remote Voice Interface for Computer Control Hutchins, Sandra; Emerson & Stern Associates, San Diego, CA 92121 III 9161057 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,805; 6 mo. Multi-Rate, Trellis-Coded Modulation for Multipath Fading Channels Jacobsmeyer, Jay; ENSCO Inc., Springfield, VA 22151 III 9161131 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,965; 6 mo. Large Diameter Fiber Optic Tapers Jeskey, Richard; Incom Inc., Southbridge, MA 01550 III 9160206 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Thin-Film Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Johnson, Brad; Analytic Power Corp., Boston, MA 02117-1189 III 9160890 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,817; 6 mo. Novel Photoactive Process for Microlithographic Applications Johnson, Donald; Microlithography Consulting Co. Inc., Brookline Village, MA 02147 III 9160982 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,552; 6 mo. Tactile Feedback Output Device for Scanning Tunneling Microscope Johnson, A. David; TiNi Alloy Company, Oakland, CA 94608 III 9161274 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. In-Process Control of Turned Threads Johnson, James; NETROLOGIC Inc., San Diego, CA 92122-5932 III 9161412 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Computer Simulation of Reactors for Chemical Vapor Deposition Karki, Kailash; Innovative Research Inc., Minneapolis, MN 55414 III 9161060 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Chlorophyll Fluorescence Sensor for Ecological Studies Kebabian, Paul; Aerodyne Research Inc., Billerica, MA 01821-3976 III 9160487 A000; 05/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Diamond Film Generation from a Combustion Jet Keil, David; AeroChem Research Laboratories Inc., Princeton, NJ 08542 III 9161303 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Multi-Resolution Based Video Image Compression Kendall, William; Space Computer Corp., Santa Monica, CA 90404-4119 III 9161184 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Perceptual Speed, Switching, and Temporal Acuity Factors in Cognition Kennedy, Robert; Essex Corp., Florida, Orlando, FL 32803 III 9160623 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,960; 6 mo. Improvements in Aerobic Bioreactor Cell Capacity Through Facilitated Oxygen Transport Agents Kerr, John; Aquanautics Corp., Alameda, CA 94501 III 9161004 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,993; 6 mo. Beverage Deoxygenation Through Electrochemically Regenerated Metal Chelates Kerr, John; Aquanautics Corp., Alameda, CA 94501 III 9161005 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,952; 6 mo. Q-Switched Operation of Microchip Laser Composite Cavities Keszenheimer, James; MICRACOR Inc., Concord, MA 01742 III 9160139 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Researching Custom Keyboard Overlays for Disabled Computer Users Khalsa, Arjan; Unicorn Engineering Inc., Richmond, CA 94804 III 9161294 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,745; 6 mo. Aluminum-Gallium-Nitride Heterostructures for High-Temperature Transistor and Sensor Applications Khan, M. Asif; APA Optics Inc., Blaine, MN 55434 III 9160469 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,938; 6 mo. A Method for Growing New Crystals for Laser Applications Khattak, Chandra; Crystal Systems Inc., Salem, MA 01970 III 9160858 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Interactive, Semi-Automated, Lagrangean Relaxation and Decomposition Modeling System for Linear and Mixed Integer Programming Kimble, Robert; Daniel H Wagner Associates Inc., Paoli, PA 19301 III 9160722 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Ferroelectric High-Brightness Electron Source Kirkman, George; Integrated Applied Physics Inc., Arcadia, CA 91006 III 9160797 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. New Conducting Polymers for Use as Active Layers in Light Emitting Diodes Klavetter, Floyd; UNIAX Corp., Santa Barbara, CA 93111 III 9160937 A000; 01/01/1992; $48,171; 6 mo. Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Magnesium Piston Alloy Klier, Eric; Chesapeake Composites Corp., Wilmington, DE 19808 III 9160518 A000; 04/01/1992; $49,940; 6 mo. Polar Satellite Communication Terminal Knight, Curtis; Interferometrics Inc., Vienna, VA 22182 III 9160353 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,957; 6 mo. Novel Chromatographic Supports: Methods and Processes Kolesinski, Henry; Advanced Surface Technology Inc., Billerica, MA 01821 III 9160658 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Supercritical Fluid Purification of Alane:Trimethylamine Kosar, Walter; Advanced Technology Materials Inc., Danbury, CT 06810-4131 III 9160536 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. System Identification for Robust Control Design Kosut, Robert; Integrated Systems Inc., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1215 III 9161408 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,994; 6 mo. Efficient Second Harmonic Generation of Gallium Aluminum Arsenide Diode-Laser Radiation in a Self-Locking External Ring Resonator Kuo, Chai-Pei; Physical Optics Corp., Torrance, CA 90501 III 9160713 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,988; 6 mo. Computer Modeling of Stochastic Groundwater Flow Lafe, Olurinde; OLTech Corp., Beachwood, OH 44122 III 9160171 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Novel Toroidal Electron Cyclotron Resonance Reactor for Semiconductor Materials Processing Lane, Barton; Plasma Dynamics, Belmont, MA 02178 III 9160132 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Analysis and Design of a Buoy Mounted Wind Profiler for Remote Measurement of Ocean Winds Langlois, Philip; Quadrant Engineering Inc., Amherst, MA 01002 III 9161067 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. High-Temperature Ceramic Dies for Superplastic Forming Laurich-McIntyre, Suzanne; Pyro Media Inc., Seattle, WA 98108 III 9160182 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Intelligent Tutoring Games for Interest-Based Learning Leddo, John; Research Development Corp., Reston, VA 22091 III 9160792 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Maximum Likelihood High Performance Liquid Chromatography MS/MS Protein Sequencing Lipshutz, Robert; Daniel H Wagner Associates Inc. (Sunnyvale Office), Sunnyvale, CA 94089 III 9160570 A000; 04/01/1992; $49,085; 6 mo. Coordinating Controllers for Multi-Objective Autmomatic Generation Control Lo, Edward; EPIC Engineering Inc., Los Altos, CA 94022 III 9161208 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Field Effect Transistor X-Ray Spectrometer Lund, James; Radiation Monitoring Devices Inc., Watertown, MA 02172 III 9160384 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. In-Situ Measurement of Dissolved Metals in Ground Water Using Microfabricated Electrochemical Sensors Maciel, Paul; In-Situ Sensors, Lexington, MA 02173 III 9160693 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Modelling Forest Growth and Optimizing Timber Harvest Utilizing Microcomputer Based Geographic Information Systems Technology Maclean, Gordon; Maclean Consultants Ltd., Houghton, MI 49931 III 9161107 A000; 01/01/1992; $48,866; 6 mo. Novel Techniques for Polishing Diamond Films Malshe, Ajay; Materials Modification Inc., Fairfax, VA 22031 III 9160777 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,786; 6 mo. Improved CO2 Lasers for Remote Atmospheric Sensing Manning, Herbert; Science Research Laboratory Inc., Somerville, MA 02143 III 9160138 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,981; 6 mo. Temperature Modulation Instrument for Glass Manufacturing Markham, James; Advanced Fuel Research Inc., East Hartford, CT 06138-0379 III 9160583 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,516; 6 mo. New Technology for Monitoring Global Change Markson, Ralph; Airborne Research Associates Inc., Weston, MA 02193 III 9160660 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Highly Portable, Flexible Silicon Solar Cell Arrays for Polar Operations Mauk, Michael; AstroPower Inc., Newark, DE 19716-2000 III 9160348 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Investigation of a Bioremediation Process Based on Novel Immobilized Enzymes McCray, Scott; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9160467 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,934; 6 mo. Educational Software for Computational Fluid Dynamics McDonald, Henry; Scientific Research Associates Inc., Glastonbury, CT 06033 III 9160577 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,822; 6 mo. Biocontrol of Soilborne Plant Pathogens in Bare Root Conifer Nurseries McElroy, Fred; Peninsu-Lab, Poulsbo, WA 98370-8814 III 9161120 A000; 05/15/1992; $49,920; 6 mo. Using Interactive Videodisc Technology to Increase the Quantity and Quality of Science Instruction Through the Integration of Science in the FLES Curriculum McLeod, Shirley; Advanced Creative Educational Systems Inc., Webberville, MI 48892 III 9161151 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,105; 6 mo. New Materials for Optical Wave Guides Meador, Jim; Brewer Science Inc., Rolla, MO 65401 III 9160537 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. High-Flux VUV and Atomic Oxygen Source Used as a Photoresist Asher Meyer, Jack; Quantum Research Corp., Fort Collins, CO 80525-3134 III 9160366 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,924; 6 mo. A Non-Invasive Sensor Technique for Process Control in Plasma Processing Reactors Meyyappan, M.; Scientific Research Associates Inc., Glastonbury, CT 06033 III 9161456 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,897; 6 mo. Extracting Useful Information from International Patent Records Mogee, Mary; Mogee Research and Analysis Associates, Great Falls, VA 22066 III 9160774 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. All-Optic Bimodal Fiber-Optic Logic Gates for Optical Computing Applications Moslehi, Behzad; Optivision Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303 III 9160947 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Highly Parallel Wavelength Distributed Data Interface for Fiber-Optic Local Area Networks Moslehi, Behzad; Optivision Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303 III 9161411 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Delamination Propagation in Advanced Composites - Modelling and Experiments Mukherjee, Yu; DeHan Engineering Numerics, Ithaca, NY 14850 III 9160889 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Paired Electrochemical Synthesis of Organic Compounds Murphy, Oliver; Lynntech Inc., Bryan, TX 77803 III 9161209 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Joint Implant Surfaces Naiman, Charles; Orthogen Inc., New York, NY 10003-9704 III 9160684 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Neurospora Secretion Expression Vector Development Nakano, Eileen; Hawaii Biotechnology Group Inc., Aiea, HI 96701 III 9160750 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. GaAs Buffer Layers by Ion Implantation and Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Namavar, Fereydoon; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9160122 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,960; 6 mo. Silicon Flat Panel Displays Namavar, Fereydoon; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9161265 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,993; 6 mo. Crosslinked Enzyme Crystals as Catalysts in Organic Synthesis Navia, Manuel; Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge, MA 02139 III 9160381 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,556; 6 mo. Building a Foundation for Learning Mathematics for Blind Students Navy, Caryn; Raised Dot Computing Inc., Madison, WI 53703 III 9160364 A000; 01/15/1992; $38,100; 6 mo. New, Medically Useful, Ionically Modified Lactide/Glycolide Polymers Nichols, Larry; BIOTEK Inc., Woburn, MA 01801 III 9160209 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Improved Synthesis of Megapeptide Arrays Nishioka, Gary; H&N Instruments Inc., Newark, OH 43055 III 9160637 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Low Temperature Diamond Film Coating Technique Oakes, David; Physical Sciences Inc., Andover, MA 01810 III 9160217 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Surface-Emitting Laser Arrays for High-Speed Optical Addressing Olbright, Greg; Photonics Research Inc., Boulder, CO 80301-2454 III 9160548 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,994; 6 mo. New Silicon Photodiode for Scintillation Spectroscopy Olschner, Frederick; Radiation Monitoring Devices Inc., Watertown, MA 02172 III 9161360 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Wearable Information Systems for Construction Site Management Pasquale, Angelo; Frontier Systems Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15219 III 9160772 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Computational Development of Order Restricted Statistical Inference Peng, Yongren; MO-SCI Corp., Rolla, MO 65401 III 9160130 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Parallel, Asychronous Global Optimization Techniques for Medium and Large Inversion Problems Pereyra, Victor; Weidlinger Associates, Los Altos, CA 94022 III 9160572 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,916; 6 mo. Process for the Production of Ethylene Glycol Directly from Ethane Periana, Roy; Catalytica Inc., Mountain View, CA 94043 III 9161471 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,750; 6 mo. A Collimated X-Ray Lithography Source Using a Kumakhov Lens Piestrup, Melvin; Adelphi Technology Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94306 III 9160568 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,993; 6 mo. ECR-Powered Sputtering Techniques for the Deposition of Metal Oxide Thin Films (Including Superconductors) Post, Richard; Applied Science and Technology Inc., Woburn, MA 01801 III 9160531 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Improved Method for Manufacture of Mechanically Alloyed Composite Nb3Sn Conductors Randall, Robert; Supercon Inc., Shrewsbury, MA 01545 III 9160912 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,977; 6 mo. Professional Development to Promote Discovery and Cooperative Learning Rasmussen, Steven; Key Curriculum Press, Berkeley, CA 94702 III 9160539 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Techniques for the Collection and Utilization of Fish Culture Wastes and Fish Processing Wastes from a Marine Aquaculture Operation Reid, Bart; Aquamar Production Research Corp., Panama City, FL 32411-7099 III 9161464 A000; 05/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Multilayer Reflective X-Ray Phase Gratings with Periods less than .5 Microns Reyes-Mena, Arturo; Multilayer Optics and X-ray Technology Inc., Provo, UT 84602 III 9160286 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Novel, Compact DC Particle Accelerator for Deep Shaft Geophysical Strata Logging Richter-Sand, Robert; North Star Research Corp., Albuquerque, NM 87108 III 9160436 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,971; 6 mo. Use of Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration for Removal/Recovery of Dissolved Organics and Metals from Water Roberts, Bruce; Surfactant Associates Inc., Norman, OK 73071 III 9160806 A000; 02/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Soft X-Ray Diffraction Plate Rosser, Roy; Princeton X-Ray Laser Inc., Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 III 9160166 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,755; 6 mo. Increasing Capacity with Spatial-Division Multiple-Access in Wireless Communication Networks Roy, Richard; Systems Research Associates Inc., Cupertino, CA 95014 III 9160681 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,470; 6 mo. SQUID Technology for Improved NMR/NQR Measurements Below 1MHz Sager, Ronald; Quantum Magnetics Inc., San Diego, CA 92121 III 9160966 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,969; 6 mo. Heterojunction Materials Characterization Salerno, Jack; Kopin Corp., Taunton, MA 02780 III 9160685 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,902; 6 mo. Extra Large Field Size Sub-Quarter Micron Lithography Savant, Gajendra; Physical Optics Corp., Torrance, CA 90501 III 9160329 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,997; 6 mo. X-Ray Imaging Detector for Protein Crystallography Schempp, William; Photometrics Inc., Tucson, AZ 85745 III 9160928 A000; 04/01/1992; $49,892; 6 mo. A System for Measuring Capillary Blood Flow and Organ Perfusion Using Doppler Ultrasound Aided by Contrast Enhancement Schrope, Beth; RESHET Inc., Philadelphia, PA 19104 III 9161006 A000; 01/15/1992; $48,886; 6 mo. Electrochemical Formation of Thin-Ceramic, Mixed-Conduction Membranes for Oxygen Separation Schwartz, Michael; Eltron Research Inc., Aurora, IL 60504 III 9161276 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Neutron Focusing Using Kumakhov Lens Sharov, Vasili; X-Ray Optical Systems Inc., Albany, NY 12222 III 9160609 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Shaw, John; Alphatech Inc., Burlington, MA 01803-4562 III 9160169 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Global Optimization in Computational Chemistry Using Interval Arithmetic Sherman, Andrew; Scientific Computing Associates Inc., New Haven, CT 06510 III 9161367 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,770; 6 mo. Match Filtering Deconvolution for Improved Computed Tomography Spatial Resolution Silver, Michael; Bio-Imaging Research Inc., Lincolnshire, IL 60069 III 9160978 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,505; 6 mo. Improved Diamond Polishing Through an Ion Implantation Assisted Technique Sioshansi, Piran; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9161261 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,949; 6 mo. X-Ray Mask Fabrication Using Diamond Membranes and Metallic Diamondlike Nanocomposite Absorbers Srivatsa, Arun; Moltech Corp., Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400 III 9160999 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,960; 6 mo. Improved Visualization System for Massively Parallel Computers Stein, Richard; Parallel Software Group, Long Beach, CA 90803 III 9161259 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,850; 6 mo. Ultrafine Condensation Nucleus Counter for Stratospheric Pressures Stolzenburg, Mark; Aerosol Dynamics, Berkeley, CA 94710 III 9161370 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Computer-Aided Instruction of Surface Analysis Techniques Strathman, Michael; Charles Evans & Associates, Redwood City, CA 94063 III 9161301 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,579; 6 mo. Waveguide Grating Structures in Silicon for High-Speed Optical Modulators at Wavelength 1.3m Strzelecki, Eva; Physical Optics Corp., Torrance, CA 90501 III 9161430 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,987; 6 mo. Process Modeling of a Novel Plasma-Enhanced Vapor Deposition Concept Using Statistical Design of Experiments Sunthankar, Mandar; IonEdge Corp., Fort Collins, CO 80526 III 9160419 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,948; 6 mo. A Novel Linear Synapse Design for Analog Neural Networks Tanner, John; Tanner Research Inc., Pasadena, CA 91107 III 9160399 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,894; 6 mo. High-Efficiency Waste Heat/Solar Power System Utilizing Regenerative Zeolite Cycle Tchernev, Dimiter; Zeopower Company, Natick, MA 01760 III 9160143 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. CO2 Sensor System for Long-Term Ocean Monitoring Tiernan, Timothy; TPL Inc., Albuquerque, NM 87109 III 9160100 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Constraint-Based Engineering Mechanics Application Built on a Symbolic Mathematics System Todd, Philip; Saltire Software Inc., Aloha, OR 97006 III 9161093 A000; 01/01/1992; $47,989; 6 mo. Research on a Manufacturing Process for Making Long, Continuous, High Temperature Superconducting Wires and Tapes Tomsic, Michael; Plastronic Inc., Troy, OH 45373 III 9160113 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,770; 6 mo. Demonstration Modules for Applications of Biotechnology for High Schools Trantolo, Debra; Cambridge Scientific Inc., Belmont, MA 02178 III 9160917 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Process Development and Manufacturing of TiN/TiO2/TiN Thin-Film Microcapacitors for High-Density Integrated Circuits Truman, J. Kelly; CVC Products Inc., Rochester, NY 14603 III 9160410 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) for the Gas-Assisted Injection Molding Process Turng, Lih-Sheng; Advanced CAE Technology Inc., Ithaca, NY 14850 III 9161150 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,010; 6 mo. Investigation of Predictive Methods for Hurricane Winds in the United States Twisdale, Lawrence; Applied Research Associates Inc., Albuquerque, NM 87110 III 9160135 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Membrane-Based, Two-Phase Flow System for Enantiomer Separation van Eikeren, Paul; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9160783 A000; 02/01/1992; $49,896; 6 mo. Transparent Electrodes Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Modules for Optical Communications and Signal Processing Applications Van Hove, Jim; APA Optics Inc., Blaine, MN 55434 III 9160508 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,945; 6 mo. Low-Viscosity Perfluorinated Smectic C Hosts for Use in Fast Spatial Light Modulators Wand, Michael; Displaytech Inc., Boulder, CO 80301 III 9160718 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,906; 6 mo. Molybdenum Coating Process Using Liquid Metallo-Organic Precursors Weeks, Joseph; Technical Research Associates Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84108 III 9160495 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Optimal Capacity Expansion Under Uncertainty Weisinger, James; Applied Decision Analysis Inc., Menlo Park, CA 94025 III 9160155 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,631; 6 mo. An Advanced Composite Postformable Bone Plate White, Moreno; Sparta Inc., San Diego, CA 92121-1964 III 9160996 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Direct Methane Activation to Methanol Across Mixed Conducting Membranes White, James; Eltron Research Inc., Aurora, IL 60504 III 9161277 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,996; 6 mo. A 3-D/4-D Computerized Model for Human-Machine Integration in Apparel Manufacturing Engineering Willett, Shirley; Stylometrics Inc., Quincy, MA 02170 III 9161096 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Automated, Rapid Fabrication of Complex Optical Components Wilson, Scott; Sandia Systems, Albuquerque, NM 87111 III 9160320 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,932; 6 mo. Light Crawlers: Bioluminescence-Based Discoveries for Science Education Winters, Suzanne; Protein Solutions Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84108 III 9161158 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Unique and New Plasma-Assisted Deposition Technique Utilizing In-Situ Renucleation Withers, James; Materials and Electrochemical Research Corp., Tucson, AZ 85706 III 9161393 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Production of Submicron Spherical Ceramic Particles Withers, James; Materials and Electrochemical Research Corp., Tucson, AZ 85706 III 9161394 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Electromechanical Finite Element Models for Ultrasound Transducer Analysis and Design Wojcik, Gregory; Weidlinger Associates, Los Altos, CA 94022 III 9161050 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,886; 6 mo. Regenerative Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Diamond Films Woo, James; InterScience Inc., Troy, NY 12180 III 9160096 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,813; 6 mo. Commercial Opportunities Exploiting the Diversity of Beetle Luciferases Wood, Keith; Promega Corp., Madison, WI 53711 III 9160613 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Low-Temperature Oxidation Catalysts Wright, John; TDA Research Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 III 9160318 A000; 03/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Combustion Synthesis of Fullerenes Wright, John; TDA Research Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 III 9160461 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Computer-Based Testbed for Novel Integrated Antenna Design Wu, Doris; Boulder Microwave Technologies Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 III 9161175 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Reverse Mode Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Materials Wu, Bao-Gang; Polytronix Inc., Richardson, TX 75081 III 9161281 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,504; 6 mo. Improved High-Resolution Displays Combining Very-Large-Scale Integration and Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal Technologies Wu, Bao-Gang; Polytronix Inc., Richardson, TX 75081 III 9161282 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,921; 6 mo. An Interactive Software Shell for Experiment Simulation in Science Education Yacout, Abdelfatah; Quantum Research Services Inc., Durham, NC 27713-4411 III 9161153 A000; 02/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Limited-Scan Backscatter Technique for Detection of Hidden Corrosion Yacout, Abdelfatah; Quantum Research Services Inc., Durham, NC 27713-4411 III 9161324 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. New Q-Switched Devices for Infrared, Solid-State Lasers Young, Eddie; NEOS Inc., Melbourne, FL 32934 III 9161348 A000; 01/15/1992; $49,995; 6 mo. A Tunable Laser-Based Monitor for Atmospheric HO2 Zahniser, Mark; Aerodyne Research Inc., Billerica, MA 01821-3976 III 9160800 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,989; 6 mo. New Laser Induced Deposition for Microelectronics Application Zhou, Simon; Florod Corp., Gardena, CA 90247-5212 III 9160721 A000; 01/01/1992; $48,894; 6 mo. Small Business Phase II Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens in Containerized Growing Media Ames, Robert; Peninsu-Lab, Poulsbo, WA 98370-8814 III 9011561 A001; 11/01/1990; $3,900; 0 mo. Superconducting Seismometers Avrin, William; Quantum Magnetics Inc., San Diego, CA 92121 III 9108657 A000; 07/01/1992; $252,105; 24 mo. A Novel Instrument to Study the Effects of Turbulence Structure on the Cavitation of Turbomachinery Bachalo, William; Aerometrics Inc., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 III 9115759 A000; 08/15/1992; $233,132; 24 mo. Advanced Concept for Waste Gas Pollution Control Bayless, John; John R Bayless Co., Malibu, CA 90265 III 9122767 A000; 06/01/1992; $250,000; 18 mo. Quantification of Biodegradation of Wood at Inaccessible Locations Bodig, Jozsef; Engineering Data Management Inc., Fort Collins, CO 80525 III 9022391 A000; 09/01/1992; $248,556; 24 mo. Commercial Production of 3'-Azido-2',3'-Dideoxyuridine Bruckmann, Edith; ChemLudens, Menlo Park, CA 94025 III 9102062 A000; 05/01/1992; $253,356; 21 mo. Acoustic Doppler Directional Wave Spectrum Measurement Brumley, Blair; RD Instruments, San Diego, CA 92131 III 9114706 A000; 06/01/1992; $225,840; 24 mo. In-Situ Growth of Indium Arsenide/Antimonide Long Wavelength Photodiodes Chan, William; Electro-Optek Corp., Torrance, CA 90505 III 9023197 A000; 03/01/1992; $252,228; 24 mo. Linear Bolometer Arrays for Infrared Spectrometers Clinton, James; Energy Science Laboratories Inc., San Diego, CA 92121 III 9122163 A000; 05/01/1992; $263,508; 24 mo. Use of Low Cost Proprientary Catalyst to Reduce NOx in the Presence of Ammonia Colannino, Joseph; Carnot Technical Services Inc., Tustin, CA 92680-7388 III 9104439 A000; 09/15/1991; $249,695; 24 mo. Two-Component Lubricant/Coolant Fluids for High-Speed Machining Colvin, David; Triangle Research and Development Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 III 9104909 A000; 06/01/1992; $235,229; 24 mo. Effect of Low-Temperature Processing on Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors Characteristics Czubatyj, Wolodymyr; Energy Conversion Devices Inc., Troy, MI 48084 III 9022287 A000; 07/01/1992; $250,000; 24 mo. Issues in Knowledge Based Assistance for IDEF3 Descriptions de Witte, Paula; Knowledge Based Systems Inc., College Station, TX 77845-5424 III 9123380 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,778; 18 mo. Engineering an Innovative System for Utilizing Organic Waste Materials in the Production of Grass Sods Decker, Henry; Buckeye Bluegrass Farms Inc., Ostrander, OH 43061 III 8902053 A002; 09/01/1989; $3,959; 0 mo. Engineering Canola Oil with Altered Fatty Acid Composition Dooner, Hugo; DNA Plant Technologies Inc., Oakland, Oakland, CA 94608 III 9122871 A000; 06/15/1992; $249,572; 24 mo. The Effects of Task Cues and Dominance Cues on Interactions in Groups Driskell, James; Florida Maxima Corp., Winter Park, FL 32789 III 9114315 A000; 07/15/1992; $209,947; 24 mo. Methods for Reducing the Blocking Artifact Observed in Images That Have Been Compressed Using Transform Coding and Vector Quantization Farraelle, Paul; Optivision Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303 III 9203073 A000; 09/01/1992; $250,000; 18 mo. Intelligent Bus Extender Crossbar Network Farraelle, Paul; Optivision Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303 III 9203074 A000; 09/01/1992; $250,000; 24 mo. Intrinsically Absorbing Polymers for Anti-Reflective Coating Applications Flaim, Tony; Brewer Science Inc., Rolla, MO 65401 III 9204220 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,345; 24 mo. Coherent, Laser-Remote Structural Analysis Flusberg, Allen; Science Research Laboratory Inc., Somerville, MA 02143 III 9200079 A000; 08/15/1992; $252,796; 24 mo. On-Site Electrochemical Peroxide Generator Fraser, Mark; PSI Technology Company, Andover, MA 01810 III 9203023 A000; 09/01/1992; $166,027; 12 mo. New Technology for the Formation of Sodium Hydroxide Genders, J. David; Electrosynthesis Company Inc., Buffalo, NY 14227 III 9201888 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,999; 24 mo. Application of Nonlinear Model-Based Predictive Control to Fossil Power Plants Gibbs, Bruce; Coleman Research Corp., Orlando, FL 32819-8343 III 9121520 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,988; 18 mo. An American-Sign-Language-to-English Recognition and Translation System Girson, Andrew; Digital Video Processing Inc., Rockville, MD 20850 III 9022658 A002; 10/01/1991; $309; 0 mo III 9022658 A003; 10/01/1991; $8,901; 0 mo. Blue Phosphors for Thin-Film Electroluminescent Displays Greenwald, Anton; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9100144 A000; 09/01/1992; $249,988; 24 mo. Ferroelectric Light Crystal/Very-Large-Scale Integration Hybrid Optoelectronic Devices: Silicon Retina with Optical Readout Handschy, Mark; Displaytech Inc., Boulder, CO 80301 III 9116085 A000; 06/01/1992; $250,000; 24 mo. Biomedical Instrumentation for Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy Hartenbaum, Bruce; H Tech Laboratories Inc., Santa Monica, CA 90406 III 9105186 A000; 11/01/1991; $225,000; 24 mo. Crystallographic Area Detector Software Howard, Andrew; Enzon Inc., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 III 9022326 A000; 07/15/1991; $250,000; 24 mo. High-Definition, Deformable-Membrane Projection Display System Hubbard, James; Optron Systems Inc., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9113702 A000; 05/15/1992; $249,980; 24 mo. System for In Situ Rehabilitation of Pipelines Hunter, Robert; Yellowstone Environmental Science, Bozeman, MT 59715 III 9022356 A001; 05/01/1991; $4,563; 0 mo. Mathematical Objects for Display and Computation Hunter, Roger; TCI Software Research Inc., Las Cruces, NM 88001 III 9123095 A000; 06/01/1992; $250,000; 18 mo. Large-Scale Displacement, High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Separation of Peptides and Proteins Jacobson, Jana; BioWest Research, Grand Junction, CO 81502 III 9106502 A000; 06/15/1992; $258,237; 24 mo. Ductile, Adherent Ceramic Coatings Johnson, Edward; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9100076 A000; 03/15/1991; $238,080; 24 mo. Improving Productivity by Dose Equivalency Modeling Kennedy, Robert; Essex Corp. Florida, Orlando, FL 32803 III 9122907 A000; 09/15/1992; $260,668; 24 mo. Lightweight, Autonomous Dropwindsonde System for Unmanned Aircraft Langford, John; Aurora Flight Sciences Corp., Manassas, VA 22111 III 9201775 A000; 10/01/1992; $250,000; 24 mo. A Fiber Optic Fluoresence Detector for the Lithium Ion Langmuir, Margaret; Covalent Associates Inc., Woburn, MA 01801 III 9022320 A001; 08/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Multiplexed, Holographic Fabry-Perot Resonators for Optical Communications and Processing Applications Lin, Freddie; Physical Optics Corp., Torrance, CA 90501 III 9100147 A001; 08/01/1991; $4,472; 0 mo. Ordering of Chromosome-Specific, Overlapping Cosmid Clones MacConnell, William; MacConnell Research, San Diego, CA 92121 III 9122035 A000; 07/01/1992; $260,000; 24 mo. Acclerated Growth of Red Abalone, Haliotis Rufescens, Through Triploidy McCormick, Thomas; McCormick & Associates Inc., Berkeley, CA 94709 III 9112887 A000; 04/01/1992; $74,984; 12 mo. Women in Science: A CD-Rom Multimedia Database McLean, Lois; McLean Media, Mill Valley, CA 94941 III 9200281 A000; 09/15/1992; $246,439; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $246,439 Aquaculture of Tropical Marine Sponges to Yield Research and Commercial Quanities of Bio-Active Secondary Metabolites for Bio-Technical Applications Mendola, Dominick; California Bio-Marine Products, Encinitas, CA 92024 III 9214477 A000; 09/01/1992; $118,879; 12 mo. High-Energy Electrons for the Treatment of Wastewater Milde, Helmut; Ion Physics Corp., Atkinson, NH 03811 III 9102523 A000; 11/01/1991; $229,908; 24 mo. Apparatus for Water Treatment by Application of High-Potential Gradients Milde, Helmut; Ion Physics Corp., Atkinson, NH 03811 III 9206800 A000; 09/01/1992; $250,000; 1 mo. Profiling Metabolites of Pome Fruit Maturation and Ripening by Innovative Immunochemical Methods Miller, Brinton; Dixon-Holland, Deborah; Neogen Corp., Lansing, MI 48912 III 9102180 A000; 03/01/1992; $248,239; 24 mo. An Innovative Use of Pulsed-Power Technology for Separation of Minerals from Ores Moeny, William; Tetra Corp., Albuquerque, NM 87109 III 9024821 A000; 08/01/1992; $249,916; 24 mo. Protein Purification Using an Affinity Membrane Muchmore, David; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9100200 A000; 11/01/1991; $249,680; 24 mo. Two-Dimensional, Guided-Wave Spatial Light Controller Based on SIMOX Processing and Germanium-Silicon Alloys Namavar, Fereydoon; Spire Corp., Bedford, MA 01730 III 9200540 A000; 10/15/1992; $105,934; 24 mo. Search and Retrieval Software and Toolkit for for Sociodemographic Data Peterson, James; Sociometrics Corp., Los Altos, CA 94022 III 9113561 A000; 07/15/1992; $222,577; 24 mo. Researching Support Materials for Geometry Education Software Rasmussen, Steven; Key Curriculum Press, Berkeley, CA 94702 III 9203421 A000; 09/01/1992; $263,852; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DEVELP and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $263,852 Phased Array Doppler Current Profiler Rowe, Francis; RD Instruments, San Diego, CA 92131 III 9114687 A000; 05/01/1992; $237,944; 15 mo. Investigation of Liquid Crystal Polarization Controller for Coherent Fiber-Optic Communication Systems Rumbaugh, Scott; Apeldyn Corp., Portland, OR 97204 III 9208665 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,960; 24 mo. III-V Heterostructures on Silicon Substrates Prepared by OMCVD for Electronic and Photonic Applications Salerno, Jack; Kopin Corp., Taunton, MA 02780 III 9110426 A000; 08/01/1992; $249,730; 24 mo. Mixed Conducting Membrances for Nox Decomposition in Automobile Exhausts Sammells, Anthony; Eltron Research Inc., Aurora, IL 60504 III 9200988 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,994; 24 mo. Feasibility of Lumpfish (Clyclopterus Lumps) Culture Sawyer, Evelyn; Sawyer, Phillip; Sea Run Holdings Inc., Kennebunkport, ME 04046 III 9112026 A000; 10/15/1991; $74,400; 12 mo. Measurements and Modeling of the Behavior of Charring Polymers in Fires Serio, Michael; Advanced Fuel Research Inc., East Hartford, CT 06138-0379 III 9101585 A000; 07/01/1992; $248,879; 24 mo. Integrating Numerical Software Libraries with an Interactive Scientific Computing Evironment Sherman, Andrew; Scientific Computing Associates Inc., New Haven, CT 06510 III 9116710 A000; 08/01/1992; $249,486; 24 mo. A New Method of Time-Temperature Modeling of Sedimentary Basins Solomon, Peter; Advanced Fuel Research Inc., East Hartford, CT 06138-0379 III 9203467 A000; 08/01/1992; $246,988; 24 mo. Real-Time, Long-Term Monitoring of Volcanic Emissions Stetter, Joseph; Transducer Research Inc., Naperville, IL 60540 III 9122891 A000; 07/15/1992; $264,097; 24 mo. Investigation of Thunderstorm Winds with Respect to Wind Load Design Criteria and the Safety of Structures Twisdale, Lawrence; Applied Research Associates Inc., Raleigh, NC 27615 III 9117048 A000; 07/15/1992; $224,935; 18 mo. Membrane-Based Process for the Synthesis of Chiral Pyrethroids van Eikeren, Paul; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9109179 A000; 06/01/1992; $134,816; 12 mo. Novel Membrane-Based Process for the Production of Substituted Benzyl Alcohols van Eikeren, Paul; Bend Research Inc., Bend, OR 97701-8599 III 9122743 A000; 08/15/1992; $249,977; 24 mo. Laser-Driven Directional Solidification in High Tc Superconducting Polycrystalline Fibers Varshney, Usha; American Research Corp. of Virginia, Radford, VA 24143-3406 III 9101565 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 Gallium Arsenide Readout and Preprocessing Electronics for Linear One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensors Vu, Tho; Top-Vu Technology Inc., New Brighton, MN 55112 III 9022291 A002; 09/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Picoliter Solder Droplet Dispensing for Electronics Manufacturing Wallace, David; MicroFab Technologies Inc., Plano, TX 75074 III 9203071 A000; 10/01/1992; $126,791; 24 mo. Single Instruction, Stream Multiple Data Stream (SIMD) Parallel Algorithms for Nested Relational Database Implementation Wehrmeister, Robert; Data Parallel Systems Inc., Bloomington, IN 47402 III 9007370 A001; 04/01/1991; $127,102; 12 mo. Robot Vision System Based on Log-Polar Image Plane Coordinates Weiman, Carl F.; Transitions Research Corp., Danbury, CT 06810 III 9122204 A000; 10/01/1992; $249,962; 18 mo. Special Studies and Assessments Assessment of Research and Development in Japan and Europe Shelton, R. Duane; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 ENG 9111333 A002; 08/01/1991; $448,750; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with OCEAN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS and SEPAR & PURIFICATION PROCESSES $70,000 Observational Procedure for Construction on Soft Ground Edil, Tuncer; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9115315 A001; 11/01/1991; $7,580; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 The Making of an Engineer: Learning from International Comparisons Freiman, Charles; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 ENG 9215021 A000; 07/01/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Thomas A. Edison Papers Jenkins, Reese; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 SBE 9112303 A001; 08/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $35,000 Ketron's Proposal for the Operation and Management of a Japanese Scientific and Engineering Information Database Access Project Knies, David; Ketron Inc.-Wayne, Wayne, PA 19087 NCR 9003769 A003; 01/15/1990; $16,500; 3 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $16,500 NCR 9003769 A004; 01/15/1990; $69,300; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $16,100 Development of Engineering Accreditation in Mexico/Program Evaluator Training Program Reyes-Guerra, David; Accreditation Board for Eng. & Tech. Inc., New York, NY 10017 ENG 9222665 A000; 09/15/1992; $5,000; 1 mo. Inventory of Materials Research and Development Schneider, Samuel J.; Schwartz, Lyle; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 DMR 9020900 A002; 09/01/1990; $32,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and PROJECTS $6,000 Assessment of Research and Development in Japan and Europe Shelton, R. Duane; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 ENG 9111333 A002; 08/01/1991; $448,750; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with OCEAN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS and SEPAR & PURIFICATION PROCESSES $70,000 Assessment of International Research and Development Shelton, R. Duane; DeHaemer, Michael; Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21210 ENG 9217849 A000; 07/15/1992; $547,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-JAPANESE R&D IN DISP and DOD-SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY $6,054 U.S. Participation in International Engineering Organizations Tollerton, Harry; Bradley, Mitchell; American Association of Engineering Societies Inc., Washington, DC 20002 ENG 9207939 A000; 09/01/1992; $75,000; 12 mo. NSF/DARPA Agreement for Use of DARPA VLSI Implementation Toole, John; Department of Defense Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA 22209 MIP 9015601 A002; 10/01/1990; $903,635; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS PROGRAM and CIRCUITS & SIGNAL PROCESSING $87,005 U.S. Participation in International Council of Scientific Unions Treichel, Mary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 INT 9016207 A004; 07/01/1990; $1,567,539; 10 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and PROJECTS $193,229 MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Applied Mathematics The Development of Continuum Mechanics and Material Behavior Fosdick, Roger; University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, Minneapolis, MN 55455 MSS 9024637 A001; 07/01/1991; $45,000; 12 mo. Cross-Directorate Programs Cone Penetration Testing in Cemented Sands Acar, Yalcin; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9020368 A002; 03/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Research Initiation Award: An Object-Oriented Model for Engineering Applications Using a Geographic Database Adams, Teresa; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9010587 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Architecture, Environment, and Energy: Synthesis and Assessment Allen, Barbara; University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70504 MSS 9209971 A000; 08/01/1992; $16,984; 14 mo. A Decomposition Strategy for Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Systems Balling, Richard; Wilson, Arnold; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 MSS 8914238 A002; 11/15/1989; $4,992; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,992 Nonlinear and Probabilistic Theory for Concrete Creep Bazant, Zdenek; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 8815166 A006; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Benson, Craig; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9157116 A002; 07/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Structure of the Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present Cakmak, Ahmet; Mark, Robert; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 MSS 9001601 A002; 06/01/1990; $4,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,500 Development and Experimental Verification of a Practical Robust-Control Technique for Flexible Mechanical Systems Chait, Yossi; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MSS 8920628 A004; 06/01/1990; $4,000; 0 mo. Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Elastic-Plastic Fracture in Solids Chao, Yuh; Sutton, Michael; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 MSS 9003973 A003; 07/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 A Nonlinear Sensistivity Analysis Approach for Composites Under Large Deformations Chattopadhyay, Aditi; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 MSS 9209961 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,999; 18 mo. Flexural Cracking in Landfill Caps Cheng, S. Jonathan; Larralde-Muro, Jesus; Martin, Joseph; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9115197 A001; 10/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,000 Experimental and Numerical Study of Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution Christianson, Leslie; Riskowski, Gerald; Wu, Gwojenn; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9002513 A002; 11/15/1990; $8,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,438 Research Initiation Award: An Analytical Model for the Mechanical Response of a Ligament Conway, Ted; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 MSS 9209974 A000; 09/01/1992; $93,154; 36 mo. Structural System Reliability and Optimization - Incorporating Nonlinear Mechanics in Mathematical Programming Approaches Corotis, Ross; Ramirez, Martin; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9016018 A002; 02/15/1991; $4,672; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,672 Mechanism of Wear of Semiconductors and Ceramics Danyluk, Steven; Lawn, Brian; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 8714491 A006; 01/01/1988; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 An Investigation into Methods for Expediting the Transfer of CAD and KBES Technologies for Improved Construction Estimating De La Garza, Jesus; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 8908570 A001; 08/01/1989; $5,000; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Develop Computer-Aided Value Engineering (CAVE) Technology De La Garza, Jesus; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9215722 A000; 08/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. The Mechanics and Physics of Fracture in Ice Dempsey, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9007929 A002; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Testing and Modelling of Saturated Interfaces Under Cyclic Loading Desai, Chandrakant; Armaleh, Sonia; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9115316 A000; 07/15/1992; $64,429; 12 mo. Anchorage for Synthetic Prestressing Tendons Dolan, Charles; University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071 MSS 9114592 A001; 12/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Distributed Parameter Control of Flexible Multibody Systems Downer, Janice; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9209594 A000; 08/15/1992; $37,310; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Neural Network Analysis of Granular Fabric Ellis, Glenn; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9110287 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Kinemataic and Dynamic Accuracy Performance Synthesis for Planar and Spatial Mechanisms Erdman, Arthur; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9012456 A001; 08/01/1990; $65,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Sampling of Ionic Contaminants in Soils Through an Electrolytic Injection Technique Feldkamp, Joseph; Lewis, Barbara-Ann; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9122667 A000; 05/15/1992; $34,958; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Magnetostrictive Actuator Development for Vibration Control in Structures Flatau, Allison; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 MSS 9212065 A000; 08/01/1992; $33,664; 12 mo. The Influence of Freezing and Thawing on the Permeability of Compacted Clays Fleming, Lorraine; Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC 20059 MSS 9201547 A000; 08/15/1992; $31,238; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Cohesionless Soil Uniformity and Fabric Using Image Analysis (REU Supplement) Frost, J. David; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9011232 A001; 09/01/1990; $788; 8 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $788 Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Cohesionless Soil Uniformity and Fabric Using Image Analysis (REU Supplement) Frost, J. David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9296259 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,200; 5 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Buckminsterfullerene-Ion Assisted Deposition of Thin Films Gibson, Ursula; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 MSS 9200606 A000; 03/15/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. Micromechanical Modelling of Natural Materials Gibson, Lorna; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9202202 A000; 09/01/1992; $209,765; 36 mo. Centrifuge and Full-Scale Modelling of Geotextile Reinforced Cohesive Soil Structures Goodings, Deborah; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9203089 A000; 05/01/1992; $51,294; 12 mo. Molecular Tribology of Lubricants and Additives Granick, Steve; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9202143 A001; 02/15/1992; $5,000; 0 mo. Scattering from Partially Closed Cracks and Other Imperfect Interfaces Harris, John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9114547 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Evaluation of Condition of Structures from Transient Response Hearn, George; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9102379 A001; 05/01/1991; $2,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $2,500 Research Initiation Award: Resonating Anisotropic Solids: Novel Elastic Constant Measurements (REU Supplement) Heyliger, Paul; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 9010099 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Seismic Cone Tests in a Particulate Assembly Huang, An-Bin; Lee, Jong; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9021973 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Development of Hybrid Discrete-Element/Finite-Element Model for Large Deformation Geotechnical Engineering Problems Ishibashi, Isao; Nguyen, Duc; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 235080369 MSS 8920878 A001; 08/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Research Initiation Award: Analytical and Experimental Modeling of Acoustic Emission Signals Jacobs, Laurence; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9111339 A001; 07/15/1991; $7,450; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Jones, James; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 8957191 A003; 10/01/1989; $11,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,878 Development of Resistance Models for Wood Formworks Karshenas, Saeed; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 MSS 9002571 A001; 12/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Structural Relaxations in Glass-Forming Oxide Melts Kieffer, John; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 9008918 A001; 07/01/1990; $8,001; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,001 Constitutive Modeling of Cemented Soils Kiousis, Panos; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9021687 A001; 02/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Geomechanical Investigation of Time Dependence of In-Situ Stresses in Soils Kumbhojkar, Arvind; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL MSS 9009156 A002; 08/15/1990; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,000 Research Initiation Award: One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Stress-State Analyses of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Unsaturated Soils Lawton, Evert; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 MSS 9196241 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Research Initiation Award: Coupled Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Superconducting Composites Lee, Jong; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9009490 A001; 05/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Fracture Testing Technology for Advanced Ceramic and Cementitious Matrix Based Composites Li, Victor; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9019156 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Passive, Smart-Cementitious Composites for Dynamic Control Structures: Internal Timed Release of Chemicals for Self-Repair of Crack Damage Li, Victor; Dry, Carolyn; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9202097 A000; 09/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and SPECIAL PROGRAMS $100,639 Research Initiation Award: Dynamic Behavior and Response of Truss Structures After the Onset of Progressive Collapse Malla, Ramesh; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 MSS 9110900 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award McGee, Oliver; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9157972 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Kinematic Wave Formulation for Flow-Through Macroporous Soil Miller, Carol; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 MSS 9123563 A000; 06/01/1992; $41,121; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Integrated Modelling and Control for Intelligent Material Handling Mitchell, Owen; Harbison-Briggs, Karan; Lewis, Frank; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 MSS 9114009 A001; 09/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,500 Research Initiation Award: Development of Fatigue-Resistant Low-Activation Materials for Fusion Reactor Applications Morrison, David; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9108695 A001; 09/01/1991; $9,500; 0 mo. Lateral Confinement of Concrete Using High-Strength Fiber Reinforcement Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9108598 A002; 09/15/1991; $9,822; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,595 Development of Hybrid (FRP and Steel) Reinforcement Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9120371 A001; 12/15/1991; $4,875; 0 mo. Modelling of Penetration Resistance and Static Capacity of Piles Driven by Vibration (REU Supplement) O'Neill, Michael; Vipulanandan, Cumaraswamy; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 MSS 8920412 A002; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Asymptotic Modal Analysis for Damped Structural-Acoustic Systems Peretti, Linda; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 MSS 9209970 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,999; 14 mo. Research Initiation: Three-Dimensional Fracture Analysis of Rubber Composite Structures Pidaparti, Ramana; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 MSS 9109683 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Statistical Approach to Sliding Wear of Ceramic Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite/Metal Systems Rack, Henry; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 MSS 9114851 A001; 02/15/1992; $4,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Engineering Design Database Research Rasdorf, William; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 MSS 8451465 A009; 09/15/1985; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Rogers, Craig; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9157080 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Advanced Cement Matrix Materials: Synthesis and Processing of Alkali-Activated Cements Roy, Della; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9123239 A000; 07/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. The Mechanics of Surface Modification for Rolling Element Performance Rubin, Carol; Hahn, George; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 MSS 9203252 A000; 07/15/1992; $186,030; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $101,000 Research Initiation Award: Elm Waves in Environmental Geotechnology: Fundamental Study and Applications Santamarina, J. Carlos; University of Waterloo, Waterloo, CA 00000 MSS 9296133 A000; 06/07/1992; $4,800; 7 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Sanvido, Victor; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9058545 A003; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 An Evaluation of the Leachability of Heavy Metals from Fly Ash Liner Materials Shackelford, Charles; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 8908201 A002; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 A Study of Biaxial Strains at Notch Roots at High Temperature Sharpe, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9016817 A001; 04/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Research Initiation Award: On-line Computation of High Speed Robot Motions Shiller, Zvi; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 MSS 9009391 A001; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Synthesis and Properties of Electrochemically Processed Nanocrystalline and Fiber-Reinforced Composities Singh, Raj; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 MSS 9108912 A001; 07/15/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: The Role of Lubricant Viscosity in the Frictional Behavior of the Magnetic Slider/Disk Streator, Jeffrey; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9110469 A001; 07/15/1991; $4,606; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,606 Presidential Young Investigator Award Synolakis, Costas; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 MSS 8957853 A003; 08/01/1989; $9,059; 0 mo. Scheduling Construction Projects by Using Product Models and Learning from Cases Tommelein, Iris; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9215935 A000; 08/01/1992; $62,774; 12 mo. Preliminary Research on the Safety of Steel Connections Using System Reliability Techniques Trautner, Janice; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 MSS 9109024 A000; 12/15/1991; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $18,000 Analytical Study and Experimental Verification of a Coupled Theory of Mixtures and Micropolar Continua for Geomechanical Application Voyiadjis, George; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9018249 A003; 02/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Fundamental Aspects of the Behavior of Saturated Soils Under Undrained Cyclic Loads Vucetic, Mladen; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 MSS 8922170 A001; 08/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Fractal Analysis of Branched Structures on Fractured Surfaces of Crosslinked Polymers and Model Systems Wunder, Stephanie; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 MSS 9210713 A000; 08/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Flow Channeling in Soft Clays Znidarcic, Dobroslav; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9102223 A001; 07/15/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,000 Behavior of Axially Loaded, Pultruded, Fiber-Reinforced Composite Columns Zureick, Abdul-Hamid; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 8909140 A002; 06/01/1989; $6,602; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,602 Presidential Young Investigators Award Sanvido, Victor; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9058545 A003; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Dynamic Systems and Control Program Dynamic Systems and Control Damping of Dynamic Systems by Means of Thin-Fluid Layers and Jet-Flow Impingement Akay, Adnan; Ingard, K.; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 MSS 9114523 A000; 11/01/1991; $69,997; 12 mo. Intelligent Feedback Systems Athans, Michael; Tsitsiklis, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ECS 9216531 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. H-Optimal Repetitive Control of Closed Loop Servohydraulic Testing Busby, Henry; Ozbay, Hitay; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9203418 A000; 07/01/1992; $80,008; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Intelligent Distributed Control of Material Handling Canny, John; Malik, Jitendra; Fearing, Ronald; Adiga, Sadashiv; Mendel, Max; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 IRI 9114446 A000; 12/01/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Development and Experimental Verification of a Practical Robust Control Technique for Flexible Mechanical Systems Chait, Yossi; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MSS 8920628 A003; 06/01/1990; $52,106; 12 mo. MSS 8920628 A004; 06/01/1990; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,000 Research Initiation Award: A New Approach to Minimum-Time Control of Multiple Interconnected Mechanical Systems (REU Supplement) Chen, Yaobin; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 MSS 9109947 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,400; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,700 Research Initiation Award: Synthesis and Planning for the Grasps of Planar and Solid Objects Chen, Yu-Che; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK 74104 MSS 9209512 A000; 09/01/1992; $28,639; 12 mo. Dexterity Enhancement via Macro/Micro Bilateral Manipulation Colgate, James; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9022513 A001; 06/15/1991; $71,039; 12 mo. MSS 9022513 A002; 06/15/1991; $8,875; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Corless, Martin; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9057079 A001; 08/15/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. Support for Second International Congress on Sound and Vibration Crocker, Malcolm; Raju, P.; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 MSS 9213297 A000; 05/01/1992; $16,000; 12 mo. Fault Diagnosis with Process Uncertainty Danai, Kourosh; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MSS 9102149 A001; 06/01/1991; $64,600; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Behavior-Based Control for Autonomous Tending of Manufacturing Workcells Donath, Max; Ramalingam, Subbiah; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9113802 A000; 02/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING DESIGN and ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $125,000 REG: Equipment to Modernize a Subsonic Wind Tunnel for Gust Simulation and Measurement Dowell, Earl; Tang, Deman; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 MSS 9212953 A000; 09/01/1992; $19,526; 12 mo. Evaluation of the Use of the Wavelet Transform for Analysis of Mechanical Transients Dowling, Martin; Liberty Technologies, Conshohocken, PA 19428 III 9160156 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Research Initiation Award: Distributed Parameter Control of Flexible Multibody Systems Downer, Janice; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9209594 A000; 08/15/1992; $37,310; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $18,655 Fifth Annual Workshop on Aerospace Computational Control; Santa Barbara, CA Doyle, John; Man, Guy; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 MSS 9220553 A000; 09/15/1992; $9,952; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $9,952 Dynamic Modeling Methods for the Design of High Performance Machines Dubowsky, Steven; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9023487 A001; 06/01/1991; $86,466; 12 mo. Kinemataic and Dynamic Accuracy Performance Synthesis for Planar and Spatial Mechanisms Erdman, Arthur; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9012456 A001; 08/01/1990; $65,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Neural Network Fuzzy Adaptive Control Esogbue, Augustine; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 ECS 9216004 A000; 09/15/1992; $133,838; 36 mo. Analysis of Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Ship Rolling Motion Using Geometric Methods Falzarano, Jeffrey; University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 MSS 9203429 A000; 09/01/1992; $29,952; 12 mo. RUI: A Method for Uncoupling and Solving the Equations of Motion of Vibrating Linear Discrete Systems Felszeghy, Stephen; California State LA University Auxiliary Services Inc., Los Angeles, CA 90032 MSS 9202660 A000; 08/15/1992; $27,620; 12 mo. Walking Machine Design Based on Certain Aspects of Arthropod Legs Fichter, Eugene; Fichter, Becky; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 MSS 9114521 A000; 11/15/1991; $99,999; 12 mo. MSS 9114521 A001; 11/15/1991; $9,430; 0 mo. Acoustic Monitoring of Beams Finch, Robert; Jansen, Ben; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 MSS 9024224 A001; 06/01/1991; $72,094; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Magnetostrictive Actuator Development for Vibration Control in Structures Flatau, Allison; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 MSS 9212065 A000; 08/01/1992; $33,664; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $16,832 On the Kinematics, Dynamics and Design Optimization of Basic Mechanical Components and Systems Freudenstein, Ferdinand; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 MSS 8905803 A002; 09/01/1989; $63,655; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Motion Synthesis Ge, Qiaode Jeffrey; University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 MSS 9211490 A000; 08/15/1992; $33,038; 12 mo. Workshop on Geometric Uncertainty in Motion Planning, June 15-17, 1992, USC Marine Science Center, Catalina, California Goldberg, Kenneth; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 IRI 9208161 A000; 03/15/1992; $14,330; 12 mo. Performace Evaluation of Vehicles with Semi-Active Suspensions, Including Body Compliance Hac, Aleksander; Chen, Hsien; SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-0001 MSS 9213539 A000; 07/15/1992; $15,575; 3 mo. Block Travel for: 12th World Congress - International Federation of Automatic Control to be held in Sydney, Australia July 19-23, l993 Haddad, A.; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 ECS 9215458 A000; 01/15/1993; $30,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with POWER SYSTEMS $10,000 Research Initiation Award: Condition Monitoring and Control: An Integrated, System-Theoretic Approach Helmicki, Arthur; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 MSS 9210178 A000; 09/01/1992; $30,000; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Dynamic Loosening and Tightening of Threaded Fasteners by Vibration Hess, Daniel; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 MSS 9210331 A000; 09/01/1992; $27,831; 12 mo. Development of Space-Time Finite Elements for Nonlinear Transient Response of Flexible Structures Hodges, Dewey; Peters, David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 8822003 A002; 11/15/1989; $53,504; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Feedback Controller Design of Active Sound Cancellation Using Close-Form Transfer Function Models Hu, Jwu-Sheng; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 MSS 9210756 A000; 08/15/1992; $39,244; 12 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Study of Rigid Body Collisions of Robotic Systems Hurmuzlu, Yildirim; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275 MSS 9203097 A000; 06/01/1992; $113,919; 12 mo. Computational Methods in Multibody System Dynamics Huston, Ronald; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 MSS 8912521 A003; 11/15/1989; $68,000; 12 mo. Random Excitation of Dynamic Systems with Multiple Internal Resonances Ibrahim, Raouf; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 MSS 9203733 A000; 07/15/1992; $42,443; 12 mo. Model Correction Using Experimental Data Inman, Daniel; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 MSS 9021989 A000; 11/01/1991; $61,375; 12 mo. A Robust Control System Design Methodology for Mechanical Systems Jayasuriya, Suhada; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 MSS 9114562 A000; 11/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. MSS 9114562 A001; 11/01/1991; $68,245; 12 mo. In-Process Control of Turned Threads Johnson, James; Netrologic Inc., San Diego, CA 92122-5932 III 9161412 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Jones, James; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 8957191 A003; 10/01/1989; $11,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,878 A Theoretical and Experimental Study on Augmenting Human Motor-Cognitive Ability via Human-Robot Interaction Kazerooni, Homayoon; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 9196179 A001; 09/01/1991; $79,686; 12 mo. MSS 9196179 A002; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Intelligent Control Concepts for Automatic Generation Control of Electric Power Systems King, Roger; Luck, Rogelio; Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 ECS 9216549 A000; 09/15/1992; $133,838; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $108,838 Qualitative Motion Synthesis and Simulation Using Kinematic Building Blocks - A Computational Approach Kota, Sridhar; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 DDM 9103008 A001; 06/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. The Fuzzy Point Syntheses of Mechanisms Kramer, Steven; University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 DDM 9202140 A000; 09/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Intelligent Control of Cutting Force in Three-Dimensional End Milling Operations Using Neural Networks Krishnamurthy, K.; Lu, Wen; McMillin, Bruce; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9216479 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $100,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Kumar, Vijay; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9157156 A001; 06/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. MSS 9157156 A002; 06/15/1991; $12,392; 0 mo. Decision Fusion and Extrapolation for Security Supervisor Control Systems Kwatny, Harry; Fischl, Robert; Kam, Moshe; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 ECS 9216588 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $195,000 Acoustic Impedance Dynamics in Porous Media Lambert, Robert; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9022768 A001; 08/01/1991; $74,936; 12 mo. Intelligent Control of Systems with Set-Partitioned Dynamics Laub, Alan; Seborg, Dale; Kokotovic, Petar; Paden, Brad; Dahleh, Mohammed; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 MSS 9216690 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $100,000 REG: Robotic Systems Control Research Lab Lewis, Frank; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 MSS 9211970 A000; 08/15/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Resonance Suppression Design by Moving Boundary and Eigenvalue Placement Lin, Yuyi; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 MSS 9211340 A000; 09/01/1992; $34,255; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Livne, Eliezer; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 9258116 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Analytic Theory and Control of the Motion of Spinning Rigid Bodies Longuski, James; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9114388 A001; 09/01/1991; $59,943; 12 mo. Acoustic/Vibration Analysis Technique and Efficient Structural Modification for Noise Control Mann, J.; Pate, Anna; Flatau, Allison; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 MSS 9103377 A000; 06/15/1992; $68,286; 12 mo. Motion Optimization and Design of Closed-Chain Robotic Systems McCarthy, J. Michael; Bobrow, J.; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 MSS 9006667 A001; 12/15/1990; $75,545; 12 mo. Control Problems for Nonholonomic Dynamic Systems McClamroch, Nathaniel; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9114630 A000; 01/01/1992; $60,742; 12 mo. Development of a Methodology for Compliant Mechanisms Design Midha, Ashok; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 8902777 A002; 09/01/1989; $64,626; 12 mo. Chaotic Dynamics of Elasto-Plastic Structures: Experiments and Novel Computational Methods Moon, Francis; Mukherjee, Subrata; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MSS 9016626 A001; 04/01/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS $20,000 A Unified Education Curriculum for Freshman Engineers: Emphasizing Creativity and Conceptualization in Professional Engineer Preparation Morgan, James; Prairie View A&M Research Foundation, Prairie View, TX 77446 MSS 9120678 A000; 05/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $50,000 Vibration Control of Rotating Plates and Translating Bands Mote, Clayton; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 9100386 A001; 07/01/1991; $77,827; 12 mo. Experimental Studies in Mechanical Systems Under Harmonic and Stochastic Excitations Namachchivaya, N. Sri; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9212959 A000; 10/01/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $40,000 Analytical/Numerical Procedures for Investigation of Rotor Systems with Strong Local Nonlinearities Noah, Sherif; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 MSS 9202886 A000; 05/15/1992; $71,691; 12 mo. REG: The Development of a Real-Time, Active-Chatter Control Ousterhout, Karl; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9212551 A000; 09/01/1992; $17,576; 12 mo. Asymptotic Modal Analysis for Damped Structural - Acoustic Systems Peretti, Linda; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 MSS 9209970 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,999; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,000 Localization Phenomena in Structural Dynamics Pierre, Christophe; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 8913196 A002; 01/15/1990; $69,601; 12 mo. Detection of Cracks in Rotating Shafts - An Analytical and Experimental Investigation Plaut, Raymond; Kirk, R. Gordon; Wicks, A.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9114529 A000; 01/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Group Travel Grant to 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation: May 11-15, 1992, in Nice, France Sanderson, Arthur; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9203431 A000; 03/15/1992; $31,490; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PRODUCTION SYSTEMS and SYSTEMS THEORY $12,000 Decentralized Control for Structrural Uncertainties: Power Systems Applications Sethares, William; Lasseter, Robert; Alvarado, Fernando; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 ECS 9216520 A000; 09/15/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $180,000 An Invariant Manifold Approach to Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Systems Shaw, Steven; Pierre, Christophe; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9201815 A000; 09/01/1992; $91,947; 12 mo. Nonlinear Dynamics in Mechanical Systems Shaw, Steven; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9296145 A001; 09/16/1991; $67,464; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS $164 Research Initiation Award: On-line Computation of High-Speed Robot Motions Shiller, Zvi; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 MSS 9009391 A001; 06/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $10,000 NSF Young Investigator Award Smith, Suzanne; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 MSS 9257633 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Instability Mechanisms in Adaptive Control of Robots and Teleoperators Spong, Mark; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9100618 A001; 06/01/1991; $60,022; 12 mo. REG: Vision System for Real-Time Control of a Robotic Manipulation Spong, Mark; Hutchinson, Seth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9212376 A000; 09/01/1992; $32,000; 12 mo. Mobility Study of Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom Linkages Ting, Kwun-Lon; Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505 MSS 9104672 A000; 12/01/1991; $95,446; 12 mo. Nonlinear Periodic Systems with Mode Localization and Motion Confinement Characteristics Vakakis, Alexander; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9207318 A000; 09/01/1992; $35,021; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Control of Chaotic Impacting Oscillators Virgin, Lawrence; Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 MSS 9209886 A000; 09/01/1992; $26,297; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards Vu-Quoc, Loc; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 MSS 9057602 A003; 08/15/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Development of a Unified Kinematic Theory of Combination Serial and Parallel Mechanisms Waldron, Kenneth; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9004869 A001; 05/15/1991; $69,668; 12 mo. Passive Feedback Control with Feedforward Compensation for Flexible Structures Wen, John; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9113633 A000; 12/15/1991; $62,636; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Wiggins, Stephen; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 MSS 8958344 A003; 08/01/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Monotone Control of Discrete-Event Systems Yao, David; Glasserman, Paul; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 MSS 9216490 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SYSTEMS THEORY $100,000 Time-Delay-Control Theory and Applications Youcef-Toumi, Kamal; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9114595 A000; 10/01/1992; $55,000; 12 mo. Conference on Nondestructive Evaluation of Civil Structures and Materials Sture, Stein; Suprenant, Bruce; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9113680 A001; 05/15/1991; $9,999; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION $9,999 Mechanics and Materials Program Materials Engineering Research Initiation Award: Coupled Experimental and Analytical Assessment of Three-Dimensionally Reinforced Composite Materials Adams, Daniel; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 MSS 9211684 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Single Crystal Superalloys: Constitutive Equations and Computational Procedures Anand, Lallit; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9215152 A000; 09/01/1992; $240,000; 36 mo. Control of Microstructure Against Strain Localization During Deformation Processing Bassani, John; Ponte-Castaneda, Pedro; Laird, Campbell; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9202513 A000; 09/01/1992; $400,000; 36 mo. Modeling and Characterization of Materials for Dynamic Metal Working Processes Batra, Romesh; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9121279 A001; 08/15/1991; $55,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $40,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award: Mechanical Properties of Thin Films Blanchard, James; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9058420 A002; 07/01/1990; $47,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Awards Charalambides, Panayiotis; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 MSS 9157090 A001; 09/01/1991; $52,377; 12 mo. A Nonlinear Sensistivity Analysis Approach for Composites Under Large Deformations Chattopadhyay, Aditi; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 MSS 9209961 A000; 08/01/1992; $17,999; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $9,000 Presidential Young Investigator Awards Chona, Ravinder; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 MSS 9157988 A001; 09/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Significance of Paste-Sand Interfaces in Micromechanical Behavior of Concrete Cohen, Menashi; Chen, Wai-Fah; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9202134 A000; 07/01/1992; $45,950; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Investigation of Fracture of Bimaterial Interfaces Davidson, Barry; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300 MSS 9210844 A000; 09/01/1992; $94,999; 36 mo. Modeling Deformation Induced Texture in Titanium Using Analytic Solutions for Single Crystal Response Dawson, Paul; Jenkins, James; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MSS 9114861 A001; 09/01/1991; $105,760; 12 mo. Embrittlement of Nano-Scale Structures: A Multidisciplinary Study of Stress Corrosion Cracking Devine, Thomas; Gronsky, Ronald; Ferrari, Mauro; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 9215671 A000; 09/01/1992; $360,000; 36 mo. Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: Development and Implementation of a New Materials Synthesis and Processing Laboratory Flemings, Merton; Rubner, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DMR 9218128 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY and CERAMICS $175,000 Undergraduate Materials Education Initiative: An Innovative Undergraduate Materials Curriculum Gaskell, David; Peppas, Nikolaos; Caruthers, James; Bowman, Keith; Trumble, Kevin; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 DMR 9218126 A000; 10/01/1992; $350,000; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY and POLYMERS $175,000 Micromechanical Modelling of Natural Materials Gibson, Lorna; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9202202 A000; 09/01/1992; $209,765; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $104,882 Modeling and Characterization of Materials for Dynamic Metal Working Processes Gilat, Amos; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9114258 A001; 08/15/1991; $55,000; 12 mo. Advanced Manufacturing Concepts for Shaping Superplastic Sheet Materials Hamilton, C. Howard; Bayoumi, Abdel; Zbib, Hussein; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-3140 DDM 9114852 A000; 08/15/1992; $99,925; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $34,000 Research Initiation Award: Analytical and Experimental Modeling of Acoustic Emission Signals Jacobs, Laurence; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9111339 A001; 07/15/1991; $7,450; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,862 Investigation of Mixed Fiber/Filament Three-Dimensional Performs for a New Generation of Advanced Composites Jang, Bor; Baker, R. Terry; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 MSS 8902939 A003; 09/15/1989; $91,588; 12 mo. Manufacturing and Characterization of Embedded Sensors in Epoxy Laminates Jardine, A.P.; Donnellan, Thomas; SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-0001 MSS 9213955 A000; 07/15/1992; $14,400; 8 mo. Nickel-Based, Complex-Nanophase Materials Johnson, D. Lynn; Weertman, Julia; Mason, Thomas; Weertman, Johannes; Dravid, Vinayak; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 DMR 9202574 A000; 09/15/1992; $442,900; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CERAMICS $100,000 Investigation of Fundamental Behavior of Single Crystals and Polycrystalline Solids for Application to Metal Forming Khan, Akhtar; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 MSS 9296057 A000; 01/15/1992; $134,616; 26 mo. Research Initiation Award: Structural Relaxations in Glass-Forming Oxide Melts Kieffer, John; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 9008918 A001; 07/01/1990; $8,001; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,001 Micromechanics of Interfacial Failure in Composites Krajcinovic, Dusan; Majumdar, Arunava; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 MSS 9114329 A001; 08/15/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Mechanical Behavior of High-Strength Plastics: Experiments and Modeling Krempl, Erhard; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9114411 A000; 12/15/1991; $150,000; 24 mo. Mixed-Mode Failure Analysis of a Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Composite and Ahesively Bonded Composite Systems Using the Modified Losipescu Test Method Kumosa, Maciej; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Beaverton, OR 970061999 MSS 9102763 A001; 07/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Computational Micromechanics of Solids Lambropoulos, John; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 MSS 8857096 A005; 08/01/1988; $28,530; 0 mo. MSS 8857096 A006; 08/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Integrally Shunted Piezoelectric Reinforcement for Tailored Frequency-Dependent Passive Damping of Composite Materials Lesieutre, George; Yoshikawa, Shoko; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9119582 A000; 09/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Fracture Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Lewis, Jack; Keer, Leon; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 BCS 9022052 A001; 09/15/1991; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with RESEARCH TO AID THE DISABLED $100,000 NSF Young Investigator Award McManus, Hugh; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9257612 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. The Mechanics of Powder Consolidation for Composite Materials McMeeking, Robert; Evans, Anthony; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 DMR 9114560 A001; 08/01/1991; $157,800; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY $100,000 Modeling the Initial Stage of Sintering of Powders in the Presence of a Liquid Phase Mehrabadi, Morteza; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 MSS 9114538 A001; 09/01/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Development of Fatigue-Resistant Low-Activation Materials for Fusion Reactor Applications Morrison, David; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9108695 A001; 09/01/1991; $9,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,750 Reactive Infiltration Synthesis of Aluminide Matrix Composites Mortensen, Andreas; Dunand, David; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9201843 A000; 09/01/1992; $200,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with METALLURGY $70,000 An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Piezo-Ceramic Monolithic and Array Geometries in Micro-actuation Naganathan, Ganapathy; University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 MSS 9215656 A000; 08/15/1992; $140,000; 24 mo. Fundamental Experiments in Finite Plasticity Naghdi, Paul; Casey, James; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 9216069 A000; 10/01/1992; $330,000; 36 mo. Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymer Blends: Processing Microstructure-Fracture Resistance Relationships Nair, Shantikumar; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MSS 9201625 A000; 08/15/1992; $60,008; 12 mo. A Fundamental Study of Localized Plastic Instabilities Nemat-Nasser, Siavouche; Meyers, Marc; Vecchio, Kenneth; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 MSS 9021671 A001; 07/01/1991; $193,589; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: The Role of the Interface and the Interphase Region on the Toughening of Highly Crosslinked Epoxies Pearson, Raymond; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9211664 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Processing and Performance of Coated and Clad Materials Piehler, Henry; Howe, James; Johnson, William; Steif, Paul; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 8714377 A004; 07/01/1988; $20,217; 0 mo. Research Areas in Manufacturing Unit Processes Pollack, Kerstin; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9022041 A001; 02/01/1991; $239,171; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and SOLID MECHANICS $169,586 Research Initiation Award: Composite Shielding Mechanisms Radford, Donald; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 9210374 A000; 08/15/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Ramulu, Mamidala; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 8958641 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Advanced Cement Matrix Materials: Synthesis and Processing of Alkali-Activated Cements Roy, Della; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9123239 A000; 07/01/1992; $70,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $35,000 The Mechanics of Surface Modification for Rolling Element Performance Rubin, Carol; Hahn, George; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 MSS 9203252 A000; 07/15/1992; $186,030; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $101,000 Research Initiation Award: Superconducting Oxide/Noble Metal Microlaminates Prepared by the Oxidation of Noble Metal-Bearing Metallic Precursors Sandhage, Kenneth; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9211281 A000; 09/01/1992; $99,994; 36 mo. Sixth International Conference on Surface Modifications Technologies Scott, Alexander; Sudarshan, T.; Minerals Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA 15086 MSS 9211428 A000; 08/15/1992; $3,000; 11 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Shaw, Barbara; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9257915 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Synthesis and Properties of Electrochemically Processed Nanocrystalline and Fiber-Reinforced Composities Singh, Raj; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 MSS 9108912 A001; 07/15/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,250 REG: Acquisition of Accessories for a High Temperature Mechanical Testing System Singh, Raj; Jayaraman, Narayanan; Vasudevan, Vijay; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 MSS 9212988 A000; 09/01/1992; $96,330; 12 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Dynamic Mechanical Spectrometer Sperling, Leslie; Thomas, David; Pearson, Raymond; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9212805 A000; 08/15/1992; $98,270; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOLID MECHANICS $68,703 Mechanics of Diffusive Failure of Fine Metal in Integrated Circuits Suo, Zhigang; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 MSS 9202165 A000; 08/15/1992; $56,637; 12 mo. Materials Synthesis and Processing: Modeling and Control of Macro-Phenomena and Micro-Structure in Steel Rolling Tseng, Ampere; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 DDM 9201831 A000; 10/01/1992; $49,354; 12 mo. An Advanced Composite Postformable Bone Plate White, Moreno; Sparta Inc., San Diego, CA 92121-1964 III 9160996 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,998; 6 mo. Fractal Analysis of Branched Structures on Fractured Surfaces of Crosslinked Polymers and Model Systems Wunder, Stephanie; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 MSS 9210713 A000; 08/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $18,000 Presidential Faculty Fellow Zumbrunnen, David; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 MSS 9253640 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Study on Materials for the 21st Century Zwilsky, Klaus; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9017571 A001; 03/01/1991; $29,903; 11 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $29,903 Solid Mechanics Material Characterization of Shape-Memory Alloys Abeyaratne, Rohan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9121257 A001; 08/15/1991; $45,002; 12 mo. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Thermodynamics Structure, Vibrational and Interfacial Properties of Amorphous Metals Adams, James; Kieffer, John; Averback, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9101897 A001; 09/15/1991; $57,574; 0 mo. MSS 9101897 A002; 09/15/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. MSS 9101897 A003; 09/15/1991; $91,479; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Compressible Squeeze-Film Dampers Arakere, Nagaraj; Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208 MSS 9211505 A000; 09/15/1992; $19,000; 36 mo. Mechanics of Interfaces/The Mechanics of Adhesion Testing of Flexible Films Aravas, Nikolaos; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 8657860 A006; 06/15/1987; $10,000; 0 mo. Microlayer Polymeric Composites Baer, Eric; Hiltner, Anne; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 DMR 9100300 A001; 06/15/1991; $120,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Micromechanics of Damage in Metal Matrix Composites Bao, Gang; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9210250 A000; 09/01/1992; $89,982; 36 mo. Thermoelastic Effects in the Solidification of Castings Barber, J.; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9200762 A000; 08/15/1992; $57,308; 12 mo. Adaptive Multi-Domain Spectral Methods Applied to High-Gradient Problems in Solid Mechanics Bayliss, Alvin; Belytschko, Ted; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9102981 A001; 06/15/1991; $104,884; 12 mo. Internationl Symposium on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Bazant, Zdenek; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9215299 A000; 09/01/1992; $14,227; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS and CONSTRCT PROCES $4,000 Nonlinear Effects in Elastomers and Soft Biological Tissues Beatty, Millard; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 MSS 9096224 A002; 07/01/1990; $33,074; 12 mo. REG: Proposal for a Nanoindenter Bhushan, Bharat; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9212730 A000; 10/01/1992; $80,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Blume, Janet; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 MSS 8957816 A004; 07/01/1989; $25,000; 12 mo. Quantification of Biodegradation of Wood at Inaccessible Locations Bodig, Jozsef; Engineering Data Management Inc., Fort Collins, CO 80525 III 9022391 A000; 09/01/1992; $248,556; 24 mo. An Investigation of C60/C70 as a Lubricant on Magnetic Thin-Film Disks Bogy, David; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 9120529 A000; 10/15/1991; $22,058; 6 mo. Research Initiation Award: Densification of Ceramic Matrix Composites Bordia, Rajendra; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 9209775 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Analysis of Failure Mechanisms in Thin Coatings Bower, Allan; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 MSS 9210316 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,000; 36 mo. Mechanics of Glassy Polymers During Solid-Phase Deformation Processing Boyce, Mary; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9215805 A000; 09/01/1992; $180,001; 36 mo. Kinking of Fiber Composites Budiansky, Bernard; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 MSS 9216135 A000; 09/01/1992; $180,000; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Chang, Fu-Kuo; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 MSS 8857022 A004; 08/01/1988; $25,000; 12 mo. Analytical and Experimental Investigations of Elastic-Plastic Fracture in Solids Chao, Yuh; Sutton, Michael; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 MSS 9003973 A003; 07/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 MSS 9003973 A004; 07/15/1990; $62,913; 12 mo. Synthesis and Tribological Characterization of Novel Superhard Coatings of Corbin Nitride Chung, Yip-Wah; Wong, Ming-Show; Sproul, William; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9203239 A000; 05/01/1992; $209,057; 36 mo. Micro-Mechanics of Failure-Resistant Materials Clifton, Rodney; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 DMR 9002994 A002; 07/01/1990; $821,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS RESEARCH GRPS PROGRM $235,000 Research Initiation Award: An Analytical Model for the Mechanical Response of a Ligament Conway, Ted; University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 MSS 9209974 A000; 09/01/1992; $93,154; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $46,577 Mechanism of Wear of Semiconductors and Ceramics Danyluk, Steven; Lawn, Brian; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 8714491 A006; 01/01/1988; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Detection of Incipient Surface Charge Due to Tribological Contact Danyluk, Steven; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 9213525 A000; 07/15/1992; $29,484; 12 mo. Constitutive Modelling of Mechanical Response of Materials in Semiconductor Devices with Emphasis on Interface Behavior Desai, Chandrakant; Kundu, Tribikram; Prince, John; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 DDM 9102177 A001; 08/15/1991; $92,753; 12 mo. Some Fundamental Problems in Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics Drugan, Walter; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9215688 A000; 09/01/1992; $180,000; 36 mo. Travel Grants: U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Haifa, Israel, August 22-28, 1992 Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9206382 A000; 03/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and MATERIALS PROCESSING and MANUFCT $6,666 REG: Ball-Plane (Modified Bowden Leben) Friction and Wear Tester Engel, Peter; Prakash, Veeramani; SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901 MSS 9212970 A000; 08/01/1992; $30,300; 12 mo. Presidential Faculty Fellow Everbach, Erich; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 19081 MSS 9253777 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Farris, Thomas; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9057082 A002; 09/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. An Interface-Engineered Si3N4 for Optimum Wear Resistance Fine, Morris; Hsu, S.M.; Vaynman, Semyon; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9223584 A000; 10/15/1992; $25,360; 12 mo. An Assessment of U.S.-German Exchange Programs in Mechanical Engineering Workshop: March 1992, in New Orleans, Louisiana Fletcher, Leroy; Texas A&M University Research Foundation, College Station, TX 77843 CTS 9211694 A000; 03/15/1992; $44,687; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS and FLUID DYNAMICS AND HYDRAULICS $20,187 The Development of Continuum Mechanics and Material Behavior Fosdick, Roger; University of Minnesota Institute of Technology, Minneapolis, MN 55455 MSS 9024637 A001; 07/01/1991; $45,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with APPLIED MATHEMATICS $15,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Frantziskonis, George; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9157237 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. A New Approach to Ceramic Lubrication: Tribopolymerization Furey, Michael; Kajdas, C.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9121910 A000; 06/15/1992; $76,947; 12 mo. International Symposium on Boundary Element Methods; Boulder Geers, Thomas; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9221080 A000; 08/01/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING $2,500 Neural Networks in Material Modeling and Computational Mechanics Ghaboussi, Jamshid; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9214910 A000; 09/15/1992; $141,069; 36 mo. Buckminsterfullerene-Ion-Assisted Deposition of Thin Films Gibson, Ursula; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 MSS 9200606 A000; 03/15/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $17,500 Polymeric, Ultra-Thin Films as Bonded Lubricants, Coatings, and Membranes Grainger, David; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Beaverton, OR 970061999 MSS 9212496 A000; 09/01/1992; $54,617; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $54,000 An Engineering Facility Internship with the Alcoa Technical Center Grandt, Alten; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9213769 A000; 09/15/1992; $19,360; 6 mo. Molecular Tribology of Lubricants and Additives Granick, Steve; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9202143 A000; 02/15/1992; $255,000; 36 mo. MSS 9202143 A001; 02/15/1992; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 REG: Adhesion Tester Gulino, Daniel; Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 MSS 9212341 A000; 07/01/1992; $10,000; 6 mo. Advanced Manufacturing Concepts for Shaping Superplastic Sheet Materials Hamilton, C. Howard; Bayoumi, Abdel; Zbib, Hussein; Washington State University, Pullman, WA 991643140 DDM 9114852 A000; 08/15/1992; $99,925; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $34,000 Research Initiation Award: Contact Mechanics for Ceramic Materials Hanson, Mark; Kentucky Research Foundation, Lexington, KY 40506 MSS 9210531 A000; 08/15/1992; $89,958; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Studies of the Constitutive Behavior of Amorphous Thermoplastics Harren, Stephen; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680 MSS 9210381 A000; 08/15/1992; $89,964; 36 mo. Scattering from Partially Closed Cracks and Other Imperfect Interfaces Harris, John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9114547 A001; 09/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Research Initiation Award: Resonating Anisotropic Solids: Novel Elastic Constant Measurements (REU Supplement) Heyliger, Paul; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 9010099 A002; 09/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Presidential Young Investigator Award Hoger, Anne; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 MSS 9057629 A002; 08/01/1990; $25,000; 12 mo. MSS 9057629 A003; 08/01/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. Edge Effects and Interior Solutions for Anisotropic and Composite Materials Horgan, Cornelius; Simmonds, James; University of Virginia-Main Campus, Charlottesville, VA 22901 MSS 9102155 A001; 06/15/1991; $83,663; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Experimental Investigation of Brittle to Ductile Transition in Cleavage Fracture Hsia, K.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9209309 A000; 09/01/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Studies in Fracture and Materials Mechanics Hutchinson, John; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 MSS 9020141 A001; 07/01/1991; $82,500; 12 mo. Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation for Steel Components of Large Structural Systems Jiles, David; Biner, S. Bulent; Klaiber, F.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 MSS 9018532 A002; 01/01/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Ju, Jiann-Wen; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 MSS 9157238 A001; 09/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Coupled Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Creep Crack Growth in Metallic Materials Kang, Bruce; West Virginia University Research Corporation, Morgantown, WV 26506 MSS 9215787 A000; 09/15/1992; $103,481; 36 mo. Supplemental Contribution of 1992 Gordon Research Conference on Tribology: June 15-19, 1992, in Plymouth, New Hampshire Kennedy, Francis; Gordon Research Conferences, Kingston, RI 02881 MSS 9212622 A000; 05/01/1992; $5,000; 6 mo. Workshops on Evaluation of Constitutive Models for Finite Plastic Deformation in Solids Khan, Akhtar; University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228 MSS 9296045 A000; 01/15/1992; $96,830; 20 mo. A Microstructual Design Study of Ceramic Composites Using Computational and Experimental Methods Kikuchi, Noboru; Holmes, John; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9021683 A001; 06/15/1991; $101,105; 12 mo. REG: Computing Equipment for Constitutive- and Failure-Mode Modelling of Advanced Materials Knauss, Wolfgang; Rosakis, Ares; Ravichandran, Guruswaminaidu; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 MSS 9212111 A000; 09/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Komvopoulos, Kyriakos; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 8996309 A004; 08/25/1989; $37,500; 0 mo. MSS 8996309 A005; 08/25/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,500 MSS 8996309 A006; 08/25/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Material Characterization of Shape Memory Alloys Kyriadides, Stelios; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 MSS 9020335 A001; 08/15/1991; $60,141; 12 mo. Studies of Fundamental Processes of Friction, Thin-Film Lubrication and Wear Landman, Uzi; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9201520 A000; 09/01/1992; $20,000; 36 mo. Research Initiation Award: Coupled Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Superconducting Composites Lee, Jong; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9009490 A001; 05/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Toughening Mechanisms in Mixed-Mode Interfacial Fracture Liechti, Kenneth; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 MSS 9201929 A000; 08/01/1992; $59,033; 12 mo. REG: I/R Microscope Liechti, Kenneth; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 MSS 9212707 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. U.S. Participation in the Joint Soviet-American Conference on New Materials and Technologies in Tribology Ling, Frederick; Institute for Productivity Research, New York, NY 10018 MSS 9216311 A000; 07/15/1992; $37,545; 12 mo. The Pressure Profile in Cone-and-Plate Flows of Liquid-Crystal Polymers Magda, Jules; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 CTS 9022734 A001; 03/15/1991; $20,000; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Material Damage Under Cyclic Loading McDowell, David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 8552714 A006; 06/01/1986; $37,500; 0 mo. Crack Growth in Creep Brittle Materials McDowell, David; Saxena, Ashok; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9202932 A000; 08/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Control of Erosion in a Turbulent Flow of an Annulus with Inner Rotating Cylinder Merati, Parviz; Adams, William; Calafell, Dag; Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 MSS 9114453 A001; 09/01/1991; $38,096; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Tribological Performance of Materials on Their Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Meyers, Carolyn; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 8858724 A005; 10/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Delamination Propagation in Advanced Composites - Modelling and Experiments Mukherjee, Yu; DeHan Engineering Numerics, Ithaca, NY 14850 III 9160889 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. A Fundamental Study of Localized Plastic Instabilities Nemat-Nasser, Siavouche; Meyers, Marc; Vecchio, Kenneth; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 MSS 9021671 A001; 07/01/1991; $193,589; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $129,059 Bureau of Engraving and Printing Award: Fundamental Studies of Static and Dynamic Interactions Between Cellulose Surfaces Neuman, Ronald; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 MSS 9009810 A003; 08/01/1990; $15,000; 0 mo. Application of In-Situ Laser Spectroscopic Techniques to Fundamental Problems in Tribology Neuman, Ronald; Shah, P.; Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 MSS 9118890 A000; 11/15/1991; $38,969; 6 mo. Random Fields of Micromechanics: Constitutive Laws and Plastic Flow Ostoja-Starzewski, Martin; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 MSS 9202772 A000; 08/15/1992; $60,443; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Ovaert, Timothy; Pennsylvania State Univ.-Allentown Campus, Fogelsville, PA 18051 MSS 9258106 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Research Initiation: Three-Dimensional Fracture Analysis of Rubber Composite Structures Pidaparti, Ramana; Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405 MSS 9109683 A001; 08/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Research Areas in Manufacturing Unit Processes Pollack, Kerstin; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 DDM 9022041 A001; 02/01/1991; $239,171; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $169,586 Conference: Organization of the 1992 Surface Roughness and Scattering Topical Meeting: Tucson, Arizona, June 1-3, 1992 Quinn, Jarus; Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036 ECS 9216232 A000; 06/15/1992; $4,600; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT and SURFACE ENGINEERING AND TRIBOLOGY $3,000 Statistical Approach to Sliding Wear of Ceramic Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite/Metal Systems Rack, Henry; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 MSS 9114851 A000; 02/15/1992; $160,030; 36 mo. MSS 9114851 A001; 02/15/1992; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,000 Unsteady Diffusion Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Non-Linearly Elastics Solids Undergoing Large Deformations Rajagopal, K.; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 MSS 8917747 A002; 07/15/1990; $19,470; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE - NON-HOMOGENEOUS DEF $19,470 The Rheology of Elastohydrodynamic Lubricants at High Shear Rates and High Pressures Ramesh, Kaliat; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9114781 A001; 09/01/1991; $68,150; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Ramulu, Mamidala; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 8958641 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $31,250 Presidential Young Investigator Award Ravichandran, Guruswaminaidu; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 MSS 9157846 A001; 08/15/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Conference Support for BEM 15; to be held August 10-12, 1993 in Worcester, MA Rencis, Joseph; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 MSS 9217621 A000; 01/01/1993; $10,000; 12 mo. The Mechanics of Surface Modification for Rolling Element Performance Rubin, Carol; Hahn, George; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 MSS 9203252 A000; 07/15/1992; $186,030; 36 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and MATERIALS ENGINEERING $101,000 Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Tribo-Contacts In Situ Sadeghi, Farshid; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9123274 A000; 04/01/1992; $194,882; 36 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Saigal, Sunil; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 9057055 A003; 09/01/1990; $37,500; 0 mo. MSS 9057055 A004; 09/01/1990; $4,000; 0 mo. Analysis of the Lubricating Film in Lip Seals and the Effects of Lip Surface Microgeometry Salant, Richard; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9114031 A000; 12/15/1991; $149,380; 24 mo. Advanced Polymeric Materials: Process Induced Internal Stresses in Laminated Polymer Composites Seferis, James; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 DDM 9101648 A001; 08/15/1991; $52,000; 12 mo. A Study of Biaxial Strains at Notch Roots at High Temperature Sharpe, William; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9016817 A001; 04/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 MSS 9016817 A002; 04/01/1991; $74,762; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Shawki, Tarek; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 8957180 A003; 07/01/1989; $56,874; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Shield, Thomas; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9257945 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Dynamic Characterization of Advanced Polymers Using Fiber Optics Shukla, Arun; Letcher, Stephen; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 MSS 9101514 A001; 07/01/1991; $71,365; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: The Effect of Interface Diffusion and Slip on the Creep Resistance of Fiber and Particulate Composite Materials Sofronis, Petros; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9210686 A000; 09/01/1992; $90,400; 36 mo. Field-Defect Interactions and Electromechanical Behavior in Piezoelectric Multilayer Structures Sosa, Horacio; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9215296 A000; 09/15/1992; $179,984; 36 mo. Engineering Research Equipment: Dynamic Mechanical Spectrometer Sperling, Leslie; Thomas, David; Pearson, Raymond; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9212805 A000; 08/15/1992; $98,270; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: The Role of Lubricant Viscosity in the Frictional Behavior of the Magnetic Slider/Disk Streator, Jeffrey; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9110469 A001; 07/15/1991; $4,606; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,606 NSF Young Investigator Award Streator, Jeffrey; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9258014 A000; 08/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Adaptive h-p Finite Element Methods for the Analysis of Strain Localization and Failure in Viscoplastic Continua Strouboulis, Theofanis; Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-3577 MSS 9025110 A001; 04/15/1991; $58,345; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Subramaniam, Vish; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9157303 A001; 07/15/1991; $86,000; 12 mo. Ultra-Low-Friction Materials Suh, Nam; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9208219 A000; 08/01/1992; $35,000; 6 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Suo, Zhigang; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 MSS 9258115 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Request for Purchase of Modernized Testing Center Sutton, Michael; Chao, Yuh; Lyons, Jed; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 MSS 9207413 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Coupled Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Creep Crack Growth in Metallic Materials Sutton, Michael; Lyons, Jed; University of South Carolina at Columbia, Columbia, SC 29208 MSS 9215606 A000; 09/01/1992; $170,811; 36 mo. The Thermal Wave and Shock Characteristics in Local Heating of Dynamic Crack Propagation Tzou, Robert; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 MSS 9200993 A000; 08/15/1992; $59,367; 12 mo. Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic Tomographic Microscopy Wade, Glen; Lee, Hua; University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 MSS 9020556 A001; 06/15/1991; $97,071; 12 mo. Diffuse Fields in Structural Acoustics and Ultrasonics Weaver, Richard; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9114360 A000; 04/15/1992; $71,376; 12 mo. Automated Geometric Reasoning of Metal Forming Processes Weber, G. Gustavo; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DDM 9115467 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,006; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Ultrasonic Cure Monitor for Polymer-Matrix Composite Materials White, Scott; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9209973 A000; 08/15/1992; $100,000; 36 mo. Effects of Rapid, High-Dose, Elevated Temperature in Ion Implantation on the Tribology and Microstructure of Ferrous Materials Williamson, Don; Wilbur, Paul; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 MSS 9116935 A001; 07/01/1991; $4,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $2,000 International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium Support Wu, Yih-Tsueu; Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78201 MSS 9215535 A000; 07/01/1992; $10,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS and CONSTRCT PROCES $3,500 Limited-Scan Backscatter Technique for Detection of Hidden Corrosion Yacout, Abdelfatah; Quantum Research Services Inc., Durham, NC 27713-4411 III 9161324 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Structures, Geomechanics, and Building Systems Program Geomechanical, Geotechnical, and Geo-Environmental Systems Cone Penetration Testing in Cemented Sands Acar, Yalcin; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9020368 A003; 03/01/1991; $68,840; 12 mo. MSS 9020368 A002; 03/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Finite Deformation Hygrothermomechanical Response Evaluation of Geologic Media Advani, Sunder; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9296064 A000; 01/01/1992; $37,500; 8 mo. Experimental Investigation on Vibration Screening Effectiveness of In-Filled Trench Barriers Ahmad, Shahid; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 MSS 9114114 A000; 01/01/1992; $75,000; 18 mo. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Micromechanics of Clays Anandarajah, Annalingam; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9019553 A001; 07/01/1991; $37,739; 12 mo. Object-Oriented Framework for Geotechnical Engineering Banerjee, Sunirmal; Miller, Gregory; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 9112243 A000; 01/01/1992; $25,452; 12 mo. Workshop on the Selection and Management of U.S. Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Benoit, Jean; De Alba, Pedro; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 MSS 9121387 A000; 10/15/1991; $34,478; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSES and SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $12,500 Selection and Management of U.S. Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Benoit, Jean; De Alba, Pedro; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 MSS 9215445 A000; 09/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION-FHWA CAN DISSEM and TRANSPORTATION-WORKSHOP TO SEL $42,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Benson, Craig; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9157116 A001; 07/01/1991; $37,500; 0 mo. MSS 9157116 A002; 07/01/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Benson, Craig; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9157116 A003; 07/01/1991; $62,500; 12 mo. Contamination of Groundwater by Grout Leachate Borden, Roy; Barlaz, Morton; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 MSS 9202821 A000; 05/15/1992; $66,220; 12 mo. A Study of Creep Instability in Granular Materials as a Localization Problem Borja, Ronaldo; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 MSS 9022448 A001; 07/15/1991; $50,723; 12 mo. Structure of the Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present Cakmak, Ahmet; Mark, Robert; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 MSS 9001601 A004; 06/01/1990; $2,000; 0 mo. Support for Workshop on Geographic Information Systems and Their Application in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Chameau, Jean-Lou; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 BCS 9213395 A000; 06/01/1992; $29,097; 12 mo. A Statistical Micromechanics Approach for Constitutive Modelling of Granular Soil Chang, Ching; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MSS 9115634 A001; 09/01/1991; $67,616; 12 mo. Flexural Cracking in Landfill Caps Cheng, S. Jonathan; Larralde-Muro, Jesus; Martin, Joseph; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9115197 A001; 10/01/1991; $9,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $9,000 MSS 9115197 A002; 10/01/1991; $40,979; 12 mo. In-Situ Thermal Stabilization of Soils Using Plasma Arc Technology Circeo, Jr., Louis; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9113134 A000; 01/01/1992; $29,874; 9 mo. Special Workshop Entitled: The Establishment of an Institute for Emerging Constructed Systems Connor, Jerome; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9208710 A000; 02/15/1992; $21,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS $14,000 A Study of the Coupled Hydraulic-Mechanical Behavior of Jointed Rock Masses Cording, Edward; Gabriel, Fernandez; Ghaboussi, Jamshid; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9215622 A000; 09/01/1992; $45,363; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $45,363 Development of a Test for Determining the Leachate Dispersion Rate in Soil Using Fiber Optics Cosentino, Paul; Grossman, Barry; Shieh, Chih-Shin; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901 MSS 9200968 A000; 01/01/1992; $19,991; 12 mo. Self-Excited Vibrations of Drillstrings Dareing, Don; Tlusty, Jiri; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 MSS 9118421 A000; 06/01/1992; $0; 3 mo. The Mechanics and Physics of Fracture in Ice Dempsey, John; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9007929 A002; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Managing the Potential Contamination of Ground Water From Pesticides Dendrou, Stergios; ZEI Engineering Inc., Falls Church, VA 22041 MSS 9220305 A000; 10/01/1992; $25,000; 6 mo. Testing and Modelling of Saturated Interfaces Under Cyclic Loading Desai, Chandrakant; Armaleh, Sonia; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9115316 A000; 07/15/1992; $64,429; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $32,214 Numerical and Experimental Study of Stress-Strain Behavior of Granular Soils Using Random Arrays of Elastic Ellipsoids Dobry, Ricardo; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9106189 A001; 07/15/1991; $25,541; 12 mo. Structures, Geomechanics, and Building Systems for the 21st Century Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 MSS 9116411 A000; 12/15/1991; $120,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $80,000 Workshop on Reliability Methods for Risk Mitigation in Geotechnical Engineering Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 MSS 9203139 A000; 04/15/1992; $10,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT and MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $3,000 Travel Grants: U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, to be held in Haifa, Israel, August 22-28, 1992 Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9206382 A000; 03/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $6,666 Observational Procedure for Construction on Soft Ground Edil, Tuncer; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9115315 A000; 11/01/1991; $70,500; 12 mo. MSS 9115315 A001; 11/01/1991; $7,580; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $5,000 Organizational and Operating Cost for USUCGER Edil, Tuncer; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9122195 A000; 01/15/1992; $15,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL STUDIES AND ANALYSES and SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS $2,500 Presidential Young Investigator Award Elgamal, Ahmed; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9057388 A002; 08/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Neural Network Analysis of Granular Fabric Ellis, Glenn; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9110287 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 SGER: Innovations in Soil Decontamination by Thermal-Electric-Magnetic Process Fang, Hsai-Yang; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9200105 A000; 07/15/1992; $16,002; 12 mo. Soil Properties Measurements Using Oscillating, Electro-Kinetic Counter Pressures Feldkamp, Joseph; Finno, Richard; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9023540 A001; 07/01/1991; $65,000; 12 mo. Sampling of Ionic Contaminants in Soils Through an Electrolytic Injection Technique Feldkamp, Joseph; Lewis, Barbara-Ann; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9122667 A000; 05/15/1992; $34,958; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $17,479 The Influence of Freezing and Thawing on the Permeability of Compacted Clays Fleming, Lorraine; Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC 20059 MSS 9201547 A000; 08/15/1992; $31,238; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $15,619 Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Cohesionless Soil Uniformity and Fabric Using Image Analysis (REU Supplement) Frost, J. David; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9011232 A001; 09/01/1990; $788; 8 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $788 Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Cohesionless Soil Uniformity and Fabric Using Image Analysis (REU Supplement) Frost, J. David; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9296259 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,200; 5 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 A Fundamental Study of Sampling Disturbance Effects on the Behavior of Soft Cohesive Deposits Germaine, John; Azzouz, Amr; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9114447 A001; 09/01/1991; $60,000; 12 mo. REG: Data Acquisition for Mechanical Rock Excavation Research Gertsch, Leslie; Ozdemir, Levent; Gertsch, Richard; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 MSS 9213050 A000; 09/01/1992; $48,590; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $48,590 Centrifuge and Full Scale Modelling of Geotextile Reinforced Cohesive Soil Structures Goodings, Deborah; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9203089 A000; 05/01/1992; $51,294; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $25,647 Seismic Cone Tests in a Particulate Assembly Huang, An-Bin; Lee, Jong; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13676 MSS 9021973 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 MSS 9021973 A002; 07/15/1991; $33,192; 12 mo. Preserving Historic Buildings of Major Importance Hynes, Mary; Department of Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS 39180 MSS 9214843 A000; 04/15/1992; $48,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $14,500 Development of Hybrid Discrete Element/Finite Element Model for Large Deformation Geotechnical Engineering Problems Ishibashi, Isao; Nguyen, Duc; Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA 23508-0369 MSS 8920878 A001; 08/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $5,000 A New Approach for Determining Design Soil Parameters from In-Situ Tests Juang, Charng; Holtz, Robert; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 MSS 9020252 A001; 07/01/1991; $12,812; 12 mo. Developing a Landfill Siting Approach Using Fuzzy Sets Juang, Charng; Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 MSS 9213690 A000; 07/15/1992; $23,055; 6 mo. The Next Step in Micromechanical Studies of Rock Deformation and Failure: Experiments and Theory for More Complicated Value Problems that Include Stress Gradient Effects Kemeny, John; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9022381 A001; 07/15/1991; $45,000; 12 mo. Constitutive Modeling of Cemented Soils Kiousis, Panos; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9021687 A001; 02/15/1991; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 MSS 9021687 A002; 02/15/1991; $45,491; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Studies in Geomechanics Kramer, Steven; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 8858001 A004; 07/15/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: Geomechanical Investigation of Time Dependence of In-Situ Stresses in Soils Kumbhojkar, Arvind; University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124 MSS 9009156 A002; 08/15/1990; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,000 Kinematic Hardening Model for Sand and Clay Lade, Poul; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 MSS 9119272 A000; 07/01/1992; $59,229; 12 mo. Research Initiation Award: One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Stress-State Analyses of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Unsaturated Soils Lawton, Evert; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 MSS 9196241 A001; 08/15/1991; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 In-Situ Measurement of Dissolved Metals in Ground Water Using Microfabricated Electrochemical Sensors Maciel, Paul; In-Situ Sensors, Lexington, MA 02173 III 9160693 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Development and Performance of a Nationwide Civil Engineering Research and Development Survey Magnell, Carl; Bernstein, Harvey; Civil Engineering Research Foundation, Washington, DC 20005 MSS 9211779 A000; 04/15/1992; $62,824; 10 mo. Jointly Funded with LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS $37,216 Profiling Stress History of Clays Using Dual Piezocones Mayne, Paul; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 9108234 A001; 07/15/1991; $62,998; 12 mo. Pile-Friction Freeze Effects - A Lab Prediction Study and Field Demo McVay, Michael; Schmertmann, John; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 MSS 9205247 A000; 10/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION $100,000 Modelling Porous and Deformable Media with Several Scales of Heterogeneity Mei, Chiang; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9019976 A001; 08/01/1991; $80,000; 12 mo. Multi-Dimensional Signal-Processing for Enhanced Electromagnetic Geotomography Middleton, Nigel; Stolarczyk, Larry; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 MSS 9200892 A000; 07/01/1992; $31,478; 12 mo. Kinematic Wave Formulation for Flow Through Macroporous Soil Miller, Carol; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 MSS 9123563 A000; 06/01/1992; $41,121; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $20,560 Structural and Geomechanics Systems Grantees Conference Munoz, Rafael; Rodriguez-Agrait, Leandro; Suarez, Luis; Macari, Emir; University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, Mayaguez, PR 00709 MSS 9121402 A000; 11/15/1991; $54,832; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $27,415 Liquefaction and Residual Strength of Loose Sands from Drained, Tri-Axial Tests Norris, Gary; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 MSS 9203746 A000; 07/01/1992; $17,584; 12 mo. Modelling of Penetration Resistance and Static Capacity of Piles Driven by Vibration (REU Supplement) O'Neill, Michael; Vipulanandan, Cumaraswamy; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 MSS 8920412 A002; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Dynamic Response of Rock Bolts to Blast Loads Otuonye, Francis; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 MSS 9101043 A001; 07/15/1991; $25,870; 12 mo. Friction of Granular Soil Along an Interface Paikowsky, Samuel; University of Massachusetts-Lowell Research Foundation, Lowell, MA 01854 MSS 9020526 A001; 07/01/1991; $9,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,125 MSS 9020526 A002; 07/01/1991; $45,208; 12 mo. Electrokinetically Enhanced Contaminant Transport Mechanism Pamukcu, Sibel; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9216291 A000; 09/15/1992; $55,000; 12 mo. Mass Transport of Hazardous Wastes Through Geosyn Materials Park, J.K.; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9122501 A000; 07/15/1992; $60,170; 12 mo. Strategic Manufacturing Initiative: Manufacturing Underground Space Peterson, Carl; Nelson, Priscilla; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 DDM 8914219 A002; 08/01/1990; $272,318; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Rohde, John; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0430 MSS 9217857 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Researach Initiation Award: Elm Waves in Environmental Geotechnology: Fundamental Study and Applications Santamarina, J. Carlos; University of Waterloo, Waterloo, CA 00000 MSS 9296133 A000; 06/07/1992; $4,800; 7 mo. Methodology to Apply Unrestricted Consolidation Theory to Practice Schiffman, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9212634 A000; 08/01/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION (FHA) $17,500 An Evaluation of the Leachability of Heavy Metals from Fly Ash Liner Materials Shackelford, Charles; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 8908201 A002; 09/01/1989; $10,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 A Comparison of Steady-State and Transient Methods for Measuring Effective Diffusion Coefficients for Waste Containment Shackelford, Charles; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 MSS 9122561 A000; 10/01/1992; $36,460; 12 mo. Equipment for Dynamic Experiments Stanton, John; Holtz, Robert; Reed, Dorothy; Haraldsdottir, Aslaug; Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9109346 A000; 11/01/1991; $85,000; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $40,000 Numerical and Experimental Study of Stress-Strain Behavior of Granular Soils Using Random Arrays of Elastic Ellipsoids Tat-Ng, Tang; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 MSS 9105988 A001; 07/15/1991; $34,484; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Taylor, Teresa; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9157218 A001; 10/01/1991; $25,000; 12 mo. Analytical Study and Experimental Verification of a Coupled Theory of Mixtures and Micropolar Continua for Geomechanical Application Voyiadjis, George; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9018249 A002; 02/01/1991; $76,306; 12 mo. MSS 9018249 A003; 02/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Comprehensive Investigations of Piezocone Penetration Tests in a Clay Calibration Chamber and Comparison with Field Test Data Voyiadjis, George; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9213807 A000; 09/01/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $3,637 Fundamental Aspects of the Behavior of Saturated Soils Under Undrained Cyclic Loads Vucetic, Mladen; University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024 MSS 8922170 A001; 08/15/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Autonomous Retrieval of Buried Objects Whittaker, William; Motazed, Behnam; Stentz, Anthony; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 9114674 A000; 12/01/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES and LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS $75,000 Fundamental Study of Load Transfer Between Soil and Geosynthetic Reinforcement Whittle, Andrew; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9123312 A000; 05/15/1992; $59,480; 12 mo. Research Participation in 7th International Conference on Expansive Soils Wray, Warren; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 BCS 9209675 A000; 05/01/1992; $17,902; 12 mo. U.S.-China Workshop on Cooperative Research in Geotechnical Engineering Wu, Tien; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9215526 A000; 06/15/1992; $51,924; 12 mo. Field Monitoring of Hubbardson Landfill Zimmie, Thomas; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590 MSS 9204410 A000; 06/15/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Flow Channeling in Soft Clays Znidarcic, Dobroslav; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9102223 A001; 07/15/1991; $8,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,000 Large Structural and Building Systems Rationality and Problem Structuring in Design Akin, Omer; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 9114459 A000; 01/15/1992; $69,770; 12 mo. Architecture, Environment, and Energy: Synthesis and Assessment Allen, Barbara; University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70504 MSS 9209971 A000; 08/01/1992; $16,984; 14 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $16,984 U.S.-Italy Masonry Research - Joint with University of Colorado Atkinson, Richard; Amadei, Bernard; Atkinson-Noland and Associates Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 MSS 9114511 A001; 05/01/1991; $68,090; 12 mo. A Flexible Flatjack for Quantitative Evaluation of Masonry Atkinson, Richard; Atkinson-Noland and Associates Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 III 9161482 A000; 01/01/1992; $47,331; 6 mo. Analysis and Design of FRP Grating/Concrete Composite Structural Slabs Bank, Lawrence; Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064 MSS 9114188 A000; 12/15/1991; $59,620; 12 mo. Computer-Aided Evaluation of Bridge Safety Barker, Michael; University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 MSS 9114679 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,968; 21 mo. Fracture of High-Performance Quasibrittle Materials: Effects of Loading Rate and Fatigue Bazant, Zdenek; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9114476 A000; 04/15/1992; $92,857; 12 mo. International Workshop on Infrastructure Technology Beck, James; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 MSS 9123470 A000; 01/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Behavior of Traditionally Connected Timber Frames Bulleit, William; Sanberg, Bogue; Shaler, Stephen; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 MSS 9108064 A000; 01/01/1992; $68,754; 24 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Chen, Stuart; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 MSS 9058146 A001; 07/15/1990; $52,030; 12 mo. Special Workshop Entitled: The Establishment of an Institute for Emerging Constructed Systems Connor, Jerome; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9208710 A000; 02/15/1992; $21,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN and STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $14,000 12th International Symposium on the Theory of Traffic Flow and Transportation Daganzo, Carlos; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 9200745 A000; 05/01/1992; $49,511; 24 mo. 8th U.S.-Japan Workshop on Bridge Engineering: Design Modeling, Experimentation, and Performance Douglas, Bruce; Maragakis, Emmanuel; University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557 MSS 9204036 A000; 01/15/1992; $48,526; 12 mo. Structures, Geomechanics, and Building Systems for the 21st Century Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 MSS 9116411 A000; 12/15/1991; $120,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES and GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN $80,000 Ultimate Testing of a Shell Bridge Model Fanous, Fouad; Klaiber, F.; Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 MSS 9106737 A000; 12/15/1991; $68,625; 15 mo. Progressive Collapse of Cable-Stayed Bridges Fleming, John; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 MSS 9105072 A000; 01/01/1992; $53,964; 12 mo. Coherent Laser-Remote Structural Analysis Flusberg, Allen; Science Research Laboratory Inc., Somerville, MA 02143 III 9200079 A000; 08/15/1992; $252,796; 24 mo. Effect of 85 Years of Service on Mechanical Properties of Timber Roof Members Fridley, Kenneth; Hunt, Michael; Senft, John; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9114615 A000; 12/15/1991; $0; 8 mo. Effect of 85 Years of Service on Mechanical Properties of Timber Roof Members Fridley, Kenneth; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 MSS 9296190 A000; 08/01/1992; $50,926; 21 mo. Research and Innovative Design, Diagnostics, and Maintenance of Constructed Facilities GangaRao, Hota; West Virginia University Research Corp., Morgantown, WV 26506 MSS 9016459 A001; 08/15/1991; $108,280; 12 mo. Dynamic Stability of Cable Domes Gasparini, Dario; Perdikaris, Philip; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 MSS 8817461 A002; 11/01/1989; $27,974; 0 mo. Advanced Seismic Damping Devices for Flexible-Frame Buildings Gibson, Warren; CSA Engineering Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303-3843 III 9161018 A000; 01/15/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. Prestressed Concrete Girders with Openings Under Static, Dynamic, Fatigue, and Ultimate Loadings Grace, Nabil; Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI 48075 MSS 9014808 A001; 08/15/1991; $49,450; 12 mo. Nondestructive Evaluation by Quantitative Dielectric Imaging Guo, Wendy; Potomac Research Inc., Potomac, MD 20854 III 9160677 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,991; 6 mo. Existing RC And RCM Buildings Subject to Wind and Earthquake Loads: Prediction of Structural Response and Retrofit/Repair Performance Hegemier, Gilbert; Murakami, Hidenori; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 MSS 9024976 A001; 04/01/1991; $265,745; 12 mo. Investigation of Digital Shearography for Quantitative, Nondestructive Evaluation of Large Structural Systems Hung, Yau; Hovanesian, Joseph; Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 MSS 9100627 A000; 12/01/1991; $58,533; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Janssen, Donald; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 8657642 A004; 07/01/1987; $25,000; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Johnson, Peggy; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9258648 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $25,000 Conference on Firesafety Design Practices in the 21st Century: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA Lucht, David; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 MSS 8913129 A001; 03/01/1990; $23,106; 12 mo. Development and Performance of a Nationwide Civil Engineering Research and Development Survey Magnell, Carl; Bernstein, Harvey; Civil Engineering Research Foundation, Washington, DC 20005 MSS 9211779 A000; 04/15/1992; $62,824; 10 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN $37,216 Presidential Young Investigator Award McCord, Mark; Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 8657342 A005; 07/15/1987; $49,500; 12 mo. Torsional-Flexural Behavior in Nonlinear Analysis and Design of Steel Structures McGuire, William; Deierlein, Gregory; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MSS 9017771 A001; 03/15/1991; $147,002; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award McNeil, Sue; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 8896250 A005; 06/01/1988; $37,500; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Monteiro, Paulo Jose; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 MSS 8957183 A002; 07/15/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Fundamentals of Embedded Optical Fibers in Structural Concrete Morse, Theodore; Kim, Kyung-Suk; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 MSS 9017933 A001; 03/15/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Structural and Geomechanics Systems Grantees Conference Munoz, Rafael; Rodriguez-Agrait, Leandro; Suarez, Luis; Macari, Emir; University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez, PR 00709 MSS 9121402 A000; 11/15/1991; $54,832; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN and STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $27,415 Development of Hybrid (FRP and Steel) Reinforcement Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9120371 A000; 12/15/1991; $27,433; 12 mo. MSS 9120371 A001; 12/15/1991; $4,875; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,437 Joint U.S.-Italy-Yugoslavia Research on Evaluation and Retrofit of Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames Noland, James; Atkinson-Noland and Associates Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 MSS 9011065 A002; 06/01/1990; $48,239; 12 mo. Advanced Masonry Concepts Noland, James; Atkinson-Noland and Associates Inc., Boulder, CO 80302 MSS 9200605 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Condition Evaluation of Concrete Structures Using High-Frequency Ultrasound Popovics, Sandor; Bilgutay, Nihat; Newhouse, Vernon; Rose, Joseph; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 MSS 9114238 A000; 01/01/1992; $89,700; 12 mo. Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Durability of Reinforced and Post-Tensioned Concrete in a Simulated Marine Environment Reddy, D.; Hartt, William; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 MSS 9105194 A000; 12/15/1991; $58,988; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Rogerson, Peter; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 MSS 8553055 A007; 06/01/1986; $1,750; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Russell, Jeffrey; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9058092 A002; 07/01/1990; $62,500; 12 mo. NSF Young Investigator Award Saadatmanesh, Hamid; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9257344 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SPECIAL PROGRAMS $25,000 Design and Construction of a Portable Instrument to Measure Stresses in Structures Sciammarella, C.; Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 MSS 9020082 A001; 02/01/1991; $79,064; 12 mo. 3rd Bridge Engineering Research in Progress Workshop; Fall 1992; San Diego, California Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M.J. Nigel; University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093 MSS 9122854 A000; 01/15/1992; $41,680; 15 mo. Nonlinear Dynamics in Mechanical Systems Shaw, Steven; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9296145 A001; 09/16/1991; $67,464; 12 mo. Joint U.S.-Italy-Yugoslavia Research on Evaluation and Retrofit of Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames Shing, Pui-Shum; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 8914008 A001; 06/01/1990; $77,177; 12 mo. U.S.-Italy Masonry Research - Joint with Atkinson-Noland and Associates Shing, Pui-Shum; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9017149 A001; 06/01/1991; $67,335; 12 mo. Stochastic Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Real-Time Network Contro Stephanedes, Yorgos; Davis, Gary; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55415 MSS 9114676 A000; 01/01/1992; $76,380; 12 mo. Measuring Potential Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete Struble, Leslie; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9114313 A000; 01/01/1992; $32,366; 24 mo. Conference on Nondestructive Evaluation of Civil Structures and Materials Sture, Stein; Suprenant, Bruce; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9113680 A001; 05/15/1991; $9,999; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION $9,999 Molecular Dynamics of Icing on Cables and Structures Sunder, S. Shyam; Yip, Sidney; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 8815942 A002; 12/15/1988; $65,000; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Synolakis, Costas; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 MSS 8957853 A002; 08/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. MSS 8957853 A003; 08/01/1989; $9,059; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $4,530 Preliminary Research on the Safety of Steel Connections Using System Reliability Techniques Trautner, Janice; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 MSS 9109024 A000; 12/15/1991; $18,000; 18 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $18,000 Innovative Strengthening Techniques with Composite Materials Triantafillou, Thanasis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9015542 A002; 06/01/1991; $50,000; 12 mo. Developing a Public Awareness of Engineering Benefits to Society Vernon-Gerstenfeld, Susan; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 MSS 9123132 A000; 11/15/1991; $4,000; 6 mo. Mechanistic Study of the Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Wheat, Harovel; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 MSS 8921091 A002; 03/01/1990; $54,122; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Autonomous Retrieval of Buried Objects Whittaker, William; Motazed, Behnam; Stentz, Anthony; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 9114674 A000; 12/01/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCT SYSTS AND CONSTRCT PROCES $75,000 Behavior of Axially Loaded, Pultruded, Fiber-Reinforced Composite Columns Zureick, Abdul-Hamid; Georgia Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 MSS 8909140 A002; 06/01/1989; $6,602; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $6,602 Structural Systems and Construction Processes Research Initiation Award: An Object-Oriented Model for Engineering Applications Using a Geographic Database Adams, Teresa; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 9010587 A001; 07/01/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $8,750 Exploring the Problems in Active Structural Control and Health Monitoring of Existing Constructed Facilities by Utilizing a Decommissioned Steel-Truss Highway Bridge Aktan, Ahmet; Brown, David; Batta, George; Shelley, Stu; Lee, Kuo-Liang; University of Cincinnati-Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH 45221 MSS 9201913 A000; 08/15/1992; $49,876; 12 mo. Safety and Performance Enhacement of Structures Through Structural Control Ang, A. H-S.; University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 BCS 9201812 A000; 07/01/1992; $66,147; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $28,074 The 2nd International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis ISUMA '93 (to be held April 25-28, 1993 in College Park, Maryland) Ayyub, Bilal; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9116513 A000; 10/01/1992; $8,056; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $2,000 Experimental and Numerical Study of Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution Baker, Allen; Kelso, Richard; University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37996-0140 MSS 9015912 A001; 05/15/1991; $55,000; 12 mo. A Decomposition Strategy for Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Systems Balling, Richard; Wilson, Arnold; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 MSS 8914238 A002; 11/15/1989; $4,992; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,992 The Influence of Transverse Material Properties on the Design and Performance of Pultruded, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Structures Bank, Lawrence; Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064 MSS 9015502 A002; 12/15/1990; $42,000; 12 mo. Reliability of Real-Time Engineering Software Baugh, John; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 MSS 9201687 A000; 07/15/1992; $40,864; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with SOFTWARE ENGINEERING $20,432 Nonlinear and Probabilistic Theory for Concrete Creep Bazant, Zdenek; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 8815166 A005; 01/01/1989; $81,660; 12 mo. MSS 8815166 A006; 01/01/1989; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Internationl Symposium on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Bazant, Zdenek; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9215299 A000; 09/01/1992; $14,227; 18 mo. Earthquake Stability Problems in Eastern North America Beedle, Lynn; Fox, Gerard; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 BCS 9123255 A000; 04/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Workshop on Connections for Building Structures in the 21st Century Bower, John; Michalerya, William; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 MSS 9203177 A000; 01/01/1992; $9,500; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTERS $4,750 Workshops: Metrication in Federal Construction Brenner, William; National Institute of Building Sciences, Washington, DC 20005 MSS 9121342 A000; 03/01/1992; $10,000; 26 mo. A Study of Fracture Behavior in High Strength Concrete Buyukozturk, Oral; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9016814 A001; 12/15/1990; $70,169; 12 mo. Structure of the Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present Cakmak, Ahmet; Mark, Robert; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 MSS 9001601 A002; 06/01/1990; $4,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,500 MSS 9001601 A003; 06/01/1990; $58,567; 12 mo. MSS 9001601 A004; 06/01/1990; $2,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN $2,000 US China Symposium/Workshop on Recent Developments and Future Trends of Computational Mechanics in Structural Engineering (Beijing, China; September 24-28, 1991) Cheng, Franklin; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9112311 A001; 06/15/1991; $3,000; 0 mo. Multi-Objective Optimization of Three-Dimensional Flexible and Stiff Structures with Compromise and Game Algorithms Cheng, Franklin; University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 MSS 9214664 A000; 09/01/1992; $80,000; 24 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $80,000 Experimental and Numerical Study of Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution Christianson, Leslie; Riskowski, Gerald; Wu, Gwojenn; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9002513 A001; 11/15/1990; $43,932; 12 mo. MSS 9002513 A002; 11/15/1990; $8,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $7,438 Significance of Paste-Sand Interfaces in Micromechanical Behavior of Concrete Cohen, Menashi; Chen, Wai-Fah; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 9202134 A000; 07/01/1992; $45,950; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MATERIALS ENGINEERING $35,000 Special Workshop Entitled: The Establishment of an Institute for Emerging Constructed Systems Connor, Jerome; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 9208710 A000; 02/15/1992; $21,000; 6 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN and LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTEMS $14,000 Estimation of Extreme Probability Distribution Tails: Application to Extreme Wind Speeds Corotis, Ross; Karr, Alan; Simiu, Emil; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 BCS 9013116 A001; 02/15/1991; $44,537; 12 mo. Structural System Reliability and Optimization - Incorporating Nonlinear Mechanics in Mathematical Programming Approaches Corotis, Ross; Ramirez, Martin; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 MSS 9016018 A001; 02/15/1991; $56,680; 12 mo. MSS 9016018 A002; 02/15/1991; $4,672; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $4,672 Improving Development Characteristics of Reinforcing Bars Darwin, David; McCabe, Steven; University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS 66044 MSS 9021066 A001; 03/15/1991; $4,999; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $3,749 MSS 9021066 A002; 03/15/1991; $62,610; 12 mo. Engineering Foundation Conference: Composite Construction II: June 14-19, 1992 in Potosi, Missouri Darwin, David; Buckner, C. Dale; United Engineering Trustees Inc., New York, NY 10017 MSS 9114089 A000; 02/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. An Investigation into Methods for Expediting the Transfer of CAD and KBES Technologies for Improved Construction Estimating De La Garza, Jesus; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 8908570 A001; 08/01/1989; $5,000; 4 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Develop Computer-Aided Value Engineering (CAVE) Technology De La Garza, Jesus; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9215722 A000; 08/01/1992; $60,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $30,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award Deierlein, Gregory; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MSS 9058005 A001; 10/01/1990; $58,700; 12 mo. Anchorage for Synthetic Prestressing Tendons Dolan, Charles; University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071 MSS 9114592 A000; 12/15/1991; $52,919; 12 mo. MSS 9114592 A001; 12/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $5,000 Structures, Geomechanics, and Building Systems for the 21st Century Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 MSS 9116411 A000; 12/15/1991; $120,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN $80,000 Support of the Federal Construction Council Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 MSS 9203138 A000; 04/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Travel Grants: U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, to be held in Haifa, Israel, August 22-28, 1992 Dwoskin, Gary; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 20418 CTS 9206382 A000; 03/01/1992; $20,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with PARTICULATE AND MULTIPHASE PROC and MATERIALS PROCESSING AND MANUFCT $6,666 Research Initiation Award: A Neural Network Approach to the Simulation of Construction Processes Flood, Ian; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9210721 A000; 09/01/1992; $4,060; 12 mo. Multi-Objective Realiability-Based Optimization of Structural Systems Frangopol, Dan; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9013017 A001; 12/01/1990; $51,990; 12 mo. A CAD Expert System for Structural Design of Repairs Fujimoto, William; Advanced Structural Technology Inc., University City, MO 63130 III 9160886 A000; 01/01/1992; $49,980; 6 mo. Limit-State Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns Made with Materials of Extraordinary Strength Furlong, Richard; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 MSS 9017042 A001; 02/15/1991; $50,120; 12 mo. Active Control of Structures Using Neural Networks Ghaboussi, Jamshid; Wen, Y.; Paul, Stanley; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 BCS 9201437 A000; 06/15/1992; $46,439; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $25,000 Modified Eigenvalue Problems, with Application to Structural Dynamic Re-Analysis on Parallel Computers Golub, Gene; Law, Kincho; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ECS 9003107 A001; 09/01/1990; $18,151; 0 mo. Research Initiation Award: Computer Aided Critical Lift Planning Haas, Carl; University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 MSS 9211421 A000; 09/01/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Structural Control for Earthquakes and Wind Storms Using Active Structural Members Hanson, Robert; Filisko, Frank; McClamroch, Nathaniel; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9201787 A000; 07/15/1992; $103,448; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $53,000 Evaluation of Condition of Structures from Transient Response Hearn, George; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9102379 A001; 05/01/1991; $2,500; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 MSS 9102379 A002; 05/01/1991; $44,843; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Howard, H. Craig; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 MSS 8958316 A002; 10/01/1989; $100,000; 12 mo. Shear in High-Strength Concrete Membrane Elements Hsu, Thomas; University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 MSS 9114543 A001; 10/01/1991; $31,488; 0 mo. Preserving Historic Buildings of Major Importance Hynes, Mary; Department of Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS 39180 MSS 9214843 A000; 04/15/1992; $48,000; 9 mo. Jointly Funded with HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $14,500 Development of Resistance Models for Wood Formworks Karshenas, Saeed; Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 MSS 9002571 A001; 12/01/1990; $5,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $1,250 Mathematical Sciences: NATO Advanced Research Workshop Kohn, Robert; New York University, New York, NY 10012 MSS 9211780 A000; 04/15/1992; $4,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with APPLIED MATHEMATICS $2,000 A Dynamic Monitoring System for Steel Structures Lee, George; Chang, Kuo-Chun; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 MSS 9202327 A000; 08/01/1992; $28,266; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $10,000 Fracture Testing Technology for Advanced Ceramic and Cementitious Matrix-Based Composites Li, Victor; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9019156 A001; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Damage Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials Lin, Feng-Bao; Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 MSS 9114048 A000; 11/01/1991; $112,448; 24 mo. Multi-Scale Methods for Structural Dynamics Liu, Wing; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 MSS 9015978 A001; 06/15/1991; $52,534; 12 mo. Development and Performance of a Nationwide Civil Engineering Research and Development Survey Magnell, Carl; Bernstein, Harvey; Civil Engineering Research Foundation, Washington, DC 20005 MSS 9211779 A000; 04/15/1992; $62,824; 10 mo. Jointly Funded with LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS and GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN $37,216 Research Initiation Award: Dynamic Behavior and Response of Truss Structures After the Onset of Progressive Collapse Malla, Ramesh; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 MSS 9110900 A001; 07/01/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Presidential Young Investigator Award McGee, Oliver; Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH 43210 MSS 9157972 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $2,500 Damage Prediction for Concrete With and Without Fibre Reinforcement Meyer, Christian; Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 MSS 9113127 A001; 10/01/1991; $59,255; 12 mo. Computational Abstractions for Dynamic Nonlinear Analysis of Structures Miller, Gregory; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 MSS 9203140 A000; 05/15/1992; $38,268; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING $30,000 Control and Performance of Centralized Heating and Cooling Systems Mitchell, John; Klein, S.; Beckman, William; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 MSS 8921586 A001; 11/15/1990; $80,000; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Integrated Modelling and Control for Intelligent Material Handling Mitchell, Owen; Harbison-Briggs, Karan; Lewis, Frank; University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 MSS 9114009 A001; 09/01/1991; $15,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,500 Research Initiation Award: Evaluation of Processing Techniques for Manufacturing High-Performance Cement-Based Composites Mobasher, Barzin; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 MSS 9211063 A000; 08/15/1992; $39,229; 12 mo. Chaotic Dynamics of Elasto-Plastic Structures: Experiments and Novel Computational Methods Moon, Francis; Mukherjee, Subrata; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MSS 9016626 A001; 04/01/1991; $75,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS and DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND CONTROL $20,000 Structural and Geomechanics Systems Grantees Conference Munoz, Rafael; Rodriguez-Agrait, Leandro; Suarez, Luis; Macari, Emir; University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, Mayaguez, PR 00709 MSS 9121402 A000; 11/15/1991; $54,832; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with GEOMECHAN, GEOTECH, AND GEOENVIRN $27,415 Control of Occupant-Induced Floor Motion Murray, Thomas; Schneck, Daniel; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9201944 A000; 08/15/1992; $50,000; 12 mo. Lateral Confinement of Concrete Using High-Strength Fiber Reinforcement Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9108598 A001; 09/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $10,000 MSS 9108598 A002; 09/15/1991; $9,822; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,595 Fiber-Optic Sensors for Strength Evaluation and Early Warning of Impending Failure in Structural Components Nawy, Edward; Maher, Mohamad; Shahriari, Mahmoud; Sigel, George; Rutgers University-Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1089 MSS 9018572 A002; 11/15/1990; $92,023; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: An Enabling Environment for Design and Control of Intelligent Material Handling Systems Palekar, Udatta; Ferreira, Placid; Kapoor, Shiv; Tsao, Tsu-Chin; Hutchinson, Seth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 DDM 9114001 A001; 09/15/1991; $151,871; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $100,000 Wearable Information Systems for Construction Site Management Pasquale, Angelo; Frontier Systems Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15219 III 9160772 A000; 01/01/1992; $50,000; 6 mo. An Object-Oriented Approach for Integrated Project Management Software Paulson, Boyd; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 MSS 9114095 A000; 11/15/1991; $140,020; 24 mo. Post-Buckling Behavior and Imperfection Sensitivity of Space Trusses with Multiple Eigenmodes Peek, Ralf; Triantafyllidis, Nicolas; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9103227 A001; 05/01/1991; $61,003; 12 mo. Dynamic Behavior of Inflatable Dams Plaut, Raymond; Reddy, J.; Walker, Dana; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9008518 A001; 12/01/1990; $66,854; 12 mo. U.S.-Turkey Workshop on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete; May 9, 1992; Istanbul, Turkey Ramakrishnan, V.; South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD 57701 INT 9213417 A000; 05/01/1992; $19,700; 4 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Engineering Design Database Research Rasdorf, William; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 MSS 8451465 A009; 09/15/1985; $50,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $12,500 Presidential Young Investigator Awards Rogers, Craig; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9157080 A001; 07/15/1991; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Recent Advances in Adaptive and Sensory Materials and Their Applications Conference; April 27-29, 1992; Blacksburg, Virginia Rogers, Craig; Feuerbach, Nancy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 MSS 9210446 A000; 04/01/1992; $10,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $5,000 Second International Conference on Snow Engineering; June 21-26, 1992; Santa Barbara, California Sack, Ronald; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 MSS 9108089 A000; 01/15/1992; $21,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $5,000 S/C: Structural Control for Phase-Related Inputs Sack, Ronald; Patten, William; Ebrahimpour, Arya; University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, Norman, OK 73019 MSS 9202731 A000; 08/01/1992; $79,343; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Sansalone, Mary; Cornell University - Endowed, Ithaca, NY 14853 MSS 8957131 A003; 07/01/1989; $62,500; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Sanvido, Victor; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9058545 A003; 08/15/1990; $10,000; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS and HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT $8,750 Rate of Loading Dependency of Reinforced Concrete Scanlon, A.; Shah, Surendra; Nanni, Antonio; Pennsylvania State Univ.-University Park, University Park, PA 16801 MSS 9021995 A001; 06/01/1991; $69,261; 12 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award: Construction Automation Skibniewski, Miroslaw; Purdue University Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN 47907 MSS 8657142 A005; 07/15/1987; $37,500; 0 mo. Presidential Young Investigator Award Slocum, Alexander; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 MSS 8857749 A003; 10/01/1988; $62,500; 12 mo. State Dependent Queues, Facilities, and Finite Queueing Network Models Smith, James; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 MSS 9116666 A000; 12/15/1991; $119,700; 24 mo. US/PRC/Japan Trilateral Seminar/Workshop on Structural Control Soong, Tsu-Teh; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 BCS 9216282 A000; 07/01/1992; $20,600; 12 mo. A Spectral Approach for Analyzing Structures with Random Parameters Spanos, Pol; William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX 77252 MSS 9020714 A001; 02/01/1991; $57,984; 12 mo. Equipment for Dynamic Experiments Stanton, John; Holtz, Robert; Reed, Dorothy; Haraldsdottir, Aslaug; Roeder, Charles; University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 BCS 9109346 A000; 11/01/1991; $85,000; 16 mo. Jointly Funded with SITING AND GEOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS and STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS $40,000 Plastic Instability Phenomena with Aspects of Chaos of Fixed-Edge Structures Subjected to Short Pulse Loading Symonds, Paul; Kolsky, Herbert; Brown University, Providence, RI 02912 MSS 9024607 A001; 07/15/1991; $51,473; 12 mo. Scheduling Construction Projects by Using Product Models and Learning from Cases Tommelein, Iris; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 MSS 9215935 A000; 08/01/1992; $62,774; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with CROSS-DIRECTORATE PROGRAMS $16,217 Integrated Data Exchange and Concurrent Designs for Engineered Facilities Ullman, Jeffrey; Law, Kincho; Howard, H. Craig; Teicholz, Paul; Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 IRI 9116646 A001; 09/15/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGE $50,000 Response of Structural Glazing Systems to Dynamic Loads and Extreme Environments Vallabhan, C.V. Girija; Tock, Richard; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 MSS 9007911 A001; 02/01/1991; $50,128; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $10,000 Diffuse Fields in Structural Acoustics and Ultrasonics Weaver, Richard; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9114360 A000; 04/15/1992; $71,376; 12 mo. Intelligent Material Handling Systems: Autonomous Retrieval of Buried Objects Whittaker, William; Motazed, Behnam; Stentz, Anthony; Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MSS 9114674 A000; 12/01/1991; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with LARGE STRUCTURAL AND BLDG SYSTMS $75,000 Dynamic Stability of Structural Degradation Willam, Kaspar; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9203047 A000; 06/15/1992; $34,804; 12 mo. International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium Support Wu, Yih-Tsueu; Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78201 MSS 9215535 A000; 07/01/1992; $10,000; 18 mo. Active Control of Structure Instrumented with Optical Fiber Sensors Under Earthquake Loading Yang, Jackson; Sirkis, James; Amini, Farshad; Qi, Gui-Zhong; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 BCS 9202159 A000; 07/01/1992; $58,253; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS and NAT AND MAN-MADE HAZARD MITIGATI $27,836 Structural Instability Behavior and Material Failure of J-Stiffened Composite Fuselage Panels Yeh, Hsien-Yang; Chen, Victor; California State University-Long Beach Foundation, Long Beach, CA 90815 MSS 9213705 A000; 08/15/1992; $15,500; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $15,500 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Failure in Anisotropic Curved Layered Structure Yuan, Fuh-Gwo; North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 MSS 9202223 A000; 05/01/1992; $51,489; 12 mo. MSS 9202223 A001; 05/01/1992; $10,000; 0 mo. Special Programs A System for Micro-Mechanical Spring Design Antonsson, Erik; Tai, Yu-Chong; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 ECS 9023646 A001; 08/15/1991; $75,260; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $37,630 Selection and Management of U.S. Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Benoit, Jean; De Alba, Pedro; University of New Hampshire-Durham, Durham, NH 03824 MSS 9215445 A000; 09/01/1992; $300,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION-FHWA CAN DISSEM and TRANSPORTATION-WORKSHOP TO SEL $42,500 Efficient Computer Simulation Program for a General Class of Mechanical Systems Chen, Jigien; K & D Research, Silver Spring, MD 20904 III 9160264 A000; 08/01/1992; $48,932; 6 mo. Computational Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electromechanical Dynamics in Microscales Cho, Dongil; Karniadakis, George; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 ECS 9023760 A001; 07/15/1991; $153,271; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $76,637 A Study of the Coupled Hydraulic-Mechanical Behavior of Jointed Rock Masses Cording, Edward; Gabriel, Fernandez; Ghaboussi, Jamshid; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9215622 A000; 09/01/1992; $45,363; 12 mo. Fifth Annual Workshop on Aerospace Computational Control; Santa Barbara,CA Doyle, John; Man, Guy; California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 MSS 9220553 A000; 09/15/1992; $9,952; 12 mo. REG: Data Acquisition for Mechanical Rock Excavation Research Gertsch, Leslie; Ozdemir, Levent; Gertsch, Richard; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 MSS 9213050 A000; 09/01/1992; $48,590; 12 mo. Polymeric Ultrathin Films as Bonded Lubricants, Coatings, and Membranes Grainger, David; Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Beaverton, OR 97006-1999 MSS 9212496 A000; 09/01/1992; $54,617; 36 mo. Microstructural Modeling and Probabilistic Prediction of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Response Johnson, George; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Ferrari, Mauro; University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 ECS 9023714 A001; 08/01/1991; $187,606; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $93,802 NSF Young Investigator Johnson, Peggy; University of Maryland-College Park, College Park, MD 20742 MSS 9258648 A000; 08/15/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Theoretical Modeling of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Ko, Wen; Hoffman, Richard; Mehregany, Mehran; Mullen, Robert; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106 ECS 9023711 A001; 06/15/1991; $104,320; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with MICROELECTROMECHANICAL RESEARC $45,000 Passive Smart Cementitious Composites for Dynamic Control Structures: Internal Timed Release of Chemicals for Self-Repair of Crack Damage Li, Victor; Dry, Carolyn; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 BCS 9202097 A000; 09/15/1992; $150,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with ARCHITECTURE AND MECHAN SYSTEMS $100,639 Experimental Studies in Mechanical Systems Under Harmonic and Stochastic Excitations Namachchivaya, N. Sri; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 MSS 9212959 A000; 10/01/1992; $40,000; 12 mo. Unsteady Diffusion Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Non-Linearly Elastics Solids Undergoing Large Deformations Rajagopal, K.; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 MSS 8917747 A002; 07/15/1990; $19,470; 0 mo. Jointly Funded with AIR FORCE-NON-HOMOGENEOUS DEF $19,470 NSF Young Investigator Saadatmanesh, Hamid; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 MSS 9257344 A000; 09/01/1992; $25,000; 12 mo. Methodology to Apply Unrestricted Consolidation Theory to Practice Schiffman, Robert; University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 MSS 9212634 A000; 08/01/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. Jointly Funded with TRANSPORTATION (FHA) $17,500 Comprehensive Investigations of Piezocone Penetration Tests in a Clay Calibration Chamber and Comparison with Field Test Data Voyiadjis, George; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4101 MSS 9213807 A000; 09/01/1992; $35,000; 12 mo. Transportation Pile-Friction-Freeze Effects - A Lab Prediction Study and Field Demo McVay, Michael; Schmertmann, John; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 MSS 9205247 A000; 10/15/1992; $100,000; 12 mo.